1 | /* $NetBSD: test.c,v 1.33 2007/06/24 18:54:58 christos Exp $ */
2 |
3 | /*
4 | * test(1); version 7-like -- author Erik Baalbergen
5 | * modified by Eric Gisin to be used as built-in.
6 | * modified by Arnold Robbins to add SVR3 compatibility
7 | * (-x -c -b -p -u -g -k) plus Korn's -L -nt -ot -ef and new -S (socket).
8 | * modified by J.T. Conklin for NetBSD.
9 | *
10 | * This program is in the Public Domain.
11 | */
12 |
13 | /*#include <sys/cdefs.h>
14 | #ifndef lint
15 | __RCSID("$NetBSD: test.c,v 1.33 2007/06/24 18:54:58 christos Exp $");
16 | #endif*/
17 |
18 | #include "config.h"
19 | #include <sys/stat.h>
20 | #include <sys/types.h>
21 |
22 | #include <ctype.h>
23 | #include "err.h"
24 | #include <errno.h>
25 | #include <limits.h>
26 | #include <stdio.h>
27 | #include <stdlib.h>
28 | #include <string.h>
29 | #ifdef _MSC_VER
30 | # include <direct.h>
31 | # include <io.h>
32 | # include <process.h>
33 | # include "mscfakes.h"
34 | #else
35 | # include <unistd.h>
36 | #endif
37 | #include <stdarg.h>
38 | #include <sys/stat.h>
39 |
40 | #include "kmkbuiltin.h"
41 |
42 | #ifndef __arraycount
43 | # define __arraycount(a) ( sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]) )
44 | #endif
45 |
46 |
47 | /* test(1) accepts the following grammar:
48 | oexpr ::= aexpr | aexpr "-o" oexpr ;
49 | aexpr ::= nexpr | nexpr "-a" aexpr ;
50 | nexpr ::= primary | "!" primary
51 | primary ::= unary-operator operand
52 | | operand binary-operator operand
53 | | operand
54 | | "(" oexpr ")"
55 | ;
56 | unary-operator ::= "-r"|"-w"|"-x"|"-f"|"-d"|"-c"|"-b"|"-p"|
57 | "-u"|"-g"|"-k"|"-s"|"-t"|"-z"|"-n"|"-o"|"-O"|"-G"|"-L"|"-S";
58 |
59 | binary-operator ::= "="|"!="|"-eq"|"-ne"|"-ge"|"-gt"|"-le"|"-lt"|
60 | "-nt"|"-ot"|"-ef";
61 | operand ::= <any legal UNIX file name>
62 | */
63 |
64 | enum token {
65 | EOI,
66 | FILRD,
67 | FILWR,
68 | FILEX,
70 | FILREG,
71 | FILDIR,
76 | FILSYM,
77 | FILGZ,
78 | FILTT,
82 | FILNT,
83 | FILOT,
84 | FILEQ,
85 | FILUID,
86 | FILGID,
87 | STREZ,
88 | STRNZ,
89 | STREQ,
90 | STRNE,
91 | STRLT,
92 | STRGT,
93 | INTEQ,
94 | INTNE,
95 | INTGE,
96 | INTGT,
97 | INTLE,
98 | INTLT,
99 | UNOT,
100 | BAND,
101 | BOR,
102 | LPAREN,
103 | RPAREN,
105 | };
106 |
107 | enum token_types {
108 | UNOP,
109 | BINOP,
110 | BUNOP,
111 | BBINOP,
112 | PAREN
113 | };
114 |
115 | struct t_op {
116 | const char *op_text;
117 | short op_num, op_type;
118 | };
119 |
120 | static const struct t_op cop[] = {
121 | {"!", UNOT, BUNOP},
122 | {"(", LPAREN, PAREN},
123 | {")", RPAREN, PAREN},
124 | {"<", STRLT, BINOP},
125 | {"=", STREQ, BINOP},
126 | {">", STRGT, BINOP},
127 | };
128 |
129 | static const struct t_op cop2[] = {
130 | {"!=", STRNE, BINOP},
131 | };
132 |
133 | static const struct t_op mop3[] = {
134 | {"ef", FILEQ, BINOP},
135 | {"eq", INTEQ, BINOP},
136 | {"ge", INTGE, BINOP},
137 | {"gt", INTGT, BINOP},
138 | {"le", INTLE, BINOP},
139 | {"lt", INTLT, BINOP},
140 | {"ne", INTNE, BINOP},
141 | {"nt", FILNT, BINOP},
142 | {"ot", FILOT, BINOP},
143 | };
144 |
145 | static const struct t_op mop2[] = {
146 | {"G", FILGID, UNOP},
147 | {"L", FILSYM, UNOP},
148 | {"O", FILUID, UNOP},
149 | {"S", FILSOCK,UNOP},
150 | {"a", BAND, BBINOP},
151 | {"b", FILBDEV,UNOP},
152 | {"c", FILCDEV,UNOP},
153 | {"d", FILDIR, UNOP},
154 | {"e", FILEXIST,UNOP},
155 | {"f", FILREG, UNOP},
156 | {"g", FILSGID,UNOP},
157 | {"h", FILSYM, UNOP}, /* for backwards compat */
158 | {"k", FILSTCK,UNOP},
159 | {"n", STRNZ, UNOP},
160 | {"o", BOR, BBINOP},
161 | {"p", FILFIFO,UNOP},
162 | {"r", FILRD, UNOP},
163 | {"s", FILGZ, UNOP},
164 | {"t", FILTT, UNOP},
165 | {"u", FILSUID,UNOP},
166 | {"w", FILWR, UNOP},
167 | {"x", FILEX, UNOP},
168 | {"z", STREZ, UNOP},
169 | };
170 |
171 | static char **t_wp;
172 | static struct t_op const *t_wp_op;
173 |
174 | static int syntax(const char *, const char *);
175 | static int oexpr(enum token);
176 | static int aexpr(enum token);
177 | static int nexpr(enum token);
178 | static int primary(enum token);
179 | static int binop(void);
180 | static int test_access(struct stat *, mode_t);
181 | static int filstat(char *, enum token);
182 | static enum token t_lex(char *);
183 | static int isoperand(void);
184 | static int getn(const char *);
185 | static int newerf(const char *, const char *);
186 | static int olderf(const char *, const char *);
187 | static int equalf(const char *, const char *);
188 | static int usage(const char *);
189 |
190 | #if !defined(kmk_builtin_test) || defined(ELECTRIC_HEAP)
191 | extern void *xmalloc(unsigned int);
192 | #else
193 | extern void *xmalloc(unsigned int sz)
194 | {
195 | void *p = malloc(sz);
196 | if (!p) {
197 | fprintf(stderr, "%s: malloc(%u) failed\n", g_progname, sz);
198 | exit(1);
199 | }
200 | return p;
201 | }
202 | #endif
203 |
204 | int kmk_builtin_test(int argc, char **argv, char **envp, char ***ppapszArgvSpawn)
205 | {
206 | int res;
207 | char **argv_spawn;
208 | int i;
209 |
210 | g_progname = argv[0];
211 |
212 | /* look for the '--', '--help' and '--version'. */
213 | argv_spawn = NULL;
214 | for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
215 | if ( argv[i][0] == '-'
216 | && argv[i][1] == '-') {
217 | if (argv[i][2] == '\0') {
218 | argc = i;
219 | argv[i] = NULL;
220 |
221 | /* skip blank arguments (happens inside kmk) */
222 | while (argv[++i]) {
223 | const char *psz = argv[i];
224 | while (isspace(*psz))
225 | psz++;
226 | if (*psz)
227 | break;
228 | }
229 | argv_spawn = &argv[i];
230 | break;
231 | }
232 | if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help"))
233 | return usage(argv[0]);
234 | if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--version"))
235 | return kbuild_version(argv[0]);
236 | }
237 | }
238 |
239 | /* are we '['? then check for ']'. */
240 | if (strcmp(g_progname, "[") == 0) { /** @todo should skip the path in g_progname */
241 | if (strcmp(argv[--argc], "]"))
242 | return errx(1, "missing ]");
243 | argv[argc] = NULL;
244 | }
245 |
246 | /* evaluate the expression */
247 | if (argc < 2)
248 | res = 1;
249 | else {
250 | t_wp = &argv[1];
251 | res = oexpr(t_lex(*t_wp));
252 | if (res != -42 && *t_wp != NULL && *++t_wp != NULL)
253 | res = syntax(*t_wp, "unexpected operator");
254 | if (res == -42)
255 | return 1; /* don't mix syntax errors with the argv_spawn ignore */
256 | res = !res;
257 | }
258 |
259 | /* anything to execute on success? */
260 | if (argv_spawn) {
261 | if (res != 0 || !argv_spawn[0])
262 | res = 0; /* ignored */
263 | else {
264 | #ifdef kmk_builtin_test
265 | /* try exec the specified process */
266 | # if defined(_MSC_VER)
267 | res = _spawnvp(_P_WAIT, argv_spawn[0], argv_spawn);
268 | if (res == -1)
269 | res = err(1, "_spawnvp(_P_WAIT,%s,..)", argv_spawn[0]);
270 | # else
271 | execvp(argv_spawn[0], argv_spawn);
272 | res = err(1, "execvp(%s,..)", argv_spawn[0]);
273 | # endif
274 | #else /* in kmk */
275 | /* let job.c spawn the process, make a job.c style argv_spawn copy. */
276 | char *buf, *cur, **argv_new;
277 | size_t sz = 0;
278 | int argc_new = 0;
279 | while (argv_spawn[argc_new]) {
280 | size_t len = strlen(argv_spawn[argc_new]) + 1;
281 | sz += (len + sizeof(void *) - 1) & ~(sizeof(void *) - 1);
282 | argc_new++;
283 | }
284 |
285 | argv_new = xmalloc((argc_new + 1) * sizeof(char *));
286 | buf = cur = xmalloc(sz);
287 | for (i = 0; i < argc_new; i++) {
288 | size_t len = strlen(argv_spawn[i]) + 1;
289 | argv_new[i] = memcpy(cur, argv_spawn[i], len);
290 | cur += (len + sizeof(void *) - 1) & ~(sizeof(void *) - 1);
291 | }
292 | argv_new[i] = NULL;
293 |
294 | *ppapszArgvSpawn = argv_new;
295 | res = 0;
296 | #endif /* in kmk */
297 | }
298 | }
299 |
300 | return res;
301 | }
302 |
303 | static int
304 | syntax(const char *op, const char *msg)
305 | {
306 |
307 | if (op && *op)
308 | errx(1, "%s: %s", op, msg);
309 | else
310 | errx(1, "%s", msg);
311 | return -42;
312 | }
313 |
314 | static int
315 | oexpr(enum token n)
316 | {
317 | int res;
318 |
319 | res = aexpr(n);
320 | if (res == -42 || *t_wp == NULL)
321 | return res;
322 | if (t_lex(*++t_wp) == BOR) {
323 | int res2 = oexpr(t_lex(*++t_wp));
324 | return res2 != -42 ? res2 || res : res2;
325 | }
326 | t_wp--;
327 | return res;
328 | }
329 |
330 | static int
331 | aexpr(enum token n)
332 | {
333 | int res;
334 |
335 | res = nexpr(n);
336 | if (res == -42 || *t_wp == NULL)
337 | return res;
338 | if (t_lex(*++t_wp) == BAND) {
339 | int res2 = aexpr(t_lex(*++t_wp));
340 | return res2 != -42 ? res2 && res : res2;
341 | }
342 | t_wp--;
343 | return res;
344 | }
345 |
346 | static int
347 | nexpr(enum token n)
348 | {
349 | if (n == UNOT) {
350 | int res = nexpr(t_lex(*++t_wp));
351 | return res != -42 ? !res : res;
352 | }
353 | return primary(n);
354 | }
355 |
356 | static int
357 | primary(enum token n)
358 | {
359 | enum token nn;
360 | int res;
361 |
362 | if (n == EOI)
363 | return 0; /* missing expression */
364 | if (n == LPAREN) {
365 | if ((nn = t_lex(*++t_wp)) == RPAREN)
366 | return 0; /* missing expression */
367 | res = oexpr(nn);
368 | if (res != -42 && t_lex(*++t_wp) != RPAREN)
369 | return syntax(NULL, "closing paren expected");
370 | return res;
371 | }
372 | if (t_wp_op && t_wp_op->op_type == UNOP) {
373 | /* unary expression */
374 | if (*++t_wp == NULL)
375 | return syntax(t_wp_op->op_text, "argument expected");
376 | switch (n) {
377 | case STREZ:
378 | return strlen(*t_wp) == 0;
379 | case STRNZ:
380 | return strlen(*t_wp) != 0;
381 | case FILTT:
382 | return isatty(getn(*t_wp));
383 | default:
384 | return filstat(*t_wp, n);
385 | }
386 | }
387 |
388 | if (t_lex(t_wp[1]), t_wp_op && t_wp_op->op_type == BINOP) {
389 | return binop();
390 | }
391 |
392 | return strlen(*t_wp) > 0;
393 | }
394 |
395 | static int
396 | binop(void)
397 | {
398 | const char *opnd1, *opnd2;
399 | struct t_op const *op;
400 |
401 | opnd1 = *t_wp;
402 | (void) t_lex(*++t_wp);
403 | op = t_wp_op;
404 |
405 | if ((opnd2 = *++t_wp) == NULL)
406 | return syntax(op->op_text, "argument expected");
407 |
408 | switch (op->op_num) {
409 | case STREQ:
410 | return strcmp(opnd1, opnd2) == 0;
411 | case STRNE:
412 | return strcmp(opnd1, opnd2) != 0;
413 | case STRLT:
414 | return strcmp(opnd1, opnd2) < 0;
415 | case STRGT:
416 | return strcmp(opnd1, opnd2) > 0;
417 | case INTEQ:
418 | return getn(opnd1) == getn(opnd2);
419 | case INTNE:
420 | return getn(opnd1) != getn(opnd2);
421 | case INTGE:
422 | return getn(opnd1) >= getn(opnd2);
423 | case INTGT:
424 | return getn(opnd1) > getn(opnd2);
425 | case INTLE:
426 | return getn(opnd1) <= getn(opnd2);
427 | case INTLT:
428 | return getn(opnd1) < getn(opnd2);
429 | case FILNT:
430 | return newerf(opnd1, opnd2);
431 | case FILOT:
432 | return olderf(opnd1, opnd2);
433 | case FILEQ:
434 | return equalf(opnd1, opnd2);
435 | default:
436 | abort();
437 | /* NOTREACHED */
438 | #ifdef _MSC_VER
439 | return -42;
440 | #endif
441 | }
442 | }
443 |
444 | /*
445 | * The manual, and IEEE POSIX 1003.2, suggests this should check the mode bits,
446 | * not use access():
447 | *
448 | * True shall indicate only that the write flag is on. The file is not
449 | * writable on a read-only file system even if this test indicates true.
450 | *
451 | * Unfortunately IEEE POSIX 1003.1-2001, as quoted in SuSv3, says only:
452 | *
453 | * True shall indicate that permission to read from file will be granted,
454 | * as defined in "File Read, Write, and Creation".
455 | *
456 | * and that section says:
457 | *
458 | * When a file is to be read or written, the file shall be opened with an
459 | * access mode corresponding to the operation to be performed. If file
460 | * access permissions deny access, the requested operation shall fail.
461 | *
462 | * and of course access permissions are described as one might expect:
463 | *
464 | * * If a process has the appropriate privilege:
465 | *
466 | * * If read, write, or directory search permission is requested,
467 | * access shall be granted.
468 | *
469 | * * If execute permission is requested, access shall be granted if
470 | * execute permission is granted to at least one user by the file
471 | * permission bits or by an alternate access control mechanism;
472 | * otherwise, access shall be denied.
473 | *
474 | * * Otherwise:
475 | *
476 | * * The file permission bits of a file contain read, write, and
477 | * execute/search permissions for the file owner class, file group
478 | * class, and file other class.
479 | *
480 | * * Access shall be granted if an alternate access control mechanism
481 | * is not enabled and the requested access permission bit is set for
482 | * the class (file owner class, file group class, or file other class)
483 | * to which the process belongs, or if an alternate access control
484 | * mechanism is enabled and it allows the requested access; otherwise,
485 | * access shall be denied.
486 | *
487 | * and when I first read this I thought: surely we can't go about using
488 | * open(O_WRONLY) to try this test! However the POSIX 1003.1-2001 Rationale
489 | * section for test does in fact say:
490 | *
491 | * On historical BSD systems, test -w directory always returned false
492 | * because test tried to open the directory for writing, which always
493 | * fails.
494 | *
495 | * and indeed this is in fact true for Seventh Edition UNIX, UNIX 32V, and UNIX
496 | * System III, and thus presumably also for BSD up to and including 4.3.
497 | *
498 | * Secondly I remembered why using open() and/or access() are bogus. They
499 | * don't work right for detecting read and write permissions bits when called
500 | * by root.
501 | *
502 | * Interestingly the 'test' in 4.4BSD was closer to correct (as per
503 | * 1003.2-1992) and it was implemented efficiently with stat() instead of
504 | * open().
505 | *
506 | * This was apparently broken in NetBSD around about 1994/06/30 when the old
507 | * 4.4BSD implementation was replaced with a (arguably much better coded)
508 | * implementation derived from pdksh.
509 | *
510 | * Note that modern pdksh is yet different again, but still not correct, at
511 | * least not w.r.t. 1003.2-1992.
512 | *
513 | * As I think more about it and read more of the related IEEE docs I don't like
514 | * that wording about 'test -r' and 'test -w' in 1003.1-2001 at all. I very
515 | * much prefer the original wording in 1003.2-1992. It is much more useful,
516 | * and so that's what I've implemented.
517 | *
518 | * (Note that a strictly conforming implementation of 1003.1-2001 is in fact
519 | * totally useless for the case in question since its 'test -w' and 'test -r'
520 | * can never fail for root for any existing files, i.e. files for which 'test
521 | * -e' succeeds.)
522 | *
523 | * The rationale for 1003.1-2001 suggests that the wording was "clarified" in
524 | * 1003.1-2001 to align with the 1003.2b draft. 1003.2b Draft 12 (July 1999),
525 | * which is the latest copy I have, does carry the same suggested wording as is
526 | * in 1003.1-2001, with its rationale saying:
527 | *
528 | * This change is a clarification and is the result of interpretation
529 | * request PASC 1003.2-92 #23 submitted for IEEE Std 1003.2-1992.
530 | *
531 | * That interpretation can be found here:
532 | *
533 | * http://www.pasc.org/interps/unofficial/db/p1003.2/pasc-1003.2-23.html
534 | *
535 | * Not terribly helpful, unfortunately. I wonder who that fence sitter was.
536 | *
537 | * Worse, IMVNSHO, I think the authors of 1003.2b-D12 have mis-interpreted the
538 | * PASC interpretation and appear to be gone against at least one widely used
539 | * implementation (namely 4.4BSD). The problem is that for file access by root
540 | * this means that if test '-r' and '-w' are to behave as if open() were called
541 | * then there's no way for a shell script running as root to check if a file
542 | * has certain access bits set other than by the grotty means of interpreting
543 | * the output of 'ls -l'. This was widely considered to be a bug in V7's
544 | * "test" and is, I believe, one of the reasons why direct use of access() was
545 | * avoided in some more recent implementations!
546 | *
547 | * I have always interpreted '-r' to match '-w' and '-x' as per the original
548 | * wording in 1003.2-1992, not the other way around. I think 1003.2b goes much
549 | * too far the wrong way without any valid rationale and that it's best if we
550 | * stick with 1003.2-1992 and test the flags, and not mimic the behaviour of
551 | * open() since we already know very well how it will work -- existance of the
552 | * file is all that matters to open() for root.
553 | *
554 | * Unfortunately the SVID is no help at all (which is, I guess, partly why
555 | * we're in this mess in the first place :-).
556 | *
557 | * The SysV implementation (at least in the 'test' builtin in /bin/sh) does use
558 | * access(name, 2) even though it also goes to much greater lengths for '-x'
559 | * matching the 1003.2-1992 definition (which is no doubt where that definition
560 | * came from).
561 | *
562 | * The ksh93 implementation uses access() for '-r' and '-w' if
563 | * (euid==uid&&egid==gid), but uses st_mode for '-x' iff running as root.
564 | * i.e. it does strictly conform to 1003.1-2001 (and presumably 1003.2b).
565 | */
566 | static int
567 | test_access(struct stat *sp, mode_t stmode)
568 | {
569 | #ifdef _MSC_VER
570 | /* just pretend to be root for now. */
571 | stmode = (stmode << 6) | (stmode << 3) | stmode;
572 | return !!(sp->st_mode & stmode);
573 | #else
574 | gid_t *groups;
575 | register int n;
576 | uid_t euid;
577 | int maxgroups;
578 |
579 | /*
580 | * I suppose we could use access() if not running as root and if we are
581 | * running with ((euid == uid) && (egid == gid)), but we've already
582 | * done the stat() so we might as well just test the permissions
583 | * directly instead of asking the kernel to do it....
584 | */
585 | euid = geteuid();
586 | if (euid == 0) /* any bit is good enough */
587 | stmode = (stmode << 6) | (stmode << 3) | stmode;
588 | else if (sp->st_uid == euid)
589 | stmode <<= 6;
590 | else if (sp->st_gid == getegid())
591 | stmode <<= 3;
592 | else {
593 | /* XXX stolen almost verbatim from ksh93.... */
594 | /* on some systems you can be in several groups */
595 | if ((maxgroups = getgroups(0, NULL)) <= 0)
596 | maxgroups = NGROUPS_MAX; /* pre-POSIX system? */
597 | groups = xmalloc((maxgroups + 1) * sizeof(gid_t));
598 | n = getgroups(maxgroups, groups);
599 | while (--n >= 0) {
600 | if (groups[n] == sp->st_gid) {
601 | stmode <<= 3;
602 | break;
603 | }
604 | }
605 | free(groups);
606 | }
607 |
608 | return !!(sp->st_mode & stmode);
609 | #endif
610 | }
611 |
612 | static int
613 | filstat(char *nm, enum token mode)
614 | {
615 | struct stat s;
616 |
617 | if (mode == FILSYM ? lstat(nm, &s) : stat(nm, &s))
618 | return 0;
619 |
620 | switch (mode) {
621 | case FILRD:
622 | return test_access(&s, S_IROTH);
623 | case FILWR:
624 | return test_access(&s, S_IWOTH);
625 | case FILEX:
626 | return test_access(&s, S_IXOTH);
627 | case FILEXIST:
628 | return 1; /* the successful lstat()/stat() is good enough */
629 | case FILREG:
630 | return S_ISREG(s.st_mode);
631 | case FILDIR:
632 | return S_ISDIR(s.st_mode);
633 | case FILCDEV:
634 | #ifdef S_ISCHR
635 | return S_ISCHR(s.st_mode);
636 | #else
637 | return 0;
638 | #endif
639 | case FILBDEV:
640 | #ifdef S_ISBLK
641 | return S_ISBLK(s.st_mode);
642 | #else
643 | return 0;
644 | #endif
645 | case FILFIFO:
646 | #ifdef S_ISFIFO
647 | return S_ISFIFO(s.st_mode);
648 | #else
649 | return 0;
650 | #endif
651 | case FILSOCK:
652 | #ifdef S_ISSOCK
653 | return S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode);
654 | #else
655 | return 0;
656 | #endif
657 | case FILSYM:
658 | #ifdef S_ISLNK
659 | return S_ISLNK(s.st_mode);
660 | #else
661 | return 0;
662 | #endif
663 | case FILSUID:
664 | return (s.st_mode & S_ISUID) != 0;
665 | case FILSGID:
666 | return (s.st_mode & S_ISGID) != 0;
667 | case FILSTCK:
668 | #ifdef S_ISVTX
669 | return (s.st_mode & S_ISVTX) != 0;
670 | #else
671 | return 0;
672 | #endif
673 | case FILGZ:
674 | return s.st_size > (off_t)0;
675 | case FILUID:
676 | return s.st_uid == geteuid();
677 | case FILGID:
678 | return s.st_gid == getegid();
679 | default:
680 | return 1;
681 | }
682 | }
683 |
684 | #define VTOC(x) (const unsigned char *)((const struct t_op *)x)->op_text
685 |
686 | static int
687 | compare1(const void *va, const void *vb)
688 | {
689 | const unsigned char *a = va;
690 | const unsigned char *b = VTOC(vb);
691 |
692 | return a[0] - b[0];
693 | }
694 |
695 | static int
696 | compare2(const void *va, const void *vb)
697 | {
698 | const unsigned char *a = va;
699 | const unsigned char *b = VTOC(vb);
700 | int z = a[0] - b[0];
701 |
702 | return z ? z : (a[1] - b[1]);
703 | }
704 |
705 | static struct t_op const *
706 | findop(const char *s)
707 | {
708 | if (s[0] == '-') {
709 | if (s[1] == '\0')
710 | return NULL;
711 | if (s[2] == '\0')
712 | return bsearch(s + 1, mop2, __arraycount(mop2),
713 | sizeof(*mop2), compare1);
714 | else if (s[3] != '\0')
715 | return NULL;
716 | else
717 | return bsearch(s + 1, mop3, __arraycount(mop3),
718 | sizeof(*mop3), compare2);
719 | } else {
720 | if (s[1] == '\0')
721 | return bsearch(s, cop, __arraycount(cop), sizeof(*cop),
722 | compare1);
723 | else if (strcmp(s, cop2[0].op_text) == 0)
724 | return cop2;
725 | else
726 | return NULL;
727 | }
728 | }
729 |
730 | static enum token
731 | t_lex(char *s)
732 | {
733 | struct t_op const *op;
734 |
735 | if (s == NULL) {
736 | t_wp_op = NULL;
737 | return EOI;
738 | }
739 |
740 | if ((op = findop(s)) != NULL) {
741 | if (!((op->op_type == UNOP && isoperand()) ||
742 | (op->op_num == LPAREN && *(t_wp+1) == 0))) {
743 | t_wp_op = op;
744 | return op->op_num;
745 | }
746 | }
747 | t_wp_op = NULL;
748 | return OPERAND;
749 | }
750 |
751 | static int
752 | isoperand(void)
753 | {
754 | struct t_op const *op;
755 | char *s, *t;
756 |
757 | if ((s = *(t_wp+1)) == 0)
758 | return 1;
759 | if ((t = *(t_wp+2)) == 0)
760 | return 0;
761 | if ((op = findop(s)) != NULL)
762 | return op->op_type == BINOP && (t[0] != ')' || t[1] != '\0');
763 | return 0;
764 | }
765 |
766 | /* atoi with error detection */
767 | static int
768 | getn(const char *s)
769 | {
770 | char *p;
771 | long r;
772 |
773 | errno = 0;
774 | r = strtol(s, &p, 10);
775 |
776 | if (errno != 0)
777 | return errx(-42, "%s: out of range", s);
778 |
779 | while (isspace((unsigned char)*p))
780 | p++;
781 |
782 | if (*p)
783 | return errx(-42, "%s: bad number", s);
784 |
785 | return (int) r;
786 | }
787 |
788 | static int
789 | newerf(const char *f1, const char *f2)
790 | {
791 | struct stat b1, b2;
792 |
793 | return (stat(f1, &b1) == 0 &&
794 | stat(f2, &b2) == 0 &&
795 | b1.st_mtime > b2.st_mtime);
796 | }
797 |
798 | static int
799 | olderf(const char *f1, const char *f2)
800 | {
801 | struct stat b1, b2;
802 |
803 | return (stat(f1, &b1) == 0 &&
804 | stat(f2, &b2) == 0 &&
805 | b1.st_mtime < b2.st_mtime);
806 | }
807 |
808 | static int
809 | equalf(const char *f1, const char *f2)
810 | {
811 | struct stat b1, b2;
812 |
813 | return (stat(f1, &b1) == 0 &&
814 | stat(f2, &b2) == 0 &&
815 | b1.st_dev == b2.st_dev &&
816 | b1.st_ino == b2.st_ino);
817 | }
818 |
819 | static int
820 | usage(const char *argv0)
821 | {
822 | fprintf(stdout,
823 | "usage: %s expression [-- <prog> [args]]\n", argv0);
824 | return 0; /* only used in --help. */
825 | }