1 | /*++
2 |
3 | Copyright (c) 1989 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
4 |
5 | Module Name:
6 |
7 | netroot.c
8 |
9 | Abstract:
10 |
11 | This module implements the routines for creating the net root.
12 |
13 | --*/
14 |
15 | #include "precomp.h"
16 | #pragma hdrstop
17 |
18 | //
19 | // Forward declarations ...
20 | //
21 |
22 | NTSTATUS VBoxMRxUpdateNetRootState (IN OUT PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot)
23 | /*++
24 |
25 | Routine Description:
26 |
27 | This routine updates the mini redirector state associated with a net root.
28 |
29 | Arguments:
30 |
31 | pNetRoot - the net root instance.
32 |
33 | Return Value:
34 |
35 | NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
36 |
37 | Notes:
38 |
39 | By differentiating the mini redirector state from the net root condition it is possible
40 | to permit a variety of reconnect strategies. It is conceivable that the RDBSS considers
41 | a net root to be good while the underlying mini redirector might mark it as invalid
42 | and reconnect on the fly.
43 |
44 | --*/
45 | {
47 |
48 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxUpdateNetRootState: Called.\n"));
49 | return (Status);
50 | }
51 |
52 | NTSTATUS VBoxMRxInitializeNetRootEntry (IN PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot)
53 | /*++
54 |
55 | Routine Description:
56 |
57 | This routine initializes a new net root.
58 | It also validates rootnames. Eg: attempts to create a
59 | file in a root that has not been created will fail.
60 |
61 | Arguments:
62 |
63 | pNetRoot - the net root
64 |
65 | Return Value:
66 |
67 | NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
68 |
69 | Notes:
70 |
71 | --*/
72 | {
74 | PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall = pNetRoot->pSrvCall;
76 |
77 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxInitializeNetRootEntry: Called.\n"));
78 | return Status;
79 | }
80 |
81 | NTSTATUS VBoxUpdateNetRoot (PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot)
82 | /*++
83 |
84 | Routine Description:
85 |
86 | This routine initializes the wrapper data structure corresponding to a
87 | given net root entry.
88 |
89 | Arguments:
90 |
91 | pNetRootEntry - the server entry
92 |
93 | Return Value:
94 |
95 | STATUS_SUCCESS if successful
96 |
97 | --*/
98 | {
99 | PAGED_CODE();
100 |
101 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxUpdateNetRoot: NetRoot = 0x%x Type = 0x%x\n", pNetRoot, pNetRoot->Type));
102 |
103 | switch (pNetRoot->Type)
104 | {
105 | case NET_ROOT_DISK:
106 | pNetRoot->DeviceType = RxDeviceType(DISK);
107 | break;
108 |
109 | case NET_ROOT_PIPE:
110 | pNetRoot->DeviceType = RxDeviceType(NAMED_PIPE);
111 | break;
112 | case NET_ROOT_COMM:
113 | pNetRoot->DeviceType = RxDeviceType(SERIAL_PORT);
114 | break;
115 | case NET_ROOT_PRINT:
116 | pNetRoot->DeviceType = RxDeviceType(PRINTER);
117 | break;
119 | pNetRoot->DeviceType = RxDeviceType(MAILSLOT);
120 | break;
121 | case NET_ROOT_WILD:
122 | /* We get this type when for example Windows Media player opens an MP3 file.
123 | * This NetRoot has the same remote path (\\vboxsrv\dir) as other NetRoots,
124 | * which were created earlier and which were NET_ROOT_DISK.
125 | *
126 | * In the beginning of the function (UpdateNetRoot) the DDK sample sets
127 | * pNetRoot->Type of newly created NetRoots using a value previously
128 | * pstored in a NetRootExtension. One NetRootExtensions is used for a single
129 | * remote path and reused by a few NetRoots, if they point to the same path.
130 | *
131 | * To simplify things we just set the type to DISK here (we do not support
132 | * anything else anyway), and update the DeviceType correspondingly.
133 | */
134 | pNetRoot->Type = NET_ROOT_DISK;
135 | pNetRoot->DeviceType = RxDeviceType(DISK);
136 | break;
137 | default:
138 | AssertMsgFailed(("VBOXSF: VBoxUpdateNetRoot: Invalid net root type! Type = 0x%x\n", pNetRoot->Type));
139 | break;
140 | }
141 |
142 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxUpdateNetRoot: leaving pNetRoot->DeviceType = 0x%x\n", pNetRoot->DeviceType));
143 | return STATUS_SUCCESS;
144 | }
145 |
147 | /*++
148 |
149 | Routine Description:
150 |
151 | This routine patches the RDBSS created net root instance with the information required
152 | by the mini redirector.
153 |
154 | Arguments:
155 |
156 | pVNetRoot - the virtual net root instance.
157 |
158 | pCreateNetRootContext - the net root context for calling back
159 |
160 | Return Value:
161 |
162 | NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
163 |
164 | Notes:
165 |
166 | --*/
167 | {
168 | NTSTATUS Status;
169 | PRX_CONTEXT pRxContext = pCreateNetRootContext->RxContext;
170 | PMRX_V_NET_ROOT pVNetRoot = (PMRX_V_NET_ROOT)pCreateNetRootContext->pVNetRoot;
171 | VBoxMRxGetDeviceExtension(pRxContext, pDeviceExtension);
172 | VBoxMRxGetNetRootExtension(pVNetRoot->pNetRoot, pNetRootExtension);
173 |
174 | PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot = pVNetRoot->pNetRoot;
175 | PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall = pNetRoot->pSrvCall;
176 |
177 | BOOLEAN fTreeConnectOpen = TRUE; // RxContext->Create.ThisIsATreeConnectOpen;
178 | BOOLEAN fInitializeNetRoot = FALSE; //// !! Fix
179 |
180 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: pNetRoot = %p, fTreeConnectOpen = %d\n", pNetRoot, pRxContext->Create.ThisIsATreeConnectOpen));
181 |
182 | /* IMPORTANT:
183 | *
184 | * This function must always call 'pCreateNetRootContext->Callback(pCreateNetRootContext)' before
185 | * returning and then return STATUS_PENDING. Otherwise Win64 will hang.
186 | */
187 |
188 | if (pNetRoot->Type == NET_ROOT_PIPE)
189 | {
190 | pNetRoot->Type = NET_ROOT_WILD;
191 | }
192 |
193 |
194 | if (pNetRoot->Type == NET_ROOT_MAILSLOT)
195 | {
196 |
197 | /* DDK sample returns this status code. And our driver does get such NetRoots. */
198 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: Mailslot or Pipe open (%d) not supported!\n", pNetRoot->Type));
199 |
200 | pVNetRoot->Context = NULL;
201 |
203 | goto l_Exit;
204 | }
205 |
206 |
207 | // The V_NET_ROOT is associated with a NET_ROOT. The two cases of interest are as
208 | // follows
209 | // 1) the V_NET_ROOT and the associated NET_ROOT are being newly created.
210 | // 2) a new V_NET_ROOT associated with an existing NET_ROOT is being created.
211 | //
212 | // These two cases can be distinguished by checking if the context associated with
213 | // NET_ROOT is NULL. Since the construction of NET_ROOT's/V_NET_ROOT's are serialized
214 | // by the wrapper this is a safe check.
215 | // ( The wrapper cannot have more then one thread trying to initialize the same
216 | // NET_ROOT).
217 | //
218 | // The above is not really true in our case. Since we have asked the wrapper,
219 | // to manage our netroot extension, the netroot context will always be non-NULL.
220 | // We will distinguish the cases by checking our root state in the context...
221 | //
222 |
223 | if (pNetRoot->Context == NULL)
224 | {
225 | fInitializeNetRoot = TRUE;
226 | }
227 | else
228 | {
229 | VBoxMRxGetNetRootExtension(pNetRoot,pNetRootExtension);
230 | /* Detect an already initialized NetRoot.
231 | * pNetRootExtension is actually the pNetRoot->Context and it is not null.
232 | */
233 | fInitializeNetRoot = pNetRootExtension->phgcmClient == NULL;
234 | }
235 |
236 | Assert((NodeType(pNetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT) && (NodeType(pNetRoot->pSrvCall) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL));
237 |
238 | Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
239 |
240 | // update the net root state to be good.
241 |
242 | if (fInitializeNetRoot)
243 | {
244 | PWCHAR pRootName;
245 | ULONG RootNameLength;
246 | int vboxRC;
247 | PSHFLSTRING ParsedPath = 0;
248 | ULONG ParsedPathSize;
249 |
250 | pNetRoot->MRxNetRootState = MRX_NET_ROOT_STATE_GOOD;
251 |
252 | // validate the fixed netroot name
253 |
254 | RootNameLength = pNetRoot->pNetRootName->Length - pSrvCall->pSrvCallName->Length;
255 | if (!RootNameLength)
256 | {
257 | /* Refuse a netroot path with an empty shared folder name */
258 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: Invalid shared folder name! (length=0)\n"));
259 | pNetRoot->MRxNetRootState = MRX_NET_ROOT_STATE_ERROR;
260 |
262 | goto l_Exit;
263 | }
264 |
265 | RootNameLength -= 2; /* remove leading backslash */
266 |
267 | pRootName = (PWCHAR)(pNetRoot->pNetRootName->Buffer + (pSrvCall->pSrvCallName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)));
268 | pRootName++; /* remove leading backslash */
269 |
270 | if (pNetRootExtension->phgcmClient == NULL)
271 | {
272 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: Initialize netroot length = %d, name = %.*ls\n", RootNameLength, RootNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), pRootName));
273 |
274 | /* Calculate length required for parsed path.
275 | */
276 | ParsedPathSize = sizeof(*ParsedPath) + RootNameLength + sizeof(WCHAR);
277 |
278 | ParsedPath = (PSHFLSTRING)vbsfAllocNonPagedMem(ParsedPathSize);
279 | if (!ParsedPath)
280 | {
282 | goto l_Exit;
283 | }
284 | memset(ParsedPath, 0, ParsedPathSize);
285 |
286 | ShflStringInitBuffer(ParsedPath, ParsedPathSize - sizeof(SHFLSTRING));
287 |
288 | ParsedPath->u16Size = (uint16_t)RootNameLength + sizeof(WCHAR);
289 | ParsedPath->u16Length = ParsedPath->u16Size - sizeof(WCHAR); /* without terminating null */
290 | RtlCopyMemory(ParsedPath->String.ucs2, pRootName, ParsedPath->u16Length);
291 |
292 | vboxRC = vboxCallMapFolder(&pDeviceExtension->hgcmClient, ParsedPath, &pNetRootExtension->map);
293 | vbsfFreeNonPagedMem(ParsedPath);
294 | if (vboxRC != VINF_SUCCESS)
295 | {
296 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: vboxCallMapFolder failed with %d\n", vboxRC));
298 | }
299 | else
300 | {
301 | Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
302 | pNetRootExtension->phgcmClient = &pDeviceExtension->hgcmClient;
303 | }
304 | }
305 | }
306 | else Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: Creating V_NET_ROOT on existing NET_ROOT!\n"));
307 |
308 | if ((Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && fInitializeNetRoot)
309 | {
310 | //
311 | // A new NET_ROOT and associated V_NET_ROOT are being created !
312 | //
313 | Status = VBoxMRxInitializeNetRootEntry(pNetRoot);
314 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: NulMRXInitializeNetRootEntry called, Status = 0x%lx\n", Status));
315 | }
316 |
317 | VBoxUpdateNetRoot(pNetRoot);
318 |
319 | l_Exit:
320 | if (Status != STATUS_PENDING)
321 | {
322 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: Returning 0x%lx\n", Status));
323 | pCreateNetRootContext->VirtualNetRootStatus = Status;
324 | if (fInitializeNetRoot)
325 | pCreateNetRootContext->NetRootStatus = Status;
326 | else pCreateNetRootContext->NetRootStatus = Status;
327 |
328 | // Callback the RDBSS for resumption.
329 | pCreateNetRootContext->Callback(pCreateNetRootContext);
330 |
331 | // Map the error code to STATUS_PENDING since this triggers
332 | // the synchronization mechanism in the RDBSS.
333 | Status = STATUS_PENDING;
334 | }
335 |
336 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxCreateVNetRoot: Returned STATUS_PENDING\n"));
337 | return Status;
338 | }
339 |
340 | NTSTATUS VBoxMRxFinalizeVNetRoot (IN PMRX_V_NET_ROOT pVNetRoot, IN PBOOLEAN ForceDisconnect)
341 | /*++
342 |
343 | Routine Description:
344 |
345 |
346 | Arguments:
347 |
348 | pVNetRoot - the virtual net root
349 |
350 | ForceDisconnect - disconnect is forced
351 |
352 | Return Value:
353 |
354 | NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
355 |
356 | --*/
357 | {
359 | PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot = pVNetRoot->pNetRoot;
360 | VBoxMRxGetNetRootExtension(pVNetRoot->pNetRoot, pNetRootExtension);
361 | int vboxRC;
362 |
363 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxFinalizeVNetRoot: Address = 0x%lx\n", pVNetRoot));
364 |
365 | if (pNetRootExtension->phgcmClient)
366 | {
367 | vboxRC = vboxCallUnmapFolder(pNetRootExtension->phgcmClient, &pNetRootExtension->map);
368 | if (vboxRC != VINF_SUCCESS)
369 | {
370 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxFinalizeVNetRoot: vboxCallMapFolder failed with %d\n", vboxRC));
371 | }
372 | pNetRootExtension->phgcmClient = NULL;
373 | }
374 |
375 | //
376 | // This is called when all outstanding handles on this
377 | // root have been cleaned up ! We can now zap the netroot
378 | // extension...
379 | //
380 |
381 | return Status;
382 | }
383 |
384 | NTSTATUS VBoxMRxFinalizeNetRoot (IN PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot, IN PBOOLEAN ForceDisconnect)
385 | /*++
386 |
387 | Routine Description:
388 |
389 |
390 | Arguments:
391 |
392 | pVirtualNetRoot - the virtual net root
393 |
394 | ForceDisconnect - disconnect is forced
395 |
396 | Return Value:
397 |
398 | NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
399 |
400 | --*/
401 | {
403 |
404 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxFinalizeNetRoot: Called.\n"));
405 | //
406 | // This is called when all outstanding handles on this
407 | // root have been cleaned up ! We can now zap the netroot
408 | // extension...
409 | //
410 | return (Status);
411 | }
412 |
414 | )
415 | /*++
416 |
417 | Routine Description:
418 |
419 | This routine parses the input name into srv, netroot, and the
420 | rest.
421 |
422 | Arguments:
423 |
424 |
425 | --*/
426 | {
427 | UNICODE_STRING xRestOfName;
428 |
429 | ULONG length = FilePathName->Length;
430 | PWCH w = FilePathName->Buffer;
431 | PWCH wlimit = (PWCH)(((PCHAR)w) + length);
432 | PWCH wlow;
433 |
434 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxExtractNetRootName: Called.\n"));
435 |
436 | w += (SrvCall->pSrvCallName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR));
437 | NetRootName->Buffer = wlow = w;
438 | for (;;)
439 | {
440 | if (w >= wlimit)
441 | break;
442 | if ((*w == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) && (w != wlow))
443 | {
444 | break;
445 | }
446 | w++;
447 | }
448 |
449 | NetRootName->Length = NetRootName->MaximumLength = (USHORT)((PCHAR)w - (PCHAR)wlow);
450 |
451 | //w = FilePathName->Buffer;
452 | //NetRootName->Buffer = w++;
453 |
454 | if (!RestOfName)
455 | RestOfName = &xRestOfName;
456 | RestOfName->Buffer = w;
457 | RestOfName->Length = (USHORT)RestOfName->MaximumLength = (USHORT)((PCHAR)wlimit - (PCHAR)w);
458 |
459 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxExtractNetRootName: FilePath = %.*ls\n", FilePathName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR), FilePathName->Buffer));
460 | Log(("VBOXSF: VBoxMRxExtractNetRootName: Srv = %.*ls, Root = %.*ls, Rest = %.*ls\n", SrvCall->pSrvCallName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR), SrvCall->pSrvCallName->Buffer, NetRootName->Length
461 | / sizeof(WCHAR), NetRootName->Buffer, RestOfName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR), RestOfName->Buffer));
462 |
463 | return;
464 | }
465 |