1 | #include "VirtualBox.h"
2 |
3 | #include <chrono>
4 | #include <string>
5 | #include <thread>
6 |
7 | #define SAFE_RELEASE(x) \
8 | if (x) \
9 | { \
10 | x->Release(); \
11 | x = NULL; \
12 | }
13 |
14 | void printErrorInfo()
15 | {
16 | IErrorInfo *errorInfo;
17 | HRESULT rc = GetErrorInfo(0, &errorInfo);
18 | if (FAILED(rc))
19 | {
20 | printf("Failed to get error info! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
21 | return;
22 | }
23 |
24 | BSTR errorDescription = NULL;
25 |
26 | rc = errorInfo->GetDescription(&errorDescription);
27 |
28 | if (FAILED(rc) || !errorDescription)
29 | {
30 | printf("Error getting error description! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
31 | return;
32 | }
33 |
34 | printf("Successfully retrieved error description: %S\n", errorDescription);
35 | SysFreeString(errorDescription);
36 | SAFE_RELEASE(errorInfo);
37 | }
38 |
39 | int testStartVM(IVirtualBox *virtualBox, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *sessionTypeName)
40 | {
41 | HRESULT rc;
42 |
43 | /* Try to start a VM called "WinXP SP2". */
44 | IMachine *machine = NULL;
45 | BSTR machineName = SysAllocString(name);
46 |
47 | rc = virtualBox->FindMachine(machineName, &machine);
48 |
49 | if (FAILED(rc))
50 | {
51 | printErrorInfo();
52 | }
53 | else
54 | {
55 | ISession *session = NULL;
56 | IConsole *console = NULL;
57 | IProgress *progress = NULL;
58 | BSTR sessiontype = SysAllocString(sessionTypeName);
59 | BSTR guid;
60 |
61 | do
62 | {
63 | rc = machine->get_Id(&guid); /* Get the GUID of the machine. */
64 | if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
65 | {
66 | printf("Error retrieving machine ID! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
67 | printErrorInfo();
68 | break;
69 | }
70 |
71 | /* Create the session object. */
72 | rc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Session, /* the VirtualBox base object */
73 | NULL, /* no aggregation */
74 | CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, /* the object lives in the current process */
75 | IID_ISession, /* IID of the interface */
76 | (void **)&session);
77 | if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
78 | {
79 | printf("Error creating Session instance! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
80 | printErrorInfo();
81 | break;
82 | }
83 |
84 | /* Start a VM session using the delivered VBox GUI. */
85 | rc = machine->LaunchVMProcess(session, sessiontype, NULL, &progress);
86 | if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
87 | {
88 | printf("Could not open remote session! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
89 | printErrorInfo();
90 | break;
91 | }
92 |
93 | /* Wait until VM is running. */
94 | printf("Starting VM, please wait ...\n");
95 | rc = progress->WaitForCompletion(-1);
96 | if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
97 | {
98 | printf("Progress wait for LaunchVMProcess completion fail! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
99 | printErrorInfo();
100 | break;
101 | }
102 |
103 | /* Get console object. */
104 | session->get_Console(&console);
105 |
106 | /* Bring console window to front. */
107 | machine->ShowConsoleWindow(0);
108 |
109 | while (true)
110 | {
111 | MachineState state;
112 | rc = machine->get_State(&state);
113 | if (FAILED(rc))
114 | {
115 | printf("Faile to get machine state! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
116 | printErrorInfo();
117 | break;
118 | }
119 |
120 | printf("Machine state == %d\n", state);
121 | if (state == MachineState_Running)
122 | {
123 | break;
124 | }
125 | }
126 |
127 | /* Power down the machine. */
128 | rc = console->PowerDown(&progress);
129 | if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
130 | {
131 | printf("Console PowerDown fail! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
132 | printErrorInfo();
133 | break;
134 | }
135 |
136 | /* Wait until VM is powered down. */
137 | printf("Powering off VM, please wait ...\n");
138 | rc = progress->WaitForCompletion(-1);
139 | if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
140 | {
141 | printf("Progress wait for PowerDown fail! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
142 | printErrorInfo();
143 | break;
144 | }
145 |
146 | /* Close the session. */
147 | rc = session->UnlockMachine();
148 | if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
149 | {
150 | printf("Cannot unlock machine! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
151 | printErrorInfo();
152 | break;
153 | }
154 |
155 | } while (0);
156 |
157 | SAFE_RELEASE(console);
158 | SAFE_RELEASE(progress);
159 | SAFE_RELEASE(session);
160 | SysFreeString(guid);
161 | SysFreeString(sessiontype);
162 |
163 | // wait for unlocked
164 | printf("Wait for machine unlocked ...\n");
165 | while (true)
166 | {
167 | SessionState sessionState;
168 | rc = machine->get_SessionState(&sessionState);
169 | if (FAILED(rc))
170 | {
171 | printf("Cannot get session state! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
172 | printErrorInfo();
173 | break;
174 | }
175 |
176 | if (sessionState == SessionState_Unlocked)
177 | {
178 | break;
179 | }
180 | }
181 | SAFE_RELEASE(machine);
182 | }
183 |
184 | SysFreeString(machineName);
185 |
186 | return 0;
187 | }
188 |
189 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
190 | {
191 | /* Initialize the COM subsystem. */
192 | CoInitialize(NULL);
193 |
194 | /* Instantiate the VirtualBox root object. */
195 | IVirtualBoxClient *virtualBoxClient;
196 | HRESULT rc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VirtualBoxClient, /* the VirtualBoxClient object */
197 | NULL, /* no aggregation */
198 | CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, /* the object lives in the current process */
199 | IID_IVirtualBoxClient, /* IID of the interface */
200 | (void **)&virtualBoxClient);
201 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
202 | {
203 | IVirtualBox *virtualBox;
204 | rc = virtualBoxClient->get_VirtualBox(&virtualBox);
205 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
206 | {
207 | for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
208 | {
209 | printf("Test run %d\n", i);
210 | testStartVM(virtualBox, L"TESTING", L"headless");
211 | }
212 |
213 | /* Release the VirtualBox object. */
214 | virtualBox->Release();
215 | virtualBoxClient->Release();
216 | }
217 | else
218 | {
219 | printf("Error creating VirtualBox instance! rc = 0x%x\n", rc);
220 | printErrorInfo();
221 | }
222 | }
223 |
224 | CoUninitialize();
225 | return 0;
226 | }