1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="install-linux-debian-ubuntu">
4 | <title>Installing Oracle VM VirtualBox from a Debian or Ubuntu Package</title>
5 |
6 | <body>
7 | <p>
8 | Download the appropriate package for your distribution. The
9 | following example assumes that you are installing to a 64-bit
10 | Ubuntu Xenial system. Use <userinput>dpkg</userinput> to install
11 | the Debian package,as follows:
12 | </p>
13 | <pre xml:space="preserve">sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-<varname>version-number</varname>_Ubuntu_xenial_amd64.deb</pre>
14 | <p>
15 | The installer will also try to build kernel modules suitable
16 | for the current running kernel. If the build process is not
17 | successful you will be shown a warning and the package will be
18 | left unconfigured. Look at
19 | <filepath>/var/log/vbox-install.log</filepath> to find out why
20 | the compilation failed. You may have to install the
21 | appropriate Linux kernel headers, see
22 | <xref href="externalkernelmodules.dita#externalkernelmodules"/>. After correcting any
23 | problems, run the following command:
24 | </p>
25 | <pre xml:space="preserve">sudo rcvboxdrv setup</pre>
26 | <p>
27 | This will start a second attempt to build the module.
28 | </p>
29 | <p>
30 | If a suitable kernel module was found in the package or the
31 | module was successfully built, the installation script will
32 | attempt to load that module. If this fails, please see
33 | <xref href="ts_linux-kernelmodule-fails-to-load.dita">Linux Kernel Module Refuses to Load</xref> for
34 | further information.
35 | </p>
36 | <p>
37 | Once Oracle VM VirtualBox has been successfully installed and
38 | configured, you can start it by clicking
39 | <b outputclass="bold">VirtualBox</b> in your
40 | <b outputclass="bold">Start</b> menu or from the
41 | command line. See <xref href="startingvboxonlinux.dita"/>.
42 | </p>
43 | </body>
44 |
45 | </topic>