1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 | $description = "Test the -n option.\n";
3 |
4 | $details = "Try various uses of -n and ensure they all give the correct results.\n";
5 |
6 | touch('orig');
7 |
8 | run_make_test(q!
9 | final: intermediate ; echo >> $@
10 | intermediate: orig ; echo >> $@
11 | !,
12 | '', "echo >> intermediate\necho >> final\n");
13 |
14 | # TEST 1
15 |
16 | run_make_test(undef, '-Worig -n', "echo >> intermediate\necho >> final\n");
17 |
18 | rmfiles(qw(orig intermediate final));
19 |
20 | # We consider the actual updated timestamp of targets with all
21 | # recursive commands, even with -n. Switching this to the new model
22 | # is non-trivial because we use a trick below to change the log content
23 | # before we compare it ...
24 |
25 | $makefile2 = &get_tmpfile;
26 |
27 | open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile2");
28 |
29 | print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
31 | BAR = # nothing
32 | FOO = +$(BAR)
33 | a: b; echo > $@
34 | b: c; $(FOO)
35 | EOF
36 |
37 | close(MAKEFILE);
38 |
39 | &utouch(-20, 'b');
40 | &utouch(-10, 'a');
41 | &touch('c');
42 |
43 | # TEST 2
44 |
45 | &run_make_with_options($makefile2, "", &get_logfile);
46 | $answer = "$make_name: 'a' is up to date.\n";
47 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
48 |
49 | # TEST 3
50 |
51 | &run_make_with_options($makefile2, "-n", &get_logfile);
52 | $answer = "$make_name: 'a' is up to date.\n";
53 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
54 |
55 | # TEST 4
56 |
57 | unlink(qw(a b));
58 |
59 | &run_make_with_options($makefile2, "-t -n", &get_logfile);
60 |
61 | open(DASH_N_LOG, ">>" . &get_logfile(1));
62 | print DASH_N_LOG "a exists but should not!\n" if -e 'a';
63 | print DASH_N_LOG "b exists but should not!\n" if -e 'b';
64 | close(DASH_N_LOG);
65 |
66 | &compare_output("touch b\ntouch a\n", &get_logfile(1));
67 |
68 | # CLEANUP
69 |
70 | unlink(qw(a b c));
71 |
72 | # Ensure -n continues to be included with recursive/re-execed make
73 | # See Savannah bug #38051
74 |
75 | $topmake = &get_tmpfile;
76 | $submake = &get_tmpfile;
77 |
78 | open(MAKEFILE, "> $topmake");
79 | print MAKEFILE <<"EOF";
80 | foo: ; \@\$(MAKE) -f "$submake" bar
81 | EOF
82 | close(MAKEFILE);
83 |
84 |
85 | # The bar target should print what would happen, but not actually run
86 | open(MAKEFILE, "> $submake");
87 | print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
88 | inc: ; touch $@
89 | -include inc
90 | bar: ; @echo $(strip $(MAKEFLAGS))
91 | EOF
92 | close(MAKEFILE);
93 |
94 | &run_make_with_options($topmake, '-n --no-print-directory', &get_logfile);
95 | $answer = "$make_command -f \"$submake\" bar\ntouch inc\necho n --no-print-directory\n";
96 | &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
97 |
98 | unlink('inc');
99 |
100 | 1;