1 | #!/usr/bin/make -f
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4 | #
5 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
6 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
7 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
8 | # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
9 | # in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
10 | # distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
11 | # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
12 | #
13 |
14 | #export DH_VERBOSE=1
15 | export DH_COMPAT=4
16 |
17 | # possible overrides:
18 | # OSE=1 force VBOX_OSE
19 | # NOPARALLEL=1 compile with -j1
20 | # LINUX=<dir> compile vboxdrv against Linux found in <dir>
21 | # VERBOSE=1 verbose build
22 | # DEBUG=1 debug build
23 | # NOSUBVER=1 disable generation of the sub-version field (which is
24 | # either the subversion rev [if available] or the build date)
25 | # NODOCS=1 don't build docs, use precompiled UserManual.pdf and
26 | # VirtualBox.chm from $HOME
27 | # NOMODS=1 don't build any module
28 | # HEADLESS=1 build the headless version
29 | # STAGEDISO=<path> don't build the VBoxAdditions, use the precompiled .iso
30 |
31 | package := virtualbox
32 | verpkg := virtualbox-ose
33 | current := $(shell pwd)
34 | vboxroot := $(shell pwd)
35 | builddir := $(current)/debian/builddir
36 | moddir := $(current)/debian/modules
37 | prefix := $(current)/debian/$(verpkg)
38 | arch := $(shell dpkg --print-architecture)
39 | verfile := $(builddir)/version-generated.mk
40 | ose := 1
41 | NOMODS ?= $(ose)
42 |
43 | ifneq ($(wildcard $(verfile)),)
44 | include $(verfile)
45 | ver := $(VBOX_VERSION_STRING)
46 | archdir := $(prefix)/opt/VirtualBox-$(ver)
47 | endif
48 |
49 | ifneq ($(STAGEDISO),)
50 | ifeq ($(wildcard $(STAGEDISO)/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso),)
51 | $(error STAGEDISO='$(STAGEDISO)/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso' not found)
52 | endif
53 | endif
54 |
55 | # Hack: Xandros is actually Debian/sarge ... :(
56 | ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/xandros-desktop-version),)
57 | debrel := _xandros4.1
58 | else
59 | ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/univention),)
60 | debrel := _ucs1.3
61 | else
62 | debrel := $(if $(shell which lsb_release),_$(shell lsb_release -si)_$(shell lsb_release -sc),unknown)
63 | endif
64 | endif
65 |
66 | gccver := $(subst ., ,$(shell gcc -dumpversion))
67 | gccvmaj := $(word 1,$(gccver))
68 | gccvmin := $(word 2,$(gccver))
69 | debcfgs := VBOX_PATH_PACKAGE_DOCS="\"/usr/share/doc/$(verpkg)\""
70 |
71 | # Ubuntu dapper: gcc-4.0 does not work with recompiler, use gcc-3.4 instead
72 | configure: debian/configure-stamp
73 | debian/configure-stamp:
74 | dh_testdir
75 | cd $(vboxroot) && ./configure --odir=$(current)/debian --disable-qt3 $(if \
76 | $(ose),--ose,) $(if $(LINUX),--with-linux=$(LINUX),) $(if \
77 | $(filter _Ubuntu_dapper,$(debrel)),--with-gcc=gcc-3.4 --with-g++=g++-3.4,) $(if \
78 | $(shell test $(gccvmaj) -eq 4 -a $(gccvmin) -gt 2 -o $(gccvmaj) -gt 4 && echo "yes"),--with-gcc=gcc-4.2 --with-g++=g++-4.2,) $(if \
79 | $(filter _xandros4.1 _ucs1.3,$(debrel)),--disable-sdl-ttf,) $(if \
80 | $(HEADLESS),--build-headless,) $(if $(DEBUG),--build-debug,)
81 | touch debian/configure-stamp
82 |
83 | build: debian/configure-stamp debian/build-stamp
84 | debian/build-stamp $(verfile):
85 | dh_testdir
86 | . debian/env.sh && kmk -C $(vboxroot) $(if \
87 | $(VERBOSE),--print-directory,--no-print-directory) $(if \
88 | $(NOPARALLEL),-j1,) $(if \
89 | $(VERBOSE),KBUILD_VERBOSE=2,) $(if \
92 | AUTOCFG=$(current)/debian/AutoConfig.kmk \
93 | LOCALCFG=$(current)/debian/LocalConfig.kmk \
94 | PATH_OUT=$(current)/debian/builddir \
96 | $(debcfgs) \
97 | all
98 | $(if $(NODOCS),cp $(vboxroot)/prebuild/UserManual.pdf $(builddir)/bin,)
99 | $(if $(NODOCS),cp $(vboxroot)/prebuild/VirtualBox.chm $(builddir)/bin,)
100 | mkdir -p $(builddir)/bin/additions
101 | $(if $(STAGEDISO),cp $(STAGEDISO)/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso $(builddir)/bin/additions,)
102 | . debian/env.sh && kmk -C $(vboxroot) $(if \
103 | $(VERBOSE),--print-directory,--no-print-directory) $(if \
104 | $(VERBOSE),KBUILD_VERBOSE=2,) $(if \
106 | AUTOCFG=$(current)/debian/AutoConfig.kmk \
107 | LOCALCFG=$(current)/debian/LocalConfig.kmk \
108 | PATH_OUT=$(current)/debian/builddir \
111 | $(debcfgs) \
112 | packing
113 | touch debian/build-stamp
114 |
115 | # Build modules for every kernel we find in /lib/modules/*
116 | modules: debian/build-stamp debian/modules-stamp
117 | debian/modules-stamp: debian/build-stamp
118 | rm -rf $(moddir)
119 | mkdir $(moddir)
120 | make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv clean
121 | for d in $(wildcard /lib/modules/*); do \
122 | if [ -L $$d/build ]; then \
123 | make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv KERN_DIR=$$d/build MODULE_DIR=$$d clean && \
124 | make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv KBUILD_VERBOSE= KERN_DIR=$$d/build MODULE_DIR=$$d all && \
125 | install -D -m 0644 -g 0 -o 0 \
126 | $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv/vboxdrv.ko $(moddir)/$$(basename $$d)/vboxdrv.ko && \
127 | make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt KERN_DIR=$$d/build MODULE_DIR=$$d clean && \
128 | (cp $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv/Module.symvers $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt || true) && \
129 | make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt KBUILD_VERBOSE= KERN_DIR=$$d/build MODULE_DIR=$$d all && \
130 | install -D -m 0644 -g 0 -o 0 \
131 | $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt/vboxnetflt.ko $(moddir)/$$(basename $$d)/vboxnetflt.ko; \
132 | fi; \
133 | done
134 | make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxdrv clean
135 | make -C $(builddir)/bin/src/vboxnetflt clean
136 | touch debian/modules-stamp
137 |
138 | clean:
139 | dh_testdir
140 | dh_testroot
141 | rm -f debian/$(package).init debian/vboxdrv.init debian/vboxnet.init
142 | rm -f debian/AutoConfig.kmk debian/configure.log debian/env.sh debian/preinst
143 | rm -f debian/modules-stamp debian/build-stamp debian/configure-stamp
144 | rm -rf $(builddir) $(moddir)
145 | dh_clean
146 |
147 | ifeq ($(VBOX_VERSION_MAJOR),)
148 | binary binary-arch binary-indep: build $(verfile)
149 | $(MAKE) -f debian/rules binary
150 | else
151 | # Build architecture-dependent files here.
152 | binary binary-arch binary-indep: build $(if $(NOMODS),,modules)
153 | dh_testdir
154 | dh_testroot
155 | dh_clean -k
156 | dh_installdirs
157 | tar -xjC $(prefix)/opt -f $(builddir)/bin/VirtualBox.tar.bz2
158 | install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/applications
159 | install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/lib
160 | install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/bin
161 | install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)
162 | install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package)
163 | install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/doc/$(verpkg)
164 | $(if $(HEADLESS),,mv $(archdir)/VirtualBox.desktop \
165 | $(prefix)/usr/share/applications/VirtualBox.desktop)
166 | install -d -g 0 -o 0 $(prefix)/usr/share/pixmaps
167 | install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 644 debian/lintian-override \
168 | $(prefix)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(package)
169 | mv $(archdir)/VBox.png \
170 | $(prefix)/usr/share/pixmaps/VBox.png
171 | mv $(archdir)/*.gc $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)
172 | mv $(archdir)/*.r0 $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)
173 | $(if $(filter amd64,$(arch)),\
174 | mv $(archdir)/VBoxREM2.rel $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package),)
175 | mv $(archdir)/VBoxXPCOMIPCD $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)
176 | mv $(archdir)/components $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/components
177 | mv $(archdir)/*.so $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)
178 | mv $(archdir)/*.so.4 $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package) || true
179 | $(if $(HEADLESS),,mv $(archdir)/nls $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package))
180 | mv $(archdir)/src $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package)
181 | rm $(archdir)/VBox.sh
182 | install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 644 debian/VBox.sh $(prefix)/usr/bin/VBox
183 | mv $(archdir)/VBoxSysInfo.sh $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package)
184 | mv $(archdir)/VBoxAddIF.sh $(prefix)/usr/bin/VBoxTAP
185 | for i in VBoxManage VBoxSVC $(if $(HEADLESS),,VBoxSDL) \
186 | $(if $(HEADLESS),,VirtualBox) $(if $(ose),,VBoxVRDP) \
187 | VBoxHeadless; do \
188 | mv $(archdir)/$$i $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package); done
189 | mv $(archdir)/VBoxTunctl $(prefix)/usr/bin
190 | $(if $(NOMODS),,for d in $(moddir)/*; do \
191 | install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 \
192 | $$d/vboxdrv.ko $(prefix)/lib/modules/$$(basename $$d)/misc/vboxdrv.ko; \
193 | install -D -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 \
194 | $$d/vboxnetflt.ko $(prefix)/lib/modules/$$(basename $$d)/misc/vboxnetflt.ko; \
195 | done)
196 | ifeq ($(ose),)
197 | $(if $(HEADLESS),,mv $(archdir)/kchmviewer $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package))
198 | dh_installdocs \
199 | $(archdir)/UserManual*.pdf $(archdir)/VirtualBox*.chm \
201 | rm $(addprefix $(archdir)/,UserManual*.pdf VirtualBox*.chm LICENSE)
202 | for i in rdesktop-vrdp.tar.gz additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso; do \
203 | mv $(archdir)/$$i $(prefix)/usr/share/$(package); done
204 | rmdir $(archdir)/additions
205 | if [ -d $(archdir)/accessible ]; then mv $(archdir)/accessible $(prefix)/usr/lib/virtualbox; fi
206 | else
207 | dh_installdocs
208 | endif
209 | rmdir $(archdir)
210 | rmdir $(prefix)/opt
211 | dh_link \
212 | $(if $(HEADLESS),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VirtualBox) \
213 | usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxManage \
214 | $(if $(HEADLESS),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxSDL) \
215 | $(if $(ose),,usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxVRDP) \
216 | usr/bin/VBox usr/bin/VBoxHeadless \
217 | usr/bin/VBoxTAP usr/bin/VBoxAddIF \
218 | usr/bin/VBoxTAP usr/bin/VBoxDeleteIF \
219 | usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxdrv usr/src/vboxdrv-$(ver) \
220 | usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxnetflt usr/src/vboxnetflt-$(ver)
221 | dh_desktop
222 | dh_installmenu
223 | $(if $(NOMODS),,dh_installmodules)
224 | sed \
225 | -e 's|%NOLSB%|$(if $(filter _Debian_sarge ucs1.3,$(debrel)),yes,)|g' \
226 | -e 's|%PACKAGE%|virtualbox|g' \
227 | src/VBox/Installer/linux/vboxdrv.sh.in > debian/vboxdrv.init
228 | sed \
229 | -e 's|%NOLSB%|$(if $(filter _Debian_sarge,$(debrel)),yes,)|g' \
230 | src/VBox/Installer/linux/vboxnet.sh.in > debian/vboxnet.init
231 | dh_installinit --name=vboxdrv
232 | dh_installinit --name=vboxnet
233 | cat debian/preinst.in | sed -e 's|%VER%|$(ver)|g' > debian/preinst
234 | if [ "$(debrel)" = "_Ubuntu_dapper" -o "$(debrel)" = "_Debian_sarge" ]; then \
235 | cat debian/postrm.dapper > debian/postrm; fi
236 | dh_installdebconf
237 | dh_installchangelogs
238 | dh_link
239 | dh_strip --keep-debug --exclude=libVBoxQtCore.so.4 --exclude=libVBoxQtGui.so.4 --exclude=libVBoxQtNetwork.so.4 --exclude=libqtaccessiblewidgets.so
240 | # manually strip our R0/GC modules, dh_strip cannot handle them
241 | for f in \
242 | $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/*.r0 $(prefix)/usr/lib/$(package)/*.gc; do \
243 | objcopy --only-keep-debug \
244 | $$f \
245 | $(prefix)/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/$(package)/`basename $$f`; \
246 | strip -S --remove-section=.comment $$f; \
247 | objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$(prefix)/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/$(package)/`basename $$f` $$f; \
248 | done
249 | mkdir -p $(current)/debian/$(verpkg)-dbg/usr/lib
250 | mv $(current)/debian/$(verpkg)/usr/lib/debug $(current)/debian/$(verpkg)-dbg/usr/lib
251 | dh_compress -X.pdf -X.chm -X LICENSE
252 | dh_fixperms
253 | dh_makeshlibs
254 | dh_installdeb
255 | dh_perl
256 | dh_shlibdeps
257 | dh_gencontrol -- \
258 | -Valsa=$(if $(HEADLESS),,libasound2) \
259 | -Vpulse=$(if $(HEADLESS),,libpulse0) \
260 | -Vsdlttf=$(if $(HEADLESS),,libsdl-ttf2.0-0) \
261 | -Vdkms=$(if $(filter _Ubuntu_gutsy _Ubuntu_hardy _Ubuntu_intrepid,$(debrel)),dkms,)
262 | dh_md5sums
263 | dh_builddeb
264 | endif
265 |
266 | .PHONY: binary modules binary-arch binary-indep clean checkroot