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4 | <title>The Built-In VM Debugger</title>
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7 | <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> includes a built-in VM debugger, which advanced users may find useful. This debugger enables you to examine and, to some extent, control the VM state.</p>
8 | <note type="caution">
9 | <p>Use the VM debugger at your own risk. There is no support for it, and the following documentation is only made available for advanced users with a very high level of familiarity with the x86/AMD64 machine instruction set, as well as detailed knowledge of the PC architecture. A degree of familiarity with the internals of the guest OS in question may also be very helpful.</p>
10 | </note>
11 | <p>The VM debugger is available in all regular production versions of <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>, but it is disabled by default because the average user will have little use for it. There are two ways to access the debugger:</p>
12 | <ul>
13 | <li>
14 | <p>Using a debugger console window displayed alongside the VM</p>
15 | </li>
16 | <li>
17 | <p>Using the <userinput>telnet</userinput> protocol on port 5000</p>
18 | </li>
19 | </ul>
20 | <p>
21 | The debugger can be enabled in the following ways:
22 | </p>
23 | <ul>
24 | <li>
25 | <p>Start the VM directly using <userinput>VirtualBoxVM --startvm</userinput>, with an additional <codeph>--dbg</codeph>, <codeph>--debug</codeph>, or <codeph>--debug-command-line</codeph> argument. See the <userinput>VirtualBoxVM --help</userinput> command usage help for details.</p>
26 | </li>
27 | <li>
28 | <p>Set the <codeph>VBOX_GUI_DBG_ENABLED</codeph> or <codeph>VBOX_GUI_DBG_AUTO_SHOW</codeph> environment variable to <codeph>true</codeph> before launching the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> process. Setting these variables, only their presence is checked, is effective even when the first <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> process is the VM selector window. VMs subsequently launched from the selector will have the debugger enabled.</p>
29 | </li>
30 | <li>
31 | <p>Set the <codeph>GUI/Dbg/Enabled</codeph> extra data item to <codeph>true</codeph> before launching the VM. This can be set globally or on a per VM basis.</p>
32 | </li>
33 | </ul>
34 | <p>A new <b outputclass="bold">Debug</b> menu entry is added to the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> application. This menu enables the user to open the debugger console.</p>
35 | <p>The VM debugger command syntax is loosely modeled on Microsoft and IBM debuggers used on DOS, OS/2, and Windows. Users familiar with symdeb, CodeView, or the OS/2 kernel debugger will find the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> VM debugger familiar.</p>
36 | <p>The most important command is <userinput>help</userinput>. This will print brief usage help for all debugger commands. The set of commands supported by the VM debugger changes frequently and the <userinput>help</userinput> command is always up-to-date.</p>
37 | <p>A brief summary of frequently used commands is as follows:</p>
38 | <ul>
39 | <li>
40 | <p><userinput>stop</userinput>: Stops the VM execution and enables single stepping</p>
41 | </li>
42 | <li>
43 | <p><userinput>g</userinput>: Continue VM execution</p>
44 | </li>
45 | <li>
46 | <p><userinput>t</userinput>: Single step an instruction</p>
47 | </li>
48 | <li>
49 | <p><userinput>rg</userinput>, <userinput>rh</userinput>, and <userinput>r</userinput>: Print the guest, hypervisor, and current registers</p>
50 | </li>
51 | <li>
52 | <p><userinput>kg</userinput>, <userinput>kh</userinput>, and <userinput>k</userinput>: Print the guest, hypervisor, and current call stack</p>
53 | </li>
54 | <li>
55 | <p><userinput>da</userinput>, <userinput>db</userinput>, <userinput>dw</userinput>, <userinput>dd</userinput>, <userinput>dq</userinput>: Print memory contents as ASCII, bytes, words, dwords, and qwords</p>
56 | </li>
57 | <li>
58 | <p><userinput>u</userinput>: Unassemble memory
59 | </p>
60 | </li>
61 | <li>
62 | <p><userinput>dg</userinput>: Print the guest's GDT</p>
63 | </li>
64 | <li>
65 | <p><userinput>di</userinput>: Print the guest's IDT</p>
66 | </li>
67 | <li>
68 | <p><userinput>dl</userinput>: Print the guest's LDT</p>
69 | </li>
70 | <li>
71 | <p><userinput>dt</userinput>: Print the guest's TSS</p>
72 | </li>
73 | <li>
74 | <p><userinput>dp*</userinput>: Print the guest's page table structures</p>
75 | </li>
76 | <li>
77 | <p><userinput>bp</userinput> and <userinput>br</userinput>: Set a normal and recompiler breakpoint</p>
78 | </li>
79 | <li>
80 | <p><userinput>bl</userinput>: List breakpoints</p>
81 | </li>
82 | <li>
83 | <p><userinput>bc</userinput>: Clear a breakpoint</p>
84 | </li>
85 | <li>
86 | <p><userinput>writecore</userinput>: Write a VM core file to disk.
87 | See <xref href="ts_guest-core-format.dita#ts_guest-core-format"/></p>
88 | </li>
89 | </ul>
90 | <p>See the built-in <userinput>help</userinput> for other available commands.</p>
91 | <p>The VM debugger supports symbolic debugging, although symbols for guest code are often not available. For Oracle Solaris guests, the <userinput>detect</userinput> command automatically determines the guest OS version and locates kernel symbols in guest's memory. Symbolic debugging is then available. For Linux guests, the <userinput>detect</userinput> commands also determines the guest OS version, but there are no symbols in the guest's memory. Kernel symbols are available in the file <filepath>/proc/kallsyms</filepath> on Linux guests. This file must be copied to the host, for example using <userinput>scp</userinput>. The <userinput>loadmap</userinput> debugger command can be used to make the symbol information available to the VM debugger. Note that the <filepath>kallsyms</filepath> file contains the symbols for the currently loaded modules. If the guest's configuration changes, the symbols will change as well and must be updated.</p>
92 | <p>For all guests, a simple way to verify that the correct symbols are loaded is the <userinput>k</userinput> command. The guest is normally idling and it should be clear from the symbolic information that the guest operating system's idle loop is being executed.</p>
93 | <p>Another group of debugger commands is the set of <userinput>info</userinput> commands. Running <userinput>info help</userinput> provides complete usage information. The information commands provide ad-hoc data pertinent to various emulated devices and aspects of the VMM. There is no general guideline for using the <userinput>info</userinput> commands, the right command to use depends entirely on the problem being investigated. Some of the <userinput>info</userinput> commands are as follows:</p>
94 | <ul>
95 | <li>
96 | <p><userinput>cfgm</userinput>: Print a branch of the configuration
97 | tree
98 | </p>
99 | </li>
100 | <li>
101 | <p><userinput>cpuid</userinput>: Display the guest CPUID leaves
102 | </p>
103 | </li>
104 | <li>
105 | <p><userinput>ioport</userinput>: Print registered I/O port ranges
106 | </p>
107 | </li>
108 | <li>
109 | <p><userinput>mmio</userinput>: Print registered MMIO ranges
110 | </p>
111 | </li>
112 | <li>
113 | <p><userinput>mode</userinput>: Print the current paging mode
114 | </p>
115 | </li>
116 | <li>
117 | <p><userinput>pit</userinput>: Print the i8254 PIT state
118 | </p>
119 | </li>
120 | <li>
121 | <p><userinput>pic</userinput>: Print the i8259A PIC state
122 | </p>
123 | </li>
124 | <li>
125 | <p><userinput>ohci</userinput>, <userinput>ehci</userinput>,
126 | <userinput>xhci</userinput>: Print a subset of the OHCI, EHCI,
127 | and xHCI USB controller state
128 | </p>
129 | </li>
130 | <li>
131 | <p><userinput>pcnet0</userinput>: Print the PCnet state
132 | </p>
133 | </li>
134 | <li>
135 | <p><userinput>vgatext</userinput>: Print the contents of the VGA
136 | framebuffer formatted as standard text mode
137 | </p>
138 | </li>
139 | <li>
140 | <p><userinput>timers</userinput>: Print all VM timers
141 | </p>
142 | </li>
143 | </ul>
144 | <p>The output of the <userinput>info</userinput> commands generally requires in-depth knowledge of the emulated device or <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> VMM internals. However, when used properly, the information provided can be very valuable.</p>
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