1 | /* $Id: winchildren.c 3156 2018-03-18 20:10:03Z bird $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Child process creation and management for kmk.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (c) 2018 knut st. osmundsen <[email protected]>
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of kBuild.
10 | *
11 | * kBuild is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 | * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
14 | * (at your option) any later version.
15 | *
16 | * kBuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 | *
21 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 | * along with kBuild. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
23 | *
24 | */
25 |
26 | /* No GNU coding style here atm, convert if upstreamed. */
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
31 | #include "../makeint.h"
32 | #include "../job.h"
33 | #include "../debug.h"
34 | #include "../kmkbuiltin.h"
35 | #include "winchildren.h"
36 |
37 | #include <Windows.h>
38 | #include <assert.h>
39 | #include <process.h>
40 |
41 |
42 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
43 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
44 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
45 | #define MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH 1024
46 |
47 | /** Checks the UTF-16 environment variable pointed to is the PATH. */
48 | #define IS_PATH_ENV_VAR(a_cwcVar, a_pwszVar) \
49 | ( (a_cwcVar) >= 5 \
50 | && (a_pwszVar)[4] == L'=' \
51 | && ((a_pwszVar)[0] == L'P' || (a_pwszVar)[0] == L'p') \
52 | && ((a_pwszVar)[1] == L'A' || (a_pwszVar)[1] == L'a') \
53 | && ((a_pwszVar)[2] == L'T' || (a_pwszVar)[2] == L't') \
54 | && ((a_pwszVar)[3] == L'H' || (a_pwszVar)[3] == L'h') )
55 |
56 |
57 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
58 | * Structures and Typedefs *
59 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
60 | /**
61 | * Child process type.
62 | */
63 | typedef enum WINCHILDTYPE
64 | {
66 | /** Normal child process. */
68 | /** kmkbuiltin command. */
70 | /** kSubmit job. */
72 | /** kmk_redirect job. */
74 | /** End of valid child types. */
77 |
78 |
79 | /** Pointer to a windows child process. */
80 | typedef struct WINCHILD *PWINCHILD;
81 | /**
82 | * Windows child process.
83 | */
84 | typedef struct WINCHILD
85 | {
86 | /** Magic / eyecatcher (WINCHILD_MAGIC). */
87 | ULONG uMagic;
88 | /** Child type. */
89 | WINCHILDTYPE enmType;
90 | /** Pointer to the next child process. */
91 | PWINCHILD pNext;
92 | /** The pid for this child. */
93 | pid_t pid;
94 | /** The make child structure associated with this child. */
95 | struct child *pMkChild;
96 |
97 | /** The process exit code. */
98 | int iExitCode;
99 | /** Kill signal, in case we or someone else killed it. */
100 | int iSignal;
101 | /** Set if core was dumped. */
102 | int fCoreDumped;
103 |
104 | /** Type specific data. */
105 | union
106 | {
107 | /** Data for WINCHILDTYPE_PROCESS. */
108 | struct
109 | {
110 | /** Argument vector (single allocation, strings following array). */
111 | char **papszArgs;
112 | /** Length of the argument strings. */
113 | size_t cbArgsStrings;
114 | /** Environment vector. Only a copy if fEnvIsCopy is set. */
115 | char **papszEnv;
116 | /** If we made a copy of the environment, this is the size of the
117 | * strings and terminator string (not in array). This is done to
118 | * speed up conversion, since MultiByteToWideChar can handle '\0'. */
119 | size_t cbEnvStrings;
120 | /** The make shell to use (copy). */
121 | char *pszShell;
122 | /** Child process handle. */
123 | HANDLE hProcess;
124 | } Process;
125 |
126 | /** Data for WINCHILDTYPE_SUBMIT. */
127 | struct
128 | {
129 | /** The event we're to wait on (hooked up to a pipe) */
130 | HANDLE hEvent;
131 | /** Parameter for the cleanup callback. */
132 | void *pvSubmitWorker;
133 | } Submit;
134 |
135 | /** Data for WINCHILDTYPE_REDIRECT. */
136 | struct
137 | {
138 | /** Child process handle. */
139 | HANDLE hProcess;
140 | } Redirect;
141 | } u;
142 |
143 | } WINCHILD;
144 | /** WINCHILD::uMagic value. */
145 | #define WINCHILD_MAGIC 0xbabebabeU
146 |
147 |
148 | /**
149 | * Data for a windows childcare worker thread.
150 | *
151 | * We use one worker thread per child, reusing the threads when possible.
152 | *
153 | * This setup helps avoid the 64-bit handle with the WaitForMultipleObject API.
154 | *
155 | * It also helps using all CPUs on systems with more than one CPU group
156 | * (typically systems with more than 64 CPU threads or/and multiple sockets, or
157 | * special configs).
158 | *
159 | * This helps facilitates using pipes for collecting output child rather
160 | * than temporary files. Pipes doesn't involve NTFS and can easily be reused.
161 | *
162 | * Finally, kBuild specific, this allows running kmkbuiltin_xxxx commands in
163 | * threads.
164 | */
165 | typedef struct WINCHILDCAREWORKER
166 | {
167 | /** Magic / eyecatcher (WINCHILDCAREWORKER_MAGIC). */
168 | ULONG uMagic;
169 | /** The processor group for this worker. */
170 | unsigned int iProcessorGroup;
171 | /** The thread ID. */
172 | unsigned int tid;
173 | /** The thread handle. */
174 | HANDLE hThread;
175 | /** The event the thread is idling on. */
176 | HANDLE hEvtIdle;
177 | /** Pointer to the current child. */
178 | PWINCHILD volatile pCurChild;
179 | /** List of children pending execution on this worker.
180 | * This is updated atomitically just like g_pTailCompletedChildren. */
181 | PWINCHILD volatile pTailTodoChildren;
182 | /** TRUE if idle, FALSE if not. */
183 | long volatile fIdle;
185 | /** Pointer to a childcare worker thread. */
187 | /** WINCHILD::uMagic value. */
188 | #define WINCHILDCAREWORKER_MAGIC 0xdad0dad0U
189 |
190 |
191 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
192 | * Global Variables *
193 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
194 | /** Whether it's initialized or not. */
195 | static BOOL g_fInitialized = FALSE;
196 | /** Set when we're shutting down everything. */
197 | static BOOL volatile g_fShutdown = FALSE;
198 | /** Event used to wait for children. */
199 | static HANDLE g_hEvtWaitChildren = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
200 | /** Number of childcare workers currently in g_papChildCareworkers. */
201 | static unsigned g_cChildCareworkers = 0;
202 | /** Maximum number of childcare workers in g_papChildCareworkers. */
203 | static unsigned g_cChildCareworkersMax = 0;
204 | /** Pointer to childcare workers. */
205 | static PWINCHILDCAREWORKER *g_papChildCareworkers = NULL;
206 | /** The group index for the worker allocator.
207 | * This is ever increasing and must be modded by g_cProcessorGroups. */
208 | static unsigned g_idxProcessorGroupAllocator = 0;
209 | /** The processor in group index for the worker allocator. */
210 | static unsigned g_idxProcessorInGroupAllocator = 0;
211 | /** Number of processor groups in the system. */
212 | static unsigned g_cProcessorGroups = 1;
213 | /** Array detailing how many active processors there are in each group. */
214 | static unsigned const *g_pacProcessorsInGroup = &g_cProcessorGroups;
215 | /** Kernel32!GetActiveProcessorGroupCount */
216 | static WORD (WINAPI *g_pfnGetActiveProcessorGroupCount)(VOID);
217 | /** Kernel32!GetActiveProcessorCount */
218 | static DWORD (WINAPI *g_pfnGetActiveProcessorCount)(WORD);
219 | /** Kernel32!SetThreadGroupAffinity */
220 | static BOOL (WINAPI *g_pfnSetThreadGroupAffinity)(HANDLE, CONST GROUP_AFFINITY *, GROUP_AFFINITY *);
221 | /** Windows version info.
222 | * @note Putting this before the volatile stuff, hoping to keep it in a
223 | * different cache line than the static bits above. */
224 | static OSVERSIONINFOA g_VersionInfo = { sizeof(g_VersionInfo), 4, 0, 1381, VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT, {0} };
225 |
226 | /** Children that has been completed.
227 | * This is updated atomically, pushing completed children in LIFO fashion
228 | * (thus 'tail'), then hitting g_hEvtWaitChildren if head. */
229 | static PWINCHILD volatile g_pTailCompletedChildren = NULL;
230 |
231 | /** Number of idle pending children.
232 | * This is updated before g_hEvtWaitChildren is signalled. */
233 | static unsigned volatile g_cPendingChildren = 0;
234 |
235 | /** Number of idle childcare worker threads. */
236 | static unsigned volatile g_cIdleChildcareWorkers = 0;
237 | /** Index of the last idle child careworker (just a hint). */
238 | static unsigned volatile g_idxLastChildcareWorker = 0;
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 | /**
244 | * Initializes the windows child module.
245 | *
246 | * @param cJobSlots The number of job slots.
247 | */
248 | void MkWinChildInit(unsigned int cJobSlots)
249 | {
250 | /*
251 | * Figure out how many childcare workers first.
252 | */
253 | static unsigned int const s_cMaxWorkers = 4096;
254 | unsigned cWorkers;
255 | if (cJobSlots >= 1 && cJobSlots < s_cMaxWorkers)
256 | cWorkers = cJobSlots;
257 | else
258 | cWorkers = s_cMaxWorkers;
259 |
260 | /*
261 | * Allocate the array and the child completed event object.
262 | */
263 | g_papChildCareworkers = (PWINCHILDCAREWORKER *)xcalloc(cWorkers * sizeof(g_papChildCareworkers[0]));
264 | g_cChildCareworkersMax = cWorkers;
265 |
266 | g_hEvtWaitChildren = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE /*fManualReset*/, FALSE /*fInitialState*/, NULL /*pszName*/);
267 | if (!g_hEvtWaitChildren)
268 | fatal(NILF, INTSTR_LENGTH, _("MkWinChildInit: CreateEvent failed: %u"), GetLastError());
269 |
270 | /*
271 | * Figure out how many processor groups there are.
272 | * For that we need to first figure the windows version.
273 | */
274 | if (!GetVersionExA(&g_VersionInfo))
275 | {
276 | DWORD uRawVer = GetVersion();
277 | g_VersionInfo.dwMajorVersion = uRawVer & 0xff;
278 | g_VersionInfo.dwMinorVersion = (uRawVer >> 8) & 0xff;
279 | g_VersionInfo.dwBuildNumber = (uRawVer >> 16) & 0x7fff;
280 | }
281 | if (g_VersionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6)
282 | {
283 | HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandleA("KERNEL32.DLL");
284 | *(FARPROC *)&g_pfnGetActiveProcessorGroupCount = GetProcAddress(hmod, "GetActiveProcessorGroupCount");
285 | *(FARPROC *)&g_pfnGetActiveProcessorCount = GetProcAddress(hmod, "GetActiveProcessorCount");
286 | *(FARPROC *)&g_pfnSetThreadGroupAffinity = GetProcAddress(hmod, "SetThreadGroupAffinity");
287 | if ( g_pfnSetThreadGroupAffinity
288 | && g_pfnGetActiveProcessorCount
289 | && g_pfnGetActiveProcessorGroupCount)
290 | {
291 | unsigned int *pacProcessorsInGroup;
292 | unsigned iGroup;
293 | g_cProcessorGroups = g_pfnGetActiveProcessorGroupCount();
294 | if (g_cProcessorGroups == 0)
295 | g_cProcessorGroups = 1;
296 |
297 | pacProcessorsInGroup = (unsigned int *)xmalloc(sizeof(g_pacProcessorsInGroup[0]) * g_cProcessorGroups);
298 | g_pacProcessorsInGroup = pacProcessorsInGroup;
299 | for (iGroup = 0; iGroup < g_cProcessorGroups; iGroup++)
300 | pacProcessorsInGroup[iGroup] = g_pfnGetActiveProcessorCount(iGroup);
301 |
302 | /* We shift the starting group with the make nesting level as part of
303 | our very simple distribution strategy. */
304 | g_idxProcessorGroupAllocator = makelevel;
305 | }
306 | else
307 | {
308 | g_pfnSetThreadGroupAffinity = NULL;
309 | g_pfnGetActiveProcessorCount = NULL;
310 | g_pfnGetActiveProcessorGroupCount = NULL;
311 | }
312 | }
313 | }
314 |
315 |
316 | /**
317 | * Emulate execv() for restarting kmk after one ore more makefiles has been
318 | * made.
319 | *
320 | * Does not return.
321 | *
322 | * @param papszArgs The arguments.
323 | * @param papszEnv The environment.
324 | */
325 | void MkWinChildReExecMake(char **papszArgs, char **papszEnv)
326 | {
327 | fatal(NILF, 0, __FUNCTION__ "not implemented!\n");
328 | }
329 |
330 | /**
331 | * Used by mkWinChildcareWorkerThread() and MkWinChildWait() to get the head
332 | * child from a lifo (g_pTailCompletedChildren, pTailTodoChildren).
333 | *
334 | * @returns Head child.
335 | * @param ppTail Pointer to the child variable.
336 | * @param pChild Tail child.
337 | */
338 | static PWINCHILD mkWinChildDequeFromLifo(PWINCHILD volatile *ppTail, PWINCHILD pChild)
339 | {
340 | if (pChild->pNext)
341 | {
342 | PWINCHILD pPrev;
343 | do
344 | {
345 | pPrev = pChild;
346 | pChild = pChild->pNext;
347 | } while (pChild->pNext);
348 | pPrev->pNext = NULL;
349 | }
350 | else
351 | {
352 | PWINCHILD const pWantedChild = pChild;
353 | pChild = _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(ppTail, NULL, pWantedChild);
354 | if (pChild != pWantedChild)
355 | {
356 | PWINCHILD pPrev;
357 | do
358 | {
359 | pPrev = pChild;
360 | pChild = pChild->pNext;
361 | } while (pChild->pNext);
362 | pPrev->pNext = NULL;
363 | assert(pChild == pWantedChild);
364 | }
365 | }
366 | return pChild;
367 | }
368 |
369 | /**
370 | * Duplicates the given UTF-16 string.
371 | *
372 | * @returns 0
373 | * @param pwszSrc The UTF-16 string to duplicate.
374 | * @param cwcSrc Length, may include the terminator.
375 | * @param ppwszDst Where to return the duplicate.
376 | */
377 | static int mkWinChildDuplicateUtf16String(const WCHAR *pwszSrc, size_t cwcSrc, WCHAR **ppwszDst)
378 | {
379 | size_t cb = sizeof(WCHAR) * cwcSrc;
380 | if (cwcSrc > 0 && pwszSrc[cwcSrc - 1] == L'\0')
381 | *ppwszDst = (WCHAR *)memcpy(xmalloc(cb), pwszSrc, cb);
382 | else
383 | {
384 | WCHAR *pwszDst = (WCHAR *)xmalloc(cb + sizeof(WCHAR));
385 | memcpy(pwszDst, pwszSrc, cb);
386 | pwszDst[cwcSrc] = L'\0';
387 | *ppwszDst = pwszDst;
388 | }
389 | return 0;
390 | }
391 |
392 | /**
393 | * Commmon worker for waiting on a child process and retrieving the exit code.
394 | *
395 | * @param pWorker The worker.
396 | * @param pChild The child.
397 | * @param hProcess The process handle.
398 | */
399 | static void mkWinChildcareWorkerWaitForProcess(PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pWorker, PWINCHILD pChild, HANDLE hProcess)
400 | {
401 | for (;;)
402 | {
403 | DWORD dwExitCode = -42;
404 | DWORD dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);
405 | assert(dwStatus != WAIT_FAILED);
406 | if (dwStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
407 | {
408 | DWORD dwExitCode = -42;
409 | if (GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &dwExitCode))
410 | {
411 | pChild->iExitCode = (int)dwExitCode;
412 | return;
413 | }
414 | }
415 | else if ( dwStatus == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION
416 | || dwStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT /* whatever */)
417 | continue; /* however unlikely, these aren't fatal. */
418 |
419 | /* Something failed. */
420 | pChild->iExitCode = GetLastError();
421 | if (pChild->iExitCode == 0)
422 | pChild->iExitCode = -4242;
423 | return;
424 | }
425 | }
426 |
428 | #define MKWCCWCMD_F_MKS_SHELL 2
429 | #define MKWCCWCMD_F_HAVE_SH 4
430 | #define MKWCCWCMD_F_HAVE_KASH_C 8 /**< kmk_ash -c "..." */
431 |
432 | static int mkWinChildcareWorkerConvertCommandline(char **papszArgs, unsigned fFlags, WCHAR **ppwszCommandLine)
433 | {
434 | struct ARGINFO
435 | {
436 | size_t cchSrc;
437 | size_t cwcDst; /**< converted size w/o terminator. */
438 | size_t cwcDstExtra : 24; /**< Only set with fSlowly. */
439 | size_t fSlowly : 1;
440 | size_t fQuoteIt : 1;
441 | size_t fEndSlashes : 1; /**< if escapes needed for trailing backslashes. */
442 | size_t fExtraSpace : 1; /**< if kash -c "" needs an extra space before the quote. */
443 | } *paArgInfo;
444 | size_t cArgs;
445 | size_t i;
446 | size_t cwcNeeded;
447 | WCHAR *pwszDst;
448 | WCHAR *pwszCmdLine;
449 |
450 | /*
451 | * Count them first so we can allocate an info array of the stack.
452 | */
453 | cArgs = 0;
454 | while (papszArgs[cArgs] != NULL)
455 | cArgs++;
456 | paArgInfo = (struct ARGINFO *)alloca(sizeof(paArgInfo[0]) * cArgs);
457 |
458 | /*
459 | * Preprocess them and calculate the exact command line length.
460 | */
461 | cwcNeeded = 1;
462 | for (i = 0; i < cArgs; i++)
463 | {
464 | char *pszSrc = papszArgs[i];
465 | size_t cchSrc = strlen(pszSrc);
466 | paArgInfo[i].cchSrc = cchSrc;
467 | if (cchSrc == 0)
468 | {
469 | /* empty needs quoting. */
470 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDst = 2;
471 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDstExtra = 0;
472 | paArgInfo[i].fSlowly = 0;
473 | paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt = 1;
474 | paArgInfo[i].fExtraSpace = 0;
475 | paArgInfo[i].fEndSlashes = 0;
476 | }
477 | else
478 | {
479 | const char *pszSpace = memchr(pszSrc, ' ', cchSrc);
480 | const char *pszTab = memchr(pszSrc, '\t', cchSrc);
481 | const char *pszDQuote = memchr(pszSrc, '"', cchSrc);
482 | const char *pszEscape = memchr(pszSrc, '\\', cchSrc);
483 | int cwcDst = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszSrc, cchSrc + 1, NULL, 0);
484 | if (cwcDst >= 0)
485 | --cwcDst;
486 | else
487 | {
488 | DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
489 | fprintf(stderr, _("MultiByteToWideChar failed to convert argv[%u] (%s): %u\n"), i, pszSrc, dwErr);
490 | return dwErr;
491 | }
492 | #if 0
493 | if (!pszSpace && !pszTab && !pszDQuote && !pszEscape)
494 | {
495 | /* no special handling needed. */
496 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDst = cwcDst;
497 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDstExtra = 0;
498 | paArgInfo[i].fSlowly = 0;
499 | paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt = 0;
500 | paArgInfo[i].fExtraSpace = 0;
501 | paArgInfo[i].fEndSlashes = 0;
502 | }
503 | else if (!pszDQuote && !pszEscape)
504 | {
505 | /* Just double quote it. */
506 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDst = cwcDst + 2;
507 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDstExtra = 0;
508 | paArgInfo[i].fSlowly = 0;
509 | paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt = 1;
510 | paArgInfo[i].fExtraSpace = 0;
511 | paArgInfo[i].fEndSlashes = 0;
512 | }
513 | else
514 | #endif
515 | {
516 | /* Complicated, need to scan the string to figure out what to do. */
517 | size_t cwcDstExtra;
518 | int cBackslashes;
519 | char ch;
520 |
521 | paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt = 0;
522 | paArgInfo[i].fSlowly = 1;
523 | paArgInfo[i].fExtraSpace = 0;
524 | paArgInfo[i].fEndSlashes = 0;
525 |
526 | cwcDstExtra = 0;
527 | cBackslashes = 0;
528 | while ((ch = *pszSrc++) != '\0')
529 | {
530 | switch (ch)
531 | {
532 | default:
533 | cBackslashes = 0;
534 | break;
535 |
536 | case '\\':
537 | cBackslashes++;
538 | break;
539 |
540 | case '"':
542 | cwcDstExtra += 1;
543 | else
544 | cwcDstExtra += 1 + cBackslashes;
545 | break;
546 |
547 | case ' ':
548 | case '\t':
549 | if (!paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt)
550 | {
551 | paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt = 1;
552 | cwcDstExtra += 2;
553 | }
554 | cBackslashes = 0;
555 | break;
556 | }
557 | }
558 |
559 | if ( cBackslashes > 0
560 | && paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt
562 | {
563 | cwcDstExtra += cBackslashes;
564 | paArgInfo[i].fEndSlashes = 1;
565 | }
566 |
567 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDst = cwcDst + cwcDstExtra;
568 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDstExtra = cwcDstExtra;
569 | }
570 | }
571 |
572 | if ( (fFlags & MKWCCWCMD_F_HAVE_KASH_C)
573 | && paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt)
574 | {
575 | paArgInfo[i].fExtraSpace = 1;
576 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDst++;
577 | paArgInfo[i].cwcDstExtra++;
578 | }
579 |
580 | cwcNeeded += (i != 0) + paArgInfo[i].cwcDst;
581 | }
582 |
583 | /*
584 | * Allocate the result buffer and do the actual conversion.
585 | */
586 | pwszDst = pwszCmdLine = (WCHAR *)xmalloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * cwcNeeded);
587 | for (i = 0; i < cArgs; i++)
588 | {
589 | char *pszSrc = papszArgs[i];
590 | size_t cwcDst = paArgInfo[i].cwcDst;
591 |
592 | if (i != 0)
593 | *pwszDst++ = L' ';
594 |
595 | if (paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt)
596 | {
597 | *pwszDst++ = L'"';
598 | cwcDst -= 2;
599 | }
600 |
601 | if (!paArgInfo[i].fSlowly)
602 | {
603 | int cwcDst2 = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszSrc, paArgInfo[i].cchSrc, pwszDst, cwcDst + 1);
604 | assert(cwcDst2 >= 0);
605 | pwszDst += cwcDst;
606 | }
607 | else
608 | {
609 | /* Do the conversion into the end of the output buffer, then move
610 | it up to where it should be char by char. */
611 | size_t cBackslashes;
612 | size_t cwcLeft = paArgInfo[i].cwcDst - paArgInfo[i].cwcDstExtra;
613 | WCHAR volatile *pwchSlowSrc = pwszDst + paArgInfo[i].cwcDstExtra;
614 | WCHAR volatile *pwchSlowDst = pwszDst;
615 | int cwcDst2 = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszSrc, paArgInfo[i].cchSrc,
616 | (WCHAR *)pwchSlowSrc, cwcLeft + 1);
617 | assert(cwcDst2 >= 0);
618 |
619 | cBackslashes = 0;
620 | while (cwcLeft-- > 0)
621 | {
622 | WCHAR wcSrc = *pwchSlowSrc++;
623 | if (wcSrc != L'\\' && wcSrc != L'"')
624 | cBackslashes = 0;
625 | else if (wcSrc == L'\\')
626 | cBackslashes++;
629 | *pwchSlowDst++ = L'"'; /* cygwin: '"' instead of '\\', no escaped slashes. */
630 | else
631 | {
633 | cBackslashes = 1;
634 | while (cBackslashes-- > 0)
635 | *pwchSlowDst++ = L'\\';
636 | }
637 | *pwchSlowDst++ = wcSrc;
638 | }
639 |
640 | if (paArgInfo[i].fEndSlashes)
641 | while (cBackslashes-- > 0)
642 | *pwchSlowDst++ = L'\\';
643 |
644 | pwszDst += cwcDst;
645 | assert(pwszDst == (WCHAR *)pwchSlowDst);
646 | }
647 |
648 | if (paArgInfo[i].fExtraSpace)
649 | *pwszDst++ = L' ';
650 | if (paArgInfo[i].fQuoteIt)
651 | *pwszDst++ = L'"';
652 | }
653 | *pwszDst = L'\0';
654 | *ppwszCommandLine = pwszCmdLine;
655 | return 0;
656 | }
657 |
658 | static int mkWinChildcareWorkerConvertCommandlineWithShell(const WCHAR *pwszShell, char **papszArgs, WCHAR **ppwszCommandLine)
659 | {
660 | return -2;
661 | }
662 |
663 | /**
664 | * Searches the environment block for the PATH variable.
665 | *
666 | * @returns Pointer to the path in the block or ".".
667 | * @param pwszzEnv The UTF-16 environment block to search.
668 | */
669 | static const WCHAR *mkWinChildcareWorkerFindPathValue(const WCHAR *pwszzEnv)
670 | {
671 | while (*pwszzEnv)
672 | {
673 | size_t cwcVar = wcslen(pwszzEnv);
674 | if (!IS_PATH_ENV_VAR(cwcVar, pwszzEnv))
675 | pwszzEnv += cwcVar + 1;
676 | else if (cwcVar > 5)
677 | return &pwszzEnv[5];
678 | else
679 | break;
680 | }
681 | return L".";
682 | }
683 |
684 | /**
685 | * Checks if we need to had this executable file to the shell.
686 | *
687 | * @returns TRUE if it's shell fooder, FALSE if we think windows can handle it.
688 | * @param hFile Handle to the file in question
689 | */
690 | static BOOL mkWinChildcareWorkerCheckIfNeedShell(HANDLE hFile)
691 | {
692 | /*
693 | * Read the first 512 bytes and check for an executable image header.
694 | */
695 | union
696 | {
697 | DWORD dwSignature;
698 | WORD wSignature;
699 | BYTE ab[128];
700 | } uBuf;
701 | DWORD cbRead;
702 | uBuf.dwSignature = 0;
703 | if ( ReadFile(hFile, &uBuf, sizeof(uBuf), &cbRead, NULL /*pOverlapped*/)
704 | && cbRead == sizeof(uBuf))
705 | {
706 | if (uBuf.wSignature == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
707 | return FALSE;
708 | if (uBuf.dwSignature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
709 | return FALSE;
710 | if ( uBuf.wSignature == IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE /* NE */
711 | || uBuf.wSignature == 0x5d4c /* LX */
712 | || uBuf.wSignature == IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE /* LE */)
713 | return FALSE;
714 | }
715 | return TRUE;
716 | }
717 |
718 |
719 | /**
720 | * Tries to locate the image file, searching the path and maybe falling back on
721 | * the shell in case it knows more (think cygwin with its own view of the file
722 | * system).
723 | *
724 | * This will also check for shell script, falling back on the shell too to
725 | * handle those.
726 | *
727 | * @returns 0 on success, windows error code on failure.
728 | * @param pszArg0 The first argument.
729 | * @param pwszPath The path if mkWinChildcareWorkerConvertEnvironment
730 | * found it.
731 | * @param pwszzEnv The environment block, in case we need to look for
732 | * the path.
733 | * @param pszShell The shell.
734 | * @param ppwszImagePath Where to return the pointer to the image path. This
735 | * could be the shell.
736 | * @param pfNeedShell Where to return shell vs direct execution indicator.
737 | */
738 | static int mkWinChildcareWorkerFindImage(char const *pszArg0, WCHAR const *pwszPath, WCHAR const *pwszzEnv,
739 | const char *pszShell, WCHAR **ppwszImagePath, BOOL *pfNeedShell)
740 | {
741 | /** @todo Slap a cache on this code. We usually end up executing the same
742 | * stuff over and over again (e.g. compilers, linkers, etc).
743 | * Hitting the file system is slow on windows. */
744 |
745 | /*
746 | * Convert pszArg0 to unicode so we can work directly on that.
747 | */
748 | WCHAR wszArg0[MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH + 4]; /* +4 for painless '.exe' appending */
749 | DWORD dwErr;
750 | size_t cbArg0 = strlen(pszArg0) + 1;
751 | int const cwcArg0 = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszArg0, cbArg0, wszArg0, MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH);
752 | if (cwcArg0 > 0)
753 | {
755 | WCHAR wszPathBuf[MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH + 4]; /* +4 for painless '.exe' appending */
756 | int cwc;
757 |
758 | /*
759 | * If there isn't an .exe suffix, we may have to add one.
760 | * Also we ASSUME that .exe suffixes means no hash bang detection needed.
761 | */
762 | int const fHasExeSuffix = cwcArg0 > CSTRLEN(".exe")
763 | && wszArg0[cwcArg0 - 4] == '.'
764 | && (wszArg0[cwcArg0 - 3] == L'e' || wszArg0[cwcArg0 - 3] == L'E')
765 | && (wszArg0[cwcArg0 - 2] == L'x' || wszArg0[cwcArg0 - 2] == L'X')
766 | && (wszArg0[cwcArg0 - 1] == L'e' || wszArg0[cwcArg0 - 1] == L'E');
767 |
768 | /*
769 | * If there isn't any path specified, we need to search the PATH env.var.
770 | */
771 | int const fHasPath = wszArg0[1] == L':'
772 | || wszArg0[0] == L'\\'
773 | || wszArg0[0] == L'/'
774 | || wmemchr(wszArg0, L'/', cwcArg0)
775 | || wmemchr(wszArg0, L'\\', cwcArg0);
776 |
777 | /* Before we do anything, flip UNIX slashes to DOS ones. */
778 | WCHAR *pwc = wszArg0;
779 | while ((pwc = wcschr(pwc, L'/')) != NULL)
780 | *pwc++ = L'\\';
781 |
782 | /* Don't need to set this all the time... */
783 | *pfNeedShell = FALSE;
784 |
785 | /*
786 | * If any kind of path is specified in arg0, we will not search the
787 | * PATH env.var and can limit ourselves to maybe slapping a .exe on to it.
788 | */
789 | if (fHasPath)
790 | {
791 | /*
792 | * If relative to a CWD, turn it into an absolute one.
793 | */
794 | unsigned cwcPath = cwcArg0;
795 | WCHAR *pwszPath = wszArg0;
796 | if ( *pwszPath != L'\\'
797 | && (pwszPath[1] != ':' || pwszPath[2] != L'\\') )
798 | {
799 | DWORD cwcAbsPath = GetFullPathNameW(wszArg0, MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH, wszPathBuf, NULL);
800 | if (cwcAbsPath > 0)
801 | {
802 | cwcAbsPath = cwcPath + 1; /* include terminator, like MultiByteToWideChar does. */
803 | pwszPath = wszPathBuf;
804 | }
805 | }
806 |
807 | /*
808 | * If there is an exectuable path, we only need to check that it exists.
809 | */
810 | if (fHasExeSuffix)
811 | {
812 | DWORD dwAttribs = GetFileAttributesW(pwszPath);
813 | if (dwAttribs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
814 | return mkWinChildDuplicateUtf16String(pwszPath, cwcPath + 4, ppwszImagePath);
815 | }
816 | else
817 | {
818 | /*
819 | * No suffix, so try open it first to see if it's shell fooder.
820 | * Otherwise, append a .exe suffix and check if it exists.
821 | */
824 | if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
825 | {
826 | *pfNeedShell = mkWinChildcareWorkerCheckIfNeedShell(hFile);
827 | CloseHandle(hFile);
828 | if (!*pfNeedShell)
829 | return mkWinChildDuplicateUtf16String(pwszPath, cwcPath, ppwszImagePath);
830 | }
831 | /* Append the .exe suffix and check if it exists. */
832 | else
833 | {
834 | DWORD dwAttribs;
835 | pwszPath[cwcPath - 1] = L'.';
836 | pwszPath[cwcPath ] = L'e';
837 | pwszPath[cwcPath + 1] = L'x';
838 | pwszPath[cwcPath + 2] = L'e';
839 | pwszPath[cwcPath + 3] = L'\0';
840 | dwAttribs = GetFileAttributesW(pwszPath);
841 | if (dwAttribs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
842 | return mkWinChildDuplicateUtf16String(pwszPath, cwcPath + 4, ppwszImagePath);
843 | }
844 | }
845 | }
846 | /*
847 | * No path, need to search the PATH env.var. for the executable, maybe
848 | * adding an .exe suffix while do so if that is missing.
849 | */
850 | else
851 | {
852 | BOOL fSearchedCwd = FALSE;
853 | if (!pwszPath)
854 | pwszPath = mkWinChildcareWorkerFindPathValue(pwszzEnv);
855 | for (;;)
856 | {
857 | size_t cwcCombined;
858 |
859 | /*
860 | * Find the end of the current PATH component.
861 | */
862 | size_t cwcSkip;
863 | WCHAR wcEnd;
864 | size_t cwcComponent = 0;
865 | WCHAR wc;
866 | while ((wc = pwszPath[cwcComponent]) != L'\0')
867 | {
868 | if (wc != ';' && wc != ':')
869 | { /* likely */ }
870 | else if (wc == ';')
871 | break;
872 | else if (cwcComponent != pwszPath[cwcComponent] != L'"' ? 1 : 2)
873 | break;
874 | cwcComponent++;
875 | }
876 | wcEnd = wc;
877 |
878 | /* Trim leading spaces and double quotes. */
879 | while ( cwcComponent > 0
880 | && ((wc = *pwszPath) == L'"' || wc == L' ' || wc == L'\t'))
881 | {
882 | pwszPath++;
883 | cwcComponent--;
884 | }
885 | cwcSkip = cwcComponent;
886 |
887 | /* Trim trailing spaces & double quotes. */
888 | while ( cwcComponent > 0
889 | && ((wc = pwszPath[cwcComponent - 1]) == L'"' || wc == L' ' || wc == L'\t'))
890 | cwcComponent--;
891 |
892 | /*
893 | * Skip empty components. Join the component and the filename, making sure to
894 | * resolve any CWD relative stuff first.
895 | */
896 | cwcCombined = cwcComponent + 1 + cwcArg0;
897 | if (cwcComponent > 0 && cwcCombined <= MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH)
898 | {
899 | DWORD dwAttribs;
900 |
901 | /* Copy the component into wszPathBuf, maybe abspath'ing it. */
902 | DWORD cwcAbsPath = 0;
903 | if ( *pwszPath != L'\\'
904 | && (pwszPath[1] != ':' || pwszPath[2] != L'\\') )
905 | {
906 | WCHAR const wcSaved = pwszPath[cwcCombined];
907 | *(WCHAR *)&pwszPath[cwcCombined] = '\0'; /* Pointing to our converted buffer, so this is okay for now. */
908 | cwcAbsPath = GetFullPathNameW(pwszPath, MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH, wszPathBuf, NULL);
909 | *(WCHAR *)&pwszPath[cwcCombined] = wcSaved;
910 | if (cwcAbsPath > 0 && cwcAbsPath + 1 + cwcArg0 <= MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH)
911 | cwcCombined = cwcAbsPath + 1 + cwcArg0;
912 | else
913 | cwcAbsPath = 0;
914 | }
915 | if (cwcAbsPath == 0)
916 | {
917 | memcpy(wszPathBuf, pwszPath, cwcComponent);
918 | cwcAbsPath = cwcComponent;
919 | }
920 |
921 | /* Append the filename. */
922 | if ((wc = wszPathBuf[cwcAbsPath - 1]) == L'\\' || wc == L'/' || wc == L':')
923 | {
924 | memcpy(&wszPathBuf[cwcAbsPath], wszArg0, cwcArg0 * sizeof(WCHAR));
925 | cwcCombined--;
926 | }
927 | else
928 | {
929 | wszPathBuf[cwcAbsPath] = L'\\';
930 | memcpy(&wszPathBuf[cwcAbsPath + 1], wszArg0, cwcArg0 * sizeof(WCHAR));
931 | }
932 | assert(wszPathBuf[cwcCombined - 1] == L'\0');
933 |
934 | /* DOS slash conversion */
935 | pwc = wszPathBuf;
936 | while ((pwc = wcschr(pwc, L'/')) != NULL)
937 | *pwc++ = L'\\';
938 |
939 | /*
940 | * Search with exe suffix first.
941 | */
942 | if (!fHasExeSuffix)
943 | {
944 | wszPathBuf[cwcCombined - 1] = L'.';
945 | wszPathBuf[cwcCombined ] = L'e';
946 | wszPathBuf[cwcCombined + 1] = L'x';
947 | wszPathBuf[cwcCombined + 2] = L'e';
948 | wszPathBuf[cwcCombined + 3] = L'\0';
949 | }
950 | dwAttribs = GetFileAttributesW(wszPathBuf);
951 | if ( dwAttribs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES
952 | && !(dwAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
953 | return mkWinChildDuplicateUtf16String(wszPathBuf, cwcCombined + (fHasExeSuffix ? 0 : 4), ppwszImagePath);
954 | if (!fHasExeSuffix)
955 | {
956 | wszPathBuf[cwcCombined - 1] = L'\0';
957 |
958 | /*
959 | * Check if the file exists w/o the added '.exe' suffix. If it does,
960 | * we need to check if we can pass it to CreateProcess or need the shell.
961 | */
964 | if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
965 | {
966 | *pfNeedShell = mkWinChildcareWorkerCheckIfNeedShell(hFile);
967 | CloseHandle(hFile);
968 | if (!*pfNeedShell)
969 | return mkWinChildDuplicateUtf16String(wszPathBuf, cwcCombined, ppwszImagePath);
970 | break;
971 | }
972 | }
973 | }
974 |
975 | /*
976 | * Advance to the next component.
977 | */
978 | if (wcEnd != '\0')
979 | pwszPath += cwcSkip + 1;
980 | else if (fSearchedCwd)
981 | break;
982 | else
983 | {
984 | fSearchedCwd = TRUE;
985 | pwszPath = L".";
986 | }
987 | }
988 | }
989 |
990 | /*
991 | * We need the shell. It will take care of finding/reporting missing
992 | * image files and such.
993 | */
994 | *pfNeedShell = TRUE;
995 | cwc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszShell, strlen(pszShell), wszPathBuf, MKWINCHILD_MAX_PATH);
996 | if (cwc > 0)
997 | return mkWinChildDuplicateUtf16String(wszPathBuf, cwc, ppwszImagePath);
998 | dwErr = GetLastError();
999 | }
1000 | else
1001 | {
1002 | dwErr = GetLastError();
1003 | fprintf(stderr, _("MultiByteToWideChar failed to convert argv[0] (%s): %u\n"), pszArg0, dwErr);
1004 | }
1006 | }
1007 |
1008 | /**
1009 | * Creates the environment block.
1010 | *
1011 | * @returns 0 on success, windows error code on failure.
1012 | * @param papszEnv The environment vector to convert.
1013 | * @param cbEnvStrings The size of the environment strings, iff they are
1014 | * sequential in a block. Otherwise, zero.
1015 | * @param ppwszEnv Where to return the pointer to the environment
1016 | * block.
1017 | * @param ppwszPath Where to return the pointer to the path value within
1018 | * the environment block. This will not be set if
1019 | * cbEnvStrings is non-zero, more efficient to let
1020 | * mkWinChildcareWorkerFindImage() search when needed.
1021 | */
1022 | static int mkWinChildcareWorkerConvertEnvironment(char **papszEnv, size_t cbEnvStrings,
1023 | WCHAR **ppwszEnv, WCHAR const **ppwszPath)
1024 | {
1025 | DWORD dwErr;
1026 | int cwcRc;
1027 | int cwcDst;
1028 | WCHAR *pwszzDst;
1029 |
1030 | *ppwszPath = NULL;
1031 |
1032 | /*
1033 | * We've got a little optimization here with help from mkWinChildCopyStringArray.
1034 | */
1035 | if (cbEnvStrings)
1036 | {
1037 | cwcDst = cbEnvStrings + 32;
1038 | pwszzDst = (WCHAR *)xmalloc(cwcDst);
1039 | cwcRc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, papszEnv[0], cbEnvStrings, pwszzDst, cwcDst);
1040 | if (cwcRc != 0)
1041 | {
1042 | *ppwszEnv = pwszzDst;
1043 | return 0;
1044 | }
1045 |
1046 | /* Resize the allocation and try again. */
1047 | dwErr = GetLastError();
1049 | {
1050 | cwcRc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, papszEnv[0], cbEnvStrings, NULL, 0);
1051 | if (cwcRc > 0)
1052 | cwcDst = cwcRc + 32;
1053 | else
1054 | cwcDst *= 2;
1055 | pwszzDst = (WCHAR *)xrealloc(pwszzDst, cwcDst);
1056 | cwcRc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, papszEnv[0], cbEnvStrings, pwszzDst, cwcDst);
1057 | if (cwcRc != 0)
1058 | {
1059 | *ppwszEnv = pwszzDst;
1060 | return 0;
1061 | }
1062 | dwErr = GetLastError();
1063 | }
1064 | fprintf(stderr, _("MultiByteToWideChar failed to convert environment block: %u\n"), dwErr);
1065 | }
1066 | /*
1067 | * Need to convert it string by string.
1068 | */
1069 | else
1070 | {
1071 | size_t offPathValue = ~(size_t)0;
1072 | size_t offDst;
1073 |
1074 | /*
1075 | * Estimate the size first.
1076 | */
1077 | size_t cEnvVars;
1078 | size_t cwcDst = 32;
1079 | size_t iVar = 0;
1080 | const char *pszSrc;
1081 | while ((pszSrc = papszEnv[iVar]) != NULL)
1082 | {
1083 | cwcDst += strlen(pszSrc) + 1;
1084 | iVar++;
1085 | }
1086 | cEnvVars = iVar;
1087 |
1088 | /* Allocate estimated WCHARs and convert the variables one by one, reallocating
1089 | the block as needed. */
1090 | pwszzDst = (WCHAR *)xmalloc(cwcDst * sizeof(WCHAR));
1091 | cwcDst--; /* save one wchar for the terminating empty string. */
1092 | offDst = 0;
1093 | for (iVar = 0; iVar < cEnvVars; iVar++)
1094 | {
1095 | size_t cwcLeft = cwcDst - offDst;
1096 | size_t const cbSrc = strlen(pszSrc = papszEnv[iVar]) + 1;
1097 | assert(cwcDst >= offDst);
1098 |
1099 |
1100 | cwcRc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszSrc, cbSrc, &pwszzDst[offDst], cwcLeft);
1101 | if (cwcRc > 0)
1102 | { /* likely */ }
1103 | else
1104 | {
1105 | dwErr = GetLastError();
1107 | {
1108 | /* Need more space. So, calc exacly how much and resize the block accordingly. */
1109 | size_t cbSrc2 = cbSrc;
1110 | size_t iVar2 = iVar;
1111 | cwcLeft = 1;
1112 | for (;;)
1113 | {
1114 | size_t cwcRc2 = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszSrc, cbSrc, NULL, 0);
1115 | if (cwcRc2 > 0)
1116 | cwcLeft += cwcRc2;
1117 | else
1118 | cwcLeft += cbSrc * 4;
1119 |
1120 | /* advance */
1121 | iVar2++;
1122 | if (iVar2 >= cEnvVars)
1123 | break;
1124 | pszSrc = papszEnv[iVar2];
1125 | cbSrc2 = strlen(pszSrc) + 1;
1126 | }
1127 | pszSrc = papszEnv[iVar];
1128 |
1129 | /* Grow the allocation and repeat the conversion. */
1130 | if (offDst + cwcLeft > cwcDst + 1)
1131 | {
1132 | cwcDst = offDst + cwcLeft;
1133 | pwszzDst = (WCHAR *)xrealloc(pwszzDst, cwcDst * sizeof(WCHAR));
1134 | cwcDst--; /* save one wchar for the terminating empty string. */
1135 | cwcRc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0 /*fFlags*/, pszSrc, cbSrc, &pwszzDst[offDst], cwcLeft - 1);
1136 | if (cwcRc <= 0)
1137 | dwErr = GetLastError();
1138 | }
1139 | }
1140 | if (cwcRc <= 0)
1141 | {
1142 | fprintf(stderr, _("MultiByteToWideChar failed to convert environment string #%u (%s): %u\n"),
1143 | iVar, pszSrc, dwErr);
1144 | free(pwszzDst);
1145 | return dwErr;
1146 | }
1147 | }
1148 |
1149 | /* Look for the PATH. */
1150 | if ( offPathValue == ~(size_t)0
1151 | && IS_PATH_ENV_VAR(cwcRc, &pwszzDst[offDst]) )
1152 | offPathValue = offDst + 4 + 1;
1153 |
1154 | /* Advance. */
1155 | offDst += cwcRc;
1156 | }
1157 | pwszzDst[offDst++] = '\0';
1158 |
1159 | if (offPathValue != ~(size_t)0)
1160 | *ppwszPath = &pwszzDst[offPathValue];
1161 | *ppwszEnv = pwszzDst;
1162 | return 0;
1163 | }
1164 | free(pwszzDst);
1165 | return dwErr;
1166 | }
1167 |
1168 | /**
1169 | * Childcare worker: handle regular process.
1170 | *
1171 | * @param pWorker The worker.
1172 | * @param pChild The kSubmit child.
1173 | */
1174 | static void mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleProcess(PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pWorker, PWINCHILD pChild)
1175 | {
1177 | STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo;
1178 | WCHAR const *pwszPath = NULL;
1179 | WCHAR *pwszzEnvironment = NULL;
1180 | WCHAR *pwszCommandLine = NULL;
1181 | WCHAR *pwszImageName = NULL;
1182 | BOOL fNeedShell = FALSE;
1184 | BOOL fRet;
1185 | int rc;
1186 | #ifdef KMK
1187 | extern int process_priority;
1188 | #endif
1189 |
1190 | /*
1191 | * First we convert the environment so we get the PATH we need to
1192 | * search for the executable.
1193 | */
1194 | rc = mkWinChildcareWorkerConvertEnvironment(pChild->u.Process.papszEnv ? pChild->u.Process.papszEnv : environ,
1195 | pChild->u.Process.cbEnvStrings,
1196 | &pwszzEnvironment, &pwszPath);
1197 | /*
1198 | * Find the executable and maybe checking if it's a shell script, then
1199 | * convert it to a command line.
1200 | */
1201 | if (rc == 0)
1202 | rc = mkWinChildcareWorkerFindImage(pChild->u.Process.papszArgs[0], pwszzEnvironment, pwszPath,
1203 | pChild->u.Process.pszShell, &pwszImageName, &fNeedShell);
1204 | if (rc == 0)
1205 | {
1206 | if (!fNeedShell)
1207 | rc = mkWinChildcareWorkerConvertCommandline(pChild->u.Process.papszArgs, 0 /*fFlags*/, &pwszCommandLine);
1208 | else
1209 | rc = mkWinChildcareWorkerConvertCommandlineWithShell(pwszImageName, pChild->u.Process.papszArgs, &pwszCommandLine);
1210 | }
1211 | if (rc == 0)
1212 | {
1213 | /*
1214 | * Populate startup info.
1215 | */
1216 | memset(&StartupInfo, 0, sizeof(StartupInfo));
1217 | StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo);
1218 | GetStartupInfoW(&StartupInfo);
1219 |
1220 | /*
1221 | * Flags.
1222 | */
1223 | #ifdef KMK
1224 | switch (process_priority)
1225 | {
1226 | case 1: fFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED | IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS; break;
1228 | case 3: fFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; break;
1229 | case 4: fFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED | HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; break;
1230 | case 5: fFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED | REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; break;
1231 | }
1232 | #endif
1233 | if (g_cProcessorGroups > 1)
1234 | fFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED;
1235 |
1236 | /*
1237 | * Try create the process.
1238 | */
1239 | DB(DB_JOBS, ("CreateProcessW(%ls, %ls,,, TRUE, %#x...)\n", pwszImageName, pwszCommandLine, fFlags));
1240 | memset(&ProcInfo, 0, sizeof(ProcInfo));
1241 | fRet = CreateProcessW(pwszImageName, pwszCommandLine, NULL /*pProcSecAttr*/, NULL /*pThreadSecAttr*/,
1242 | TRUE /*fInheritHandles*/, fFlags, pwszzEnvironment, NULL /*pwsz*/, &StartupInfo, &ProcInfo);
1243 | if (fRet)
1244 | {
1245 | /*
1246 | * Make thread priority and affinity changes if necessary.
1247 | */
1248 | if (fFlags & CREATE_SUSPENDED)
1249 | {
1250 | BOOL fRet;
1251 | if (g_cProcessorGroups > 1)
1252 | {
1253 | GROUP_AFFINITY Affinity = { ~(ULONG_PTR)0, pWorker->iProcessorGroup, { 0, 0, 0 } };
1254 | fRet = g_pfnSetThreadGroupAffinity(ProcInfo.hThread, &Affinity, NULL);
1255 | assert(fRet);
1256 | }
1257 | #ifdef KMK
1258 | switch (process_priority)
1259 | {
1260 | case 1: fRet = SetThreadPriority(ProcInfo.hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE); break;
1261 | case 2: fRet = SetThreadPriority(ProcInfo.hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); break;
1262 | case 3: fRet = SetThreadPriority(ProcInfo.hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); break;
1263 | case 4: fRet = SetThreadPriority(ProcInfo.hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); break;
1264 | case 5: fRet = SetThreadPriority(ProcInfo.hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); break;
1265 | default: fRet = TRUE;
1266 | }
1267 | assert(fRet);
1268 | #endif
1269 | fRet = ResumeThread(ProcInfo.hThread);
1270 | assert(fRet);
1271 | (void)fRet;
1272 | }
1273 | CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread);
1274 | pChild->u.Process.hProcess = ProcInfo.hProcess;
1275 |
1276 | /*
1277 | * Wait for the child to complete.
1278 | */
1279 | mkWinChildcareWorkerWaitForProcess(pWorker, pChild, ProcInfo.hProcess);
1280 | }
1281 | }
1282 | else
1283 | pChild->iExitCode = rc;
1284 | free(pwszCommandLine);
1285 | free(pwszImageName);
1286 | free(pwszzEnvironment);
1287 | }
1288 |
1289 | /**
1290 | * Childcare worker: handle builtin command.
1291 | *
1292 | * @param pWorker The worker.
1293 | * @param pChild The kSubmit child.
1294 | */
1295 | static void mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleBuiltin(PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pWorker, PWINCHILD pChild)
1296 | {
1297 | /** @todo later. */
1298 | __debugbreak();
1299 | }
1300 |
1301 | /**
1302 | * Childcare worker: handle kSubmit job.
1303 | *
1304 | * @param pWorker The worker.
1305 | * @param pChild The kSubmit child.
1306 | */
1307 | static void mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleSubmit(PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pWorker, PWINCHILD pChild)
1308 | {
1309 | void *pvSubmitWorker = pChild->u.Submit.pvSubmitWorker;
1310 | for (;;)
1311 | {
1312 | int iExitCode = -42;
1313 | int iSignal = -1;
1314 | DWORD dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pChild->u.Submit.hEvent, INFINITE);
1315 | assert(dwStatus != WAIT_FAILED);
1316 |
1317 | if (kSubmitSubProcGetResult((intptr_t)pvSubmitWorker, &iExitCode, &iSignal) == 0)
1318 | {
1319 | pChild->iExitCode = iExitCode;
1320 | pChild->iSignal = iSignal;
1321 | /* Cleanup must be done on the main thread. */
1322 | return;
1323 | }
1324 |
1325 | if (pChild->iSignal != 0)
1326 | kSubmitSubProcKill((intptr_t)pvSubmitWorker, pChild->iSignal);
1327 | }
1328 | }
1329 |
1330 | /**
1331 | * Childcare worker: handle kmk_redirect process.
1332 | *
1333 | * @param pWorker The worker.
1334 | * @param pChild The redirect child.
1335 | */
1336 | static void mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleRedirect(PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pWorker, PWINCHILD pChild)
1337 | {
1338 | mkWinChildcareWorkerWaitForProcess(pWorker, pChild, pChild->u.Redirect.hProcess);
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 | /**
1342 | * Childcare worker thread.
1343 | *
1344 | * @returns 0
1345 | * @param pvUser The worker instance.
1346 | */
1347 | static unsigned int __stdcall mkWinChildcareWorkerThread(void *pvUser)
1348 | {
1350 | assert(pWorker->uMagic == WINCHILDCAREWORKER_MAGIC);
1351 |
1352 | /*
1353 | * Adjust process group if necessary.
1354 | */
1355 | if (g_cProcessorGroups > 1)
1356 | {
1357 | GROUP_AFFINITY Affinity = { ~(ULONG_PTR)0, pWorker->iProcessorGroup, { 0, 0, 0 } };
1358 | BOOL fRet = g_pfnSetThreadGroupAffinity(GetCurrentThread(), &Affinity, NULL);
1359 | assert(fRet); (void)fRet;
1360 | }
1361 |
1362 | /*
1363 | * Work loop.
1364 | */
1365 | while (!g_fShutdown)
1366 | {
1367 | /*
1368 | * Try go idle.
1369 | */
1370 | PWINCHILD pChild = pWorker->pTailTodoChildren;
1371 | if (!pChild)
1372 | {
1373 | _InterlockedExchange(&pWorker->fIdle, TRUE);
1374 | pChild = pWorker->pTailTodoChildren;
1375 | if (!pChild)
1376 | {
1377 | DWORD dwStatus;
1378 |
1379 | _InterlockedIncrement((long *)&g_cIdleChildcareWorkers);
1380 | dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pWorker->hEvtIdle, INFINITE);
1381 | _InterlockedExchange(&pWorker->fIdle, FALSE);
1382 | _InterlockedDecrement((long *)&g_cIdleChildcareWorkers);
1383 |
1384 | assert(dwStatus != WAIT_FAILED);
1385 | if (dwStatus == WAIT_FAILED)
1386 | Sleep(20);
1387 |
1388 | pChild = pWorker->pTailTodoChildren;
1389 | }
1390 | else
1391 | _InterlockedExchange(&pWorker->fIdle, FALSE);
1392 | }
1393 | if (pChild)
1394 | {
1395 | /*
1396 | * We got work to do. First job is to deque the job.
1397 | */
1398 | pChild = mkWinChildDequeFromLifo(&pWorker->pTailTodoChildren, pChild);
1399 | assert(pChild);
1400 | if (pChild)
1401 | {
1402 | PWINCHILD pTailExpect;
1403 |
1404 | switch (pChild->enmType)
1405 | {
1407 | mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleProcess(pWorker, pChild);
1408 | break;
1410 | mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleBuiltin(pWorker, pChild);
1411 | break;
1413 | mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleSubmit(pWorker, pChild);
1414 | break;
1416 | mkWinChildcareWorkerThreadHandleRedirect(pWorker, pChild);
1417 | break;
1418 | }
1419 |
1420 | /*
1421 | * Move the child to the completed list.
1422 | */
1423 | pTailExpect = NULL;
1424 | for (;;)
1425 | {
1426 | PWINCHILD pTailActual;
1427 | pChild->pNext = pTailExpect;
1428 | pTailActual = _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&g_pTailCompletedChildren, pChild, pTailExpect);
1429 | if (pTailActual == pTailExpect)
1430 | {
1431 | _InterlockedDecrement(&g_cPendingChildren);
1432 | if (pTailExpect)
1433 | break;
1434 | if (SetEvent(g_hEvtWaitChildren))
1435 | break;
1436 | fprintf(stderr, "SetEvent(g_hEvtWaitChildren=%p) failed: %u\n", g_hEvtWaitChildren, GetLastError());
1437 | break;
1438 | }
1439 | }
1440 | }
1441 | }
1442 | }
1443 |
1444 | _endthreadex(0);
1445 | return 0;
1446 | }
1447 |
1448 | /**
1449 | * Creates another childcare worker.
1450 | *
1451 | * @returns The new worker, if we succeeded.
1452 | */
1453 | static PWINCHILDCAREWORKER mkWinChildcareCreateWorker(void)
1454 | {
1455 | PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pWorker = (PWINCHILDCAREWORKER)xcalloc(sizeof(*pWorker));
1456 | pWorker->uMagic = WINCHILDCAREWORKER_MAGIC;
1457 | pWorker->hEvtIdle = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE /*fManualReset*/, FALSE /*fInitialState*/, NULL /*pszName*/);
1458 | if (pWorker->hEvtIdle)
1459 | {
1460 | /* Before we start the thread, assign it to a processor group. */
1461 | if (g_cProcessorGroups > 1)
1462 | {
1463 | unsigned int cMaxInGroup;
1464 | unsigned int cInGroup;
1465 | unsigned int iGroup = g_idxProcessorGroupAllocator % g_cProcessorGroups;
1466 | pWorker->iProcessorGroup = iGroup;
1467 |
1468 | /* Advance. We employ a very simple strategy that does 50% in
1469 | each group for each group cycle. Odd processor counts are
1470 | caught in odd group cycles. The init function selects the
1471 | starting group based on make nesting level to avoid stressing
1472 | out the first group. */
1473 | cInGroup = ++g_idxProcessorInGroupAllocator;
1474 | cMaxInGroup = g_pacProcessorsInGroup[iGroup];
1475 | if ( !(cMaxInGroup & 1)
1476 | || !((g_idxProcessorGroupAllocator / g_cProcessorGroups) & 1))
1477 | cMaxInGroup /= 2;
1478 | else
1479 | cMaxInGroup = cMaxInGroup / 2 + 1;
1480 | if (cInGroup >= cMaxInGroup)
1481 | {
1482 | g_idxProcessorInGroupAllocator = 0;
1483 | g_idxProcessorGroupAllocator++;
1484 | }
1485 | }
1486 |
1487 | /* Try start the thread. */
1488 | pWorker->hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0 /*cbStack*/, mkWinChildcareWorkerThread, pWorker,
1489 | 0, &pWorker->tid);
1490 | if (pWorker->hThread != NULL)
1491 | {
1492 | g_papChildCareworkers[g_cChildCareworkers++] = pWorker;
1493 | return pWorker;
1494 | }
1495 | CloseHandle(pWorker->hEvtIdle);
1496 | }
1497 | pWorker->uMagic = ~WINCHILDCAREWORKER_MAGIC;
1498 | free(pWorker);
1499 | return NULL;
1500 | }
1501 |
1502 | /**
1503 | * Helper for copying argument and environment vectors.
1504 | *
1505 | * @returns Single alloc block copy.
1506 | * @param papszSrc The source vector.
1507 | * @param pcbStrings Where to return the size of the strings & terminator.
1508 | */
1509 | static char **mkWinChildCopyStringArray(char **papszSrc, size_t *pcbStrings)
1510 | {
1511 | const char *psz;
1512 | char **papszDstArray;
1513 | char *pszDstStr;
1514 | size_t i;
1515 |
1516 | /* Calc sizes first. */
1517 | size_t cbStrings = 1; /* (one extra for terminator string) */
1518 | size_t cStrings = 0;
1519 | while ((psz = papszSrc[cStrings]) != NULL)
1520 | {
1521 | cbStrings += strlen(psz) + 1;
1522 | cStrings++;
1523 | }
1524 | *pcbStrings = cbStrings;
1525 |
1526 | /* Allocate destination. */
1527 | papszDstArray = (char **)xmalloc(cbStrings + (cStrings + 1) * sizeof(papszDstArray[0]));
1528 | pszDstStr = (char *)&papszDstArray[cStrings + 1];
1529 |
1530 | /* Copy it. */
1531 | for (i = 0; i < cStrings; i++)
1532 | {
1533 | size_t cbString = strlen(papszSrc[i]) + 1;
1534 | papszDstArray[i] = (char *)memcpy(pszDstStr, papszSrc[i], cbString);
1535 | pszDstStr += cbString;
1536 | }
1537 | *pszDstStr = '\0';
1538 | assert(&pszDstStr[1] - papszDstArray[0] == cbStrings);
1539 | papszDstArray[i] = NULL;
1540 | return papszDstArray;
1541 | }
1542 |
1543 | /**
1544 | * Allocate and init a WINCHILD.
1545 | *
1546 | * @returns The new windows child structure.
1547 | * @param enmType The child type.
1548 | */
1549 | static PWINCHILD mkWinChildNew(WINCHILDTYPE enmType)
1550 | {
1551 | PWINCHILD pChild = xcalloc(sizeof(*pChild));
1552 | pChild->enmType = enmType;
1553 | pChild->fCoreDumped = 0;
1554 | pChild->iSignal = 0;
1555 | pChild->iExitCode = 222222;
1556 | pChild->uMagic = WINCHILD_MAGIC;
1557 | pChild->pid = (intptr_t)pChild;
1558 | return pChild;
1559 | }
1560 |
1561 | /**
1562 | * Destructor for WINCHILD.
1563 | *
1564 | * @param pChild The child structure to destroy.
1565 | */
1566 | static void mkWinChildDelete(PWINCHILD pChild)
1567 | {
1568 | assert(pChild->uMagic == WINCHILD_MAGIC);
1569 | pChild->uMagic = ~WINCHILD_MAGIC;
1570 |
1571 | switch (pChild->enmType)
1572 | {
1574 | {
1575 | if (pChild->u.Process.papszArgs)
1576 | {
1577 | free(pChild->u.Process.papszArgs);
1578 | pChild->u.Process.papszArgs = NULL;
1579 | }
1580 | if (pChild->u.Process.cbEnvStrings && pChild->u.Process.papszEnv)
1581 | {
1582 | free(pChild->u.Process.papszEnv);
1583 | pChild->u.Process.papszEnv = NULL;
1584 | }
1585 | if (pChild->u.Process.pszShell)
1586 | {
1587 | free(pChild->u.Process.pszShell);
1588 | pChild->u.Process.pszShell = NULL;
1589 | }
1590 | if (pChild->u.Process.hProcess)
1591 | {
1592 | CloseHandle(pChild->u.Process.hProcess);
1593 | pChild->u.Process.hProcess = NULL;
1594 | }
1595 | break;
1596 | }
1597 |
1599 | assert(0);
1600 | break;
1601 |
1603 | if (pChild->u.Submit.pvSubmitWorker)
1604 | {
1605 | kSubmitSubProcCleanup((intptr_t)pChild->u.Submit.pvSubmitWorker);
1606 | pChild->u.Submit.pvSubmitWorker = NULL;
1607 | }
1608 | break;
1609 |
1611 | if (pChild->u.Redirect.hProcess)
1612 | {
1613 | CloseHandle(pChild->u.Redirect.hProcess);
1614 | pChild->u.Redirect.hProcess = NULL;
1615 | }
1616 | break;
1617 | }
1618 |
1619 | free(pChild);
1620 | }
1621 |
1622 | /**
1623 | * Queues the child with a worker, creating new workers if necessary.
1624 | *
1625 | * @returns 0 on success, windows error code on failure (child destroyed).
1626 | * @param pChild The child.
1627 | * @param pPid Where to return the PID (optional).
1628 | */
1629 | static int mkWinChildPushToCareWorker(PWINCHILD pChild, pid_t *pPid)
1630 | {
1632 | PWINCHILD pOldChild;
1633 | PWINCHILD pCurChild;
1634 |
1635 | /*
1636 | * There are usually idle workers around, except for at the start.
1637 | */
1638 | if (g_cIdleChildcareWorkers > 0)
1639 | {
1640 | /*
1641 | * Try the idle hint first and move forward from it.
1642 | */
1643 | unsigned int const cWorkers = g_cChildCareworkers;
1644 | unsigned int iHint = g_idxLastChildcareWorker;
1645 | unsigned int i;
1646 | for (i = iHint; i < cWorkers; i++)
1647 | {
1648 | PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pPossibleWorker = g_papChildCareworkers[i];
1649 | if (pPossibleWorker->fIdle)
1650 | {
1651 | pWorker = pPossibleWorker;
1652 | break;
1653 | }
1654 | }
1655 | if (!pWorker)
1656 | {
1657 | /* Scan from the start. */
1658 | if (iHint > cWorkers)
1659 | iHint = cWorkers;
1660 | for (i = 0; i < iHint; i++)
1661 | {
1662 | PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pPossibleWorker = g_papChildCareworkers[i];
1663 | if (pPossibleWorker->fIdle)
1664 | {
1665 | pWorker = pPossibleWorker;
1666 | break;
1667 | }
1668 | }
1669 | }
1670 | }
1671 | if (!pWorker)
1672 | {
1673 | /*
1674 | * Try create more workers if we haven't reached the max yet.
1675 | */
1676 | if (g_cChildCareworkers < g_cChildCareworkersMax)
1677 | pWorker = mkWinChildcareCreateWorker();
1678 |
1679 | /*
1680 | * Queue it with an existing worker. Look for one without anthing extra scheduled.
1681 | */
1682 | if (!pWorker)
1683 | {
1684 | unsigned int i = g_cChildCareworkers;
1685 | if (i == 0)
1686 | fatal(NILF, 0, _("Failed to create worker threads for managing child processes!\n"));
1687 | pWorker = g_papChildCareworkers[--i];
1688 | if (pWorker->pTailTodoChildren)
1689 | while (i-- > 0)
1690 | {
1691 | PWINCHILDCAREWORKER pPossibleWorker = g_papChildCareworkers[i];
1692 | if (!pPossibleWorker->pTailTodoChildren)
1693 | {
1694 | pWorker = pPossibleWorker;
1695 | break;
1696 | }
1697 | }
1698 | }
1699 | }
1700 |
1701 | /*
1702 | * Do the queueing.
1703 | */
1704 | pOldChild = NULL;
1705 | for (;;)
1706 | {
1707 | pChild->pNext = pOldChild;
1708 | pCurChild = _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void **)&pWorker->pTailTodoChildren, pChild, pOldChild);
1709 | if (pCurChild == pOldChild)
1710 | {
1711 | DWORD volatile dwErr;
1712 | _InterlockedIncrement(&g_cPendingChildren);
1713 | if ( !pWorker->fIdle
1714 | || SetEvent(pWorker->hEvtIdle))
1715 | {
1716 | *pPid = pChild->pid;
1717 | return 0;
1718 | }
1719 |
1720 | _InterlockedDecrement(&g_cPendingChildren);
1721 | dwErr = GetLastError();
1722 | assert(0);
1723 | mkWinChildDelete(pChild);
1724 | return dwErr ? dwErr : -1;
1725 | }
1726 | pOldChild = pCurChild;
1727 | }
1728 | }
1729 |
1730 | /**
1731 | * Creates a regular child process (job.c).
1732 | *
1733 | * Will copy the information and push it to a childcare thread that does the
1734 | * actual process creation.
1735 | *
1736 | * @returns 0 on success, windows status code on failure.
1737 | * @param papszArgs The arguments.
1738 | * @param papszEnv The environment (optional).
1739 | * @param pszShell The SHELL variable value (optional).
1740 | * @param pMkChild The make child structure (optional).
1741 | * @param pPid Where to return the pid.
1742 | */
1743 | int MkWinChildCreate(char **papszArgs, char **papszEnv, const char *pszShell, struct child *pMkChild, pid_t *pPid)
1744 | {
1746 | pChild->pMkChild = pMkChild;
1747 |
1748 | pChild->u.Process.papszArgs = mkWinChildCopyStringArray(papszArgs, &pChild->u.Process.cbArgsStrings);
1749 | if ( !papszEnv
1750 | || !pMkChild
1751 | || pMkChild->environment == papszEnv)
1752 | {
1753 | pChild->u.Process.cbEnvStrings = 0;
1754 | pChild->u.Process.papszEnv = papszEnv;
1755 | }
1756 | else
1757 | pChild->u.Process.papszEnv = mkWinChildCopyStringArray(papszEnv, &pChild->u.Process.cbEnvStrings);
1758 | if (pszShell)
1759 | pChild->u.Process.pszShell = xstrdup(pszShell);
1760 |
1761 | return mkWinChildPushToCareWorker(pChild, pPid);
1762 | }
1763 |
1764 | int MkWinChildCreateWithStdOutPipe(char **papszArgs, char **papszEnv, int fdErr, pid_t *pPid, int *pfdReadPipe)
1765 | {
1766 | fatal(NILF, 0, __FUNCTION__ "not implemented!\n");
1767 | return -1;
1768 | }
1769 |
1770 | /**
1771 | * Interface used by kSubmit.c for registering stuff to wait on.
1772 | *
1773 | * @returns 0 on success, windows status code on failure.
1774 | * @param hEvent The event object handle to wait on.
1775 | * @param pvSubmitWorker The argument to pass back to kSubmit to clean up.
1776 | * @param pPid Where to return the pid.
1777 | */
1778 | int MkWinChildCreateSubmit(intptr_t hEvent, void *pvSubmitWorker, pid_t *pPid)
1779 | {
1781 | pChild->u.Submit.hEvent = (HANDLE)hEvent;
1782 | pChild->u.Submit.pvSubmitWorker = pvSubmitWorker;
1783 | return mkWinChildPushToCareWorker(pChild, pPid);
1784 | }
1785 |
1786 | /**
1787 | * Interface used by redirect.c for registering stuff to wait on.
1788 | *
1789 | * @returns 0 on success, windows status code on failure.
1790 | * @param hProcess The process object to wait on.
1791 | * @param pPid Where to return the pid.
1792 | */
1793 | int MkWinChildCreateRedirect(intptr_t hProcess, pid_t *pPid)
1794 | {
1796 | pChild->u.Redirect.hProcess = (HANDLE)hProcess;
1797 | return mkWinChildPushToCareWorker(pChild, pPid);
1798 | }
1799 |
1800 | /**
1801 | * Interface used to kill process when processing Ctrl-C and fatal errors.
1802 | *
1803 | * @returns 0 on success, -1+errno on error.
1804 | * @param pid The process to kill (PWINCHILD).
1805 | * @param iSignal What to kill it with.
1806 | * @param pMkChild The make child structure for validation.
1807 | */
1808 | int MkWinChildKill(pid_t pid, int iSignal, struct child *pMkChild)
1809 | {
1810 | PWINCHILD pChild = (PWINCHILD)pid;
1811 | if (pChild)
1812 | {
1813 | assert(pChild->uMagic == WINCHILD_MAGIC);
1814 | if (pChild->uMagic == WINCHILD_MAGIC)
1815 | {
1816 | switch (pChild->enmType)
1817 | {
1819 | assert(pChild->pMkChild == pMkChild);
1820 | TerminateProcess(pChild->u.Process.hProcess, DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS);
1821 | pChild->iSignal = iSignal;
1822 | break;
1823 |
1825 | {
1826 | pChild->iSignal = iSignal;
1827 | SetEvent(pChild->u.Submit.hEvent);
1828 | break;
1829 | }
1830 |
1832 | TerminateProcess(pChild->u.Redirect.hProcess, DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS);
1833 | pChild->iSignal = iSignal;
1834 | break;
1835 |
1837 | break;
1838 | }
1839 | }
1840 | }
1841 | return -1;
1842 | }
1843 |
1844 | int MkWinChildWait(int fBlock, pid_t *pPid, int *piExitCode, int *piSignal, int *pfCoreDumped, struct child **ppMkChild)
1845 | {
1846 | PWINCHILD pChild;
1847 |
1848 | *pPid = 0;
1849 | *piExitCode = 0;
1850 | *pfCoreDumped = 0;
1851 | *ppMkChild = NULL;
1852 |
1853 | /*
1854 | * Wait if necessary.
1855 | */
1856 | if (fBlock && !g_pTailCompletedChildren && g_cPendingChildren > 0)
1857 | {
1858 | DWORD dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject(g_hEvtWaitChildren, INFINITE);
1859 | if (dwStatus == WAIT_FAILED)
1860 | return (int)GetLastError();
1861 | }
1862 |
1863 | /*
1864 | * Try unlink the last child in the LIFO.
1865 | */
1866 | pChild = g_pTailCompletedChildren;
1867 | if (!pChild)
1868 | return 0;
1869 | pChild = mkWinChildDequeFromLifo(&g_pTailCompletedChildren, pChild);
1870 | assert(pChild);
1871 |
1872 | /*
1873 | * Set return values and ditch the child structure.
1874 | */
1875 | *pPid = pChild->pid;
1876 | *piExitCode = pChild->iExitCode;
1877 | *pfCoreDumped = pChild->fCoreDumped;
1878 | *ppMkChild = pChild->pMkChild;
1879 | switch (pChild->enmType)
1880 | {
1882 | break;
1884 | break;
1886 | break;
1888 | break;
1889 | default:
1890 | assert(0);
1891 | }
1892 | mkWinChildDelete(pChild);
1893 | return 0;
1894 | }
1895 |
1896 |
1897 | intptr_t MkWinChildGetCompleteEventHandle(void)
1898 | {
1899 | return (intptr_t)g_hEvtWaitChildren;
1900 | }
1901 |
1902 | int MkWinChildUnrelatedCloseOnExec(int fd)
1903 | {
1904 | if (fd >= 0)
1905 | {
1906 | HANDLE hNative = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
1907 | if (hNative != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hNative != NULL)
1908 | {
1909 | if (SetHandleInformation(hNative, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT /*clear*/ , 0 /*set*/))
1910 | return 0;
1911 | }
1912 | }
1913 | return EINVAL;
1914 | }
1915 |