
Ticket #22262: VBox.log.2

File VBox.log.2, 316.0 KB (added by garratt, 6 weeks ago)
100:00:00.925299 VirtualBox VM 7.1.4 r165100 darwin.arm64 (Oct 10 2024 17:18:27) release log
200:00:00.925300 Log opened 2024-12-09T18:13:17.820980000Z
300:00:00.925300 Build Type: release
400:00:00.925307 OS Product: Darwin
500:00:00.925309 OS Release: 24.2.0
600:00:00.925311 OS Version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.2.0: Fri Nov 15 19:23:35 PST 2024; root:xnu-11215.61.3~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020
700:00:00.925356 Firmware type: failed - VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
800:00:00.925368 Host RAM: 16384MB (16.0GB) total, 2917MB (2.8GB) available
900:00:00.925369 Executable: /Applications/
1000:00:00.925369 Process ID: 5195
1100:00:00.925369 Package type: DARWIN_64BITS_GENERIC
1200:00:00.926106 Installed Extension Packs:
1300:00:00.926116 None installed!
1400:00:00.926704 Console: Machine state changed to 'Starting'
1500:00:00.926882 GUI: Qt version: 6.5.3
1600:00:00.926889 GUI: HID LEDs sync is enabled
1700:00:00.928069 SUP: In driverless mode.
1800:00:00.930026 Guest architecture: ARM
1900:00:00.930133 Guest OS type: 'Other_arm64'
2000:00:00.934756 File system of '/Users/nameunknown/VirtualBox VMs/Windows/Windows.vdi' is apfs
2100:00:00.936833 File system of '/Users/nameunknown/26100.2033.241004-2336.ge_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_A64FRE_en-us.iso' (DVD) is apfs
2200:00:00.958218 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
2300:00:00.983792 Shared Clipboard: Service loaded
2400:00:00.983828 Shared Clipboard: Mode: Off
2500:00:00.983894 Shared Clipboard: Service running in normal mode
2600:00:01.014319 Drag and drop service loaded
2700:00:01.014342 Drag and drop mode: Off
2800:00:01.017789 Audio: Detected default audio driver type is 'CoreAudio'
2900:00:01.029096 ************************* CFGM dump *************************
3000:00:01.029099 [ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={6ac83d89-6ee7-4e33-8ae6-b257b2e81be8} aComponent={ConsoleWrap} aText={The VBoxGuestPropSvc service call failed with the error VERR_HGCM_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND}, preserve=false aResultDetail=-2900
3100:00:01.029146 /] (level 0)
3200:00:01.029155 CpuExecutionCap <integer> = 0x0000000000000064 (100)
3300:00:01.029156 Name <string> = "Windows" (cb=8)
3400:00:01.029157 NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
3500:00:01.029157 TimerMillies <integer> = 0x000000000000000a (10)
3600:00:01.029158 UUID <bytes> = "bd 7a 21 0b 52 75 c3 47 97 9d fc 0e dd 83 3a 30" (cb=16)
3800:00:01.029159 [/CPUM/] (level 1)
4000:00:01.029160 [/Devices/] (level 1)
4200:00:01.029160 [/Devices/3c501/] (level 2)
4400:00:01.029161 [/Devices/VMMDev/] (level 2)
4600:00:01.029161 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/] (level 3)
4700:00:01.029162 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
4800:00:01.029162 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
4900:00:01.029163 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
5000:00:01.029163 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
5200:00:01.029163 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/] (level 4)
5300:00:01.029164 GuestCoreDumpDir <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/VirtualBox VMs/Windows/Snapshots" (cb=52)
5400:00:01.029165 MmioReq <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
5600:00:01.029165 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
5700:00:01.029166 Driver <string> = "HGCM" (cb=5)
5900:00:01.029166 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
6100:00:01.029167 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
6200:00:01.029167 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
6400:00:01.029168 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
6500:00:01.029168 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
6600:00:01.029168 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
6700:00:01.029169 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
6800:00:01.029169 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
7000:00:01.029169 [/Devices/arm-pl011/] (level 2)
7200:00:01.029170 [/Devices/arm-pl031-rtc/] (level 2)
7400:00:01.029170 [/Devices/arm-pl031-rtc/0/] (level 3)
7600:00:01.029171 [/Devices/arm-pl031-rtc/0/Config/] (level 4)
7700:00:01.029172 Irq <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
7800:00:01.029172 MmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101010000 (4 311 810 048)
7900:00:01.029173 UtcOffset <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
8100:00:01.029173 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/] (level 2)
8300:00:01.029173 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/] (level 3)
8500:00:01.029174 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/Config/] (level 4)
8600:00:01.029174 Irq <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
8700:00:01.029174 MmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101011000 (4 311 814 144)
8900:00:01.029175 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
9000:00:01.029175 Driver <string> = "GpioButton" (cb=11)
9200:00:01.029176 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
9300:00:01.029176 PowerButtonGpio <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
9400:00:01.029176 SleepButtonGpio <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
9600:00:01.029177 [/Devices/dp8390/] (level 2)
9800:00:01.029177 [/Devices/e1000/] (level 2)
10000:00:01.029178 [/Devices/e1000/0/] (level 3)
10100:00:01.029179 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
10200:00:01.029179 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000008 (8)
10300:00:01.029179 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
10400:00:01.029180 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
10600:00:01.029180 [/Devices/e1000/0/Config/] (level 4)
10700:00:01.029181 AdapterType <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
10800:00:01.029181 CableConnected <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
10900:00:01.029181 LineSpeed <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
11000:00:01.029181 MAC <bytes> = "08 00 27 65 70 3b" (cb=6)
11200:00:01.029182 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
11300:00:01.029182 Driver <string> = "NAT" (cb=4)
11500:00:01.029183 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
11600:00:01.029183 AliasMode <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
11700:00:01.029184 BootFile <string> = "Windows.pxe" (cb=12)
11800:00:01.029184 DNSProxy <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
11900:00:01.029185 LocalhostReachable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
12000:00:01.029185 Network <string> = "" (cb=12)
12100:00:01.029185 PassDomain <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
12200:00:01.029185 TFTPPrefix <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/Library/VirtualBox/TFTP" (cb=43)
12300:00:01.029186 UseHostResolver <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
12500:00:01.029186 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
12600:00:01.029186 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
12800:00:01.029187 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
12900:00:01.029187 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
13000:00:01.029188 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
13100:00:01.029188 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
13200:00:01.029188 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
13400:00:01.029189 [/Devices/flash-cfi/] (level 2)
13600:00:01.029189 [/Devices/flash-cfi/0/] (level 3)
13800:00:01.029190 [/Devices/flash-cfi/0/Config/] (level 4)
13900:00:01.029192 BaseAddress <integer> = 0x0000000004000000 (67 108 864)
14000:00:01.029192 FlashFile <string> = "nvram" (cb=6)
14100:00:01.029192 Size <integer> = 0x00000000000c0000 (786 432, 768.0 KiB)
14300:00:01.029194 [/Devices/flash-cfi/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
14400:00:01.029195 Driver <string> = "NvramStore" (cb=11)
14600:00:01.029195 [/Devices/gic/] (level 2)
14800:00:01.029195 [/Devices/gic/0/] (level 3)
14900:00:01.029196 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
15100:00:01.029196 [/Devices/gic/0/Config/] (level 4)
15200:00:01.029196 DistributorMmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101000000 (4 311 744 512)
15300:00:01.029197 RedistributorMmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000100000000 (4 294 967 296)
15500:00:01.029197 [/Devices/hda/] (level 2)
15700:00:01.029198 [/Devices/hda/0/] (level 3)
15800:00:01.029198 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
15900:00:01.029198 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
16000:00:01.029198 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
16100:00:01.029199 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
16300:00:01.029199 [/Devices/hda/0/AudioConfig/] (level 4)
16500:00:01.029199 [/Devices/hda/0/Config/] (level 4)
16600:00:01.029200 DebugEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
16800:00:01.029200 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
16900:00:01.029201 Driver <string> = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
17100:00:01.029201 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
17200:00:01.029201 Driver <string> = "CoreAudio" (cb=10)
17400:00:01.029202 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
17600:00:01.029202 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
17700:00:01.029203 DriverName <string> = "CoreAudio" (cb=10)
17800:00:01.029203 InputEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
17900:00:01.029203 OutputEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
18100:00:01.029204 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
18200:00:01.029204 Driver <string> = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
18400:00:01.029205 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#2/] (level 4)
18500:00:01.029205 Driver <string> = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
18700:00:01.029206 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam/] (level 2)
18900:00:01.029206 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam/0/] (level 3)
19100:00:01.029207 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam/0/Config/] (level 4)
19200:00:01.029207 IntPinA <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
19300:00:01.029207 IntPinB <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
19400:00:01.029207 IntPinC <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
19500:00:01.029208 IntPinD <integer> = 0x0000000000000005 (5)
19600:00:01.029208 MmioEcamBase <integer> = 0x0000000101030000 (4 311 941 120)
19700:00:01.029208 MmioEcamLength <integer> = 0x0000000001000000 (16 777 216)
19800:00:01.029209 MmioPioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101020000 (4 311 875 584)
19900:00:01.029209 MmioPioSize <integer> = 0x0000000000010000 (65 536, 64.0 KiB)
20100:00:01.029209 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam-bridge/] (level 2)
20300:00:01.029210 [/Devices/pcnet/] (level 2)
20500:00:01.029210 [/Devices/platform/] (level 2)
20700:00:01.029211 [/Devices/platform/0/] (level 3)
20900:00:01.029211 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/] (level 4)
21000:00:01.029212 ResourceNamespace <string> = "resources" (cb=10)
21200:00:01.029212 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/Resources/] (level 5)
21400:00:01.029213 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/Resources/ArmV8Desc/] (level 6)
21500:00:01.029213 GCPhysLoadAddress <integer> = 0x0000000008000000 (134 217 728)
21600:00:01.029214 RegisterAsRom <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
21700:00:01.029214 ResourceId <string> = "VBoxArmV8Desc" (cb=14)
21900:00:01.029215 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/Resources/EfiRom/] (level 6)
22000:00:01.029215 GCPhysLoadAddress <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
22100:00:01.029215 RegisterAsRom <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
22200:00:01.029215 ResourceId <string> = "VBoxEFIAArch64.fd" (cb=18)
22400:00:01.029216 [/Devices/platform/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
22500:00:01.029216 Driver <string> = "ResourceStore" (cb=14)
22700:00:01.029217 [/Devices/usb-xhci/] (level 2)
22900:00:01.029217 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/] (level 3)
23000:00:01.029217 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
23100:00:01.029218 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000006 (6)
23200:00:01.029218 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
23300:00:01.029218 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
23500:00:01.029218 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/Config/] (level 4)
23700:00:01.029219 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
23800:00:01.029219 Driver <string> = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
24000:00:01.029219 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
24200:00:01.029220 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
24300:00:01.029220 Driver <string> = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
24500:00:01.029221 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5)
24700:00:01.029221 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
24800:00:01.029221 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
25000:00:01.029222 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
25100:00:01.029222 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
25200:00:01.029223 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
25300:00:01.029223 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
25400:00:01.029223 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
25600:00:01.029224 [/Devices/vga/] (level 2)
25800:00:01.029224 [/Devices/vga/0/] (level 3)
25900:00:01.029225 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
26000:00:01.029225 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
26100:00:01.029226 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
26200:00:01.029226 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
26400:00:01.029226 [/Devices/vga/0/Config/] (level 4)
26500:00:01.029228 3DEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
26600:00:01.029228 CustomVideoModes <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
26700:00:01.029228 FadeIn <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
26800:00:01.029229 FadeOut <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
26900:00:01.029229 HeightReduction <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
27000:00:01.029229 LogoFile <string> = "" (cb=1)
27100:00:01.029230 LogoTime <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
27200:00:01.029230 MonitorCount <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
27300:00:01.029230 ShowBootMenu <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
27400:00:01.029231 VMSVGA3dEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
27500:00:01.029231 VMSVGAEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
27600:00:01.029231 VMSVGAPciBarLayout <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
27700:00:01.029231 VMSVGAPciId <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
27800:00:01.029232 VRamSize <integer> = 0x0000000008000000 (134 217 728, 128.0 MiB)
27900:00:01.029232 VmSvga3 <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
28000:00:01.029233 VmSvgaExposeLegacyVga <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
28200:00:01.029233 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
28300:00:01.029233 Driver <string> = "MainDisplay" (cb=12)
28500:00:01.029234 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
28700:00:01.029234 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
28800:00:01.029235 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
29000:00:01.029244 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
29100:00:01.029245 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
29200:00:01.029246 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
29300:00:01.029247 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
29400:00:01.029247 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
29600:00:01.029248 [/Devices/virtio-net/] (level 2)
29800:00:01.029248 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/] (level 2)
30000:00:01.029249 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/] (level 3)
30100:00:01.029249 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
30200:00:01.029249 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
30300:00:01.029250 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
30400:00:01.029250 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
30600:00:01.029250 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/Config/] (level 4)
30700:00:01.029251 Bootable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
30800:00:01.029251 NumTargets <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
31000:00:01.029251 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
31100:00:01.029252 Driver <string> = "SCSI" (cb=5)
31300:00:01.029252 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
31400:00:01.029253 Driver <string> = "VD" (cb=3)
31600:00:01.029254 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
31700:00:01.029255 BlockCache <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
31800:00:01.029256 Format <string> = "VDI" (cb=4)
31900:00:01.029256 Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
32000:00:01.029256 Path <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/VirtualBox VMs/Windows/Windows.vdi" (cb=54)
32100:00:01.029257 Type <string> = "HardDisk" (cb=9)
32200:00:01.029257 UseNewIo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
32400:00:01.029258 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/VDConfig/] (level 7)
32500:00:01.029258 AllocationBlockSize <string> = "1048576" (cb=8)
32700:00:01.029258 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
32800:00:01.029259 Driver <string> = "SCSI" (cb=5)
33000:00:01.029260 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
33100:00:01.029260 Driver <string> = "VD" (cb=3)
33300:00:01.029260 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
33400:00:01.029261 Format <string> = "RAW" (cb=4)
33500:00:01.029262 Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
33600:00:01.029262 Path <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/26100.2033.241004-2336.ge_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_A64FRE_en-us.iso" (cb=101)
33700:00:01.029262 ReadOnly <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
33800:00:01.029262 Type <string> = "DVD" (cb=4)
33900:00:01.029263 UseNewIo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
34100:00:01.029263 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
34200:00:01.029264 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
34400:00:01.029265 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
34500:00:01.029265 DeviceInstance <string> = "virtio-scsi/0" (cb=14)
34600:00:01.029265 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
34700:00:01.029266 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
34800:00:01.029266 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
34900:00:01.029266 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
35100:00:01.029267 [/MM/] (level 1)
35300:00:01.029267 [/MM/MemRegions/] (level 2)
35500:00:01.029267 [/MM/MemRegions/Conventional/] (level 3)
35600:00:01.029268 GCPhysStart <integer> = 0x0000000040000000 (1 073 741 824)
35700:00:01.029268 Size <integer> = 0x0000000040000000 (1 073 741 824, 1.0 GiB)
35900:00:01.029269 [/NEM/] (level 1)
36000:00:01.029270 VTimerInterrupt <integer> = 0x000000000000000b (11)
36200:00:01.029270 [/PDM/] (level 1)
36400:00:01.029270 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/] (level 2)
36600:00:01.029271 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/] (level 3)
36800:00:01.029271 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/BwGroups/] (level 4)
37000:00:01.029272 [/PDM/BlkCache/] (level 2)
37100:00:01.029272 CacheSize <integer> = 0x0000000000500000 (5 242 880, 5.0 MiB)
37300:00:01.029273 [/PDM/Devices/] (level 2)
37500:00:01.029273 [/PDM/Drivers/] (level 2)
37700:00:01.029274 [/PDM/Drivers/VBoxC/] (level 3)
37800:00:01.029274 Path <string> = "/Applications/" (cb=61)
38000:00:01.029274 [/PDM/NetworkShaper/] (level 2)
38200:00:01.029275 [/PDM/NetworkShaper/BwGroups/] (level 3)
38400:00:01.029275 [/USB/] (level 1)
38600:00:01.029275 [/USB/HidKeyboard/] (level 2)
38800:00:01.029276 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/] (level 3)
39000:00:01.029276 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/Config/] (level 4)
39200:00:01.029277 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
39300:00:01.029277 Driver <string> = "KeyboardQueue" (cb=14)
39500:00:01.029278 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
39600:00:01.029278 Driver <string> = "MainKeyboard" (cb=13)
39800:00:01.029278 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
39900:00:01.029279 QueueSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000040 (64, 64 B)
40100:00:01.029279 [/USB/USBProxy/] (level 2)
40300:00:01.029280 [/USB/USBProxy/GlobalConfig/] (level 3)
40500:00:01.029280 ********************* End of CFGM dump **********************
40600:00:01.029421 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_vm_config_create.
40700:00:01.029458 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_vm_config_get_el2_supported.
40800:00:01.029461 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_vm_config_get_el2_enabled.
40900:00:01.029464 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_vm_config_set_el2_enabled.
41000:00:01.029466 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_create.
41100:00:01.029469 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_reset.
41200:00:01.029471 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_config_create.
41300:00:01.029498 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_config_set_distributor_base.
41400:00:01.029522 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_config_set_redistributor_base.
41500:00:01.029525 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_config_set_msi_region_base.
41600:00:01.029528 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_config_set_msi_interrupt_range.
41700:00:01.029550 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_redistributor_base.
41800:00:01.029555 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_redistributor_region_size.
41900:00:01.029559 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_redistributor_size.
42000:00:01.029561 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_distributor_size.
42100:00:01.029564 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_distributor_base_alignment.
42200:00:01.029566 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_redistributor_base_alignment.
42300:00:01.029568 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_msi_region_base_alignment.
42400:00:01.029570 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_msi_region_size.
42500:00:01.029572 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_spi_interrupt_range.
42600:00:01.029575 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_state_create.
42700:00:01.029577 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_state.
42800:00:01.029579 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_state_get_size.
42900:00:01.029581 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_state_get_data.
43000:00:01.029593 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_send_msi.
43100:00:01.029614 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_spi.
43200:00:01.029618 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_distributor_reg.
43300:00:01.029621 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_msi_reg.
43400:00:01.029623 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_icc_reg.
43500:00:01.029625 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_ich_reg.
43600:00:01.029627 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_icv_reg.
43700:00:01.029629 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_redistributor_reg.
43800:00:01.029631 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_distributor_reg.
43900:00:01.029633 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_msi_reg.
44000:00:01.029653 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_icc_reg.
44100:00:01.029657 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_ich_reg.
44200:00:01.029659 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_icv_reg.
44300:00:01.029662 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_set_redistributor_reg.
44400:00:01.029664 NEM: info: Found optional import Hypervisor!hv_gic_get_intid.
44500:00:01.033318 NEM: The host doesn't supported nested virtualization! (hrc=0x0 fHvEl2Supported=false)
44600:00:01.033762 NEM:
44700:00:01.033762 NEM: NEMR3Init: Turtle execution mode is active!
44800:00:01.033763 NEM: Note! VirtualBox is not able to run at its full potential in this execution mode.
44900:00:01.033763 NEM:
45000:00:01.240447 TM: NEM overrides the /TM/TSCModeSwitchAllowed setting.
45100:00:01.435568 TM: cTSCTicksPerSecond=1 032 407 296 (0x3d894900) enmTSCMode=4 (NativeApi) TSCMultiplier=43
45200:00:01.435571 TM: cTSCTicksPerSecondHost=24 009 472 (0x16e5b00)
45300:00:01.435572 TM: TSCTiedToExecution=false TSCNotTiedToHalt=false
45400:00:01.435768 EMR3Init: fIemExecutesAll=false fGuruOnTripleFault=true
45500:00:01.435826 IEM: Microarch=<NULL> aidxTargetCpuEflFlavour={0,0}
45600:00:01.435936 GIM: Using provider 'None' (Implementation version: 0)
45700:00:01.435980 AIOMgr: Default manager type is 'Async'
45800:00:01.435983 AIOMgr: Default file backend is 'NonBuffered'
45900:00:01.436020 BlkCache: Cache successfully initialized. Cache size is 5242880 bytes
46000:00:01.436022 BlkCache: Cache commit interval is 10000 ms
46100:00:01.436024 BlkCache: Cache commit threshold is 2621440 bytes
46200:00:01.619555 Registered 768KB flash at 0000000004000000
46300:00:01.623195 TMR3UtcNow: nsNow=1 733 767 998 518 887 000 nsPrev=0 -> cNsDelta=1 733 767 998 518 887 000 (offLag=0 offVirtualSync=0 offVirtualSyncGivenUp=0, NowAgain=1 733 767 998 518 887 000)
46400:00:01.624019 VMMDev: cbDefaultBudget: 715 827 882 (2aaaaaaa)
46500:00:01.637000 Shared Folders service loaded
46600:00:01.647644 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={6ac83d89-6ee7-4e33-8ae6-b257b2e81be8} aComponent={ConsoleWrap} aText={The VBoxGuestPropSvc service call failed with the error VERR_HGCM_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND}, preserve=false aResultDetail=-2900
46700:00:01.647662 Guest Control service loaded
46800:00:01.678588 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
46900:00:01.687362 VIRTIOSCSI0: Targets=2 Bootable=true (unimplemented) R0Enabled=false RCEnabled=false
47000:00:01.687658 DrvVD: Flushes will be ignored
47100:00:01.687663 DrvVD: Async flushes will be passed to the disk
47200:00:01.688151 VD: VDInit finished with VINF_SUCCESS
47300:00:01.688274 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file '/Users/nameunknown/VirtualBox VMs/Windows/Windows.vdi' (flags 000c0723) created successfully
47400:00:01.688575 VD: Opening the disk took 505459 ns
47500:00:01.688646 DrvVD: Flushes will be ignored
47600:00:01.688650 DrvVD: Async flushes will be passed to the disk
47700:00:01.689174 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file '/Users/nameunknown/26100.2033.241004-2336.ge_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_A64FRE_en-us.iso' (flags 000c0781) created successfully
47800:00:01.689183 VD: Opening the disk took 57792 ns
47900:00:01.689230 E1000#0: Chip=82540EM LinkUpDelay=5000ms EthernetCRC=on GSO=enabled Itr=disabled ItrRx=enabled TID=disabled R0=disabled RC=disabled
48000:00:01.690215 Audio: Initializing Core Audio driver
48100:00:01.852661 CoreAudio: Default output device: 121 (was 0), ID 'BuiltInSpeakerDevice'
48200:00:01.852751 CoreAudio: Default input device: 128 (was 0), ID 'BuiltInMicrophoneDevice'
48300:00:01.861484 Audio: Found 7 devices for driver 'Core Audio'
48400:00:01.861521 Audio: Device 'iPhone Microphone':
48500:00:01.861522 Audio: ID = 0B4446B1-C967-4BFC-8F51-F7C800000003
48600:00:01.861523 Audio: Usage = input
48700:00:01.861523 Audio: Flags = NAME_ALLOC ID_ALLOC
48800:00:01.861523 Audio: Input channels = 1
48900:00:01.861524 Audio: Output channels = 0
49000:00:01.861536 Audio: Device 'Background Music':
49100:00:01.861536 Audio: ID = BGMDevice
49200:00:01.861536 Audio: Usage = duplex
49300:00:01.861536 Audio: Flags = NAME_ALLOC ID_ALLOC
49400:00:01.861536 Audio: Input channels = 2
49500:00:01.861537 Audio: Output channels = 2
49600:00:01.861539 Audio: Device 'Background Music (UI Sounds)':
49700:00:01.861539 Audio: ID = BGMDevice_UISounds
49800:00:01.861540 Audio: Usage = duplex
49900:00:01.861540 Audio: Flags = NAME_ALLOC ID_ALLOC
50000:00:01.861540 Audio: Input channels = 2
50100:00:01.861540 Audio: Output channels = 2
50200:00:01.861542 Audio: Device 'MacBook Pro Microphone':
50300:00:01.861542 Audio: ID = BuiltInMicrophoneDevice
50400:00:01.861542 Audio: Usage = input
50500:00:01.861542 Audio: Flags = DEFAULT_IN NAME_ALLOC ID_ALLOC
50600:00:01.861542 Audio: Input channels = 1
50700:00:01.861542 Audio: Output channels = 0
50800:00:01.861544 Audio: Device 'MacBook Pro Speakers':
50900:00:01.861544 Audio: ID = BuiltInSpeakerDevice
51000:00:01.861544 Audio: Usage = output
51100:00:01.861545 Audio: Flags = DEFAULT_OUT NAME_ALLOC ID_ALLOC
51200:00:01.861545 Audio: Input channels = 0
51300:00:01.861545 Audio: Output channels = 2
51400:00:01.861604 Audio: Device 'Camo Microphone':
51500:00:01.861605 Audio: ID = CamoAudioDevice_UID
51600:00:01.861605 Audio: Usage = duplex
51700:00:01.861605 Audio: Flags = NAME_ALLOC ID_ALLOC
51800:00:01.861605 Audio: Input channels = 2
51900:00:01.861606 Audio: Output channels = 2
52000:00:01.861612 Audio: Device 'Microsoft Teams Audio':
52100:00:01.861612 Audio: ID = MSLoopbackDriverDevice_UID
52200:00:01.861612 Audio: Usage = duplex
52300:00:01.861612 Audio: Flags = NAME_ALLOC ID_ALLOC
52400:00:01.861613 Audio: Input channels = 1
52500:00:01.861613 Audio: Output channels = 1
52600:00:01.861750 Audio Mixer: Setting master volume of 'HDA Mixer' -- channel volumes: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
52700:00:01.861759 Audio Mixer: Setting sink 'HDA Mixer/PCM Output' -- channel volumes: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
52800:00:01.861763 Audio Mixer: Setting sink 'HDA Mixer/Line In' -- channel volumes: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
52900:00:01.861778 Audio Mixer: MUTING sink 'HDA Mixer/PCM Output' -- channel volumes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
53000:00:01.861781 Audio Mixer: MUTING sink 'HDA Mixer/Line In' -- channel volumes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
53100:00:01.861837 HDA: Codec reset
53200:00:01.861877 HDA: Reset
53300:00:01.862613 VUSB: Attached 'HidKeyboard' to port 1 on RootHub#1 (FullSpeed)
53400:00:01.862630 PGM: PGMR3InitFinalize: 4 MB PSE mask 0000000000000000 -> VINF_SUCCESS
53500:00:01.862641 TM: TMR3InitFinalize: fTSCModeSwitchAllowed=false
53600:00:01.862684 EM: Exit history optimizations: enabled=true enabled-r0=true enabled-r0-no-preemption=false
53700:00:01.862785 CPUM: Logical host processors: 12 present, 12 max, 12 online, online mask: 0000000000000fff
53800:00:01.862787 CPUM: Physical host cores: 12
53900:00:01.862788 ************************* CPUID dump ************************
54000:00:01.862805 ID register CLIDR_EL1: Host 0x81000023 Guest 0x81000023
54100:00:01.862805 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
54200:00:01.862806 Ctype1 - Cache 1 type field = 3 (3)
54300:00:01.862806 Ctype2 - Cache 2 type field = 4 (4)
54400:00:01.862807 Ctype3 - Cache 3 type field = 0 (0)
54500:00:01.862807 Ctype4 - Cache 4 type field = 0 (0)
54600:00:01.862808 Ctype5 - Cache 5 type field = 0 (0)
54700:00:01.862808 Ctype6 - Cache 6 type field = 0 (0)
54800:00:01.862809 Ctype7 - Cache 7 type field = 0 (0)
54900:00:01.862809 LoUIS - Level of Unification Inner Shareable = 0 (0)
55000:00:01.862809 LoC - Level of Coherence for the cache hierarchy = 1 (1)
55100:00:01.862810 LoUU - Level of Unification Uniprocessor = 0 (0)
55200:00:01.862810 ICB - Inner cache boundary = 2 (2)
55300:00:01.862811 Ttype1 - Cache 1 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
55400:00:01.862811 Ttype2 - Cache 2 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
55500:00:01.862811 Ttype3 - Cache 3 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
55600:00:01.862812 Ttype4 - Cache 4 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
55700:00:01.862812 Ttype5 - Cache 5 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
55800:00:01.862812 Ttype6 - Cache 6 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
55900:00:01.862813 Ttype7 - Cache 7 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
56000:00:01.862813 Res0 - Reserved = 0x0 (0x0)
56100:00:01.862814 ID register ID_AA64PFR0_EL1: Host 0x1101000010111111 Guest 0x1101000010111111
56200:00:01.862814 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
56300:00:01.862814 EL0 - EL0 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
56400:00:01.862815 EL1 - EL1 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
56500:00:01.862815 EL2 - EL2 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
56600:00:01.862816 EL3 - EL3 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
56700:00:01.862816 FP - Floating-point = 1 (1)
56800:00:01.862816 AdvSIMD - Advanced SIMD = 1 (1)
56900:00:01.862817 GIC - System register GIC CPU interface = 0 (0)
57000:00:01.862817 RAS - RAS Extension version = 1 (1)
57100:00:01.862818 SVE - Scalable Vector Extension = 0 (0)
57200:00:01.862818 SEL2 - Secure EL2 = 0 (0)
57300:00:01.862819 MPAM - MPAM Extension major version number = 0 (0)
57400:00:01.862819 AMU - Activity Monitors Extension support = 0 (0)
57500:00:01.862819 DIT - Data Independent Timing = 1 (1)
57600:00:01.862820 RME - Realm Management Extension = 0 (0)
57700:00:01.862820 CSV2 - Speculative use of out of branch targets = 1 (1)
57800:00:01.862820 CSV3 - Speculative use of faulting data = 1 (1)
57900:00:01.862821 ID register ID_AA64PFR1_EL1: Host 0x20 Guest 0x20
58000:00:01.862821 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
58100:00:01.862821 BT - Branch Target Identification mechanism = 0 (0)
58200:00:01.862821 SSBS - Speculative Store Bypassing controls = 2 (2)
58300:00:01.862822 MTE - Memory Tagging Extension support = 0 (0)
58400:00:01.862822 RAS_frac - RAS Extension fractional field = 0 (0)
58500:00:01.862823 MPAM_frac - MPAM Extension minor version = 0 (0)
58600:00:01.862823 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
58700:00:01.862823 SME - Scalable Matrix Extension = 0 (0)
58800:00:01.862824 RNDR_trap - Random Number trap to EL3 = 0 (0)
58900:00:01.862824 CSV2_frac - CSV2 fractional version field = 0 (0)
59000:00:01.862825 NMI - Non-maskable Interrupt support = 0 (0)
59100:00:01.862825 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
59200:00:01.862825 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
59300:00:01.862826 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
59400:00:01.862826 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
59500:00:01.862827 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
59600:00:01.862827 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
59700:00:01.862828 ID register ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1: Host 0x221100110212120 Guest 0x221100110212120
59800:00:01.862828 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
59900:00:01.862828 AES - AES instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
60000:00:01.862829 SHA1 - SHA1 instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
60100:00:01.862829 SHA2 - SHA256/512 instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
60200:00:01.862829 CRC32 - CRC32 instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
60300:00:01.862830 ATOMIC - Atomic instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
60400:00:01.862830 TME - TME instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
60500:00:01.862830 RDM - SQRDMLAH/SQRDMLSH instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
60600:00:01.862831 SHA3 - SHA3 instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
60700:00:01.862831 SM3 - SM3 instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
60800:00:01.862831 SM4 - SM4 instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
60900:00:01.862831 DP - Dot Product instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
61000:00:01.862832 FHM - FMLAL/FMLSL instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
61100:00:01.862832 TS - Flag manipulation instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
61200:00:01.862832 TLB - TLB maintenance instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
61300:00:01.862833 RNDR - Random number instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
61400:00:01.862833 ID register ID_AA64ISAR1_EL1: Host 0x111110211402 Guest 0x111110211402
61500:00:01.862833 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
61600:00:01.862833 DPB - Data Persistance writeback support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
61700:00:01.862834 APA - QARMA5 PAuth support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
61800:00:01.862834 API - Impl defined PAuth support in AArch64 = 4 (4)
61900:00:01.862834 JSCVT - FJCVTZS instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
62000:00:01.862835 FCMA - FCMLA/FCADD instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
62100:00:01.862835 LRCPC - RCpc instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
62200:00:01.862835 GPA - QARMA5 code authentication support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
62300:00:01.862836 GPI - Impl defined code authentication support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
62400:00:01.862836 FRINTTS - FRINT{32,64}{Z,X} instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
62500:00:01.862836 SB - SB instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
62600:00:01.862837 SPECRES - Prediction invalidation support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
62700:00:01.862837 BF16 - BFloat16 support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
62800:00:01.862837 DGH - Data Gathering Hint support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
62900:00:01.862838 I8MM - Int8 matrix mul instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63000:00:01.862838 XS - XS attribute support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63100:00:01.862838 LS64 - LD64B and ST64B* instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63200:00:01.862838 ID register ID_AA64ISAR2_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
63300:00:01.862839 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
63400:00:01.862839 WFxT - WFET/WFIT intruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63500:00:01.862839 RPRES - Reciprocal 12 bit mantissa support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63600:00:01.862840 GPA3 - QARMA3 code authentication support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63700:00:01.862840 APA3 - QARMA3 PAuth support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63800:00:01.862840 MOPS - Memory Copy and Set instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
63900:00:01.862840 BC - BC instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
64000:00:01.862841 PAC_frac - ConstPACField() returns TRUE = 0 (0)
64100:00:01.862841 ID register ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1: Host 0x10010000f100001 Guest 0x10010000f100001
64200:00:01.862842 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
64300:00:01.862842 PARange - Physical address width = 1 (1)
64400:00:01.862842 ASIDBits - Number of ASID bits = 0 (0)
64500:00:01.862843 BigEnd - Mixed-endian configuration support = 0 (0)
64600:00:01.862843 SNSMem - Secure and Non-secure memory distinction = 0 (0)
64700:00:01.862843 BigEndEL0 - Mixed-endian support in EL0 only = 0 (0)
64800:00:01.862844 TGran16 - 16KiB memory granule size = 1 (1)
64900:00:01.862844 TGran64 - 64KiB memory granule size = 15 (15)
65000:00:01.862844 TGran4 - 4KiB memory granule size = 0 (0)
65100:00:01.862845 TGran16_2 - 16KiB memory granule size at stage 2 = 0 (0)
65200:00:01.862845 TGran64_2 - 64KiB memory granule size at stage 2 = 0 (0)
65300:00:01.862845 TGran4_2 - 4KiB memory granule size at stage 2 = 0 (0)
65400:00:01.862846 ExS - Disabling context synchronizing exception = 1 (1)
65500:00:01.862846 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
65600:00:01.862846 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
65700:00:01.862847 FGT - Fine-grained trap controls support = 1 (1)
65800:00:01.862847 ECV - Enhanced Counter Virtualization support = 0 (0)
65900:00:01.862863 ID register ID_AA64MMFR1_EL1: Host 0x11212000 Guest 0x11212000
66000:00:01.862864 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
66100:00:01.862865 HAFDBS - Hardware updates to Access/Dirty state = 0 (0)
66200:00:01.862865 VMIDBit - Number of VMID bits = 0 (0)
66300:00:01.862866 VH - Virtualization Host Extensions = 0 (0)
66400:00:01.862866 HPDS - Hierarchical Permission Disables = 2 (2)
66500:00:01.862866 LO - LORegions support = 1 (1)
66600:00:01.862867 PAN - Privileged Access Never = 2 (2)
66700:00:01.862867 SpecSEI - SError interrupt exception for speculative reads = 1 (1)
66800:00:01.862868 XNX - Execute-never control support = 1 (1)
66900:00:01.862868 TWED - Configurable delayed WFE trapping = 0 (0)
67000:00:01.862869 ETS - Enhanced Translation Synchronization support = 0 (0)
67100:00:01.862869 HCX - HCRX_EL2 support = 0 (0)
67200:00:01.862869 AFP - FPCR.{AH,FIZ,NEP} support = 0 (0)
67300:00:01.862870 nTLBPA - Caching of translation table walks = 0 (0)
67400:00:01.862870 TIDCP1 - FEAT_TIDCP1 support = 0 (0)
67500:00:01.862870 CMOW - Cache maintenance instruction permission = 0 (0)
67600:00:01.862871 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
67700:00:01.862871 ID register ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1: Host 0x1001001100001011 Guest 0x1001001100001011
67800:00:01.862872 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
67900:00:01.862872 CnP - Common not Private translation support = 1 (1)
68000:00:01.862872 UAO - User Access Override = 1 (1)
68100:00:01.862873 LSM - LSMAOE/nTLSMD bit support = 0 (0)
68200:00:01.862873 IESB - IESB bit support in SCTLR_ELx = 1 (1)
68300:00:01.862874 VARange - Large virtual address space support = 0 (0)
68400:00:01.862874 CCIDX - 64-bit CCSIDR_EL1 format = 0 (0)
68500:00:01.862874 NV - Nested Virtualization support = 0 (0)
68600:00:01.862875 ST - Small translation table support = 0 (0)
68700:00:01.862875 AT - Unaligned single-copy atomicity support = 1 (1)
68800:00:01.862875 IDS - FEAT_IDST support = 1 (1)
68900:00:01.862876 FWB - HCR_EL2.FWB support = 0 (0)
69000:00:01.862876 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
69100:00:01.862877 TTL - TTL field support in address operations = 1 (1)
69200:00:01.862877 BBM - FEAT_BBM support = 0 (0)
69300:00:01.862877 EVT - Enhanced Virtualization Traps support = 0 (0)
69400:00:01.862878 E0PD - E0PD mechanism support = 1 (1)
69500:00:01.862878 ID register ID_AA64DFR0_EL1: Host 0x10305006 Guest 0x10305006
69600:00:01.862878 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
69700:00:01.862879 DebugVer - Debug architecture version = 6 (6)
69800:00:01.862879 TraceVer - Trace support = 0 (0)
69900:00:01.862879 PMUVer - Performance Monitors Extension version = 0 (0)
70000:00:01.862880 BRPs - Number of breakpoints minus 1 = 5 (5)
70100:00:01.862880 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
70200:00:01.862880 WRPs - Number of watchpoints minus 1 = 3 (3)
70300:00:01.862881 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
70400:00:01.862881 CTX_CMPs - Number of context-aware breakpoints minus 1 = 1 (1)
70500:00:01.862882 PMSVer - Statistical Profiling Extension version = 0 (0)
70600:00:01.862882 DoubleLock - OS Double Lock support = 0 (0)
70700:00:01.862882 TraceFilt - Armv8.4 Self-hosted Trace Extension version = 0 (0)
70800:00:01.862883 TraceBuffer - Trace Buffer Extension = 0 (0)
70900:00:01.862883 MTPMU - Multi-threaded PMU extension = 0 (0)
71000:00:01.862883 BRBE - Branch Record Buffer Extension = 0 (0)
71100:00:01.862884 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
71200:00:01.862884 HPMN0 - Zero PMU event counters for guest = 0 (0)
71300:00:01.862885 ID register ID_AA64DFR1_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
71400:00:01.862885 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
71500:00:01.862885 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
71600:00:01.862885 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
71700:00:01.862886 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
71800:00:01.862886 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
71900:00:01.862887 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72000:00:01.862887 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72100:00:01.862888 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72200:00:01.862888 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72300:00:01.862888 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72400:00:01.862889 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72500:00:01.862889 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72600:00:01.862890 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72700:00:01.862890 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72800:00:01.862891 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
72900:00:01.862891 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
73000:00:01.862892 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
73100:00:01.862892 ID register ID_AA64AFR0_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
73200:00:01.862892 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
73300:00:01.862892 ImpDef - Implementation defined = 0x0 (0x0)
73400:00:01.862893 ID register ID_AA64AFR1_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
73500:00:01.862893 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
73600:00:01.862893 ImpDef - Implementation defined = 0x0 (0x0)
73800:00:01.862894 ******************** End of CPUID dump **********************
73900:00:01.862894 ******************** CPU feature dump ***********************
74000:00:01.862895 Features = guest (host)
74100:00:01.862895 FEAT_TGRAN4K = 1 (1)
74200:00:01.862896 FEAT_TGRAN16K = 1 (1)
74300:00:01.862896 FEAT_TGRAN64K = 0 (0)
74400:00:01.862896 FEAT_AdvSIMD = 1 (1)
74500:00:01.862897 FEAT_AES = 1 (1)
74600:00:01.862897 FEAT_PMULL = 1 (1)
74700:00:01.862897 FEAT_CP15DISABLE2 = 0 (0)
74800:00:01.862898 FEAT_CSV2 = 1 (1)
74900:00:01.862898 FEAT_CSV2_1p1 = 0 (0)
75000:00:01.862899 FEAT_CSV2_1p2 = 0 (0)
75100:00:01.862899 FEAT_CSV3 = 0 (0)
75200:00:01.862899 FEAT_DGH = 0 (0)
75300:00:01.862900 FEAT_DOUBLELOCK = 1 (1)
75400:00:01.862900 FEAT_ETS2 = 0 (0)
75500:00:01.862900 FEAT_FP = 1 (1)
75600:00:01.862901 FEAT_IVIPT = 0 (0)
75700:00:01.862901 FEAT_PCSRv8 = 0 (0)
75800:00:01.862901 FEAT_SPECRES = 1 (1)
75900:00:01.862902 FEAT_RAS = 1 (1)
76000:00:01.862902 FEAT_SB = 1 (1)
76100:00:01.862903 FEAT_SHA1 = 1 (1)
76200:00:01.862903 FEAT_SHA256 = 1 (1)
76300:00:01.862903 FEAT_SSBS = 1 (1)
76400:00:01.862904 FEAT_SSBS2 = 1 (1)
76500:00:01.862904 FEAT_CRC32 = 1 (1)
76600:00:01.862905 FEAT_nTLBPA = 0 (0)
76700:00:01.862905 FEAT_Debugv8p1 = 0 (0)
76800:00:01.862905 FEAT_HPDS = 1 (1)
76900:00:01.862906 FEAT_LOR = 1 (1)
77000:00:01.862906 FEAT_LSE = 1 (1)
77100:00:01.862906 FEAT_PAN = 1 (1)
77200:00:01.862907 FEAT_PMUv3p1 = 0 (0)
77300:00:01.862907 FEAT_RDM = 1 (1)
77400:00:01.862907 FEAT_HAFDBS = 0 (0)
77500:00:01.862908 FEAT_VHE = 0 (0)
77600:00:01.862908 FEAT_VMID16 = 0 (0)
77700:00:01.862908 FEAT_AA32BF16 = 0 (0)
77800:00:01.862909 FEAT_AA32HPD = 0 (0)
77900:00:01.862909 FEAT_AA32I8MM = 0 (0)
78000:00:01.862910 FEAT_PAN2 = 1 (1)
78100:00:01.862910 FEAT_BF16 = 1 (1)
78200:00:01.862910 FEAT_DPB2 = 1 (1)
78300:00:01.862911 FEAT_DPB = 1 (1)
78400:00:01.862911 FEAT_Debugv8p2 = 0 (0)
78500:00:01.862911 FEAT_DotProd = 1 (1)
78600:00:01.862912 FEAT_EVT = 0 (0)
78700:00:01.862912 FEAT_F32MM = 0 (0)
78800:00:01.862912 FEAT_F64MM = 0 (0)
78900:00:01.862913 FEAT_FHM = 1 (1)
79000:00:01.862913 FEAT_FP16 = 1 (1)
79100:00:01.862914 FEAT_I8MM = 0 (0)
79200:00:01.862914 FEAT_IESB = 1 (1)
79300:00:01.862914 FEAT_LPA = 0 (0)
79400:00:01.862915 FEAT_LSMAOC = 0 (0)
79500:00:01.862915 FEAT_LVA = 0 (0)
79600:00:01.862915 FEAT_MPAM = 0 (0)
79700:00:01.862916 FEAT_PCSRv8p2 = 0 (0)
79800:00:01.862916 FEAT_SHA3 = 1 (1)
79900:00:01.862916 FEAT_SHA512 = 1 (1)
80000:00:01.862917 FEAT_SM3 = 0 (0)
80100:00:01.862917 FEAT_SM4 = 0 (0)
80200:00:01.862917 FEAT_SPE = 0 (0)
80300:00:01.862918 FEAT_SVE = 0 (0)
80400:00:01.862918 FEAT_TTCNP = 1 (1)
80500:00:01.862919 FEAT_HPDS2 = 1 (1)
80600:00:01.862919 FEAT_XNX = 1 (1)
80700:00:01.862919 FEAT_UAO = 1 (1)
80800:00:01.862920 FEAT_VPIPT = 0 (0)
80900:00:01.862920 FEAT_CCIDX = 0 (0)
81000:00:01.862920 FEAT_FCMA = 1 (1)
81100:00:01.862921 FEAT_DoPD = 0 (0)
81200:00:01.862921 FEAT_EPAC = 0 (0)
81300:00:01.862921 FEAT_FPAC = 0 (0)
81400:00:01.862922 FEAT_FPACCOMBINE = 0 (0)
81500:00:01.862922 FEAT_JSCVT = 1 (1)
81600:00:01.862922 FEAT_LRCPC = 1 (1)
81700:00:01.862923 FEAT_NV = 0 (0)
81800:00:01.862923 FEAT_PACQARMA5 = 0 (0)
81900:00:01.862923 FEAT_PACIMP = 1 (1)
82000:00:01.862924 FEAT_PAuth = 0 (0)
82100:00:01.862924 FEAT_PAuth2 = 0 (0)
82200:00:01.862925 FEAT_SPEv1p1 = 0 (0)
82300:00:01.862925 FEAT_AMUv1 = 0 (0)
82400:00:01.862925 FEAT_CNTSC = 0 (0)
82500:00:01.862926 FEAT_Debugv8p4 = 0 (0)
82600:00:01.862926 FEAT_DoubleFault = 0 (0)
82700:00:01.862926 FEAT_DIT = 1 (1)
82800:00:01.862927 FEAT_FlagM = 1 (1)
82900:00:01.862927 FEAT_IDST = 1 (1)
83000:00:01.862927 FEAT_LRCPC2 = 1 (1)
83100:00:01.862928 FEAT_LSE2 = 1 (1)
83200:00:01.862928 FEAT_NV2 = 0 (0)
83300:00:01.862928 FEAT_PMUv3p4 = 0 (0)
83400:00:01.862929 FEAT_RASv1p1 = 0 (0)
83500:00:01.862929 FEAT_RASSAv1p1 = 0 (0)
83600:00:01.862929 FEAT_S2FWB = 0 (0)
83700:00:01.862930 FEAT_SEL2 = 0 (0)
83800:00:01.862930 FEAT_TLBIOS = 1 (1)
83900:00:01.862930 FEAT_TLBIRANGE = 1 (1)
84000:00:01.862931 FEAT_TRF = 0 (0)
84100:00:01.862931 FEAT_TTL = 1 (1)
84200:00:01.862932 FEAT_BBM = 0 (0)
84300:00:01.862932 FEAT_TTST = 0 (0)
84400:00:01.862932 FEAT_BTI = 0 (0)
84500:00:01.862933 FEAT_FlagM2 = 1 (1)
84600:00:01.862933 FEAT_ExS = 1 (1)
84700:00:01.862933 FEAT_E0PD = 1 (1)
84800:00:01.862934 FEAT_FRINTTS = 1 (1)
84900:00:01.862934 FEAT_GTG = 0 (0)
85000:00:01.862935 FEAT_MTE = 0 (0)
85100:00:01.862935 FEAT_MTE2 = 0 (0)
85200:00:01.862935 FEAT_PMUv3p5 = 0 (0)
85300:00:01.862936 FEAT_RNG = 0 (0)
85400:00:01.862936 FEAT_AMUv1p1 = 0 (0)
85500:00:01.862936 FEAT_ECV = 0 (0)
85600:00:01.862937 FEAT_FGT = 1 (1)
85700:00:01.862937 FEAT_MPAMv0p1 = 0 (0)
85800:00:01.862937 FEAT_MPAMv1p1 = 0 (0)
85900:00:01.862938 FEAT_MTPMU = 0 (0)
86000:00:01.862938 FEAT_TWED = 0 (0)
86100:00:01.862938 FEAT_ETMv4 = 0 (0)
86200:00:01.862939 FEAT_ETMv4p1 = 0 (0)
86300:00:01.862939 FEAT_ETMv4p2 = 0 (0)
86400:00:01.862939 FEAT_ETMv4p3 = 0 (0)
86500:00:01.862940 FEAT_ETMv4p4 = 0 (0)
86600:00:01.862940 FEAT_ETMv4p5 = 0 (0)
86700:00:01.862941 FEAT_ETMv4p6 = 0 (0)
86800:00:01.862941 FEAT_GICv3 = 0 (0)
86900:00:01.862941 FEAT_GICv3p1 = 0 (0)
87000:00:01.862942 FEAT_GICv3_TDIR = 0 (0)
87100:00:01.862942 FEAT_GICv4 = 0 (0)
87200:00:01.862942 FEAT_GICv4p1 = 0 (0)
87300:00:01.862943 FEAT_PMUv3 = 0 (0)
87400:00:01.862943 FEAT_ETE = 0 (0)
87500:00:01.862943 FEAT_ETEv1p1 = 0 (0)
87600:00:01.862944 FEAT_ETEv1p2 = 0 (0)
87700:00:01.862944 FEAT_SVE2 = 0 (0)
87800:00:01.862944 FEAT_SVE_AES = 0 (0)
87900:00:01.862945 FEAT_SVE_PMULL128 = 0 (0)
88000:00:01.862945 FEAT_SVE_BitPerm = 0 (0)
88100:00:01.862945 FEAT_SVE_SHA3 = 0 (0)
88200:00:01.862946 FEAT_SVE_SM4 = 0 (0)
88300:00:01.862946 FEAT_TME = 0 (0)
88400:00:01.862946 FEAT_TRBE = 0 (0)
88500:00:01.862947 FEAT_SME = 0 (0)
88600:00:01.862947 FEAT_AFP = 0 (0)
88700:00:01.862947 FEAT_HCX = 0 (0)
88800:00:01.862948 FEAT_LPA2 = 0 (0)
88900:00:01.862948 FEAT_LS64 = 0 (0)
89000:00:01.862949 FEAT_LS64_V = 0 (0)
89100:00:01.862949 FEAT_LS64_ACCDATA = 0 (0)
89200:00:01.862949 FEAT_MTE3 = 0 (0)
89300:00:01.862950 FEAT_PAN3 = 0 (0)
89400:00:01.862950 FEAT_PMUv3p7 = 0 (0)
89500:00:01.862950 FEAT_RPRES = 0 (0)
89600:00:01.862951 FEAT_RME = 0 (0)
89700:00:01.862951 FEAT_SME_FA64 = 0 (0)
89800:00:01.862951 FEAT_SME_F64F64 = 0 (0)
89900:00:01.862952 FEAT_SME_I16I64 = 0 (0)
90000:00:01.862952 FEAT_SPEv1p2 = 0 (0)
90100:00:01.862952 FEAT_EBF16 = 0 (0)
90200:00:01.862953 FEAT_WFxT = 0 (0)
90300:00:01.862953 FEAT_XS = 0 (0)
90400:00:01.862954 FEAT_BRBE = 0 (0)
90500:00:01.862954 FEAT_CMOW = 0 (0)
90600:00:01.862954 FEAT_CONSTPACFIELD = 0 (0)
90700:00:01.862955 FEAT_Debugv8p8 = 0 (0)
90800:00:01.862955 FEAT_HBC = 0 (0)
90900:00:01.862955 FEAT_HPMN0 = 0 (0)
91000:00:01.862956 FEAT_NMI = 0 (0)
91100:00:01.862956 FEAT_GICv3_NMI = 0 (0)
91200:00:01.862956 FEAT_MOPS = 0 (0)
91300:00:01.862957 FEAT_PACQARMA3 = 0 (0)
91400:00:01.862957 FEAT_PMUv3_TH = 0 (0)
91500:00:01.862957 FEAT_PMUv3p8 = 0 (0)
91600:00:01.862958 FEAT_PMUv3_EXT64 = 0 (0)
91700:00:01.862958 FEAT_PMUv3_EXT32 = 0 (0)
91800:00:01.862958 FEAT_PMUv3_EXT = 0 (0)
91900:00:01.862959 FEAT_RNG_TRAP = 0 (0)
92000:00:01.862959 FEAT_SPEv1p3 = 0 (0)
92100:00:01.862960 FEAT_TIDCP1 = 0 (0)
92200:00:01.862960 FEAT_BRBEv1p1 = 0 (0)
92300:00:01.862960 FEAT_ABLE = 0 (0)
92400:00:01.862961 FEAT_ADERR = 0 (0)
92500:00:01.862961 FEAT_AIE = 0 (0)
92600:00:01.862961 FEAT_ANERR = 0 (0)
92700:00:01.862962 FEAT_BWE = 0 (0)
92800:00:01.862962 FEAT_CLRBHB = 0 (0)
92900:00:01.862963 FEAT_CHK = 0 (0)
93000:00:01.862963 FEAT_CSSC = 0 (0)
93100:00:01.862963 FEAT_CSV2_3 = 0 (0)
93200:00:01.862964 FEAT_D128 = 0 (0)
93300:00:01.862964 FEAT_Debugv8p9 = 0 (0)
93400:00:01.862964 FEAT_DoubleFault2 = 0 (0)
93500:00:01.862965 FEAT_EBEP = 0 (0)
93600:00:01.862965 FEAT_ECBHB = 0 (0)
93700:00:01.862965 FEAT_EDHSR = 0 (0)
93800:00:01.862966 FEAT_ETEv1p3 = 0 (0)
93900:00:01.862966 FEAT_FGT2 = 0 (0)
94000:00:01.862966 FEAT_GCS = 0 (0)
94100:00:01.862967 FEAT_HAFT = 0 (0)
94200:00:01.862967 FEAT_ITE = 0 (0)
94300:00:01.862968 FEAT_LRCPC3 = 0 (0)
94400:00:01.862968 FEAT_LSE128 = 0 (0)
94500:00:01.862968 FEAT_LVA3 = 0 (0)
94600:00:01.862969 FEAT_MEC = 0 (0)
94700:00:01.862969 FEAT_MTE4 = 0 (0)
94800:00:01.862969 FEAT_MTE_CANONICAL_TAGS = 0 (0)
94900:00:01.862970 FEAT_MTE_TAGGED_FAR = 0 (0)
95000:00:01.862970 FEAT_MTE_STORE_ONLY = 0 (0)
95100:00:01.862971 FEAT_MTE_NO_ADDRESS_TAGS = 0 (0)
95200:00:01.862971 FEAT_MTE_ASYM_FAULT = 0 (0)
95300:00:01.862971 FEAT_MTE_ASYNC = 0 (0)
95400:00:01.862972 FEAT_MTE_PERM_S1 = 0 (0)
95500:00:01.862972 FEAT_PCSRv8p9 = 0 (0)
95600:00:01.862972 FEAT_S1PIE = 0 (0)
95700:00:01.862973 FEAT_S2PIE = 0 (0)
95800:00:01.862973 FEAT_S1POE = 0 (0)
95900:00:01.862973 FEAT_S2POE = 0 (0)
96000:00:01.862974 FEAT_PFAR = 0 (0)
96100:00:01.862974 FEAT_PMUv3p9 = 0 (0)
96200:00:01.862974 FEAT_PMUv3_EDGE = 0 (0)
96300:00:01.862975 FEAT_PMUv3_ICNTR = 0 (0)
96400:00:01.862975 FEAT_PMUv3_SS = 0 (0)
96500:00:01.862975 FEAT_PRFMSLC = 0 (0)
96600:00:01.862976 FEAT_RASv2 = 0 (0)
96700:00:01.862976 FEAT_RASSAv2 = 0 (0)
96800:00:01.862976 FEAT_RPRFM = 0 (0)
96900:00:01.862977 FEAT_SCTLR2 = 0 (0)
97000:00:01.862977 FEAT_SEBEP = 0 (0)
97100:00:01.862977 FEAT_SME_F16F16 = 0 (0)
97200:00:01.862978 FEAT_SME2 = 0 (0)
97300:00:01.862978 FEAT_SME2p1 = 0 (0)
97400:00:01.862978 FEAT_SPECRES2 = 0 (0)
97500:00:01.862979 FEAT_SPMU = 0 (0)
97600:00:01.862979 FEAT_SPEv1p4 = 0 (0)
97700:00:01.862980 FEAT_SPE_CRR = 0 (0)
97800:00:01.862980 FEAT_SPE_FDS = 0 (0)
97900:00:01.862980 FEAT_SVE2p1 = 0 (0)
98000:00:01.862981 FEAT_SVE_B16B16 = 0 (0)
98100:00:01.862981 FEAT_SYSINSTR128 = 0 (0)
98200:00:01.862981 FEAT_SYSREG128 = 0 (0)
98300:00:01.862982 FEAT_TCR2 = 0 (0)
98400:00:01.862982 FEAT_THE = 0 (0)
98500:00:01.862982 FEAT_TRBE_EXT = 0 (0)
98600:00:01.862983 FEAT_TRBE_MPAM = 0 (0)
98800:00:01.862983 ***************** End of CPU feature dump *******************
98900:00:01.862997 VMEmt: Halt method global1 (5) not available in driverless mode, using method1 (4) instead
99000:00:01.863019 Changing the VM state from 'CREATING' to 'CREATED'
99100:00:01.869425 NAT: DNS settings changed, triggering update
99200:00:01.872248 Changing the VM state from 'CREATED' to 'POWERING_ON'
99300:00:01.872270 AIOMgr: Endpoints without assigned bandwidth groups:
99400:00:01.872273 AIOMgr: /Users/nameunknown/26100.2033.241004-2336.ge_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_A64FRE_en-us.iso
99500:00:01.872276 AIOMgr: /Users/nameunknown/VirtualBox VMs/Windows/Windows.vdi
99600:00:01.872474 virtioCoreVirtqAvailBufCount: Driver not ready
99700:00:01.872513 virtioCoreVirtqAvailBufCount: Driver not ready
99800:00:01.872684 virtioCoreVirtqAvailBufCount: Driver not ready
99900:00:01.872790 virtioCoreVirtqAvailBufCount: Driver not ready
100000:00:01.873085 virtioCoreVirtqAvailBufCount: Driver not ready
100100:00:01.873590 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_ON' to 'RUNNING'
100200:00:01.873600 Console: Machine state changed to 'Running'
100300:00:02.278326 GUI: UIMachineViewNormal::resendSizeHint: Restoring guest size-hint for screen 0 to 800x600
100400:00:02.290328 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=1, Machine-state=6
100500:00:02.452562 Display::i_handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=0000000178000000 w=640 h=480 bpp=32 cbLine=0xA00 flags=0x1 origin=0,0
100600:00:02.459255 Display::i_handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=640 h=480 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0 flags=0x0 origin=0,0
100700:00:02.460805 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::performResize: Size=640x480, Using fallback buffer since no source bitmap is provided
100800:00:02.461677 Display::i_handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=0000000178000000 w=800 h=600 bpp=32 cbLine=0xC80 flags=0x1 origin=0,0
100900:00:02.463548 xHCI: Hardware reset
101000:00:02.466205 xHCI: USB Operational
101100:00:02.475935 xHCI: Root hub-attached device reset completed with VINF_SUCCESS
101200:00:02.789373 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished!
101300:00:07.689618 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'GURU_MEDITATION'
101400:00:07.689643 Console: Machine state changed to 'Stuck'
101500:00:07.689800 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
101600:00:07.689801 !!
101700:00:07.689801 !! VCPU0: Guru Meditation -1750 (VERR_CPUM_RAISE_GP_0)
101800:00:07.689803 !!
101900:00:07.689805 !!
102000:00:07.689805 !! {mappings, <NULL>}
102100:00:07.689805 !!
102200:00:07.689810 !!
102300:00:07.689810 !! {hma, <NULL>}
102400:00:07.689810 !!
102500:00:07.689811 !!
102600:00:07.689811 !! {cpumguest, verbose}
102700:00:07.689811 !!
102800:00:07.689813 Guest CPUM (VCPU 0) state:
102900:00:07.689814 x0=00000000783a23c8 x1=0000000000000001 x2=000000007f6e4a30 x3=0000000000000000
103000:00:07.689815 x4=0000000000000000 x5=00000000783c0000 x6=00000000783be000 x7=00000000ffffffff
103100:00:07.689815 x8=00000000ffffffff x9=0000000000000015 x10=0000000000000000 x11=000000007bfd0018
103200:00:07.689816 x12=0000000000000003 x13=00000000783be048 x14=00000000783be020 x15=0000000000000010
103300:00:07.689816 x16=000000007ba8920c x17=00002b992ddfa232 x18=0000000000000000 x19=0000000000000000
103400:00:07.689836 x20=00000000783a1000 x21=00000000783a1000 x22=00000000783a2000 x23=00000000783a1000
103500:00:07.689838 x24=000000007837b000 x25=00000000783a2360 x26=0000000000000000 x27=000000007ab0cf98
103600:00:07.689839 x28=0000000000000000 x29=000000007f6e49c0 x30=000000007834b5d4
103700:00:07.689839 pc=000000007834b600 pstate=0000000060000385 SP nM4 nT F nI nA nD nV C Z nN
103800:00:07.689839 sp_el0=000000007ba900a0 sp_el1=000000007f6e49c0 sctlr_el1=000000003010118d
103900:00:07.689840 tcr_el1=000000018080351c ttbr0_el1=000000007ffff000 ttbr1_el1=0000000000000000
104000:00:07.689840 vbar_el1=0000000078297000 elr_el1=000000007bb0c394 esr_el1=0000000000000000
104100:00:07.689841 contextidr_el1=0000000000000000 tpidrr0_el0=0000000000000000
104200:00:07.689841 tpidr_el0=000000007c01ef30 tpidr_el1=0000000000000000
104300:00:07.689841 far_el1=0000000000000000 mair_el1=00000000ffbb4400 par_el1=ff000000783a2b80
104400:00:07.689842 cntv_ctl_el0=0000000000000001 cntv_val_el0=0000000008522c75
104500:00:07.689842 afsr0_el1=0000000000000000 afsr0_el1=0000000000000000 amair_el1=0000000000000000
104600:00:07.689843 cntkctl_el1=0000000000000000 cpacr_el1=0000000000300000 csselr_el1=0000000000000000
104700:00:07.689843 mdccint_el1=0000000000000000
104800:00:07.689849 fpcr=0000000000000000 fpsr=0000000000000000
104900:00:07.689850 q0 =00000000'7f6e4a10'00000000'7f6e4a10 q1 =ffffff80'ffffffd0'00000000'7f6e49e0
105000:00:07.689852 q2 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q3 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105100:00:07.689853 q4 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q5 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105200:00:07.689855 q6 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q7 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105300:00:07.689856 q8 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q9 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105400:00:07.689858 q10=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q11=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105500:00:07.689859 q12=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q13=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105600:00:07.689861 q14=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q15=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105700:00:07.689862 q16=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q17=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105800:00:07.689864 q18=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q19=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
105900:00:07.689866 q20=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q21=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
106000:00:07.689867 q22=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q23=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
106100:00:07.689871 q24=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q25=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
106200:00:07.689873 q26=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q27=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
106300:00:07.689875 q28=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q29=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
106400:00:07.689877 q30=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q31=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
106500:00:07.689878 mdscr_el1=0000000000000000
106600:00:07.689879 DbgBp0 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
106700:00:07.689879 DbgBp1 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
106800:00:07.689880 DbgBp2 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
106900:00:07.689880 DbgBp3 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
107000:00:07.689881 DbgBp4 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
107100:00:07.689881 DbgBp5 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
107200:00:07.689882 DbgBp6 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
107300:00:07.689882 DbgBp7 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
107400:00:07.689883 DbgBp8 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
107500:00:07.689883 DbgBp9 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
107600:00:07.689884 DbgBp10: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
107700:00:07.689884 DbgBp11: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
107800:00:07.689885 DbgBp12: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
107900:00:07.689885 DbgBp13: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108000:00:07.689885 DbgBp14: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108100:00:07.689886 DbgBp15: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108200:00:07.689886 DbgWp0 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108300:00:07.689887 DbgWp1 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108400:00:07.689887 DbgWp2 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108500:00:07.689892 DbgWp3 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108600:00:07.689892 DbgWp4 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108700:00:07.689893 DbgWp5 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108800:00:07.689893 DbgWp6 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
108900:00:07.689894 DbgWp7 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109000:00:07.689894 DbgWp8 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109100:00:07.689895 DbgWp9 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109200:00:07.689895 DbgWp10: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109300:00:07.689896 DbgWp11: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109400:00:07.689896 DbgWp12: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109500:00:07.689897 DbgWp13: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109600:00:07.689897 DbgWp14: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109700:00:07.689898 DbgWp15: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
109800:00:07.689898 APDAKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
109900:00:07.689899 APDBKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
110000:00:07.689899 APGAKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
110100:00:07.689900 APIAKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
110200:00:07.689900 APIBKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
110300:00:07.689901 !!
110400:00:07.689901 !! {cpumguesthwvirt, verbose}
110500:00:07.689902 !!
110600:00:07.689905 !!
110700:00:07.689905 !! {cpumguestinstr, verbose}
110800:00:07.689905 !!
111000:00:07.689924 CPUM0: Disas -> VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
111300:00:07.689925 !!
111400:00:07.689925 !! {cpumhyper, verbose}
111500:00:07.689925 !!
111600:00:07.689925 !!
111700:00:07.689925 !! {cpumhost, verbose}
111800:00:07.689925 !!
111900:00:07.689926 !!
112000:00:07.689926 !! {mode, all}
112100:00:07.689926 !!
112200:00:07.689926 !!
112300:00:07.689926 !! {cpuid, verbose}
112400:00:07.689926 !!
112500:00:07.689927 ID register CLIDR_EL1: Host 0x81000023 Guest 0x81000023
112600:00:07.689928 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
112700:00:07.689929 Ctype1 - Cache 1 type field = 3 (3)
112800:00:07.689930 Ctype2 - Cache 2 type field = 4 (4)
112900:00:07.689931 Ctype3 - Cache 3 type field = 0 (0)
113000:00:07.689932 Ctype4 - Cache 4 type field = 0 (0)
113100:00:07.689933 Ctype5 - Cache 5 type field = 0 (0)
113200:00:07.689933 Ctype6 - Cache 6 type field = 0 (0)
113300:00:07.689934 Ctype7 - Cache 7 type field = 0 (0)
113400:00:07.689935 LoUIS - Level of Unification Inner Shareable = 0 (0)
113500:00:07.689936 LoC - Level of Coherence for the cache hierarchy = 1 (1)
113600:00:07.689936 LoUU - Level of Unification Uniprocessor = 0 (0)
113700:00:07.689937 ICB - Inner cache boundary = 2 (2)
113800:00:07.689938 Ttype1 - Cache 1 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
113900:00:07.689939 Ttype2 - Cache 2 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
114000:00:07.689939 Ttype3 - Cache 3 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
114100:00:07.689940 Ttype4 - Cache 4 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
114200:00:07.689941 Ttype5 - Cache 5 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
114300:00:07.689941 Ttype6 - Cache 6 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
114400:00:07.689942 Ttype7 - Cache 7 - Tag cache type = 0 (0)
114500:00:07.689943 Res0 - Reserved = 0x0 (0x0)
114600:00:07.689944 ID register ID_AA64PFR0_EL1: Host 0x1101000010111111 Guest 0x1101000010111111
114700:00:07.689945 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
114800:00:07.689945 EL0 - EL0 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
114900:00:07.689946 EL1 - EL1 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
115000:00:07.689947 EL2 - EL2 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
115100:00:07.689947 EL3 - EL3 Exception level handling = 1 (1)
115200:00:07.689948 FP - Floating-point = 1 (1)
115300:00:07.689949 AdvSIMD - Advanced SIMD = 1 (1)
115400:00:07.689950 GIC - System register GIC CPU interface = 0 (0)
115500:00:07.689951 RAS - RAS Extension version = 1 (1)
115600:00:07.689952 SVE - Scalable Vector Extension = 0 (0)
115700:00:07.689952 SEL2 - Secure EL2 = 0 (0)
115800:00:07.689954 MPAM - MPAM Extension major version number = 0 (0)
115900:00:07.689954 AMU - Activity Monitors Extension support = 0 (0)
116000:00:07.689955 DIT - Data Independent Timing = 1 (1)
116100:00:07.689956 RME - Realm Management Extension = 0 (0)
116200:00:07.689957 CSV2 - Speculative use of out of branch targets = 1 (1)
116300:00:07.689957 CSV3 - Speculative use of faulting data = 1 (1)
116400:00:07.689958 ID register ID_AA64PFR1_EL1: Host 0x20 Guest 0x20
116500:00:07.689958 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
116600:00:07.689959 BT - Branch Target Identification mechanism = 0 (0)
116700:00:07.689959 SSBS - Speculative Store Bypassing controls = 2 (2)
116800:00:07.689960 MTE - Memory Tagging Extension support = 0 (0)
116900:00:07.689961 RAS_frac - RAS Extension fractional field = 0 (0)
117000:00:07.689962 MPAM_frac - MPAM Extension minor version = 0 (0)
117100:00:07.689962 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
117200:00:07.689963 SME - Scalable Matrix Extension = 0 (0)
117300:00:07.689964 RNDR_trap - Random Number trap to EL3 = 0 (0)
117400:00:07.689965 CSV2_frac - CSV2 fractional version field = 0 (0)
117500:00:07.689965 NMI - Non-maskable Interrupt support = 0 (0)
117600:00:07.689966 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
117700:00:07.689967 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
117800:00:07.689969 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
117900:00:07.689970 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
118000:00:07.689971 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
118100:00:07.689972 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
118200:00:07.689974 ID register ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1: Host 0x221100110212120 Guest 0x221100110212120
118300:00:07.689975 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
118400:00:07.689975 AES - AES instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
118500:00:07.689976 SHA1 - SHA1 instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
118600:00:07.689976 SHA2 - SHA256/512 instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
118700:00:07.689977 CRC32 - CRC32 instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
118800:00:07.689978 ATOMIC - Atomic instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
118900:00:07.689979 TME - TME instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
119000:00:07.689979 RDM - SQRDMLAH/SQRDMLSH instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
119100:00:07.689980 SHA3 - SHA3 instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
119200:00:07.689981 SM3 - SM3 instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
119300:00:07.689981 SM4 - SM4 instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
119400:00:07.689982 DP - Dot Product instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
119500:00:07.689983 FHM - FMLAL/FMLSL instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
119600:00:07.689983 TS - Flag manipulation instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
119700:00:07.689984 TLB - TLB maintenance instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
119800:00:07.689985 RNDR - Random number instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
119900:00:07.689985 ID register ID_AA64ISAR1_EL1: Host 0x111110211402 Guest 0x111110211402
120000:00:07.689986 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
120100:00:07.689987 DPB - Data Persistance writeback support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
120200:00:07.689987 APA - QARMA5 PAuth support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
120300:00:07.689988 API - Impl defined PAuth support in AArch64 = 4 (4)
120400:00:07.689989 JSCVT - FJCVTZS instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
120500:00:07.689989 FCMA - FCMLA/FCADD instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
120600:00:07.689990 LRCPC - RCpc instruction support in AArch64 = 2 (2)
120700:00:07.689990 GPA - QARMA5 code authentication support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
120800:00:07.689991 GPI - Impl defined code authentication support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
120900:00:07.689991 FRINTTS - FRINT{32,64}{Z,X} instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
121000:00:07.689992 SB - SB instruction support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
121100:00:07.689993 SPECRES - Prediction invalidation support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
121200:00:07.689993 BF16 - BFloat16 support in AArch64 = 1 (1)
121300:00:07.689994 DGH - Data Gathering Hint support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
121400:00:07.689994 I8MM - Int8 matrix mul instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
121500:00:07.689995 XS - XS attribute support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
121600:00:07.689996 LS64 - LD64B and ST64B* instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
121700:00:07.689996 ID register ID_AA64ISAR2_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
121800:00:07.689997 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
121900:00:07.689997 WFxT - WFET/WFIT intruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
122000:00:07.689997 RPRES - Reciprocal 12 bit mantissa support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
122100:00:07.689998 GPA3 - QARMA3 code authentication support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
122200:00:07.689998 APA3 - QARMA3 PAuth support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
122300:00:07.689999 MOPS - Memory Copy and Set instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
122400:00:07.689999 BC - BC instruction support in AArch64 = 0 (0)
122500:00:07.690000 PAC_frac - ConstPACField() returns TRUE = 0 (0)
122600:00:07.690001 ID register ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1: Host 0x10010000f100001 Guest 0x10010000f100001
122700:00:07.690001 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
122800:00:07.690002 PARange - Physical address width = 1 (1)
122900:00:07.690003 ASIDBits - Number of ASID bits = 0 (0)
123000:00:07.690003 BigEnd - Mixed-endian configuration support = 0 (0)
123100:00:07.690004 SNSMem - Secure and Non-secure memory distinction = 0 (0)
123200:00:07.690005 BigEndEL0 - Mixed-endian support in EL0 only = 0 (0)
123300:00:07.690005 TGran16 - 16KiB memory granule size = 1 (1)
123400:00:07.690006 TGran64 - 64KiB memory granule size = 15 (15)
123500:00:07.690007 TGran4 - 4KiB memory granule size = 0 (0)
123600:00:07.690007 TGran16_2 - 16KiB memory granule size at stage 2 = 0 (0)
123700:00:07.690008 TGran64_2 - 64KiB memory granule size at stage 2 = 0 (0)
123800:00:07.690008 TGran4_2 - 4KiB memory granule size at stage 2 = 0 (0)
123900:00:07.690009 ExS - Disabling context synchronizing exception = 1 (1)
124000:00:07.690010 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
124100:00:07.690011 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
124200:00:07.690012 FGT - Fine-grained trap controls support = 1 (1)
124300:00:07.690012 ECV - Enhanced Counter Virtualization support = 0 (0)
124400:00:07.690013 ID register ID_AA64MMFR1_EL1: Host 0x11212000 Guest 0x11212000
124500:00:07.690013 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
124600:00:07.690014 HAFDBS - Hardware updates to Access/Dirty state = 0 (0)
124700:00:07.690014 VMIDBit - Number of VMID bits = 0 (0)
124800:00:07.690015 VH - Virtualization Host Extensions = 0 (0)
124900:00:07.690016 HPDS - Hierarchical Permission Disables = 2 (2)
125000:00:07.690016 LO - LORegions support = 1 (1)
125100:00:07.690017 PAN - Privileged Access Never = 2 (2)
125200:00:07.690018 SpecSEI - SError interrupt exception for speculative reads = 1 (1)
125300:00:07.690019 XNX - Execute-never control support = 1 (1)
125400:00:07.690019 TWED - Configurable delayed WFE trapping = 0 (0)
125500:00:07.690020 ETS - Enhanced Translation Synchronization support = 0 (0)
125600:00:07.690021 HCX - HCRX_EL2 support = 0 (0)
125700:00:07.690021 AFP - FPCR.{AH,FIZ,NEP} support = 0 (0)
125800:00:07.690022 nTLBPA - Caching of translation table walks = 0 (0)
125900:00:07.690023 TIDCP1 - FEAT_TIDCP1 support = 0 (0)
126000:00:07.690024 CMOW - Cache maintenance instruction permission = 0 (0)
126100:00:07.690024 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
126200:00:07.690025 ID register ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1: Host 0x1001001100001011 Guest 0x1001001100001011
126300:00:07.690026 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
126400:00:07.690026 CnP - Common not Private translation support = 1 (1)
126500:00:07.690027 UAO - User Access Override = 1 (1)
126600:00:07.690028 LSM - LSMAOE/nTLSMD bit support = 0 (0)
126700:00:07.690028 IESB - IESB bit support in SCTLR_ELx = 1 (1)
126800:00:07.690029 VARange - Large virtual address space support = 0 (0)
126900:00:07.690030 CCIDX - 64-bit CCSIDR_EL1 format = 0 (0)
127000:00:07.690031 NV - Nested Virtualization support = 0 (0)
127100:00:07.690031 ST - Small translation table support = 0 (0)
127200:00:07.690032 AT - Unaligned single-copy atomicity support = 1 (1)
127300:00:07.690033 IDS - FEAT_IDST support = 1 (1)
127400:00:07.690034 FWB - HCR_EL2.FWB support = 0 (0)
127500:00:07.690035 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
127600:00:07.690036 TTL - TTL field support in address operations = 1 (1)
127700:00:07.690036 BBM - FEAT_BBM support = 0 (0)
127800:00:07.690038 EVT - Enhanced Virtualization Traps support = 0 (0)
127900:00:07.690038 E0PD - E0PD mechanism support = 1 (1)
128000:00:07.690039 ID register ID_AA64DFR0_EL1: Host 0x10305006 Guest 0x10305006
128100:00:07.690040 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
128200:00:07.690040 DebugVer - Debug architecture version = 6 (6)
128300:00:07.690041 TraceVer - Trace support = 0 (0)
128400:00:07.690042 PMUVer - Performance Monitors Extension version = 0 (0)
128500:00:07.690043 BRPs - Number of breakpoints minus 1 = 5 (5)
128600:00:07.690043 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
128700:00:07.690044 WRPs - Number of watchpoints minus 1 = 3 (3)
128800:00:07.690045 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
128900:00:07.690046 CTX_CMPs - Number of context-aware breakpoints minus 1 = 1 (1)
129000:00:07.690047 PMSVer - Statistical Profiling Extension version = 0 (0)
129100:00:07.690047 DoubleLock - OS Double Lock support = 0 (0)
129200:00:07.690048 TraceFilt - Armv8.4 Self-hosted Trace Extension version = 0 (0)
129300:00:07.690049 TraceBuffer - Trace Buffer Extension = 0 (0)
129400:00:07.690050 MTPMU - Multi-threaded PMU extension = 0 (0)
129500:00:07.690051 BRBE - Branch Record Buffer Extension = 0 (0)
129600:00:07.690052 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
129700:00:07.690053 HPMN0 - Zero PMU event counters for guest = 0 (0)
129800:00:07.690054 ID register ID_AA64DFR1_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
129900:00:07.690054 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
130000:00:07.690055 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130100:00:07.690056 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130200:00:07.690057 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130300:00:07.690058 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130400:00:07.690060 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130500:00:07.690061 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130600:00:07.690062 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130700:00:07.690063 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130800:00:07.690064 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
130900:00:07.690065 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
131000:00:07.690066 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
131100:00:07.690067 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
131200:00:07.690068 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
131300:00:07.690069 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
131400:00:07.690070 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
131500:00:07.690071 Res0 - Reserved = 0 (0)
131600:00:07.690072 ID register ID_AA64AFR0_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
131700:00:07.690072 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
131800:00:07.690072 ImpDef - Implementation defined = 0x0 (0x0)
131900:00:07.690073 ID register ID_AA64AFR1_EL1: Host 0x0 Guest 0x0
132000:00:07.690074 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
132100:00:07.690074 ImpDef - Implementation defined = 0x0 (0x0)
132200:00:07.690075 !!
132300:00:07.690075 !! {handlers, phys virt hyper stats}
132400:00:07.690075 !!
132500:00:07.690075 !!
132600:00:07.690075 !! {timers, <NULL>}
132700:00:07.690076 !!
132800:00:07.690076 Timers (pVM=0000000130404000)
132900:00:07.690077 pTimerR3 offNext offPrev offSched Clock Time Expire HzHint State Description
133000:00:07.690079 0000000130008080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Real 469996 0 0 1-STOPPED BlkCache-Commit
133100:00:07.690082 0000000130008100 00000006 ffffffff ffffffff Real 469996 470011 0 2-ACTIVE VGA Refresh
133200:00:07.690084 0000000130008180 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Real 469996 0 0 1-STOPPED AudioEnum-0
133300:00:07.690085 0000000130008200 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Real 469996 0 0 1-STOPPED AudioEnum-1[1]
133400:00:07.690086 0000000130008280 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Real 469996 0 0 1-STOPPED AudioEnum-2[2]
133500:00:07.690088 0000000130008300 ffffffff 00000002 ffffffff Real 469996 470191 0 2-ACTIVE CPU Load Timer
133600:00:07.690090 00000001300c0080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Virt 5815542291 0 0 1-STOPPED Heartbeat flatlined
133700:00:07.690091 00000001300c0100 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Virt 5815542291 0 0 1-STOPPED E1000 Late IRQ
133800:00:07.690093 00000001300c0180 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Virt 5815542291 5000000000 0 1-STOPPED E1000 Link Up
133900:00:07.690094 00000001300c0200 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Virt 5815542291 0 0 1-STOPPED xHCI MFINDEX Wrap
134000:00:07.690096 00000001300c0280 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Virt 5815542291 0 0 1-STOPPED Button depress timer
134100:00:07.690097 00000001300c0300 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff Virt 5815542291 599523708 0 1-STOPPED VUSB Reset #1
134200:00:07.690105 000000013002c080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED PL031 RTC Second
134300:00:07.690106 000000013002c100 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD0
134400:00:07.690107 000000013002c180 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD1
134500:00:07.690109 000000013002c200 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD2
134600:00:07.690110 000000013002c280 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD3
134700:00:07.690111 000000013002c300 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD4
134800:00:07.690113 000000013002c380 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD5
134900:00:07.690115 000000013002c400 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD6
135000:00:07.690116 000000013002c480 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff VrSy 0 0 0 1-STOPPED HDA SD7
135100:00:07.690118 !!
135200:00:07.690118 !! {activetimers, <NULL>}
135300:00:07.690119 !!
135400:00:07.690119 Active Timers (pVM=0000000130404000)
135500:00:07.690119 pTimerR3 offNext offPrev offSched Clock Time Expire HzHint State Description
135600:00:07.690124 0000000130008100 00000006 ffffffff ffffffff Real 469996 470011 0 2-ACTIVE VGA Refresh
135700:00:07.690126 0000000130008300 ffffffff 00000002 ffffffff Real 469996 470191 0 2-ACTIVE CPU Load Timer
135800:00:07.690129 !!
135900:00:07.690129 !! {bugcheck}
136000:00:07.690129 !!
136100:00:07.690130 No bug check reported.
136200:00:07.690131 !!
136300:00:07.690131 !! {cfgm}
136400:00:07.690131 !!
136500:00:07.690131 pRoot=00006000004b9fa0:{/}
136600:00:07.690132 [/] (level 0)
136700:00:07.690133 CpuExecutionCap <integer> = 0x0000000000000064 (100)
136800:00:07.690134 Name <string> = "Windows" (cb=8)
136900:00:07.690135 NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
137000:00:07.690136 TimerMillies <integer> = 0x000000000000000a (10)
137100:00:07.690136 UUID <bytes> = "bd 7a 21 0b 52 75 c3 47 97 9d fc 0e dd 83 3a 30" (cb=16)
137300:00:07.690138 [/CPUM/] (level 1)
137500:00:07.690139 [/Devices/] (level 1)
137700:00:07.690140 [/Devices/3c501/] (level 2)
137900:00:07.690141 [/Devices/VMMDev/] (level 2)
138100:00:07.690141 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/] (level 3)
138200:00:07.690142 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
138300:00:07.690143 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
138400:00:07.690143 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
138500:00:07.690144 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
138700:00:07.690144 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
138800:00:07.690146 GuestCoreDumpDir <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/VirtualBox VMs/Windows/Snapshots" (cb=52)
138900:00:07.690146 MmioReq <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
139100:00:07.690147 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
139200:00:07.690148 Driver <string> = "HGCM" (cb=5)
139400:00:07.690148 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
139600:00:07.690149 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
139700:00:07.690150 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
139900:00:07.690150 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
140000:00:07.690151 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
140100:00:07.690152 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
140200:00:07.690152 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
140300:00:07.690153 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
140500:00:07.690153 [/Devices/arm-pl011/] (level 2)
140700:00:07.690154 [/Devices/arm-pl031-rtc/] (level 2)
140900:00:07.690155 [/Devices/arm-pl031-rtc/0/] (level 3)
141100:00:07.690155 [/Devices/arm-pl031-rtc/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
141200:00:07.690156 Irq <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
141300:00:07.690157 MmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101010000 (4 311 810 048)
141400:00:07.690157 UtcOffset <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
141600:00:07.690158 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/] (level 2)
141800:00:07.690158 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/] (level 3)
142000:00:07.690159 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
142100:00:07.690160 Irq <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
142200:00:07.690160 MmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101011000 (4 311 814 144)
142400:00:07.690161 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
142500:00:07.690161 Driver <string> = "GpioButton" (cb=11)
142700:00:07.690161 [/Devices/arm-pl061-gpio/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
142800:00:07.690162 PowerButtonGpio <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
142900:00:07.690163 SleepButtonGpio <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
143100:00:07.690163 [/Devices/dp8390/] (level 2)
143300:00:07.690164 [/Devices/e1000/] (level 2)
143500:00:07.690164 [/Devices/e1000/0/] (level 3)
143600:00:07.690165 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
143700:00:07.690165 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000008 (8)
143800:00:07.690165 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
143900:00:07.690166 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
144100:00:07.690166 [/Devices/e1000/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
144200:00:07.690167 AdapterType <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
144300:00:07.690168 CableConnected <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
144400:00:07.690168 LineSpeed <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
144500:00:07.690169 MAC <bytes> = "08 00 27 65 70 3b" (cb=6)
144700:00:07.690170 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
144800:00:07.690170 Driver <string> = "NAT" (cb=4)
145000:00:07.690171 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
145100:00:07.690171 AliasMode <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
145200:00:07.690172 BootFile <string> = "Windows.pxe" (cb=12)
145300:00:07.690173 DNSProxy <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
145400:00:07.690173 LocalhostReachable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
145500:00:07.690174 Network <string> = "" (cb=12)
145600:00:07.690174 PassDomain <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
145700:00:07.690175 TFTPPrefix <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/Library/VirtualBox/TFTP" (cb=43)
145800:00:07.690176 UseHostResolver <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
146000:00:07.690176 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
146100:00:07.690177 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
146300:00:07.690178 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
146400:00:07.690178 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
146500:00:07.690179 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
146600:00:07.690180 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
146700:00:07.690181 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
146900:00:07.690181 [/Devices/flash-cfi/] (level 2)
147100:00:07.690182 [/Devices/flash-cfi/0/] (level 3)
147300:00:07.690183 [/Devices/flash-cfi/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
147400:00:07.690184 BaseAddress <integer> = 0x0000000004000000 (67 108 864)
147500:00:07.690185 FlashFile <string> = "nvram" (cb=6)
147600:00:07.690185 Size <integer> = 0x00000000000c0000 (786 432, 768.0 KiB)
147800:00:07.690187 [/Devices/flash-cfi/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
147900:00:07.690188 Driver <string> = "NvramStore" (cb=11)
148100:00:07.690188 [/Devices/flash-cfi/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
148300:00:07.690190 [/Devices/gic/] (level 2)
148500:00:07.690190 [/Devices/gic/0/] (level 3)
148600:00:07.690191 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
148800:00:07.690192 [/Devices/gic/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
148900:00:07.690192 DistributorMmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101000000 (4 311 744 512)
149000:00:07.690193 RedistributorMmioBase <integer> = 0x0000000100000000 (4 294 967 296)
149200:00:07.690194 [/Devices/hda/] (level 2)
149400:00:07.690194 [/Devices/hda/0/] (level 3)
149500:00:07.690195 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
149600:00:07.690196 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
149700:00:07.690196 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
149800:00:07.690196 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
150000:00:07.690197 [/Devices/hda/0/AudioConfig/] (level 4)
150200:00:07.690198 [/Devices/hda/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
150300:00:07.690199 DebugEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
150500:00:07.690200 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
150600:00:07.690200 Driver <string> = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
150800:00:07.690201 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
150900:00:07.690202 Driver <string> = "CoreAudio" (cb=10)
151100:00:07.690202 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) (restricted root)
151300:00:07.690203 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
151400:00:07.690204 DriverName <string> = "CoreAudio" (cb=10)
151500:00:07.690205 InputEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
151600:00:07.690205 OutputEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
151800:00:07.690206 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
151900:00:07.690206 Driver <string> = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
152100:00:07.690207 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
152300:00:07.690208 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#2/] (level 4)
152400:00:07.690208 Driver <string> = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
152600:00:07.690209 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#2/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
152800:00:07.690210 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam/] (level 2)
153000:00:07.690210 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam/0/] (level 3)
153200:00:07.690211 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
153300:00:07.690212 IntPinA <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
153400:00:07.690213 IntPinB <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
153500:00:07.690213 IntPinC <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
153600:00:07.690214 IntPinD <integer> = 0x0000000000000005 (5)
153700:00:07.690215 MmioEcamBase <integer> = 0x0000000101030000 (4 311 941 120)
153800:00:07.690215 MmioEcamLength <integer> = 0x0000000001000000 (16 777 216)
153900:00:07.690216 MmioPioBase <integer> = 0x0000000101020000 (4 311 875 584)
154000:00:07.690216 MmioPioSize <integer> = 0x0000000000010000 (65 536, 64.0 KiB)
154200:00:07.690217 [/Devices/pci-generic-ecam-bridge/] (level 2)
154400:00:07.690218 [/Devices/pcnet/] (level 2)
154600:00:07.690219 [/Devices/platform/] (level 2)
154800:00:07.690220 [/Devices/platform/0/] (level 3)
155000:00:07.690220 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
155100:00:07.690221 ResourceNamespace <string> = "resources" (cb=10)
155300:00:07.690222 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/Resources/] (level 5)
155500:00:07.690222 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/Resources/ArmV8Desc/] (level 6)
155600:00:07.690223 GCPhysLoadAddress <integer> = 0x0000000008000000 (134 217 728)
155700:00:07.690224 RegisterAsRom <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
155800:00:07.690225 ResourceId <string> = "VBoxArmV8Desc" (cb=14)
156000:00:07.690225 [/Devices/platform/0/Config/Resources/EfiRom/] (level 6)
156100:00:07.690226 GCPhysLoadAddress <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
156200:00:07.690226 RegisterAsRom <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
156300:00:07.690227 ResourceId <string> = "VBoxEFIAArch64.fd" (cb=18)
156500:00:07.690228 [/Devices/platform/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
156600:00:07.690228 Driver <string> = "ResourceStore" (cb=14)
156800:00:07.690228 [/Devices/platform/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
157000:00:07.690229 [/Devices/usb-xhci/] (level 2)
157200:00:07.690230 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/] (level 3)
157300:00:07.690230 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
157400:00:07.690231 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000006 (6)
157500:00:07.690231 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
157600:00:07.690232 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
157800:00:07.690232 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
158000:00:07.690233 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
158100:00:07.690233 Driver <string> = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
158300:00:07.690234 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
158500:00:07.690234 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
158600:00:07.690235 Driver <string> = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
158800:00:07.690235 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
159000:00:07.690236 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
159100:00:07.690237 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
159300:00:07.690237 [/Devices/usb-xhci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
159400:00:07.690238 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
159500:00:07.690238 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
159600:00:07.690239 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
159700:00:07.690239 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
159900:00:07.690240 [/Devices/vga/] (level 2)
160100:00:07.690240 [/Devices/vga/0/] (level 3)
160200:00:07.690241 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
160300:00:07.690241 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
160400:00:07.690242 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
160500:00:07.690242 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
160700:00:07.690243 [/Devices/vga/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
160800:00:07.690244 3DEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
160900:00:07.690244 CustomVideoModes <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
161000:00:07.690245 FadeIn <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
161100:00:07.690246 FadeOut <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
161200:00:07.690246 HeightReduction <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
161300:00:07.690247 LogoFile <string> = "" (cb=1)
161400:00:07.690248 LogoTime <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
161500:00:07.690248 MonitorCount <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
161600:00:07.690249 ShowBootMenu <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
161700:00:07.690250 VMSVGA3dEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
161800:00:07.690250 VMSVGAEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
161900:00:07.690251 VMSVGAPciBarLayout <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
162000:00:07.690251 VMSVGAPciId <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
162100:00:07.690252 VRamSize <integer> = 0x0000000008000000 (134 217 728, 128.0 MiB)
162200:00:07.690253 VmSvga3 <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
162300:00:07.690254 VmSvgaExposeLegacyVga <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
162500:00:07.690254 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
162600:00:07.690255 Driver <string> = "MainDisplay" (cb=12)
162800:00:07.690256 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
163000:00:07.690257 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
163100:00:07.690257 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
163300:00:07.690258 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
163400:00:07.690259 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
163500:00:07.690259 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
163600:00:07.690260 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
163700:00:07.690260 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
163900:00:07.690261 [/Devices/virtio-net/] (level 2)
164100:00:07.690262 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/] (level 2)
164300:00:07.690262 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/] (level 3)
164400:00:07.690263 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
164500:00:07.690263 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
164600:00:07.690264 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
164700:00:07.690264 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
164900:00:07.690264 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
165000:00:07.690265 Bootable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
165100:00:07.690265 NumTargets <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
165300:00:07.690266 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
165400:00:07.690266 Driver <string> = "SCSI" (cb=5)
165600:00:07.690267 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
165700:00:07.690268 Driver <string> = "VD" (cb=3)
165900:00:07.690268 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) (restricted root)
166000:00:07.690269 BlockCache <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
166100:00:07.690269 Format <string> = "VDI" (cb=4)
166200:00:07.690270 Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
166300:00:07.690270 Path <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/VirtualBox VMs/Windows/Windows.vdi" (cb=54)
166400:00:07.690271 Type <string> = "HardDisk" (cb=9)
166500:00:07.690271 UseNewIo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
166700:00:07.690272 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/VDConfig/] (level 7)
166800:00:07.690272 AllocationBlockSize <string> = "1048576" (cb=8)
167000:00:07.690273 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
167200:00:07.690274 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
167300:00:07.690274 Driver <string> = "SCSI" (cb=5)
167500:00:07.690275 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
167600:00:07.690275 Driver <string> = "VD" (cb=3)
167800:00:07.690276 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) (restricted root)
167900:00:07.690277 Format <string> = "RAW" (cb=4)
168000:00:07.690277 Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
168100:00:07.690277 Path <string> = "/Users/nameunknown/26100.2033.241004-2336.ge_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_A64FRE_en-us.iso" (cb=101)
168200:00:07.690278 ReadOnly <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
168300:00:07.690278 Type <string> = "DVD" (cb=4)
168400:00:07.690279 UseNewIo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
168600:00:07.690279 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
168800:00:07.690280 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
168900:00:07.690281 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
169100:00:07.690281 [/Devices/virtio-scsi/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
169200:00:07.690282 DeviceInstance <string> = "virtio-scsi/0" (cb=14)
169300:00:07.690282 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
169400:00:07.690283 HasMediumAttachments <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
169500:00:07.690283 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
169600:00:07.690284 iLedSet <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
169800:00:07.690284 [/MM/] (level 1)
170000:00:07.690285 [/MM/MemRegions/] (level 2)
170200:00:07.690285 [/MM/MemRegions/Conventional/] (level 3)
170300:00:07.690286 GCPhysStart <integer> = 0x0000000040000000 (1 073 741 824)
170400:00:07.690287 Size <integer> = 0x0000000040000000 (1 073 741 824, 1.0 GiB)
170600:00:07.690288 [/NEM/] (level 1)
170700:00:07.690288 VTimerInterrupt <integer> = 0x000000000000000b (11)
170900:00:07.690289 [/PDM/] (level 1)
171100:00:07.690290 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/] (level 2)
171300:00:07.690290 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/] (level 3)
171500:00:07.690291 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/BwGroups/] (level 4)
171700:00:07.690292 [/PDM/BlkCache/] (level 2)
171800:00:07.690292 CacheSize <integer> = 0x0000000000500000 (5 242 880, 5.0 MiB)
172000:00:07.690293 [/PDM/Devices/] (level 2)
172200:00:07.690294 [/PDM/Drivers/] (level 2)
172400:00:07.690294 [/PDM/Drivers/VBoxC/] (level 3)
172500:00:07.690295 Path <string> = "/Applications/" (cb=61)
172700:00:07.690296 [/PDM/NetworkShaper/] (level 2)
172900:00:07.690296 [/PDM/NetworkShaper/BwGroups/] (level 3)
173100:00:07.690297 [/TM/] (level 1)
173300:00:07.690298 [/USB/] (level 1)
173500:00:07.690298 [/USB/HidKeyboard/] (level 2)
173700:00:07.690299 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/] (level 3)
173900:00:07.690299 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/Config/] (level 4) (restricted root)
174100:00:07.690300 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
174200:00:07.690301 Driver <string> = "KeyboardQueue" (cb=14)
174400:00:07.690302 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
174500:00:07.690302 Driver <string> = "MainKeyboard" (cb=13)
174700:00:07.690303 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) (restricted root)
174900:00:07.690304 [/USB/HidKeyboard/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) (restricted root)
175000:00:07.690305 QueueSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000040 (64, 64 B)
175200:00:07.690306 [/USB/HidKeyboard/GlobalConfig/] (level 3) (restricted root)
175400:00:07.690307 [/USB/USBProxy/] (level 2)
175600:00:07.690307 [/USB/USBProxy/GlobalConfig/] (level 3)
175800:00:07.690308 !!
175900:00:07.690309 !! {clocks}
176000:00:07.690309 !!
176100:00:07.690309 Cpu Tick: 139573035 (0x0000000851b72b) 1032407296Hz paused - virtualized - native api
176200:00:07.690311 Virtual: 5815542291 (0x0000015aa22213) 1000000000Hz paused
176300:00:07.690312 VirtSync: 0 (0x00000000000000) paused
176400:00:07.690313 Real: 469996 (0x00000000072bec) 1000Hz
176500:00:07.690314 !!
176600:00:07.690314 !! {cpufeat}
176700:00:07.690314 !!
176800:00:07.690315 Features = guest
176900:00:07.690315 FEAT_TGRAN4K = 1
177000:00:07.690316 FEAT_TGRAN16K = 1
177100:00:07.690317 FEAT_TGRAN64K = 0
177200:00:07.690318 FEAT_AdvSIMD = 1
177300:00:07.690318 FEAT_AES = 1
177400:00:07.690319 FEAT_PMULL = 1
177500:00:07.690321 FEAT_CP15DISABLE2 = 0
177600:00:07.690321 FEAT_CSV2 = 1
177700:00:07.690322 FEAT_CSV2_1p1 = 0
177800:00:07.690323 FEAT_CSV2_1p2 = 0
177900:00:07.690324 FEAT_CSV3 = 0
178000:00:07.690324 FEAT_DGH = 0
178100:00:07.690326 FEAT_DOUBLELOCK = 1
178200:00:07.690327 FEAT_ETS2 = 0
178300:00:07.690327 FEAT_FP = 1
178400:00:07.690328 FEAT_IVIPT = 0
178500:00:07.690329 FEAT_PCSRv8 = 0
178600:00:07.690330 FEAT_SPECRES = 1
178700:00:07.690331 FEAT_RAS = 1
178800:00:07.690332 FEAT_SB = 1
178900:00:07.690333 FEAT_SHA1 = 1
179000:00:07.690334 FEAT_SHA256 = 1
179100:00:07.690334 FEAT_SSBS = 1
179200:00:07.690335 FEAT_SSBS2 = 1
179300:00:07.690336 FEAT_CRC32 = 1
179400:00:07.690337 FEAT_nTLBPA = 0
179500:00:07.690337 FEAT_Debugv8p1 = 0
179600:00:07.690338 FEAT_HPDS = 1
179700:00:07.690339 FEAT_LOR = 1
179800:00:07.690339 FEAT_LSE = 1
179900:00:07.690340 FEAT_PAN = 1
180000:00:07.690341 FEAT_PMUv3p1 = 0
180100:00:07.690342 FEAT_RDM = 1
180200:00:07.690343 FEAT_HAFDBS = 0
180300:00:07.690343 FEAT_VHE = 0
180400:00:07.690344 FEAT_VMID16 = 0
180500:00:07.690345 FEAT_AA32BF16 = 0
180600:00:07.690345 FEAT_AA32HPD = 0
180700:00:07.690346 FEAT_AA32I8MM = 0
180800:00:07.690347 FEAT_PAN2 = 1
180900:00:07.690347 FEAT_BF16 = 1
181000:00:07.690348 FEAT_DPB2 = 1
181100:00:07.690349 FEAT_DPB = 1
181200:00:07.690349 FEAT_Debugv8p2 = 0
181300:00:07.690350 FEAT_DotProd = 1
181400:00:07.690351 FEAT_EVT = 0
181500:00:07.690352 FEAT_F32MM = 0
181600:00:07.690353 FEAT_F64MM = 0
181700:00:07.690353 FEAT_FHM = 1
181800:00:07.690354 FEAT_FP16 = 1
181900:00:07.690355 FEAT_I8MM = 0
182000:00:07.690355 FEAT_IESB = 1
182100:00:07.690356 FEAT_LPA = 0
182200:00:07.690357 FEAT_LSMAOC = 0
182300:00:07.690358 FEAT_LVA = 0
182400:00:07.690359 FEAT_MPAM = 0
182500:00:07.690359 FEAT_PCSRv8p2 = 0
182600:00:07.690360 FEAT_SHA3 = 1
182700:00:07.690361 FEAT_SHA512 = 1
182800:00:07.690361 FEAT_SM3 = 0
182900:00:07.690362 FEAT_SM4 = 0
183000:00:07.690363 FEAT_SPE = 0
183100:00:07.690364 FEAT_SVE = 0
183200:00:07.690365 FEAT_TTCNP = 1
183300:00:07.690365 FEAT_HPDS2 = 1
183400:00:07.690366 FEAT_XNX = 1
183500:00:07.690367 FEAT_UAO = 1
183600:00:07.690368 FEAT_VPIPT = 0
183700:00:07.690369 FEAT_CCIDX = 0
183800:00:07.690370 FEAT_FCMA = 1
183900:00:07.690370 FEAT_DoPD = 0
184000:00:07.690372 FEAT_EPAC = 0
184100:00:07.690372 FEAT_FPAC = 0
184200:00:07.690373 FEAT_FPACCOMBINE = 0
184300:00:07.690374 FEAT_JSCVT = 1
184400:00:07.690375 FEAT_LRCPC = 1
184500:00:07.690375 FEAT_NV = 0
184600:00:07.690377 FEAT_PACQARMA5 = 0
184700:00:07.690378 FEAT_PACIMP = 1
184800:00:07.690378 FEAT_PAuth = 0
184900:00:07.690379 FEAT_PAuth2 = 0
185000:00:07.690380 FEAT_SPEv1p1 = 0
185100:00:07.690381 FEAT_AMUv1 = 0
185200:00:07.690382 FEAT_CNTSC = 0
185300:00:07.690383 FEAT_Debugv8p4 = 0
185400:00:07.690383 FEAT_DoubleFault = 0
185500:00:07.690384 FEAT_DIT = 1
185600:00:07.690385 FEAT_FlagM = 1
185700:00:07.690386 FEAT_IDST = 1
185800:00:07.690387 FEAT_LRCPC2 = 1
185900:00:07.690388 FEAT_LSE2 = 1
186000:00:07.690388 FEAT_NV2 = 0
186100:00:07.690389 FEAT_PMUv3p4 = 0
186200:00:07.690390 FEAT_RASv1p1 = 0
186300:00:07.690391 FEAT_RASSAv1p1 = 0
186400:00:07.690392 FEAT_S2FWB = 0
186500:00:07.690392 FEAT_SEL2 = 0
186600:00:07.690393 FEAT_TLBIOS = 1
186700:00:07.690394 FEAT_TLBIRANGE = 1
186800:00:07.690395 FEAT_TRF = 0
186900:00:07.690396 FEAT_TTL = 1
187000:00:07.690397 FEAT_BBM = 0
187100:00:07.690397 FEAT_TTST = 0
187200:00:07.690398 FEAT_BTI = 0
187300:00:07.690399 FEAT_FlagM2 = 1
187400:00:07.690400 FEAT_ExS = 1
187500:00:07.690400 FEAT_E0PD = 1
187600:00:07.690401 FEAT_FRINTTS = 1
187700:00:07.690402 FEAT_GTG = 0
187800:00:07.690403 FEAT_MTE = 0
187900:00:07.690404 FEAT_MTE2 = 0
188000:00:07.690405 FEAT_PMUv3p5 = 0
188100:00:07.690406 FEAT_RNG = 0
188200:00:07.690407 FEAT_AMUv1p1 = 0
188300:00:07.690408 FEAT_ECV = 0
188400:00:07.690408 FEAT_FGT = 1
188500:00:07.690410 FEAT_MPAMv0p1 = 0
188600:00:07.690410 FEAT_MPAMv1p1 = 0
188700:00:07.690411 FEAT_MTPMU = 0
188800:00:07.690412 FEAT_TWED = 0
188900:00:07.690413 FEAT_ETMv4 = 0
189000:00:07.690414 FEAT_ETMv4p1 = 0
189100:00:07.690415 FEAT_ETMv4p2 = 0
189200:00:07.690416 FEAT_ETMv4p3 = 0
189300:00:07.690417 FEAT_ETMv4p4 = 0
189400:00:07.690417 FEAT_ETMv4p5 = 0
189500:00:07.690418 FEAT_ETMv4p6 = 0
189600:00:07.690419 FEAT_GICv3 = 0
189700:00:07.690420 FEAT_GICv3p1 = 0
189800:00:07.690420 FEAT_GICv3_TDIR = 0
189900:00:07.690421 FEAT_GICv4 = 0
190000:00:07.690425 FEAT_GICv4p1 = 0
190100:00:07.690426 FEAT_PMUv3 = 0
190200:00:07.690427 FEAT_ETE = 0
190300:00:07.690428 FEAT_ETEv1p1 = 0
190400:00:07.690429 FEAT_ETEv1p2 = 0
190500:00:07.690429 FEAT_SVE2 = 0
190600:00:07.690430 FEAT_SVE_AES = 0
190700:00:07.690431 FEAT_SVE_PMULL128 = 0
190800:00:07.690432 FEAT_SVE_BitPerm = 0
190900:00:07.690433 FEAT_SVE_SHA3 = 0
191000:00:07.690434 FEAT_SVE_SM4 = 0
191100:00:07.690434 FEAT_TME = 0
191200:00:07.690435 FEAT_TRBE = 0
191300:00:07.690436 FEAT_SME = 0
191400:00:07.690437 FEAT_AFP = 0
191500:00:07.690438 FEAT_HCX = 0
191600:00:07.690439 FEAT_LPA2 = 0
191700:00:07.690440 FEAT_LS64 = 0
191800:00:07.690441 FEAT_LS64_V = 0
191900:00:07.690441 FEAT_LS64_ACCDATA = 0
192000:00:07.690442 FEAT_MTE3 = 0
192100:00:07.690443 FEAT_PAN3 = 0
192200:00:07.690444 FEAT_PMUv3p7 = 0
192300:00:07.690445 FEAT_RPRES = 0
192400:00:07.690446 FEAT_RME = 0
192500:00:07.690447 FEAT_SME_FA64 = 0
192600:00:07.690448 FEAT_SME_F64F64 = 0
192700:00:07.690448 FEAT_SME_I16I64 = 0
192800:00:07.690449 FEAT_SPEv1p2 = 0
192900:00:07.690450 FEAT_EBF16 = 0
193000:00:07.690451 FEAT_WFxT = 0
193100:00:07.690451 FEAT_XS = 0
193200:00:07.690452 FEAT_BRBE = 0
193300:00:07.690454 FEAT_CMOW = 0
193400:00:07.690454 FEAT_CONSTPACFIELD = 0
193500:00:07.690455 FEAT_Debugv8p8 = 0
193600:00:07.690456 FEAT_HBC = 0
193700:00:07.690457 FEAT_HPMN0 = 0
193800:00:07.690457 FEAT_NMI = 0
193900:00:07.690458 FEAT_GICv3_NMI = 0
194000:00:07.690459 FEAT_MOPS = 0
194100:00:07.690460 FEAT_PACQARMA3 = 0
194200:00:07.690461 FEAT_PMUv3_TH = 0
194300:00:07.690462 FEAT_PMUv3p8 = 0
194400:00:07.690463 FEAT_PMUv3_EXT64 = 0
194500:00:07.690463 FEAT_PMUv3_EXT32 = 0
194600:00:07.690464 FEAT_PMUv3_EXT = 0
194700:00:07.690464 FEAT_RNG_TRAP = 0
194800:00:07.690465 FEAT_SPEv1p3 = 0
194900:00:07.690466 FEAT_TIDCP1 = 0
195000:00:07.690467 FEAT_BRBEv1p1 = 0
195100:00:07.690467 FEAT_ABLE = 0
195200:00:07.690468 FEAT_ADERR = 0
195300:00:07.690468 FEAT_AIE = 0
195400:00:07.690469 FEAT_ANERR = 0
195500:00:07.690470 FEAT_BWE = 0
195600:00:07.690471 FEAT_CLRBHB = 0
195700:00:07.690471 FEAT_CHK = 0
195800:00:07.690472 FEAT_CSSC = 0
195900:00:07.690473 FEAT_CSV2_3 = 0
196000:00:07.690473 FEAT_D128 = 0
196100:00:07.690474 FEAT_Debugv8p9 = 0
196200:00:07.690475 FEAT_DoubleFault2 = 0
196300:00:07.690475 FEAT_EBEP = 0
196400:00:07.690476 FEAT_ECBHB = 0
196500:00:07.690477 FEAT_EDHSR = 0
196600:00:07.690478 FEAT_ETEv1p3 = 0
196700:00:07.690478 FEAT_FGT2 = 0
196800:00:07.690479 FEAT_GCS = 0
196900:00:07.690480 FEAT_HAFT = 0
197000:00:07.690481 FEAT_ITE = 0
197100:00:07.690481 FEAT_LRCPC3 = 0
197200:00:07.690482 FEAT_LSE128 = 0
197300:00:07.690483 FEAT_LVA3 = 0
197400:00:07.690483 FEAT_MEC = 0
197500:00:07.690484 FEAT_MTE4 = 0
197600:00:07.690485 FEAT_MTE_CANONICAL_TAGS = 0
197700:00:07.690485 FEAT_MTE_TAGGED_FAR = 0
197800:00:07.690486 FEAT_MTE_STORE_ONLY = 0
197900:00:07.690486 FEAT_MTE_NO_ADDRESS_TAGS = 0
198000:00:07.690487 FEAT_MTE_ASYM_FAULT = 0
198100:00:07.690487 FEAT_MTE_ASYNC = 0
198200:00:07.690488 FEAT_MTE_PERM_S1 = 0
198300:00:07.690489 FEAT_PCSRv8p9 = 0
198400:00:07.690489 FEAT_S1PIE = 0
198500:00:07.690490 FEAT_S2PIE = 0
198600:00:07.690491 FEAT_S1POE = 0
198700:00:07.690491 FEAT_S2POE = 0
198800:00:07.690492 FEAT_PFAR = 0
198900:00:07.690492 FEAT_PMUv3p9 = 0
199000:00:07.690493 FEAT_PMUv3_EDGE = 0
199100:00:07.690494 FEAT_PMUv3_ICNTR = 0
199200:00:07.690494 FEAT_PMUv3_SS = 0
199300:00:07.690495 FEAT_PRFMSLC = 0
199400:00:07.690496 FEAT_RASv2 = 0
199500:00:07.690496 FEAT_RASSAv2 = 0
199600:00:07.690497 FEAT_RPRFM = 0
199700:00:07.690497 FEAT_SCTLR2 = 0
199800:00:07.690498 FEAT_SEBEP = 0
199900:00:07.690499 FEAT_SME_F16F16 = 0
200000:00:07.690500 FEAT_SME2 = 0
200100:00:07.690500 FEAT_SME2p1 = 0
200200:00:07.690501 FEAT_SPECRES2 = 0
200300:00:07.690501 FEAT_SPMU = 0
200400:00:07.690502 FEAT_SPEv1p4 = 0
200500:00:07.690503 FEAT_SPE_CRR = 0
200600:00:07.690503 FEAT_SPE_FDS = 0
200700:00:07.690504 FEAT_SVE2p1 = 0
200800:00:07.690505 FEAT_SVE_B16B16 = 0
200900:00:07.690505 FEAT_SYSINSTR128 = 0
201000:00:07.690506 FEAT_SYSREG128 = 0
201100:00:07.690506 FEAT_TCR2 = 0
201200:00:07.690507 FEAT_THE = 0
201300:00:07.690508 FEAT_TRBE_EXT = 0
201400:00:07.690509 FEAT_TRBE_MPAM = 0
201500:00:07.690509 !!
201600:00:07.690510 !! {cpuload}
201700:00:07.690510 !!
201800:00:07.690510 CPU load for virtual CPU 0x00
201900:00:07.690511 -------------------------------
202000:00:07.690511 4s: #################################OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
202500:00:07.690513 (#=guest, O=VMM overhead) idCpu=0x0
202600:00:07.690513 !!
202700:00:07.690513 !! {critsect}
202800:00:07.690514 !!
202900:00:07.690514 00000001300b8200: 'arm-pl061-gpio#0Auto' default used-by-timer-or-similar
203000:00:07.690515 00000001300b4d98: 'xHCIIntr#7'
203100:00:07.690516 00000001300b4c60: 'xHCIIntr#6'
203200:00:07.690516 00000001300b4b28: 'xHCIIntr#5'
203300:00:07.690517 00000001300b49f0: 'xHCIIntr#4'
203400:00:07.690517 00000001300b48b8: 'xHCIIntr#3'
203500:00:07.690517 00000001300b4780: 'xHCIIntr#2'
203600:00:07.690518 00000001300b4648: 'xHCIIntr#1'
203700:00:07.690518 00000001300b4510: 'xHCIIntr#0'
203800:00:07.690518 00000001300b5440: 'usb-xhci#0Auto' default used-by-timer-or-similar
203900:00:07.690519 00000001300980c0: 'HDA'
204000:00:07.690520 000000013008c518: 'E1000#0TX'
204100:00:07.690520 000000013008c418: 'E1000#0RX'
204200:00:07.690521 000000013008c318: 'E1000#0'
204300:00:07.690521 000000013006fd40: 'virtio-scsi#0Auto' default used-by-timer-or-similar
204400:00:07.690522 000000013006a198: 'VGA#0_IRQ'
204500:00:07.690522 000000013006a028: 'VGA#0' used-by-timer-or-similar
204600:00:07.690523 0000000130030600: 'VMMDev#0'
204700:00:07.690523 0000000130028200: 'arm-pl031-rtc#0Auto' default used-by-timer-or-similar
204800:00:07.690524 0000000130024200: 'gic#0Auto' default used-by-timer-or-similar
204900:00:07.690524 000000013001c200: 'platform#0Auto' default
205000:00:07.690525 0000000130010280: 'flash-cfi#0Auto' default used-by-timer-or-similar
205100:00:07.690526 000000013052a340: 'NOP' used-by-timer-or-similar nop
205200:00:07.690526 000000013052a240: 'PDM'
205300:00:07.690527 00000001305319c0: 'TM tsc queue timer lock'
205400:00:07.690527 0000000130531740: 'TM virtual_sync queue timer lock'
205500:00:07.690528 00000001305314c0: 'TM virtual queue timer lock'
205600:00:07.690529 0000000130531240: 'TM real queue timer lock'
205700:00:07.690529 0000000130531d80: 'TM VirtualSync Lock'
205800:00:07.690530 0000000130523040: 'PGM'
205900:00:07.690530 !!
206000:00:07.690530 !! {critsectrw}
206100:00:07.690531 !!
206200:00:07.690531 000000013052fa40: 'IOM Lock'
206300:00:07.690531 0000000130531ac0: 'TM tsc queue alloc lock'
206400:00:07.690532 0000000130531840: 'TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock'
206500:00:07.690532 00000001305315c0: 'TM virtual queue alloc lock'
206600:00:07.690533 0000000130531340: 'TM real queue alloc lock'
206700:00:07.690533 !!
206800:00:07.690533 !! {dtlb}
206900:00:07.690533 !!
207000:00:07.690535 000: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207100:00:07.690537 001: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207200:00:07.690539 002: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207300:00:07.690540 003: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207400:00:07.690541 004: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207500:00:07.690543 005: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207600:00:07.690544 006: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207700:00:07.690545 007: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207800:00:07.690546 008: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
207900:00:07.690548 009: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208000:00:07.690549 00a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208100:00:07.690553 00b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208200:00:07.690554 00c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208300:00:07.690556 00d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208400:00:07.690557 00e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208500:00:07.690558 00f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208600:00:07.690559 010: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208700:00:07.690561 011: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208800:00:07.690562 012: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
208900:00:07.690563 013: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209000:00:07.690564 014: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209100:00:07.690566 015: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209200:00:07.690567 016: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209300:00:07.690568 017: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209400:00:07.690569 018: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209500:00:07.690570 019: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209600:00:07.690571 01a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209700:00:07.690573 01b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209800:00:07.690574 01c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
209900:00:07.690575 01d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210000:00:07.690576 01e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210100:00:07.690577 01f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210200:00:07.690578 020: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210300:00:07.690580 021: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210400:00:07.690581 022: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210500:00:07.690582 023: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210600:00:07.690583 024: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210700:00:07.690584 025: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210800:00:07.690586 026: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
210900:00:07.690587 027: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211000:00:07.690592 028: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211100:00:07.690593 029: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211200:00:07.690594 02a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211300:00:07.690595 02b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211400:00:07.690597 02c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211500:00:07.690598 02d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211600:00:07.690599 02e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211700:00:07.690600 02f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211800:00:07.690601 030: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
211900:00:07.690602 031: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212000:00:07.690603 032: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212100:00:07.690604 033: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212200:00:07.690605 034: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212300:00:07.690606 035: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212400:00:07.690607 036: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212500:00:07.690608 037: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212600:00:07.690609 038: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212700:00:07.690610 039: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212800:00:07.690611 03a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
212900:00:07.690612 03b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213000:00:07.690613 03c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213100:00:07.690614 03d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213200:00:07.690615 03e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213300:00:07.690616 03f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213400:00:07.690617 040: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213500:00:07.690618 041: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213600:00:07.690619 042: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213700:00:07.690620 043: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213800:00:07.690622 044: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
213900:00:07.690623 045: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214000:00:07.690624 046: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214100:00:07.690625 047: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214200:00:07.690626 048: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214300:00:07.690627 049: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214400:00:07.690629 04a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214500:00:07.690630 04b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214600:00:07.690631 04c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214700:00:07.690632 04d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214800:00:07.690633 04e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
214900:00:07.690634 04f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215000:00:07.690636 050: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215100:00:07.690637 051: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215200:00:07.690638 052: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215300:00:07.690639 053: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215400:00:07.690640 054: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215500:00:07.690641 055: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215600:00:07.690642 056: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215700:00:07.690644 057: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215800:00:07.690645 058: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
215900:00:07.690646 059: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216000:00:07.690647 05a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216100:00:07.690649 05b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216200:00:07.690650 05c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216300:00:07.690651 05d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216400:00:07.690652 05e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216500:00:07.690653 05f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216600:00:07.690655 060: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216700:00:07.690656 061: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216800:00:07.690657 062: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
216900:00:07.690658 063: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217000:00:07.690660 064: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217100:00:07.690661 065: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217200:00:07.690662 066: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217300:00:07.690663 067: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217400:00:07.690665 068: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217500:00:07.690666 069: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217600:00:07.690667 06a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217700:00:07.690668 06b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217800:00:07.690669 06c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
217900:00:07.690670 06d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218000:00:07.690672 06e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218100:00:07.690673 06f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218200:00:07.690674 070: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218300:00:07.690675 071: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218400:00:07.690677 072: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218500:00:07.690678 073: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218600:00:07.690679 074: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218700:00:07.690680 075: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218800:00:07.690682 076: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
218900:00:07.690683 077: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219000:00:07.690684 078: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219100:00:07.690685 079: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219200:00:07.690687 07a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219300:00:07.690688 07b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219400:00:07.690689 07c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219500:00:07.690690 07d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219600:00:07.690692 07e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219700:00:07.690693 07f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219800:00:07.690694 080: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
219900:00:07.690695 081: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220000:00:07.690696 082: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220100:00:07.690698 083: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220200:00:07.690699 084: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220300:00:07.690700 085: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220400:00:07.690701 086: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220500:00:07.690702 087: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220600:00:07.690703 088: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220700:00:07.690704 089: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220800:00:07.690706 08a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
220900:00:07.690707 08b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221000:00:07.690708 08c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221100:00:07.690709 08d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221200:00:07.690710 08e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221300:00:07.690712 08f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221400:00:07.690713 090: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221500:00:07.690714 091: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221600:00:07.690716 092: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221700:00:07.690717 093: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221800:00:07.690718 094: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
221900:00:07.690719 095: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222000:00:07.690721 096: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222100:00:07.690722 097: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222200:00:07.690723 098: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222300:00:07.690724 099: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222400:00:07.690725 09a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222500:00:07.690727 09b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222600:00:07.690728 09c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222700:00:07.690729 09d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222800:00:07.690730 09e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
222900:00:07.690731 09f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223000:00:07.690733 0a0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223100:00:07.690734 0a1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223200:00:07.690735 0a2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223300:00:07.690736 0a3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223400:00:07.690737 0a4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223500:00:07.690738 0a5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223600:00:07.690740 0a6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223700:00:07.690741 0a7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223800:00:07.690742 0a8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
223900:00:07.690743 0a9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224000:00:07.690744 0aa: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224100:00:07.690746 0ab: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224200:00:07.690747 0ac: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224300:00:07.690748 0ad: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224400:00:07.690749 0ae: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224500:00:07.690751 0af: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224600:00:07.690752 0b0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224700:00:07.690753 0b1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224800:00:07.690754 0b2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
224900:00:07.690755 0b3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225000:00:07.690757 0b4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225100:00:07.690758 0b5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225200:00:07.690759 0b6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225300:00:07.690760 0b7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225400:00:07.690761 0b8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225500:00:07.690762 0b9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225600:00:07.690764 0ba: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225700:00:07.690765 0bb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225800:00:07.690766 0bc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
225900:00:07.690767 0bd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226000:00:07.690768 0be: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226100:00:07.690768 0bf: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226200:00:07.690769 0c0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226300:00:07.690770 0c1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226400:00:07.690771 0c2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226500:00:07.690772 0c3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226600:00:07.690774 0c4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226700:00:07.690775 0c5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226800:00:07.690776 0c6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
226900:00:07.690777 0c7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227000:00:07.690778 0c8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227100:00:07.690780 0c9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227200:00:07.690781 0ca: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227300:00:07.690782 0cb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227400:00:07.690783 0cc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227500:00:07.690784 0cd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227600:00:07.690786 0ce: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227700:00:07.690787 0cf: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227800:00:07.690788 0d0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
227900:00:07.690789 0d1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228000:00:07.690790 0d2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228100:00:07.690792 0d3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228200:00:07.690793 0d4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228300:00:07.690794 0d5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228400:00:07.690795 0d6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228500:00:07.690797 0d7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228600:00:07.690798 0d8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228700:00:07.690799 0d9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228800:00:07.690800 0da: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
228900:00:07.690802 0db: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229000:00:07.690803 0dc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229100:00:07.690804 0dd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229200:00:07.690805 0de: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229300:00:07.690806 0df: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229400:00:07.690808 0e0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229500:00:07.690809 0e1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229600:00:07.690810 0e2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229700:00:07.690811 0e3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229800:00:07.690813 0e4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
229900:00:07.690814 0e5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230000:00:07.690815 0e6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230100:00:07.690816 0e7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230200:00:07.690817 0e8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230300:00:07.690818 0e9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230400:00:07.690819 0ea: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230500:00:07.690820 0eb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230600:00:07.690821 0ec: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230700:00:07.690822 0ed: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230800:00:07.690823 0ee: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
230900:00:07.690824 0ef: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231000:00:07.690825 0f0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231100:00:07.690826 0f1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231200:00:07.690827 0f2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231300:00:07.690829 0f3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231400:00:07.690830 0f4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231500:00:07.690831 0f5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231600:00:07.690832 0f6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231700:00:07.690833 0f7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231800:00:07.690834 0f8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
231900:00:07.690836 0f9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
232000:00:07.690837 0fa: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
232100:00:07.690838 0fb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
232200:00:07.690839 0fc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
232300:00:07.690840 0fd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
232400:00:07.690841 0fe: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
232500:00:07.690843 0ff: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
232600:00:07.690844 !!
232700:00:07.690844 !! {e1k0}
232800:00:07.690844 !!
232900:00:07.690845 E1000 #0: port=ffffffff mmio=ffffffffffffffff mac-cfg=08:00:27:65:70:3b 82540EM
233000:00:07.690864 CTRL = 00000a09
233100:00:07.690864 STATUS = 00000081
233200:00:07.690864 EECD = 00000100
233300:00:07.690865 EERD = 00000000
233400:00:07.690865 CTRL_EXT = 00000000
233500:00:07.690865 FLA = 00000000
233600:00:07.690866 MDIC = 00000000
233700:00:07.690866 FCAL = 00000000
233800:00:07.690866 FCAH = 00000000
233900:00:07.690866 FCT = 00000000
234000:00:07.690867 VET = 00000000
234100:00:07.690867 ICR = 00000000
234200:00:07.690867 ITR = 00000000
234300:00:07.690868 ICS = 00000000
234400:00:07.690868 IMS = 00000000
234500:00:07.690868 IMC = 00000000
234600:00:07.690868 RCTL = 00000000
234700:00:07.690869 FCTTV = 00000000
234800:00:07.690869 TXCW = 00000000
234900:00:07.690869 RXCW = 00000000
235000:00:07.690869 TCTL = 00000000
235100:00:07.690870 TIPG = 00000000
235200:00:07.690870 AIFS = 00000000
235300:00:07.690870 LEDCTL = 07068302
235400:00:07.690870 PBA = 00000000
235500:00:07.690871 FCRTL = 00000000
235600:00:07.690871 FCRTH = 00000000
235700:00:07.690871 RDFH = 00000000
235800:00:07.690872 RDFT = 00000000
235900:00:07.690872 RDFHS = 00000000
236000:00:07.690872 RDFTS = 00000000
236100:00:07.690872 RDFPC = 00000000
236200:00:07.690873 RDBAL = 00000000
236300:00:07.690873 RDBAH = 00000000
236400:00:07.690873 RDLEN = 00000000
236500:00:07.690873 RDH = 00000000
236600:00:07.690874 RDT = 00000000
236700:00:07.690874 RDTR = 00000000
236800:00:07.690874 RXDCTL = 00000000
236900:00:07.690875 RADV = 00000000
237000:00:07.690875 RSRPD = 00000000
237100:00:07.690875 TXDMAC = 00000000
237200:00:07.690876 TDFH = 00000000
237300:00:07.690876 TDFT = 00000000
237400:00:07.690876 TDFHS = 00000000
237500:00:07.690876 TDFTS = 00000000
237600:00:07.690877 TDFPC = 00000000
237700:00:07.690877 TDBAL = 00000000
237800:00:07.690877 TDBAH = 00000000
237900:00:07.690880 TDLEN = 00000000
238000:00:07.690881 TDH = 00000000
238100:00:07.690881 TDT = 00000000
238200:00:07.690881 TIDV = 00000000
238300:00:07.690882 TXDCTL = 00000000
238400:00:07.690882 TADV = 00000000
238500:00:07.690882 TSPMT = 01000400
238600:00:07.690883 CRCERRS = 00000000
238700:00:07.690883 ALGNERRC = 00000000
238800:00:07.690883 SYMERRS = 00000000
238900:00:07.690884 RXERRC = 00000000
239000:00:07.690884 MPC = 00000000
239100:00:07.690884 SCC = 00000000
239200:00:07.690885 ECOL = 00000000
239300:00:07.690885 MCC = 00000000
239400:00:07.690885 LATECOL = 00000000
239500:00:07.690886 COLC = 00000000
239600:00:07.690886 DC = 00000000
239700:00:07.690886 TNCRS = 00000000
239800:00:07.690887 SEC = 00000000
239900:00:07.690887 CEXTERR = 00000000
240000:00:07.690887 RLEC = 00000000
240100:00:07.690888 XONRXC = 00000000
240200:00:07.690888 XONTXC = 00000000
240300:00:07.690888 XOFFRXC = 00000000
240400:00:07.690888 XOFFTXC = 00000000
240500:00:07.690889 FCRUC = 00000000
240600:00:07.690889 PRC64 = 00000000
240700:00:07.690889 PRC127 = 00000000
240800:00:07.690889 PRC255 = 00000000
240900:00:07.690890 PRC511 = 00000000
241000:00:07.690890 PRC1023 = 00000000
241100:00:07.690890 PRC1522 = 00000000
241200:00:07.690890 GPRC = 00000000
241300:00:07.690891 BPRC = 00000000
241400:00:07.690891 MPRC = 00000000
241500:00:07.690891 GPTC = 00000000
241600:00:07.690892 GORCL = 00000000
241700:00:07.690892 GORCH = 00000000
241800:00:07.690892 GOTCL = 00000000
241900:00:07.690892 GOTCH = 00000000
242000:00:07.690892 RNBC = 00000000
242100:00:07.690893 RUC = 00000000
242200:00:07.690893 RFC = 00000000
242300:00:07.690893 ROC = 00000000
242400:00:07.690893 RJC = 00000000
242500:00:07.690894 MGTPRC = 00000000
242600:00:07.690894 MGTPDC = 00000000
242700:00:07.690894 MGTPTC = 00000000
242800:00:07.690895 TORL = 00000000
242900:00:07.690895 TORH = 00000000
243000:00:07.690895 TOTL = 00000000
243100:00:07.690895 TOTH = 00000000
243200:00:07.690896 TPR = 00000000
243300:00:07.690896 TPT = 00000000
243400:00:07.690896 PTC64 = 00000000
243500:00:07.690896 PTC127 = 00000000
243600:00:07.690897 PTC255 = 00000000
243700:00:07.690897 PTC511 = 00000000
243800:00:07.690897 PTC1023 = 00000000
243900:00:07.690897 PTC1522 = 00000000
244000:00:07.690897 MPTC = 00000000
244100:00:07.690898 BPTC = 00000000
244200:00:07.690898 TSCTC = 00000000
244300:00:07.690898 TSCTFC = 00000000
244400:00:07.690899 RXCSUM = 00000000
244500:00:07.690899 WUC = 00000000
244600:00:07.690899 WUFC = 00000000
244700:00:07.690900 WUS = 00000000
244800:00:07.690900 MANC = 00000000
244900:00:07.690900 IPAV = 00000000
245000:00:07.690900 WUPL = 00000000
245100:00:07.690901 RA00: DST 08:00:27:65:70:3b
245300:00:07.690902 -- Receive Descriptors (0 total) --
245500:00:07.690903 -- Receive Descriptors in Cache (at 0 (RDH 0)/ fetched 0 / max 16) --
245700:00:07.690903 -- Transmit Descriptors (0 total) --
245900:00:07.690904 -- Transmit Descriptors in Cache (at 0 (TDH 0)/ fetched 0 / max 64) --
246000:00:07.690905 Interrupt attempts: 0
246100:00:07.690905 Interrupts raised : 0
246200:00:07.690905 Interrupts lowered: 0
246300:00:07.690905 ICR outside ISR : 0
246400:00:07.690905 IMS raised ints : 0
246500:00:07.690906 Interrupts skipped: 0
246600:00:07.690906 Masked interrupts : 0
246700:00:07.690906 Early interrupts : 0
246800:00:07.690906 Late interrupts : 0
246900:00:07.690906 Lost interrupts : 0
247000:00:07.690906 Interrupts by RX : 0
247100:00:07.690907 Interrupts by TX : 0
247200:00:07.690907 Interrupts by ICS : 0
247300:00:07.690907 Interrupts by RDTR: 0
247400:00:07.690907 Interrupts by RDMT: 0
247500:00:07.690907 Interrupts by TXQE: 0
247600:00:07.690908 TX int delay asked: 0
247700:00:07.690908 TX delayed: 0
247800:00:07.690908 TX delayed expired: 0
247900:00:07.690908 TX no report asked: 0
248000:00:07.690908 TX abs timer expd : 0
248100:00:07.690909 TX int timer expd : 0
248200:00:07.690909 RX abs timer expd : 0
248300:00:07.690909 RX int timer expd : 0
248400:00:07.690909 TX CTX descriptors: 0
248500:00:07.690909 TX DAT descriptors: 0
248600:00:07.690910 TX LEG descriptors: 0
248700:00:07.690910 Received frames : 0
248800:00:07.690910 Transmitted frames: 0
248900:00:07.690910 TX frames up to 1514: 0
249000:00:07.690910 TX frames up to 2962: 0
249100:00:07.690911 TX frames up to 4410: 0
249200:00:07.690911 TX frames up to 5858: 0
249300:00:07.690911 TX frames up to 7306: 0
249400:00:07.690911 TX frames up to 8754: 0
249500:00:07.690911 TX frames up to 16384: 0
249600:00:07.690912 TX frames up to 32768: 0
249700:00:07.690912 Larger TX frames : 0
249800:00:07.690913 !!
249900:00:07.690913 !! {exits}
250000:00:07.690913 !!
250100:00:07.690914 CPU[0]: VM-exit history:
250200:00:07.690914 Exit No.: TSC timestamp / delta RIP (Flat/*) Exit Name
250300:00:07.690915 78004: 0x00000002a0558e85/+0 000000007834b600 0x00009 MSR write slot=0x300
250400:00:07.690917 78003: 0x00000002a0558de9/-156 000000007834b5e8 0x00008 MSR read slot=0x2f4
250500:00:07.690917 78002: 0x00000002a055163e/-30635 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
250600:00:07.690918 78001: 0x00000002a05515b0/-142 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
250700:00:07.690919 78000: 0x00000002a055151f/-145 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
250800:00:07.690920 77999: 0x00000002a0551490/-143 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
250900:00:07.690921 77998: 0x00000002a05513fb/-149 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
251000:00:07.690922 77997: 0x00000002a05511ff/-508 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
251100:00:07.690923 77996: 0x00000002a0551168/-151 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
251200:00:07.690923 77995: 0x00000002a05510ce/-154 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
251300:00:07.690925 77994: 0x00000002a0551030/-158 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
251400:00:07.690926 77993: 0x00000002a0550f74/-188 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
251500:00:07.690926 77992: 0x00000002a0550ba3/-977 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
251600:00:07.690927 77991: 0x00000002a0550b0e/-149 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
251700:00:07.690928 77990: 0x00000002a0550a78/-150 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
251800:00:07.690929 77989: 0x00000002a05509e1/-151 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
251900:00:07.690930 77988: 0x00000002a055093f/-162 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
252000:00:07.690931 77987: 0x00000002a054f7d3/-4460 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
252100:00:07.690932 77986: 0x00000002a054f741/-146 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
252200:00:07.690933 77985: 0x00000002a054f6a3/-158 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
252300:00:07.690934 77984: 0x00000002a054f5fe/-165 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
252400:00:07.690935 77983: 0x00000002a054f544/-186 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
252500:00:07.690936 77982: 0x00000002a054f442/-258 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
252600:00:07.690937 77981: 0x00000002a054f3ad/-149 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
252700:00:07.690937 77980: 0x00000002a054f312/-155 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
252800:00:07.690938 77979: 0x00000002a054f27a/-152 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
252900:00:07.690939 77978: 0x00000002a054f1e3/-151 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
253000:00:07.690940 77977: 0x00000002a054f017/-460 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
253100:00:07.690941 77976: 0x00000002a054ef83/-148 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
253200:00:07.690942 77975: 0x00000002a054eeee/-149 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
253300:00:07.690943 77974: 0x00000002a054ee55/-153 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
253400:00:07.690944 77973: 0x00000002a054edbd/-152 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
253500:00:07.690945 77972: 0x00000002a054d022/-7579 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
253600:00:07.690946 77971: 0x00000002a054cf8e/-148 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
253700:00:07.690947 77970: 0x00000002a054cef1/-157 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
253800:00:07.690948 77969: 0x00000002a054ce49/-168 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
253900:00:07.690949 77968: 0x00000002a054ccea/-351 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
254000:00:07.690950 77967: 0x00000002a054ca1b/-719 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
254100:00:07.690951 77966: 0x00000002a054c98e/-141 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
254200:00:07.690952 77965: 0x00000002a054c900/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
254300:00:07.690953 77964: 0x00000002a054c86f/-145 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
254400:00:07.690954 77963: 0x00000002a054c7de/-145 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
254500:00:07.690955 77962: 0x00000002a054c601/-477 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
254600:00:07.690956 77961: 0x00000002a054c56c/-149 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
254700:00:07.690957 77960: 0x00000002a054c4c9/-163 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
254800:00:07.690958 77959: 0x00000002a054c41e/-171 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
254900:00:07.690959 77958: 0x00000002a054c347/-215 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
255000:00:07.690960 77957: 0x00000002a053dfa9/-58270 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
255100:00:07.690961 77956: 0x00000002a053df14/-149 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
255200:00:07.690962 77955: 0x00000002a053de7e/-150 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
255300:00:07.690963 77954: 0x00000002a053dde6/-152 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
255400:00:07.690963 77953: 0x00000002a053dd4a/-156 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
255500:00:07.690964 77952: 0x00000002a053c480/-6346 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
255600:00:07.690965 77951: 0x00000002a053c3f2/-142 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
255700:00:07.690966 77950: 0x00000002a053c363/-143 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
255800:00:07.690967 77949: 0x00000002a053c2d4/-143 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
255900:00:07.690968 77948: 0x00000002a053c241/-147 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
256000:00:07.690969 77947: 0x00000002a053c175/-204 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
256100:00:07.690970 77946: 0x00000002a053c0e8/-141 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
256200:00:07.690971 77945: 0x00000002a053c059/-143 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
256300:00:07.690972 77944: 0x00000002a053bfcb/-142 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
256400:00:07.690973 77943: 0x00000002a053bf3a/-145 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
256500:00:07.690974 77942: 0x00000002a053ae6d/-4301 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
256600:00:07.690975 77941: 0x00000002a053ade0/-141 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
256700:00:07.690976 77940: 0x00000002a053ad51/-143 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
256800:00:07.690977 77939: 0x00000002a053acbf/-146 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
256900:00:07.690978 77938: 0x00000002a053ac2e/-145 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
257000:00:07.690979 77937: 0x00000002a053aa50/-478 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
257100:00:07.690979 77936: 0x00000002a053a9c2/-142 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
257200:00:07.690980 77935: 0x00000002a053a932/-144 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
257300:00:07.690981 77934: 0x00000002a053a8a4/-142 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
257400:00:07.690982 77933: 0x00000002a053a813/-145 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
257500:00:07.690983 77932: 0x00000002a053a739/-218 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
257600:00:07.690984 77931: 0x00000002a053a6a3/-150 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
257700:00:07.690985 77930: 0x00000002a053a60a/-153 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
257800:00:07.690986 77929: 0x00000002a053a56f/-155 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
257900:00:07.690987 77928: 0x00000002a053a4ad/-194 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
258000:00:07.690987 77927: 0x00000002a0538479/-8244 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
258100:00:07.690988 77926: 0x00000002a05382de/-411 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
258200:00:07.690989 77925: 0x00000002a0538258/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
258300:00:07.690989 77924: 0x00000002a05381d3/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
258400:00:07.690990 77923: 0x00000002a0538146/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
258500:00:07.690991 77922: 0x00000002a0537f6f/-471 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
258600:00:07.690992 77921: 0x00000002a0537eec/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
258700:00:07.690992 77920: 0x00000002a0537e65/-135 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
258800:00:07.690993 77919: 0x00000002a0537ddf/-134 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
258900:00:07.690994 77918: 0x00000002a0537d53/-140 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
259000:00:07.690995 77917: 0x00000002a0537b81/-466 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
259100:00:07.690995 77916: 0x00000002a0537afe/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
259200:00:07.690996 77915: 0x00000002a0537a78/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
259300:00:07.690997 77914: 0x00000002a05379f2/-134 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
259400:00:07.690998 77913: 0x00000002a0537962/-144 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
259500:00:07.690999 77912: 0x00000002a0536520/-5186 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
259600:00:07.691000 77911: 0x00000002a053648c/-148 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
259700:00:07.691001 77910: 0x00000002a0536406/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
259800:00:07.691002 77909: 0x00000002a0536381/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
259900:00:07.691002 77908: 0x00000002a05362f4/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
260000:00:07.691003 77907: 0x00000002a053611d/-471 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
260100:00:07.691004 77906: 0x00000002a0536099/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
260200:00:07.691005 77905: 0x00000002a0536014/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
260300:00:07.691006 77904: 0x00000002a0535f8f/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
260400:00:07.691007 77903: 0x00000002a0535f01/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
260500:00:07.691008 77902: 0x00000002a0535d33/-462 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
260600:00:07.691009 77901: 0x00000002a0535cb0/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
260700:00:07.691010 77900: 0x00000002a0535c2a/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
260800:00:07.691011 77899: 0x00000002a0535ba5/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
260900:00:07.691012 77898: 0x00000002a0535b18/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
261000:00:07.691013 77897: 0x00000002a0534a40/-4312 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
261100:00:07.691013 77896: 0x00000002a05349bc/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
261200:00:07.691014 77895: 0x00000002a0534937/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
261300:00:07.691015 77894: 0x00000002a05348b2/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
261400:00:07.691016 77893: 0x00000002a0534824/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
261500:00:07.691017 77892: 0x00000002a0534645/-479 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
261600:00:07.691018 77891: 0x00000002a05345c2/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
261700:00:07.691019 77890: 0x00000002a053453c/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
261800:00:07.691020 77889: 0x00000002a05344b7/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
261900:00:07.691021 77888: 0x00000002a053442a/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
262000:00:07.691022 77887: 0x00000002a0534258/-466 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
262100:00:07.691023 77886: 0x00000002a05341d4/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
262200:00:07.691024 77885: 0x00000002a053414e/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
262300:00:07.691025 77884: 0x00000002a05340c7/-135 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
262400:00:07.691026 77883: 0x00000002a0534039/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
262500:00:07.691027 77882: 0x00000002a0532f43/-4342 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
262600:00:07.691028 77881: 0x00000002a0532ec0/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
262700:00:07.691029 77880: 0x00000002a0532e3b/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
262800:00:07.691030 77879: 0x00000002a0532db6/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
262900:00:07.691031 77878: 0x00000002a0532d28/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
263000:00:07.691031 77877: 0x00000002a0532b44/-484 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
263100:00:07.691032 77876: 0x00000002a0532ab8/-140 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
263200:00:07.691033 77875: 0x00000002a0532a0a/-174 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
263300:00:07.691034 77874: 0x00000002a0532963/-167 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
263400:00:07.691034 77873: 0x00000002a05328bb/-168 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
263500:00:07.691035 77872: 0x00000002a05326c9/-498 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
263600:00:07.691036 77871: 0x00000002a0532627/-162 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
263700:00:07.691037 77870: 0x00000002a05325a1/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
263800:00:07.691037 77869: 0x00000002a053251d/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
263900:00:07.691038 77868: 0x00000002a053248e/-143 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
264000:00:07.691039 77867: 0x00000002a0530784/-7434 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
264100:00:07.691040 77866: 0x00000002a0530701/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
264200:00:07.691040 77865: 0x00000002a053067b/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
264300:00:07.691041 77864: 0x00000002a05305f6/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
264400:00:07.691042 77863: 0x00000002a0530569/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
264500:00:07.691043 77862: 0x00000002a0530386/-483 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
264600:00:07.691043 77861: 0x00000002a0530303/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
264700:00:07.691044 77860: 0x00000002a053027d/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
264800:00:07.691045 77859: 0x00000002a05301f8/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
264900:00:07.691046 77858: 0x00000002a053016d/-139 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
265000:00:07.691047 77857: 0x00000002a052ff97/-470 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
265100:00:07.691048 77856: 0x00000002a052ff14/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
265200:00:07.691049 77855: 0x00000002a052fe8e/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
265300:00:07.691050 77854: 0x00000002a052fe09/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
265400:00:07.691051 77853: 0x00000002a052fd79/-144 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
265500:00:07.691052 77852: 0x00000002a052ec9c/-4317 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
265600:00:07.691053 77851: 0x00000002a052ec18/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
265700:00:07.691054 77850: 0x00000002a052eb93/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
265800:00:07.691055 77849: 0x00000002a052eb0d/-134 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
265900:00:07.691056 77848: 0x00000002a052ea81/-140 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
266000:00:07.691057 77847: 0x00000002a052e8ac/-469 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
266100:00:07.691057 77846: 0x00000002a052e828/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
266200:00:07.691058 77845: 0x00000002a052e7a1/-135 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
266300:00:07.691059 77844: 0x00000002a052e71c/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
266400:00:07.691060 77843: 0x00000002a052e68f/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
266500:00:07.691061 77842: 0x00000002a052e4c1/-462 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
266600:00:07.691062 77841: 0x00000002a052e43d/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
266700:00:07.691062 77840: 0x00000002a052e3b8/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
266800:00:07.691063 77839: 0x00000002a052e332/-134 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
266900:00:07.691064 77838: 0x00000002a052e2a5/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
267000:00:07.691065 77837: 0x00000002a052d68d/-3096 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
267100:00:07.691065 77836: 0x00000002a052d609/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
267200:00:07.691066 77835: 0x00000002a052d583/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
267300:00:07.691067 77834: 0x00000002a052d4fe/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
267400:00:07.691067 77833: 0x00000002a052d472/-140 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
267500:00:07.691068 77832: 0x00000002a052d2a2/-464 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
267600:00:07.691069 77831: 0x00000002a052d21f/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
267700:00:07.691070 77830: 0x00000002a052d199/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
267800:00:07.691070 77829: 0x00000002a052d114/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
267900:00:07.691071 77828: 0x00000002a052d085/-143 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
268000:00:07.691072 77827: 0x00000002a052ceb6/-463 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
268100:00:07.691073 77826: 0x00000002a052ce33/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
268200:00:07.691073 77825: 0x00000002a052cdae/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
268300:00:07.691074 77824: 0x00000002a052cd28/-134 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
268400:00:07.691075 77823: 0x00000002a052cc9b/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
268500:00:07.691076 77822: 0x00000002a052bc7e/-4125 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
268600:00:07.691077 77821: 0x00000002a052bbfb/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
268700:00:07.691077 77820: 0x00000002a052bb74/-135 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
268800:00:07.691078 77819: 0x00000002a052baef/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
268900:00:07.691079 77818: 0x00000002a052ba61/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
269000:00:07.691080 77817: 0x00000002a052b882/-479 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
269100:00:07.691080 77816: 0x00000002a052b7fe/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
269200:00:07.691081 77815: 0x00000002a052b778/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
269300:00:07.691082 77814: 0x00000002a052b6f3/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
269400:00:07.691083 77813: 0x00000002a052b666/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
269500:00:07.691084 77812: 0x00000002a052b498/-462 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
269600:00:07.691085 77811: 0x00000002a052b40e/-138 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
269700:00:07.691086 77810: 0x00000002a052b382/-140 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
269800:00:07.691087 77809: 0x00000002a052b2f7/-139 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
269900:00:07.691088 77808: 0x00000002a052b265/-146 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
270000:00:07.691089 77807: 0x00000002a052a81f/-2630 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
270100:00:07.691090 77806: 0x00000002a052a796/-137 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
270200:00:07.691091 77805: 0x00000002a052a70b/-139 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
270300:00:07.691092 77804: 0x00000002a052a680/-139 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
270400:00:07.691093 77803: 0x00000002a052a5ed/-147 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
270500:00:07.691094 77802: 0x00000002a052a40b/-482 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
270600:00:07.691095 77801: 0x00000002a052a382/-137 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
270700:00:07.691095 77800: 0x00000002a052a2f7/-139 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
270800:00:07.691096 77799: 0x00000002a052a26b/-140 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
270900:00:07.691097 77798: 0x00000002a052a1d8/-147 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
271000:00:07.691098 77797: 0x00000002a052a004/-468 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
271100:00:07.691099 77796: 0x00000002a0529f7a/-138 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
271200:00:07.691100 77795: 0x00000002a0529ef0/-138 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
271300:00:07.691101 77794: 0x00000002a0529e66/-138 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
271400:00:07.691102 77793: 0x00000002a0529dca/-156 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
271500:00:07.691103 77792: 0x00000002a0529388/-2626 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
271600:00:07.691104 77791: 0x00000002a0529306/-130 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
271700:00:07.691105 77790: 0x00000002a0529281/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
271800:00:07.691106 77789: 0x00000002a05291fc/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
271900:00:07.691106 77788: 0x00000002a052916e/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
272000:00:07.691107 77787: 0x00000002a0528f8b/-483 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
272100:00:07.691108 77786: 0x00000002a0528f07/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
272200:00:07.691109 77785: 0x00000002a0528e82/-133 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
272300:00:07.691110 77784: 0x00000002a0528dfe/-132 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
272400:00:07.691111 77783: 0x00000002a0528d6e/-144 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
272500:00:07.691112 77782: 0x00000002a0528b87/-487 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
272600:00:07.691113 77781: 0x00000002a0528b04/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
272700:00:07.691114 77780: 0x00000002a0528a80/-132 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
272800:00:07.691115 77779: 0x00000002a05289fb/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
272900:00:07.691116 77778: 0x00000002a052896e/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
273000:00:07.691117 77777: 0x00000002a0527f31/-2621 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
273100:00:07.691118 77776: 0x00000002a0527eaf/-130 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
273200:00:07.691119 77775: 0x00000002a0527e29/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
273300:00:07.691120 77774: 0x00000002a0527da4/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
273400:00:07.691121 77773: 0x00000002a0527d17/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
273500:00:07.691122 77772: 0x00000002a0527b3f/-472 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
273600:00:07.691123 77771: 0x00000002a0527abc/-131 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
273700:00:07.691123 77770: 0x00000002a0527a36/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
273800:00:07.691124 77769: 0x00000002a05279b1/-133 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
273900:00:07.691125 77768: 0x00000002a0527924/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
274000:00:07.691126 77767: 0x00000002a0527757/-461 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
274100:00:07.691127 77766: 0x00000002a05276d5/-130 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
274200:00:07.691128 77765: 0x00000002a052764f/-134 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
274300:00:07.691129 77764: 0x00000002a05275c9/-134 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
274400:00:07.691130 77763: 0x00000002a052753b/-142 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
274500:00:07.691131 77762: 0x00000002a0526ae5/-2646 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
274600:00:07.691132 77761: 0x00000002a0526a55/-144 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
274700:00:07.691133 77760: 0x00000002a05269c8/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
274800:00:07.691133 77759: 0x00000002a052693d/-139 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
274900:00:07.691134 77758: 0x00000002a05268ab/-146 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
275000:00:07.691176 77757: 0x00000002a05266c7/-484 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
275100:00:07.691177 77756: 0x00000002a052663d/-138 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
275200:00:07.691178 77755: 0x00000002a05265b2/-139 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
275300:00:07.691179 77754: 0x00000002a0526527/-139 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
275400:00:07.691180 77753: 0x00000002a0526492/-149 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
275500:00:07.691181 77752: 0x00000002a05262c0/-466 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
275600:00:07.691182 77751: 0x00000002a0526237/-137 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
275700:00:07.691183 77750: 0x00000002a05261aa/-141 000000007baa9ae0 0x00006 MMIO read slot=0x1c3
275800:00:07.691183 77749: 0x00000002a052611e/-140 000000007baa9af0 0x00007 MMIO write slot=0x178
275900:00:07.691185 !!
276000:00:07.691185 !! {fflags}
276100:00:07.691185 !!
276200:00:07.691185 Global FFs: 0x600
276300:00:07.691186 REQUEST, CHECK_VM_STATE
276400:00:07.691187 Groups:
276600:00:07.691188 ALL_REM
276700:00:07.691188 CPU 0 FFs: 0x0
276800:00:07.691189 !!
276900:00:07.691189 !! {gic}
277000:00:07.691190 !!
277100:00:07.691190 !!
277200:00:07.691190 !! {gicdist}
277300:00:07.691190 !!
277400:00:07.691191 GICv3 Distributor:
277500:00:07.691191 IGRP0 = 0xffffffff
277600:00:07.691192 ICFG0 = 0x0
277700:00:07.691192 ICFG1 = 0x0
277800:00:07.691192 bmIntEnabled = 0x0
277900:00:07.691192 bmIntPending = 0x0
278000:00:07.691193 bmIntActive = 0x0
278100:00:07.691193 Interrupt priorities:
278200:00:07.691193 INTID 32 = 128
278300:00:07.691194 INTID 33 = 128
278400:00:07.691194 INTID 34 = 128
278500:00:07.691194 INTID 35 = 128
278600:00:07.691195 INTID 36 = 0
278700:00:07.691195 INTID 37 = 0
278800:00:07.691195 INTID 38 = 0
278900:00:07.691195 INTID 39 = 128
279000:00:07.691196 INTID 40 = 0
279100:00:07.691196 INTID 41 = 0
279200:00:07.691196 INTID 42 = 0
279300:00:07.691196 INTID 43 = 128
279400:00:07.691197 INTID 44 = 0
279500:00:07.691197 INTID 45 = 0
279600:00:07.691197 INTID 46 = 0
279700:00:07.691197 INTID 47 = 128
279800:00:07.691198 INTID 48 = 0
279900:00:07.691198 INTID 49 = 0
280000:00:07.691198 INTID 50 = 0
280100:00:07.691198 INTID 51 = 128
280200:00:07.691199 INTID 52 = 0
280300:00:07.691199 INTID 53 = 0
280400:00:07.691199 INTID 54 = 0
280500:00:07.691199 INTID 55 = 128
280600:00:07.691200 INTID 56 = 0
280700:00:07.691200 INTID 57 = 0
280800:00:07.691200 INTID 58 = 0
280900:00:07.691200 INTID 59 = 128
281000:00:07.691201 INTID 60 = 0
281100:00:07.691201 INTID 61 = 0
281200:00:07.691201 INTID 62 = 0
281300:00:07.691201 INTID 63 = 128
281400:00:07.691202 fIrqGrp0Enabled = true
281500:00:07.691202 fIrqGrp1Enabled = false
281600:00:07.691203 !!
281700:00:07.691203 !! {gicredist}
281800:00:07.691203 !!
281900:00:07.691203 VCPU[0] Redistributor:
282000:00:07.691204 IGRP0 = 0xffffffff
282100:00:07.691204 ICFG0 = 0x0
282200:00:07.691204 ICFG1 = 0x0
282300:00:07.691205 bmIntEnabled = 0x6c000000
282400:00:07.691205 bmIntPending = 0x0
282500:00:07.691205 bmIntActive = 0x0
282600:00:07.691206 Interrupt priorities:
282700:00:07.691206 INTID 0 = 128
282800:00:07.691206 INTID 1 = 128
282900:00:07.691206 INTID 2 = 128
283000:00:07.691207 INTID 3 = 128
283100:00:07.691207 INTID 4 = 128
283200:00:07.691207 INTID 5 = 128
283300:00:07.691207 INTID 6 = 128
283400:00:07.691208 INTID 7 = 128
283500:00:07.691208 INTID 8 = 128
283600:00:07.691208 INTID 9 = 128
283700:00:07.691208 INTID 10 = 128
283800:00:07.691209 INTID 11 = 128
283900:00:07.691209 INTID 12 = 128
284000:00:07.691209 INTID 13 = 128
284100:00:07.691210 INTID 14 = 128
284200:00:07.691210 INTID 15 = 128
284300:00:07.691210 INTID 16 = 128
284400:00:07.691210 INTID 17 = 128
284500:00:07.691211 INTID 18 = 128
284600:00:07.691211 INTID 19 = 128
284700:00:07.691211 INTID 20 = 128
284800:00:07.691211 INTID 21 = 128
284900:00:07.691212 INTID 22 = 128
285000:00:07.691212 INTID 23 = 128
285100:00:07.691212 INTID 24 = 128
285200:00:07.691212 INTID 25 = 128
285300:00:07.691213 INTID 26 = 128
285400:00:07.691213 INTID 27 = 128
285500:00:07.691213 INTID 28 = 128
285600:00:07.691213 INTID 29 = 128
285700:00:07.691214 INTID 30 = 128
285800:00:07.691214 INTID 31 = 128
285900:00:07.691214 VCPU[0] ICC state:
286000:00:07.691214 fIrqGrp0Enabled = false
286100:00:07.691215 fIrqGrp1Enabled = true
286200:00:07.691215 bInterruptPriority = 255
286300:00:07.691215 bBinaryPointGrp0 = 7
286400:00:07.691216 bBinaryPointGrp1 = 0
286500:00:07.691216 idxRunningPriority = 0
286600:00:07.691216 Running priority = 255
286700:00:07.691217 !!
286800:00:07.691217 !! {guestprops}
286900:00:07.691217 !!
287000:00:07.691219 /VirtualBox/HostInfo/GUI/LanguageID: 'C', 1733767999723523000 (RDONLYGUEST)
287100:00:07.691220 /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/GuiOnFocus: '1', 1733767998893074000 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287200:00:07.691220 /VirtualBox/HostInfo/VBoxVerExt: '7.1.4', 1733767998768152001 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287300:00:07.691221 /VirtualBox/VMInfo/ResumeCounter: '0', 1733767998554492001 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287400:00:07.691222 /VirtualBox/HostGuest/SysprepExec: '', 1733767998554492002 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287500:00:07.691223 /VirtualBox/HostGuest/SysprepArgs: '', 1733767998554492003 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287600:00:07.691224 /VirtualBox/VMInfo/ResetCounter: '0', 1733767998554492000 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287700:00:07.691224 /VirtualBox/HostInfo/VBoxRev: '165100', 1733767998768152002 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287800:00:07.691225 /VirtualBox/HostInfo/VBoxVer: '7.1.4', 1733767998768152000 (TRANSIENT, RDONLYGUEST)
287900:00:07.691226 !!
288000:00:07.691226 !! {hda}
288100:00:07.691226 !!
288200:00:07.691227 GCAP: 0x4401
288300:00:07.691227 VMIN: 0x0
288400:00:07.691227 VMAJ: 0x1
288500:00:07.691228 OUTPAY: 0x3c
288600:00:07.691228 INPAY: 0x1d
288700:00:07.691228 GCTL: 0x1
288800:00:07.691229 WAKEEN: 0x0
288900:00:07.691229 STATESTS: 0x1
289000:00:07.691229 GSTS: 0x0
289100:00:07.691229 LLCH: 0xc00
289200:00:07.691230 OUTSTRMPAY: 0x0
289300:00:07.691230 INSTRMPAY: 0x0
289400:00:07.691230 INTCTL: 0x0
289500:00:07.691230 INTSTS: 0x0
289600:00:07.691231 WALCLK: 0x0
289700:00:07.691232 SSYNC: 0x0
289800:00:07.691232 SSYNC: 0x0
289900:00:07.691232 CORBLBASE: 0x0
290000:00:07.691232 CORBUBASE: 0x0
290100:00:07.691232 CORBWP: 0x0
290200:00:07.691233 CORBRP: 0x0
290300:00:07.691233 CORBCTL: 0x0
290400:00:07.691233 CORBSTS: 0x0
290500:00:07.691233 CORBSIZE: 0x42
290600:00:07.691234 RIRBLBASE: 0x0
290700:00:07.691234 RIRBUBASE: 0x0
290800:00:07.691234 RIRBWP: 0x0
290900:00:07.691234 RINTCNT: 0x1
291000:00:07.691234 RIRBCTL: 0x0
291100:00:07.691235 RIRBSTS: 0x0
291200:00:07.691235 RIRBSIZE: 0x42
291300:00:07.691235 IC: 0x0
291400:00:07.691235 IR: 0x0
291500:00:07.691236 IRS: 0x0
291600:00:07.691236 DPLBASE: 0x0
291700:00:07.691236 DPUBASE: 0x0
291800:00:07.691236 SD0CTL: 0x0
291900:00:07.691236 SD0STS: 0x0
292000:00:07.691237 SD0LPIB: 0x0
292100:00:07.691237 SD0CBL: 0x0
292200:00:07.691237 SD0LVI: 0x0
292300:00:07.691237 SD0FIFOW: 0x4
292400:00:07.691238 SD0FIFOS: 0x77
292500:00:07.691238 SD0FMT: 0x0
292600:00:07.691238 SD0BDPL: 0x0
292700:00:07.691238 SD0BDPU: 0x0
292800:00:07.691238 SD1CTL: 0x0
292900:00:07.691239 SD1STS: 0x0
293000:00:07.691239 SD1LPIB: 0x0
293100:00:07.691239 SD1CBL: 0x0
293200:00:07.691239 SD1LVI: 0x0
293300:00:07.691239 SD1FIFOW: 0x4
293400:00:07.691239 SD1FIFOS: 0x77
293500:00:07.691240 SD1FMT: 0x0
293600:00:07.691240 SD1BDPL: 0x0
293700:00:07.691240 SD1BDPU: 0x0
293800:00:07.691240 SD2CTL: 0x0
293900:00:07.691240 SD2STS: 0x0
294000:00:07.691241 SD2LPIB: 0x0
294100:00:07.691241 SD2CBL: 0x0
294200:00:07.691241 SD2LVI: 0x0
294300:00:07.691241 SD2FIFOW: 0x4
294400:00:07.691241 SD2FIFOS: 0x77
294500:00:07.691242 SD2FMT: 0x0
294600:00:07.691242 SD2BDPL: 0x0
294700:00:07.691242 SD2BDPU: 0x0
294800:00:07.691242 SD3CTL: 0x0
294900:00:07.691242 SD3STS: 0x0
295000:00:07.691243 SD3LPIB: 0x0
295100:00:07.691243 SD3CBL: 0x0
295200:00:07.691243 SD3LVI: 0x0
295300:00:07.691243 SD3FIFOW: 0x4
295400:00:07.691243 SD3FIFOS: 0x77
295500:00:07.691244 SD3FMT: 0x0
295600:00:07.691244 SD3BDPL: 0x0
295700:00:07.691244 SD3BDPU: 0x0
295800:00:07.691244 SD4CTL: 0x0
295900:00:07.691244 SD4STS: 0x0
296000:00:07.691245 SD4LPIB: 0x0
296100:00:07.691245 SD4CBL: 0x0
296200:00:07.691245 SD4LVI: 0x0
296300:00:07.691245 SD4FIFOW: 0x4
296400:00:07.691245 SD4FIFOS: 0xbf
296500:00:07.691245 SD4FMT: 0x0
296600:00:07.691246 SD4BDPL: 0x0
296700:00:07.691246 SD4BDPU: 0x0
296800:00:07.691246 SD5CTL: 0x0
296900:00:07.691246 SD5STS: 0x0
297000:00:07.691246 SD5LPIB: 0x0
297100:00:07.691246 SD5CBL: 0x0
297200:00:07.691247 SD5LVI: 0x0
297300:00:07.691247 SD5FIFOW: 0x4
297400:00:07.691247 SD5FIFOS: 0xbf
297500:00:07.691247 SD5FMT: 0x0
297600:00:07.691247 SD5BDPL: 0x0
297700:00:07.691248 SD5BDPU: 0x0
297800:00:07.691248 SD6CTL: 0x0
297900:00:07.691248 SD6STS: 0x0
298000:00:07.691248 SD6LPIB: 0x0
298100:00:07.691248 SD6CBL: 0x0
298200:00:07.691249 SD6LVI: 0x0
298300:00:07.691249 SD6FIFOW: 0x4
298400:00:07.691249 SD6FIFOS: 0xbf
298500:00:07.691249 SD6FMT: 0x0
298600:00:07.691250 SD6BDPL: 0x0
298700:00:07.691250 SD6BDPU: 0x0
298800:00:07.691250 SD7CTL: 0x0
298900:00:07.691250 SD7STS: 0x0
299000:00:07.691250 SD7LPIB: 0x0
299100:00:07.691251 SD7CBL: 0x0
299200:00:07.691251 SD7LVI: 0x0
299300:00:07.691251 SD7FIFOW: 0x4
299400:00:07.691251 SD7FIFOS: 0xbf
299500:00:07.691251 SD7FMT: 0x0
299600:00:07.691252 SD7BDPL: 0x0
299700:00:07.691252 SD7BDPU: 0x0
299800:00:07.691252 MLCH: 0x0
299900:00:07.691252 MLCD: 0x0
300000:00:07.691252 SD0DPIB: 0x0
300100:00:07.691253 SD0EFIFOS: 0x0
300200:00:07.691253 SD1DPIB: 0x0
300300:00:07.691253 SD1EFIFOS: 0x0
300400:00:07.691253 SD2DPIB: 0x0
300500:00:07.691253 SD2EFIFOS: 0x0
300600:00:07.691254 SD3DPIB: 0x0
300700:00:07.691254 SD3EFIFOS: 0x0
300800:00:07.691254 SD4DPIB: 0x0
300900:00:07.691254 SD4EFIFOS: 0x0
301000:00:07.691255 SD5DPIB: 0x0
301100:00:07.691255 SD5EFIFOS: 0x0
301200:00:07.691255 SD6DPIB: 0x0
301300:00:07.691255 SD6EFIFOS: 0x0
301400:00:07.691255 SD7DPIB: 0x0
301500:00:07.691256 SD7EFIFOS: 0x0
301600:00:07.691256 !!
301700:00:07.691256 !! {hdabdl}
301800:00:07.691256 !!
301900:00:07.691256 Stream #0 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302000:00:07.691257 Stream #1 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302100:00:07.691258 Stream #2 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302200:00:07.691258 Stream #3 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302300:00:07.691259 Stream #4 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302400:00:07.691259 Stream #5 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302500:00:07.691260 Stream #6 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302600:00:07.691260 Stream #7 BDL: %%0x000000000 LB 0x0 (LVI=0)
302700:00:07.691261 DMA counters 0x000000000 LB 0x40, disabled:
302800:00:07.691261 !!
302900:00:07.691261 !! {hdamixer}
303000:00:07.691262 !!
303100:00:07.691263 [Master] HDA Mixer: fMuted=false auChannels=ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
303200:00:07.691264 [Sink 0] PCM Output: fMuted=true auChannels=ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
303300:00:07.691265 [Sink 1] Line In: fMuted=true auChannels=01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
303400:00:07.691267 !!
303500:00:07.691267 !! {hdastream}
303600:00:07.691267 !!
303700:00:07.691269 Stream #0: '' input 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
303800:00:07.691269 SD0CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
303900:00:07.691271 SD0CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
304000:00:07.691273 SD0FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0x77, sdfifos:120 B)
304100:00:07.691274 SD0FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
304200:00:07.691275 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
304300:00:07.691277 Stream #1: '' input 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
304400:00:07.691277 SD1CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
304500:00:07.691279 SD1CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
304600:00:07.691280 SD1FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0x77, sdfifos:120 B)
304700:00:07.691281 SD1FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
304800:00:07.691281 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
304900:00:07.691282 Stream #2: '' input 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
305000:00:07.691283 SD2CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
305100:00:07.691284 SD2CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
305200:00:07.691285 SD2FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0x77, sdfifos:120 B)
305300:00:07.691286 SD2FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
305400:00:07.691286 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
305500:00:07.691288 Stream #3: '' input 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
305600:00:07.691288 SD3CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
305700:00:07.691289 SD3CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
305800:00:07.691290 SD3FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0x77, sdfifos:120 B)
305900:00:07.691291 SD3FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
306000:00:07.691291 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
306100:00:07.691292 Stream #4: '' output 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
306200:00:07.691292 SD4CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
306300:00:07.691293 SD4CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
306400:00:07.691294 SD4FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0xbf, sdfifos:192 B)
306500:00:07.691295 SD4FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
306600:00:07.691295 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
306700:00:07.691296 Stream #5: '' output 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
306800:00:07.691297 SD5CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
306900:00:07.691298 SD5CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
307000:00:07.691299 SD5FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0xbf, sdfifos:192 B)
307100:00:07.691299 SD5FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
307200:00:07.691299 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
307300:00:07.691300 Stream #6: '' output 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
307400:00:07.691300 SD6CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
307500:00:07.691301 SD6CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
307600:00:07.691302 SD6FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0xbf, sdfifos:192 B)
307700:00:07.691303 SD6FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
307800:00:07.691303 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
307900:00:07.691304 Stream #7: '' output 0ch U0 0Hz, 0ms buffer, 0ms period, 0ms pre-buffer, 0ms sched
308000:00:07.691304 SD7CTL : SDCTL(raw:0x0, DIR:IN, TP:false, STRIPE:0, DEIE:false, FEIE:false, IOCE:false, RUN:false, RESET:false)
308100:00:07.691305 SD7CTS : SDSTS(raw:0x0, fifordy:false, dese:false, fifoe:false, bcis:false)
308200:00:07.691306 SD7FIFOS: SDFIFOS(raw:0xbf, sdfifos:192 B)
308300:00:07.691307 SD7FIFOW: SDFIFOW(raw: 0x4, sdfifow:32 B)
308400:00:07.691307 Current BDLE00: %%0x0 LB 0x0 - off=0x0
308500:00:07.691307 !!
308600:00:07.691308 !! {hdcnodes}
308700:00:07.691308 !!
308800:00:07.691308 HDA LINK / INPUTS
308900:00:07.691309 Node 0x06 (06): ADC
309000:00:07.691310 Parameters (F00):
309100:00:07.691310 Connections: 1
309200:00:07.691311 Amplifier Caps:
309300:00:07.691311 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
309400:00:07.691312 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
309500:00:07.691313 Power (F05): fReset=false, fStopOk=false, Set=3, Act=3
309600:00:07.691314 RegA: 4111
309700:00:07.691315 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
309800:00:07.691317 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
309900:00:07.691319 Node 0x07 (07): ADC
310000:00:07.691319 Parameters (F00):
310100:00:07.691320 Connections: 1
310200:00:07.691320 Amplifier Caps:
310300:00:07.691321 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
310400:00:07.691322 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
310500:00:07.691323 Power (F05): fReset=false, fStopOk=false, Set=3, Act=3
310600:00:07.691324 RegA: 4111
310700:00:07.691325 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
310800:00:07.691326 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
310900:00:07.691328 Node 0x09 (09): SPDIF IN
311000:00:07.691329 Node 0x0a (10): PORT
311100:00:07.691330 Node 0x0b (11): PORT
311200:00:07.691330 Node 0x12 (18): ADC MUX
311300:00:07.691331 Parameters (F00):
311400:00:07.691332 Connections: 7
311500:00:07.691332 Amplifier Caps:
311600:00:07.691333 Input Steps=05, StepSize=27, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
311700:00:07.691334 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
311800:00:07.691335 RegA: 0
311900:00:07.691336 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
312000:00:07.691338 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
312100:00:07.691339 Node 0x13 (19): ADC MUX
312200:00:07.691340 Parameters (F00):
312300:00:07.691340 Connections: 7
312400:00:07.691341 Amplifier Caps:
312500:00:07.691342 Input Steps=05, StepSize=27, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
312600:00:07.691343 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
312700:00:07.691345 RegA: 0
312800:00:07.691345 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
312900:00:07.691347 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
313000:00:07.691349 Node 0x0c (12): PORT
313100:00:07.691350 Node 0x0d (13): PORT
313200:00:07.691351 Node 0x0f (15): PORT
313300:00:07.691351 Node 0x12 (18): ADC MUX
313400:00:07.691352 Parameters (F00):
313500:00:07.691353 Connections: 7
313600:00:07.691353 Amplifier Caps:
313700:00:07.691354 Input Steps=05, StepSize=27, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
313800:00:07.691355 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
313900:00:07.691356 RegA: 0
314000:00:07.691357 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
314100:00:07.691358 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
314200:00:07.691359 Node 0x13 (19): ADC MUX
314300:00:07.691360 Parameters (F00):
314400:00:07.691360 Connections: 7
314500:00:07.691361 Amplifier Caps:
314600:00:07.691361 Input Steps=05, StepSize=27, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
314700:00:07.691362 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
314800:00:07.691363 RegA: 0
314900:00:07.691363 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
315000:00:07.691365 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
315100:00:07.691366 Node 0x10 (16): DIGITAL OUT PIN
315200:00:07.691367 Node 0x12 (18): ADC MUX
315300:00:07.691367 Parameters (F00):
315400:00:07.691367 Connections: 7
315500:00:07.691368 Amplifier Caps:
315600:00:07.691368 Input Steps=05, StepSize=27, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
315700:00:07.691369 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
315800:00:07.691370 RegA: 0
315900:00:07.691370 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
316000:00:07.691371 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
316100:00:07.691373 Node 0x17 (23): ADC VOLUME
316200:00:07.691373 Parameters (F00):
316300:00:07.691374 Connections: 1
316400:00:07.691374 Amplifier Caps:
316500:00:07.691374 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
316600:00:07.691375 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
316700:00:07.691376 RegA: 0
316800:00:07.691377 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
316900:00:07.691378 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
317000:00:07.691379 Node 0x13 (19): ADC MUX
317100:00:07.691380 Parameters (F00):
317200:00:07.691380 Connections: 7
317300:00:07.691380 Amplifier Caps:
317400:00:07.691381 Input Steps=05, StepSize=27, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
317500:00:07.691381 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
317600:00:07.691382 RegA: 0
317700:00:07.691383 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
317800:00:07.691384 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
317900:00:07.691385 Node 0x18 (24): ADC VOLUME
318000:00:07.691386 Parameters (F00):
318100:00:07.691386 Connections: 1
318200:00:07.691387 Amplifier Caps:
318300:00:07.691387 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
318400:00:07.691388 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
318500:00:07.691389 RegA: 0
318600:00:07.691389 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
318700:00:07.691390 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
318800:00:07.691392 Node 0x16 (22): VOLUME KNOB
318900:00:07.691392 Node 0x17 (23): ADC VOLUME
319000:00:07.691393 Parameters (F00):
319100:00:07.691393 Connections: 1
319200:00:07.691393 Amplifier Caps:
319300:00:07.691394 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
319400:00:07.691395 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
319500:00:07.691395 RegA: 0
319600:00:07.691396 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
319700:00:07.691397 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
319800:00:07.691398 Node 0x06 (06): ADC
319900:00:07.691399 Parameters (F00):
320000:00:07.691399 Connections: 1
320100:00:07.691399 Amplifier Caps:
320200:00:07.691400 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
320300:00:07.691401 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
320400:00:07.691402 Power (F05): fReset=false, fStopOk=false, Set=3, Act=3
320500:00:07.691403 RegA: 4111
320600:00:07.691403 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
320700:00:07.691404 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
320800:00:07.691405 Node 0x10 (16): DIGITAL OUT PIN
320900:00:07.691406 Node 0x18 (24): ADC VOLUME
321000:00:07.691406 Parameters (F00):
321100:00:07.691407 Connections: 1
321200:00:07.691407 Amplifier Caps:
321300:00:07.691408 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
321400:00:07.691408 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
321500:00:07.691409 RegA: 0
321600:00:07.691410 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
321700:00:07.691411 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=true, uGain=0
321800:00:07.691412 Node 0x07 (07): ADC
321900:00:07.691412 Parameters (F00):
322000:00:07.691413 Connections: 1
322100:00:07.691413 Amplifier Caps:
322200:00:07.691414 Input Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
322300:00:07.691415 Output Steps=01, StepSize=00, StepOff=00, fCanMute=false
322400:00:07.691416 Power (F05): fReset=false, fStopOk=false, Set=3, Act=3
322500:00:07.691416 RegA: 4111
322600:00:07.691417 Amp 0 Left In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
322700:00:07.691418 Amp 0 Right In: In=false, Out=false, Left=false, Right=false, Idx=0, fMute=false, uGain=0
322800:00:07.691419 Node 0x1b (27): RESERVED
322900:00:07.691420 !!
323000:00:07.691420 !! {hdcselector}
323100:00:07.691420 !!
323200:00:07.691421 !!
323300:00:07.691421 !! {ioport}
323400:00:07.691421 !!
323500:00:07.691421 I/O port registrations: 5 (186 allocated)
323600:00:07.691421 ## Ctx Ports Mapping PCI Description
323700:00:07.691422 0 R3 0001 0504-0504 VMMDev backdoor logging
323800:00:07.691423 1 R3 0001 0505-0505 VMMDev timesync backdoor
323900:00:07.691423 2 R3 0001 unmapped pci0/0 VMMDev Request Handler
324000:00:07.691424 3 R3 0001 unmapped pci0/1 VMMDev Fast R0/RC Requests
324100:00:07.691424 4 R3 0008 unmapped pci0/2 E1000
324200:00:07.691425 !!
324300:00:07.691425 !! {itlb}
324400:00:07.691425 !!
324500:00:07.691430 000: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
324600:00:07.691432 001: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
324700:00:07.691432 002: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
324800:00:07.691433 003: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
324900:00:07.691435 004: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325000:00:07.691435 005: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325100:00:07.691436 006: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325200:00:07.691437 007: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325300:00:07.691438 008: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325400:00:07.691439 009: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325500:00:07.691440 00a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325600:00:07.691441 00b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325700:00:07.691442 00c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325800:00:07.691443 00d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
325900:00:07.691444 00e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326000:00:07.691445 00f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326100:00:07.691446 010: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326200:00:07.691447 011: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326300:00:07.691448 012: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326400:00:07.691449 013: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326500:00:07.691450 014: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326600:00:07.691451 015: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326700:00:07.691452 016: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326800:00:07.691453 017: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
326900:00:07.691454 018: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327000:00:07.691454 019: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327100:00:07.691455 01a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327200:00:07.691456 01b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327300:00:07.691457 01c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327400:00:07.691458 01d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327500:00:07.691459 01e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327600:00:07.691460 01f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327700:00:07.691461 020: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327800:00:07.691462 021: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
327900:00:07.691463 022: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328000:00:07.691463 023: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328100:00:07.691464 024: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328200:00:07.691465 025: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328300:00:07.691466 026: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328400:00:07.691467 027: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328500:00:07.691468 028: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328600:00:07.691469 029: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328700:00:07.691470 02a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328800:00:07.691471 02b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
328900:00:07.691472 02c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329000:00:07.691472 02d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329100:00:07.691473 02e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329200:00:07.691474 02f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329300:00:07.691475 030: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329400:00:07.691476 031: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329500:00:07.691477 032: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329600:00:07.691478 033: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329700:00:07.691479 034: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329800:00:07.691480 035: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
329900:00:07.691480 036: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330000:00:07.691481 037: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330100:00:07.691482 038: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330200:00:07.691483 039: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330300:00:07.691484 03a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330400:00:07.691485 03b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330500:00:07.691486 03c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330600:00:07.691487 03d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330700:00:07.691488 03e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330800:00:07.691489 03f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
330900:00:07.691490 040: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331000:00:07.691490 041: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331100:00:07.691491 042: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331200:00:07.691492 043: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331300:00:07.691493 044: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331400:00:07.691494 045: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331500:00:07.691495 046: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331600:00:07.691496 047: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331700:00:07.691497 048: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331800:00:07.691498 049: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
331900:00:07.691498 04a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332000:00:07.691499 04b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332100:00:07.691500 04c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332200:00:07.691501 04d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332300:00:07.691502 04e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332400:00:07.691503 04f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332500:00:07.691504 050: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332600:00:07.691505 051: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332700:00:07.691506 052: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332800:00:07.691507 053: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
332900:00:07.691507 054: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333000:00:07.691508 055: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333100:00:07.691509 056: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333200:00:07.691510 057: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333300:00:07.691511 058: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333400:00:07.691512 059: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333500:00:07.691513 05a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333600:00:07.691514 05b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333700:00:07.691515 05c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333800:00:07.691516 05d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
333900:00:07.691516 05e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334000:00:07.691517 05f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334100:00:07.691518 060: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334200:00:07.691519 061: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334300:00:07.691520 062: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334400:00:07.691521 063: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334500:00:07.691522 064: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334600:00:07.691523 065: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334700:00:07.691524 066: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334800:00:07.691525 067: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
334900:00:07.691525 068: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335000:00:07.691526 069: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335100:00:07.691527 06a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335200:00:07.691528 06b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335300:00:07.691529 06c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335400:00:07.691530 06d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335500:00:07.691531 06e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335600:00:07.691532 06f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335700:00:07.691533 070: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335800:00:07.691534 071: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
335900:00:07.691534 072: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336000:00:07.691535 073: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336100:00:07.691536 074: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336200:00:07.691537 075: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336300:00:07.691538 076: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336400:00:07.691539 077: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336500:00:07.691540 078: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336600:00:07.691541 079: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336700:00:07.691542 07a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336800:00:07.691542 07b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
336900:00:07.691543 07c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337000:00:07.691544 07d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337100:00:07.691545 07e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337200:00:07.691546 07f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337300:00:07.691547 080: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337400:00:07.691548 081: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337500:00:07.691549 082: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337600:00:07.691550 083: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337700:00:07.691551 084: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337800:00:07.691551 085: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
337900:00:07.691552 086: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338000:00:07.691553 087: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338100:00:07.691554 088: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338200:00:07.691555 089: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338300:00:07.691556 08a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338400:00:07.691557 08b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338500:00:07.691558 08c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338600:00:07.691559 08d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338700:00:07.691559 08e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338800:00:07.691560 08f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
338900:00:07.691561 090: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339000:00:07.691562 091: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339100:00:07.691563 092: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339200:00:07.691564 093: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339300:00:07.691565 094: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339400:00:07.691566 095: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339500:00:07.691567 096: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339600:00:07.691568 097: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339700:00:07.691569 098: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339800:00:07.691570 099: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
339900:00:07.691570 09a: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340000:00:07.691571 09b: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340100:00:07.691572 09c: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340200:00:07.691573 09d: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340300:00:07.691574 09e: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340400:00:07.691575 09f: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340500:00:07.691576 0a0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340600:00:07.691577 0a1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340700:00:07.691578 0a2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340800:00:07.691579 0a3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
340900:00:07.691580 0a4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341000:00:07.691580 0a5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341100:00:07.691582 0a6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341200:00:07.691583 0a7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341300:00:07.691584 0a8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341400:00:07.691585 0a9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341500:00:07.691587 0aa: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341600:00:07.691588 0ab: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341700:00:07.691589 0ac: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341800:00:07.691590 0ad: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
341900:00:07.691591 0ae: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342000:00:07.691593 0af: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342100:00:07.691594 0b0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342200:00:07.691595 0b1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342300:00:07.691596 0b2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342400:00:07.691597 0b3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342500:00:07.691598 0b4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342600:00:07.691599 0b5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342700:00:07.691600 0b6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342800:00:07.691601 0b7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
342900:00:07.691602 0b8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343000:00:07.691603 0b9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343100:00:07.691604 0ba: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343200:00:07.691605 0bb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343300:00:07.691606 0bc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343400:00:07.691607 0bd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343500:00:07.691608 0be: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343600:00:07.691609 0bf: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343700:00:07.691610 0c0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343800:00:07.691611 0c1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
343900:00:07.691613 0c2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344000:00:07.691614 0c3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344100:00:07.691615 0c4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344200:00:07.691616 0c5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344300:00:07.691617 0c6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344400:00:07.691619 0c7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344500:00:07.691620 0c8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344600:00:07.691621 0c9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344700:00:07.691622 0ca: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344800:00:07.691623 0cb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
344900:00:07.691624 0cc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345000:00:07.691625 0cd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345100:00:07.691626 0ce: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345200:00:07.691627 0cf: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345300:00:07.691628 0d0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345400:00:07.691629 0d1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345500:00:07.691630 0d2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345600:00:07.691632 0d3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345700:00:07.691633 0d4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345800:00:07.691634 0d5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
345900:00:07.691635 0d6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346000:00:07.691636 0d7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346100:00:07.691637 0d8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346200:00:07.691639 0d9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346300:00:07.691640 0da: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346400:00:07.691641 0db: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346500:00:07.691642 0dc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346600:00:07.691643 0dd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346700:00:07.691644 0de: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346800:00:07.691645 0df: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
346900:00:07.691646 0e0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347000:00:07.691647 0e1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347100:00:07.691648 0e2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347200:00:07.691649 0e3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347300:00:07.691650 0e4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347400:00:07.691651 0e5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347500:00:07.691652 0e6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347600:00:07.691653 0e7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347700:00:07.691654 0e8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347800:00:07.691655 0e9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
347900:00:07.691656 0ea: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348000:00:07.691657 0eb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348100:00:07.691658 0ec: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348200:00:07.691659 0ed: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348300:00:07.691660 0ee: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348400:00:07.691661 0ef: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348500:00:07.691663 0f0: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348600:00:07.691664 0f1: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348700:00:07.691665 0f2: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348800:00:07.691666 0f3: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
348900:00:07.691667 0f4: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349000:00:07.691669 0f5: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349100:00:07.691670 0f6: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349200:00:07.691671 0f7: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349300:00:07.691672 0f8: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349400:00:07.691673 0f9: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349500:00:07.691675 0fa: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349600:00:07.691676 0fb: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349700:00:07.691677 0fc: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349800:00:07.691678 0fd: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
349900:00:07.691679 0fe: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADS-2M/wr--/M phys-empty
350000:00:07.691680 0ff: empty 0x0000000000000000 -> 0000000000000000 / 0000000000000000 / 0x000 RWXADSG2M/wr--/M phys-empty
350100:00:07.691682 !!
350200:00:07.691682 !! {mmio}
350300:00:07.691682 !!
350400:00:07.691682 MMIO registrations: 13 (186 allocated)
350500:00:07.691682 ## Ctx Size Mapping PCI Description
350600:00:07.691683 0 R3 00000000000c0000 0000000004000000-00000000040bffff Flash Memory
350700:00:07.691684 1 R3 0000000001000000 0000000101030000-000000010202ffff ECAM window
350800:00:07.691685 2 R3 0000000000010000 0000000101020000-000000010102ffff PIO range
350900:00:07.691686 3 R3 0000000000010000 0000000101000000-000000010100ffff GICv3_Dist
351000:00:07.691686 4 R3 0000000000020000 0000000100000000-000000010001ffff GICv3_ReDist
351100:00:07.691687 5 R3 0000000000001000 0000000101010000-0000000101010fff PL031-RTC
351200:00:07.691688 6 R3 0000000000001000 unmapped pci0/196608 VMMDev MMIO Request Handler
351300:00:07.691689 7 R3 0000000000400000 0000000018400000-00000000187fffff pci0/0 VMSVGA3-MMIO
351400:00:07.691690 8 R3 0000000000002000 0000000018834000-0000000018835fff pci0/131072 VIRTIOSCSI0 (modern)
351500:00:07.691691 9 R3 0000000000020000 unmapped pci0/0 E1000
351600:00:07.691692 10 R3 0000000000004000 unmapped pci0/0 HDA
351700:00:07.691693 11 R3 0000000000010000 0000000018820000-000000001882ffff pci0/0 USB xHCI
351800:00:07.691694 12 R3 0000000000001000 0000000101011000-0000000101011fff PL061
351900:00:07.691695 !!
352000:00:07.691695 !! {nat0}
352100:00:07.691695 !!
352200:00:07.691695 libslirp Connection Info:
352300:00:07.691697 Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ
352400:00:07.691698 libslirp Neighbor Info:
352500:00:07.691699 Table MacAddr IP Address
352600:00:07.691699 libslirp Version String:
352700:00:07.691700 !!
352800:00:07.691700 !! {pci}
352900:00:07.691700 !!
353000:00:07.691701 00:00.0 vga: 15ad-0406 GenericEcam IRQ255 (INTA#->IRQ16)
353100:00:07.691703 Class base/sub: 0300 (display controller)
353200:00:07.691704 MMIO32 region #0: 18400000..187fffff
353300:00:07.691705 MMIO32 PREFETCH region #2: 10000000..17ffffff
353400:00:07.691706 Command: 0017, Status: 0000
353500:00:07.691707 Bus master: Yes
353600:00:07.691708 00:01.0 VMMDev: 80ee-cafe GenericEcam IRQ255 (INTA#->IRQ17)
353700:00:07.691709 Class base/sub: 0880 (base system peripherals)
353800:00:07.691710 IO region #0: 0..1f
353900:00:07.691711 MMIO32 region #1: 18000000..183fffff
354000:00:07.691711 MMIO32 region #3: 18836000..18836fff
354100:00:07.691712 Command: 0010, Status: 0000
354200:00:07.691712 Bus master: No
354300:00:07.691713 00:02.0 hda: 8086-2668 GenericEcam IRQ255 (INTA#->IRQ18)
354400:00:07.691714 Class base/sub: 0403 (multimedia controller)
354500:00:07.691714 MMIO32 region #0: 18830000..18833fff
354600:00:07.691715 Command: 0010, Status: 0010
354700:00:07.691715 Bus master: No
354800:00:07.691716 00:03.0 virtio-scsi: 1af4-1048 GenericEcam IRQ255 (INTA#->IRQ19)
354900:00:07.691717 Class base/sub: 0100 (mass storage controller)
355000:00:07.691718 MMIO32 region #2: 18834000..18835fff
355100:00:07.691718 Command: 0016, Status: 0010
355200:00:07.691719 Bus master: Yes
355300:00:07.691719 00:06.0 usb-xhci: 8086-1e31 GenericEcam IRQ255 (INTA#->IRQ22)
355400:00:07.691720 Class base/sub: 0c03 (serial bus controllers)
355500:00:07.691721 MMIO32 region #0: 18820000..1882ffff
355600:00:07.691721 Command: 0017, Status: 0010
355700:00:07.691721 Bus master: Yes
355800:00:07.691722 00:08.0 e1000: 8086-100e GenericEcam IRQ255 (INTA#->IRQ16)
355900:00:07.691723 Class base/sub: 0200 (network controller)
356000:00:07.691723 MMIO32 region #0: 18800000..1881ffff
356100:00:07.691724 IO region #2: 20..27
356200:00:07.691724 Command: 0010, Status: 0230
356300:00:07.691725 Bus master: No
356400:00:07.691726 !!
356500:00:07.691726 !! {pciirq}
356600:00:07.691726 !!
356700:00:07.691726 PCI I/O APIC IRQ levels:
356800:00:07.691727 IRQ16: 0
356900:00:07.691727 IRQ17: 0
357000:00:07.691727 IRQ18: 0
357100:00:07.691728 IRQ19: 0
357200:00:07.691728 IRQ20: 0
357300:00:07.691728 IRQ21: 0
357400:00:07.691728 IRQ22: 0
357500:00:07.691728 IRQ23: 0
357600:00:07.691729 !!
357700:00:07.691729 !! {pdmtracingids}
357800:00:07.691729 !!
357900:00:07.691730 Device tracing IDs:
358000:00:07.691730 00001 flash-cfi
358100:00:07.691731 00002 platform
358200:00:07.691731 00003 pci-generic-ecam
358300:00:07.691731 00004 gic
358400:00:07.691732 00005 arm-pl031-rtc
358500:00:07.691732 00006 VMMDev
358600:00:07.691733 00007 vga
358700:00:07.691733 00008 virtio-scsi
358800:00:07.691733 00009 e1000
358900:00:07.691734 00010 hda
359000:00:07.691734 00011 usb-xhci
359100:00:07.691734 00012 arm-pl061-gpio
359200:00:07.691735 USB device tracing IDs:
359300:00:07.691736 01046 HidKeyboard
359400:00:07.691736 Driver tracing IDs:
359500:00:07.691736 01025 NvramStore (level 0, lun 0, dev flash-cfi)
359600:00:07.691738 01026 ResourceStore (level 0, lun 0, dev platform)
359700:00:07.691739 01027 HGCM (level 0, lun 0, dev VMMDev)
359800:00:07.691740 01028 MainStatus (level 0, lun 999, dev VMMDev)
359900:00:07.691741 01029 MainDisplay (level 0, lun 0, dev vga)
360000:00:07.691742 01030 MainStatus (level 0, lun 999, dev vga)
360100:00:07.691742 01031 SCSI (level 0, lun 0, dev virtio-scsi)
360200:00:07.691743 01032 VD (level 1, lun 0, dev virtio-scsi)
360300:00:07.691743 01033 SCSI (level 0, lun 1, dev virtio-scsi)
360400:00:07.691744 01034 VD (level 1, lun 1, dev virtio-scsi)
360500:00:07.691744 01035 MainStatus (level 0, lun 999, dev virtio-scsi)
360600:00:07.691745 01036 MainStatus (level 0, lun 999, dev e1000)
360700:00:07.691745 01037 NAT (level 0, lun 0, dev e1000)
360800:00:07.691746 01038 AUDIO (level 0, lun 0, dev hda)
360900:00:07.691746 01039 CoreAudio (level 1, lun 0, dev hda)
361000:00:07.691747 01040 AUDIO (level 0, lun 1, dev hda)
361100:00:07.691747 01041 AUDIO (level 0, lun 2, dev hda)
361200:00:07.691748 01042 VUSBRootHub (level 0, lun 0, dev usb-xhci)
361300:00:07.691749 01043 VUSBRootHub (level 0, lun 1, dev usb-xhci)
361400:00:07.691749 01044 MainStatus (level 0, lun 999, dev usb-xhci)
361500:00:07.691750 01045 GpioButton (level 0, lun 0, dev arm-pl061-gpio)
361600:00:07.691750 01047 KeyboardQueue (level 0, lun 0, dev HidKeyboard)
361700:00:07.691751 01048 MainKeyboard (level 1, lun 0, dev HidKeyboard)
361800:00:07.691752 !!
361900:00:07.691752 !! {plugins}
362000:00:07.691752 !!
362100:00:07.691752 No plug-ins loaded
362200:00:07.691753 !!
362300:00:07.691753 !! {tasks}
362400:00:07.691753 !!
362500:00:07.691754 Task set #0 - handle base 0, pending 0x0 RZ-enabled, running 255, 2 of 64 allocated:
362600:00:07.691754 Hnd: State Type pfnCallback pvUser Flags Name
362700:00:07.691755 0: idle device 00000001334f4ec4 0000000000000000 0x0003 E1000-Xmit
362800:00:07.691756 1: idle device 000000013353b2d8 0000000000000000 0x0003 HDA CORB DMA
362900:00:07.691758 !!
363000:00:07.691758 !! {tracebuf}
363100:00:07.691758 !!
363200:00:07.691758 Tracing is disabled
363300:00:07.691758 !!
363400:00:07.691758 !! {trpmevent}
363500:00:07.691759 !!
363600:00:07.691759 CPU[0]: TRPM event (None)
363700:00:07.691759 !!
363800:00:07.691760 !! {virtio-scsi0}
363900:00:07.691760 !!
364000:00:07.691760 virtio-scsi#0: virtio-scsci numTargets=2!!
364100:00:07.691761 !! {vmsvga}
364200:00:07.691761 !!
364300:00:07.691775 Extension enabled: true
364400:00:07.691776 Configured: true
364500:00:07.691776 Base I/O port: 0xffffffff
364600:00:07.691776 FIFO address: 0000000000000000
364700:00:07.691777 FIFO size: 2097152 (0x200000)
364800:00:07.691777 FIFO external cmd: 0x0
364900:00:07.691778 FIFO extcmd wakeup: 0
365000:00:07.691778 Busy: 0x0
365100:00:07.691778 Traces: true (effective: true)
365200:00:07.691778 Guest ID: 0x0 (0)
365300:00:07.691779 IRQ status: 0x0
365400:00:07.691779 IRQ mask: 0x0
365500:00:07.691779 Pitch lock: 0xc80 (FIFO:0x0)
365600:00:07.691780 Current GMR ID: 0x0
365700:00:07.691780 Device Capabilites: 0x1f682e2
365800:00:07.691780 Device Cap2: 0x0
365900:00:07.691780 Guest driver id: 0x0
366000:00:07.691781 Guest driver ver1: 0x0
366100:00:07.691781 Guest driver ver2: 0x0
366200:00:07.691781 Guest driver ver3: 0x0
366300:00:07.691781 Index reg: 0x0
366400:00:07.691781 Action flags: 0x0
366500:00:07.691781 Max display size: 5632x5632
366600:00:07.691782 Display size: 800x600 32bpp
366700:00:07.691782 Scanline: 3200 (0xc80)
366800:00:07.691783 Viewport position: 0x0
366900:00:07.691783 Viewport size: 400x300
367000:00:07.691783 Cursor active: false
367100:00:07.691783 Cursor hotspot: 0x0
367200:00:07.691784 Cursor size: 0x0
367300:00:07.691784 Cursor byte size: 0 (0x0)
367400:00:07.691784 Legacy cursor: ID 0, state 0
367500:00:07.691784 Legacy cursor at: 0,0
367600:00:07.691785 3D enabled: false
367700:00:07.691785 Driver mode: 800x600 32bpp
367800:00:07.691785 Driver pitch: 3200 (0xc80)
367900:00:07.691786 Screen 0 defined (ID 0):
368000:00:07.691786 800 x 600 x 32bpp @ 0, 0
368100:00:07.691787 Pitch 3200 bytes, VRAM offset 0
368200:00:07.691787 Flags 3 ( IS_PRIMARY ), not modified
368300:00:07.691788 !!
368400:00:07.691788 !! {vmsvga3dctx}
368500:00:07.691788 !!
368600:00:07.691802 !!
368700:00:07.691802 !! {vmsvga3dsfc}
368800:00:07.691802 !!
368900:00:07.691803 !!
369000:00:07.691803 !! {vmsvga3dsurf}
369100:00:07.691803 !!
369200:00:07.691803 !!
369300:00:07.691803 !! {xhci}
369400:00:07.691803 !!
369500:00:07.691804 usb-xhci#0: PCI MMIO=0000000018820000 IRQ=255 MSI=off R0=false RC=false
369600:00:07.691805 USBCMD: 1: RS
369700:00:07.691806 USBSTS: 8: EINT
369800:00:07.691806 DNCTRL: 0 CONFIG: 20 (32 slots)
369900:00:07.691807 DCBAA ptr: 000000007ab38000
370000:00:07.691807 CRCR: 9: RCS CRR
370100:00:07.691807 CRCR ptr : 000000007ab38140
370200:00:07.691808 Port 01 (USB2): PORTSC: 603: CCS PED PLS=0 PP SPD=1
370300:00:07.691809 Port 02 (USB2): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
370400:00:07.691810 Port 03 (USB2): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
370500:00:07.691810 Port 04 (USB2): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
370600:00:07.691811 Port 05 (USB2): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
370700:00:07.691811 Port 06 (USB2): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
370800:00:07.691812 Port 07 (USB2): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
370900:00:07.691812 Port 08 (USB2): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
371000:00:07.691813 Port 09 (USB3): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
371100:00:07.691813 Port 10 (USB3): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
371200:00:07.691814 Port 11 (USB3): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
371300:00:07.691815 Port 12 (USB3): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
371400:00:07.691815 Port 13 (USB3): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
371500:00:07.691816 Port 14 (USB3): PORTSC: 2A0: PLS=5 PP SPD=0
371600:00:07.691816 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
371700:00:07.691838 emR3Debug: rc=VERR_CPUM_RAISE_GP_0
371800:00:12.086432 GUI: User requested to power VM off on Guru Meditation.
371900:00:12.086433 GUI: Powering VM off..
372000:00:12.088078 Console: Machine state changed to 'Stopping'
372100:00:12.088726 Console::powerDown(): A request to power off the VM has been issued (mMachineState=Stopping, InUninit=0)
372200:00:12.089077 Changing the VM state from 'GURU_MEDITATION' to 'POWERING_OFF'
372300:00:12.089079 ****************** Guest state at power off for VCpu 0 ******************
372400:00:12.089082 Guest CPUM (VCPU 0) state:
372500:00:12.089083 x0=00000000783a23c8 x1=0000000000000001 x2=000000007f6e4a30 x3=0000000000000000
372600:00:12.089085 x4=0000000000000000 x5=00000000783c0000 x6=00000000783be000 x7=00000000ffffffff
372700:00:12.089085 x8=00000000ffffffff x9=0000000000000015 x10=0000000000000000 x11=000000007bfd0018
372800:00:12.089086 x12=0000000000000003 x13=00000000783be048 x14=00000000783be020 x15=0000000000000010
372900:00:12.089086 x16=000000007ba8920c x17=00002b992ddfa232 x18=0000000000000000 x19=0000000000000000
373000:00:12.089087 x20=00000000783a1000 x21=00000000783a1000 x22=00000000783a2000 x23=00000000783a1000
373100:00:12.089087 x24=000000007837b000 x25=00000000783a2360 x26=0000000000000000 x27=000000007ab0cf98
373200:00:12.089088 x28=0000000000000000 x29=000000007f6e49c0 x30=000000007834b5d4
373300:00:12.089088 pc=000000007834b600 pstate=0000000060000385 SP nM4 nT F nI nA nD nV C Z nN
373400:00:12.089088 sp_el0=000000007ba900a0 sp_el1=000000007f6e49c0 sctlr_el1=000000003010118d
373500:00:12.089089 tcr_el1=000000018080351c ttbr0_el1=000000007ffff000 ttbr1_el1=0000000000000000
373600:00:12.089089 vbar_el1=0000000078297000 elr_el1=000000007bb0c394 esr_el1=0000000000000000
373700:00:12.089090 contextidr_el1=0000000000000000 tpidrr0_el0=0000000000000000
373800:00:12.089090 tpidr_el0=000000007c01ef30 tpidr_el1=0000000000000000
373900:00:12.089090 far_el1=0000000000000000 mair_el1=00000000ffbb4400 par_el1=ff000000783a2b80
374000:00:12.089091 cntv_ctl_el0=0000000000000001 cntv_val_el0=0000000008522c75
374100:00:12.089091 afsr0_el1=0000000000000000 afsr0_el1=0000000000000000 amair_el1=0000000000000000
374200:00:12.089091 cntkctl_el1=0000000000000000 cpacr_el1=0000000000300000 csselr_el1=0000000000000000
374300:00:12.089092 mdccint_el1=0000000000000000
374400:00:12.089092 fpcr=0000000000000000 fpsr=0000000000000000
374500:00:12.089092 q0 =00000000'7f6e4a10'00000000'7f6e4a10 q1 =ffffff80'ffffffd0'00000000'7f6e49e0
374600:00:12.089094 q2 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q3 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
374700:00:12.089095 q4 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q5 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
374800:00:12.089095 q6 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q7 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
374900:00:12.089096 q8 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q9 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375000:00:12.089097 q10=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q11=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375100:00:12.089098 q12=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q13=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375200:00:12.089099 q14=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q15=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375300:00:12.089099 q16=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q17=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375400:00:12.089100 q18=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q19=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375500:00:12.089101 q20=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q21=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375600:00:12.089101 q22=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q23=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375700:00:12.089102 q24=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q25=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375800:00:12.089103 q26=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q27=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
375900:00:12.089104 q28=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q29=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
376000:00:12.089104 q30=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 q31=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000
376100:00:12.089105 mdscr_el1=0000000000000000
376200:00:12.089105 DbgBp0 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
376300:00:12.089106 DbgBp1 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
376400:00:12.089106 DbgBp2 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
376500:00:12.089106 DbgBp3 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
376600:00:12.089107 DbgBp4 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
376700:00:12.089107 DbgBp5 : Control=00000000000001e0 Value=0000000000000000
376800:00:12.089107 DbgBp6 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
376900:00:12.089108 DbgBp7 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377000:00:12.089108 DbgBp8 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377100:00:12.089108 DbgBp9 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377200:00:12.089108 DbgBp10: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377300:00:12.089109 DbgBp11: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377400:00:12.089109 DbgBp12: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377500:00:12.089109 DbgBp13: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377600:00:12.089109 DbgBp14: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377700:00:12.089110 DbgBp15: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377800:00:12.089110 DbgWp0 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
377900:00:12.089110 DbgWp1 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378000:00:12.089111 DbgWp2 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378100:00:12.089111 DbgWp3 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378200:00:12.089111 DbgWp4 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378300:00:12.089112 DbgWp5 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378400:00:12.089112 DbgWp6 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378500:00:12.089112 DbgWp7 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378600:00:12.089112 DbgWp8 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378700:00:12.089113 DbgWp9 : Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378800:00:12.089113 DbgWp10: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
378900:00:12.089113 DbgWp11: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
379000:00:12.089114 DbgWp12: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
379100:00:12.089114 DbgWp13: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
379200:00:12.089114 DbgWp14: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
379300:00:12.089115 DbgWp15: Control=0000000000000000 Value=0000000000000000
379400:00:12.089115 APDAKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
379500:00:12.089116 APDBKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
379600:00:12.089116 APGAKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
379700:00:12.089116 APIAKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
379800:00:12.089117 APIBKey=0000000000000000'0000000000000000
379900:00:12.089117 ***
380000:00:12.089120 ***
380100:00:12.089121 ***
380200:00:12.089121 Active Timers (pVM=0000000130404000)
380300:00:12.089124 pTimerR3 offNext offPrev offSched Clock Time Expire HzHint State Description
380400:00:12.089126 0000000130008100 00000006 ffffffff ffffffff Real 474395 470011 0 2-ACTIVE VGA Refresh
380500:00:12.089128 0000000130008300 ffffffff 00000002 ffffffff Real 474395 470191 0 2-ACTIVE CPU Load Timer
380600:00:12.089129 ***
380700:00:12.089130 ************** End of Guest state at power off ***************
380800:00:12.089293 ERROR [COM]: aRC=E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80070005) aIID={6ac83d89-6ee7-4e33-8ae6-b257b2e81be8} aComponent={ConsoleWrap} aText={The virtual machine is being powered down}, preserve=false aResultDetail=0
380900:00:12.089444 PDMR3PowerOff: after 0 ms, 1 loops: 1 async tasks - virtio-scsi/0
381000:00:12.090441 PDMR3PowerOff: 1 311 250 ns run time
381100:00:12.090443 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_OFF' to 'OFF'
381200:00:12.092133 Changing the VM state from 'OFF' to 'DESTROYING'
381300:00:12.092142 ************************* Statistics *************************
381400:00:12.092144 /Devices/VMMDev/BalloonChunks 0 count
381500:00:12.092145 /Devices/VMMDev/FastIrqAckR3 0 count
381600:00:12.092145 /Devices/VMMDev/FastIrqAckRZ 0 count
381700:00:12.092146 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Kernel/BudgetAvailable 715827882 bytes
381800:00:12.092147 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Kernel/BudgetConfig 715827882 bytes
381900:00:12.092147 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Kernel/BudgetOverruns 0 bytes
382000:00:12.092147 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Kernel/MessageHeapUsage 0 bytes/call ( 0 bytes, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
382100:00:12.092148 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Root/BudgetAvailable 715827882 bytes
382200:00:12.092149 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Root/BudgetConfig 715827882 bytes
382300:00:12.092149 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Root/BudgetOverruns 0 bytes
382400:00:12.092150 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-Root/MessageHeapUsage 0 bytes/call ( 0 bytes, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
382500:00:12.092151 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-User/BudgetAvailable 715827882 bytes
382600:00:12.092151 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-User/BudgetConfig 715827882 bytes
382700:00:12.092151 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-User/BudgetOverruns 0 bytes
382800:00:12.092151 /Devices/VMMDev/HGCM-User/MessageHeapUsage 0 bytes/call ( 0 bytes, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
382900:00:12.092152 /Devices/VMMDev/LargeReqBufAllocs 0 count
383000:00:12.092152 /Devices/VMMDev/SlowIrqAck 0 count
383100:00:12.092153 /Devices/e1000#0/ReceiveBytes 0 bytes
383200:00:12.092153 /Devices/e1000#0/TransmitBytes 0 bytes
383300:00:12.092154 /Devices/e1000#0/iStatIntLost 0 ns
383400:00:12.092154 /Devices/e1000#0/iStatIntLostOne 0 ns
383500:00:12.092154 /Devices/e1000#0/u64ArmedAt 0 ns
383600:00:12.092155 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatDescCtx 0 ns
383700:00:12.092155 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatDescDat 0 ns
383800:00:12.092155 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatDescLeg 0 ns
383900:00:12.092156 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatInt 0 ns
384000:00:12.092156 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntEarly 0 ns
384100:00:12.092156 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntICS 0 ns
384200:00:12.092157 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntIMS 0 ns
384300:00:12.092157 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntLate 0 ns
384400:00:12.092157 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntLower 0 ns
384500:00:12.092158 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntMasked 0 ns
384600:00:12.092158 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntRDTR 0 ns
384700:00:12.092158 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntRXDMT0 0 ns
384800:00:12.092158 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntRx 0 ns
384900:00:12.092159 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntSkip 0 ns
385000:00:12.092159 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntTXQE 0 ns
385100:00:12.092159 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntTry 0 ns
385200:00:12.092159 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatIntTx 0 ns
385300:00:12.092159 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatMaxTxDelay 0 ns
385400:00:12.092160 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatNoIntICR 0 ns
385500:00:12.092160 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatRAD 0 ns
385600:00:12.092160 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatRID 0 ns
385700:00:12.092160 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatRxFrm 0 ns
385800:00:12.092160 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTAD 0 ns
385900:00:12.092161 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTID 0 ns
386000:00:12.092161 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx1514 0 ns
386100:00:12.092161 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx16384 0 ns
386200:00:12.092161 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx2962 0 ns
386300:00:12.092161 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx32768 0 ns
386400:00:12.092161 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx4410 0 ns
386500:00:12.092162 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx5858 0 ns
386600:00:12.092162 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx7306 0 ns
386700:00:12.092162 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTx8754 0 ns
386800:00:12.092162 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTxDelayExp 0 ns
386900:00:12.092163 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTxDelayed 0 ns
387000:00:12.092163 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTxFrm 0 ns
387100:00:12.092163 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTxIDE 0 ns
387200:00:12.092163 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTxLarge 0 ns
387300:00:12.092163 /Devices/e1000#0/uStatTxNoRS 0 ns
387400:00:12.092164 /Devices/hda/Codec/LookupsR0 0 times
387500:00:12.092174 /Devices/vga/HgmsiMdaCgaAccesses 0 times
387600:00:12.092174 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dActivateSurface 0 times
387700:00:12.092175 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dBeginQuery 0 times
387800:00:12.092175 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dBlitSurfaceToScreenProf 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
387900:00:12.092176 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dClear 0 times
388000:00:12.092176 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dContextDefine 0 times
388100:00:12.092177 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dContextDestroy 0 times
388200:00:12.092177 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dDeactivateSurface 0 times
388300:00:12.092177 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dDrawPrimitives 0 times
388400:00:12.092177 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dEndQuery 0 times
388500:00:12.092178 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dGenerateMipmaps 0 times
388600:00:12.092178 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dPresent 0 times
388700:00:12.092178 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dPresentReadBack 0 times
388800:00:12.092179 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetClipPlane 0 times
388900:00:12.092179 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetLightData 0 times
389000:00:12.092179 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetLightEnable 0 times
389100:00:12.092179 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetMaterial 0 times
389200:00:12.092180 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetRenderState 0 times
389300:00:12.092180 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetRenderTarget 0 times
389400:00:12.092180 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetScissorRect 0 times
389500:00:12.092181 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetShader 0 times
389600:00:12.092181 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetShaderConst 0 times
389700:00:12.092181 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetTextureState 0 times
389800:00:12.092181 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetTransform 0 times
389900:00:12.092181 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetViewPort 0 times
390000:00:12.092182 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSetZRange 0 times
390100:00:12.092182 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dShaderDefine 0 times
390200:00:12.092182 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dShaderDestroy 0 times
390300:00:12.092182 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSurfaceCopy 0 times
390400:00:12.092183 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSurfaceDefine 0 times
390500:00:12.092183 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSurfaceDefineV2 0 times
390600:00:12.092183 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSurfaceDestroy 0 times
390700:00:12.092184 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSurfaceDma 0 times
390800:00:12.092184 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSurfaceScreen 0 times
390900:00:12.092184 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dSurfaceStretchBlt 0 times
391000:00:12.092184 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/3dWaitForQuery 0 times
391100:00:12.092184 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/AnnotationCopy 0 times
391200:00:12.092184 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/AnnotationFill 0 times
391300:00:12.092185 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/BlitGmrFbToScreen 0 times
391400:00:12.092185 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/BlitScreentoGmrFb 0 times
391500:00:12.092185 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DefineAlphaCursor 0 times
391600:00:12.092185 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DefineCursor 0 times
391700:00:12.092185 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DefineGmr2 0 times
391800:00:12.092185 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DefineGmr2/Free 0 times
391900:00:12.092186 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DefineGmr2/Modify 0 times
392000:00:12.092186 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DefineGmrFb 0 times
392100:00:12.092186 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DefineScreen 0 times
392200:00:12.092186 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DestroyScreen 0 times
392300:00:12.092187 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/DisplayCursor 0 times
392400:00:12.092187 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/Escape 0 times
392500:00:12.092187 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/Fence 0 times
392600:00:12.092187 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/InvalidCmd 0 times
392700:00:12.092188 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/MoveCursor 0 times
392800:00:12.092188 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/RectCopy 0 times
392900:00:12.092188 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/RectFill 0 times
393000:00:12.092188 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/RectRopCopy 0 times
393100:00:12.092188 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/RemapGmr2 0 times
393200:00:12.092189 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/RemapGmr2/Modify 0 times
393300:00:12.092189 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/Update 310 times
393400:00:12.092189 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Cmd/UpdateVerbose 0 times
393500:00:12.092190 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/EmtDelayOnBusyFifo 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
393600:00:12.092190 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoCommands 0 times
393700:00:12.092190 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoCursorFetchAgain 0 times
393800:00:12.092191 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoCursorNoChange 0 times
393900:00:12.092191 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoCursorPosition 0 times
394000:00:12.092191 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoCursorVisiblity 0 times
394100:00:12.092192 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoErrors 0 times
394200:00:12.092192 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoExtendedSleep 6962279 ticks/call ( 13924558 ticks, 2 calls, max 13924553, min 5)
394300:00:12.092193 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoStalls 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
394400:00:12.092193 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoTodoTimeout 0 times
394500:00:12.092193 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoTodoWoken 0 times
394600:00:12.092194 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoUnknownCommands 0 times
394700:00:12.092194 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/FifoWatchdogWakeUps 233 times
394800:00:12.092195 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/BitsPerPixelRead 0 times
394900:00:12.092195 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/BitsPerPixelWrite 2 times
395000:00:12.092195 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/BlueMaskRead 0 times
395100:00:12.092195 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/BusyRead 0 times
395200:00:12.092195 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/BusyWrite 0 times
395300:00:12.092196 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/BytesPerLineRead 0 times
395400:00:12.092196 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CapabilitesRead 0 times
395500:00:12.092196 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CmdPrependHighRead 0 times
395600:00:12.092197 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CmdPrependHighWrite 0 times
395700:00:12.092197 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CmdPrependLowRead 0 times
395800:00:12.092197 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CmdPrependLowWrite 0 times
395900:00:12.092198 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CommandHighRead 0 times
396000:00:12.092198 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CommandHighWrite 311 times
396100:00:12.092198 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CommandLowRead 0 times
396200:00:12.092198 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CommandLowWrite 311 times
396300:00:12.092199 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ConfigDoneRead 0 times
396400:00:12.092199 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ConfigDoneWrite 5 times
396500:00:12.092199 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorIdRead 0 times
396600:00:12.092200 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorIdWrite 0 times
396700:00:12.092200 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorOnRead 0 times
396800:00:12.092200 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorOnWrite 0 times
396900:00:12.092200 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorXRead 0 times
397000:00:12.092200 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorXWrite 0 times
397100:00:12.092201 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorYRead 0 times
397200:00:12.092201 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/CursorYWrite 0 times
397300:00:12.092201 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DepthRead 0 times
397400:00:12.092201 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DepthWrite 0 times
397500:00:12.092201 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DevCapRead 0 times
397600:00:12.092201 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DevCapWrite 0 times
397700:00:12.092202 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayHeightRead 0 times
397800:00:12.092202 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayHeightWrite 0 times
397900:00:12.092202 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayIdRead 0 times
398000:00:12.092203 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayIdWrite 0 times
398100:00:12.092203 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayIsPrimaryRead 0 times
398200:00:12.092203 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayIsPrimaryWrite 0 times
398300:00:12.092204 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayPositionXRead 0 times
398400:00:12.092204 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayPositionXWrite 0 times
398500:00:12.092204 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayPositionYRead 0 times
398600:00:12.092204 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayPositionYWrite 0 times
398700:00:12.092204 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayWidthRead 0 times
398800:00:12.092204 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/DisplayWidthWrite 0 times
398900:00:12.092205 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/EnableRead 0 times
399000:00:12.092205 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/EnableWrite 5 times
399100:00:12.092205 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/FbOffsetRead 0 times
399200:00:12.092205 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/FbSizeRead 0 times
399300:00:12.092205 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/FbStartRead 0 times
399400:00:12.092206 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GBMemSizeRead 0 times
399500:00:12.092206 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrDescriptorWrite 0 times
399600:00:12.092206 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrDescriptorWrite/Errors 0 times
399700:00:12.092206 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrDescriptorWrite/Free 0 times
399800:00:12.092206 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrIdRead 0 times
399900:00:12.092207 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrIdWrite 0 times
400000:00:12.092207 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrMaxDescriptorLengthRead 0 times
400100:00:12.092207 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrMaxIdsRead 0 times
400200:00:12.092207 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GmrsMaxPagesRead 0 times
400300:00:12.092207 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GreenMaskRead 0 times
400400:00:12.092208 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GuestIdRead 0 times
400500:00:12.092208 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/GuestIdWrite 0 times
400600:00:12.092208 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/HeightRead 0 times
400700:00:12.092208 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/HeightWrite 2 times
400800:00:12.092208 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/HostBitsPerPixelRead 0 times
400900:00:12.092208 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/IdRead 1 times
401000:00:12.092209 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/IdWrite 1 times
401100:00:12.092209 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/IrqMaskRead 0 times
401200:00:12.092209 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/IrqMaskWrite 1 times
401300:00:12.092209 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MaxHeightRead 0 times
401400:00:12.092209 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MaxPrimBBMemRead 0 times
401500:00:12.092210 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MaxWidthRead 0 times
401600:00:12.092210 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MemRegsRead 0 times
401700:00:12.092210 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MemSizeRead 0 times
401800:00:12.092210 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MemStartRead 0 times
401900:00:12.092210 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MemorySizeRead 0 times
402000:00:12.092211 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/MobMaxSizeRead 0 times
402100:00:12.092211 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/NumDisplaysRead 0 times
402200:00:12.092211 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/NumDisplaysWrite 0 times
402300:00:12.092211 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/NumGuestDisplaysRead 0 times
402400:00:12.092211 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/NumGuestDisplaysWrite 0 times
402500:00:12.092212 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/PaletteRead 0 times
402600:00:12.092212 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/PaletteWrite 0 times
402700:00:12.092212 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/PitchLockRead 0 times
402800:00:12.092212 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/PitchLockWrite 0 times
402900:00:12.092212 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/PseudoColorWrite 0 times
403000:00:12.092213 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/PsuedoColorRead 0 times
403100:00:12.092213 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ReadOnlyWrite 0 times
403200:00:12.092213 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/RedMaskRead 0 times
403300:00:12.092213 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ScratchRead 0 times
403400:00:12.092213 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ScratchSizeRead 0 times
403500:00:12.092214 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ScratchWrite 0 times
403600:00:12.092214 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ScrnTgtMaxHeightRead 0 times
403700:00:12.092214 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/ScrnTgtMaxWidthRead 0 times
403800:00:12.092214 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/SyncRead 0 times
403900:00:12.092214 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/SyncWrite 0 times
404000:00:12.092214 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/TopRead 0 times
404100:00:12.092215 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/TopWrite 0 times
404200:00:12.092215 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/TracesRead 0 times
404300:00:12.092215 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/TracesWrite 2 times
404400:00:12.092215 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/UnknownRead 0 times
404500:00:12.092215 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/UnknownWrite 0 times
404600:00:12.092216 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/VramSizeRead 0 times
404700:00:12.092216 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/WidthRead 0 times
404800:00:12.092216 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/WidthWrite 2 times
404900:00:12.092216 /Devices/vga/VMSVGA/Reg/WriteOnlyRead 0 times
405000:00:12.092217 /Drivers/AUDIO-0/TotalStreamsCreated 0 count
405100:00:12.092217 /Drivers/AUDIO-1/TotalStreamsCreated 0 count
405200:00:12.092218 /Drivers/AUDIO-2/TotalStreamsCreated 0 count
405300:00:12.092218 /EM/CPU0/ExitHashing/Step00-Hits 77338 times
405400:00:12.092219 /EM/CPU0/ExitHashing/Step00-NewInserts 44 times
405500:00:12.092219 /EM/CPU0/ExitHashing/Step01-Hits 620 times
405600:00:12.092219 /EM/CPU0/ExitHashing/Step01-NewInserts 3 times
405700:00:12.092224 /EM/CPU0/ExitHashing/Used 47 times
405800:00:12.092224 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/Exec 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
405900:00:12.092224 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/ExecInstructions 0 times
406000:00:12.092225 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/ExecSavedExit 0 times
406100:00:12.092225 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/Probe 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
406200:00:12.092225 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/ProbeInstructions 0 times
406300:00:12.092226 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/ProbedExecWithMax 0 times
406400:00:12.092226 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/ProbedNormal 0 times
406500:00:12.092226 /EM/CPU0/ExitOpt/ProbedToRing3 0 times
406600:00:12.092227 /GMM/ChunkTlbHits 0 times
406700:00:12.092227 /GMM/ChunkTlbMisses 0 times
406800:00:12.092228 /HGCM/FailedPageListLocking 0 count
406900:00:12.092228 /HGCM/LargeCmdAllocs 0 count
407000:00:12.092228 /HGCM/MsgArrival 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
407100:00:12.092229 /HGCM/MsgCompletion 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
407200:00:12.092230 /HGCM/MsgTotal 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
407300:00:12.092230 /IOM/MmioMappingsStale 0 ticks/call
407400:00:12.092231 /IOM/MmioTooDeepRecursion 0 times
407500:00:12.092231 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCached 0 bytes
407600:00:12.092232 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedFru 0 bytes
407700:00:12.092232 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedMruIn 0 bytes
407800:00:12.092232 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedMruOut 0 bytes
407900:00:12.092232 /PDM/BlkCache/cbMax 5242880 bytes
408000:00:12.092233 /PDM/CritSects/00-AbortedEnters 0 times
408100:00:12.092233 /PDM/CritSects/00-EntersWhileAborting 0 times
408200:00:12.092234 /PDM/CritSects/00-Non-interruptible-Waits-VINF_SUCCESS 0 times
408300:00:12.092234 /PDM/CritSects/00-QueuedLeaves 0 times
408400:00:12.092234 /PDM/CritSects/00-VERR_INTERRUPTED 0 times
408500:00:12.092234 /PDM/CritSects/00-VERR_TIMEOUT 0 times
408600:00:12.092235 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionR3 0 times
408700:00:12.092235 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
408800:00:12.092236 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZLock 0 times
408900:00:12.092236 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
409000:00:12.092236 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
409100:00:12.092237 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
409200:00:12.092237 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionR3 0 times
409300:00:12.092238 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
409400:00:12.092238 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZLock 0 times
409500:00:12.092238 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
409600:00:12.092238 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
409700:00:12.092239 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
409800:00:12.092239 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionR3 0 times
409900:00:12.092240 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
410000:00:12.092240 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionRZLock 0 times
410100:00:12.092240 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
410200:00:12.092241 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
410300:00:12.092241 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0TX/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
410400:00:12.092241 /PDM/CritSects/HDA/ContentionR3 0 times
410500:00:12.092242 /PDM/CritSects/HDA/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
410600:00:12.092242 /PDM/CritSects/HDA/ContentionRZLock 0 times
410700:00:12.092243 /PDM/CritSects/HDA/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
410800:00:12.092243 /PDM/CritSects/HDA/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
410900:00:12.092243 /PDM/CritSects/HDA/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
411000:00:12.092244 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionR3 0 times
411100:00:12.092244 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
411200:00:12.092244 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionRZLock 0 times
411300:00:12.092245 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
411400:00:12.092245 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
411500:00:12.092245 /PDM/CritSects/NOP/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
411600:00:12.092246 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionR3 0 times
411700:00:12.092246 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
411800:00:12.092246 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZLock 0 times
411900:00:12.092247 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
412000:00:12.092247 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
412100:00:12.092247 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
412200:00:12.092247 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionR3 20 times
412300:00:12.092248 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionR3Wait 107 ticks/time ( 2142 ticks, 20 times, max 457, min 5)
412400:00:12.092248 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZLock 0 times
412500:00:12.092249 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
412600:00:12.092249 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
412700:00:12.092249 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
412800:00:12.092250 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionR3 0 times
412900:00:12.092250 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
413000:00:12.092251 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZLock 0 times
413100:00:12.092251 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
413200:00:12.092251 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
413300:00:12.092252 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
413400:00:12.092252 /PDM/CritSects/TM real queue timer lock/ContentionR3 0 times
413500:00:12.092253 /PDM/CritSects/TM real queue timer lock/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
413600:00:12.092253 /PDM/CritSects/TM real queue timer lock/ContentionRZLock 0 times
413700:00:12.092253 /PDM/CritSects/TM real queue timer lock/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
413800:00:12.092253 /PDM/CritSects/TM real queue timer lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
413900:00:12.092254 /PDM/CritSects/TM real queue timer lock/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
414000:00:12.092254 /PDM/CritSects/TM tsc queue timer lock/ContentionR3 0 times
414100:00:12.092254 /PDM/CritSects/TM tsc queue timer lock/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
414200:00:12.092255 /PDM/CritSects/TM tsc queue timer lock/ContentionRZLock 0 times
414300:00:12.092255 /PDM/CritSects/TM tsc queue timer lock/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
414400:00:12.092256 /PDM/CritSects/TM tsc queue timer lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
414500:00:12.092256 /PDM/CritSects/TM tsc queue timer lock/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
414600:00:12.092256 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual queue timer lock/ContentionR3 0 times
414700:00:12.092257 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual queue timer lock/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
414800:00:12.092257 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual queue timer lock/ContentionRZLock 0 times
414900:00:12.092257 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual queue timer lock/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
415000:00:12.092258 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual queue timer lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
415100:00:12.092258 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual queue timer lock/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
415200:00:12.092258 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual_sync queue timer lock/ContentionR3 0 times
415300:00:12.092259 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual_sync queue timer lock/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
415400:00:12.092259 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual_sync queue timer lock/ContentionRZLock 0 times
415500:00:12.092259 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual_sync queue timer lock/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
415600:00:12.092260 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual_sync queue timer lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
415700:00:12.092260 /PDM/CritSects/TM virtual_sync queue timer lock/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
415800:00:12.092260 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionR3 0 times
415900:00:12.092261 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
416000:00:12.092261 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionRZLock 0 times
416100:00:12.092261 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
416200:00:12.092262 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
416300:00:12.092262 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
416400:00:12.092262 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0_IRQ/ContentionR3 0 times
416500:00:12.092263 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0_IRQ/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
416600:00:12.092263 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0_IRQ/ContentionRZLock 0 times
416700:00:12.092263 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0_IRQ/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
416800:00:12.092264 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0_IRQ/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
416900:00:12.092264 /PDM/CritSects/VGA#0_IRQ/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
417000:00:12.092264 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionR3 0 times
417100:00:12.092265 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
417200:00:12.092265 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionRZLock 0 times
417300:00:12.092265 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
417400:00:12.092266 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
417500:00:12.092266 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev#0/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
417600:00:12.092266 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl031-rtc#0Auto/ContentionR3 0 times
417700:00:12.092267 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl031-rtc#0Auto/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
417800:00:12.092267 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl031-rtc#0Auto/ContentionRZLock 0 times
417900:00:12.092267 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl031-rtc#0Auto/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
418000:00:12.092268 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl031-rtc#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
418100:00:12.092268 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl031-rtc#0Auto/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
418200:00:12.092268 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl061-gpio#0Auto/ContentionR3 0 times
418300:00:12.092269 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl061-gpio#0Auto/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
418400:00:12.092269 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl061-gpio#0Auto/ContentionRZLock 0 times
418500:00:12.092270 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl061-gpio#0Auto/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
418600:00:12.092270 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl061-gpio#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
418700:00:12.092270 /PDM/CritSects/arm-pl061-gpio#0Auto/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
418800:00:12.092271 /PDM/CritSects/flash-cfi#0Auto/ContentionR3 0 times
418900:00:12.092271 /PDM/CritSects/flash-cfi#0Auto/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
419000:00:12.092271 /PDM/CritSects/flash-cfi#0Auto/ContentionRZLock 0 times
419100:00:12.092272 /PDM/CritSects/flash-cfi#0Auto/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
419200:00:12.092272 /PDM/CritSects/flash-cfi#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
419300:00:12.092272 /PDM/CritSects/flash-cfi#0Auto/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
419400:00:12.092273 /PDM/CritSects/gic#0Auto/ContentionR3 0 times
419500:00:12.092273 /PDM/CritSects/gic#0Auto/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
419600:00:12.092273 /PDM/CritSects/gic#0Auto/ContentionRZLock 0 times
419700:00:12.092274 /PDM/CritSects/gic#0Auto/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
419800:00:12.092274 /PDM/CritSects/gic#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
419900:00:12.092274 /PDM/CritSects/gic#0Auto/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
420000:00:12.092275 /PDM/CritSects/platform#0Auto/ContentionR3 0 times
420100:00:12.092275 /PDM/CritSects/platform#0Auto/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
420200:00:12.092276 /PDM/CritSects/platform#0Auto/ContentionRZLock 0 times
420300:00:12.092276 /PDM/CritSects/platform#0Auto/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
420400:00:12.092276 /PDM/CritSects/platform#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
420500:00:12.092277 /PDM/CritSects/platform#0Auto/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
420600:00:12.092277 /PDM/CritSects/usb-xhci#0Auto/ContentionR3 0 times
420700:00:12.092277 /PDM/CritSects/usb-xhci#0Auto/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
420800:00:12.092278 /PDM/CritSects/usb-xhci#0Auto/ContentionRZLock 0 times
420900:00:12.092278 /PDM/CritSects/usb-xhci#0Auto/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
421000:00:12.092279 /PDM/CritSects/usb-xhci#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
421100:00:12.092279 /PDM/CritSects/usb-xhci#0Auto/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
421200:00:12.092279 /PDM/CritSects/virtio-scsi#0Auto/ContentionR3 0 times
421300:00:12.092280 /PDM/CritSects/virtio-scsi#0Auto/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
421400:00:12.092280 /PDM/CritSects/virtio-scsi#0Auto/ContentionRZLock 0 times
421500:00:12.092280 /PDM/CritSects/virtio-scsi#0Auto/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
421600:00:12.092280 /PDM/CritSects/virtio-scsi#0Auto/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
421700:00:12.092281 /PDM/CritSects/virtio-scsi#0Auto/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
421800:00:12.092281 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#0/ContentionR3 0 times
421900:00:12.092282 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#0/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
422000:00:12.092282 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#0/ContentionRZLock 0 times
422100:00:12.092283 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#0/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
422200:00:12.092283 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
422300:00:12.092283 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#0/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
422400:00:12.092284 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#1/ContentionR3 0 times
422500:00:12.092284 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#1/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
422600:00:12.092284 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#1/ContentionRZLock 0 times
422700:00:12.092284 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#1/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
422800:00:12.092285 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#1/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
422900:00:12.092285 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#1/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
423000:00:12.092285 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#2/ContentionR3 0 times
423100:00:12.092285 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#2/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
423200:00:12.092286 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#2/ContentionRZLock 0 times
423300:00:12.092286 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#2/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
423400:00:12.092286 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#2/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
423500:00:12.092286 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#2/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
423600:00:12.092287 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#3/ContentionR3 0 times
423700:00:12.092287 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#3/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
423800:00:12.092287 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#3/ContentionRZLock 0 times
423900:00:12.092287 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#3/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
424000:00:12.092288 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#3/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
424100:00:12.092288 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#3/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
424200:00:12.092288 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#4/ContentionR3 0 times
424300:00:12.092288 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#4/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
424400:00:12.092289 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#4/ContentionRZLock 0 times
424500:00:12.092289 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#4/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
424600:00:12.092289 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#4/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
424700:00:12.092289 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#4/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
424800:00:12.092290 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#5/ContentionR3 0 times
424900:00:12.092290 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#5/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
425000:00:12.092290 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#5/ContentionRZLock 0 times
425100:00:12.092290 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#5/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
425200:00:12.092291 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#5/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
425300:00:12.092291 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#5/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
425400:00:12.092291 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#6/ContentionR3 0 times
425500:00:12.092291 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#6/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
425600:00:12.092292 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#6/ContentionRZLock 0 times
425700:00:12.092292 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#6/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
425800:00:12.092292 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#6/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
425900:00:12.092292 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#6/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
426000:00:12.092293 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#7/ContentionR3 0 times
426100:00:12.092293 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#7/ContentionR3Wait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
426200:00:12.092293 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#7/ContentionRZLock 0 times
426300:00:12.092294 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#7/ContentionRZLockBusy 0 times
426400:00:12.092294 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#7/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times
426500:00:12.092294 /PDM/CritSects/xHCIIntr#7/ContentionRZWait 0 ticks/time ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1)
426600:00:12.092295 /PDM/CritSectsRw/00-EnterSharedWhileAborting 0 times
426700:00:12.092295 /PDM/CritSectsRw/00-Excl-Non-interruptible-Waits-VINF_SUCCESS 0 times
426800:00:12.092295 /PDM/CritSectsRw/00-Excl-VERR_INTERRUPTED 0 times
426900:00:12.092296 /PDM/CritSectsRw/00-Excl-VERR_TIMEOUT 0 times
427000:00:12.092296 /PDM/CritSectsRw/00-Shared-Non-interruptible-Waits-VINF_SUCCESS 0 times
427100:00:12.092296 /PDM/CritSectsRw/00-Shared-VERR_INTERRUPTED 0 times
427200:00:12.092296 /PDM/CritSectsRw/00-Shared-VERR_TIMEOUT 0 times
427300:00:12.092297 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionR3EnterExcl 0 times
427400:00:12.092297 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionR3EnterShared 0 times
427500:00:12.092297 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionR3LeaveExcl 0 times
427600:00:12.092298 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZEnterExcl 0 times
427700:00:12.092298 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZEnterShared 0 times
427800:00:12.092298 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZLeaveExcl 0 times
427900:00:12.092298 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/ContentionRZLeaveShared 0 times
428000:00:12.092298 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/R3EnterExcl 26 times
428100:00:12.092299 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/R3EnterShared 0 times
428200:00:12.092299 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/RZEnterExcl 0 times
428300:00:12.092299 /PDM/CritSectsRw/IOM Lock/RZEnterShared 0 times
428400:00:12.092299 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterExcl 0 times
428500:00:12.092300 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterShared 0 times
428600:00:12.092300 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/ContentionR3LeaveExcl 0 times
428700:00:12.092300 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterExcl 0 times
428800:00:12.092300 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterShared 0 times
428900:00:12.092300 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveExcl 0 times
429000:00:12.092301 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveShared 0 times
429100:00:12.092301 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/R3EnterExcl 7 times
429200:00:12.092301 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/R3EnterShared 3 times
429300:00:12.092301 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/RZEnterExcl 0 times
429400:00:12.092301 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM real queue alloc lock/RZEnterShared 0 times
429500:00:12.092302 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterExcl 0 times
429600:00:12.092302 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterShared 0 times
429700:00:12.092302 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/ContentionR3LeaveExcl 0 times
429800:00:12.092302 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterExcl 0 times
429900:00:12.092303 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterShared 0 times
430000:00:12.092303 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveExcl 0 times
430100:00:12.092303 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveShared 0 times
430200:00:12.092303 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/R3EnterExcl 0 times
430300:00:12.092303 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/R3EnterShared 3 times
430400:00:12.092304 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/RZEnterExcl 0 times
430500:00:12.092304 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM tsc queue alloc lock/RZEnterShared 0 times
430600:00:12.092304 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterExcl 0 times
430700:00:12.092304 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterShared 0 times
430800:00:12.092304 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/ContentionR3LeaveExcl 0 times
430900:00:12.092305 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterExcl 0 times
431000:00:12.092305 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterShared 0 times
431100:00:12.092305 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveExcl 0 times
431200:00:12.092305 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveShared 0 times
431300:00:12.092305 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/R3EnterExcl 7 times
431400:00:12.092305 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/R3EnterShared 3 times
431500:00:12.092306 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/RZEnterExcl 0 times
431600:00:12.092306 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual queue alloc lock/RZEnterShared 0 times
431700:00:12.092306 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterExcl 0 times
431800:00:12.092306 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/ContentionR3EnterShared 0 times
431900:00:12.092306 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/ContentionR3LeaveExcl 0 times
432000:00:12.092307 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterExcl 0 times
432100:00:12.092307 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/ContentionRZEnterShared 0 times
432200:00:12.092307 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveExcl 0 times
432300:00:12.092307 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/ContentionRZLeaveShared 0 times
432400:00:12.092307 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/R3EnterExcl 9 times
432500:00:12.092308 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/R3EnterShared 3 times
432600:00:12.092308 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/RZEnterExcl 0 times
432700:00:12.092308 /PDM/CritSectsRw/TM virtual_sync queue alloc lock/RZEnterShared 0 times
432800:00:12.092309 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/AllocFailures 0 times
432900:00:12.092309 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/Flush 0 calls
433000:00:12.092309 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/FlushLeftovers 0 times
433100:00:12.092309 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/Insert 0 calls
433200:00:12.092310 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/cItems 8 count
433300:00:12.092310 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/cbItem 56 bytes
433400:00:12.092310 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/rcOkay 0
433500:00:12.092314 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/AllocFailures 0 times
433600:00:12.092315 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/Flush 0 calls
433700:00:12.092315 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/FlushLeftovers 0 times
433800:00:12.092315 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/Insert 0 calls
433900:00:12.092315 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/cItems 64 count
434000:00:12.092316 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/cbItem 16 bytes
434100:00:12.092316 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/rcOkay 0
434200:00:12.092319 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject/AllocFailures 0 times
434300:00:12.092319 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject/Flush 0 calls
434400:00:12.092319 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject/FlushLeftovers 0 times
434500:00:12.092319 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject/Insert 0 calls
434600:00:12.092320 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject/cItems 1 count
434700:00:12.092320 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject/cbItem 24 bytes
434800:00:12.092320 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject/rcOkay 0
434900:00:12.092320 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject_1/AllocFailures 0 times
435000:00:12.092320 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject_1/Flush 0 calls
435100:00:12.092321 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject_1/FlushLeftovers 0 times
435200:00:12.092321 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject_1/Insert 0 calls
435300:00:12.092321 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject_1/cItems 1 count
435400:00:12.092322 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject_1/cbItem 24 bytes
435500:00:12.092322 /PDM/Queue/SCSI-Eject_1/rcOkay 0
435600:00:12.092322 /PDM/Tasks/000-E1000-Xmit-retriggered 0 times
435700:00:12.092322 /PDM/Tasks/000-E1000-Xmit-runs 0 times
435800:00:12.092323 /PDM/Tasks/001-HDA CORB DMA-retriggered 0 times
435900:00:12.092323 /PDM/Tasks/001-HDA CORB DMA-runs 0 times
436000:00:12.092323 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Capped 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
436100:00:12.092324 /PROF/CPU0/EM/ForcedActions 976116 times
436200:00:12.092324 /PROF/CPU0/EM/HMExec 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
436300:00:12.092324 /PROF/CPU0/EM/HMExecuteCalled 0 times
436400:00:12.092325 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Halted 487970 times
436500:00:12.092325 /PROF/CPU0/EM/NEMExec 223 ticks/call ( 108907383 ticks, 488220 calls, max 734843, min 125)
436600:00:12.092326 /PROF/CPU0/EM/NEMExecuteCalled 488045 times
436700:00:12.092326 /PROF/CPU0/EM/REMTotal 0 times
436800:00:12.092326 /PROF/CPU0/EM/RecordedExits 78005 times
436900:00:12.092327 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Total 163867162 ticks/call ( 163867162 ticks, 1 calls, max 163867162, min 163867162)
437000:00:12.092328 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/Block 3612222 ns/call ( 1220931168 ns, 338 calls, max 5642000, min 177083)
437100:00:12.092328 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/BlockInsomnia 0 ns/call ( 0 ns, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
437200:00:12.092329 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/BlockOnTime 0 ns/call ( 0 ns, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
437300:00:12.092330 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/BlockOverslept 0 ns/call ( 0 ns, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
437400:00:12.092330 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/Timers 146 ns/call ( 725908 ns, 4971 calls, max 13667, min 41)
437500:00:12.092331 /PROF/CPU0/VM/Halt/Yield 0 ns/call ( 0 ns, 0 calls, max 0, min -1)
437600:00:12.092332 /Public/NetAdapter/0/BytesReceived 0 bytes
437700:00:12.092332 /Public/NetAdapter/0/BytesTransmitted 0 bytes
437800:00:12.092332 /Public/NetAdapter/0/e1000 0
437900:00:12.092333 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port0/BytesRead 9216 bytes
438000:00:12.092333 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port0/QueryBufAttempts 0 count
438100:00:12.092333 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port0/QueryBufSuccess 0 count
438200:00:12.092334 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port0/ReqsRead 12 count
438300:00:12.092334 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port0/ReqsSubmitted 12 count
438400:00:12.092334 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port0/ReqsSucceeded 12 count
438500:00:12.092334 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port1/BytesRead 1128448 bytes
438600:00:12.092335 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port1/QueryBufAttempts 0 count
438700:00:12.092335 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port1/QueryBufSuccess 0 count
438800:00:12.092335 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port1/ReqsRead 81 count
438900:00:12.092336 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port1/ReqsSubmitted 81 count
439000:00:12.092336 /Public/Storage/VIRTIO-SCSI0/Port1/ReqsSucceeded 81 count
439100:00:12.092336 /TM/CPU/00/cNsExecuting 1269444689 ns
439200:00:12.092337 /TM/CPU/00/cNsHalted 1222015206 ns
439300:00:12.092337 /TM/CPU/00/cNsOther 3324084396 ns
439400:00:12.092337 /TM/CPU/00/cNsTotal 5815544291 ns
439500:00:12.092338 /TM/CPU/00/cPeriodsExecuting 655449 count
439600:00:12.092338 /TM/CPU/00/cPeriodsHalted 226 count
439700:00:12.092338 /TM/CPU/00/pctExecuting 17 %
439800:00:12.092338 /TM/CPU/00/pctHalted 25 %
439900:00:12.092339 /TM/CPU/00/pctOther 57 %
440000:00:12.092339 /TM/CPU/pctExecuting 17 %
440100:00:12.092339 /TM/CPU/pctHalted 25 %
440200:00:12.092339 /TM/CPU/pctOther 57 %
440300:00:12.092340 /TM/MaxHzHint 0 Hz
440400:00:12.092340 /TM/MaxHzHint/real 0 Hz
440500:00:12.092341 /TM/MaxHzHint/tsc 0 Hz
440600:00:12.092341 /TM/MaxHzHint/virtual 0 Hz
440700:00:12.092341 /TM/MaxHzHint/virtual_sync 0 Hz
440800:00:12.092342 /TM/TSC/offCPU0 0 ticks
440900:00:12.092342 /TM/VirtualSync/CurrentOffset 0 ns
441000:00:12.092346 /VUSB/0/cUrbsInPool 0 count
441100:00:12.092347 /VUSB/1/cUrbsInPool 0 count
441200:00:12.092347 ********************* End of statistics **********************
441300:00:12.092371 VUSB: Detached 'HidKeyboard' from port 1 on RootHub#1
441400:00:12.093812 E1000#0: Interrupt attempts: 0
441500:00:12.093813 E1000#0: Interrupts raised : 0
441600:00:12.093813 E1000#0: Interrupts lowered: 0
441700:00:12.093813 E1000#0: ICR outside ISR : 0
441800:00:12.093813 E1000#0: IMS raised ints : 0
441900:00:12.093813 E1000#0: Interrupts skipped: 0
442000:00:12.093813 E1000#0: Masked interrupts : 0
442100:00:12.093814 E1000#0: Early interrupts : 0
442200:00:12.093814 E1000#0: Late interrupts : 0
442300:00:12.093814 E1000#0: Lost interrupts : 0
442400:00:12.093814 E1000#0: Interrupts by RX : 0
442500:00:12.093814 E1000#0: Interrupts by TX : 0
442600:00:12.093814 E1000#0: Interrupts by ICS : 0
442700:00:12.093814 E1000#0: Interrupts by RDTR: 0
442800:00:12.093815 E1000#0: Interrupts by RDMT: 0
442900:00:12.093815 E1000#0: Interrupts by TXQE: 0
443000:00:12.093815 E1000#0: TX int delay asked: 0
443100:00:12.093815 E1000#0: TX delayed: 0
443200:00:12.093815 E1000#0: TX delay expired: 0
443300:00:12.093815 E1000#0: TX no report asked: 0
443400:00:12.093815 E1000#0: TX abs timer expd : 0
443500:00:12.093816 E1000#0: TX int timer expd : 0
443600:00:12.093816 E1000#0: RX abs timer expd : 0
443700:00:12.093816 E1000#0: RX int timer expd : 0
443800:00:12.093816 E1000#0: TX CTX descriptors: 0
443900:00:12.093816 E1000#0: TX DAT descriptors: 0
444000:00:12.093816 E1000#0: TX LEG descriptors: 0
444100:00:12.093816 E1000#0: Received frames : 0
444200:00:12.093817 E1000#0: Transmitted frames: 0
444300:00:12.093817 E1000#0: TX frames up to 1514: 0
444400:00:12.093817 E1000#0: TX frames up to 2962: 0
444500:00:12.093817 E1000#0: TX frames up to 4410: 0
444600:00:12.093817 E1000#0: TX frames up to 5858: 0
444700:00:12.093817 E1000#0: TX frames up to 7306: 0
444800:00:12.093817 E1000#0: TX frames up to 8754: 0
444900:00:12.093818 E1000#0: TX frames up to 16384: 0
445000:00:12.093818 E1000#0: TX frames up to 32768: 0
445100:00:12.093818 E1000#0: Larger TX frames : 0
445200:00:12.093818 E1000#0: Max TX Delay : 0
445300:00:12.095210 Changing the VM state from 'DESTROYING' to 'TERMINATED'
445400:00:12.095213 Console: Machine state changed to 'PoweredOff'
445500:00:12.201408 GUI: Request for async QApp quit.
445600:00:12.230067 GUI: UICommon: Commit data request...
445700:00:12.232028 GUI: Cannot notify guest about VM window out-of-focus event
445800:00:12.257067 GUI: UICommon: Handling aboutToQuit request..
445900:00:13.629123 GUI: UICommon: aboutToQuit request handled!

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