1 | -*-text-*-
2 |
3 | Obtaining CVS Code
4 | ------------------
5 |
6 | This seems redundant, since if you're reading this you most likely have
7 | already performed this step; however, for completeness, you can obtain
8 | the GNU make source code via anonymous CVS from the FSF's Savannah
9 | project <http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/make/>:
10 |
11 | $ cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/make co make
12 |
13 | You might want to use the "-z3" option to get compression, and you most
14 | certainly will want the -P option to avoid unneeded directories
15 | cluttering up your source. Personally I add these (as well as -dP for
16 | update) to my ~/.cvsrc file.
17 |
18 |
19 | If you have an older version of CVS, you might have to login first.
20 | There is no password; just hit the ENTER key if you are asked for one.
21 |
22 |
23 | Building From CVS
24 | -----------------
25 |
26 | To build GNU make from CVS, you will need Autoconf, Automake, and
27 | Gettext, and any tools that those utilities require (GNU m4, Perl,
28 | etc.). See the configure.in file to find the minimum versions of each
29 | of these tools. You will also need a copy of wget.
30 |
31 | After checking out the code, you will need to perform these steps to get
32 | to the point where you can run "make".
33 |
34 |
35 | 1) $ autoreconf -i -s
36 |
37 | This rebuilds all the things that need rebuilding, installing
38 | missing files as symbolic links.
39 |
40 | You may get warnings here about missing files like README, etc.
41 | Ignore them, they are harmless.
42 |
43 |
44 | 2) $ ./configure
45 |
46 | Generate a Makefile
47 |
48 |
49 | 3) $ make update
50 |
51 | Use wget to retrieve various other files that GNU make relies on,
52 | but does not keep in its own source tree.
53 |
54 | NB: You may need GNU make to correctly perform this step; if you use
55 | a platform-local make you may get problems with missing files in doc/.
56 |
57 |
58 | At this point you have successfully brought your CVS copy of the GNU
59 | make source directory up to the point where it can be treated
60 | more-or-less like the official package you would get from ftp.gnu.org.
61 | That is, you can just run:
62 |
63 | $ make && make check && make install
64 |
65 | to build and install GNU make.
66 |
67 |
68 | Creating a Package
69 | ------------------
70 |
71 | Once you have performed the above steps (including the configuration and
72 | build) you can create a GNU make package. This is very simple, just
73 | run:
74 |
75 | $ make dist-gzip
76 |
77 | and, if you like:
78 |
79 | $ make dist-bzip2
80 |
81 | Even better, you should run this:
82 |
83 | $ make distcheck
84 |
85 | Which will build both .gz and .bz2 package files, then unpack them into
86 | a temporary location, try to build them, and repack them, verifying that
87 | everything works, you get the same results, _and_ no extraneous files
88 | are left over after the "distclean" rule--whew!! Now, _that_ is why
89 | converting to Automake is worth the trouble! A big "huzzah!" to Tom
90 | T. and the AutoToolers!
91 |
92 |
93 | That's it, you're done!
94 |
95 |
96 | Appendix A - For The Brave
97 | --------------------------
98 |
99 | For those of you who trust me implicitly, or are just brave (or
100 | foolhardy), here is a canned sequence of commands to build a GNU make
101 | distribution package from a virgin CVS source checkout (assuming all the
102 | prerequisites are available of course).
103 |
104 | This list is eminently suitable for a quick swipe o' the mouse and a
105 | swift click o' mouse-2 into an xterm. Go for it!
106 |
107 |
108 | autoreconf -i -s
109 | ./configure
110 | make update
111 | make
112 | make check
113 | make distcheck