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2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="intro-macosxguests">
4 | <title>Mac OS X Guests</title>
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7 | <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> enables you to install and execute unmodified versions of
8 | Mac OS X guests on supported host hardware. Note that this feature is experimental and thus unsupported. </p>
9 | <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> is the first product to provide the modern PC architecture
10 | expected by OS X without requiring any of the modifications used by competing virtualization solutions. For
11 | example, some competing solutions perform modifications to the Mac OS X install DVDs, such as a different boot
12 | loader and replaced files. </p>
13 | <p>Be aware of the following important issues before you attempt to install a Mac OS X guest: </p>
14 | <ul>
15 | <li>
16 | <p>Mac OS X is commercial, licensed software and contains <b outputclass="bold">both license and technical
17 | restrictions</b> that limit its use to certain hardware and usage scenarios. You must understand and comply
18 | with these restrictions. </p>
19 | <p>In particular, Apple prohibits the installation of most versions of Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware. </p>
20 | <p>These license restrictions are also enforced on a technical level. Mac OS X verifies that it is running on
21 | Apple hardware. Most DVDs that accompany Apple hardware check for the exact model. These restrictions are
22 | <i>not</i> circumvented by <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> and continue to apply. </p>
23 | </li>
24 | <li>
25 | <p>Only <b outputclass="bold">CPUs</b> that are known and tested by Apple are supported. As a result, if your
26 | Intel CPU is newer than the Mac OS X build, or if you have a non-Intel CPU, you will likely encounter a panic
27 | during bootup with an "Unsupported CPU" exception. </p>
28 | <p>Ensure that you use the Mac OS X DVD that comes with your Apple hardware. </p>
29 | </li>
30 | <li>
31 | <p>The Mac OS X installer expects the hard disk to be <i>partitioned</i>. So, the installer will not offer a
32 | partition selection to you. Before you can install the software successfully, start the Disk Utility from the
33 | Tools menu and partition the hard disk. Close the Disk Utility and proceed with the installation. </p>
34 | </li>
35 | <li>
36 | <p>In addition, Mac OS X support in <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> is an experimental
37 | feature. See <xref href="KnownIssues.dita">Known Limitations</xref>. </p>
38 | </li>
39 | </ul>
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