1 | Index: include/iprt/process.h
2 | ===================================================================
3 | --- include/iprt/process.h (revision 20158)
4 | +++ include/iprt/process.h (working copy)
5 | -136,6 +136,8 @@
6 | */
7 | RTR3DECL(int) RTProcCreate(const char *pszExec, const char * const *papszArgs, RTENV Env, unsigned fFlags, PRTPROCESS pProcess);
8 |
9 | +RTR3DECL(bool) RTProcCreate2(const char* cmdLine, unsigned long msToWait);
10 | +
11 | /** @name RTProcCreate flags
12 | * @{ */
13 | /** Daemonize the child process, without changing the directory.
14 | Index: src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.cpp
15 | ===================================================================
16 | --- src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.cpp (revision 20158)
17 | +++ src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.cpp (working copy)
18 | -42,6 +42,9 @@
19 | mCbClipboard->addItem (""); /* KClipboardMode_GuestToHost */
20 | mCbClipboard->addItem (""); /* KClipboardMode_Bidirectional */
21 |
22 | + /* pre-start command wait range in ms */
23 | + mSpPreStartCommandWait->setRange (-1, 60000);
24 | +
25 | /* Applying language settings */
26 | retranslateUi();
27 | }
28 | -75,6 +78,13 @@
29 | /* Description */
30 | mTeDescription->setPlainText (aMachine.GetDescription());
31 |
32 | + /* PreStartCommand */
33 | + mLePreStartCommand->setText (aMachine.GetPreStartCommand());
34 | + mSpPreStartCommandWait->setValue ((int) aMachine.GetPreStartCommandWait());
35 | +
36 | + /* PostStopCommand */
37 | + mLePostStopCommand->setText (aMachine.GetPostStopCommand());
38 | +
39 | if (mValidator)
40 | mValidator->revalidate();
41 | }
42 | -108,6 +118,13 @@
43 | * in the settings file) */
44 | mMachine.SetDescription (mTeDescription->toPlainText().isEmpty() ?
45 | QString::null : mTeDescription->toPlainText());
46 | +
47 | + /* PreStartCommand */
48 | + mMachine.SetPreStartCommand (mLePreStartCommand->text());
49 | + mMachine.SetPreStartCommandWait ((long) mSpPreStartCommandWait->value());
50 | +
51 | + /* PostStopCommand */
52 | + mMachine.SetPostStopCommand (mLePostStopCommand->text());
53 | }
54 |
55 | void VBoxVMSettingsGeneral::setValidator (QIWidgetValidator *aVal)
56 | Index: src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/ui/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.ui
57 | ===================================================================
58 | --- src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/ui/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.ui (revision 20158)
59 | +++ src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/ui/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.ui (working copy)
60 | -30,7 +30,7 @@
61 | <item>
62 | <widget class="QTabWidget" name="mTwGeneral" >
63 | <property name="currentIndex" >
64 | - <number>0</number>
65 | + <number>2</number>
66 | </property>
67 | <widget class="QWidget" name="mTabBasic" >
68 | <attribute name="title" >
69 | -210,6 +210,149 @@
70 | </item>
71 | </layout>
72 | </widget>
73 | + <widget class="QWidget" name="tab" >
74 | + <attribute name="title" >
75 | + <string>&Extras</string>
76 | + </attribute>
77 | + <widget class="QLabel" name="mLbPostStopCommand" >
78 | + <property name="geometry" >
79 | + <rect>
80 | + <x>20</x>
81 | + <y>130</y>
82 | + <width>80</width>
83 | + <height>30</height>
84 | + </rect>
85 | + </property>
86 | + <property name="text" >
87 | + <string>P&ost-stop:</string>
88 | + </property>
89 | + <property name="alignment" >
90 | + <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
91 | + </property>
92 | + <property name="buddy" >
93 | + <cstring>mLeName</cstring>
94 | + </property>
95 | + </widget>
96 | + <widget class="QLabel" name="mLbPreStartCommand" >
97 | + <property name="geometry" >
98 | + <rect>
99 | + <x>40</x>
100 | + <y>40</y>
101 | + <width>60</width>
102 | + <height>30</height>
103 | + </rect>
104 | + </property>
105 | + <property name="text" >
106 | + <string>P&re-start:</string>
107 | + </property>
108 | + <property name="alignment" >
109 | + <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
110 | + </property>
111 | + <property name="buddy" >
112 | + <cstring>mLeName</cstring>
113 | + </property>
114 | + </widget>
115 | + <widget class="QLabel" name="mLbLaunch" >
116 | + <property name="geometry" >
117 | + <rect>
118 | + <x>13</x>
119 | + <y>10</y>
120 | + <width>191</width>
121 | + <height>28</height>
122 | + </rect>
123 | + </property>
124 | + <property name="text" >
125 | + <string>&Launch external application:</string>
126 | + </property>
127 | + <property name="alignment" >
128 | + <set>Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
129 | + </property>
130 | + <property name="buddy" >
131 | + <cstring>mLeName</cstring>
132 | + </property>
133 | + </widget>
134 | + <widget class="QLineEdit" name="mLePreStartCommand" >
135 | + <property name="geometry" >
136 | + <rect>
137 | + <x>110</x>
138 | + <y>40</y>
139 | + <width>201</width>
140 | + <height>28</height>
141 | + </rect>
142 | + </property>
143 | + </widget>
144 | + <widget class="QLineEdit" name="mLePostStopCommand" >
145 | + <property name="geometry" >
146 | + <rect>
147 | + <x>110</x>
148 | + <y>130</y>
149 | + <width>201</width>
150 | + <height>28</height>
151 | + </rect>
152 | + </property>
153 | + </widget>
154 | + <widget class="QSpinBox" name="mSpPreStartCommandWait" >
155 | + <property name="geometry" >
156 | + <rect>
157 | + <x>110</x>
158 | + <y>80</y>
159 | + <width>51</width>
160 | + <height>28</height>
161 | + </rect>
162 | + </property>
163 | + </widget>
164 | + <widget class="QLabel" name="mLbPreStartCommandWait" >
165 | + <property name="geometry" >
166 | + <rect>
167 | + <x>40</x>
168 | + <y>80</y>
169 | + <width>60</width>
170 | + <height>30</height>
171 | + </rect>
172 | + </property>
173 | + <property name="text" >
174 | + <string>Wait:</string>
175 | + </property>
176 | + <property name="alignment" >
177 | + <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
178 | + </property>
179 | + <property name="buddy" >
180 | + <cstring>mLeName</cstring>
181 | + </property>
182 | + </widget>
183 | + <widget class="QLabel" name="mLbPreStartCommandWaitms" >
184 | + <property name="geometry" >
185 | + <rect>
186 | + <x>170</x>
187 | + <y>80</y>
188 | + <width>60</width>
189 | + <height>30</height>
190 | + </rect>
191 | + </property>
192 | + <property name="text" >
193 | + <string>ms</string>
194 | + </property>
195 | + <property name="alignment" >
196 | + <set>Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
197 | + </property>
198 | + <property name="buddy" >
199 | + <cstring>mLeName</cstring>
200 | + </property>
201 | + </widget>
202 | + <widget class="Line" name="line" >
203 | + <property name="geometry" >
204 | + <rect>
205 | + <x>50</x>
206 | + <y>110</y>
207 | + <width>261</width>
208 | + <height>20</height>
209 | + </rect>
210 | + </property>
211 | + <property name="orientation" >
212 | + <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
213 | + </property>
214 | + </widget>
215 | + </widget>
216 | <widget class="QWidget" name="mTabDescription" >
217 | <attribute name="title" >
218 | <string>&Description</string>
219 | Index: src/VBox/Runtime/r3/process.cpp
220 | ===================================================================
221 | --- src/VBox/Runtime/r3/process.cpp (revision 20158)
222 | +++ src/VBox/Runtime/r3/process.cpp (working copy)
223 | -43,10 +43,11 @@
224 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
225 | # include <process.h>
226 | #else
227 | +# include <stdlib.h>
228 | +# include <signal.h>
229 | # include <unistd.h>
230 | #endif
231 |
232 | -
233 | /**
234 | * Get the identifier for the current process.
235 | *
236 | -69,6 +70,41 @@
237 | }
238 |
239 |
240 | +RTR3DECL(bool) RTProcCreate2(const char* cmdLine, unsigned long msToWait)
241 | +{
242 | + bool ret = false;
243 | +#if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS)
244 | + STARTUPINFO si;
246 | + unsigned long exitCode;
247 | +
248 | + ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
249 | + si.cb = sizeof(si);
250 | + ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
251 | + ret = CreateProcessA (NULL, cmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
252 | + WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, &exitCode, msToWait);
253 | + if (msToWait == INFINITE)
254 | + CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
255 | +#else
256 | + if (msToWait == (unsigned long)-1)
257 | + {
258 | + system (cmdLine);
259 | + }
260 | + else
261 | + {
262 | + pid_t pid = fork();
263 | + if (pid == 0)
264 | + {
265 | + system (cmdLine);
266 | + kill (getpid(), 0);
267 | + }
268 | + usleep((useconds_t)msToWait);
269 | + }
270 | +#endif
271 | + return true;
272 | +}
273 | +
274 | +
275 | /**
276 | * Attempts to alter the priority of the current process.
277 | *
278 | Index: src/VBox/Main/include/MachineImpl.h
279 | ===================================================================
280 | --- src/VBox/Main/include/MachineImpl.h (revision 20158)
281 | +++ src/VBox/Main/include/MachineImpl.h (working copy)
282 | -218,15 +218,21 @@
283 | mNameSync == that.mNameSync &&
284 | mDescription == that.mDescription &&
285 | mOSTypeId == that.mOSTypeId &&
286 | - mSnapshotFolderFull == that.mSnapshotFolderFull);
287 | + mSnapshotFolderFull == that.mSnapshotFolderFull &&
288 | + mPreStartCommand == that.mPreStartCommand &&
289 | + mPreStartCommandWait == that.mPreStartCommandWait &&
290 | + mPostStopCommand == that.mPostStopCommand);
291 | }
292 |
293 | - Bstr mName;
294 | - BOOL mNameSync;
295 | - Bstr mDescription;
296 | - Bstr mOSTypeId;
297 | - Bstr mSnapshotFolder;
298 | - Bstr mSnapshotFolderFull;
299 | + Bstr mName;
300 | + BOOL mNameSync;
301 | + Bstr mDescription;
302 | + Bstr mOSTypeId;
303 | + Bstr mSnapshotFolder;
304 | + Bstr mSnapshotFolderFull;
305 | + Bstr mPreStartCommand;
306 | + LONG mPreStartCommandWait;
307 | + Bstr mPostStopCommand;
308 | };
309 |
310 | /**
311 | -485,6 +491,12 @@
315 | + STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(PreStartCommand))(BSTR *aPreStartCommand);
316 | + STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(PreStartCommand))(IN_BSTR aPreStartCommand);
317 | + STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(PreStartCommandWait))(LONG *preStartCommandWait);
318 | + STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(PreStartCommandWait))(LONG preStartCommandWait);
319 | + STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(PostStopCommand))(BSTR *aPostStopCommand);
320 | + STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(PostStopCommand))(IN_BSTR aPostStopCommand);
321 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HardwareVersion))(BSTR *aVersion);
322 | STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(HardwareVersion))(IN_BSTR aVersion);
323 | STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MemorySize))(ULONG *memorySize);
324 | Index: src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp
325 | ===================================================================
326 | --- src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (revision 20158)
327 | +++ src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (working copy)
328 | -169,6 +169,7 @@
329 | /* default values for a newly created machine */
330 |
331 | mNameSync = TRUE;
332 | + mPreStartCommandWait = -1;
333 |
334 | /* mName, mOSTypeId, mSnapshotFolder, mSnapshotFolderFull are initialized in
335 | * Machine::init() */
336 | -868,6 +869,104 @@
337 | return S_OK;
338 | }
339 |
340 | +STDMETHODIMP Machine::COMGETTER(PreStartCommand) (BSTR *aPreStartCommand)
341 | +{
342 | + CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aPreStartCommand);
343 | +
344 | + AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
345 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
346 | +
347 | + AutoReadLock alock (this);
348 | +
349 | + mUserData->mPreStartCommand.cloneTo (aPreStartCommand);
350 | +
351 | + return S_OK;
352 | +}
353 | +
354 | +STDMETHODIMP Machine::COMSETTER(PreStartCommand) (IN_BSTR aPreStartCommand)
355 | +{
356 | + AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
357 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
358 | +
359 | + AutoWriteLock alock (this);
360 | +
361 | + HRESULT rc = checkStateDependency (MutableStateDep);
362 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
363 | +
364 | + mUserData.backup();
365 | + mUserData->mPreStartCommand = aPreStartCommand;
366 | +
367 | + return S_OK;
368 | +}
369 | +
370 | +STDMETHODIMP Machine::COMGETTER(PreStartCommandWait) (LONG *preStartCommandWait)
371 | +{
372 | + if (!preStartCommandWait)
373 | + return E_POINTER;
374 | +
375 | + AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
376 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
377 | +
378 | + AutoReadLock alock (this);
379 | +
380 | + *preStartCommandWait = mUserData->mPreStartCommandWait;
381 | +
382 | + return S_OK;
383 | +}
384 | +
385 | +STDMETHODIMP Machine::COMSETTER(PreStartCommandWait) (LONG preStartCommandWait)
386 | +{
387 | + /* check wait limits */
388 | + if (preStartCommandWait < -1 ||
389 | + preStartCommandWait > 60000)
390 | + return setError (E_INVALIDARG,
391 | + tr ("Invalid wait time: %lu ms (must be in range [%lu, %lu] ms)"),
392 | + preStartCommandWait, -1, 60000);
393 | +
394 | + AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
395 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
396 | +
397 | + AutoWriteLock alock (this);
398 | +
399 | + HRESULT rc = checkStateDependency (MutableStateDep);
400 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
401 | +
402 | + mUserData.backup();
403 | + mUserData->mPreStartCommandWait = preStartCommandWait;
404 | +
405 | + return S_OK;
406 | +}
407 | +
408 | +STDMETHODIMP Machine::COMGETTER(PostStopCommand) (BSTR *aPostStopCommand)
409 | +{
410 | + CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aPostStopCommand);
411 | +
412 | + AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
413 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
414 | +
415 | + AutoReadLock alock (this);
416 | +
417 | + mUserData->mPostStopCommand.cloneTo (aPostStopCommand);
418 | +
419 | + return S_OK;
420 | +}
421 | +
422 | +STDMETHODIMP Machine::COMSETTER(PostStopCommand) (IN_BSTR aPostStopCommand)
423 | +{
424 | + AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
425 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
426 | +
427 | + AutoWriteLock alock (this);
428 | +
429 | + HRESULT rc = checkStateDependency (MutableStateDep);
430 | + CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
431 | +
432 | + mUserData.backup();
433 | + mUserData->mPostStopCommand = aPostStopCommand;
434 | +
435 | + return S_OK;
436 | +}
437 | +
439 | {
440 | CheckComArgOutPointerValid (aId);
441 | -4904,6 +5003,13 @@
442 | mUserData->mDescription.setNull();
443 | }
444 |
445 | + /* pre-start / post-stop commands */
446 | + {
447 | + mUserData->mPreStartCommand = machineNode.stringValue ("PreStartCommand");
448 | + mUserData->mPreStartCommandWait = machineNode.value<LONG> ("PreStartCommandWait");
449 | + mUserData->mPostStopCommand = machineNode.stringValue ("PostStopCommand");
450 | + }
451 | +
452 | /* OSType (required) */
453 | {
454 | mUserData->mOSTypeId = machineNode.stringValue ("OSType");
455 | -6198,6 +6304,23 @@
456 | /* nameSync (optional, default is true) */
457 | machineNode.setValueOr <bool> ("nameSync", !!mUserData->mNameSync, true);
458 |
459 | + /* pre-start / post-stop commands */
460 | + {
461 | + if (!mUserData->mPreStartCommand.isEmpty())
462 | + machineNode.setValue <Bstr> ("PreStartCommand", mUserData->mPreStartCommand);
463 | + else
464 | + machineNode.zapValue ("PreStartCommand");
465 | +
466 | + machineNode.setValue <LONG> ("PreStartCommandWait",
467 | + mUserData->mPreStartCommandWait);
468 | +
469 | + if (!mUserData->mPostStopCommand.isEmpty())
470 | + machineNode.setValue <Bstr> ("PostStopCommand", mUserData->mPostStopCommand);
471 | + else
472 | + machineNode.zapValue ("PostStopCommand");
473 | +
474 | + }
475 | +
476 | /* Description node (optional) */
477 | if (!mUserData->mDescription.isNull())
478 | {
479 | Index: src/VBox/Main/xml/VirtualBox-settings-common.xsd
480 | ===================================================================
481 | --- src/VBox/Main/xml/VirtualBox-settings-common.xsd (revision 20158)
482 | +++ src/VBox/Main/xml/VirtualBox-settings-common.xsd (working copy)
483 | -850,6 +850,9 @@
484 | <xsd:element name="ExtraData" type="TExtraData" minOccurs="0"/>
485 | <xsd:element name="Snapshot" type="TSnapshot" minOccurs="0"/>
486 | </xsd:all>
487 | + <xsd:attribute name="PreStartCommand" type="xsd:string"/>
488 | + <xsd:attribute name="PreStartCommandWait" type="xsd:integer" default="-1"/>
489 | + <xsd:attribute name="PostStopCommand" type="xsd:string"/>
490 | <xsd:attribute name="name" type="TNonEmptyString" use="required"/>
491 | <xsd:attribute name="nameSync" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/>
492 | <xsd:attribute name="OSType" type="TGuestOSType" use="required"/>
493 | Index: src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp
494 | ===================================================================
495 | --- src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (revision 20158)
496 | +++ src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (working copy)
497 | -4420,6 +4420,15 @@
498 | savedStateFile.raw(), vrc);
499 | }
500 |
501 | + /* run pre-start command */
502 | + Bstr CmdLine;
503 | + LONG Wait;
504 | + mMachine->COMGETTER(PreStartCommand) (CmdLine.asOutParam());
505 | + mMachine->COMGETTER(PreStartCommandWait) (&Wait);
506 | + const char* newCmdLine = RTStrDup (Utf8Str (CmdLine));
507 | + if (newCmdLine != NULL)
508 | + RTProcCreate2(newCmdLine, (ULONG) Wait);
509 | +
510 | /* create a progress object to track progress of this operation */
511 | ComObjPtr <Progress> powerupProgress;
512 | powerupProgress.createObject();
513 | -4883,6 +4892,14 @@
514 | if (aProgress)
515 | aProgress->notifyComplete (rc);
516 |
517 | + /* run post-stop command */
518 | + Bstr CmdLine;
519 | + mMachine->COMGETTER(PostStopCommand) (CmdLine.asOutParam());
520 | + const char* newCmdLine = RTStrDup (Utf8Str (CmdLine));
521 | + if (newCmdLine != NULL)
522 | + RTProcCreate2(newCmdLine, 0);
523 | +
524 | +
525 | LogFlowThisFuncLeave();
526 | return rc;
527 | }
528 | Index: src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl
529 | ===================================================================
530 | --- src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (revision 20158)
531 | +++ src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (working copy)
532 | -4110,7 +4110,7 @@
533 |
534 | <interface
535 | name="IMachine" extends="$unknown"
536 | - uuid="4d1df26d-d9c1-4c7e-b689-15e85ecf8ffc"
537 | + uuid="cfdc3ca3-9db3-4951-811a-9e5aaa9227a7"
538 | wsmap="managed"
539 | >
540 | <desc>
541 | -4276,6 +4276,24 @@
542 | </desc>
543 | </attribute>
544 |
545 | + <attribute name="PreStartCommand" type="wstring">
546 | + <desc>
547 | + Command to be executed before the virtual machine starts.
548 | + </desc>
549 | + </attribute>
550 | +
551 | + <attribute name="PreStartCommandWait" type="long">
552 | + <desc>
553 | + Wait in ms after the external application was launched.
554 | + </desc>
555 | + </attribute>
556 | +
557 | + <attribute name="PostStopCommand" type="wstring">
558 | + <desc>
559 | + Command to be executed after the virtual machine has stopped.
560 | + </desc>
561 | + </attribute>
562 | +
563 | <attribute name="id" type="wstring" readonly="yes">
564 | <desc>UUID of the virtual machine.</desc>
565 | </attribute>