1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic
3 | PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
4 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="snapshots-contents">
5 | <title>Snapshot Contents</title>
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7 | <body>
8 | <p>Think of a snapshot as a point in time that you have preserved. More formally, a snapshot consists
9 | of the following: </p>
10 | <ul>
11 | <li>
12 | <p>The snapshot contains a complete copy of the VM settings, including the hardware
13 | configuration, so that when you restore a snapshot, the VM settings are restored as well. For example, if you
14 | changed the hard disk configuration or the VM's system settings, that change is undone when you restore the
15 | snapshot. </p>
16 | <p>The copy of the settings is stored in the machine configuration, an XML text file, and thus
17 | occupies very little space. </p>
18 | </li>
19 | <li>
20 | <p>The complete state of all the virtual disks attached to the machine is preserved. Going back
21 | to a snapshot means that all changes that had been made to the machine's disks, file by file and bit by bit,
22 | will be undone. Files that were since created will disappear, files that were deleted will be restored,
23 | changes to files will be reverted. </p>
24 | <p>Strictly speaking, this is only true for virtual hard disks in "normal" mode. You can
25 | configure disks to behave differently with snapshots, see <xref href="hdimagewrites.dita#hdimagewrites"/>. In
26 | technical terms, it is not the virtual disk itself that is restored when a snapshot is restored. Instead, when
27 | a snapshot is taken, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> creates differencing images which
28 | contain only the changes since the snapshot were taken. When the snapshot is restored, <ph
29 | conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> throws away that differencing image, thus going back to
30 | the previous state. This is both faster and uses less disk space. For the details, which can be complex, see
31 | <xref href="diffimages.dita#diffimages"/>. </p>
32 | <p>Creating the differencing image as such does not occupy much space on the host disk
33 | initially, since the differencing image will initially be empty and grow dynamically later with each write
34 | operation to the disk. The longer you use the machine after having created the snapshot, however, the more the
35 | differencing image will grow in size. </p>
36 | </li>
37 | <li>
38 | <p>If you took a snapshot while the machine was running, the memory state of the machine is also
39 | saved in the snapshot. This is in the same way that memory can be saved when you close a VM window. When you
40 | restore such a snapshot, execution resumes at exactly the point when the snapshot was taken. </p>
41 | <p>The memory state file can be as large as the memory size of the VM and will therefore occupy
42 | considerable disk space. </p>
43 | </li>
44 | </ul>
45 | </body>
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47 | </topic>