false unhandled element <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd"> refentry must have an id attribute! refentry refnamediv/refpurpose Expected refsynopsisdiv to start with cmdsynopsis No title element supported in refsynopsisdiv refsynopsisdiv Synopsis refsect1 requires title refsect1 refsect2 requires title refsect2 refsect2 refsect2/title refsect2title para variablelist varlistentry term listitem itemizedlist listitem orderedlist listitem cmdsynopsis ohc pdf space hack cmdsynopsis ohc pdf space hack command command/text command/replaceable command command/text command/replaceable arg= arg= = arg-space arg-whitespace arg arg-trailing arg[] optional required Unexpected @choice value: arg[,repeat] optional arg[,repeat] repeatarg arg[,repeat] ... Expected arg in group to be plain, not optional. groupcomp groupseq replaceable replaceable replaceable option/replaceable computeroutput/replaceable Immediate group nesting is not allowed! Put nested group inside arg element. Group with fewer than two 'arg' elements is not allowed! group[req] required group[plain] group[opt] optional Repeating group is not a good idea... arg[,repeat] optional arg[,repeat] repeatarg arg[,repeat] ... option option literal literal/replaceable Unexpected literal/replaceable child Unexpected literal child: filename computeroutput xref/linkend with http ulink external html ulink url is not http: Did not expect emphasis to have children! emphasis citetitle wtf? - [@id= ] [] error: : , text:text() [@id= ] : error: Only are supported as children to Unsupported children: