=================================================================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- refentry must have a refsynopsisdiv refentry must have a refentryinfo with title refentry must have a refentryinfo with title The refmeta/refentrytitle and the refnamediv/refname must be identical refentry must have a refsect1 with title refentry must have an id attribute static const RTMSGREFENTRYSTR _synopsis[] = { The refsynopsisdiv/cmdsynopsis elements must have an id starting with 'synopsis-'. The refsynopsisdiv/cmdsynopsis elements @id is expected to include the refentry @id. No refsect2 with id="" found. }; static const RTMSGREFENTRYSTR _full_help[] = { { , " -- ." }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_GLOBAL, "Usage" }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "=====" }, Expected title as the first element in refsect1. No text supported in refsect1. { , "" }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, " " }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, }; static const RTMSGREFENTRY = { /* .idInternal = */ HELP_CMD_ , /* .Synopsis = */ { RT_ELEMENTS( _synopsis), 0, _synopsis }, /* .Help = */ { RT_ELEMENTS( _full_help), 0, _full_help }, /* pszBrief = */ " " }; cmdsynopsis with text is not supported. { | RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_FLAGS_SYNOPSIS, "" }, { | RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_FLAGS_SYNOPSIS, "" }, " }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME | RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_FLAGS_SYNOPSIS, " " }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME | RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_FLAGS_SYNOPSIS, " < > Invalid arg choice: "" Invalid rep choice: "" refsect2 shouldn't contain text refsect2 requires a title () { , "" }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, " " }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, " " }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, Only varlistentry elements are supported in variablelist Expected one or more term members and exactly one listentry member in varlistentry element. { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, para, itemizedlist and orderedlist Only listitem elements are supported in : inside a para is current not supported. Close the para before the list, it makes no difference to html and latex/pdf output. { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, Expected /listitem to only contain para elements: { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, "" }, " }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, " Support for elements under screen has not been implemented: " }, " }, { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, " text: add space text: || text: || text: add space text! || text! || text! || The element is not supported Misplaced remark/@role=help-scope element. Only supported on: refsect1, refsect2, refsynopsisdiv/cmdsynopsis remark/@role=help-copy-synopsis is not supported by this stylesheet. Must preprocess input! Warning: Unhandled element: / { RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME, " " }, HELP_SCOPE_ RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_GLOBAL RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_GLOBAL RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_SAME expected remark child or id attribute. HELP_SCOPE_ calc-scope-const-from-id is invoked without an refentry ancestor with a id. Expected sId () to contain Empty @condition for help-scope remark. RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_GLOBAL HELP_SCOPE_ | RTMSGREFENTRYSTR_SCOPE_GLOBAL | HELP_SCOPE_ - . text() [@id= ] [] error: : , text() [@id= ] : error: Only are supported as children to Unsupported children: