1 | $description = "The following test creates a makefile to test the \n"
2 | ."vpath directive which allows you to specify a search \n"
3 | ."path for a particular class of filenames, those that\n"
4 | ."match a particular pattern.";
5 |
6 | $details = "This tests the vpath directive by specifying search directories\n"
7 | ."for one class of filenames with the form: vpath pattern directories"
8 | ."\nIn this test, we specify the working directory for all files\n"
9 | ."that end in c or h. We also test the variables $@ (which gives\n"
10 | ."target name) and $^ (which is a list of all dependencies \n"
11 | ."including the directories in which they were found). It also\n"
12 | ."uses the function firstword used to extract just the first\n"
13 | ."dependency from the entire list.";
14 |
15 | open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");
16 |
17 | # The Contents of the MAKEFILE ...
18 |
19 | print MAKEFILE "vpath %.c foo\n";
20 | print MAKEFILE "vpath %.c $workdir\n";
21 | print MAKEFILE "vpath %.h $workdir\n";
22 | print MAKEFILE "objects = main.o kbd.o commands.o display.o insert.o\n";
23 | print MAKEFILE "edit: \$(objects)\n";
24 | print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo cc -o \$@ \$^\n";
25 | print MAKEFILE "main.o : main.c defs.h\n";
26 | print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo cc -c \$(firstword \$^)\n";
27 | print MAKEFILE "kbd.o : kbd.c defs.h command.h\n";
28 | print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo cc -c kbd.c\n";
29 | print MAKEFILE "commands.o : command.c defs.h command.h\n";
30 | print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo cc -c commands.c\n";
31 | print MAKEFILE "display.o : display.c defs.h buffer.h\n";
32 | print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo cc -c display.c\n";
33 | print MAKEFILE "insert.o : insert.c defs.h buffer.h\n";
34 | print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo cc -c insert.c\n";
35 |
36 | # END of Contents of MAKEFILE
37 |
38 | close(MAKEFILE);
39 |
40 |
41 | @files_to_touch = ("$workdir${pathsep}main.c","$workdir${pathsep}defs.h",
42 | "$workdir${pathsep}kbd.c","$workdir${pathsep}command.h",
43 | "$workdir${pathsep}commands.c","$workdir${pathsep}display.c",
44 | "$workdir${pathsep}buffer.h","$workdir${pathsep}insert.c",
45 | "$workdir${pathsep}command.c");
46 |
47 | &touch(@files_to_touch);
48 |
49 | # kmk: this requires -j1 because of ordering.
50 | &run_make_with_options($makefile,"-j1",&get_logfile);
51 |
52 | # Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile
53 | $answer = "cc -c $workdir${pathsep}main.c\ncc -c kbd.c\ncc -c commands.c\n"
54 | ."cc -c display.c\n"
55 | ."cc -c insert.c\ncc -o edit main.o kbd.o commands.o display.o "
56 | ."insert.o\n";
57 |
58 | if (&compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)))
59 | {
60 | unlink @files_to_touch;
61 | }
62 |
63 | 1;