1 | <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 | <!--
4 | ** If you make changes to this file while any VirtualBox related application
5 | ** is running, your changes will be overwritten later, without taking effect.
6 | ** Use VBoxManage or the VirtualBox Manager GUI to make changes.
7 | -->
8 | <VirtualBox xmlns="http://www.virtualbox.org/" version="1.15-macosx">
9 | <Machine uuid="{4e28dff8-a25a-446a-9d9c-3344c862a095}" name="Mac OS X 10.12" OSType="MacOS1011_64" snapshotFolder="Snapshots" lastStateChange="2016-09-26T17:52:30Z">
10 | <MediaRegistry>
11 | <HardDisks>
12 | <HardDisk uuid="{882043ae-f6ed-4294-b356-3595d35b3949}" location="Mac OS X 10.12.vmdk" format="VMDK" type="Normal"/>
13 | </HardDisks>
14 | </MediaRegistry>
15 | <ExtraData>
16 | <ExtraDataItem name="GUI/LastCloseAction" value="PowerOff"/>
17 | <ExtraDataItem name="GUI/LastNormalWindowPosition" value="661,203,1024,789"/>
18 | <ExtraDataItem name="GUI/RestrictedRuntimeDevicesMenuActions" value="HardDrives"/>
19 | <ExtraDataItem name="GUI/RestrictedRuntimeMachineMenuActions" value="SaveState,PowerOff"/>
20 | <ExtraDataItem name="GUI/ScaleFactor" value="1"/>
21 | <ExtraDataItem name="GUI/StatusBar/IndicatorOrder" value="HardDisks,OpticalDisks,FloppyDisks,Network,USB,SharedFolders,Display,VideoCapture,Features,Mouse,Keyboard"/>
22 | </ExtraData>
23 | <Hardware>
24 | <CPU count="4">
25 | <PAE enabled="true"/>
26 | <LongMode enabled="true"/>
27 | <HardwareVirtExLargePages enabled="true"/>
28 | <CpuIdTree>
29 | <CpuIdLeaf id="1" eax="198313" ebx="133120" ecx="2147484161" edx="395049983"/>
30 | </CpuIdTree>
31 | </CPU>
32 | <Memory RAMSize="8192"/>
33 | <Firmware type="EFI"/>
34 | <HID Pointing="USBMultiTouch" Keyboard="USBKeyboard"/>
35 | <HPET enabled="true"/>
36 | <Chipset type="ICH9"/>
37 | <Paravirt provider="Default"/>
38 | <Display VRAMSize="128" accelerate3D="true"/>
39 | <RemoteDisplay enabled="false">
40 | <VRDEProperties>
41 | <Property name="TCP/Ports" value="3389"/>
42 | </VRDEProperties>
43 | </RemoteDisplay>
44 | <BIOS>
45 | <IOAPIC enabled="true"/>
46 | </BIOS>
47 | <USB>
48 | <Controllers>
49 | <Controller name="OHCI" type="OHCI"/>
50 | </Controllers>
51 | </USB>
52 | <Network>
53 | <Adapter slot="0" enabled="true" MACAddress="080027C88356" cable="true" type="82545EM">
54 | <DisabledModes>
55 | <InternalNetwork name="intnet"/>
56 | <NATNetwork name="NatNetwork"/>
57 | </DisabledModes>
58 | <BridgedInterface name="en0: WLAN (AirPort)"/>
59 | </Adapter>
60 | <Adapter slot="1" MACAddress="0800270740DD" cable="true" type="82545EM"/>
61 | <Adapter slot="2" MACAddress="0800274A6420" cable="true" type="82545EM"/>
62 | <Adapter slot="3" MACAddress="080027AFC1AA" cable="true" type="82545EM"/>
63 | <Adapter slot="4" MACAddress="0800278F2D38" cable="true" type="82545EM"/>
64 | <Adapter slot="5" MACAddress="08002733D229" cable="true" type="82545EM"/>
65 | <Adapter slot="6" MACAddress="0800274BF5C3" cable="true" type="82545EM"/>
66 | <Adapter slot="7" MACAddress="080027C06646" cable="true" type="82545EM"/>
67 | <Adapter slot="8" type="Am79C973"/>
68 | <Adapter slot="9" type="Am79C973"/>
69 | <Adapter slot="10" type="Am79C973"/>
70 | <Adapter slot="11" type="Am79C973"/>
71 | <Adapter slot="12" type="Am79C973"/>
72 | <Adapter slot="13" type="Am79C973"/>
73 | <Adapter slot="14" type="Am79C973"/>
74 | <Adapter slot="15" type="Am79C973"/>
75 | <Adapter slot="16" type="Am79C973"/>
76 | <Adapter slot="17" type="Am79C973"/>
77 | <Adapter slot="18" type="Am79C973"/>
78 | <Adapter slot="19" type="Am79C973"/>
79 | <Adapter slot="20" type="Am79C973"/>
80 | <Adapter slot="21" type="Am79C973"/>
81 | <Adapter slot="22" type="Am79C973"/>
82 | <Adapter slot="23" type="Am79C973"/>
83 | <Adapter slot="24" type="Am79C973"/>
84 | <Adapter slot="25" type="Am79C973"/>
85 | <Adapter slot="26" type="Am79C973"/>
86 | <Adapter slot="27" type="Am79C973"/>
87 | <Adapter slot="28" type="Am79C973"/>
88 | <Adapter slot="29" type="Am79C973"/>
89 | <Adapter slot="30" type="Am79C973"/>
90 | <Adapter slot="31" type="Am79C973"/>
91 | <Adapter slot="32" type="Am79C973"/>
92 | <Adapter slot="33" type="Am79C973"/>
93 | <Adapter slot="34" type="Am79C973"/>
94 | <Adapter slot="35" type="Am79C973"/>
95 | </Network>
96 | <LPT>
97 | <Port slot="1" enabled="false" IOBase="0x378" IRQ="7"/>
98 | </LPT>
99 | <AudioAdapter controller="HDA" driver="CoreAudio" enabled="true"/>
100 | <RTC localOrUTC="UTC"/>
101 | <Clipboard mode="Bidirectional"/>
102 | <DragAndDrop mode="Bidirectional"/>
103 | <GuestProperties>
104 | <GuestProperty name="/VirtualBox/HostInfo/GUI/LanguageID" value="en_US" timestamp="1474912349941728000" flags=""/>
105 | </GuestProperties>
106 | </Hardware>
107 | <StorageControllers>
108 | <StorageController name="SATA" type="AHCI" PortCount="2" useHostIOCache="false" Bootable="true" IDE0MasterEmulationPort="0" IDE0SlaveEmulationPort="1" IDE1MasterEmulationPort="2" IDE1SlaveEmulationPort="3">
109 | <AttachedDevice type="HardDisk" hotpluggable="false" port="0" device="0">
110 | <Image uuid="{882043ae-f6ed-4294-b356-3595d35b3949}"/>
111 | </AttachedDevice>
112 | <AttachedDevice passthrough="false" type="DVD" hotpluggable="false" port="1" device="0"/>
113 | </StorageController>
114 | </StorageControllers>
115 | </Machine>
116 | </VirtualBox>