/* $Id: kLdrDyld.c 2 2007-11-16 16:07:14Z bird $ */ /** @file * kLdr - The Dynamic Loader. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 knut st. osmundsen * * This file is part of kStuff. * * kStuff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * In addition to the permissions in the GNU Lesser General Public * License, you are granted unlimited permission to link the compiled * version of this file into combinations with other programs, and to * distribute those combinations without any restriction coming from * the use of this file. * * kStuff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with kStuff; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include "kLdrInternal.h" /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** @def KLDRDYLD_STRICT * Define KLDRDYLD_STRICT to enabled strict checks in kLdrDyld. */ #define KLDRDYLD_STRICT 1 /** @def KLDRDYLD_ASSERT * Assert that an expression is true when KLDRDYLD_STRICT is defined. */ #ifdef KLDRDYLD_STRICT # define KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(expr) kHlpAssert(expr) #else # define KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(expr) do {} while (0) #endif /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** Pointer to the executable module. * (This is exported, so no prefix.) */ PKLDRDYLDMOD kLdrDyldExe = NULL; /** Pointer to the head module (the executable). * (This is exported, so no prefix.) */ PKLDRDYLDMOD kLdrDyldHead = NULL; /** Pointer to the tail module. * (This is exported, so no prefix.) */ PKLDRDYLDMOD kLdrDyldTail = NULL; /** Pointer to the head module of the initialization list. * The outermost load call will pop elements from this list in LIFO order (i.e. * from the tail). The list is only used during non-recursive initialization * and may therefore share the pNext/pPrev members with the termination list * since we don't push a module onto the termination list untill it has been * successfully initialized. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD g_pkLdrDyldInitHead; /** Pointer to the tail module of the initalization list.*/ PKLDRDYLDMOD g_pkLdrDyldInitTail; /** Pointer to the head module of the termination order list. * This is a LIFO just like the the init list. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD g_pkLdrDyldTermHead; /** Pointer to the tail module of the termination order list. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD g_pkLdrDyldTermTail; /** Pointer to the head module of the bind order list. * The modules in this list makes up the global namespace used when binding symbol unix fashion. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD g_pkLdrDyldBindHead; /** Pointer to the tail module of the bind order list. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD g_pkLdrDyldBindTail; /** Flag indicating bootstrap time. * When set the error behaviour changes. Any kind of serious failure * is fatal and will terminate the process. */ int g_fBootstrapping; /** The global error buffer. */ char g_szkLdrDyldError[1024]; /** The default flags. */ KU32 kLdrDyldFlags = 0; /** The default search method. */ KLDRDYLDSEARCH kLdrDyldSearch = KLDRDYLD_SEARCH_HOST; /** @name The main stack. * @{ */ /** Indicates that the other MainStack globals have been filled in. */ unsigned g_fkLdrDyldDoneMainStack = 0; /** Whether the stack was allocated seperatly or was part of the executable. */ unsigned g_fkLdrDyldMainStackAllocated = 0; /** Pointer to the main stack object. */ void *g_pvkLdrDyldMainStack = NULL; /** The size of the main stack object. */ KSIZE g_cbkLdrDyldMainStack = 0; /** @} */ /** The load stack. * This contains frames with modules affected by active loads. * * Each kLdrDyldLoad and kLdrDyldLoadExe call will create a new stack frame containing * all the modules involved in the operation. The modules will be ordered in recursive * init order within the frame. */ static PPKLDRDYLDMOD g_papStackMods; /** The number of used entries in the g_papStackMods array. */ static KU32 g_cStackMods; /** The number of entries allocated for the g_papStackMods array. */ static KU32 g_cStackModsAllocated; /** Number of active load calls. */ static KU32 g_cActiveLoadCalls; /** Number of active unload calls. */ static KU32 g_cActiveUnloadCalls; /** Total number of load calls. */ static KU32 g_cTotalLoadCalls; /** Total mumber of unload calls. */ static KU32 g_cTotalUnloadCalls; /** Boolean flag indicating that GC is active. */ static KU32 g_fActiveGC; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ /** @name API worker routines. * @internal * @{ */ void kldrDyldDoLoadExeStackSwitch(PKLDRDYLDMOD pExe, void *pvStack, KSIZE cbStack); static int kldrDyldDoLoad(const char *pszDll, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags, PPKLDRDYLDMOD ppMod, char *pszErr, KSIZE cchErr); static int kldrDyldDoLoad2(PKLDRDYLDMOD pLoadedMod, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags); static int kldrDyldDoLoadPrerequisites(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags); static int kldrDyldDoUnload(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod); static int kldrDyldDoFindByName(const char *pszDll, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags, PPKLDRDYLDMOD ppMod); static int kldrDyldDoFindByAddress(KUPTR Address, PPKLDRDYLDMOD ppMod, KU32 *piSegment, KUPTR *poffSegment); static int kldrDyldDoGetName(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, char *pszName, KSIZE cchName); static int kldrDyldDoGetFilename(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, char *pszFilename, KSIZE cchFilename); static int kldrDyldDoQuerySymbol(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, KU32 uSymbolOrdinal, const char *pszSymbolName, KUPTR *pValue, KU32 *pfKind); /** @} */ /** @name Misc load/unload workers * @internal * @{ */ static void kldrDyldDoModuleTerminationAndGarabageCollection(void); /** @} */ /** @name The load stack. * @internal * @{ */ static KU32 kldrDyldStackNewFrame(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod); static int kldrDyldStackAddModule(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod); static int kldrDyldStackFrameCompleted(void); static void kldrDyldStackCleanupOne(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, int rc); static void kldrDyldStackDropFrame(KU32 iLoad1st, KU32 iLoadEnd, int rc); /** @} */ static int kldrDyldCopyError(int rc, char *pszErr, KSIZE cchErr); /** * Initialize the dynamic loader. */ int kldrDyldInit(void) { kLdrDyldHead = kLdrDyldTail = NULL; g_pkLdrDyldTermHead = g_pkLdrDyldTermTail = NULL; g_pkLdrDyldBindHead = g_pkLdrDyldBindTail = NULL; kLdrDyldFlags = 0; g_szkLdrDyldError[0] = '\0'; g_fkLdrDyldDoneMainStack = 0; g_fkLdrDyldMainStackAllocated = 0; g_pvkLdrDyldMainStack = NULL; g_cbkLdrDyldMainStack = 0; return kldrDyldFindInit(); } /** * Terminate the dynamic loader. */ void kldrDyldTerm(void) { } /** * Bootstrap an executable. * * This is called from the executable stub to replace the stub and run the * executable specified in the argument package. * * Since this is boostrap time there isn't anything to return to. So, instead * the process will be terminated upon failure. * * We also have to keep in mind that this function is called on a small, small, * stack and therefore any kind of large stack objects or deep recursions must * be avoided. Since loading the executable will involve more or less all * operations in the loader, this restriction really applies everywhere. * * @param pArgs Pointer to the argument package residing in the executable stub. * @param pvOS OS specific argument. */ #ifndef __OS2__ /* kLdrDyldLoadExe is implemented in assembly on OS/2. */ void kLdrDyldLoadExe(PCKLDREXEARGS pArgs, void *pvOS) #else void kldrDyldLoadExe(PCKLDREXEARGS pArgs, void *pvOS) #endif { void *pvStack; KSIZE cbStack; PKLDRDYLDMOD pExe; int rc; /* * Indicate that we're boostrapping and ensure that initialization was successful. */ g_fBootstrapping = 1; rc = kldrInit(); if (rc) kldrDyldFailure(rc, "Init failure, rc=%d", rc); /* * Validate the argument package. */ if (pArgs->fFlags & ~( KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS | KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_DEEP_SYMBOLS | KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_RECURSIVE_INIT | KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_SPECIFIC_MODULE)) kldrDyldFailure(KERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Bad fFlags=%#x", pArgs->fFlags); if ( pArgs->enmSearch <= KLDRDYLD_SEARCH_INVALID || pArgs->enmSearch >= KLDRDYLD_SEARCH_END) kldrDyldFailure(KERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Bad enmSearch=%d", pArgs->enmSearch); /* * Set defaults. */ kLdrDyldFlags |= (pArgs->fFlags & KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_RECURSIVE_INIT); kLdrDyldSearch = pArgs->enmSearch; /** @todo make sense of this default prefix/suffix stuff. */ if (pArgs->szDefPrefix[0] != '\0') kHlpMemCopy(kLdrDyldDefPrefix, pArgs->szDefPrefix, K_MIN(sizeof(pArgs->szDefPrefix), sizeof(kLdrDyldDefPrefix))); if (pArgs->szDefSuffix[0] != '\0') kHlpMemCopy(kLdrDyldDefSuffix, pArgs->szDefSuffix, K_MIN(sizeof(pArgs->szDefSuffix), sizeof(kLdrDyldDefSuffix))); /** @todo append that path to the one for the specified search method. */ /** @todo create a function for doing this, an exposed api preferably. */ /* append path */ cbStack = sizeof(kLdrDyldLibraryPath) - kHlpStrLen(kLdrDyldLibraryPath); /* borrow cbStack for a itty bit. */ kHlpMemCopy(kLdrDyldLibraryPath, pArgs->szLibPath, K_MIN(sizeof(pArgs->szLibPath), cbStack)); kLdrDyldLibraryPath[sizeof(kLdrDyldLibraryPath) - 1] = '\0'; /* * Make sure we own the loader semaphore (necessary for init). */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (rc) kldrDyldFailure(rc, "Sem req. failure, rc=%d", rc); /* * Open and map the executable module before we join paths with kLdrDyldLoad(). */ rc = kldrDyldFindNewModule(pArgs->szExecutable, NULL, NULL, pArgs->enmSearch, pArgs->fFlags | KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_EXECUTABLE, &pExe); if (rc) kldrDyldFailure(rc, "Can't find/open the executable '%s', rc=%d", pArgs->szExecutable, rc); rc = kldrDyldModMap(pExe); if (rc) kldrDyldFailure(rc, "Failed to map the executable '%s', rc=%d", pExe->pMod->pszFilename, rc); kLdrDyldExe = pExe; /* * Query the stack and go to OS specific code to * setup and switch stack. The OS specific code will call us * back at kldrDyldDoLoadExe. */ rc = kldrDyldModGetMainStack(pExe, &pvStack, &cbStack); if (rc) kldrDyldFailure(rc, "Failed to map the executable '%s', rc=%d", pExe->pMod->pszFilename, rc); kldrDyldDoLoadExeStackSwitch(pExe, pvStack, cbStack); kldrDyldFailure(-1, "Failed to setup the stack for '%s'.", pExe->pMod->pszFilename); } /** * Loads a module into the current process. * * @returns 0 on success, non-zero native OS status code or kLdr status code on failure. * @param pszDll The name of the dll to open. * @param pszPrefix Prefix to use when searching. * @param pszSuffix Suffix to use when searching. * @param enmSearch Method to use when locating the module and any modules it may depend on. * @param fFlags Flags, a combintation of the KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_* \#defines. * @param phMod Where to store the handle to the loaded module. * @param pszErr Where to store extended error information. (optional) * @param cchErr The size of the buffer pointed to by pszErr. */ int kLdrDyldLoad(const char *pszDll, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags, PHKLDRMOD phMod, char *pszErr, KSIZE cchErr) { int rc; /* validate arguments and initialize return values. */ if (pszErr && cchErr) *pszErr = '\0'; *phMod = NIL_HKLDRMOD; K_VALIDATE_STRING(pszDll); K_VALIDATE_OPTIONAL_STRING(pszPrefix); K_VALIDATE_OPTIONAL_STRING(pszSuffix); K_VALIDATE_ENUM(enmSearch, KLDRDYLD_SEARCH); K_VALIDATE_OPTIONAL_BUFFER(pszErr, cchErr); /* get the semaphore and do the job. */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (!rc) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = NULL; g_cTotalLoadCalls++; g_cActiveLoadCalls++; rc = kldrDyldDoLoad(pszDll, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags, &pMod, pszErr, cchErr); g_cActiveLoadCalls--; kldrDyldDoModuleTerminationAndGarabageCollection(); kLdrDyldSemRelease(); *phMod = pMod ? pMod->hMod : NIL_HKLDRMOD; } return rc; } /** * Unloads a module loaded by kLdrDyldLoad. * * @returns 0 on success, non-zero native OS status code or kLdr status code on failure. * @param hMod Module handle. */ int kLdrDyldUnload(HKLDRMOD hMod) { int rc; /* validate */ KLDRDYLD_VALIDATE_HKLDRMOD(hMod); /* get sem & do work */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (!rc) { g_cTotalUnloadCalls++; g_cActiveUnloadCalls++; rc = kldrDyldDoUnload(hMod); g_cActiveUnloadCalls--; kldrDyldDoModuleTerminationAndGarabageCollection(); kLdrDyldSemRelease(); } return rc; } /** * Finds a module by name or filename. * * This call does not increase any reference counters and must not be * paired with kLdrDyldUnload() like kLdrDyldLoad(). * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns KLDR_ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND or some I/O error on failure. * @param pszDll The name of the dll to look for. * @param pszPrefix Prefix than can be used when searching. * @param pszSuffix Suffix than can be used when searching. * @param enmSearch Method to use when locating the module. * @param fFlags Flags, a combintation of the KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_* \#defines. * @param phMod Where to store the handle of the module on success. */ int kLdrDyldFindByName(const char *pszDll, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags, PHKLDRMOD phMod) { int rc; /* validate & initialize */ *phMod = NIL_HKLDRMOD; K_VALIDATE_STRING(pszDll); /* get sem & do work */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (!rc) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = NULL; rc = kldrDyldDoFindByName(pszDll, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags, &pMod); kLdrDyldSemRelease(); *phMod = pMod ? pMod->hMod : NIL_HKLDRMOD; } return rc; } /** * Finds a module by address. * * This call does not increase any reference counters and must not be * paired with kLdrDyldUnload() like kLdrDyldLoad(). * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns KLDR_ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND on failure. * @param Address The address believed to be within some module. * @param phMod Where to store the module handle on success. * @param piSegment Where to store the segment number. (optional) * @param poffSegment Where to store the offset into the segment. (optional) */ int kLdrDyldFindByAddress(KUPTR Address, PHKLDRMOD phMod, KU32 *piSegment, KUPTR *poffSegment) { int rc; /* validate & initialize */ *phMod = NIL_HKLDRMOD; if (piSegment) *piSegment = ~(KU32)0; if (poffSegment) *poffSegment = ~(KUPTR)0; /* get sem & do work */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (!rc) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = NULL; rc = kldrDyldDoFindByAddress(Address, &pMod, piSegment, poffSegment); kLdrDyldSemRelease(); *phMod = pMod ? pMod->hMod : NIL_HKLDRMOD; } return rc; } /** * Gets the module name. * * @returns 0 on success and pszName filled with the name. * @returns KERR_INVALID_HANDLE or KERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW on failure. * @param hMod The module handle. * @param pszName Where to put the name. * @param cchName The size of the name buffer. * @see kLdrDyldGetFilename */ int kLdrDyldGetName(HKLDRMOD hMod, char *pszName, KSIZE cchName) { int rc; /* validate */ if (pszName && cchName) *pszName = '\0'; KLDRDYLD_VALIDATE_HKLDRMOD(hMod); K_VALIDATE_BUFFER(pszName, cchName); /* get sem & do work */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (!rc) { rc = kldrDyldDoGetName(hMod, pszName, cchName); kLdrDyldSemRelease(); } return rc; } /** * Gets the module filename. * * @returns 0 on success and pszFilename filled with the name. * @returns KERR_INVALID_HANDLE or KERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW on failure. * @param hMod The module handle. * @param pszFilename Where to put the filename. * @param cchFilename The size of the filename buffer. * @see kLdrDyldGetName */ int kLdrDyldGetFilename(HKLDRMOD hMod, char *pszFilename, KSIZE cchFilename) { int rc; /* validate & initialize */ if (pszFilename && cchFilename); *pszFilename = '\0'; KLDRDYLD_VALIDATE_HKLDRMOD(hMod); K_VALIDATE_BUFFER(pszFilename, cchFilename); /* get sem & do work */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (!rc) { rc = kldrDyldDoGetFilename(hMod, pszFilename, cchFilename); kLdrDyldSemRelease(); } return rc; } /** * Queries the value and type of a symbol. * * @returns 0 on success and pValue and pfKind set. * @returns KERR_INVALID_HANDLE or KLDR_ERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND on failure. * @param hMod The module handle. * @param uSymbolOrdinal The symbol ordinal. This is ignored if pszSymbolName is non-zero. * @param pszSymbolName The symbol name. * @param pszSymbolVersion The symbol version. Optional. * @param pValue Where to put the symbol value. Optional if pfKind is non-zero. * @param pfKind Where to put the symbol kind flags. Optional if pValue is non-zero. */ int kLdrDyldQuerySymbol(HKLDRMOD hMod, KU32 uSymbolOrdinal, const char *pszSymbolName, const char *pszSymbolVersion, KUPTR *pValue, KU32 *pfKind) { int rc; /* validate & initialize */ if (pfKind) *pfKind = 0; if (pValue) *pValue = 0; if (!pfKind && !pValue) return KERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; KLDRDYLD_VALIDATE_HKLDRMOD(hMod); K_VALIDATE_OPTIONAL_STRING(pszSymbolName); /* get sem & do work */ rc = kLdrDyldSemRequest(); if (!rc) { rc = kldrDyldDoQuerySymbol(hMod, uSymbolOrdinal, pszSymbolName, pValue, pfKind); kLdrDyldSemRelease(); } return rc; } /** * Worker kLdrDoLoadExe(). * Used after we've switch to the final process stack. * * @param pExe The executable module. * @internal */ void kldrDyldDoLoadExe(PKLDRDYLDMOD pExe) { int rc; /* * Load the executable module with its prerequisites and initialize them. */ g_cActiveLoadCalls++; rc = kldrDyldDoLoad2(pExe, NULL, NULL, kLdrDyldSearch, kLdrDyldFlags | KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_EXECUTABLE); if (rc) kldrDyldFailure(rc, "load 2 failed for '%s', rc=%d", pExe->pMod->pszFilename); g_cActiveLoadCalls--; kldrDyldDoModuleTerminationAndGarabageCollection(); /* * Invoke the executable entry point. */ kldrDyldModStartExe(pExe); kldrDyldFailure(-1, "failed to invoke main!"); } /** * Worker for kLdrDyldLoad() and helper for kLdrDyldLoadExe(). * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoLoad(const char *pszDll, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags, PPKLDRDYLDMOD ppMod, char *pszErr, KSIZE cchErr) { int rc; /* * Try find the module among the ones that's already loaded. */ rc = kldrDyldFindExistingModule(pszDll, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags, ppMod); if (!rc) { switch ((*ppMod)->enmState) { /* * Prerequisites are ok, so nothing to do really. */ case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZING: return kldrDyldModDynamicLoad(*ppMod); /* * The module can't be loaded because it failed to initialize. */ case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: return KLDR_ERR_MODULE_INIT_FAILED_ALREADY; /* * Prerequisites needs loading / reattaching and the module * (may depending on fFlags) needs to be initialized. */ case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION: break; /* * Prerequisites needs to be loaded again */ case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: break; /* * The module has been terminated so it need to be reloaded, have it's * prereqs loaded, fixed up and initialized before we can use it again. */ case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: rc = kldrDyldModReload(*ppMod); if (rc) return kldrDyldCopyError(rc, pszErr, cchErr); break; /* * Forget it, we don't know how to deal with re-initialization here. */ case KLDRSTATE_TERMINATING: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"KLDR_ERR_MODULE_TERMINATING"); return KLDR_ERR_MODULE_TERMINATING; /* * Invalid state. */ default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"invalid state"); break; } } else { /* * We'll have to load it from file. */ rc = kldrDyldFindNewModule(pszDll, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags, ppMod); if (rc) return kldrDyldCopyError(rc, pszErr, cchErr); rc = kldrDyldModMap(*ppMod); } /* * Join cause with kLdrDyldLoadExe. */ if (!rc) rc = kldrDyldDoLoad2(*ppMod, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags); else kldrDyldStackCleanupOne(*ppMod, rc); /* * Copy any error or warning to the error buffer. */ return kldrDyldCopyError(rc, pszErr, cchErr); } /** * 2nd half of kLdrDyldLoad() and kLdrDyldLoadExe(). * * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoLoad2(PKLDRDYLDMOD pLoadedMod, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags) { /* * Load prerequisites. */ KU32 i; KU32 iLoad1st = kldrDyldStackNewFrame(pLoadedMod); int rc = kldrDyldDoLoadPrerequisites(pLoadedMod, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags); KU32 iLoadEnd = kldrDyldStackFrameCompleted(); if (rc) { kldrDyldModAddRef(pLoadedMod); kldrDyldStackCleanupOne(pLoadedMod, rc); /* in case it didn't get pushed onto the stack. */ kldrDyldModDeref(pLoadedMod); } /* * Apply fixups. */ for (i = iLoad1st; !rc && i < iLoadEnd; i++) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = g_papStackMods[i]; if ( pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_LOADED_PREREQUISITES || pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_RELOADED_LOADED_PREREQUISITES) rc = kldrDyldModFixup(pMod); } /* * Advance fixed up module onto initialization. */ for (i = iLoad1st; !rc && i < iLoadEnd; i++) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = g_papStackMods[i]; if ( pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_FIXED_UP || pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_RELOADED_FIXED_UP) pMod->enmState = KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION; KLDRDYLD_ASSERT( pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION || pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_GOOD); } /* * Call the initializers if we're loading in recursive mode or * if we're the outermost load call. */ if (fFlags & KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_RECURSIVE_INIT) { for (i = iLoad1st; !rc && i < iLoadEnd; i++) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = g_papStackMods[i]; if (pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION) rc = kldrDyldModCallInit(pMod); else if (pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED) rc = KLDR_ERR_PREREQUISITE_MODULE_INIT_FAILED_ALREADY; else KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(g_papStackMods[i]->enmState == KLDRSTATE_GOOD); } #ifdef KLDRDYLD_STRICT for (i = iLoad1st; !rc && i < iLoadEnd; i++) KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(g_papStackMods[i]->enmState == KLDRSTATE_GOOD); #endif } else if (g_cActiveLoadCalls <= 1) { while (!rc && g_pkLdrDyldInitHead) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = g_pkLdrDyldInitHead; g_pkLdrDyldInitHead = pMod->InitTerm.pNext; if (pMod->InitTerm.pNext) pMod->InitTerm.pNext->InitTerm.pPrev = NULL; else g_pkLdrDyldInitTail = NULL; pMod->fInitList = 0; rc = kldrDyldModCallInit(pMod); } } /* * Complete the load by incrementing the dynamic load count of the * requested module (return handle is already set). */ if (!rc) { if (fFlags & KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_EXECUTABLE) { pLoadedMod->cDepRefs++; /* just make it stick. */ pLoadedMod->cRefs++; } else rc = kldrDyldModDynamicLoad(pLoadedMod); } kldrDyldStackDropFrame(iLoad1st, iLoadEnd, rc); return rc; } /** * kldrDyldDoLoad() helper which will load prerequisites and * build the initialization array / list. * * @returns 0 on success, non-zero error code on failure. * @param pMod The module to start at. * @param pszPrefix Prefix to use when searching. * @param pszSuffix Suffix to use when searching. * @param enmSearch Method to use when locating the module and any modules it may depend on. * @param fFlags Flags, a combintation of the KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_* \#defines. */ static int kldrDyldDoLoadPrerequisites(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags) { static struct { /** The module. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod; /** The number of prerequisite modules left to process. * This starts at ~0U to inidicate that we need to load/check prerequisistes. */ unsigned cLeft; } s_aEntries[64]; unsigned cEntries; int rc = 0; /* Prerequisites are always global and they just aren't executables. */ fFlags &= ~(KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_SPECIFIC_MODULE | KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_EXECUTABLE); /* push the first entry. */ s_aEntries[0].pMod = pMod; s_aEntries[0].cLeft = ~0U; cEntries = 1; /* * The recursion loop. */ while (!rc && cEntries > 0) { const unsigned i = cEntries - 1; pMod = s_aEntries[i].pMod; if (s_aEntries[i].cLeft == ~0U) { /* * Load prerequisite modules. */ switch (pMod->enmState) { /* * Load immediate prerequisite modules and push the ones needing * attention onto the stack. */ case KLDRSTATE_MAPPED: case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: rc = kldrDyldModLoadPrerequisites(pMod, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT( pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_GOOD || pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_RELOADED_LOADED_PREREQUISITES || pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_LOADED_PREREQUISITES || rc); if (!rc) s_aEntries[i].cLeft = pMod->cPrereqs; break; /* * Check its prerequisite modules the first time around. */ case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION: if (pMod->fAlreadySeen) break; pMod->fAlreadySeen = 1; s_aEntries[i].cLeft = pMod->cPrereqs; break; /* * These are ok. */ case KLDRSTATE_LOADED_PREREQUISITES: case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED_LOADED_PREREQUISITES: case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZING: case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: s_aEntries[i].cLeft = 0; break; /* * All other stats are invalid. */ default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"invalid state"); break; } } else if (s_aEntries[i].cLeft > 0) { /* * Recurse down into the next prereq. */ KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(s_aEntries[i].cLeft <= pMod->cPrereqs); if (cEntries < sizeof(s_aEntries) / sizeof(s_aEntries[0])) { s_aEntries[cEntries].cLeft = ~(KU32)0; s_aEntries[cEntries].pMod = pMod->papPrereqs[pMod->cPrereqs - s_aEntries[i].cLeft]; s_aEntries[i].cLeft--; cEntries++; } else rc = KLDR_ERR_PREREQUISITE_RECURSED_TOO_DEEPLY; } else { /* * We're done with this module, record it for init/cleanup. */ cEntries--; if (pMod->enmState != KLDRSTATE_GOOD) { kldrDyldStackAddModule(pMod); if ( !(fFlags & KLDRDYLD_LOAD_FLAGS_RECURSIVE_INIT) && !pMod->fInitList) { pMod->fInitList = 1; pMod->InitTerm.pNext = NULL; pMod->InitTerm.pPrev = g_pkLdrDyldInitTail; if (g_pkLdrDyldInitTail) g_pkLdrDyldInitTail->InitTerm.pNext = pMod; else g_pkLdrDyldInitHead = pMod; g_pkLdrDyldInitTail = pMod; } } } } return rc; } /** * Gets prerequisite module. * * This will try load the requested module if necessary, returning it in the MAPPED state. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns KLDR_ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND or I/O error on failure. * @param pszDll The name of the dll to look for. * @param pszPrefix Prefix than can be used when searching. * @param pszSuffix Suffix than can be used when searching. * @param enmSearch Method to use when locating the module. * @param fFlags Flags, a combintation of the KLDRYDLD_LOAD_FLAGS_* \#defines. * @param pDep The depentant module. * @param ppMod Where to put the module we get. */ int kldrDyldGetPrerequisite(const char *pszDll, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags, PKLDRDYLDMOD pDep, PPKLDRDYLDMOD ppMod) { int rc; PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod; *ppMod = NULL; /* * Try find the module among the ones that's already loaded. * * This is very similar to the kldrDyldDoLoad code, except it has to deal with * a couple of additional states and occurs only during prerequisite loading * and the action taken is a little bit different. */ rc = kldrDyldFindExistingModule(pszDll, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags, &pMod); if (!rc) { switch (pMod->enmState) { /* * These are good. */ case KLDRSTATE_MAPPED: case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED: case KLDRSTATE_LOADED_PREREQUISITES: case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED_LOADED_PREREQUISITES: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION: case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZING: case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: break; /* * The module has been terminated so it need to be reloaded, have it's * prereqs loaded, fixed up and initialized before we can use it again. */ case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: rc = kldrDyldModReload(pMod); break; /* * The module can't be loaded because it failed to initialize already. */ case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: rc = KLDR_ERR_PREREQUISITE_MODULE_INIT_FAILED; break; /* * Forget it, no idea how to deal with re-initialization. */ case KLDRSTATE_TERMINATING: return KLDR_ERR_PREREQUISITE_MODULE_TERMINATING; /* * Invalid state. */ default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"invalid state"); break; } } else { /* * We'll have to load it from file. */ rc = kldrDyldFindNewModule(pszDll, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags, &pMod); if (!rc) rc = kldrDyldModMap(pMod); } /* * On success add dependency. */ if (!rc) { kldrDyldModAddDep(pMod, pDep); *ppMod = pMod; } return rc; } /** * Starts a new load stack frame. * * @returns Where the new stack frame starts. * @param pLoadMod The module being loaded (only used for asserting). */ static KU32 kldrDyldStackNewFrame(PKLDRDYLDMOD pLoadMod) { /* * Clear the fAlreadySeen flags. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = kLdrDyldHead; while (pMod) { pMod->fAlreadySeen = 0; #ifdef KLDRDYLD_ASSERT switch (pMod->enmState) { case KLDRSTATE_MAPPED: case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED: /* only the just loaded module can be in this state. */ KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(pMod == pLoadMod); break; case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION: case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZING: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: case KLDRSTATE_TERMINATING: case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_DESTROY: /* requires recursion. */ KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(g_cActiveLoadCalls + g_cActiveLoadCalls + g_fActiveGC > 1); break; case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: /* requires nothing. */ break; default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"Invalid state"); break; } #endif /* next */ pMod = pMod->Load.pNext; } return g_cStackMods; } /** * Records the module. * * @return 0 on success, KERR_NO_MEMORY if we can't expand the table. * @param pMod The module to record. */ static int kldrDyldStackAddModule(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod) { /* * Grow the stack if necessary. */ if (g_cStackMods + 1 > g_cStackModsAllocated) { KU32 cNew = g_cStackModsAllocated ? g_cStackModsAllocated * 2 : 128; void *pvOld = g_papStackMods; void *pvNew = kHlpAlloc(cNew * sizeof(g_papStackMods[0])); if (!pvNew) return KERR_NO_MEMORY; kHlpMemCopy(pvNew, pvOld, g_cStackMods * sizeof(g_papStackMods[0])); g_papStackMods = (PPKLDRDYLDMOD)pvNew; kHlpFree(pvOld); } /* * Add a reference and push the module onto the stack. */ kldrDyldModAddRef(pMod); g_papStackMods[g_cStackMods++] = pMod; return 0; } /** * The frame has been completed. * * @returns Where the frame ends. */ static int kldrDyldStackFrameCompleted(void) { return g_cStackMods; } /** * Worker routine for kldrDyldStackDropFrame() and kldrDyldDoLoad(). * * @param pMod The module to perform cleanups on. * @param rc Used for state verification. */ static void kldrDyldStackCleanupOne(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, int rc) { switch (pMod->enmState) { /* * Just push it along to the PENDING_DESTROY state. */ case KLDRSTATE_MAPPED: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(rc); kldrDyldModUnmap(pMod); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_PENDING_DESTROY); break; /* * Move back to PENDING_GC. */ case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(rc); pMod->enmState = KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC; break; /* * Unload prerequisites and unmap the modules. */ case KLDRSTATE_LOADED_PREREQUISITES: case KLDRSTATE_FIXED_UP: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(rc); kldrDyldModUnloadPrerequisites(pMod); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_PENDING_DESTROY); kldrDyldModUnmap(pMod); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_PENDING_DESTROY); break; /* * Unload prerequisites and push it back to PENDING_GC. */ case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED_LOADED_PREREQUISITES: case KLDRSTATE_RELOADED_FIXED_UP: kldrDyldModUnloadPrerequisites(pMod); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC); break; /* * Nothing to do, just asserting sanity. */ case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZING: /* Implies there is another load going on. */ KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(g_cActiveLoadCalls > 1); break; case KLDRSTATE_TERMINATING: /* GC in progress. */ KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(g_fActiveGC); break; case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_DESTROY: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(rc); break; case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: break; /* * Bad states. */ default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"drop frame bad state (a)"); break; } } /** * Done with the stack frame, dereference all the modules in it. * * @param iLoad1st The start of the stack frame. * @param iLoadEnd The end of the stack frame. * @param rc Used for state verification. */ static void kldrDyldStackDropFrame(KU32 iLoad1st, KU32 iLoadEnd, int rc) { KU32 i; KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(iLoad1st <= g_cStackMods); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(iLoadEnd == g_cStackMods); /* * First pass: Do all the cleanups we can, but don't destroy anything just yet. */ i = iLoadEnd; while (i-- > iLoad1st) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = g_papStackMods[i]; kldrDyldStackCleanupOne(pMod, rc); } /* * Second pass: Release the references so modules pending destruction * can be completely removed. */ for (i = iLoad1st; i < iLoadEnd ; i++) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = g_papStackMods[i]; /* * Revalidate the module state. */ switch (pMod->enmState) { case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZING: case KLDRSTATE_TERMINATING: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_DESTROY: case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: break; default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"drop frame bad state (b)"); break; } /* * Release it. */ kldrDyldModDeref(pMod); } /* * Drop the stack frame. */ g_cStackMods = iLoad1st; } /** * Do garbage collection. * * This isn't doing anything unless it's called from the last * load or unload call. */ static void kldrDyldDoModuleTerminationAndGarabageCollection(void) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod; /* * We don't do anything until we're got rid of all recursive calls. * This will ensure that we get the most optimal termination order and * that we don't unload anything too early. */ if (g_cActiveLoadCalls || g_cActiveUnloadCalls || g_fActiveGC) return; g_fActiveGC = 1; do { /* * 1. Release prerequisites for any left over modules. */ for (pMod = kLdrDyldHead; pMod; pMod = pMod->Load.pNext) { kldrDyldModAddRef(pMod); switch (pMod->enmState) { case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: break; case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: /* just in case */ case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION: kldrDyldModUnloadPrerequisites(pMod); break; default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"invalid GC state (a)"); break; } kldrDyldModDeref(pMod); } /* * 2. Do init calls until we encounter somebody calling load/unload. */ for (pMod = g_pkLdrDyldTermHead; pMod; pMod = pMod->InitTerm.pNext) { int fRestart = 0; kldrDyldModAddRef(pMod); switch (pMod->enmState) { case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: break; case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_TERMINATION: { const KU32 cTotalLoadCalls = g_cTotalLoadCalls; const KU32 cTotalUnloadCalls = g_cTotalUnloadCalls; kldrDyldModCallTerm(pMod); fRestart = cTotalLoadCalls != g_cTotalLoadCalls || cTotalUnloadCalls != g_cTotalUnloadCalls; break; } default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"invalid GC state (b)"); break; } kldrDyldModDeref(pMod); if (fRestart) break; } } while (pMod); /* * Unmap and destroy modules pending for GC. */ pMod = kLdrDyldHead; while (pMod) { PKLDRDYLDMOD pNext = pMod->Load.pNext; kldrDyldModAddRef(pMod); switch (pMod->enmState) { case KLDRSTATE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: case KLDRSTATE_PENDING_GC: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!pMod->cDepRefs); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!pMod->cDynRefs); pMod->enmState = KLDRSTATE_GC; kldrDyldModUnmap(pMod); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_PENDING_DESTROY); kldrDyldModDestroy(pMod); KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(pMod->enmState == KLDRSTATE_DESTROYED); break; case KLDRSTATE_GOOD: break; default: KLDRDYLD_ASSERT(!"invalid GC state (c)"); break; } kldrDyldModDeref(pMod); /* next */ pMod = pNext; } g_fActiveGC = 0; } /** * Worker for kLdrDyldUnload(). * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoUnload(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod) { return kldrDyldModDynamicUnload(pMod); } /** * Worker for kLdrDyldFindByName(). * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoFindByName(const char *pszDll, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszSuffix, KLDRDYLDSEARCH enmSearch, unsigned fFlags, PPKLDRDYLDMOD ppMod) { return kldrDyldFindExistingModule(pszDll, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, enmSearch, fFlags, ppMod); } /** * Worker for kLdrDyldFindByAddress(). * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoFindByAddress(KUPTR Address, PPKLDRDYLDMOD ppMod, KU32 *piSegment, KUPTR *poffSegment) { /* Scan the segments of each module in the load list. */ PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod = kLdrDyldHead; while (pMod) { KU32 iSeg; for (iSeg = 0; iSeg < pMod->pMod->cSegments; iSeg++) { KLDRADDR off = (KLDRADDR)Address - pMod->pMod->aSegments[iSeg].MapAddress; if (off < pMod->pMod->aSegments[iSeg].cb) { *ppMod = pMod->hMod; if (piSegment) *piSegment = iSeg; if (poffSegment) *poffSegment = (KUPTR)off; return 0; } } /* next */ pMod = pMod->Load.pNext; } return KLDR_ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Worker for kLdrDyldGetName(). * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoGetName(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, char *pszName, KSIZE cchName) { return kldrDyldModGetName(pMod, pszName, cchName); } /** * Worker for kLdrDyldGetFilename(). * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoGetFilename(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, char *pszFilename, KSIZE cchFilename) { return kldrDyldModGetFilename(pMod, pszFilename, cchFilename); } /** * Worker for kLdrDyldQuerySymbol(). * @internal */ static int kldrDyldDoQuerySymbol(PKLDRDYLDMOD pMod, KU32 uSymbolOrdinal, const char *pszSymbolName, KUPTR *pValue, KU32 *pfKind) { return kldrDyldModQuerySymbol(pMod, uSymbolOrdinal, pszSymbolName, pValue, pfKind); } /** * Panic / failure * * @returns rc if we're in a position where we can return. * @param rc Return code. * @param pszFormat Message string. Limited fprintf like formatted. * @param ... Message string arguments. */ int kldrDyldFailure(int rc, const char *pszFilename, ...) { /** @todo print it. */ if (g_fBootstrapping); kHlpExit(1); return rc; } /** * Copies the error string to the user buffer. * * @returns rc. * @param rc The status code. * @param pszErr Where to copy the error string to. * @param cchErr The size of the destination buffer. */ static int kldrDyldCopyError(int rc, char *pszErr, KSIZE cchErr) { KSIZE cchToCopy; /* if no error string, format the rc into a string. */ if (!g_szkLdrDyldError[0] && rc) kHlpInt2Ascii(g_szkLdrDyldError, sizeof(g_szkLdrDyldError), rc, 10); /* copy it if we got something. */ if (cchErr && pszErr && g_szkLdrDyldError[0]) { cchToCopy = kHlpStrLen(g_szkLdrDyldError); if (cchToCopy >= cchErr) cchToCopy = cchErr - 1; kHlpMemCopy(pszErr, g_szkLdrDyldError, cchToCopy); pszErr[cchToCopy] = '\0'; } return rc; }