1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic
3 | PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
4 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="snapshots">
5 | <title>Snapshots</title>
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7 | <body>
8 | <p>With snapshots, you can save a particular state of a virtual machine for later use. At any later time,
9 | you can revert to that state, even though you may have changed the VM considerably since then. A snapshot of a
10 | virtual machine is thus similar to a machine in Saved state, but there can be many of them, and these saved states
11 | are preserved. </p>
12 | <p>To see the snapshots of a virtual machine, click the machine name in <ph
13 | conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/>. In the machine tools menu for the VM, click <b outputclass="bold"
14 | >Snapshots</b>. The Snapshots tool is displayed. </p>
15 | <p>If you select multiple VMs in the machine list, all snapshots are listed for each VM. </p>
16 | <p>Until you take a snapshot of the virtual machine, the list of snapshots will be empty, except for the
17 | <b outputclass="bold">Current State</b> item. This item represents the current point in the lifetime of the
18 | virtual machine. </p>
19 | <p>The Snapshots window includes a toolbar, enabling you to perform the following snapshot operations: </p>
20 | <ul>
21 | <li>
22 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Take.</b> Takes a snapshot of the selected VM. See <xref
23 | href="snapshots-take-restore-delete.dita#snapshots-take-restore-delete"/>. </p>
24 | </li>
25 | <li>
26 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Delete.</b> Removes a snapshot from the list of snapshots. See <xref
27 | href="snapshots-take-restore-delete.dita#snapshots-take-restore-delete"/>. </p>
28 | </li>
29 | <li>
30 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Restore.</b> Restores the VM state to be the same as the selected
31 | snapshot. See <xref href="snapshots-take-restore-delete.dita#snapshots-take-restore-delete"/>. </p>
32 | </li>
33 | <li>
34 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Properties.</b> Displays the properties for the selected snapshot. The <b
35 | outputclass="bold">Attributes</b> tab is used to specify a Name and Description for the snapshot. The <b
36 | outputclass="bold">Information</b> tab shows VM settings for the snapshot. </p>
37 | </li>
38 | <li>
39 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Clone.</b> Displays the <b outputclass="bold">Clone Virtual Machine</b>
40 | wizard. This enables you to create a clone of the VM, based on the selected snapshot. </p>
41 | </li>
42 | <li>
43 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Settings.</b> Available for the Current State snapshot only. Displays the
44 | <b outputclass="bold">Settings</b> window for the VM, enabling you to make configuration changes. </p>
45 | </li>
46 | <li>
47 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Discard.</b> For a running VM, discards the saved state for the VM and
48 | closes it down. </p>
49 | </li>
50 | <li>
51 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Start.</b> Start the VM. This operation is available for the <b
52 | outputclass="bold">Current State</b> item. </p>
53 | </li>
54 | </ul>
55 | </body>
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58 | </topic>