1 | /* $Id: tstkLdrMod.c 29 2009-07-01 20:30:29Z bird $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * kLdr - Module interpreter testcase.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Knut St. Osmundsen <bird-kStuff-spamix@anduin.net>
8 | *
9 | * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
10 | * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
11 | * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
12 | * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
13 | * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
14 | * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
15 | * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
16 | * conditions:
17 | *
18 | * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
19 | * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
20 | *
29 | */
30 |
31 | /*******************************************************************************
32 | * Header Files *
33 | *******************************************************************************/
34 | #include <k/kLdr.h>
35 | #include <k/kErr.h>
36 | #include <k/kErrors.h>
37 |
38 | #include <stdarg.h>
39 | #include <stdio.h>
40 | #include <stdlib.h>
41 | #include <string.h>
42 |
43 |
44 | /*******************************************************************************
45 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
46 | *******************************************************************************/
47 | /** The default base address used in the tests. */
48 | #define MY_BASEADDRESS 0x2400000
49 |
50 |
51 | /*******************************************************************************
52 | * Global Variables *
53 | *******************************************************************************/
54 | /** The numbers of errors. */
55 | static int g_cErrors = 0;
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 | /**
60 | * Report failure.
61 | */
62 | static int Failure(const char *pszFormat, ...)
63 | {
64 | va_list va;
65 |
66 | g_cErrors++;
67 |
68 | printf("tstLdrMod: ");
69 | va_start(va, pszFormat);
70 | vprintf(pszFormat, va);
71 | va_end(va);
72 | printf("\n");
73 | return 1;
74 | }
75 |
76 |
77 | /** Dummy import resolver callback. */
78 | static int BasicTestsGetImport(PKLDRMOD pMod, KU32 iImport, KU32 iSymbol, const char *pchSymbol, KSIZE cchSymbol,
79 | const char *pszVersion, PKLDRADDR puValue, KU32 *pfKind, void *pvUser)
80 | {
81 | *puValue = 0xdeadface;
83 | return 0;
84 | }
85 |
86 |
87 | /**
88 | * Verbose memcmp().
89 | */
90 | static int TestMemComp(const void *pv1, const void *pv2, KSIZE cb)
91 | {
92 | KSIZE off;
93 | const KU8 *pb1 = (const KU8 *)pv1;
94 | const KU8 *pb2 = (const KU8 *)pv2;
95 | if (!memcmp(pb1, pb2, cb))
96 | return 0;
97 | printf("Mismatching blocks pv1=%p pv2=%p cb=%#x:\n", pv1, pv2, cb);
98 | for (off = 0; off < cb; off++)
99 | {
100 | if (pb1[off] == pb2[off])
101 | continue;
102 | printf("%08x %02x != %02x\n", off, pb1[off], pb2[off]);
103 | }
104 | return memcmp(pb1, pb2, cb); /* lazy */
105 | }
106 |
107 |
108 | /**
109 | * Performs basic relocation tests.
110 | */
111 | static int BasicTestsRelocate(PKLDRMOD pMod, void *pvBits, void *pvBits2)
112 | {
113 | const KSIZE cbImage = (KSIZE)kLdrModSize(pMod);
114 | int rc;
115 |
116 | printf("* Relocation test...\n");
117 |
118 | /*
119 | * Get the same bits again to check that we get the same result.
120 | */
121 | memset(pvBits2, 0xfe, cbImage);
122 | rc = kLdrModGetBits(pMod, pvBits2, (KUPTR)pvBits, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
123 | if (rc)
124 | return Failure("failed to get image bits, rc=%d (%s) (a)", rc, kErrName(rc));
125 | if (TestMemComp(pvBits2, pvBits, cbImage))
126 | return Failure("relocation test failed, mismatching bits (a)");
127 |
128 | /*
129 | * Short relocation round trip.
130 | */
131 | rc = kLdrModRelocateBits(pMod, pvBits2, 0x1000, (KUPTR)pvBits, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
132 | if (rc)
133 | return Failure("failed to relocate, rc=%d (%s) (b1)", rc, kErrName(rc));
134 | rc = kLdrModRelocateBits(pMod, pvBits2, (KUPTR)pvBits, 0x1000, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
135 | if (rc)
136 | return Failure("failed to relocate, rc=%d (%s) (b2)", rc, kErrName(rc));
137 | if (TestMemComp(pvBits2, pvBits, cbImage))
138 | return Failure("relocation test failed, mismatching bits (b)");
139 |
140 | /*
141 | * Longer trip where we also check the intermediate results.
142 | */
143 | /* stage one */
144 | rc = kLdrModRelocateBits(pMod, pvBits, 0x1000000, (KUPTR)pvBits, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
145 | if (rc)
146 | return Failure("failed to relocate, rc=%d (%s) (c1)", rc, kErrName(rc));
147 | memset(pvBits2, 0xfe, cbImage);
148 | rc = kLdrModGetBits(pMod, pvBits2, 0x1000000, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
149 | if (rc)
150 | return Failure("failed to get image bits, rc=%d (%s) (c1)", rc, kErrName(rc));
151 | if (TestMemComp(pvBits2, pvBits, cbImage))
152 | return Failure("relocation test failed, mismatching bits (c1)");
153 |
154 | /* stage two */
155 | rc = kLdrModRelocateBits(pMod, pvBits, ~(KUPTR)0x1010000, 0x1000000, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
156 | if (rc)
157 | return Failure("failed to relocate, rc=%d (%s) (c2)", rc, kErrName(rc));
158 | memset(pvBits2, 0xef, cbImage);
159 | rc = kLdrModGetBits(pMod, pvBits2, ~(KUPTR)0x1010000, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
160 | if (rc)
161 | return Failure("failed to get image bits, rc=%d (%s) (c2)", rc, kErrName(rc));
162 | if (TestMemComp(pvBits2, pvBits, cbImage))
163 | return Failure("relocation test failed, mismatching bits (c2)");
164 |
165 | /* stage three */
166 | rc = kLdrModRelocateBits(pMod, pvBits, MY_BASEADDRESS, ~(KUPTR)0x1010000, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
167 | if (rc)
168 | return Failure("failed to relocate, rc=%d (%s) (c3)", rc, kErrName(rc));
169 | memset(pvBits2, 0xef, cbImage);
170 | rc = kLdrModGetBits(pMod, pvBits2, MY_BASEADDRESS, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
171 | if (rc)
172 | return Failure("failed to get image bits, rc=%d (%s) (c3)", rc, kErrName(rc));
173 | if (TestMemComp(pvBits2, pvBits, cbImage))
174 | return Failure("relocation test failed, mismatching bits (c3)");
175 |
176 | /* stage four */
177 | rc = kLdrModRelocateBits(pMod, pvBits, ~(KUPTR)0 / 2 - 0x10000, MY_BASEADDRESS, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
178 | if (rc)
179 | return Failure("failed to relocate, rc=%d %(s) (c4)", rc, kErrName(rc));
180 | memset(pvBits2, 0xdc, cbImage);
181 | rc = kLdrModGetBits(pMod, pvBits2, ~(KUPTR)0 / 2 - 0x10000, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
182 | if (rc)
183 | return Failure("failed to get image bits, rc=%d (%s) (c4)", rc, kErrName(rc));
184 | if (TestMemComp(pvBits2, pvBits, cbImage))
185 | return Failure("relocation test failed, mismatching bits (c4)");
186 |
187 | /* return */
188 | rc = kLdrModRelocateBits(pMod, pvBits, (KUPTR)pvBits, ~(KUPTR)0 / 2 - 0x10000, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
189 | if (rc)
190 | return Failure("failed to relocate, rc=%d (%s) (c5)", rc, kErrName(rc));
191 | memset(pvBits2, 0xcd, cbImage);
192 | rc = kLdrModGetBits(pMod, pvBits2, (KUPTR)pvBits, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
193 | if (rc)
194 | return Failure("failed to get image bits, rc=%d (%s) (c5)", rc, kErrName(rc));
195 | if (TestMemComp(pvBits2, pvBits, cbImage))
196 | return Failure("relocation test failed, mismatching bits (c5)");
197 |
198 | return 0;
199 | }
200 |
201 |
202 | /**
203 | * Dump symbols and check that we can query each of them recursivly.
204 | */
205 | static int BasicTestsEnumSymCallback(PKLDRMOD pMod, KU32 iSymbol, const char *pchSymbol, KSIZE cchSymbol,
206 | const char *pszVersion, KLDRADDR uValue, KU32 fKind, void *pvUser)
207 | {
208 | KLDRADDR uValue2;
209 | KU32 fKind2;
210 | int rc;
211 |
212 | /* dump */
213 | printf("#0x%08x: %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " %#08x", iSymbol, uValue, fKind);
214 | if (pchSymbol)
215 | printf(" %.*s", cchSymbol, pchSymbol);
216 | printf("\n");
217 |
218 | /* query by ordinal */
219 | if (iSymbol != NIL_KLDRMOD_SYM_ORDINAL)
220 | {
221 | fKind2 = 0;
222 | rc = kLdrModQuerySymbol(pMod, pvUser, MY_BASEADDRESS, iSymbol, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
223 | &uValue2, &fKind2);
224 | if (rc)
225 | return Failure("Couldn't find symbol %#x (%.*s) by ordinal. rc=%d (%s)", iSymbol, cchSymbol, pchSymbol, rc, kErrName(rc));
226 | if (uValue != uValue2)
227 | return Failure("Symbol %#x (%.*s): Value mismatch %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " != %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " (enum!=query/ord) pvBits=%p",
228 | iSymbol, cchSymbol, pchSymbol, uValue, uValue2, pvUser);
229 | if (fKind != fKind2)
230 | return Failure("Symbol %#x (%.*s): Kind mismatch %#x != %#x (enum!=query/ord) pvBits=%p",
231 | iSymbol, cchSymbol, pchSymbol, fKind, fKind2, pvUser);
232 | }
233 |
234 | /* query by name. */
235 | if (pchSymbol)
236 | {
237 | fKind2 = 0;
238 | rc = kLdrModQuerySymbol(pMod, pvUser, MY_BASEADDRESS, NIL_KLDRMOD_SYM_ORDINAL, pchSymbol, cchSymbol, pszVersion,
239 | NULL, NULL, &uValue2, &fKind2);
240 | if (rc)
241 | return Failure("Couldn't find symbol %#x (%.*s) by name. rc=%d (%s)", iSymbol, cchSymbol, pchSymbol, rc, kErrName(rc));
242 | if (uValue != uValue2)
243 | return Failure("Symbol %#x (%.*s): Value mismatch %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " != %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " (enum!=query/name) pvBits=%p",
244 | iSymbol, cchSymbol, pchSymbol, uValue, uValue2, pvUser);
245 | if (fKind != fKind2)
246 | return Failure("Symbol %#x (%.*s): Kind mismatch %#x != %#x (enum!=query/name) pvBits=%p",
247 | iSymbol, cchSymbol, pchSymbol, fKind, fKind2, pvUser);
248 | }
249 |
250 | return 0;
251 | }
252 |
253 |
254 | /**
255 | * Dump debugger information and check it for correctness.
256 | */
257 | static int BasicTestEnumDbgInfoCallback(PKLDRMOD pMod, KU32 iDbgInfo, KLDRDBGINFOTYPE enmType,
258 | KI16 iMajorVer, KI16 iMinorVer, KLDRFOFF offFile, KLDRADDR LinkAddress,
259 | KLDRSIZE cb, const char *pszExtFile, void *pvUser)
260 | {
261 | printf("#0x%08x: enmType=%d %d.%d offFile=0x%" PRI_KLDRADDR " LinkAddress=%" PRI_KLDRADDR " cb=%" PRI_KLDRSIZE " pvUser=%p\n",
262 | iDbgInfo, enmType, iMajorVer, iMinorVer, (KLDRADDR)offFile, LinkAddress, cb, pvUser);
263 | if (pszExtFile)
264 | printf(" pszExtFile=%p '%s'\n", pszExtFile, pszExtFile);
265 |
267 | return Failure("Bad enmType");
268 | if (pvUser != NULL)
269 | return Failure("pvUser");
270 |
271 | return 0;
272 | }
273 |
274 |
275 | /**
276 | * Performs the basic module loader test on the specified module and image bits.
277 | */
278 | static int BasicTestsSub2(PKLDRMOD pMod, void *pvBits)
279 | {
280 | KI32 cImports;
281 | KI32 i;
282 | int rc;
283 | KU32 fKind;
284 | KLDRADDR Value;
285 | KLDRADDR MainEPAddress;
286 | KLDRSTACKINFO StackInfo;
287 |
288 | printf("* Testing queries with pvBits=%p...\n", pvBits);
289 |
290 | /*
291 | * Get the import modules.
292 | */
293 | cImports = kLdrModNumberOfImports(pMod, pvBits);
294 | printf("cImports=%d\n", cImports);
295 | if (cImports < 0)
296 | return Failure("failed to query the number of import, cImports=%d", cImports);
297 | for (i = 0; i < cImports; i++)
298 | {
299 | char szImportModule[260];
300 | rc = kLdrModGetImport(pMod, pvBits, i, szImportModule, sizeof(szImportModule));
301 | if (rc)
302 | return Failure("failed to get import module name, rc=%d (%s). (%.260s)", rc, kErrName(rc), szImportModule);
303 | printf("import #%d: '%s'\n", i, szImportModule);
304 | }
305 |
306 | /*
307 | * Query stack info.
308 | */
309 | StackInfo.Address = ~(KLDRADDR)42;
310 | StackInfo.LinkAddress = ~(KLDRADDR)42;
311 | StackInfo.cbStack = ~(KLDRSIZE)42;
312 | StackInfo.cbStackThread = ~(KLDRSIZE)42;
313 | rc = kLdrModGetStackInfo(pMod, pvBits, MY_BASEADDRESS, &StackInfo);
314 | if (rc)
315 | return Failure("kLdrModGetStackInfo failed with rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
316 | printf("Stack: Address=%016" PRI_KLDRADDR " LinkAddress=%016" PRI_KLDRADDR "\n"
317 | " cbStack=%016" PRI_KLDRSIZE " cbStackThread=%016" PRI_KLDRSIZE "\n",
318 | StackInfo.Address, StackInfo.LinkAddress, StackInfo.cbStack, StackInfo.cbStackThread);
319 | if (StackInfo.Address == ~(KLDRADDR)42)
320 | return Failure("Bad StackInfo.Address");
321 | if (StackInfo.LinkAddress == ~(KLDRADDR)42)
322 | return Failure("Bad StackInfo.LinkAddress");
323 | if (StackInfo.cbStack == ~(KLDRSIZE)42)
324 | return Failure("Bad StackInfo.cbStack");
325 | if (StackInfo.cbStackThread == ~(KLDRSIZE)42)
326 | return Failure("Bad StackInfo.cbStackThread");
327 |
328 | /*
329 | * Query entrypoint.
330 | */
331 | MainEPAddress = ~(KLDRADDR)42;
332 | rc = kLdrModQueryMainEntrypoint(pMod, pvBits, MY_BASEADDRESS, &MainEPAddress);
333 | if (rc)
334 | return Failure("kLdrModQueryMainEntrypoint failed with rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
335 | printf("Entrypoint: %016" PRI_KLDRADDR "\n", MainEPAddress);
336 | if (MainEPAddress == ~(KLDRADDR)42)
337 | return Failure("MainEPAddress wasn't set.");
338 | if (MainEPAddress != NIL_KLDRADDR && MainEPAddress < MY_BASEADDRESS)
339 | return Failure("Bad MainEPAddress (a).");
340 | if (MainEPAddress != NIL_KLDRADDR && MainEPAddress >= MY_BASEADDRESS + kLdrModSize(pMod))
341 | return Failure("Bad MainEPAddress (b).");
342 |
343 | /*
344 | * Debugger information.
345 | */
346 | rc = kLdrModHasDbgInfo(pMod, pvBits);
347 | if (!rc)
348 | printf("Has Debugger Information\n");
349 | else if (rc == KLDR_ERR_NO_DEBUG_INFO)
350 | printf("NO Debugger Information\n");
351 | else
352 | return Failure("kLdrModHasDbgInfo failed with rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
353 | rc = kLdrModEnumDbgInfo(pMod, pvBits, BasicTestEnumDbgInfoCallback, NULL);
354 | if (rc)
355 | return Failure("kLdrModEnumDbgInfo failed with rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
356 |
357 |
358 | /*
359 | * Negative symbol query tests.
360 | */
361 | fKind = 0;
362 | Value = 0x0badc0de;
363 | rc = kLdrModQuerySymbol(pMod, pvBits, MY_BASEADDRESS, NIL_KLDRMOD_SYM_ORDINAL - 20, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
364 | &Value, &fKind);
365 | if (rc)
366 | {
367 | if (Value != 0)
368 | return Failure("Value wasn't cleared on failure.");
369 | }
370 |
371 | fKind = 0;
372 | Value = 0x0badc0de;
373 | rc = kLdrModQuerySymbol(pMod, pvBits, MY_BASEADDRESS, NIL_KLDRMOD_SYM_ORDINAL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
374 | &Value, &fKind);
375 | if (!rc)
376 | return Failure("NIL ordinal succeeded!");
377 | if (Value != 0)
378 | return Failure("Value wasn't cleared on failure.");
379 |
380 | /*
381 | * Enumerate and query all symbols.
382 | */
383 | printf("\n"
384 | "Symbols:\n");
385 | rc = kLdrModEnumSymbols(pMod, pvBits, MY_BASEADDRESS, 0, BasicTestsEnumSymCallback, pvBits);
386 | if (rc)
387 | return Failure("kLdrModEnumSymbols failed with rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
388 |
389 |
390 | /*int kLdrModCanExecuteOn(PKLDRMOD pMod, const void *pvBits, KCPUARCH enmArch, KCPU enmCpu);
391 | */
392 |
393 | return 0;
394 | }
395 |
396 |
397 | /**
398 | * Performs the basic module loader test on the specified module
399 | */
400 | static int BasicTestsSub(PKLDRMOD pMod)
401 | {
402 | int rc;
403 | KU32 i;
404 | void *pvBits;
405 | KSIZE cbImage;
406 |
407 | /*
408 | * Check/dump the module structure.
409 | */
410 | printf("pMod=%p u32Magic=%#x cSegments=%d\n", (void *)pMod, pMod->u32Magic, pMod->cSegments);
411 | printf("enmType=%d enmFmt=%d enmArch=%d enmCpu=%d enmEndian=%d\n",
412 | pMod->enmType, pMod->enmFmt, pMod->enmArch, pMod->enmCpu, pMod->enmEndian);
413 | printf("Filename: %s (%d bytes)\n", pMod->pszFilename, pMod->cchFilename);
414 | printf(" Name: %s (%d bytes)\n", pMod->pszName, pMod->cchName);
415 | printf("\n");
416 |
417 | if (pMod->u32Magic != KLDRMOD_MAGIC)
418 | return Failure("Bad u32Magic");
419 | if (strlen(pMod->pszFilename) != pMod->cchFilename)
420 | return Failure("Bad cchFilename");
421 | if (strlen(pMod->pszName) != pMod->cchName)
422 | return Failure("Bad cchName");
423 | if (pMod->enmFmt >= KLDRFMT_END || pMod->enmFmt <= KLDRFMT_INVALID)
424 | return Failure("Bad enmFmt");
425 | if (pMod->enmType >= KLDRTYPE_END || pMod->enmType <= KLDRTYPE_INVALID)
426 | return Failure("Bad enmType: %d", pMod->enmType);
427 | if (!K_ARCH_IS_VALID(pMod->enmArch))
428 | return Failure("Bad enmArch");
429 | if (pMod->enmCpu >= KCPU_END || pMod->enmCpu <= KCPU_INVALID)
430 | return Failure("Bad enmCpu");
431 | if (pMod->enmEndian >= KLDRENDIAN_END || pMod->enmEndian <= KLDRENDIAN_INVALID)
432 | return Failure("Bad enmEndian");
433 |
434 | for (i = 0; i < pMod->cSegments; i++)
435 | {
436 | printf("seg #%d: pvUser=%p enmProt=%d Name: '%.*s' (%d bytes)\n",
437 | i, pMod->aSegments[i].pvUser, pMod->aSegments[i].enmProt,
438 | pMod->aSegments[i].cchName, pMod->aSegments[i].pchName, pMod->aSegments[i].cchName);
439 | printf("LinkAddress: %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " cb: %016" PRI_KLDRSIZE " Alignment=%08" PRI_KLDRADDR " \n",
440 | pMod->aSegments[i].LinkAddress, pMod->aSegments[i].cb, pMod->aSegments[i].Alignment);
441 | printf(" RVA: %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " cbMapped: %016" PRI_KLDRSIZE " MapAddress=%p\n",
442 | pMod->aSegments[i].RVA, (KLDRSIZE)pMod->aSegments[i].cbMapped, (void *)pMod->aSegments[i].MapAddress);
443 | printf(" offFile: %016" PRI_KLDRADDR " cbFile: %016" PRI_KLDRSIZE "\n",
444 | (KLDRADDR)pMod->aSegments[i].offFile, (KLDRSIZE)pMod->aSegments[i].cbFile);
445 | printf("\n");
446 |
447 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].pvUser != NULL)
448 | return Failure("Bad pvUser");
449 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].enmProt >= KPROT_END || pMod->aSegments[i].enmProt <= KPROT_INVALID)
450 | return Failure("Bad enmProt");
451 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].MapAddress != 0)
452 | return Failure("Bad MapAddress");
453 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].cbMapped < pMod->aSegments[i].cb)
454 | return Failure("Bad cbMapped (1)");
455 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].cbMapped && !pMod->aSegments[i].Alignment)
456 | return Failure("Bad cbMapped (2)");
457 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].cbMapped > kLdrModSize(pMod))
458 | return Failure("Bad cbMapped (3)");
459 | if ( pMod->aSegments[i].Alignment
460 | && (pMod->aSegments[i].RVA & (pMod->aSegments[i].Alignment - 1)))
461 | return Failure("Bad RVA (1)");
462 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].RVA != NIL_KLDRADDR && !pMod->aSegments[i].Alignment)
463 | return Failure("Bad RVA (2)");
464 | if ( pMod->aSegments[i].RVA != NIL_KLDRADDR
465 | && pMod->aSegments[i].RVA >= kLdrModSize(pMod))
466 | return Failure("Bad RVA (3)");
467 | if ( pMod->aSegments[i].RVA != NIL_KLDRADDR
468 | && pMod->aSegments[i].RVA + pMod->aSegments[i].cbMapped > kLdrModSize(pMod))
469 | return Failure("Bad RVA/cbMapped (4)");
470 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].LinkAddress != NIL_KLDRADDR && !pMod->aSegments[i].Alignment)
471 | return Failure("Bad LinkAddress");
472 | if ( pMod->aSegments[i].LinkAddress != NIL_KLDRADDR
473 | && (pMod->aSegments[i].LinkAddress) & (pMod->aSegments[i].Alignment - 1))
474 | return Failure("Bad LinkAddress alignment");
475 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].offFile != -1 && pMod->aSegments[i].cbFile == -1)
476 | return Failure("Bad offFile");
477 | if (pMod->aSegments[i].offFile == -1 && pMod->aSegments[i].cbFile != -1)
478 | return Failure("Bad cbFile");
479 | }
480 |
481 |
482 | /*
483 | * Get image the size and query the image bits.
484 | */
485 | printf("* Testing user mapping...\n");
486 |
487 | cbImage = (KSIZE)kLdrModSize(pMod);
488 | if (cbImage != kLdrModSize(pMod))
489 | return Failure("aborting test because the image is too huge!");
490 | pvBits = malloc((KSIZE)cbImage);
491 | if (!pvBits)
492 | return Failure("failed to allocate %d bytes for the image", cbImage);
493 |
494 | rc = kLdrModGetBits(pMod, pvBits, (KUPTR)pvBits, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
495 | if (rc)
496 | return Failure("failed to get image bits, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
497 |
498 | /*
499 | * Another cleanup nesting.
500 | */
501 | rc = BasicTestsSub2(pMod, pvBits);
502 | if (!rc)
503 | {
504 | /*
505 | * Test relocating the bits in a few different ways before we're done with them.
506 | */
507 | void *pvBits2 = malloc((KSIZE)cbImage);
508 | if (pvBits2)
509 | {
510 | rc = BasicTestsRelocate(pMod, pvBits, pvBits2);
511 | free(pvBits2);
512 | }
513 | else
514 | rc = Failure("failed to allocate %d bytes for the 2nd image", cbImage);
515 | }
516 |
517 | free(pvBits);
518 | return rc;
519 | }
520 |
521 |
522 | /**
523 | * Tests the mapping related api, after mapping.
524 | */
525 | static int BasicTestsSubMap2(PKLDRMOD pMod)
526 | {
527 | int rc;
528 |
529 | rc = kLdrModFixupMapping(pMod, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
530 | if (rc)
531 | return Failure("kLdrModFixupMapping (a) failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
532 |
533 | rc = kLdrModReload(pMod);
534 | if (rc)
535 | return Failure("kLdrModReload (a) failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
536 |
537 | rc = kLdrModReload(pMod);
538 | if (rc)
539 | return Failure("kLdrModReload (b) failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
540 |
541 | rc = kLdrModFixupMapping(pMod, BasicTestsGetImport, NULL);
542 | if (rc)
543 | return Failure("kLdrModFixupMapping (b) failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
544 |
545 | rc = kLdrModAllocTLS(pMod);
546 | if (rc)
547 | return Failure("kLdrModAllocTLS (a) failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
548 | kLdrModFreeTLS(pMod);
549 |
550 | rc = kLdrModAllocTLS(pMod);
551 | if (rc)
552 | return Failure("kLdrModAllocTLS (b) failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
553 | kLdrModFreeTLS(pMod);
554 |
555 | /*
556 | * Repeat the BasicTestsSub2 with pvBits as NULL to test module
557 | * interpreters that can utilize the mapping.
558 | */
559 | rc = BasicTestsSub2(pMod, NULL);
560 | if (rc)
561 | return Failure("BasicTestsSub2 in Map2 failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
562 | return 0;
563 | }
564 |
565 |
566 | /**
567 | * Tests the mapping related api.
568 | */
569 | static int BasicTestsSubMap(PKLDRMOD pMod)
570 | {
571 | int rc, rc2;
572 | printf("* Mapping tests...\n");
573 |
574 | rc = kLdrModMap(pMod);
575 | if (rc)
576 | return Failure("kLdrModMap failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc, kErrName(rc));
577 | rc = BasicTestsSubMap2(pMod);
578 | rc2 = kLdrModUnmap(pMod);
579 | if (rc2)
580 | {
581 | Failure("kLdrModUnmap failed, rc=%d (%s)", rc2, kErrName(rc2));
582 | rc = rc ? rc : rc2;
583 | }
584 |
585 | printf("* Mapping tests done.\n");
586 | return rc;
587 | }
588 |
589 |
590 | /**
591 | * Performs basic module loader tests on the specified file.
592 | */
593 | static int BasicTests(const char *pszFilename)
594 | {
595 | PKLDRMOD pMod;
596 | int rc, rc2;
597 |
598 | printf("tstLdrMod: Testing '%s'", pszFilename);
599 | rc = kLdrModOpen(pszFilename, &pMod);
600 | if (!rc)
601 | {
602 | rc = BasicTestsSub(pMod);
603 | if (!rc)
604 | rc = BasicTestsSubMap(pMod);
605 | if (!rc)
606 | rc = BasicTestsSub2(pMod, NULL);
607 | rc2 = kLdrModClose(pMod);
608 | if (rc2)
609 | Failure("failed to close '%s', rc=%d (%s)", pszFilename, rc, kErrName(rc));
610 | if (rc2 && !rc)
611 | rc = rc2;
612 | }
613 | else
614 | Failure("Failed to open '%s', rc=%d (%s)", pszFilename, rc, kErrName(rc));
615 | return rc ? 1 : 0;
616 | }
617 |
618 |
619 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
620 | {
621 | BasicTests(argv[argc-1]);
622 |
623 | if (!g_cErrors)
624 | printf("tstLdrMod: SUCCESS\n");
625 | else
626 | printf("tstLdrMod: FAILURE - %d errors\n", g_cErrors);
627 | return !!g_cErrors;
628 | }
629 |