1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="changetimesync">
4 | <title>Tuning the Guest Additions Time Synchronization Parameters</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <p>
8 | The Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions ensure that the guest's
9 | system time is synchronized with the host time. There are
10 | several parameters which can be tuned. The parameters can be set
11 | for a specific VM using the following command:
12 | </p>
13 | <pre xml:space="preserve">$ VBoxManage guestproperty set <varname>VM-name</varname> "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/<varname>property</varname>" <varname>value</varname>
14 | </pre>
15 | <p><varname>property</varname> is one of the following:
16 | </p>
17 | <dl>
18 | <dlentry>
19 | <dt><codeph>--timesync-interval</codeph>
20 | </dt>
21 | <dd>
22 | <p>
23 | Specifies the interval at which to synchronize the time
24 | with the host. The default is 10000 ms (10 seconds).
25 | </p>
26 | </dd>
27 | </dlentry>
28 | <dlentry>
29 | <dt><codeph>--timesync-min-adjust</codeph>
30 | </dt>
31 | <dd>
32 | <p>
33 | The minimum absolute drift value measured in milliseconds
34 | to make adjustments for. The default is 1000 ms on OS/2
35 | and 100 ms elsewhere.
36 | </p>
37 | </dd>
38 | </dlentry>
39 | <dlentry>
40 | <dt><codeph>--timesync-latency-factor</codeph>
41 | </dt>
42 | <dd>
43 | <p>
44 | The factor to multiply the time query latency with to
45 | calculate the dynamic minimum adjust time. The default is
46 | 8 times, which means as follows:
47 | </p>
48 | <p>
49 | Measure the time it takes to determine the host time, the
50 | guest has to contact the VM host service which may take
51 | some time. Multiply this value by 8 and do an adjustment
52 | only if the time difference between host and guest is
53 | bigger than this value. Do not do any time adjustment
54 | otherwise.
55 | </p>
56 | </dd>
57 | </dlentry>
58 | <dlentry>
59 | <dt><codeph>--timesync-max-latency</codeph>
60 | </dt>
61 | <dd>
62 | <p>
63 | The max host timer query latency to accept. The default is
64 | 250 ms.
65 | </p>
66 | </dd>
67 | </dlentry>
68 | <dlentry>
69 | <dt><codeph>--timesync-set-threshold</codeph>
70 | </dt>
71 | <dd>
72 | <p>
73 | The absolute drift threshold, given as milliseconds where
74 | to start setting the time instead of trying to smoothly
75 | adjust it. The default is 20 minutes.
76 | </p>
77 | </dd>
78 | </dlentry>
79 | <dlentry>
80 | <dt><codeph>--timesync-set-start</codeph>
81 | </dt>
82 | <dd>
83 | <p>
84 | Set the time when starting the time sync service.
85 | </p>
86 | </dd>
87 | </dlentry>
88 | <dlentry>
89 | <dt><codeph>--timesync-set-on-restore</codeph> 0|1
90 | </dt>
91 | <dd>
92 | <p>
93 | Set the time after the VM was restored from a saved state
94 | when passing 1 as parameter. This is the default. Disable
95 | by passing 0. In the latter case, the time will be
96 | adjusted smoothly, which can take a long time.
97 | </p>
98 | </dd>
99 | </dlentry>
100 | </dl>
101 | <p>
102 | All these parameters can be specified as command line parameters
103 | to <codeph>VBoxService</codeph> as well.
104 | </p>
105 | </body>
106 |
107 | </topic>