1 | /* $Id: nt_fullpath.c 1248 2007-10-23 12:46:50Z bird $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * fixcase - fixes the case of paths, windows specific.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 knut st. osmundsen <[email protected]>
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of kBuild.
10 | *
11 | * kBuild is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 | * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 | * (at your option) any later version.
15 | *
16 | * kBuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 | *
21 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 | * along with kBuild; if not, write to the Free Software
23 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
24 | *
25 | */
26 |
27 | #include <Windows.h>
28 | #include <stdio.h>
29 | #include <stdlib.h>
30 | #include <string.h>
31 | #include <ctype.h>
32 | #include <direct.h>
33 |
34 | /*
35 | * Corrects the case of a path.
36 | * Expects a fullpath!
37 | * Added by bird for the $(abspath ) function and w32ify
38 | */
39 | static void w32_fixcase(char *pszPath)
40 | {
41 | static char s_szLast[260];
42 | size_t cchLast;
43 |
44 | #ifndef NDEBUG
45 | # define my_assert(expr) \
46 | do { \
47 | if (!(expr)) { \
48 | printf("my_assert: %s, file %s, line %d\npszPath=%s\npsz=%s\n", \
49 | #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, pszPath, psz); \
50 | __debugbreak(); \
51 | exit(1); \
52 | } \
53 | } while (0)
54 | #else
55 | # define my_assert(expr) do {} while (0)
56 | #endif
57 |
58 | char *psz = pszPath;
59 | if (*psz == '/' || *psz == '\\')
60 | {
61 | if (psz[1] == '/' || psz[1] == '\\')
62 | {
63 | /* UNC */
64 | my_assert(psz[1] == '/' || psz[1] == '\\');
65 | my_assert(psz[2] != '/' && psz[2] != '\\');
66 |
67 | /* skip server name */
68 | psz += 2;
69 | while (*psz != '\\' && *psz != '/')
70 | {
71 | if (!*psz)
72 | return;
73 | *psz++ = toupper(*psz);
74 | }
75 |
76 | /* skip the share name */
77 | psz++;
78 | my_assert(*psz != '/' && *psz != '\\');
79 | while (*psz != '\\' && *psz != '/')
80 | {
81 | if (!*psz)
82 | return;
83 | *psz++ = toupper(*psz);
84 | }
85 | my_assert(*psz == '/' || *psz == '\\');
86 | psz++;
87 | }
88 | else
89 | {
90 | /* Unix spec */
91 | psz++;
92 | }
93 | }
94 | else
95 | {
96 | /* Drive letter */
97 | my_assert(psz[1] == ':');
98 | *psz = toupper(*psz);
99 | my_assert(psz[0] >= 'A' && psz[0] <= 'Z');
100 | my_assert(psz[2] == '/' || psz[2] == '\\');
101 | psz += 3;
102 | }
103 |
104 | /*
105 | * Try make use of the result from the previous call.
106 | * This is ignorant to slashes and similar, but may help even so.
107 | */
108 | if ( s_szLast[0] == pszPath[0]
109 | && (psz - pszPath == 1 || s_szLast[1] == pszPath[1])
110 | && (psz - pszPath <= 2 || s_szLast[2] == pszPath[2])
111 | )
112 | {
113 | char *pszLast = &s_szLast[psz - pszPath];
114 | char *pszCur = psz;
115 | for (;;)
116 | {
117 | const char ch1 = *pszCur;
118 | const char ch2 = *pszLast;
119 | if ( ch1 != ch2
120 | && (ch1 != '\\' || ch2 != '/')
121 | && (ch1 != '/' || ch2 != '\\'))
122 | {
123 | if ( tolower(ch1) != tolower(ch2)
124 | && toupper(ch1) != toupper(ch2))
125 | break;
126 | /* optimistic, component mismatch will be corrected in the next loop. */
127 | *pszCur = ch2;
128 | }
129 | if (ch1 == '/' || ch1 == '\\')
130 | psz = pszCur + 1;
131 | else if (ch1 == '\0')
132 | {
133 | psz = pszCur;
134 | break;
135 | }
136 | pszCur++;
137 | pszLast++;
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | /*
142 | * Pointing to the first char after the unc or drive specifier,
143 | * or in case of a cache hit, the first non-matching char (following a slash of course).
144 | */
145 | while (*psz)
146 | {
147 | WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
148 | HANDLE hDir;
149 | char chSaved0;
150 | char chSaved1;
151 | char *pszEnd;
152 | int iLongNameDiff;
153 | size_t cch;
154 |
155 |
156 | /* find the end of the component. */
157 | pszEnd = psz;
158 | while (*pszEnd && *pszEnd != '/' && *pszEnd != '\\')
159 | pszEnd++;
160 | cch = pszEnd - psz;
161 |
162 | /* replace the end with "?\0" */
163 | chSaved0 = pszEnd[0];
164 | chSaved1 = pszEnd[1];
165 | pszEnd[0] = '?';
166 | pszEnd[1] = '\0';
167 |
168 | /* find the right filename. */
169 | hDir = FindFirstFile(pszPath, &FindFileData);
170 | pszEnd[1] = chSaved1;
171 | if (!hDir)
172 | {
173 | cchLast = psz - pszPath;
174 | memcpy(s_szLast, pszPath, cchLast + 1);
175 | s_szLast[cchLast + 1] = '\0';
176 | pszEnd[0] = chSaved0;
177 | return;
178 | }
179 | pszEnd[0] = '\0';
180 | while ( (iLongNameDiff = stricmp(FindFileData.cFileName, psz))
181 | && stricmp(FindFileData.cAlternateFileName, psz))
182 | {
183 | if (!FindNextFile(hDir, &FindFileData))
184 | {
185 | cchLast = psz - pszPath;
186 | memcpy(s_szLast, pszPath, cchLast + 1);
187 | s_szLast[cchLast + 1] = '\0';
188 | pszEnd[0] = chSaved0;
189 | return;
190 | }
191 | }
192 | pszEnd[0] = chSaved0;
193 | if ( iLongNameDiff /* matched the short name */
194 | || !FindFileData.cAlternateFileName[0] /* no short name */
195 | || !memchr(psz, ' ', cch)) /* no spaces in the matching name */
196 | memcpy(psz, !iLongNameDiff ? FindFileData.cFileName : FindFileData.cAlternateFileName, cch);
197 | else
198 | {
199 | /* replace spacy name with the short name. */
200 | const size_t cchAlt = strlen(FindFileData.cAlternateFileName);
201 | const size_t cchDelta = cch - cchAlt;
202 | my_assert(cchAlt > 0);
203 | if (!cchDelta)
204 | memcpy(psz, FindFileData.cAlternateFileName, cch);
205 | else
206 | {
207 | size_t cbLeft = strlen(pszEnd) + 1;
208 | if ((psz - pszPath) + cbLeft + cchAlt <= _MAX_PATH)
209 | {
210 | memmove(psz + cchAlt, pszEnd, cbLeft);
211 | pszEnd -= cchDelta;
212 | memcpy(psz, FindFileData.cAlternateFileName, cchAlt);
213 | }
214 | else
215 | fprintf(stderr, "kBuild: case & space fixed filename is growing too long (%d bytes)! '%s'\n",
216 | (psz - pszPath) + cbLeft + cchAlt, pszPath);
217 | }
218 | }
219 | my_assert(pszEnd[0] == chSaved0);
220 | FindClose(hDir);
221 |
222 | /* advance to the next component */
223 | if (!chSaved0)
224 | {
225 | psz = pszEnd;
226 | break;
227 | }
228 | psz = pszEnd + 1;
229 | my_assert(*psz != '/' && *psz != '\\');
230 | }
231 |
232 | /* *psz == '\0', the end. */
233 | cchLast = psz - pszPath;
234 | memcpy(s_szLast, pszPath, cchLast + 1);
235 | #undef my_assert
236 | }
237 |
238 | #define MY_FileNameInformation 9
239 |
240 | typedef struct _MY_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION
241 | {
242 | ULONG FileNameLength;
243 | WCHAR FileName[1];
245 |
246 | typedef struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK
247 | {
248 | union
249 | {
250 | LONG Status;
251 | PVOID Pointer;
252 | };
253 | ULONG_PTR Information;
255 |
256 | static BOOL g_fInitialized = FALSE;
257 | static int g_afNtfsDrives['Z' - 'A' + 1];
258 | static LONG (NTAPI *g_pfnNtQueryInformationFile)(HANDLE FileHandle,
259 | PMY_IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, PVOID FileInformation,
260 | ULONG Length, ULONG FileInformationClass);
261 |
262 |
263 | int
264 | nt_get_filename_info(const char *pszPath, char *pszFull, size_t cchFull)
265 | {
266 | static char abBuf[8192];
269 | LONG rcNt;
270 | HANDLE hFile;
271 | int cchOut;
272 | char *psz;
273 |
274 | /*
275 | * Check for NtQueryInformationFile the first time around.
276 | */
277 | if (!g_fInitialized)
278 | {
279 | g_fInitialized = TRUE;
281 | *(FARPROC *)&g_pfnNtQueryInformationFile =
282 | GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll"), "NtQueryInformationFile");
283 | if (g_pfnNtQueryInformationFile)
284 | {
285 | unsigned i;
286 | for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_afNtfsDrives) / sizeof(g_afNtfsDrives[0]); i++ )
287 | g_afNtfsDrives[i] = -1;
288 | }
289 | }
290 | if (!g_pfnNtQueryInformationFile)
291 | return -1;
292 |
293 | /*
294 | * The FileNameInformation we get is relative to where the volume is mounted,
295 | * so we have to extract the driveletter prefix ourselves.
296 | *
297 | * FIXME: This will probably not work for volumes mounted in NTFS sub-directories.
298 | */
299 | psz = pszFull;
300 | if (pszPath[0] == '\\' || pszPath[0] == '/')
301 | {
302 | /* unc or root of volume */
303 | if ( (pszPath[1] == '\\' || pszPath[1] == '/')
304 | && (pszPath[2] != '\\' || pszPath[2] == '/'))
305 | {
306 | #if 0 /* don't bother with unc yet. */
307 | /* unc - we get the server + name back */
308 | *psz++ = '\\';
309 | #endif
310 | return -1;
311 | }
312 | /* root slash */
313 | *psz++ = _getdrive() + 'A' - 1;
314 | *psz++ = ':';
315 | }
316 | else if (pszPath[1] == ':' && isalpha(pszPath[0]))
317 | {
318 | /* drive letter */
319 | *psz++ = toupper(pszPath[0]);
320 | *psz++ = ':';
321 | }
322 | else
323 | {
324 | /* relative */
325 | *psz++ = _getdrive() + 'A' - 1;
326 | *psz++ = ':';
327 | }
328 |
329 | /*
330 | * Fat32 doesn't return filenames with the correct case, so restrict it
331 | * to NTFS volumes for now.
332 | */
333 | if (g_afNtfsDrives[*pszFull - 'A'] == -1)
334 | {
335 | char szFSName[32];
336 |
337 | psz[0] = '\\';
338 | psz[1] = '\0';
339 | if ( GetVolumeInformation(pszFull,
340 | NULL, 0, /* volume name */
341 | NULL, /* serial number */
342 | NULL, /* max component */
343 | NULL, /* volume attribs */
344 | szFSName,
345 | sizeof(szFSName))
346 | && !strcmp(szFSName, "NTFS"))
347 | g_afNtfsDrives[*pszFull - 'A'] = 1;
348 | else
349 | g_afNtfsDrives[*pszFull - 'A'] = 0;
350 | }
351 | if (!g_afNtfsDrives[*pszFull - 'A'])
352 | return -1;
353 |
354 | /*
355 | * Try open the path and query its file name information.
356 | */
357 | hFile = CreateFile(pszPath,
360 | NULL,
363 | NULL);
364 | if (hFile)
365 | {
366 | memset(&Ios, 0, sizeof(Ios));
367 | rcNt = g_pfnNtQueryInformationFile(hFile, &Ios, abBuf, sizeof(abBuf), MY_FileNameInformation);
368 | CloseHandle(hFile);
369 | if (rcNt >= 0)
370 | {
371 | cchOut = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
372 | pFileNameInfo->FileName, pFileNameInfo->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR),
373 | psz, (int)(cchFull - (psz - pszFull) - 2), NULL, NULL);
374 | if (cchOut > 0)
375 | {
376 | const char *pszEnd;
377 | #if 0
378 | /* upper case the server and share */
379 | if (fUnc)
380 | {
381 | for (psz++; *psz != '/' && *psz != '\\'; psz++)
382 | *psz = toupper(*psz);
383 | for (psz++; *psz != '/' && *psz != '\\'; psz++)
384 | *psz = toupper(*psz);
385 | }
386 | #endif
387 | /* add trailing slash on directories if input has it. */
388 | pszEnd = strchr(pszPath, '\0');
389 | if ( (pszEnd[-1] == '/' || pszEnd[-1] == '\\')
390 | && psz[cchOut - 1] != '\\'
391 | && psz[cchOut - 1] != '//')
392 | psz[cchOut++] = '\\';
393 |
394 | /* make sure it's terminated */
395 | psz[cchOut] = '\0';
396 | return 0;
397 | }
398 | return -3;
399 | }
400 | }
401 | return -2;
402 | }
403 |
404 | /**
405 | * Somewhat similar to fullpath, except that it will fix
406 | * the case of existing path components.
407 | */
408 | void
409 | nt_fullpath(const char *pszPath, char *pszFull, size_t cchFull)
410 | {
411 | #if 0
412 | static int s_cHits = 0;
413 | static int s_cFallbacks = 0;
414 | #endif
415 |
416 | /*
417 | * The simple case, the file / dir / whatever exists and can be
418 | * queried without problems and spaces.
419 | */
420 | if (nt_get_filename_info(pszPath, pszFull, cchFull) == 0)
421 | {
422 | /** @todo make nt_get_filename_info return spaceless path. */
423 | if (strchr(pszPath, ' '))
424 | w32_fixcase(pszPath);
425 | #if 0
426 | fprintf(stderr, "nt #%d - %s\n", ++s_cHits, pszFull);
427 | #endif
428 | return;
429 | }
430 | if (g_pfnNtQueryInformationFile)
431 | {
432 | /* do _fullpath and drop off path elements until we get a hit... - later */
433 | }
434 |
435 | /*
436 | * For now, simply fall back on the old method.
437 | */
438 | _fullpath(pszFull, pszPath, cchFull);
439 | w32_fixcase(pszFull);
440 | #if 0
441 | fprintf(stderr, "fb #%d - %s\n", ++s_cFallbacks, pszFull);
442 | #endif
443 | }
444 |