1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 |
3 | $description = 'Test the $(file ...) function.';
4 |
5 | # Test > and >>
6 | run_make_test(q!
7 | define A
8 | a
9 | b
10 | endef
11 | B = c d
12 | $(file >file.out,$(A))
13 | $(foreach L,$(B),$(file >> file.out,$L))
14 | x:;@echo hi; cat file.out
15 | !,
16 | '', "hi\na\nb\nc\nd");
17 |
18 | unlink('file.out');
19 |
20 | # Test >> to a non-existent file
21 | run_make_test(q!
22 | define A
23 | a
24 | b
25 | endef
26 | $(file >> file.out,$(A))
27 | x:;@cat file.out
28 | !,
29 | '', "a\nb");
30 |
31 | unlink('file.out');
32 |
33 | # Test > with no content
34 | run_make_test(q!
35 | $(file >4touch)
36 | .PHONY:x
37 | x:;@cat 4touch
38 | !,
39 | '', '');
40 |
41 | # Test >> with no content
42 | run_make_test(q!
43 | $(file >>4touch)
44 | .PHONY:x
45 | x:;@cat 4touch
46 | !,
47 | '', '');
48 | unlink('4touch');
49 |
50 | # Test > to a read-only file
51 | touch('file.out');
52 | chmod(0444, 'file.out');
53 |
54 | # Find the error that will be printed
55 | # This seems complicated, but we need the message from the C locale
56 | my $loc = undef;
57 | if ($has_POSIX) {
58 | $loc = POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_MESSAGES);
59 | POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_MESSAGES, 'C');
60 | }
61 | my $e;
62 | open(my $F, '>', 'file.out') and die "Opened read-only file!\n";
63 | $e = "$!";
64 | $loc and POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_MESSAGES, $loc);
65 |
66 | run_make_test(q!
67 | define A
68 | a
69 | b
70 | endef
71 | $(file > file.out,$(A))
72 | x:;@cat file.out
73 | !,
74 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:6: *** open: file.out: $e. Stop.",
75 | 512);
76 |
77 | unlink('file.out');
78 |
79 | # Use variables for operator and filename
80 | run_make_test(q!
81 | define A
82 | a
83 | b
84 | endef
85 | OP = >
86 | FN = file.out
87 | $(file $(OP) $(FN),$(A))
88 | x:;@cat file.out
89 | !,
90 | '', "a\nb");
91 |
92 | unlink('file.out');
93 |
94 | # Don't add newlines if one already exists
95 | run_make_test(q!
96 | define A
97 | a
98 | b
99 |
100 | endef
101 | $(file >file.out,$(A))
102 | x:;@cat file.out
103 | !,
104 | '', "a\nb");
105 |
106 | unlink('file.out');
107 |
108 | # Empty text
109 | run_make_test(q!
110 | $(file >file.out,)
111 | $(file >>file.out,)
112 | x:;@cat file.out
113 | !,
114 | '', "\n\n");
115 |
116 | unlink('file.out');
117 |
118 | # Reading files
119 | run_make_test(q!
120 | $(file >file.out,A = foo)
121 | X1 := $(file <file.out)
122 | $(file >>file.out,B = bar)
123 | $(eval $(file <file.out))
124 |
125 | x:;@echo '$(X1)'; echo '$(A)'; echo '$(B)'
126 | !,
127 | '', "A = foo\nfoo\nbar\n");
128 |
129 | unlink('file.out');
130 |
131 | # Reading from non-existent file
132 | run_make_test(q!
133 | X1 := $(file <file.out)
134 | x:;@echo '$(X1)';
135 | !,
136 | '', "\n");
137 |
138 | # Extra arguments in read mode
139 | run_make_test(q!
140 | X1 := $(file <file.out,foo)
141 | x:;@echo '$(X1)';
142 | !,
143 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:2: *** file: too many arguments. Stop.\n", 512);
144 |
145 |
146 | # Missing filename
147 | run_make_test('$(file >)', '',
148 | "#MAKEFILE#:1: *** file: missing filename. Stop.\n", 512);
149 |
150 | run_make_test('$(file >>)', '',
151 | "#MAKEFILE#:1: *** file: missing filename. Stop.\n", 512);
152 |
153 | run_make_test('$(file <)', '',
154 | "#MAKEFILE#:1: *** file: missing filename. Stop.\n", 512);
155 |
156 | # Bad call
157 |
158 | run_make_test('$(file foo)', '',
159 | "#MAKEFILE#:1: *** file: invalid file operation: foo. Stop.\n", 512);
160 |
161 | 1;