1 | $!
2 | $! Makefile.com - builds GNU Make for VMS
3 | $!
4 | $! P1 = LIST will provide compiler listings.
5 | $! P2 = DEBUG will build an image with debug information
6 | $! P3 = WALL will enable all warning messages (some are suppressed since
7 | $! one macro intentionally causes an error condition)
8 | $!
9 | $! In case of problems with the install you might contact me at
10 | $! [email protected] (preferred) or [email protected]
11 | $
12 | $! hb
13 | $! But don't ask Martin Zinser about the lines, I added/changed.
14 | $! In case of an error do some cleanup
15 | $ on error then $ goto cleanup
16 | $! in case somebody set up her/his own symbol for cc
17 | $ set symbol/scope=(nolocal,noglobal)
18 | $!
19 | $! Just some general constants...
20 | $!
21 | $ true = 1
22 | $ false = 0
23 | $ tmpnam = "temp_" + f$getjpi("","pid")
24 | $ tt = tmpnam + ".txt"
25 | $ tc = tmpnam + ".c"
26 | $!
27 | $! Look for the compiler used
28 | $!
29 | $ lval = ""
30 | $ if f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:DECC$COMPILER.EXE").eqs.""
31 | $ then
32 | $ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then def/nolog sys sys$library:
33 | $ ccopt = ""
34 | $ else
35 | $ ccopt = "/decc/prefix=(all,except=(globfree,glob))"
36 | $ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs.""
37 | $ then
38 | $ if f$trnlnm("DECC$LIBRARY_INCLUDE").nes.""
39 | $ then
40 | $ define sys decc$library_include:
41 | $ else
42 | $ if f$search("SYS$COMMON:[DECC$LIB.REFERENCE]DECC$RTLDEF.DIR").nes."" -
44 | $ if f$search("SYS$COMMON:[DECC$LIB.REFERENCE]SYS$STARLET_C.DIR").nes."" -
46 | $ lval=lval+"SYS$LIBRARY:"
47 | $ define sys 'lval
48 | $ endif
49 | $ endif
50 | $ endif
51 | $!
52 | $!
53 | $ if (p1 .eqs. "LIST")
54 | $ then
55 | $ ccopt = ccopt + "/list/show=(expan,inclu)"
56 | $ endif
57 | $!
58 | $! Should we build a debug image
59 | $!
60 | $ if (p2.eqs."DEBUG")
61 | $ then
62 | $ ccopt = ccopt + "/noopt/debug"
63 | $ lopt = "/debug"
64 | $ else
65 | $ lopt = ""
66 | $ endif
67 | $!
68 | $! Do we want to see all warnings
69 | $!
70 | $ if (p3.nes."WALL")
71 | $ then
72 | $ gosub check_cc_qual
73 | $ endif
74 | $ filelist = "alloca ar arscan commands default dir expand file function " + -
75 | "guile hash implicit job load main misc read remake " + -
76 | "remote-stub rule output signame variable version " + -
77 | "vmsfunctions vmsify vpath vms_progname vms_exit " + -
78 | "vms_export_symbol [.glob]glob [.glob]fnmatch getopt1 " + -
79 | "getopt strcache"
80 | $!
81 | $ copy config.h-vms config.h
82 | $ n=0
83 | $ open/write optf make.opt
84 | $ loop:
85 | $ cfile = f$elem(n," ",filelist)
86 | $ if cfile .eqs. " " then goto linkit
87 | $ write sys$output "Compiling ''cfile'..."
88 | $ call compileit 'cfile'
89 | $ n = n + 1
90 | $ goto loop
91 | $ linkit:
92 | $ close optf
93 | $ link/exe=make make.opt/opt'lopt
94 | $ goto cleanup
95 | $
96 | $ cleanup:
97 | $ if f$trnlnm("SYS").nes."" then $ deassign sys
98 | $ if f$trnlnm("OPTF").nes."" then $ close optf
99 | $ if f$search("make.opt").nes."" then $ del make.opt;*
100 | $ exit
101 | $!
102 | $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 | $!
104 | $! Check if this is a define relating to the properties of the C/C++
105 | $! compiler
106 | $!
108 | $ open/write tmpc 'tc
109 | $ ccqual = "/warn=(disable=questcompare)"
110 | $ write tmpc "#include <stdio.h>"
111 | $ write tmpc "unsigned int i = 1;"
112 | $ write tmpc "int main(){"
113 | $ write tmpc "if (i < 0){printf(""Mission impossible\n"");}}"
114 | $ close tmpc
115 | $ gosub cc_qual_check
116 | $ return
117 | $!
118 | $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 | $!
120 | $! Check for properties of C/C++ compiler
121 | $!
123 | $ cc_qual = false
124 | $ set message/nofac/noident/nosever/notext
125 | $ cc 'ccqual' 'tmpnam'
126 | $ if $status then cc_qual = true
127 | $ set message/fac/ident/sever/text
128 | $ delete/nolog 'tmpnam'.*;*
129 | $ if cc_qual then ccopt = ccopt + ccqual
130 | $ return
131 | $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 | $!
133 | $ compileit : subroutine
134 | $ ploc = f$locate("]",p1)
135 | $! filnam = p1
136 | $ if ploc .lt. f$length(p1)
137 | $ then
138 | $ objdir = f$extract(0, ploc+1, p1)
139 | $ write optf p1
140 | $ else
141 | $ objdir := []
142 | $ write optf objdir+p1
143 | $ endif
144 | $ cc'ccopt'/nested=none/include=([],[.glob])/obj='objdir' -
145 | /define=("allocated_variable_expand_for_file=alloc_var_expand_for_file",-
146 | "unlink=remove","HAVE_CONFIG_H","VMS") -
147 | 'p1'
148 | $ exit
149 | $ endsubroutine : compileit
150 | $!
151 | $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 | $!Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
153 | $!This file is part of GNU Make.
154 | $!
155 | $!GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
156 | $!the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
157 | $!Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
158 | $!version.
159 | $!
160 | $!GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
161 | $!WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
162 | $!FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
163 | $!details.
164 | $!
165 | $!You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
166 | $!this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.