1 | #!/usr/bin/perl
2 | # -*-perl-*-
3 | #
4 | # Modification history:
5 | # Written 91-12-02 through 92-01-01 by Stephen McGee.
6 | # Modified 92-02-11 through 92-02-22 by Chris Arthur to further generalize.
7 | #
8 | # Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
9 | # 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software
10 | # Foundation, Inc.
11 | # This file is part of GNU Make.
12 | #
13 | # GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14 | # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15 | # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
16 | # version.
17 | #
18 | # GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
19 | # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
20 | # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
21 | # details.
22 | #
23 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
24 | # this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 |
26 |
27 | # Test driver routines used by a number of test suites, including
28 | # those for SCS, make, roll_dir, and scan_deps (?).
29 | #
30 | # this routine controls the whole mess; each test suite sets up a few
31 | # variables and then calls &toplevel, which does all the real work.
32 |
33 | # $Id: test_driver.pl,v 1.30 2010/07/28 05:39:50 psmith Exp $
34 |
35 |
36 | # The number of test categories we've run
37 | $categories_run = 0;
38 | # The number of test categroies that have passed
39 | $categories_passed = 0;
40 | # The total number of individual tests that have been run
41 | $total_tests_run = 0;
42 | # The total number of individual tests that have passed
43 | $total_tests_passed = 0;
44 | # The number of tests in this category that have been run
45 | $tests_run = 0;
46 | # The number of tests in this category that have passed
47 | $tests_passed = 0;
48 |
49 |
50 | # Yeesh. This whole test environment is such a hack!
51 | $test_passed = 1;
52 |
53 |
54 | # Timeout in seconds. If the test takes longer than this we'll fail it.
55 | $test_timeout = 5;
56 |
57 | # Path to Perl
58 | $perl_name = $^X;
59 |
60 | # %makeENV is the cleaned-out environment.
61 | %makeENV = ();
62 |
63 | # %extraENV are any extra environment variables the tests might want to set.
64 | # These are RESET AFTER EVERY TEST!
65 | %extraENV = ();
66 |
67 | # %origENV is the caller's original environment
68 | %origENV = %ENV;
69 |
70 | sub resetENV
71 | {
72 | # We used to say "%ENV = ();" but this doesn't work in Perl 5.000
73 | # through Perl 5.004. It was fixed in Perl 5.004_01, but we don't
74 | # want to require that here, so just delete each one individually.
75 | foreach $v (keys %ENV) {
76 | delete $ENV{$v};
77 | }
78 |
79 | %ENV = %makeENV;
80 | foreach $v (keys %extraENV) {
81 | $ENV{$v} = $extraENV{$v};
82 | delete $extraENV{$v};
83 | }
84 | }
85 |
86 | sub toplevel
87 | {
88 | # Pull in benign variables from the user's environment
89 |
90 | foreach (# UNIX-specific things
91 | 'TZ', 'TMPDIR', 'HOME', 'USER', 'LOGNAME', 'PATH',
92 | # Purify things
94 | # Windows NT-specific stuff
95 | 'Path', 'SystemRoot',
96 | # DJGPP-specific stuff
98 | 'FNCASE', '387', 'EMU387', 'GROUP'
99 | ) {
100 | $makeENV{$_} = $ENV{$_} if $ENV{$_};
101 | }
102 |
103 | # Make sure our compares are not foiled by locale differences
104 |
105 | $makeENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
106 |
107 | # Replace the environment with the new one
108 | #
109 | %origENV = %ENV;
110 |
111 | resetENV();
112 |
113 | $| = 1; # unbuffered output
114 |
115 | $debug = 0; # debug flag
116 | $profile = 0; # profiling flag
117 | $verbose = 0; # verbose mode flag
118 | $detail = 0; # detailed verbosity
119 | $keep = 0; # keep temp files around
120 | $workdir = "work"; # The directory where the test will start running
121 | $scriptdir = "scripts"; # The directory where we find the test scripts
122 | $tmpfilesuffix = "t"; # the suffix used on tmpfiles
123 | $default_output_stack_level = 0; # used by attach_default_output, etc.
124 | $default_input_stack_level = 0; # used by attach_default_input, etc.
125 | $cwd = "."; # don't we wish we knew
126 | $cwdslash = ""; # $cwd . $pathsep, but "" rather than "./"
127 |
128 | &get_osname; # sets $osname, $vos, $pathsep, and $short_filenames
129 |
130 | &set_defaults; # suite-defined
131 |
132 | &parse_command_line (@ARGV);
133 |
134 | print "OS name = `$osname'\n" if $debug;
135 |
136 | $workpath = "$cwdslash$workdir";
137 | $scriptpath = "$cwdslash$scriptdir";
138 |
139 | &set_more_defaults; # suite-defined
140 |
141 | &print_banner;
142 |
143 | if (-d $workpath)
144 | {
145 | print "Clearing $workpath...\n";
146 | &remove_directory_tree("$workpath/")
147 | || &error ("Couldn't wipe out $workpath\n");
148 | }
149 | else
150 | {
151 | mkdir ($workpath, 0777) || &error ("Couldn't mkdir $workpath: $!\n");
152 | }
153 |
154 | if (!-d $scriptpath)
155 | {
156 | &error ("Failed to find $scriptpath containing perl test scripts.\n");
157 | }
158 |
159 | if (@TESTS)
160 | {
161 | print "Making work dirs...\n";
162 | foreach $test (@TESTS)
163 | {
164 | if ($test =~ /^([^\/]+)\//)
165 | {
166 | $dir = $1;
167 | push (@rmdirs, $dir);
168 | -d "$workpath/$dir"
169 | || mkdir ("$workpath/$dir", 0777)
170 | || &error ("Couldn't mkdir $workpath/$dir: $!\n");
171 | }
172 | }
173 | }
174 | else
175 | {
176 | print "Finding tests...\n";
177 | opendir (SCRIPTDIR, $scriptpath)
178 | || &error ("Couldn't opendir $scriptpath: $!\n");
179 | @dirs = grep (!/^(\..*|CVS|RCS)$/, readdir (SCRIPTDIR) );
180 | closedir (SCRIPTDIR);
181 | foreach $dir (@dirs)
182 | {
183 | next if ($dir =~ /^(\..*|CVS|RCS)$/ || ! -d "$scriptpath/$dir");
184 | push (@rmdirs, $dir);
185 | mkdir ("$workpath/$dir", 0777)
186 | || &error ("Couldn't mkdir $workpath/$dir: $!\n");
187 | opendir (SCRIPTDIR, "$scriptpath/$dir")
188 | || &error ("Couldn't opendir $scriptpath/$dir: $!\n");
189 | @files = grep (!/^(\..*|CVS|RCS|.*~)$/, readdir (SCRIPTDIR) );
190 | closedir (SCRIPTDIR);
191 | foreach $test (@files)
192 | {
193 | -d $test and next;
194 | push (@TESTS, "$dir/$test");
195 | }
196 | }
197 | }
198 |
199 | if (@TESTS == 0)
200 | {
201 | &error ("\nNo tests in $scriptpath, and none were specified.\n");
202 | }
203 |
204 | print "\n";
205 |
206 | &run_each_test;
207 |
208 | foreach $dir (@rmdirs)
209 | {
210 | rmdir ("$workpath/$dir");
211 | }
212 |
213 | $| = 1;
214 |
215 | $categories_failed = $categories_run - $categories_passed;
216 | $total_tests_failed = $total_tests_run - $total_tests_passed;
217 |
218 | if ($total_tests_failed)
219 | {
220 | print "\n$total_tests_failed Test";
221 | print "s" unless $total_tests_failed == 1;
222 | print " in $categories_failed Categor";
223 | print ($categories_failed == 1 ? "y" : "ies");
224 | print " Failed (See .$diffext files in $workdir dir for details) :-(\n\n";
225 | return 0;
226 | }
227 | else
228 | {
229 | print "\n$total_tests_passed Test";
230 | print "s" unless $total_tests_passed == 1;
231 | print " in $categories_passed Categor";
232 | print ($categories_passed == 1 ? "y" : "ies");
233 | print " Complete ... No Failures :-)\n\n";
234 | return 1;
235 | }
236 | }
237 |
238 | sub get_osname
239 | {
240 | # Set up an initial value. In perl5 we can do it the easy way.
241 | $osname = defined($^O) ? $^O : '';
242 |
243 | # Find a path to Perl
244 |
245 | # See if the filesystem supports long file names with multiple
246 | # dots. DOS doesn't.
247 | $short_filenames = 0;
248 | (open (TOUCHFD, "> fancy.file.name") && close (TOUCHFD))
249 | || ($short_filenames = 1);
250 | unlink ("fancy.file.name") || ($short_filenames = 1);
251 |
252 | if (! $short_filenames) {
253 | # Thanks go to [email protected] (Jim Meyering) for suggesting a
254 | # better way of doing this. (We used to test for existence of a /mnt
255 | # dir, but that apparently fails on an SGI Indigo (whatever that is).)
256 | # Because perl on VOS translates /'s to >'s, we need to test for
257 | # VOSness rather than testing for Unixness (ie, try > instead of /).
258 |
259 | mkdir (".ostest", 0777) || &error ("Couldn't create .ostest: $!\n", 1);
260 | open (TOUCHFD, "> .ostest>ick") && close (TOUCHFD);
261 | chdir (".ostest") || &error ("Couldn't chdir to .ostest: $!\n", 1);
262 | }
263 |
264 | if (! $short_filenames && -f "ick")
265 | {
266 | $osname = "vos";
267 | $vos = 1;
268 | $pathsep = ">";
269 | }
270 | else
271 | {
272 | # the following is regrettably knarly, but it seems to be the only way
273 | # to not get ugly error messages if uname can't be found.
274 | # Hmmm, BSD/OS 2.0's uname -a is excessively verbose. Let's try it
275 | # with switches first.
276 | eval "chop (\$osname = `sh -c 'uname -nmsr 2>&1'`)";
277 | if ($osname =~ /not found/i)
278 | {
279 | $osname = "(something posixy with no uname)";
280 | }
281 | elsif ($@ ne "" || $?)
282 | {
283 | eval "chop (\$osname = `sh -c 'uname -a 2>&1'`)";
284 | if ($@ ne "" || $?)
285 | {
286 | $osname = "(something posixy)";
287 | }
288 | }
289 | $vos = 0;
290 | $pathsep = "/";
291 | }
292 |
293 | if (! $short_filenames) {
294 | chdir ("..") || &error ("Couldn't chdir to ..: $!\n", 1);
295 | unlink (".ostest>ick");
296 | rmdir (".ostest") || &error ("Couldn't rmdir .ostest: $!\n", 1);
297 | }
298 | }
299 |
300 | sub parse_command_line
301 | {
302 | @argv = @_;
303 |
304 | # use @ARGV if no args were passed in
305 |
306 | if (@argv == 0)
307 | {
308 | @argv = @ARGV;
309 | }
310 |
311 | # look at each option; if we don't recognize it, maybe the suite-specific
312 | # command line parsing code will...
313 |
314 | while (@argv)
315 | {
316 | $option = shift @argv;
317 | if ($option =~ /^-debug$/i)
318 | {
319 | print "\nDEBUG ON\n";
320 | $debug = 1;
321 | }
322 | elsif ($option =~ /^-usage$/i)
323 | {
324 | &print_usage;
325 | exit 0;
326 | }
327 | elsif ($option =~ /^-(h|help)$/i)
328 | {
329 | &print_help;
330 | exit 0;
331 | }
332 | elsif ($option =~ /^-profile$/i)
333 | {
334 | $profile = 1;
335 | }
336 | elsif ($option =~ /^-verbose$/i)
337 | {
338 | $verbose = 1;
339 | }
340 | elsif ($option =~ /^-detail$/i)
341 | {
342 | $detail = 1;
343 | $verbose = 1;
344 | }
345 | elsif ($option =~ /^-keep$/i)
346 | {
347 | $keep = 1;
348 | }
349 | elsif (&valid_option($option))
350 | {
351 | # The suite-defined subroutine takes care of the option
352 | }
353 | elsif ($option =~ /^-/)
354 | {
355 | print "Invalid option: $option\n";
356 | &print_usage;
357 | exit 0;
358 | }
359 | else # must be the name of a test
360 | {
361 | $option =~ s/\.pl$//;
362 | push(@TESTS,$option);
363 | }
364 | }
365 | }
366 |
367 | sub max
368 | {
369 | local($num) = shift @_;
370 | local($newnum);
371 |
372 | while (@_)
373 | {
374 | $newnum = shift @_;
375 | if ($newnum > $num)
376 | {
377 | $num = $newnum;
378 | }
379 | }
380 |
381 | return $num;
382 | }
383 |
384 | sub print_centered
385 | {
386 | local($width, $string) = @_;
387 | local($pad);
388 |
389 | if (length ($string))
390 | {
391 | $pad = " " x ( ($width - length ($string) + 1) / 2);
392 | print "$pad$string";
393 | }
394 | }
395 |
396 | sub print_banner
397 | {
398 | local($info);
399 | local($line);
400 | local($len);
401 |
402 | $info = "Running tests for $testee on $osname\n"; # $testee is suite-defined
403 | $len = &max (length ($line), length ($testee_version),
404 | length ($banner_info), 73) + 5;
405 | $line = ("-" x $len) . "\n";
406 | if ($len < 78)
407 | {
408 | $len = 78;
409 | }
410 |
411 | &print_centered ($len, $line);
412 | &print_centered ($len, $info);
413 | &print_centered ($len, $testee_version); # suite-defined
414 | &print_centered ($len, $banner_info); # suite-defined
415 | &print_centered ($len, $line);
416 | print "\n";
417 | }
418 |
419 | sub run_each_test
420 | {
421 | $categories_run = 0;
422 |
423 | foreach $testname (sort @TESTS)
424 | {
425 | ++$categories_run;
426 | $suite_passed = 1; # reset by test on failure
427 | $num_of_logfiles = 0;
428 | $num_of_tmpfiles = 0;
429 | $description = "";
430 | $details = "";
431 | $old_makefile = undef;
432 | $testname =~ s/^$scriptpath$pathsep//;
433 | $perl_testname = "$scriptpath$pathsep$testname";
434 | $testname =~ s/(\.pl|\.perl)$//;
435 | $testpath = "$workpath$pathsep$testname";
436 | # Leave enough space in the extensions to append a number, even
437 | # though it needs to fit into 8+3 limits.
438 | if ($short_filenames) {
439 | $logext = 'l';
440 | $diffext = 'd';
441 | $baseext = 'b';
442 | $runext = 'r';
443 | $extext = '';
444 | } else {
445 | $logext = 'log';
446 | $diffext = 'diff';
447 | $baseext = 'base';
448 | $runext = 'run';
449 | $extext = '.';
450 | }
451 | $log_filename = "$testpath.$logext";
452 | $diff_filename = "$testpath.$diffext";
453 | $base_filename = "$testpath.$baseext";
454 | $run_filename = "$testpath.$runext";
455 | $tmp_filename = "$testpath.$tmpfilesuffix";
456 |
457 | &setup_for_test; # suite-defined
458 |
459 | $output = "........................................................ ";
460 |
461 | substr($output,0,length($testname)) = "$testname ";
462 |
463 | print $output;
464 |
465 | # Run the actual test!
466 | $tests_run = 0;
467 | $tests_passed = 0;
468 |
469 | $code = do $perl_testname;
470 |
471 | $total_tests_run += $tests_run;
472 | $total_tests_passed += $tests_passed;
473 |
474 | # How did it go?
475 | if (!defined($code))
476 | {
477 | $suite_passed = 0;
478 | if (length ($@)) {
479 | warn "\n*** Test died ($testname): $@\n";
480 | } else {
481 | warn "\n*** Couldn't run $perl_testname\n";
482 | }
483 | }
484 | elsif ($code == -1) {
485 | $suite_passed = 0;
486 | }
487 | elsif ($code != 1 && $code != -1) {
488 | $suite_passed = 0;
489 | warn "\n*** Test returned $code\n";
490 | }
491 |
492 | if ($suite_passed) {
493 | ++$categories_passed;
494 | $status = "ok ($tests_passed passed)";
495 | for ($i = $num_of_tmpfiles; $i; $i--)
496 | {
497 | &rmfiles ($tmp_filename . &num_suffix ($i) );
498 | }
499 |
500 | for ($i = $num_of_logfiles ? $num_of_logfiles : 1; $i; $i--)
501 | {
502 | &rmfiles ($log_filename . &num_suffix ($i) );
503 | &rmfiles ($base_filename . &num_suffix ($i) );
504 | }
505 | }
506 | elsif (!defined $code || $code > 0) {
507 | $status = "FAILED ($tests_passed/$tests_run passed)";
508 | }
509 | elsif ($code < 0) {
510 | $status = "N/A";
511 | --$categories_run;
512 | }
513 |
514 | # If the verbose option has been specified, then a short description
515 | # of each test is printed before displaying the results of each test
516 | # describing WHAT is being tested.
517 |
518 | if ($verbose)
519 | {
520 | if ($detail)
521 | {
522 | print "\nWHAT IS BEING TESTED\n";
523 | print "--------------------";
524 | }
525 | print "\n\n$description\n\n";
526 | }
527 |
528 | # If the detail option has been specified, then the details of HOW
529 | # the test is testing what it says it is testing in the verbose output
530 | # will be displayed here before the results of the test are displayed.
531 |
532 | if ($detail)
533 | {
534 | print "\nHOW IT IS TESTED\n";
535 | print "----------------";
536 | print "\n\n$details\n\n";
537 | }
538 |
539 | print "$status\n";
540 | }
541 | }
542 |
543 | # If the keep flag is not set, this subroutine deletes all filenames that
544 | # are sent to it.
545 |
546 | sub rmfiles
547 | {
548 | local(@files) = @_;
549 |
550 | if (!$keep)
551 | {
552 | return (unlink @files);
553 | }
554 |
555 | return 1;
556 | }
557 |
558 | sub print_standard_usage
559 | {
560 | local($plname,@moreusage) = @_;
561 | local($line);
562 |
563 | print "usage:\t$plname [testname] [-verbose] [-detail] [-keep]\n";
564 | print "\t\t\t[-profile] [-usage] [-help] [-debug]\n";
565 | foreach (@moreusage) {
566 | print "\t\t\t$_\n";
567 | }
568 | }
569 |
570 | sub print_standard_help
571 | {
572 | local(@morehelp) = @_;
573 | local($line);
574 | local($tline);
575 | local($t) = " ";
576 |
577 | $line = "Test Driver For $testee";
578 | print "$line\n";
579 | $line = "=" x length ($line);
580 | print "$line\n";
581 |
582 | &print_usage;
583 |
584 | print "\ntestname\n"
585 | . "${t}You may, if you wish, run only ONE test if you know the name\n"
586 | . "${t}of that test and specify this name anywhere on the command\n"
587 | . "${t}line. Otherwise ALL existing tests in the scripts directory\n"
588 | . "${t}will be run.\n"
589 | . "-verbose\n"
590 | . "${t}If this option is given, a description of every test is\n"
591 | . "${t}displayed before the test is run. (Not all tests may have\n"
592 | . "${t}descriptions at this time)\n"
593 | . "-detail\n"
594 | . "${t}If this option is given, a detailed description of every\n"
595 | . "${t}test is displayed before the test is run. (Not all tests\n"
596 | . "${t}have descriptions at this time)\n"
597 | . "-profile\n"
598 | . "${t}If this option is given, then the profile file\n"
599 | . "${t}is added to other profiles every time $testee is run.\n"
600 | . "${t}This option only works on VOS at this time.\n"
601 | . "-keep\n"
602 | . "${t}You may give this option if you DO NOT want ANY\n"
603 | . "${t}of the files generated by the tests to be deleted. \n"
604 | . "${t}Without this option, all files generated by the test will\n"
605 | . "${t}be deleted IF THE TEST PASSES.\n"
606 | . "-debug\n"
607 | . "${t}Use this option if you would like to see all of the system\n"
608 | . "${t}calls issued and their return status while running the tests\n"
609 | . "${t}This can be helpful if you're having a problem adding a test\n"
610 | . "${t}to the suite, or if the test fails!\n";
611 |
612 | foreach $line (@morehelp)
613 | {
614 | $tline = $line;
615 | if (substr ($tline, 0, 1) eq "\t")
616 | {
617 | substr ($tline, 0, 1) = $t;
618 | }
619 | print "$tline\n";
620 | }
621 | }
622 |
623 | #######################################################################
624 | ########### Generic Test Driver Subroutines ###########
625 | #######################################################################
626 |
627 | sub get_caller
628 | {
629 | local($depth);
630 | local($package);
631 | local($filename);
632 | local($linenum);
633 |
634 | $depth = defined ($_[0]) ? $_[0] : 1;
635 | ($package, $filename, $linenum) = caller ($depth + 1);
636 | return "$filename: $linenum";
637 | }
638 |
639 | sub error
640 | {
641 | local($message) = $_[0];
642 | local($caller) = &get_caller (1);
643 |
644 | if (defined ($_[1]))
645 | {
646 | $caller = &get_caller ($_[1] + 1) . " -> $caller";
647 | }
648 |
649 | die "$caller: $message";
650 | }
651 |
652 | sub compare_output
653 | {
654 | local($answer,$logfile) = @_;
655 | local($slurp, $answer_matched) = ('', 0);
656 |
657 | print "Comparing Output ........ " if $debug;
658 |
659 | $slurp = &read_file_into_string ($logfile);
660 |
661 | # For make, get rid of any time skew error before comparing--too bad this
662 | # has to go into the "generic" driver code :-/
663 | $slurp =~ s/^.*modification time .*in the future.*\n//gm;
664 | $slurp =~ s/^.*Clock skew detected.*\n//gm;
665 |
666 | ++$tests_run;
667 |
668 | if ($slurp eq $answer) {
669 | $answer_matched = 1;
670 | } else {
671 | # See if it is a slash or CRLF problem
672 | local ($answer_mod, $slurp_mod) = ($answer, $slurp);
673 |
674 | $answer_mod =~ tr,\\,/,;
675 | $answer_mod =~ s,\r\n,\n,gs;
676 |
677 | $slurp_mod =~ tr,\\,/,;
678 | $slurp_mod =~ s,\r\n,\n,gs;
679 |
680 | $answer_matched = ($slurp_mod eq $answer_mod);
681 |
682 | # If it still doesn't match, see if the answer might be a regex.
683 | if (!$answer_matched && $answer =~ m,^/(.+)/$,) {
684 | $answer_matched = ($slurp =~ /$1/);
685 | if (!$answer_matched && $answer_mod =~ m,^/(.+)/$,) {
686 | $answer_matched = ($slurp_mod =~ /$1/);
687 | }
688 | }
689 | }
690 |
691 | if ($answer_matched && $test_passed)
692 | {
693 | print "ok\n" if $debug;
694 | ++$tests_passed;
695 | return 1;
696 | }
697 |
698 | if (! $answer_matched) {
699 | print "DIFFERENT OUTPUT\n" if $debug;
700 |
701 | &create_file (&get_basefile, $answer);
702 | &create_file (&get_runfile, $command_string);
703 |
704 | print "\nCreating Difference File ...\n" if $debug;
705 |
706 | # Create the difference file
707 |
708 | local($command) = "diff -c " . &get_basefile . " " . $logfile;
709 | &run_command_with_output(&get_difffile,$command);
710 | } else {
711 | &rmfiles ();
712 | }
713 |
714 | $suite_passed = 0;
715 | return 0;
716 | }
717 |
718 | sub read_file_into_string
719 | {
720 | local($filename) = @_;
721 | local($oldslash) = $/;
722 |
723 | undef $/;
724 |
725 | open (RFISFILE, $filename) || return "";
726 | local ($slurp) = <RFISFILE>;
727 | close (RFISFILE);
728 |
729 | $/ = $oldslash;
730 |
731 | return $slurp;
732 | }
733 |
734 | sub attach_default_output
735 | {
736 | local ($filename) = @_;
737 | local ($code);
738 |
739 | if ($vos)
740 | {
741 | $code = system "++attach_default_output_hack $filename";
742 | $code == -2 || &error ("adoh death\n", 1);
743 | return 1;
744 | }
745 |
746 | open ("SAVEDOS" . $default_output_stack_level . "out", ">&STDOUT")
747 | || &error ("ado: $! duping STDOUT\n", 1);
748 | open ("SAVEDOS" . $default_output_stack_level . "err", ">&STDERR")
749 | || &error ("ado: $! duping STDERR\n", 1);
750 |
751 | open (STDOUT, "> " . $filename)
752 | || &error ("ado: $filename: $!\n", 1);
753 | open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT")
754 | || &error ("ado: $filename: $!\n", 1);
755 |
756 | $default_output_stack_level++;
757 | }
758 |
759 | # close the current stdout/stderr, and restore the previous ones from
760 | # the "stack."
761 |
762 | sub detach_default_output
763 | {
764 | local ($code);
765 |
766 | if ($vos)
767 | {
768 | $code = system "++detach_default_output_hack";
769 | $code == -2 || &error ("ddoh death\n", 1);
770 | return 1;
771 | }
772 |
773 | if (--$default_output_stack_level < 0)
774 | {
775 | &error ("default output stack has flown under!\n", 1);
776 | }
777 |
778 | close (STDOUT);
779 | close (STDERR);
780 |
781 | open (STDOUT, ">&SAVEDOS" . $default_output_stack_level . "out")
782 | || &error ("ddo: $! duping STDOUT\n", 1);
783 | open (STDERR, ">&SAVEDOS" . $default_output_stack_level . "err")
784 | || &error ("ddo: $! duping STDERR\n", 1);
785 |
786 | close ("SAVEDOS" . $default_output_stack_level . "out")
787 | || &error ("ddo: $! closing SCSDOSout\n", 1);
788 | close ("SAVEDOS" . $default_output_stack_level . "err")
789 | || &error ("ddo: $! closing SAVEDOSerr\n", 1);
790 | }
791 |
792 | # This runs a command without any debugging info.
793 | sub _run_command
794 | {
795 | my $code;
796 |
797 | # We reset this before every invocation. On Windows I think there is only
798 | # one environment, not one per process, so I think that variables set in
799 | # test scripts might leak into subsequent tests if this isn't reset--???
800 | resetENV();
801 |
802 | eval {
803 | local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n"; };
804 | alarm $test_timeout;
805 | $code = system(@_);
806 | alarm 0;
807 | };
808 | if ($@) {
809 | # The eval failed. If it wasn't SIGALRM then die.
810 | $@ eq "timeout\n" or die;
811 |
812 | # Timed out. Resend the alarm to our process group to kill the children.
813 | $SIG{ALRM} = 'IGNORE';
814 | kill -14, $$;
815 | $code = 14;
816 | }
817 |
818 | return $code;
819 | }
820 |
821 | # run one command (passed as a list of arg 0 - n), returning 0 on success
822 | # and nonzero on failure.
823 |
824 | sub run_command
825 | {
826 | print "\nrun_command: @_\n" if $debug;
827 | my $code = _run_command(@_);
828 | print "run_command returned $code.\n" if $debug;
829 |
830 | return $code;
831 | }
832 |
833 | # run one command (passed as a list of arg 0 - n, with arg 0 being the
834 | # second arg to this routine), returning 0 on success and non-zero on failure.
835 | # The first arg to this routine is a filename to connect to the stdout
836 | # & stderr of the child process.
837 |
838 | sub run_command_with_output
839 | {
840 | my $filename = shift;
841 |
842 | print "\nrun_command_with_output($filename,$runname): @_\n" if $debug;
843 | &attach_default_output ($filename);
844 | my $code = _run_command(@_);
845 | &detach_default_output;
846 | print "run_command_with_output returned $code.\n" if $debug;
847 |
848 | return $code;
849 | }
850 |
851 | # performs the equivalent of an "rm -rf" on the first argument. Like
852 | # rm, if the path ends in /, leaves the (now empty) directory; otherwise
853 | # deletes it, too.
854 |
855 | sub remove_directory_tree
856 | {
857 | local ($targetdir) = @_;
858 | local ($nuketop) = 1;
859 | local ($ch);
860 |
861 | $ch = substr ($targetdir, length ($targetdir) - 1);
862 | if ($ch eq "/" || $ch eq $pathsep)
863 | {
864 | $targetdir = substr ($targetdir, 0, length ($targetdir) - 1);
865 | $nuketop = 0;
866 | }
867 |
868 | if (! -e $targetdir)
869 | {
870 | return 1;
871 | }
872 |
873 | &remove_directory_tree_inner ("RDT00", $targetdir) || return 0;
874 | if ($nuketop)
875 | {
876 | rmdir $targetdir || return 0;
877 | }
878 |
879 | return 1;
880 | }
881 |
882 | sub remove_directory_tree_inner
883 | {
884 | local ($dirhandle, $targetdir) = @_;
885 | local ($object);
886 | local ($subdirhandle);
887 |
888 | opendir ($dirhandle, $targetdir) || return 0;
889 | $subdirhandle = $dirhandle;
890 | $subdirhandle++;
891 | while ($object = readdir ($dirhandle))
892 | {
893 | if ($object =~ /^(\.\.?|CVS|RCS)$/)
894 | {
895 | next;
896 | }
897 |
898 | $object = "$targetdir$pathsep$object";
899 | lstat ($object);
900 |
901 | if (-d _ && &remove_directory_tree_inner ($subdirhandle, $object))
902 | {
903 | rmdir $object || return 0;
904 | }
905 | else
906 | {
907 | unlink $object || return 0;
908 | }
909 | }
910 | closedir ($dirhandle);
911 | return 1;
912 | }
913 |
914 | # We used to use this behavior for this function:
915 | #
916 | #sub touch
917 | #{
918 | # local (@filenames) = @_;
919 | # local ($now) = time;
920 | # local ($file);
921 | #
922 | # foreach $file (@filenames)
923 | # {
924 | # utime ($now, $now, $file)
925 | # || (open (TOUCHFD, ">> $file") && close (TOUCHFD))
926 | # || &error ("Couldn't touch $file: $!\n", 1);
927 | # }
928 | # return 1;
929 | #}
930 | #
931 | # But this behaves badly on networked filesystems where the time is
932 | # skewed, because it sets the time of the file based on the _local_
933 | # host. Normally when you modify a file, it's the _remote_ host that
934 | # determines the modtime, based on _its_ clock. So, instead, now we open
935 | # the file and write something into it to force the remote host to set
936 | # the modtime correctly according to its clock.
937 | #
938 |
939 | sub touch
940 | {
941 | local ($file);
942 |
943 | foreach $file (@_) {
944 | (open(T, ">> $file") && print(T "\n") && close(T))
945 | || &error("Couldn't touch $file: $!\n", 1);
946 | }
947 | }
948 |
949 | # Touch with a time offset. To DTRT, call touch() then use stat() to get the
950 | # access/mod time for each file and apply the offset.
951 |
952 | sub utouch
953 | {
954 | local ($off) = shift;
955 | local ($file);
956 |
957 | &touch(@_);
958 |
959 | local (@s) = stat($_[0]);
960 |
961 | utime($s[8]+$off, $s[9]+$off, @_);
962 | }
963 |
964 | # open a file, write some stuff to it, and close it.
965 |
966 | sub create_file
967 | {
968 | local ($filename, @lines) = @_;
969 |
970 | open (CF, "> $filename") || &error ("Couldn't open $filename: $!\n", 1);
971 | foreach $line (@lines)
972 | {
973 | print CF $line;
974 | }
975 | close (CF);
976 | }
977 |
978 | # create a directory tree described by an associative array, wherein each
979 | # key is a relative pathname (using slashes) and its associated value is
980 | # one of:
981 | # DIR indicates a directory
982 | # FILE:contents indicates a file, which should contain contents +\n
983 | # LINK:target indicates a symlink, pointing to $basedir/target
984 | # The first argument is the dir under which the structure will be created
985 | # (the dir will be made and/or cleaned if necessary); the second argument
986 | # is the associative array.
987 |
988 | sub create_dir_tree
989 | {
990 | local ($basedir, %dirtree) = @_;
991 | local ($path);
992 |
993 | &remove_directory_tree ("$basedir");
994 | mkdir ($basedir, 0777) || &error ("Couldn't mkdir $basedir: $!\n", 1);
995 |
996 | foreach $path (sort keys (%dirtree))
997 | {
998 | if ($dirtree {$path} =~ /^DIR$/)
999 | {
1000 | mkdir ("$basedir/$path", 0777)
1001 | || &error ("Couldn't mkdir $basedir/$path: $!\n", 1);
1002 | }
1003 | elsif ($dirtree {$path} =~ /^FILE:(.*)$/)
1004 | {
1005 | &create_file ("$basedir/$path", $1 . "\n");
1006 | }
1007 | elsif ($dirtree {$path} =~ /^LINK:(.*)$/)
1008 | {
1009 | symlink ("$basedir/$1", "$basedir/$path")
1010 | || &error ("Couldn't symlink $basedir/$path -> $basedir/$1: $!\n", 1);
1011 | }
1012 | else
1013 | {
1014 | &error ("Bogus dirtree type: \"$dirtree{$path}\"\n", 1);
1015 | }
1016 | }
1017 | if ($just_setup_tree)
1018 | {
1019 | die "Tree is setup...\n";
1020 | }
1021 | }
1022 |
1023 | # compare a directory tree with an associative array in the format used
1024 | # by create_dir_tree, above.
1025 | # The first argument is the dir under which the structure should be found;
1026 | # the second argument is the associative array.
1027 |
1028 | sub compare_dir_tree
1029 | {
1030 | local ($basedir, %dirtree) = @_;
1031 | local ($path);
1032 | local ($i);
1033 | local ($bogus) = 0;
1034 | local ($contents);
1035 | local ($target);
1036 | local ($fulltarget);
1037 | local ($found);
1038 | local (@files);
1039 | local (@allfiles);
1040 |
1041 | opendir (DIR, $basedir) || &error ("Couldn't open $basedir: $!\n", 1);
1042 | @allfiles = grep (!/^(\.\.?|CVS|RCS)$/, readdir (DIR) );
1043 | closedir (DIR);
1044 | if ($debug)
1045 | {
1046 | print "dirtree: (%dirtree)\n$basedir: (@allfiles)\n";
1047 | }
1048 |
1049 | foreach $path (sort keys (%dirtree))
1050 | {
1051 | if ($debug)
1052 | {
1053 | print "Checking $path ($dirtree{$path}).\n";
1054 | }
1055 |
1056 | $found = 0;
1057 | foreach $i (0 .. $#allfiles)
1058 | {
1059 | if ($allfiles[$i] eq $path)
1060 | {
1061 | splice (@allfiles, $i, 1); # delete it
1062 | if ($debug)
1063 | {
1064 | print " Zapped $path; files now (@allfiles).\n";
1065 | }
1066 | lstat ("$basedir/$path");
1067 | $found = 1;
1068 | last;
1069 | }
1070 | }
1071 |
1072 | if (!$found)
1073 | {
1074 | print "compare_dir_tree: $path does not exist.\n";
1075 | $bogus = 1;
1076 | next;
1077 | }
1078 |
1079 | if ($dirtree {$path} =~ /^DIR$/)
1080 | {
1081 | if (-d _ && opendir (DIR, "$basedir/$path") )
1082 | {
1083 | @files = readdir (DIR);
1084 | closedir (DIR);
1085 | @files = grep (!/^(\.\.?|CVS|RCS)$/ && ($_ = "$path/$_"), @files);
1086 | push (@allfiles, @files);
1087 | if ($debug)
1088 | {
1089 | print " Read in $path; new files (@files).\n";
1090 | }
1091 | }
1092 | else
1093 | {
1094 | print "compare_dir_tree: $path is not a dir.\n";
1095 | $bogus = 1;
1096 | }
1097 | }
1098 | elsif ($dirtree {$path} =~ /^FILE:(.*)$/)
1099 | {
1100 | if (-l _ || !-f _)
1101 | {
1102 | print "compare_dir_tree: $path is not a file.\n";
1103 | $bogus = 1;
1104 | next;
1105 | }
1106 |
1107 | if ($1 ne "*")
1108 | {
1109 | $contents = &read_file_into_string ("$basedir/$path");
1110 | if ($contents ne "$1\n")
1111 | {
1112 | print "compare_dir_tree: $path contains wrong stuff."
1113 | . " Is:\n$contentsShould be:\n$1\n";
1114 | $bogus = 1;
1115 | }
1116 | }
1117 | }
1118 | elsif ($dirtree {$path} =~ /^LINK:(.*)$/)
1119 | {
1120 | $target = $1;
1121 | if (!-l _)
1122 | {
1123 | print "compare_dir_tree: $path is not a link.\n";
1124 | $bogus = 1;
1125 | next;
1126 | }
1127 |
1128 | $contents = readlink ("$basedir/$path");
1129 | $contents =~ tr/>/\//;
1130 | $fulltarget = "$basedir/$target";
1131 | $fulltarget =~ tr/>/\//;
1132 | if (!($contents =~ /$fulltarget$/))
1133 | {
1134 | if ($debug)
1135 | {
1136 | $target = $fulltarget;
1137 | }
1138 | print "compare_dir_tree: $path should be link to $target, "
1139 | . "not $contents.\n";
1140 | $bogus = 1;
1141 | }
1142 | }
1143 | else
1144 | {
1145 | &error ("Bogus dirtree type: \"$dirtree{$path}\"\n", 1);
1146 | }
1147 | }
1148 |
1149 | if ($debug)
1150 | {
1151 | print "leftovers: (@allfiles).\n";
1152 | }
1153 |
1154 | foreach $file (@allfiles)
1155 | {
1156 | print "compare_dir_tree: $file should not exist.\n";
1157 | $bogus = 1;
1158 | }
1159 |
1160 | return !$bogus;
1161 | }
1162 |
1163 | # this subroutine generates the numeric suffix used to keep tmp filenames,
1164 | # log filenames, etc., unique. If the number passed in is 1, then a null
1165 | # string is returned; otherwise, we return ".n", where n + 1 is the number
1166 | # we were given.
1167 |
1168 | sub num_suffix
1169 | {
1170 | local($num) = @_;
1171 |
1172 | if (--$num > 0) {
1173 | return "$extext$num";
1174 | }
1175 |
1176 | return "";
1177 | }
1178 |
1179 | # This subroutine returns a log filename with a number appended to
1180 | # the end corresponding to how many logfiles have been created in the
1181 | # current running test. An optional parameter may be passed (0 or 1).
1182 | # If a 1 is passed, then it does NOT increment the logfile counter
1183 | # and returns the name of the latest logfile. If either no parameter
1184 | # is passed at all or a 0 is passed, then the logfile counter is
1185 | # incremented and the new name is returned.
1186 |
1187 | sub get_logfile
1188 | {
1189 | local($no_increment) = @_;
1190 |
1191 | $num_of_logfiles += !$no_increment;
1192 |
1193 | return ($log_filename . &num_suffix ($num_of_logfiles));
1194 | }
1195 |
1196 | # This subroutine returns a base (answer) filename with a number
1197 | # appended to the end corresponding to how many logfiles (and thus
1198 | # base files) have been created in the current running test.
1200 |
1201 | sub get_basefile
1202 | {
1203 | return ($base_filename . &num_suffix ($num_of_logfiles));
1204 | }
1205 |
1206 | # This subroutine returns a difference filename with a number appended
1207 | # to the end corresponding to how many logfiles (and thus diff files)
1208 | # have been created in the current running test.
1209 |
1210 | sub get_difffile
1211 | {
1212 | return ($diff_filename . &num_suffix ($num_of_logfiles));
1213 | }
1214 |
1215 | # This subroutine returns a command filename with a number appended
1216 | # to the end corresponding to how many logfiles (and thus command files)
1217 | # have been created in the current running test.
1218 |
1219 | sub get_runfile
1220 | {
1221 | return ($run_filename . &num_suffix ($num_of_logfiles));
1222 | }
1223 |
1224 | # just like logfile, only a generic tmp filename for use by the test.
1225 | # they are automatically cleaned up unless -keep was used, or the test fails.
1226 | # Pass an argument of 1 to return the same filename as the previous call.
1227 |
1228 | sub get_tmpfile
1229 | {
1230 | local($no_increment) = @_;
1231 |
1232 | $num_of_tmpfiles += !$no_increment;
1233 |
1234 | return ($tmp_filename . &num_suffix ($num_of_tmpfiles));
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | 1;