1 | /*
2 | * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993
3 | * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
4 | * Copyright (c) 1989 by Berkeley Softworks
5 | * All rights reserved.
6 | *
7 | * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
8 | * Adam de Boor.
9 | *
10 | * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
11 | * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
12 | * are met:
13 | * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
14 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
15 | * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
16 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
17 | * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
18 | * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
19 | * must display the following acknowledgement:
20 | * This product includes software developed by the University of
21 | * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
22 | * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
23 | * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
24 | * without specific prior written permission.
25 | *
37 | */
38 |
39 | #ifndef lint
40 | #if 0
41 | static char sccsid[] = "@(#)suff.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 3/21/94";
42 | #else
43 | static const char rcsid[] =
44 | "$FreeBSD: src/usr.bin/make/suff.c,v 2001/03/09 01:13:24 tmm Exp $";
45 | #endif
46 | #endif /* not lint */
47 |
48 | /*-
49 | * suff.c --
50 | * Functions to maintain suffix lists and find implicit dependents
51 | * using suffix transformation rules
52 | *
53 | * Interface:
54 | * Suff_Init Initialize all things to do with suffixes.
55 | *
56 | * Suff_End Cleanup the module
57 | *
58 | * Suff_DoPaths This function is used to make life easier
59 | * when searching for a file according to its
60 | * suffix. It takes the global search path,
61 | * as defined using the .PATH: target, and appends
62 | * its directories to the path of each of the
63 | * defined suffixes, as specified using
64 | * .PATH<suffix>: targets. In addition, all
65 | * directories given for suffixes labeled as
66 | * include files or libraries, using the .INCLUDES
67 | * or .LIBS targets, are played with using
68 | * Dir_MakeFlags to create the .INCLUDES and
69 | * .LIBS global variables.
70 | *
71 | * Suff_ClearSuffixes Clear out all the suffixes and defined
72 | * transformations.
73 | *
74 | * Suff_IsTransform Return TRUE if the passed string is the lhs
75 | * of a transformation rule.
76 | *
77 | * Suff_AddSuffix Add the passed string as another known suffix.
78 | *
79 | * Suff_GetPath Return the search path for the given suffix.
80 | *
81 | * Suff_AddInclude Mark the given suffix as denoting an include
82 | * file.
83 | *
84 | * Suff_AddLib Mark the given suffix as denoting a library.
85 | *
86 | * Suff_AddTransform Add another transformation to the suffix
87 | * graph. Returns GNode suitable for framing, I
88 | * mean, tacking commands, attributes, etc. on.
89 | *
90 | * Suff_SetNull Define the suffix to consider the suffix of
91 | * any file that doesn't have a known one.
92 | *
93 | * Suff_FindDeps Find implicit sources for and the location of
94 | * a target based on its suffix. Returns the
95 | * bottom-most node added to the graph or NILGNODE
96 | * if the target had no implicit sources.
97 | */
98 |
99 | #include <stdio.h>
100 | #include "make.h"
101 | #include "hash.h"
102 | #include "dir.h"
103 |
104 | static Lst sufflist; /* Lst of suffixes */
105 | static Lst suffClean; /* Lst of suffixes to be cleaned */
106 | static Lst srclist; /* Lst of sources */
107 | static Lst transforms; /* Lst of transformation rules */
108 |
109 | static int sNum = 0; /* Counter for assigning suffix numbers */
110 |
111 | /*
112 | * Structure describing an individual suffix.
113 | */
114 | typedef struct _Suff {
115 | char *name; /* The suffix itself */
116 | int nameLen; /* Length of the suffix */
117 | short flags; /* Type of suffix */
118 | #define SUFF_INCLUDE 0x01 /* One which is #include'd */
119 | #define SUFF_LIBRARY 0x02 /* One which contains a library */
120 | #define SUFF_NULL 0x04 /* The empty suffix */
121 | Lst searchPath; /* The path along which files of this suffix
122 | * may be found */
123 | int sNum; /* The suffix number */
124 | int refCount; /* Reference count of list membership */
125 | Lst parents; /* Suffixes we have a transformation to */
126 | Lst children; /* Suffixes we have a transformation from */
127 | Lst ref; /* List of lists this suffix is referenced */
128 | } Suff;
129 |
130 | /*
131 | * Structure used in the search for implied sources.
132 | */
133 | typedef struct _Src {
134 | char *file; /* The file to look for */
135 | char *pref; /* Prefix from which file was formed */
136 | Suff *suff; /* The suffix on the file */
137 | struct _Src *parent; /* The Src for which this is a source */
138 | GNode *node; /* The node describing the file */
139 | int children; /* Count of existing children (so we don't free
140 | * this thing too early or never nuke it) */
141 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
142 | Lst cp; /* Debug; children list */
143 | #endif
144 | } Src;
145 |
146 | /*
147 | * A structure for passing more than one argument to the Lst-library-invoked
148 | * function...
149 | */
150 | typedef struct {
151 | Lst l;
152 | Src *s;
153 | } LstSrc;
154 |
155 | static Suff *suffNull; /* The NULL suffix for this run */
156 | static Suff *emptySuff; /* The empty suffix required for POSIX
157 | * single-suffix transformation rules */
158 |
159 |
160 | static char *SuffStrIsPrefix __P((char *, char *));
161 | static char *SuffSuffIsSuffix __P((Suff *, char *));
162 | static int SuffSuffIsSuffixP __P((ClientData, ClientData));
163 | static int SuffSuffHasNameP __P((ClientData, ClientData));
164 | static int SuffSuffIsPrefix __P((ClientData, ClientData));
165 | static int SuffGNHasNameP __P((ClientData, ClientData));
166 | static void SuffFree __P((ClientData));
167 | static void SuffInsert __P((Lst, Suff *));
168 | static void SuffRemove __P((Lst, Suff *));
169 | static Boolean SuffParseTransform __P((char *, Suff **, Suff **));
170 | static int SuffRebuildGraph __P((ClientData, ClientData));
171 | static int SuffAddSrc __P((ClientData, ClientData));
172 | static int SuffRemoveSrc __P((Lst));
173 | static void SuffAddLevel __P((Lst, Src *));
174 | static Src *SuffFindThem __P((Lst, Lst));
175 | static Src *SuffFindCmds __P((Src *, Lst));
176 | static int SuffExpandChildren __P((ClientData, ClientData));
177 | static Boolean SuffApplyTransform __P((GNode *, GNode *, Suff *, Suff *));
178 | static void SuffFindDeps __P((GNode *, Lst));
179 | static void SuffFindArchiveDeps __P((GNode *, Lst));
180 | static void SuffFindNormalDeps __P((GNode *, Lst));
181 | static int SuffPrintName __P((ClientData, ClientData));
182 | static int SuffPrintSuff __P((ClientData, ClientData));
183 | static int SuffPrintTrans __P((ClientData, ClientData));
184 |
185 | /*************** Lst Predicates ****************/
186 | /*-
187 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
188 | * SuffStrIsPrefix --
189 | * See if pref is a prefix of str.
190 | *
191 | * Results:
192 | * NULL if it ain't, pointer to character in str after prefix if so
193 | *
194 | * Side Effects:
195 | * None
196 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
197 | */
198 | static char *
199 | SuffStrIsPrefix (pref, str)
200 | register char *pref; /* possible prefix */
201 | register char *str; /* string to check */
202 | {
203 | while (*str && *pref == *str) {
204 | pref++;
205 | str++;
206 | }
207 |
208 | return (*pref ? NULL : str);
209 | }
210 |
211 | /*-
212 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
213 | * SuffSuffIsSuffix --
214 | * See if suff is a suffix of str. Str should point to THE END of the
215 | * string to check. (THE END == the null byte)
216 | *
217 | * Results:
218 | * NULL if it ain't, pointer to character in str before suffix if
219 | * it is.
220 | *
221 | * Side Effects:
222 | * None
223 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
224 | */
225 | static char *
226 | SuffSuffIsSuffix (s, str)
227 | register Suff *s; /* possible suffix */
228 | char *str; /* string to examine */
229 | {
230 | register char *p1; /* Pointer into suffix name */
231 | register char *p2; /* Pointer into string being examined */
232 |
233 | p1 = s->name + s->nameLen;
234 | p2 = str;
235 |
236 | while (p1 >= s->name && *p1 == *p2) {
237 | p1--;
238 | p2--;
239 | }
240 |
241 | return (p1 == s->name - 1 ? p2 : NULL);
242 | }
243 |
244 | /*-
245 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
246 | * SuffSuffIsSuffixP --
247 | * Predicate form of SuffSuffIsSuffix. Passed as the callback function
248 | * to Lst_Find.
249 | *
250 | * Results:
251 | * 0 if the suffix is the one desired, non-zero if not.
252 | *
253 | * Side Effects:
254 | * None.
255 | *
256 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
257 | */
258 | static int
259 | SuffSuffIsSuffixP(s, str)
260 | ClientData s;
261 | ClientData str;
262 | {
263 | return(!SuffSuffIsSuffix((Suff *) s, (char *) str));
264 | }
265 |
266 | /*-
267 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
268 | * SuffSuffHasNameP --
269 | * Callback procedure for finding a suffix based on its name. Used by
270 | * Suff_GetPath.
271 | *
272 | * Results:
273 | * 0 if the suffix is of the given name. non-zero otherwise.
274 | *
275 | * Side Effects:
276 | * None
277 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
278 | */
279 | static int
280 | SuffSuffHasNameP (s, sname)
281 | ClientData s; /* Suffix to check */
282 | ClientData sname; /* Desired name */
283 | {
284 | return (strcmp ((char *) sname, ((Suff *) s)->name));
285 | }
286 |
287 | /*-
288 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
289 | * SuffSuffIsPrefix --
290 | * See if the suffix described by s is a prefix of the string. Care
291 | * must be taken when using this to search for transformations and
292 | * what-not, since there could well be two suffixes, one of which
293 | * is a prefix of the other...
294 | *
295 | * Results:
296 | * 0 if s is a prefix of str. non-zero otherwise
297 | *
298 | * Side Effects:
299 | * None
300 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
301 | */
302 | static int
303 | SuffSuffIsPrefix (s, str)
304 | ClientData s; /* suffix to compare */
305 | ClientData str; /* string to examine */
306 | {
307 | return (SuffStrIsPrefix (((Suff *) s)->name, (char *) str) == NULL ? 1 : 0);
308 | }
309 |
310 | /*-
311 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
312 | * SuffGNHasNameP --
313 | * See if the graph node has the desired name
314 | *
315 | * Results:
316 | * 0 if it does. non-zero if it doesn't
317 | *
318 | * Side Effects:
319 | * None
320 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
321 | */
322 | static int
323 | SuffGNHasNameP (gn, name)
324 | ClientData gn; /* current node we're looking at */
325 | ClientData name; /* name we're looking for */
326 | {
327 | return (strcmp ((char *) name, ((GNode *) gn)->name));
328 | }
329 |
330 | /*********** Maintenance Functions ************/
331 |
332 | /*-
333 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
334 | * SuffFree --
335 | * Free up all memory associated with the given suffix structure.
336 | *
337 | * Results:
338 | * none
339 | *
340 | * Side Effects:
341 | * the suffix entry is detroyed
342 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
343 | */
344 | static void
345 | SuffFree (sp)
346 | ClientData sp;
347 | {
348 | Suff *s = (Suff *) sp;
349 |
350 | if (s == suffNull)
351 | suffNull = NULL;
352 |
353 | if (s == emptySuff)
354 | emptySuff = NULL;
355 |
356 | Lst_Destroy (s->ref, NOFREE);
357 | Lst_Destroy (s->children, NOFREE);
358 | Lst_Destroy (s->parents, NOFREE);
359 | Lst_Destroy (s->searchPath, Dir_Destroy);
360 |
361 | free ((Address)s->name);
362 | free ((Address)s);
363 | }
364 |
365 | /*-
366 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
367 | * SuffRemove --
368 | * Remove the suffix into the list
369 | *
370 | * Results:
371 | * None
372 | *
373 | * Side Effects:
374 | * The reference count for the suffix is decremented
375 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
376 | */
377 | static void
378 | SuffRemove(l, s)
379 | Lst l;
380 | Suff *s;
381 | {
382 | LstNode ln = Lst_Member(l, (ClientData)s);
383 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
384 | Lst_Remove(l, ln);
385 | s->refCount--;
386 | }
387 | }
388 | |
389 |
390 | /*-
391 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
392 | * SuffInsert --
393 | * Insert the suffix into the list keeping the list ordered by suffix
394 | * numbers.
395 | *
396 | * Results:
397 | * None
398 | *
399 | * Side Effects:
400 | * The reference count of the suffix is incremented
401 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
402 | */
403 | static void
404 | SuffInsert (l, s)
405 | Lst l; /* the list where in s should be inserted */
406 | Suff *s; /* the suffix to insert */
407 | {
408 | LstNode ln; /* current element in l we're examining */
409 | Suff *s2 = NULL; /* the suffix descriptor in this element */
410 |
411 | if (Lst_Open (l) == FAILURE) {
412 | return;
413 | }
414 | while ((ln = Lst_Next (l)) != NILLNODE) {
415 | s2 = (Suff *) Lst_Datum (ln);
416 | if (s2->sNum >= s->sNum) {
417 | break;
418 | }
419 | }
420 |
421 | Lst_Close (l);
422 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
423 | printf("inserting %s(%d)...", s->name, s->sNum);
424 | }
425 | if (ln == NILLNODE) {
426 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
427 | printf("at end of list\n");
428 | }
429 | (void)Lst_AtEnd (l, (ClientData)s);
430 | s->refCount++;
431 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(s->ref, (ClientData) l);
432 | } else if (s2->sNum != s->sNum) {
433 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
434 | printf("before %s(%d)\n", s2->name, s2->sNum);
435 | }
436 | (void)Lst_Insert (l, ln, (ClientData)s);
437 | s->refCount++;
438 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(s->ref, (ClientData) l);
439 | } else if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
440 | printf("already there\n");
441 | }
442 | }
443 |
444 | /*-
445 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
446 | * Suff_ClearSuffixes --
447 | * This is gross. Nuke the list of suffixes but keep all transformation
448 | * rules around. The transformation graph is destroyed in this process,
449 | * but we leave the list of rules so when a new graph is formed the rules
450 | * will remain.
451 | * This function is called from the parse module when a
452 | * .SUFFIXES:\n line is encountered.
453 | *
454 | * Results:
455 | * none
456 | *
457 | * Side Effects:
458 | * the sufflist and its graph nodes are destroyed
459 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
460 | */
461 | void
462 | Suff_ClearSuffixes ()
463 | {
464 | Lst_Concat (suffClean, sufflist, LST_CONCLINK);
465 | sufflist = Lst_Init(FALSE);
466 | sNum = 1;
467 | suffNull = emptySuff;
468 | /*
469 | * Clear suffNull's children list (the other suffixes are built new, but
470 | * suffNull is used as is).
471 | * NOFREE is used because all suffixes are are on the suffClean list.
472 | * suffNull should not have parents.
473 | */
474 | Lst_Destroy(suffNull->children, NOFREE);
475 | suffNull->children = Lst_Init(FALSE);
476 | }
477 |
478 | /*-
479 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
480 | * SuffParseTransform --
481 | * Parse a transformation string to find its two component suffixes.
482 | *
483 | * Results:
484 | * TRUE if the string is a valid transformation and FALSE otherwise.
485 | *
486 | * Side Effects:
487 | * The passed pointers are overwritten.
488 | *
489 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
490 | */
491 | static Boolean
492 | SuffParseTransform(str, srcPtr, targPtr)
493 | char *str; /* String being parsed */
494 | Suff **srcPtr; /* Place to store source of trans. */
495 | Suff **targPtr; /* Place to store target of trans. */
496 | {
497 | register LstNode srcLn; /* element in suffix list of trans source*/
498 | register Suff *src; /* Source of transformation */
499 | register LstNode targLn; /* element in suffix list of trans target*/
500 | register char *str2; /* Extra pointer (maybe target suffix) */
501 | LstNode singleLn; /* element in suffix list of any suffix
502 | * that exactly matches str */
503 | Suff *single = NULL;/* Source of possible transformation to
504 | * null suffix */
505 |
506 | srcLn = NILLNODE;
507 | singleLn = NILLNODE;
508 |
509 | /*
510 | * Loop looking first for a suffix that matches the start of the
511 | * string and then for one that exactly matches the rest of it. If
512 | * we can find two that meet these criteria, we've successfully
513 | * parsed the string.
514 | */
515 | for (;;) {
516 | if (srcLn == NILLNODE) {
517 | srcLn = Lst_Find(sufflist, (ClientData)str, SuffSuffIsPrefix);
518 | } else {
519 | srcLn = Lst_FindFrom (sufflist, Lst_Succ(srcLn), (ClientData)str,
520 | SuffSuffIsPrefix);
521 | }
522 | if (srcLn == NILLNODE) {
523 | /*
524 | * Ran out of source suffixes -- no such rule
525 | */
526 | if (singleLn != NILLNODE) {
527 | /*
528 | * Not so fast Mr. Smith! There was a suffix that encompassed
529 | * the entire string, so we assume it was a transformation
530 | * to the null suffix (thank you POSIX). We still prefer to
531 | * find a double rule over a singleton, hence we leave this
532 | * check until the end.
533 | *
534 | * XXX: Use emptySuff over suffNull?
535 | */
536 | *srcPtr = single;
537 | *targPtr = suffNull;
538 | return(TRUE);
539 | }
540 | return (FALSE);
541 | }
542 | src = (Suff *) Lst_Datum (srcLn);
543 | str2 = str + src->nameLen;
544 | if (*str2 == '\0') {
545 | single = src;
546 | singleLn = srcLn;
547 | } else {
548 | targLn = Lst_Find(sufflist, (ClientData)str2, SuffSuffHasNameP);
549 | if (targLn != NILLNODE) {
550 | *srcPtr = src;
551 | *targPtr = (Suff *)Lst_Datum(targLn);
552 | return (TRUE);
553 | }
554 | }
555 | }
556 | }
557 |
558 | /*-
559 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
560 | * Suff_IsTransform --
561 | * Return TRUE if the given string is a transformation rule
562 | *
563 | *
564 | * Results:
565 | * TRUE if the string is a concatenation of two known suffixes.
566 | * FALSE otherwise
567 | *
568 | * Side Effects:
569 | * None
570 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
571 | */
572 | Boolean
573 | Suff_IsTransform (str)
574 | char *str; /* string to check */
575 | {
576 | Suff *src, *targ;
577 |
578 | return (SuffParseTransform(str, &src, &targ));
579 | }
580 |
581 | /*-
582 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
583 | * Suff_AddTransform --
584 | * Add the transformation rule described by the line to the
585 | * list of rules and place the transformation itself in the graph
586 | *
587 | * Results:
588 | * The node created for the transformation in the transforms list
589 | *
590 | * Side Effects:
591 | * The node is placed on the end of the transforms Lst and links are
592 | * made between the two suffixes mentioned in the target name
593 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
594 | */
595 | GNode *
596 | Suff_AddTransform (line)
597 | char *line; /* name of transformation to add */
598 | {
599 | GNode *gn; /* GNode of transformation rule */
600 | Suff *s, /* source suffix */
601 | *t; /* target suffix */
602 | LstNode ln; /* Node for existing transformation */
603 |
604 | ln = Lst_Find (transforms, (ClientData)line, SuffGNHasNameP);
605 | if (ln == NILLNODE) {
606 | /*
607 | * Make a new graph node for the transformation. It will be filled in
608 | * by the Parse module.
609 | */
610 | gn = Targ_NewGN (line);
611 | (void)Lst_AtEnd (transforms, (ClientData)gn);
612 | } else {
613 | /*
614 | * New specification for transformation rule. Just nuke the old list
615 | * of commands so they can be filled in again... We don't actually
616 | * free the commands themselves, because a given command can be
617 | * attached to several different transformations.
618 | */
619 | gn = (GNode *) Lst_Datum (ln);
620 | Lst_Destroy (gn->commands, NOFREE);
621 | Lst_Destroy (gn->children, NOFREE);
622 | gn->commands = Lst_Init (FALSE);
623 | gn->children = Lst_Init (FALSE);
624 | }
625 |
626 | gn->type = OP_TRANSFORM;
627 |
628 | (void)SuffParseTransform(line, &s, &t);
629 |
630 | /*
631 | * link the two together in the proper relationship and order
632 | */
633 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
634 | printf("defining transformation from `%s' to `%s'\n",
635 | s->name, t->name);
636 | }
637 | SuffInsert (t->children, s);
638 | SuffInsert (s->parents, t);
639 |
640 | return (gn);
641 | }
642 |
643 | /*-
644 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
645 | * Suff_EndTransform --
646 | * Handle the finish of a transformation definition, removing the
647 | * transformation from the graph if it has neither commands nor
648 | * sources. This is a callback procedure for the Parse module via
649 | * Lst_ForEach
650 | *
651 | * Results:
652 | * === 0
653 | *
654 | * Side Effects:
655 | * If the node has no commands or children, the children and parents
656 | * lists of the affected suffices are altered.
657 | *
658 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
659 | */
660 | int
661 | Suff_EndTransform(gnp, dummy)
662 | ClientData gnp; /* Node for transformation */
663 | ClientData dummy; /* Node for transformation */
664 | {
665 | GNode *gn = (GNode *) gnp;
666 |
667 | if ((gn->type & OP_TRANSFORM) && Lst_IsEmpty(gn->commands) &&
668 | Lst_IsEmpty(gn->children))
669 | {
670 | Suff *s, *t;
671 |
672 | (void)SuffParseTransform(gn->name, &s, &t);
673 |
674 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
675 | printf("deleting transformation from `%s' to `%s'\n",
676 | s->name, t->name);
677 | }
678 |
679 | /*
680 | * Remove the source from the target's children list. We check for a
681 | * nil return to handle a beanhead saying something like
682 | * .c.o .c.o:
683 | *
684 | * We'll be called twice when the next target is seen, but .c and .o
685 | * are only linked once...
686 | */
687 | SuffRemove(t->children, s);
688 |
689 | /*
690 | * Remove the target from the source's parents list
691 | */
692 | SuffRemove(s->parents, t);
693 | } else if ((gn->type & OP_TRANSFORM) && DEBUG(SUFF)) {
694 | printf("transformation %s complete\n", gn->name);
695 | }
696 |
697 | return(dummy ? 0 : 0);
698 | }
699 |
700 | /*-
701 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
702 | * SuffRebuildGraph --
703 | * Called from Suff_AddSuffix via Lst_ForEach to search through the
704 | * list of existing transformation rules and rebuild the transformation
705 | * graph when it has been destroyed by Suff_ClearSuffixes. If the
706 | * given rule is a transformation involving this suffix and another,
707 | * existing suffix, the proper relationship is established between
708 | * the two.
709 | *
710 | * Results:
711 | * Always 0.
712 | *
713 | * Side Effects:
714 | * The appropriate links will be made between this suffix and
715 | * others if transformation rules exist for it.
716 | *
717 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
718 | */
719 | static int
720 | SuffRebuildGraph(transformp, sp)
721 | ClientData transformp; /* Transformation to test */
722 | ClientData sp; /* Suffix to rebuild */
723 | {
724 | GNode *transform = (GNode *) transformp;
725 | Suff *s = (Suff *) sp;
726 | char *cp;
727 | LstNode ln;
728 | Suff *s2 = NULL;
729 |
730 | /*
731 | * First see if it is a transformation from this suffix.
732 | */
733 | cp = SuffStrIsPrefix(s->name, transform->name);
734 | if (cp != (char *)NULL) {
735 | if (cp[0] == '\0') /* null rule */
736 | s2 = suffNull;
737 | else {
738 | ln = Lst_Find(sufflist, (ClientData)cp, SuffSuffHasNameP);
739 | if (ln != NILLNODE)
740 | s2 = (Suff *)Lst_Datum(ln);
741 | }
742 | if (s2 != NULL) {
743 | /*
744 | * Found target. Link in and return, since it can't be anything
745 | * else.
746 | */
747 | SuffInsert(s2->children, s);
748 | SuffInsert(s->parents, s2);
749 | return(0);
750 | }
751 | }
752 |
753 | /*
754 | * Not from, maybe to?
755 | */
756 | cp = SuffSuffIsSuffix(s, transform->name + strlen(transform->name));
757 | if (cp != (char *)NULL) {
758 | /*
759 | * Null-terminate the source suffix in order to find it.
760 | */
761 | cp[1] = '\0';
762 | ln = Lst_Find(sufflist, (ClientData)transform->name, SuffSuffHasNameP);
763 | /*
764 | * Replace the start of the target suffix
765 | */
766 | cp[1] = s->name[0];
767 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
768 | /*
769 | * Found it -- establish the proper relationship
770 | */
771 | s2 = (Suff *)Lst_Datum(ln);
772 | SuffInsert(s->children, s2);
773 | SuffInsert(s2->parents, s);
774 | }
775 | }
776 | return(0);
777 | }
778 |
779 | /*-
780 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
781 | * Suff_AddSuffix --
782 | * Add the suffix in string to the end of the list of known suffixes.
783 | * Should we restructure the suffix graph? Make doesn't...
784 | *
785 | * Results:
786 | * None
787 | *
788 | * Side Effects:
789 | * A GNode is created for the suffix and a Suff structure is created and
790 | * added to the suffixes list unless the suffix was already known.
791 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
792 | */
793 | void
794 | Suff_AddSuffix (str)
795 | char *str; /* the name of the suffix to add */
796 | {
797 | Suff *s; /* new suffix descriptor */
798 | LstNode ln;
799 |
800 | ln = Lst_Find (sufflist, (ClientData)str, SuffSuffHasNameP);
801 | if (ln == NILLNODE) {
802 | s = (Suff *) emalloc (sizeof (Suff));
803 |
804 | s->name = estrdup (str);
805 | s->nameLen = strlen (s->name);
806 | s->searchPath = Lst_Init (FALSE);
807 | s->children = Lst_Init (FALSE);
808 | s->parents = Lst_Init (FALSE);
809 | s->ref = Lst_Init (FALSE);
810 | s->sNum = sNum++;
811 | s->flags = 0;
812 | s->refCount = 0;
813 |
814 | (void)Lst_AtEnd (sufflist, (ClientData)s);
815 | /*
816 | * Look for any existing transformations from or to this suffix.
817 | * XXX: Only do this after a Suff_ClearSuffixes?
818 | */
819 | Lst_ForEach (transforms, SuffRebuildGraph, (ClientData)s);
820 | }
821 | }
822 |
823 | /*-
824 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
825 | * Suff_GetPath --
826 | * Return the search path for the given suffix, if it's defined.
827 | *
828 | * Results:
829 | * The searchPath for the desired suffix or NILLST if the suffix isn't
830 | * defined.
831 | *
832 | * Side Effects:
833 | * None
834 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
835 | */
836 | Lst
837 | Suff_GetPath (sname)
838 | char *sname;
839 | {
840 | LstNode ln;
841 | Suff *s;
842 |
843 | ln = Lst_Find (sufflist, (ClientData)sname, SuffSuffHasNameP);
844 | if (ln == NILLNODE) {
845 | return (NILLST);
846 | } else {
847 | s = (Suff *) Lst_Datum (ln);
848 | return (s->searchPath);
849 | }
850 | }
851 |
852 | /*-
853 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
854 | * Suff_DoPaths --
855 | * Extend the search paths for all suffixes to include the default
856 | * search path.
857 | *
858 | * Results:
859 | * None.
860 | *
861 | * Side Effects:
862 | * The searchPath field of all the suffixes is extended by the
863 | * directories in dirSearchPath. If paths were specified for the
864 | * ".h" suffix, the directories are stuffed into a global variable
865 | * called ".INCLUDES" with each directory preceeded by a -I. The same
866 | * is done for the ".a" suffix, except the variable is called
867 | * ".LIBS" and the flag is -L.
868 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
869 | */
870 | void
871 | Suff_DoPaths()
872 | {
873 | register Suff *s;
874 | register LstNode ln;
875 | char *ptr;
876 | Lst inIncludes; /* Cumulative .INCLUDES path */
877 | Lst inLibs; /* Cumulative .LIBS path */
878 |
879 | if (Lst_Open (sufflist) == FAILURE) {
880 | return;
881 | }
882 |
883 | inIncludes = Lst_Init(FALSE);
884 | inLibs = Lst_Init(FALSE);
885 |
886 | while ((ln = Lst_Next (sufflist)) != NILLNODE) {
887 | s = (Suff *) Lst_Datum (ln);
888 | if (!Lst_IsEmpty (s->searchPath)) {
889 | #ifdef INCLUDES
890 | if (s->flags & SUFF_INCLUDE) {
891 | Dir_Concat(inIncludes, s->searchPath);
892 | }
893 | #endif /* INCLUDES */
894 | #ifdef LIBRARIES
895 | if (s->flags & SUFF_LIBRARY) {
896 | Dir_Concat(inLibs, s->searchPath);
897 | }
898 | #endif /* LIBRARIES */
899 | Dir_Concat(s->searchPath, dirSearchPath);
900 | } else {
901 | Lst_Destroy (s->searchPath, Dir_Destroy);
902 | s->searchPath = Lst_Duplicate(dirSearchPath, Dir_CopyDir);
903 | }
904 | }
905 |
906 | Var_Set(".INCLUDES", ptr = Dir_MakeFlags("-I", inIncludes), VAR_GLOBAL);
907 | free(ptr);
908 | Var_Set(".LIBS", ptr = Dir_MakeFlags("-L", inLibs), VAR_GLOBAL);
909 | free(ptr);
910 |
911 | Lst_Destroy(inIncludes, Dir_Destroy);
912 | Lst_Destroy(inLibs, Dir_Destroy);
913 |
914 | Lst_Close (sufflist);
915 | }
916 |
917 | /*-
918 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
919 | * Suff_AddInclude --
920 | * Add the given suffix as a type of file which gets included.
921 | * Called from the parse module when a .INCLUDES line is parsed.
922 | * The suffix must have already been defined.
923 | *
924 | * Results:
925 | * None.
926 | *
927 | * Side Effects:
928 | * The SUFF_INCLUDE bit is set in the suffix's flags field
929 | *
930 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
931 | */
932 | void
933 | Suff_AddInclude (sname)
934 | char *sname; /* Name of suffix to mark */
935 | {
936 | LstNode ln;
937 | Suff *s;
938 |
939 | ln = Lst_Find (sufflist, (ClientData)sname, SuffSuffHasNameP);
940 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
941 | s = (Suff *) Lst_Datum (ln);
942 | s->flags |= SUFF_INCLUDE;
943 | }
944 | }
945 |
946 | /*-
947 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
948 | * Suff_AddLib --
949 | * Add the given suffix as a type of file which is a library.
950 | * Called from the parse module when parsing a .LIBS line. The
951 | * suffix must have been defined via .SUFFIXES before this is
952 | * called.
953 | *
954 | * Results:
955 | * None.
956 | *
957 | * Side Effects:
958 | * The SUFF_LIBRARY bit is set in the suffix's flags field
959 | *
960 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
961 | */
962 | void
963 | Suff_AddLib (sname)
964 | char *sname; /* Name of suffix to mark */
965 | {
966 | LstNode ln;
967 | Suff *s;
968 |
969 | ln = Lst_Find (sufflist, (ClientData)sname, SuffSuffHasNameP);
970 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
971 | s = (Suff *) Lst_Datum (ln);
972 | s->flags |= SUFF_LIBRARY;
973 | }
974 | }
975 |
976 | /********** Implicit Source Search Functions *********/
977 |
978 | /*-
979 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
980 | * SuffAddSrc --
981 | * Add a suffix as a Src structure to the given list with its parent
982 | * being the given Src structure. If the suffix is the null suffix,
983 | * the prefix is used unaltered as the file name in the Src structure.
984 | *
985 | * Results:
986 | * always returns 0
987 | *
988 | * Side Effects:
989 | * A Src structure is created and tacked onto the end of the list
990 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
991 | */
992 | static int
993 | SuffAddSrc (sp, lsp)
994 | ClientData sp; /* suffix for which to create a Src structure */
995 | ClientData lsp; /* list and parent for the new Src */
996 | {
997 | Suff *s = (Suff *) sp;
998 | LstSrc *ls = (LstSrc *) lsp;
999 | Src *s2; /* new Src structure */
1000 | Src *targ; /* Target structure */
1001 |
1002 | targ = ls->s;
1003 |
1004 | if ((s->flags & SUFF_NULL) && (*s->name != '\0')) {
1005 | /*
1006 | * If the suffix has been marked as the NULL suffix, also create a Src
1007 | * structure for a file with no suffix attached. Two birds, and all
1008 | * that...
1009 | */
1010 | s2 = (Src *) emalloc (sizeof (Src));
1011 | s2->file = estrdup(targ->pref);
1012 | s2->pref = targ->pref;
1013 | s2->parent = targ;
1014 | s2->node = NILGNODE;
1015 | s2->suff = s;
1016 | s->refCount++;
1017 | s2->children = 0;
1018 | targ->children += 1;
1019 | (void)Lst_AtEnd (ls->l, (ClientData)s2);
1020 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1021 | s2->cp = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1022 | Lst_AtEnd(targ->cp, (ClientData) s2);
1023 | printf("1 add %x %x to %x:", targ, s2, ls->l);
1024 | Lst_ForEach(ls->l, PrintAddr, (ClientData) 0);
1025 | printf("\n");
1026 | #endif
1027 | }
1028 | s2 = (Src *) emalloc (sizeof (Src));
1029 | s2->file = str_concat (targ->pref, s->name, 0);
1030 | s2->pref = targ->pref;
1031 | s2->parent = targ;
1032 | s2->node = NILGNODE;
1033 | s2->suff = s;
1034 | s->refCount++;
1035 | s2->children = 0;
1036 | targ->children += 1;
1037 | (void)Lst_AtEnd (ls->l, (ClientData)s2);
1038 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1039 | s2->cp = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1040 | Lst_AtEnd(targ->cp, (ClientData) s2);
1041 | printf("2 add %x %x to %x:", targ, s2, ls->l);
1042 | Lst_ForEach(ls->l, PrintAddr, (ClientData) 0);
1043 | printf("\n");
1044 | #endif
1045 |
1046 | return(0);
1047 | }
1048 |
1049 | /*-
1050 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1051 | * SuffAddLevel --
1052 | * Add all the children of targ as Src structures to the given list
1053 | *
1054 | * Results:
1055 | * None
1056 | *
1057 | * Side Effects:
1058 | * Lots of structures are created and added to the list
1059 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1060 | */
1061 | static void
1062 | SuffAddLevel (l, targ)
1063 | Lst l; /* list to which to add the new level */
1064 | Src *targ; /* Src structure to use as the parent */
1065 | {
1066 | LstSrc ls;
1067 |
1068 | ls.s = targ;
1069 | ls.l = l;
1070 |
1071 | Lst_ForEach (targ->suff->children, SuffAddSrc, (ClientData)&ls);
1072 | }
1073 |
1074 | /*-
1075 | *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1076 | * SuffRemoveSrc --
1077 | * Free all src structures in list that don't have a reference count
1078 | *
1079 | * Results:
1080 | * Ture if an src was removed
1081 | *
1082 | * Side Effects:
1083 | * The memory is free'd.
1084 | *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1085 | */
1086 | static int
1087 | SuffRemoveSrc (l)
1088 | Lst l;
1089 | {
1090 | LstNode ln;
1091 | Src *s;
1092 | int t = 0;
1093 |
1094 | if (Lst_Open (l) == FAILURE) {
1095 | return 0;
1096 | }
1097 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1098 | printf("cleaning %lx: ", (unsigned long) l);
1099 | Lst_ForEach(l, PrintAddr, (ClientData) 0);
1100 | printf("\n");
1101 | #endif
1102 |
1103 |
1104 | while ((ln = Lst_Next (l)) != NILLNODE) {
1105 | s = (Src *) Lst_Datum (ln);
1106 | if (s->children == 0) {
1107 | free ((Address)s->file);
1108 | if (!s->parent)
1109 | free((Address)s->pref);
1110 | else {
1111 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1112 | LstNode ln = Lst_Member(s->parent->cp, (ClientData)s);
1113 | if (ln != NILLNODE)
1114 | Lst_Remove(s->parent->cp, ln);
1115 | #endif
1116 | --s->parent->children;
1117 | }
1118 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1119 | printf("free: [l=%x] p=%x %d\n", l, s, s->children);
1120 | Lst_Destroy(s->cp, NOFREE);
1121 | #endif
1122 | Lst_Remove(l, ln);
1123 | free ((Address)s);
1124 | t |= 1;
1125 | Lst_Close(l);
1126 | return TRUE;
1127 | }
1128 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1129 | else {
1130 | printf("keep: [l=%x] p=%x %d: ", l, s, s->children);
1131 | Lst_ForEach(s->cp, PrintAddr, (ClientData) 0);
1132 | printf("\n");
1133 | }
1134 | #endif
1135 | }
1136 |
1137 | Lst_Close(l);
1138 |
1139 | return t;
1140 | }
1141 |
1142 | /*-
1143 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1144 | * SuffFindThem --
1145 | * Find the first existing file/target in the list srcs
1146 | *
1147 | * Results:
1148 | * The lowest structure in the chain of transformations
1149 | *
1150 | * Side Effects:
1151 | * None
1152 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1153 | */
1154 | static Src *
1155 | SuffFindThem (srcs, slst)
1156 | Lst srcs; /* list of Src structures to search through */
1157 | Lst slst;
1158 | {
1159 | Src *s; /* current Src */
1160 | Src *rs; /* returned Src */
1161 | char *ptr;
1162 |
1163 | rs = (Src *) NULL;
1164 |
1165 | while (!Lst_IsEmpty (srcs)) {
1166 | s = (Src *) Lst_DeQueue (srcs);
1167 |
1168 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1169 | printf ("\ttrying %s...", s->file);
1170 | }
1171 |
1172 | /*
1173 | * A file is considered to exist if either a node exists in the
1174 | * graph for it or the file actually exists.
1175 | */
1176 | if (Targ_FindNode(s->file, TARG_NOCREATE) != NILGNODE) {
1177 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1178 | printf("remove %x from %x\n", s, srcs);
1179 | #endif
1180 | rs = s;
1181 | break;
1182 | }
1183 |
1184 | if ((ptr = Dir_FindFile (s->file, s->suff->searchPath)) != NULL) {
1185 | rs = s;
1186 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1187 | printf("remove %x from %x\n", s, srcs);
1188 | #endif
1189 | free(ptr);
1190 | break;
1191 | }
1192 |
1193 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1194 | printf ("not there\n");
1195 | }
1196 |
1197 | SuffAddLevel (srcs, s);
1198 | Lst_AtEnd(slst, (ClientData) s);
1199 | }
1200 |
1201 | if (DEBUG(SUFF) && rs) {
1202 | printf ("got it\n");
1203 | }
1204 | return (rs);
1205 | }
1206 |
1207 | /*-
1208 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1209 | * SuffFindCmds --
1210 | * See if any of the children of the target in the Src structure is
1211 | * one from which the target can be transformed. If there is one,
1212 | * a Src structure is put together for it and returned.
1213 | *
1214 | * Results:
1215 | * The Src structure of the "winning" child, or NIL if no such beast.
1216 | *
1217 | * Side Effects:
1218 | * A Src structure may be allocated.
1219 | *
1220 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1221 | */
1222 | static Src *
1223 | SuffFindCmds (targ, slst)
1224 | Src *targ; /* Src structure to play with */
1225 | Lst slst;
1226 | {
1227 | LstNode ln; /* General-purpose list node */
1228 | register GNode *t, /* Target GNode */
1229 | *s; /* Source GNode */
1230 | int prefLen;/* The length of the defined prefix */
1231 | Suff *suff; /* Suffix on matching beastie */
1232 | Src *ret; /* Return value */
1233 | char *cp;
1234 |
1235 | t = targ->node;
1236 | (void) Lst_Open (t->children);
1237 | prefLen = strlen (targ->pref);
1238 |
1239 | while ((ln = Lst_Next (t->children)) != NILLNODE) {
1240 | s = (GNode *)Lst_Datum (ln);
1241 |
1242 | cp = strrchr (s->name, '/');
1243 | if (cp == (char *)NULL) {
1244 | cp = s->name;
1245 | } else {
1246 | cp++;
1247 | }
1248 | if (strncmp (cp, targ->pref, prefLen) == 0) {
1249 | /*
1250 | * The node matches the prefix ok, see if it has a known
1251 | * suffix.
1252 | */
1253 | ln = Lst_Find (sufflist, (ClientData)&cp[prefLen],
1254 | SuffSuffHasNameP);
1255 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
1256 | /*
1257 | * It even has a known suffix, see if there's a transformation
1258 | * defined between the node's suffix and the target's suffix.
1259 | *
1260 | * XXX: Handle multi-stage transformations here, too.
1261 | */
1262 | suff = (Suff *)Lst_Datum (ln);
1263 |
1264 | if (Lst_Member (suff->parents,
1265 | (ClientData)targ->suff) != NILLNODE)
1266 | {
1267 | /*
1268 | * Hot Damn! Create a new Src structure to describe
1269 | * this transformation (making sure to duplicate the
1270 | * source node's name so Suff_FindDeps can free it
1271 | * again (ick)), and return the new structure.
1272 | */
1273 | ret = (Src *)emalloc (sizeof (Src));
1274 | ret->file = estrdup(s->name);
1275 | ret->pref = targ->pref;
1276 | ret->suff = suff;
1277 | suff->refCount++;
1278 | ret->parent = targ;
1279 | ret->node = s;
1280 | ret->children = 0;
1281 | targ->children += 1;
1282 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1283 | ret->cp = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1284 | printf("3 add %x %x\n", targ, ret);
1285 | Lst_AtEnd(targ->cp, (ClientData) ret);
1286 | #endif
1287 | Lst_AtEnd(slst, (ClientData) ret);
1288 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1289 | printf ("\tusing existing source %s\n", s->name);
1290 | }
1291 | return (ret);
1292 | }
1293 | }
1294 | }
1295 | }
1296 | Lst_Close (t->children);
1297 | return ((Src *)NULL);
1298 | }
1299 |
1300 | /*-
1301 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1302 | * SuffExpandChildren --
1303 | * Expand the names of any children of a given node that contain
1304 | * variable invocations or file wildcards into actual targets.
1305 | *
1306 | * Results:
1307 | * === 0 (continue)
1308 | *
1309 | * Side Effects:
1310 | * The expanded node is removed from the parent's list of children,
1311 | * and the parent's unmade counter is decremented, but other nodes
1312 | * may be added.
1313 | *
1314 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1315 | */
1316 | static int
1317 | SuffExpandChildren(cgnp, pgnp)
1318 | ClientData cgnp; /* Child to examine */
1319 | ClientData pgnp; /* Parent node being processed */
1320 | {
1321 | GNode *cgn = (GNode *) cgnp;
1322 | GNode *pgn = (GNode *) pgnp;
1323 | GNode *gn; /* New source 8) */
1324 | LstNode prevLN; /* Node after which new source should be put */
1325 | LstNode ln; /* List element for old source */
1326 | char *cp; /* Expanded value */
1327 |
1328 | /*
1329 | * New nodes effectively take the place of the child, so place them
1330 | * after the child
1331 | */
1332 | prevLN = Lst_Member(pgn->children, (ClientData)cgn);
1333 |
1334 | /*
1335 | * First do variable expansion -- this takes precedence over
1336 | * wildcard expansion. If the result contains wildcards, they'll be gotten
1337 | * to later since the resulting words are tacked on to the end of
1338 | * the children list.
1339 | */
1340 | if (strchr(cgn->name, '$') != (char *)NULL) {
1341 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1342 | printf("Expanding \"%s\"...", cgn->name);
1343 | }
1344 | cp = Var_Subst(NULL, cgn->name, pgn, TRUE);
1345 |
1346 | if (cp != (char *)NULL) {
1347 | Lst members = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1348 |
1349 | if (cgn->type & OP_ARCHV) {
1350 | /*
1351 | * Node was an archive(member) target, so we want to call
1352 | * on the Arch module to find the nodes for us, expanding
1353 | * variables in the parent's context.
1354 | */
1355 | char *sacrifice = cp;
1356 |
1357 | (void)Arch_ParseArchive(&sacrifice, members, pgn);
1358 | } else {
1359 | /*
1360 | * Break the result into a vector of strings whose nodes
1361 | * we can find, then add those nodes to the members list.
1362 | * Unfortunately, we can't use brk_string b/c it
1363 | * doesn't understand about variable specifications with
1364 | * spaces in them...
1365 | */
1366 | char *start;
1367 | char *initcp = cp; /* For freeing... */
1368 |
1369 | for (start = cp; *start == ' ' || *start == '\t'; start++)
1370 | continue;
1371 | for (cp = start; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
1372 | if (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') {
1373 | /*
1374 | * White-space -- terminate element, find the node,
1375 | * add it, skip any further spaces.
1376 | */
1377 | *cp++ = '\0';
1378 | gn = Targ_FindNode(start, TARG_CREATE);
1379 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(members, (ClientData)gn);
1380 | while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') {
1381 | cp++;
1382 | }
1383 | /*
1384 | * Adjust cp for increment at start of loop, but
1385 | * set start to first non-space.
1386 | */
1387 | start = cp--;
1388 | } else if (*cp == '$') {
1389 | /*
1390 | * Start of a variable spec -- contact variable module
1391 | * to find the end so we can skip over it.
1392 | */
1393 | char *junk;
1394 | int len;
1395 | Boolean doFree;
1396 |
1397 | junk = Var_Parse(cp, pgn, TRUE, &len, &doFree);
1398 | if (junk != var_Error) {
1399 | cp += len - 1;
1400 | }
1401 |
1402 | if (doFree) {
1403 | free(junk);
1404 | }
1405 | } else if (*cp == '\\' && *cp != '\0') {
1406 | /*
1407 | * Escaped something -- skip over it
1408 | */
1409 | cp++;
1410 | }
1411 | }
1412 |
1413 | if (cp != start) {
1414 | /*
1415 | * Stuff left over -- add it to the list too
1416 | */
1417 | gn = Targ_FindNode(start, TARG_CREATE);
1418 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(members, (ClientData)gn);
1419 | }
1420 | /*
1421 | * Point cp back at the beginning again so the variable value
1422 | * can be freed.
1423 | */
1424 | cp = initcp;
1425 | }
1426 | /*
1427 | * Add all elements of the members list to the parent node.
1428 | */
1429 | while(!Lst_IsEmpty(members)) {
1430 | gn = (GNode *)Lst_DeQueue(members);
1431 |
1432 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1433 | printf("%s...", gn->name);
1434 | }
1435 | if (Lst_Member(pgn->children, (ClientData)gn) == NILLNODE) {
1436 | (void)Lst_Append(pgn->children, prevLN, (ClientData)gn);
1437 | prevLN = Lst_Succ(prevLN);
1438 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->parents, (ClientData)pgn);
1439 | pgn->unmade++;
1440 | }
1441 | }
1442 | Lst_Destroy(members, NOFREE);
1443 | /*
1444 | * Free the result
1445 | */
1446 | free((char *)cp);
1447 | }
1448 | /*
1449 | * Now the source is expanded, remove it from the list of children to
1450 | * keep it from being processed.
1451 | */
1452 | ln = Lst_Member(pgn->children, (ClientData)cgn);
1453 | pgn->unmade--;
1454 | Lst_Remove(pgn->children, ln);
1455 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1456 | printf("\n");
1457 | }
1458 | } else if (Dir_HasWildcards(cgn->name)) {
1459 | Lst exp; /* List of expansions */
1460 | Lst path; /* Search path along which to expand */
1461 |
1462 | /*
1463 | * Find a path along which to expand the word.
1464 | *
1465 | * If the word has a known suffix, use that path.
1466 | * If it has no known suffix and we're allowed to use the null
1467 | * suffix, use its path.
1468 | * Else use the default system search path.
1469 | */
1470 | cp = cgn->name + strlen(cgn->name);
1471 | ln = Lst_Find(sufflist, (ClientData)cp, SuffSuffIsSuffixP);
1472 |
1473 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1474 | printf("Wildcard expanding \"%s\"...", cgn->name);
1475 | }
1476 |
1477 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
1478 | Suff *s = (Suff *)Lst_Datum(ln);
1479 |
1480 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1481 | printf("suffix is \"%s\"...", s->name);
1482 | }
1483 | path = s->searchPath;
1484 | } else {
1485 | /*
1486 | * Use default search path
1487 | */
1488 | path = dirSearchPath;
1489 | }
1490 |
1491 | /*
1492 | * Expand the word along the chosen path
1493 | */
1494 | exp = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1495 | Dir_Expand(cgn->name, path, exp);
1496 |
1497 | while (!Lst_IsEmpty(exp)) {
1498 | /*
1499 | * Fetch next expansion off the list and find its GNode
1500 | */
1501 | cp = (char *)Lst_DeQueue(exp);
1502 |
1503 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1504 | printf("%s...", cp);
1505 | }
1506 | gn = Targ_FindNode(cp, TARG_CREATE);
1507 |
1508 | /*
1509 | * If gn isn't already a child of the parent, make it so and
1510 | * up the parent's count of unmade children.
1511 | */
1512 | if (Lst_Member(pgn->children, (ClientData)gn) == NILLNODE) {
1513 | (void)Lst_Append(pgn->children, prevLN, (ClientData)gn);
1514 | prevLN = Lst_Succ(prevLN);
1515 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->parents, (ClientData)pgn);
1516 | pgn->unmade++;
1517 | }
1518 | }
1519 |
1520 | /*
1521 | * Nuke what's left of the list
1522 | */
1523 | Lst_Destroy(exp, NOFREE);
1524 |
1525 | /*
1526 | * Now the source is expanded, remove it from the list of children to
1527 | * keep it from being processed.
1528 | */
1529 | ln = Lst_Member(pgn->children, (ClientData)cgn);
1530 | pgn->unmade--;
1531 | Lst_Remove(pgn->children, ln);
1532 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1533 | printf("\n");
1534 | }
1535 | }
1536 |
1537 | return(0);
1538 | }
1539 |
1540 | /*-
1541 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1542 | * SuffApplyTransform --
1543 | * Apply a transformation rule, given the source and target nodes
1544 | * and suffixes.
1545 | *
1546 | * Results:
1547 | * TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
1548 | *
1549 | * Side Effects:
1550 | * The source and target are linked and the commands from the
1551 | * transformation are added to the target node's commands list.
1552 | * All attributes but OP_DEPMASK and OP_TRANSFORM are applied
1553 | * to the target. The target also inherits all the sources for
1554 | * the transformation rule.
1555 | *
1556 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1557 | */
1558 | static Boolean
1559 | SuffApplyTransform(tGn, sGn, t, s)
1560 | GNode *tGn; /* Target node */
1561 | GNode *sGn; /* Source node */
1562 | Suff *t; /* Target suffix */
1563 | Suff *s; /* Source suffix */
1564 | {
1565 | LstNode ln; /* General node */
1566 | char *tname; /* Name of transformation rule */
1567 | GNode *gn; /* Node for same */
1568 |
1569 | if (Lst_Member(tGn->children, (ClientData)sGn) == NILLNODE) {
1570 | /*
1571 | * Not already linked, so form the proper links between the
1572 | * target and source.
1573 | */
1574 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(tGn->children, (ClientData)sGn);
1575 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(sGn->parents, (ClientData)tGn);
1576 | tGn->unmade += 1;
1577 | }
1578 |
1579 | if ((sGn->type & OP_OPMASK) == OP_DOUBLEDEP) {
1580 | /*
1581 | * When a :: node is used as the implied source of a node, we have
1582 | * to link all its cohorts in as sources as well. Only the initial
1583 | * sGn gets the target in its iParents list, however, as that
1584 | * will be sufficient to get the .IMPSRC variable set for tGn
1585 | */
1586 | for (ln=Lst_First(sGn->cohorts); ln != NILLNODE; ln=Lst_Succ(ln)) {
1587 | gn = (GNode *)Lst_Datum(ln);
1588 |
1589 | if (Lst_Member(tGn->children, (ClientData)gn) == NILLNODE) {
1590 | /*
1591 | * Not already linked, so form the proper links between the
1592 | * target and source.
1593 | */
1594 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(tGn->children, (ClientData)gn);
1595 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->parents, (ClientData)tGn);
1596 | tGn->unmade += 1;
1597 | }
1598 | }
1599 | }
1600 | /*
1601 | * Locate the transformation rule itself
1602 | */
1603 | tname = str_concat(s->name, t->name, 0);
1604 | ln = Lst_Find(transforms, (ClientData)tname, SuffGNHasNameP);
1605 | free(tname);
1606 |
1607 | if (ln == NILLNODE) {
1608 | /*
1609 | * Not really such a transformation rule (can happen when we're
1610 | * called to link an OP_MEMBER and OP_ARCHV node), so return
1611 | * FALSE.
1612 | */
1613 | return(FALSE);
1614 | }
1615 |
1616 | gn = (GNode *)Lst_Datum(ln);
1617 |
1618 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1619 | printf("\tapplying %s -> %s to \"%s\"\n", s->name, t->name, tGn->name);
1620 | }
1621 |
1622 | /*
1623 | * Record last child for expansion purposes
1624 | */
1625 | ln = Lst_Last(tGn->children);
1626 |
1627 | /*
1628 | * Pass the buck to Make_HandleUse to apply the rule
1629 | */
1630 | (void)Make_HandleUse(gn, tGn);
1631 |
1632 | /*
1633 | * Deal with wildcards and variables in any acquired sources
1634 | */
1635 | ln = Lst_Succ(ln);
1636 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
1637 | Lst_ForEachFrom(tGn->children, ln,
1638 | SuffExpandChildren, (ClientData)tGn);
1639 | }
1640 |
1641 | /*
1642 | * Keep track of another parent to which this beast is transformed so
1643 | * the .IMPSRC variable can be set correctly for the parent.
1644 | */
1645 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(sGn->iParents, (ClientData)tGn);
1646 |
1647 | return(TRUE);
1648 | }
1649 |
1650 |
1651 | /*-
1652 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1653 | * SuffFindArchiveDeps --
1654 | * Locate dependencies for an OP_ARCHV node.
1655 | *
1656 | * Results:
1657 | * None
1658 | *
1659 | * Side Effects:
1660 | * Same as Suff_FindDeps
1661 | *
1662 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1663 | */
1664 | static void
1665 | SuffFindArchiveDeps(gn, slst)
1666 | GNode *gn; /* Node for which to locate dependencies */
1667 | Lst slst;
1668 | {
1669 | char *eoarch; /* End of archive portion */
1670 | char *eoname; /* End of member portion */
1671 | GNode *mem; /* Node for member */
1672 | static char *copy[] = { /* Variables to be copied from the member node */
1673 | TARGET, /* Must be first */
1674 | PREFIX, /* Must be second */
1675 | };
1676 | int i; /* Index into copy and vals */
1677 | Suff *ms; /* Suffix descriptor for member */
1678 | char *name; /* Start of member's name */
1679 |
1680 | /*
1681 | * The node is an archive(member) pair. so we must find a
1682 | * suffix for both of them.
1683 | */
1684 | eoarch = strchr (gn->name, '(');
1685 | eoname = strchr (eoarch, ')');
1686 |
1687 | *eoname = '\0'; /* Nuke parentheses during suffix search */
1688 | *eoarch = '\0'; /* So a suffix can be found */
1689 |
1690 | name = eoarch + 1;
1691 |
1692 | /*
1693 | * To simplify things, call Suff_FindDeps recursively on the member now,
1694 | * so we can simply compare the member's .PREFIX and .TARGET variables
1695 | * to locate its suffix. This allows us to figure out the suffix to
1696 | * use for the archive without having to do a quadratic search over the
1697 | * suffix list, backtracking for each one...
1698 | */
1699 | mem = Targ_FindNode(name, TARG_CREATE);
1700 | SuffFindDeps(mem, slst);
1701 |
1702 | /*
1703 | * Create the link between the two nodes right off
1704 | */
1705 | if (Lst_Member(gn->children, (ClientData)mem) == NILLNODE) {
1706 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->children, (ClientData)mem);
1707 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(mem->parents, (ClientData)gn);
1708 | gn->unmade += 1;
1709 | }
1710 |
1711 | /*
1712 | * Copy in the variables from the member node to this one.
1713 | */
1714 | for (i = (sizeof(copy)/sizeof(copy[0]))-1; i >= 0; i--) {
1715 | char *p1;
1716 | Var_Set(copy[i], Var_Value(copy[i], mem, &p1), gn);
1717 | efree(p1);
1718 |
1719 | }
1720 |
1721 | ms = mem->suffix;
1722 | if (ms == NULL) {
1723 | /*
1724 | * Didn't know what it was -- use .NULL suffix if not in make mode
1725 | */
1726 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1727 | printf("using null suffix\n");
1728 | }
1729 | ms = suffNull;
1730 | }
1731 |
1732 |
1733 | /*
1734 | * Set the other two local variables required for this target.
1735 | */
1736 | Var_Set (MEMBER, name, gn);
1737 | Var_Set (ARCHIVE, gn->name, gn);
1738 |
1739 | if (ms != NULL) {
1740 | /*
1741 | * Member has a known suffix, so look for a transformation rule from
1742 | * it to a possible suffix of the archive. Rather than searching
1743 | * through the entire list, we just look at suffixes to which the
1744 | * member's suffix may be transformed...
1745 | */
1746 | LstNode ln;
1747 |
1748 | /*
1749 | * Use first matching suffix...
1750 | */
1751 | ln = Lst_Find(ms->parents, eoarch, SuffSuffIsSuffixP);
1752 |
1753 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
1754 | /*
1755 | * Got one -- apply it
1756 | */
1757 | if (!SuffApplyTransform(gn, mem, (Suff *)Lst_Datum(ln), ms) &&
1758 | DEBUG(SUFF))
1759 | {
1760 | printf("\tNo transformation from %s -> %s\n",
1761 | ms->name, ((Suff *)Lst_Datum(ln))->name);
1762 | }
1763 | }
1764 | }
1765 |
1766 | /*
1767 | * Replace the opening and closing parens now we've no need of the separate
1768 | * pieces.
1769 | */
1770 | *eoarch = '('; *eoname = ')';
1771 |
1772 | /*
1773 | * Pretend gn appeared to the left of a dependency operator so
1774 | * the user needn't provide a transformation from the member to the
1775 | * archive.
1776 | */
1777 | if (OP_NOP(gn->type)) {
1778 | gn->type |= OP_DEPENDS;
1779 | }
1780 |
1781 | /*
1782 | * Flag the member as such so we remember to look in the archive for
1783 | * its modification time.
1784 | */
1785 | mem->type |= OP_MEMBER;
1786 | }
1787 |
1788 | /*-
1789 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1790 | * SuffFindNormalDeps --
1791 | * Locate implicit dependencies for regular targets.
1792 | *
1793 | * Results:
1794 | * None.
1795 | *
1796 | * Side Effects:
1797 | * Same as Suff_FindDeps...
1798 | *
1799 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1800 | */
1801 | static void
1802 | SuffFindNormalDeps(gn, slst)
1803 | GNode *gn; /* Node for which to find sources */
1804 | Lst slst;
1805 | {
1806 | char *eoname; /* End of name */
1807 | char *sopref; /* Start of prefix */
1808 | LstNode ln; /* Next suffix node to check */
1809 | Lst srcs; /* List of sources at which to look */
1810 | Lst targs; /* List of targets to which things can be
1811 | * transformed. They all have the same file,
1812 | * but different suff and pref fields */
1813 | Src *bottom; /* Start of found transformation path */
1814 | Src *src; /* General Src pointer */
1815 | char *pref; /* Prefix to use */
1816 | Src *targ; /* General Src target pointer */
1817 |
1818 |
1819 | eoname = gn->name + strlen(gn->name);
1820 |
1821 | sopref = gn->name;
1822 |
1823 | /*
1824 | * Begin at the beginning...
1825 | */
1826 | ln = Lst_First(sufflist);
1827 | srcs = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1828 | targs = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1829 |
1830 | /*
1831 | * We're caught in a catch-22 here. On the one hand, we want to use any
1832 | * transformation implied by the target's sources, but we can't examine
1833 | * the sources until we've expanded any variables/wildcards they may hold,
1834 | * and we can't do that until we've set up the target's local variables
1835 | * and we can't do that until we know what the proper suffix for the
1836 | * target is (in case there are two suffixes one of which is a suffix of
1837 | * the other) and we can't know that until we've found its implied
1838 | * source, which we may not want to use if there's an existing source
1839 | * that implies a different transformation.
1840 | *
1841 | * In an attempt to get around this, which may not work all the time,
1842 | * but should work most of the time, we look for implied sources first,
1843 | * checking transformations to all possible suffixes of the target,
1844 | * use what we find to set the target's local variables, expand the
1845 | * children, then look for any overriding transformations they imply.
1846 | * Should we find one, we discard the one we found before.
1847 | */
1848 |
1849 | while (ln != NILLNODE) {
1850 | /*
1851 | * Look for next possible suffix...
1852 | */
1853 | ln = Lst_FindFrom(sufflist, ln, eoname, SuffSuffIsSuffixP);
1854 |
1855 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
1856 | int prefLen; /* Length of the prefix */
1857 | Src *targ;
1858 |
1859 | /*
1860 | * Allocate a Src structure to which things can be transformed
1861 | */
1862 | targ = (Src *)emalloc(sizeof (Src));
1863 | targ->file = estrdup(gn->name);
1864 | targ->suff = (Suff *)Lst_Datum(ln);
1865 | targ->suff->refCount++;
1866 | targ->node = gn;
1867 | targ->parent = (Src *)NULL;
1868 | targ->children = 0;
1869 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1870 | targ->cp = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1871 | #endif
1872 |
1873 | /*
1874 | * Allocate room for the prefix, whose end is found by subtracting
1875 | * the length of the suffix from the end of the name.
1876 | */
1877 | prefLen = (eoname - targ->suff->nameLen) - sopref;
1878 | targ->pref = emalloc(prefLen + 1);
1879 | memcpy(targ->pref, sopref, prefLen);
1880 | targ->pref[prefLen] = '\0';
1881 |
1882 | /*
1883 | * Add nodes from which the target can be made
1884 | */
1885 | SuffAddLevel(srcs, targ);
1886 |
1887 | /*
1888 | * Record the target so we can nuke it
1889 | */
1890 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(targs, (ClientData)targ);
1891 |
1892 | /*
1893 | * Search from this suffix's successor...
1894 | */
1895 | ln = Lst_Succ(ln);
1896 | }
1897 | }
1898 |
1899 | /*
1900 | * Handle target of unknown suffix...
1901 | */
1902 | if (Lst_IsEmpty(targs) && suffNull != NULL) {
1903 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1904 | printf("\tNo known suffix on %s. Using .NULL suffix\n", gn->name);
1905 | }
1906 |
1907 | targ = (Src *)emalloc(sizeof (Src));
1908 | targ->file = estrdup(gn->name);
1909 | targ->suff = suffNull;
1910 | targ->suff->refCount++;
1911 | targ->node = gn;
1912 | targ->parent = (Src *)NULL;
1913 | targ->children = 0;
1914 | targ->pref = estrdup(sopref);
1915 | #ifdef DEBUG_SRC
1916 | targ->cp = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1917 | #endif
1918 |
1919 | /*
1920 | * Only use the default suffix rules if we don't have commands
1921 | * or dependencies defined for this gnode
1922 | */
1923 | if (Lst_IsEmpty(gn->commands) && Lst_IsEmpty(gn->children))
1924 | SuffAddLevel(srcs, targ);
1925 | else {
1926 | if (DEBUG(SUFF))
1927 | printf("not ");
1928 | }
1929 |
1930 | if (DEBUG(SUFF))
1931 | printf("adding suffix rules\n");
1932 |
1933 | (void)Lst_AtEnd(targs, (ClientData)targ);
1934 | }
1935 |
1936 | /*
1937 | * Using the list of possible sources built up from the target suffix(es),
1938 | * try and find an existing file/target that matches.
1939 | */
1940 | bottom = SuffFindThem(srcs, slst);
1941 |
1942 | if (bottom == (Src *)NULL) {
1943 | /*
1944 | * No known transformations -- use the first suffix found for setting
1945 | * the local variables.
1946 | */
1947 | if (!Lst_IsEmpty(targs)) {
1948 | targ = (Src *)Lst_Datum(Lst_First(targs));
1949 | } else {
1950 | targ = (Src *)NULL;
1951 | }
1952 | } else {
1953 | /*
1954 | * Work up the transformation path to find the suffix of the
1955 | * target to which the transformation was made.
1956 | */
1957 | for (targ = bottom; targ->parent != NULL; targ = targ->parent)
1958 | continue;
1959 | }
1960 |
1961 | /*
1962 | * The .TARGET variable we always set to be the name at this point,
1963 | * since it's only set to the path if the thing is only a source and
1964 | * if it's only a source, it doesn't matter what we put here as far
1965 | * as expanding sources is concerned, since it has none...
1966 | */
1967 | Var_Set(TARGET, gn->name, gn);
1968 |
1969 | pref = (targ != NULL) ? targ->pref : gn->name;
1970 | Var_Set(PREFIX, pref, gn);
1971 |
1972 | /*
1973 | * Now we've got the important local variables set, expand any sources
1974 | * that still contain variables or wildcards in their names.
1975 | */
1976 | Lst_ForEach(gn->children, SuffExpandChildren, (ClientData)gn);
1977 |
1978 | if (targ == NULL) {
1979 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
1980 | printf("\tNo valid suffix on %s\n", gn->name);
1981 | }
1982 |
1983 | sfnd_abort:
1984 | /*
1985 | * Deal with finding the thing on the default search path if the
1986 | * node is only a source (not on the lhs of a dependency operator
1987 | * or [XXX] it has neither children or commands).
1988 | */
1989 | if (OP_NOP(gn->type) ||
1990 | (Lst_IsEmpty(gn->children) && Lst_IsEmpty(gn->commands)))
1991 | {
1992 | gn->path = Dir_FindFile(gn->name,
1993 | (targ == NULL ? dirSearchPath :
1994 | targ->suff->searchPath));
1995 | if (gn->path != NULL) {
1996 | char *ptr;
1997 | Var_Set(TARGET, gn->path, gn);
1998 |
1999 | if (targ != NULL) {
2000 | /*
2001 | * Suffix known for the thing -- trim the suffix off
2002 | * the path to form the proper .PREFIX variable.
2003 | */
2004 | int savep = strlen(gn->path) - targ->suff->nameLen;
2005 | char savec;
2006 |
2007 | if (gn->suffix)
2008 | gn->suffix->refCount--;
2009 | gn->suffix = targ->suff;
2010 | gn->suffix->refCount++;
2011 |
2012 | savec = gn->path[savep];
2013 | gn->path[savep] = '\0';
2014 |
2015 | if ((ptr = strrchr(gn->path, '/')) != NULL)
2016 | ptr++;
2017 | else
2018 | ptr = gn->path;
2019 |
2020 | Var_Set(PREFIX, ptr, gn);
2021 |
2022 | gn->path[savep] = savec;
2023 | } else {
2024 | /*
2025 | * The .PREFIX gets the full path if the target has
2026 | * no known suffix.
2027 | */
2028 | if (gn->suffix)
2029 | gn->suffix->refCount--;
2030 | gn->suffix = NULL;
2031 |
2032 | if ((ptr = strrchr(gn->path, '/')) != NULL)
2033 | ptr++;
2034 | else
2035 | ptr = gn->path;
2036 |
2037 | Var_Set(PREFIX, ptr, gn);
2038 | }
2039 | }
2040 | } else {
2041 | /*
2042 | * Not appropriate to search for the thing -- set the
2043 | * path to be the name so Dir_MTime won't go grovelling for
2044 | * it.
2045 | */
2046 | if (gn->suffix)
2047 | gn->suffix->refCount--;
2048 | gn->suffix = (targ == NULL) ? NULL : targ->suff;
2049 | if (gn->suffix)
2050 | gn->suffix->refCount++;
2051 | efree(gn->path);
2052 | gn->path = estrdup(gn->name);
2053 | }
2054 |
2055 | goto sfnd_return;
2056 | }
2057 |
2058 | /*
2059 | * If the suffix indicates that the target is a library, mark that in
2060 | * the node's type field.
2061 | */
2062 | if (targ->suff->flags & SUFF_LIBRARY) {
2063 | gn->type |= OP_LIB;
2064 | }
2065 |
2066 | /*
2067 | * Check for overriding transformation rule implied by sources
2068 | */
2069 | if (!Lst_IsEmpty(gn->children)) {
2070 | src = SuffFindCmds(targ, slst);
2071 |
2072 | if (src != (Src *)NULL) {
2073 | /*
2074 | * Free up all the Src structures in the transformation path
2075 | * up to, but not including, the parent node.
2076 | */
2077 | while (bottom && bottom->parent != NULL) {
2078 | if (Lst_Member(slst, (ClientData) bottom) == NILLNODE) {
2079 | Lst_AtEnd(slst, (ClientData) bottom);
2080 | }
2081 | bottom = bottom->parent;
2082 | }
2083 | bottom = src;
2084 | }
2085 | }
2086 |
2087 | if (bottom == NULL) {
2088 | /*
2089 | * No idea from where it can come -- return now.
2090 | */
2091 | goto sfnd_abort;
2092 | }
2093 |
2094 | /*
2095 | * We now have a list of Src structures headed by 'bottom' and linked via
2096 | * their 'parent' pointers. What we do next is create links between
2097 | * source and target nodes (which may or may not have been created)
2098 | * and set the necessary local variables in each target. The
2099 | * commands for each target are set from the commands of the
2100 | * transformation rule used to get from the src suffix to the targ
2101 | * suffix. Note that this causes the commands list of the original
2102 | * node, gn, to be replaced by the commands of the final
2103 | * transformation rule. Also, the unmade field of gn is incremented.
2104 | * Etc.
2105 | */
2106 | if (bottom->node == NILGNODE) {
2107 | bottom->node = Targ_FindNode(bottom->file, TARG_CREATE);
2108 | }
2109 |
2110 | for (src = bottom; src->parent != (Src *)NULL; src = src->parent) {
2111 | targ = src->parent;
2112 |
2113 | if (src->node->suffix)
2114 | src->node->suffix->refCount--;
2115 | src->node->suffix = src->suff;
2116 | src->node->suffix->refCount++;
2117 |
2118 | if (targ->node == NILGNODE) {
2119 | targ->node = Targ_FindNode(targ->file, TARG_CREATE);
2120 | }
2121 |
2122 | SuffApplyTransform(targ->node, src->node,
2123 | targ->suff, src->suff);
2124 |
2125 | if (targ->node != gn) {
2126 | /*
2127 | * Finish off the dependency-search process for any nodes
2128 | * between bottom and gn (no point in questing around the
2129 | * filesystem for their implicit source when it's already
2130 | * known). Note that the node can't have any sources that
2131 | * need expanding, since SuffFindThem will stop on an existing
2132 | * node, so all we need to do is set the standard and System V
2133 | * variables.
2134 | */
2135 | targ->node->type |= OP_DEPS_FOUND;
2136 |
2137 | Var_Set(PREFIX, targ->pref, targ->node);
2138 |
2139 | Var_Set(TARGET, targ->node->name, targ->node);
2140 | }
2141 | }
2142 |
2143 | if (gn->suffix)
2144 | gn->suffix->refCount--;
2145 | gn->suffix = src->suff;
2146 | gn->suffix->refCount++;
2147 |
2148 | /*
2149 | * So Dir_MTime doesn't go questing for it...
2150 | */
2151 | efree(gn->path);
2152 | gn->path = estrdup(gn->name);
2153 |
2154 | /*
2155 | * Nuke the transformation path and the Src structures left over in the
2156 | * two lists.
2157 | */
2158 | sfnd_return:
2159 | if (bottom)
2160 | if (Lst_Member(slst, (ClientData) bottom) == NILLNODE)
2161 | Lst_AtEnd(slst, (ClientData) bottom);
2162 |
2163 | while (SuffRemoveSrc(srcs) || SuffRemoveSrc(targs))
2164 | continue;
2165 |
2166 | Lst_Concat(slst, srcs, LST_CONCLINK);
2167 | Lst_Concat(slst, targs, LST_CONCLINK);
2168 | }
2169 |
2170 |
2171 | /*-
2172 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2173 | * Suff_FindDeps --
2174 | * Find implicit sources for the target described by the graph node
2175 | * gn
2176 | *
2177 | * Results:
2178 | * Nothing.
2179 | *
2180 | * Side Effects:
2181 | * Nodes are added to the graph below the passed-in node. The nodes
2182 | * are marked to have their IMPSRC variable filled in. The
2183 | * PREFIX variable is set for the given node and all its
2184 | * implied children.
2185 | *
2186 | * Notes:
2187 | * The path found by this target is the shortest path in the
2188 | * transformation graph, which may pass through non-existent targets,
2189 | * to an existing target. The search continues on all paths from the
2190 | * root suffix until a file is found. I.e. if there's a path
2191 | * .o -> .c -> .l -> .l,v from the root and the .l,v file exists but
2192 | * the .c and .l files don't, the search will branch out in
2193 | * all directions from .o and again from all the nodes on the
2194 | * next level until the .l,v node is encountered.
2195 | *
2196 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2197 | */
2198 |
2199 | void
2200 | Suff_FindDeps(gn)
2201 | GNode *gn;
2202 | {
2203 |
2204 | SuffFindDeps(gn, srclist);
2205 | while (SuffRemoveSrc(srclist))
2206 | continue;
2207 | }
2208 |
2209 |
2210 | static void
2211 | SuffFindDeps (gn, slst)
2212 | GNode *gn; /* node we're dealing with */
2213 | Lst slst;
2214 | {
2215 | if (gn->type & OP_DEPS_FOUND) {
2216 | /*
2217 | * If dependencies already found, no need to do it again...
2218 | */
2219 | return;
2220 | } else {
2221 | gn->type |= OP_DEPS_FOUND;
2222 | }
2223 |
2224 | if (DEBUG(SUFF)) {
2225 | printf ("SuffFindDeps (%s)\n", gn->name);
2226 | }
2227 |
2228 | if (gn->type & OP_ARCHV) {
2229 | SuffFindArchiveDeps(gn, slst);
2230 | } else if (gn->type & OP_LIB) {
2231 | /*
2232 | * If the node is a library, it is the arch module's job to find it
2233 | * and set the TARGET variable accordingly. We merely provide the
2234 | * search path, assuming all libraries end in ".a" (if the suffix
2235 | * hasn't been defined, there's nothing we can do for it, so we just
2236 | * set the TARGET variable to the node's name in order to give it a
2237 | * value).
2238 | */
2239 | LstNode ln;
2240 | Suff *s;
2241 |
2242 | ln = Lst_Find (sufflist, (ClientData)LIBSUFF, SuffSuffHasNameP);
2243 | if (gn->suffix)
2244 | gn->suffix->refCount--;
2245 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
2246 | gn->suffix = s = (Suff *) Lst_Datum (ln);
2247 | gn->suffix->refCount++;
2248 | Arch_FindLib (gn, s->searchPath);
2249 | } else {
2250 | gn->suffix = NULL;
2251 | Var_Set (TARGET, gn->name, gn);
2252 | }
2253 | /*
2254 | * Because a library (-lfoo) target doesn't follow the standard
2255 | * filesystem conventions, we don't set the regular variables for
2256 | * the thing. .PREFIX is simply made empty...
2257 | */
2258 | Var_Set(PREFIX, "", gn);
2259 | } else {
2260 | SuffFindNormalDeps(gn, slst);
2261 | }
2262 | }
2263 |
2264 | /*-
2265 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2266 | * Suff_SetNull --
2267 | * Define which suffix is the null suffix.
2268 | *
2269 | * Results:
2270 | * None.
2271 | *
2272 | * Side Effects:
2273 | * 'suffNull' is altered.
2274 | *
2275 | * Notes:
2276 | * Need to handle the changing of the null suffix gracefully so the
2277 | * old transformation rules don't just go away.
2278 | *
2279 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2280 | */
2281 | void
2282 | Suff_SetNull(name)
2283 | char *name; /* Name of null suffix */
2284 | {
2285 | Suff *s;
2286 | LstNode ln;
2287 |
2288 | ln = Lst_Find(sufflist, (ClientData)name, SuffSuffHasNameP);
2289 | if (ln != NILLNODE) {
2290 | s = (Suff *)Lst_Datum(ln);
2291 | if (suffNull != (Suff *)NULL) {
2292 | suffNull->flags &= ~SUFF_NULL;
2293 | }
2294 | s->flags |= SUFF_NULL;
2295 | /*
2296 | * XXX: Here's where the transformation mangling would take place
2297 | */
2298 | suffNull = s;
2299 | } else {
2300 | Parse_Error (PARSE_WARNING, "Desired null suffix %s not defined.",
2301 | name);
2302 | }
2303 | }
2304 |
2305 | /*-
2306 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2307 | * Suff_Init --
2308 | * Initialize suffixes module
2309 | *
2310 | * Results:
2311 | * None
2312 | *
2313 | * Side Effects:
2314 | * Many
2315 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2316 | */
2317 | void
2318 | Suff_Init ()
2319 | {
2320 | sufflist = Lst_Init (FALSE);
2321 | suffClean = Lst_Init(FALSE);
2322 | srclist = Lst_Init (FALSE);
2323 | transforms = Lst_Init (FALSE);
2324 |
2325 | sNum = 0;
2326 | /*
2327 | * Create null suffix for single-suffix rules (POSIX). The thing doesn't
2328 | * actually go on the suffix list or everyone will think that's its
2329 | * suffix.
2330 | */
2331 | emptySuff = suffNull = (Suff *) emalloc (sizeof (Suff));
2332 |
2333 | suffNull->name = estrdup ("");
2334 | suffNull->nameLen = 0;
2335 | suffNull->searchPath = Lst_Init (FALSE);
2336 | Dir_Concat(suffNull->searchPath, dirSearchPath);
2337 | suffNull->children = Lst_Init (FALSE);
2338 | suffNull->parents = Lst_Init (FALSE);
2339 | suffNull->ref = Lst_Init (FALSE);
2340 | suffNull->sNum = sNum++;
2341 | suffNull->flags = SUFF_NULL;
2342 | suffNull->refCount = 1;
2343 |
2344 | }
2345 |
2346 |
2347 | /*-
2348 | *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2349 | * Suff_End --
2350 | * Cleanup the this module
2351 | *
2352 | * Results:
2353 | * None
2354 | *
2355 | * Side Effects:
2356 | * The memory is free'd.
2357 | *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2358 | */
2359 |
2360 | void
2361 | Suff_End()
2362 | {
2363 | Lst_Destroy(sufflist, SuffFree);
2364 | Lst_Destroy(suffClean, SuffFree);
2365 | if (suffNull)
2366 | SuffFree(suffNull);
2367 | Lst_Destroy(srclist, NOFREE);
2368 | Lst_Destroy(transforms, NOFREE);
2369 | }
2370 |
2371 |
2372 | /********************* DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS **********************/
2373 |
2374 | static int SuffPrintName(s, dummy)
2375 | ClientData s;
2376 | ClientData dummy;
2377 | {
2378 | printf ("`%s' ", ((Suff *) s)->name);
2379 | return (dummy ? 0 : 0);
2380 | }
2381 |
2382 | static int
2383 | SuffPrintSuff (sp, dummy)
2384 | ClientData sp;
2385 | ClientData dummy;
2386 | {
2387 | Suff *s = (Suff *) sp;
2388 | int flags;
2389 | int flag;
2390 |
2391 | printf ("# `%s' [%d] ", s->name, s->refCount);
2392 |
2393 | flags = s->flags;
2394 | if (flags) {
2395 | fputs (" (", stdout);
2396 | while (flags) {
2397 | flag = 1 << (ffs(flags) - 1);
2398 | flags &= ~flag;
2399 | switch (flag) {
2400 | case SUFF_NULL:
2401 | printf ("NULL");
2402 | break;
2403 | case SUFF_INCLUDE:
2404 | printf ("INCLUDE");
2405 | break;
2406 | case SUFF_LIBRARY:
2407 | printf ("LIBRARY");
2408 | break;
2409 | }
2410 | fputc(flags ? '|' : ')', stdout);
2411 | }
2412 | }
2413 | fputc ('\n', stdout);
2414 | printf ("#\tTo: ");
2415 | Lst_ForEach (s->parents, SuffPrintName, (ClientData)0);
2416 | fputc ('\n', stdout);
2417 | printf ("#\tFrom: ");
2418 | Lst_ForEach (s->children, SuffPrintName, (ClientData)0);
2419 | fputc ('\n', stdout);
2420 | printf ("#\tSearch Path: ");
2421 | Dir_PrintPath (s->searchPath);
2422 | fputc ('\n', stdout);
2423 | return (dummy ? 0 : 0);
2424 | }
2425 |
2426 | static int
2427 | SuffPrintTrans (tp, dummy)
2428 | ClientData tp;
2429 | ClientData dummy;
2430 | {
2431 | GNode *t = (GNode *) tp;
2432 |
2433 | printf ("%-16s: ", t->name);
2434 | Targ_PrintType (t->type);
2435 | fputc ('\n', stdout);
2436 | Lst_ForEach (t->commands, Targ_PrintCmd, (ClientData)0);
2437 | fputc ('\n', stdout);
2438 | return(dummy ? 0 : 0);
2439 | }
2440 |
2441 | void
2442 | Suff_PrintAll()
2443 | {
2444 | printf ("#*** Suffixes:\n");
2445 | Lst_ForEach (sufflist, SuffPrintSuff, (ClientData)0);
2446 |
2447 | printf ("#*** Transformations:\n");
2448 | Lst_ForEach (transforms, SuffPrintTrans, (ClientData)0);
2449 | }