1 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 | __copyright__ = \
3 | """
4 | Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
5 |
6 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
7 | available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
8 |
9 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
12 | License.
13 |
14 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
21 |
22 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
23 | """
24 |
25 | # Standard python imports.
26 | import glob;
27 | import os;
28 | import re;
29 | import sys;
30 |
31 |
32 | g_oReHref = re.compile(r'\bhref=("[^">#./]+"|\'[^\'>#./]+\')');
33 |
34 | def modifyDitaFile(dIdToFile, sContent):
35 | """
36 | Modifies the href attributes in this file.
37 | """
38 | current_file_is_refentry = False
39 | if any(current_file_name.lower() in s.lower() for s in refentry_files):
40 | current_file_is_refentry = True
41 | sModified = '';
42 | offPrev = 0;
43 | for oMatch in g_oReHref.finditer(sContent):
44 | sId = oMatch.group(1)[1:-1];
45 | if sId in dIdToFile:
46 | reference_is_refentry = False
47 | if any(os.path.splitext(dIdToFile[sId])[0].lower() in s.lower() for s in refentry_files):
48 | reference_is_refentry = True
49 | if current_file_is_refentry and not reference_is_refentry:
50 | sModified += sContent[offPrev : oMatch.start(1)] + '"../topics/' + dIdToFile[sId] + '#' + sId + '"';
51 | else:
52 | sModified += sContent[offPrev : oMatch.start(1)] + '"' + dIdToFile[sId] + '#' + sId + '"';
53 | if sId == "vboxmanage-modifyvm-vrde":
54 | print("========*******=======")
55 | print(reference_is_refentry)
56 | print(current_file_name)
57 | print(current_file_is_refentry)
58 | print(dIdToFile[sId])
59 | print(f"ppppppp{sId}")
60 | print(refentry_files)
61 | print("========xxxxxxx=======")
62 |
63 | offPrev = oMatch.end(1);
64 | if offPrev < len(sContent):
65 | sModified += sContent[offPrev:];
66 | return sModified;
67 |
68 | def info(sMessage):
69 | """ Info message. """
70 | print('add_file_to_id_only_references.py: info: %s' % sMessage);
71 | return 1;
72 |
73 | def error(sMessage):
74 | """ Reports an error. """
75 | print('add_file_to_id_only_references.py: error: %s' % sMessage, file = sys.stderr);
76 | return 1;
77 |
78 | def syntax(sMessage):
79 | """ Reports a syntax error. """
80 | print('add_file_to_id_only_references.py: syntax error: %s' % sMessage, file = sys.stderr);
81 | return 2;
82 |
83 | def usage():
84 | """ Reports usage. """
85 | print('usage: add_file_to_id_only_references.py [--verbose|--quiet] --mapping-file <map.db> file1.dita [file2.dita [...]]');
86 | return 0;
87 |
88 | def main(asArgs):
89 | dIdToFile = None;
90 | fEndOfArgs = False;
91 | fVerbose = False;
92 | iArg = 1;
93 | while iArg < len(asArgs):
94 | sArg = asArgs[iArg];
95 | if sArg[0] == '-' and not fEndOfArgs:
96 | # Options.
97 | if sArg == '--':
98 | fEndOfArgs = True;
99 | elif sArg in ('--help', '-h', '-?'):
100 | return usage();
101 | elif sArg in ('--version', '-V' ):
102 | print(__version__[__version__.find(':') + 2:-2]);
103 | elif sArg in ('--quiet', '-q' ):
104 | fVerbose = False;
105 | elif sArg in ('--verbose', '-v' ):
106 | fVerbose = True;
107 | elif sArg in ('--refentry_file_list', '-f' ):
108 | iArg += 1;
109 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
110 | return syntax('Expected a list of refentry files following "--refentry_file_list"!');
111 | global refentry_files
112 | refentry_files = asArgs[iArg].split(' ')
113 | elif sArg in ('--mapping-file', '-m'):
114 | iArg += 1;
115 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
116 | return syntax('Expected filename following "--mapping-file"!');
117 | # Load the database file.
118 | sArg = asArgs[iArg];
119 | try:
120 | with open(sArg, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as oFile:
121 | dIdToFile = {};
122 | for sLine in oFile:
123 | sId, sFile = sLine.split('=');
124 | dIdToFile[sId.strip()] = sFile.strip();
125 | except Exception as oXcpt: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
126 | return error('Failed to open and parse "%s": %s' % (sArg, oXcpt,));
127 | if fVerbose:
128 | info('Loaded %s IDs from "%s"' % (len(dIdToFile), sArg));
129 | else:
130 | return syntax('Unknown option: %s' % (sArg,));
131 | else:
132 | # File to modify.
133 | if dIdToFile is None:
134 | return syntax('A mapping database must be given before any other files!');
135 |
136 | try:
137 | with open(sArg, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as oFile:
138 | sContent = oFile.read();
139 | except Exception as oXcpt: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
140 | return error('Failed to open and read "%s": %s' % (sArg, oXcpt,));
141 | global current_file_name
142 | current_file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sArg))[0]
143 | prefix = "flat-"
144 | if current_file_name.startswith(prefix):
145 | current_file_name = current_file_name[len(prefix):]
146 | sModified = modifyDitaFile(dIdToFile, sContent);
147 | if sModified != sContent:
148 | if fVerbose:
149 | info('Writing out modified "%s"...' % (sArg,));
150 | try:
151 | with open(sArg, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as oFile:
152 | oFile.write(sModified);
153 | except Exception as oXcpt: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
154 | return error('Failed to open and write back "%s": %s' % (sArg, oXcpt,));
155 | elif fVerbose:
156 | info('No changes to "%s"...' % (sArg,));
157 |
158 | iArg += 1;
159 | return 0;
160 |
161 | if __name__ == "__main__":
162 | main(sys.argv)
163 |