1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #! -*-perl-*-
3 |
4 | # Convert git log output to ChangeLog format.
5 |
6 | # Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
7 | #
8 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 | # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 | # (at your option) any later version.
12 | #
13 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 | #
18 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 | # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 | #
21 | # Written by Jim Meyering
22 |
23 | # This is a prologue that allows to run a perl script as an executable
24 | # on systems that are compliant to a POSIX version before POSIX:2017.
25 | # On such systems, the usual invocation of an executable through execlp()
26 | # or execvp() fails with ENOEXEC if it is a script that does not start
27 | # with a #! line. The script interpreter mentioned in the #! line has
28 | # to be /bin/sh, because on GuixSD systems that is the only program that
29 | # has a fixed file name. The second line is essential for perl and is
30 | # also useful for editing this file in Emacs. The next two lines below
31 | # are valid code in both sh and perl. When executed by sh, they re-execute
32 | # the script through the perl program found in $PATH. The '-x' option
33 | # is essential as well; without it, perl would re-execute the script
34 | # through /bin/sh. When executed by perl, the next two lines are a no-op.
35 | eval 'exec perl -wSx "$0" "$@"'
36 | if 0;
37 |
38 | my $VERSION = '2022-01-27 18:49'; # UTC
39 | # The definition above must lie within the first 8 lines in order
40 | # for the Emacs time-stamp write hook (at end) to update it.
41 | # If you change this file with Emacs, please let the write hook
42 | # do its job. Otherwise, update this string manually.
43 |
44 | use strict;
45 | use warnings;
46 | use Getopt::Long;
47 | use POSIX qw(strftime);
48 |
49 | (my $ME = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
50 |
51 | # use File::Coda; # https://meyering.net/code/Coda/
52 | END {
53 | defined fileno STDOUT or return;
54 | close STDOUT and return;
55 | warn "$ME: failed to close standard output: $!\n";
56 | $? ||= 1;
57 | }
58 |
59 | sub usage ($)
60 | {
61 | my ($exit_code) = @_;
62 | my $STREAM = ($exit_code == 0 ? *STDOUT : *STDERR);
63 | if ($exit_code != 0)
64 | {
65 | print $STREAM "Try '$ME --help' for more information.\n";
66 | }
67 | else
68 | {
69 | print $STREAM <<EOF;
70 | Usage: $ME [OPTIONS] [ARGS]
71 |
72 | Convert git log output to ChangeLog format. If present, any ARGS
73 | are passed to "git log". To avoid ARGS being parsed as options to
74 | $ME, they may be preceded by '--'.
75 |
77 |
78 | --amend=FILE FILE maps from an SHA1 to perl code (i.e., s/old/new/) that
79 | makes a change to SHA1's commit log text or metadata.
80 | --append-dot append a dot to the first line of each commit message if
81 | there is no other punctuation or blank at the end.
82 | --no-cluster never cluster commit messages under the same date/author
83 | header; the default is to cluster adjacent commit messages
84 | if their headers are the same and neither commit message
85 | contains multiple paragraphs.
86 | --srcdir=DIR the root of the source tree, from which the .git/
87 | directory can be derived.
88 | --since=DATE convert only the logs since DATE;
89 | the default is to convert all log entries.
90 | --until=DATE convert only the logs older than DATE.
91 | --ignore-matching=PAT ignore commit messages whose first lines match PAT.
92 | --ignore-line=PAT ignore lines of commit messages that match PAT.
93 | --format=FMT set format string for commit subject and body;
94 | see 'man git-log' for the list of format metacharacters;
95 | the default is '%s%n%b%n'
96 | --strip-tab remove one additional leading TAB from commit message lines.
97 | --strip-cherry-pick remove data inserted by "git cherry-pick";
98 | this includes the "cherry picked from commit ..." line,
99 | and the possible final "Conflicts:" paragraph.
100 | --help display this help and exit
101 | --version output version information and exit
102 |
103 | EXAMPLE:
104 |
105 | $ME --since=2008-01-01 > ChangeLog
106 | $ME -- -n 5 foo > last-5-commits-to-branch-foo
107 |
109 |
110 | The following types of strings are interpreted specially when they appear
111 | at the beginning of a log message line. They are not copied to the output.
112 |
113 | Copyright-paperwork-exempt: Yes
114 | Append the "(tiny change)" notation to the usual "date name email"
115 | ChangeLog header to mark a change that does not require a copyright
116 | assignment.
117 | Co-authored-by: Joe User <user\@example.com>
118 | List the specified name and email address on a second
119 | ChangeLog header, denoting a co-author.
120 | Signed-off-by: Joe User <user\@example.com>
121 | These lines are simply elided.
122 |
123 | In a FILE specified via --amend, comment lines (starting with "#") are ignored.
124 | FILE must consist of <SHA,CODE+> pairs where SHA is a 40-byte SHA1 (alone on
125 | a line) referring to a commit in the current project, and CODE refers to one
126 | or more consecutive lines of Perl code. Pairs must be separated by one or
127 | more blank line.
128 |
129 | Here is sample input for use with --amend=FILE, from coreutils:
130 |
131 | 3a169f4c5d9159283548178668d2fae6fced3030
132 | # fix typo in title:
133 | s/all tile types/all file types/
134 |
135 | 1379ed974f1fa39b12e2ffab18b3f7a607082202
136 | # Due to a bug in vc-dwim, I mis-attributed a patch by Paul to myself.
137 | # Change the author to be Paul. Note the escaped "@":
138 | s,Jim .*>,Paul Eggert <eggert\\\@cs.ucla.edu>,
139 |
140 | EOF
141 | }
142 | exit $exit_code;
143 | }
144 |
145 | # If the string $S is a well-behaved file name, simply return it.
146 | # If it contains white space, quotes, etc., quote it, and return the new string.
147 | sub shell_quote($)
148 | {
149 | my ($s) = @_;
150 | if ($s =~ m![^\w+/.,-]!)
151 | {
152 | # Convert each single quote to '\''
153 | $s =~ s/\'/\'\\\'\'/g;
154 | # Then single quote the string.
155 | $s = "'$s'";
156 | }
157 | return $s;
158 | }
159 |
160 | sub quoted_cmd(@)
161 | {
162 | return join (' ', map {shell_quote $_} @_);
163 | }
164 |
165 | # Parse file F.
166 | # Comment lines (starting with "#") are ignored.
167 | # F must consist of <SHA,CODE+> pairs where SHA is a 40-byte SHA1
168 | # (alone on a line) referring to a commit in the current project, and
169 | # CODE refers to one or more consecutive lines of Perl code.
170 | # Pairs must be separated by one or more blank line.
171 | sub parse_amend_file($)
172 | {
173 | my ($f) = @_;
174 |
175 | open F, '<', $f
176 | or die "$ME: $f: failed to open for reading: $!\n";
177 |
178 | my $fail;
179 | my $h = {};
180 | my $in_code = 0;
181 | my $sha;
182 | while (defined (my $line = <F>))
183 | {
184 | $line =~ /^\#/
185 | and next;
186 | chomp $line;
187 | $line eq ''
188 | and $in_code = 0, next;
189 |
190 | if (!$in_code)
191 | {
192 | $line =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]{40})$/
193 | or (warn "$ME: $f:$.: invalid line; expected an SHA1\n"),
194 | $fail = 1, next;
195 | $sha = lc $1;
196 | $in_code = 1;
197 | exists $h->{$sha}
198 | and (warn "$ME: $f:$.: duplicate SHA1\n"),
199 | $fail = 1, next;
200 | }
201 | else
202 | {
203 | $h->{$sha} ||= '';
204 | $h->{$sha} .= "$line\n";
205 | }
206 | }
207 | close F;
208 |
209 | $fail
210 | and exit 1;
211 |
212 | return $h;
213 | }
214 |
215 | # git_dir_option $SRCDIR
216 | #
217 | # From $SRCDIR, the --git-dir option to pass to git (none if $SRCDIR
218 | # is undef). Return as a list (0 or 1 element).
219 | sub git_dir_option($)
220 | {
221 | my ($srcdir) = @_;
222 | my @res = ();
223 | if (defined $srcdir)
224 | {
225 | my $qdir = shell_quote $srcdir;
226 | my $cmd = "cd $qdir && git rev-parse --show-toplevel";
227 | my $qcmd = shell_quote $cmd;
228 | my $git_dir = qx($cmd);
229 | defined $git_dir
230 | or die "$ME: cannot run $qcmd: $!\n";
231 | $? == 0
232 | or die "$ME: $qcmd had unexpected exit code or signal ($?)\n";
233 | chomp $git_dir;
234 | push @res, "--git-dir=$git_dir/.git";
235 | }
236 | @res;
237 | }
238 |
239 | {
240 | my $since_date;
241 | my $until_date;
242 | my $format_string = '%s%n%b%n';
243 | my $amend_file;
244 | my $append_dot = 0;
245 | my $cluster = 1;
246 | my $ignore_matching;
247 | my $ignore_line;
248 | my $strip_tab = 0;
249 | my $strip_cherry_pick = 0;
250 | my $srcdir;
251 | GetOptions
252 | (
253 | help => sub { usage 0 },
254 | version => sub { print "$ME version $VERSION\n"; exit },
255 | 'since=s' => \$since_date,
256 | 'until=s' => \$until_date,
257 | 'format=s' => \$format_string,
258 | 'amend=s' => \$amend_file,
259 | 'append-dot' => \$append_dot,
260 | 'cluster!' => \$cluster,
261 | 'ignore-matching=s' => \$ignore_matching,
262 | 'ignore-line=s' => \$ignore_line,
263 | 'strip-tab' => \$strip_tab,
264 | 'strip-cherry-pick' => \$strip_cherry_pick,
265 | 'srcdir=s' => \$srcdir,
266 | ) or usage 1;
267 |
268 | defined $since_date
269 | and unshift @ARGV, "--since=$since_date";
270 | defined $until_date
271 | and unshift @ARGV, "--until=$until_date";
272 |
273 | # This is a hash that maps an SHA1 to perl code (i.e., s/old/new/)
274 | # that makes a correction in the log or attribution of that commit.
275 | my $amend_code = defined $amend_file ? parse_amend_file $amend_file : {};
276 |
277 | my @cmd = ('git',
278 | git_dir_option $srcdir,
279 | qw(log --log-size),
280 | '--pretty=format:%H:%ct %an <%ae>%n%n'.$format_string, @ARGV);
281 | open PIPE, '-|', @cmd
282 | or die ("$ME: failed to run '". quoted_cmd (@cmd) ."': $!\n"
283 | . "(Is your Git too old? Version 1.5.1 or later is required.)\n");
284 |
285 | my $prev_multi_paragraph;
286 | my $prev_date_line = '';
287 | my @prev_coauthors = ();
288 | my @skipshas = ();
289 | while (1)
290 | {
291 | defined (my $in = <PIPE>)
292 | or last;
293 | $in =~ /^log size (\d+)$/
294 | or die "$ME:$.: Invalid line (expected log size):\n$in";
295 | my $log_nbytes = $1;
296 |
297 | my $log;
298 | my $n_read = read PIPE, $log, $log_nbytes;
299 | $n_read == $log_nbytes
300 | or die "$ME:$.: unexpected EOF\n";
301 |
302 | # Extract leading hash.
303 | my ($sha, $rest) = split ':', $log, 2;
304 | defined $sha
305 | or die "$ME:$.: malformed log entry\n";
306 | $sha =~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{40}$/
307 | or die "$ME:$.: invalid SHA1: $sha\n";
308 |
309 | my $skipflag = 0;
310 | if (@skipshas)
311 | {
312 | foreach(@skipshas)
313 | {
314 | if ($sha =~ /^$_/)
315 | {
316 | $skipflag = $_;
317 | last;
318 | }
319 | }
320 | }
321 |
322 | # If this commit's log requires any transformation, do it now.
323 | my $code = $amend_code->{$sha};
324 | if (defined $code)
325 | {
326 | eval 'use Safe';
327 | my $s = new Safe;
328 | # Put the unpreprocessed entry into "$_".
329 | $_ = $rest;
330 |
331 | # Let $code operate on it, safely.
332 | my $r = $s->reval("$code")
333 | or die "$ME:$.:$sha: failed to eval \"$code\":\n$@\n";
334 |
335 | # Note that we've used this entry.
336 | delete $amend_code->{$sha};
337 |
338 | # Update $rest upon success.
339 | $rest = $_;
340 | }
341 |
342 | # Remove lines inserted by "git cherry-pick".
343 | if ($strip_cherry_pick)
344 | {
345 | $rest =~ s/^\s*Conflicts:\n.*//sm;
346 | $rest =~ s/^\s*\(cherry picked from commit [\da-f]+\)\n//m;
347 | }
348 |
349 | my @line = split /[ \t]*\n/, $rest;
350 | my $author_line = shift @line;
351 | defined $author_line
352 | or die "$ME:$.: unexpected EOF\n";
353 | $author_line =~ /^(\d+) (.*>)$/
354 | or die "$ME:$.: Invalid line "
355 | . "(expected date/author/email):\n$author_line\n";
356 |
357 | # Format 'Copyright-paperwork-exempt: Yes' as a standard ChangeLog
358 | # `(tiny change)' annotation.
359 | my $tiny = (grep (/^(?:Copyright-paperwork-exempt|Tiny-change):\s+[Yy]es$/, @line)
360 | ? ' (tiny change)' : '');
361 |
362 | my $date_line = sprintf "%s %s$tiny\n",
363 | strftime ("%Y-%m-%d", localtime ($1)), $2;
364 |
365 | my @coauthors = grep /^Co-authored-by:.*$/, @line;
366 | # Omit meta-data lines we've already interpreted.
367 | @line = grep !/^(?:Signed-off-by:[ ].*>$
368 | |Co-authored-by:[ ]
369 | |Copyright-paperwork-exempt:[ ]
370 | |Tiny-change:[ ]
371 | )/x, @line;
372 |
373 | # Remove leading and trailing blank lines.
374 | if (@line)
375 | {
376 | while ($line[0] =~ /^\s*$/) { shift @line; }
377 | while ($line[$#line] =~ /^\s*$/) { pop @line; }
378 | }
379 |
380 | # Handle Emacs gitmerge.el "skipped" commits.
381 | # Yes, this should be controlled by an option. So sue me.
382 | if ( grep /^(; )?Merge from /, @line )
383 | {
384 | my $found = 0;
385 | foreach (@line)
386 | {
387 | if (grep /^The following commit.*skipped:$/, $_)
388 | {
389 | $found = 1;
390 | ## Reset at each merge to reduce chance of false matches.
391 | @skipshas = ();
392 | next;
393 | }
394 | if ($found && $_ =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]{7,}) [^ ]/)
395 | {
396 | push ( @skipshas, $1 );
397 | }
398 | }
399 | }
400 |
401 | # Ignore commits that match the --ignore-matching pattern, if specified.
402 | if (defined $ignore_matching && @line && $line[0] =~ /$ignore_matching/)
403 | {
404 | $skipflag = 1;
405 | }
406 | elsif ($skipflag)
407 | {
408 | ## Perhaps only warn if a pattern matches more than once?
409 | warn "$ME: warning: skipping $sha due to $skipflag\n";
410 | }
411 |
412 | if (! $skipflag)
413 | {
414 | if (defined $ignore_line && @line)
415 | {
416 | @line = grep ! /$ignore_line/, @line;
417 | while ($line[$#line] =~ /^\s*$/) { pop @line; }
418 | }
419 |
420 | # Record whether there are two or more paragraphs.
421 | my $multi_paragraph = grep /^\s*$/, @line;
422 |
423 | # Format 'Co-authored-by: A U Thor <[email protected]>' lines in
424 | # standard multi-author ChangeLog format.
425 | for (@coauthors)
426 | {
427 | s/^Co-authored-by:\s*/\t /;
428 | s/\s*</ </;
429 |
430 | /<.*?@.*\..*>/
431 | or warn "$ME: warning: missing email address for "
432 | . substr ($_, 5) . "\n";
433 | }
434 |
435 | # If clustering of commit messages has been disabled, if this header
436 | # would be different from the previous date/name/etc. header,
437 | # or if this or the previous entry consists of two or more paragraphs,
438 | # then print the header.
439 | if ( ! $cluster
440 | || $date_line ne $prev_date_line
441 | || "@coauthors" ne "@prev_coauthors"
442 | || $multi_paragraph
443 | || $prev_multi_paragraph)
444 | {
445 | $prev_date_line eq ''
446 | or print "\n";
447 | print $date_line;
448 | @coauthors
449 | and print join ("\n", @coauthors), "\n";
450 | }
451 | $prev_date_line = $date_line;
452 | @prev_coauthors = @coauthors;
453 | $prev_multi_paragraph = $multi_paragraph;
454 |
455 | # If there were any lines
456 | if (@line == 0)
457 | {
458 | warn "$ME: warning: empty commit message:\n"
459 | . " commit $sha\n $date_line\n";
460 | }
461 | else
462 | {
463 | if ($append_dot)
464 | {
465 | # If the first line of the message has enough room, then
466 | if (length $line[0] < 72)
467 | {
468 | # append a dot if there is no other punctuation or blank
469 | # at the end.
470 | $line[0] =~ /[[:punct:]\s]$/
471 | or $line[0] .= '.';
472 | }
473 | }
474 |
475 | # Remove one additional leading TAB from each line.
476 | $strip_tab
477 | and map { s/^\t// } @line;
478 |
479 | # Prefix each non-empty line with a TAB.
480 | @line = map { length $_ ? "\t$_" : '' } @line;
481 |
482 | print "\n", join ("\n", @line), "\n";
483 | }
484 | }
485 |
486 | defined ($in = <PIPE>)
487 | or last;
488 | $in ne "\n"
489 | and die "$ME:$.: unexpected line:\n$in";
490 | }
491 |
492 | close PIPE
493 | or die "$ME: error closing pipe from " . quoted_cmd (@cmd) . "\n";
494 | # FIXME-someday: include $PROCESS_STATUS in the diagnostic
495 |
496 | # Complain about any unused entry in the --amend=F specified file.
497 | my $fail = 0;
498 | foreach my $sha (keys %$amend_code)
499 | {
500 | warn "$ME:$amend_file: unused entry: $sha\n";
501 | $fail = 1;
502 | }
503 |
504 | exit $fail;
505 | }
506 |
507 | # Local Variables:
508 | # mode: perl
509 | # indent-tabs-mode: nil
510 | # eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp)
511 | # time-stamp-line-limit: 50
512 | # time-stamp-start: "my $VERSION = '"
513 | # time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M"
514 | # time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC0"
515 | # time-stamp-end: "'; # UTC"
516 | # End: