1 | # -*-perl-*-
2 |
3 | $description = "Test define/endef variable assignments.";
4 |
5 | $details = "";
6 |
7 | # TEST 0: old-style basic define/endef
8 |
9 | run_make_test('
10 | define multi
11 | @echo hi
12 | echo there
13 | endef
14 |
15 | all: ; $(multi)
16 | ',
17 | '', "hi\necho there\nthere\n");
18 |
19 | # TEST 1: Various new-style define/endef
20 |
21 | run_make_test('
22 | FOO = foo
23 |
24 | define multi =
25 | echo hi
26 | @echo $(FOO)
27 | endef # this is the end
28 |
29 | define simple :=
30 | @echo $(FOO)
31 | endef
32 |
33 | define posix ::=
34 | @echo $(FOO)
35 | endef
36 |
37 | append = @echo a
38 |
39 | define append +=
40 |
41 | @echo b
42 | endef
43 |
44 | define cond ?= # this is a conditional
45 | @echo first
46 | endef
47 |
48 | define cond ?=
49 | @echo second
50 | endef
51 |
52 | FOO = there
53 |
54 | all: ; $(multi)
55 | $(simple)
56 | $(posix)
57 | $(append)
58 | $(cond)
59 | ',
60 | '', "echo hi\nhi\nthere\nfoo\nfoo\na\nb\nfirst\n");
61 |
62 | # TEST 1a: Various new-style define/endef, with no spaces
63 |
64 | run_make_test('
65 | FOO = foo
66 |
67 | define multi=
68 | echo hi
69 | @echo $(FOO)
70 | endef # this is the end
71 |
72 | define simple:=
73 | @echo $(FOO)
74 | endef
75 |
76 | define posix::=
77 | @echo $(FOO)
78 | endef
79 |
80 | append = @echo a
81 |
82 | define append+=
83 |
84 | @echo b
85 | endef
86 |
87 | define cond?= # this is a conditional
88 | @echo first
89 | endef
90 |
91 | define cond?=
92 | @echo second
93 | endef
94 |
95 | FOO = there
96 |
97 | all: ; $(multi)
98 | $(simple)
99 | $(posix)
100 | $(append)
101 | $(cond)
102 | ',
103 | '', "echo hi\nhi\nthere\nfoo\nfoo\na\nb\nfirst\n");
104 |
105 | # TEST 2: define in true section of conditional (containing conditional)
106 |
107 | run_make_test('
108 | FOO = foo
109 | NAME = def
110 | def =
111 | ifdef BOGUS
112 | define $(subst e,e,$(NAME)) =
113 | ifeq (1,1)
114 | FOO = bar
115 | endif
116 | endef
117 | endif
118 |
119 | $(eval $(def))
120 | all: ; @echo $(FOO)
121 | ',
122 | 'BOGUS=1', "bar\n");
123 |
124 | # TEST 3: define in false section of conditional (containing conditional)
125 |
126 | run_make_test(undef, '', "foo\n");
127 |
128 | # TEST 4: nested define (supported?)
129 |
130 | run_make_test('
131 | define outer
132 | define inner
133 | A = B
134 | endef
135 | endef
136 |
137 | $(eval $(outer))
138 |
139 | outer: ; @echo $(inner)
140 | ',
141 | '', "A = B\n");
142 |
143 | # TEST 5: NEGATIVE: Missing variable name
144 |
145 | run_make_test('
146 | NAME =
147 | define $(NAME) =
148 | ouch
149 | endef
150 | all: ; @echo ouch
151 | ',
152 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:3: *** empty variable name. Stop.\n", 512);
153 |
154 | # TEST 6: NEGATIVE: extra text after define
155 |
156 | run_make_test('
157 | NAME =
158 | define NAME = $(NAME)
159 | ouch
160 | endef
161 | all: ; @echo ok
162 | ',
163 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:3: extraneous text after 'define' directive\nok\n");
164 |
165 | # TEST 7: NEGATIVE: extra text after endef
166 |
167 | run_make_test('
168 | NAME =
169 | define NAME =
170 | ouch
171 | endef $(NAME)
172 | all: ; @echo ok
173 | ',
174 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:5: extraneous text after 'endef' directive\nok\n");
175 |
176 | # TEST 8: NEGATIVE: missing endef
177 |
178 | run_make_test('
179 | NAME =
180 | all: ; @echo ok
181 | define NAME =
182 | ouch
183 | endef$(NAME)
184 | ',
185 | '', "#MAKEFILE#:4: *** missing 'endef', unterminated 'define'. Stop.\n", 512);
186 |
187 | # -------------------------
188 | # Make sure that prefix characters apply properly to define/endef values.
189 | #
190 | # There's a bit of oddness here if you try to use a variable to hold the
191 | # prefix character for a define. Even though something like this:
192 | #
193 | # define foo
194 | # echo bar
195 | # endef
196 | #
197 | # all: ; $(V)$(foo)
198 | #
199 | # (where V=@) can be seen by the user to be obviously different than this:
200 | #
201 | # define foo
202 | # $(V)echo bar
203 | # endef
204 | #
205 | # all: ; $(foo)
206 | #
207 | # and the user thinks it should behave the same as when the "@" is literal
208 | # instead of in a variable, that can't happen because by the time make
209 | # expands the variables for the command line and sees it begins with a "@" it
210 | # can't know anymore whether the prefix character came before the variable
211 | # reference or was included in the first line of the variable reference.
212 |
213 | # TEST #5
214 | # -------
215 |
216 | run_make_test('
217 | define FOO
218 | $(V1)echo hello
219 | $(V2)echo world
220 | endef
221 | all: ; @$(FOO)
222 | ', '', 'hello
223 | world');
224 |
225 | # TEST #6
226 | # -------
227 |
228 | run_make_test(undef, 'V1=@ V2=@', 'hello
229 | world');
230 |
231 | # TEST #7
232 | # -------
233 |
234 | run_make_test('
235 | define FOO
236 | $(V1)echo hello
237 | $(V2)echo world
238 | endef
239 | all: ; $(FOO)
240 | ', 'V1=@', 'hello
241 | echo world
242 | world');
243 |
244 | # TEST #8
245 | # -------
246 |
247 | run_make_test(undef, 'V2=@', 'echo hello
248 | hello
249 | world');
250 |
251 | # TEST #9
252 | # -------
253 |
254 | run_make_test(undef, 'V1=@ V2=@', 'hello
255 | world');
256 |
257 | # TEST #10
258 | # -------
259 | # Test the basics; a "@" internally to the variable applies to only one line.
260 | # A "@" before the variable applies to the entire variable.
261 |
262 | run_make_test('
263 | define FOO
264 | @echo hello
265 | echo world
266 | endef
267 | define BAR
268 | echo hello
269 | echo world
270 | endef
271 |
272 | all: foo bar
273 | foo: ; $(FOO)
274 | bar: ; @$(BAR)
275 | ', '', 'hello
276 | echo world
277 | world
278 | hello
279 | world
280 | ');
281 |
282 | 1;