1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 |
3 | $description = "The following tests the -i option and the '-' in front of \n"
4 | ."commands to test that make ignores errors in these commands\n"
5 | ."and continues processing.";
6 |
7 | $details = "This test runs two makes. The first runs on a target with a \n"
8 | ."command that has a '-' in front of it (and a command that is \n"
9 | ."intended to fail) and then a delete command after that is \n"
10 | ."intended to succeed. If make ignores the failure of the first\n"
11 | ."command as it is supposed to, then the second command should \n"
12 | ."delete a file and this is what we check for. The second make\n"
13 | ."that is run in this test is identical except that the make \n"
14 | ."command is given with the -i option instead of the '-' in \n"
15 | ."front of the command. They should run the same. ";
16 |
17 | if ($vos)
18 | {
19 | $rm_command = "delete_file";
20 | }
21 | else
22 | {
23 | $rm_command = "rm";
24 | }
25 |
26 | open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");
27 |
28 | # The Contents of the MAKEFILE ...
29 |
30 | print MAKEFILE "clean:\n"
31 | ."\t-$rm_command cleanit\n"
32 | ."\t$rm_command foo\n"
33 | ."clean2: \n"
34 | ."\t$rm_command cleanit\n"
35 | ."\t$rm_command foo\n";
36 |
37 | # END of Contents of MAKEFILE
38 |
39 | close(MAKEFILE);
40 |
41 | &touch("foo");
42 |
43 | unlink("cleanit");
44 | $cleanit_error = `sh -c "$rm_command cleanit 2>&1"`;
45 | chomp $cleanit_error;
46 | $delete_error_code = $? >> 8;
47 |
48 | # TEST #1
49 | # -------
50 |
51 | $answer = "$rm_command cleanit
52 | $cleanit_error
53 | $make_name: [$makefile:2: clean] Error $delete_error_code (ignored)
54 | $rm_command foo\n";
55 |
56 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,"",&get_logfile);
57 |
58 | # If make acted as planned, it should ignore the error from the first
59 | # command in the target and execute the second which deletes the file "foo"
60 | # This file, therefore, should not exist if the test PASSES.
61 | if (-f "foo") {
62 | $test_passed = 0;
63 | }
64 |
65 | # The output for this on VOS is too hard to replicate, so we only check it
66 | # on unix.
67 | if (!$vos)
68 | {
69 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
70 | }
71 |
72 |
73 | &touch("foo");
74 |
75 | # TEST #2
76 | # -------
77 |
78 | $answer = "$rm_command cleanit
79 | $cleanit_error
80 | $make_name: [$makefile:5: clean2] Error $delete_error_code (ignored)
81 | $rm_command foo\n";
82 |
83 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,"clean2 -i",&get_logfile);
84 |
85 | if (-f "foo") {
86 | $test_passed = 0;
87 | }
88 |
89 | if (!$vos) {
90 | &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1));
91 | }
92 |
93 | # Test that error line offset works
94 |
95 | run_make_test(q!
96 | all:
97 | @echo hi
98 | @echo there
99 | @exit 1
100 | !,
101 | '', "hi\nthere\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:5: all] Error 1", 512);
102 |
103 | 1;
104 |
105 | ### Local Variables:
106 | ### eval: (setq whitespace-action (delq 'auto-cleanup whitespace-action))
107 | ### End: