%all.entities; ]> $Date: 2024-09-16 14:03:52 +0000 (Mon, 16 Sep 2024) $ VBoxManage cloud VBoxManage-cloud 1 &product-name; VBoxManage-cloud Manage the cloud entities &product-name; VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name list instances --state=string --compartment-id=string VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name list images --compartment-id=string --state=string VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name list vnicattachments --compartment-id=string --filter= instanceId vnicId availabilityDomain =value VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance create --domain-name=name --image-id=id --boot-volume-id=id --display-name=name --shape=type --subnet=id --boot-disk-size=size in GB --publicip=truefalse --privateip=IP address --public-ssh-key=key string --launch-mode= NATIVE EMULATED PARAVIRTUALIZED --cloud-init-script-path=path to a script VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance info --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance terminate --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance start --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance pause --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance reset --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance clone --id=unique id --clone-name=name for a clone instance VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance metriclist --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name instance metricdata --id=unique id --metric-name=metric name --metric-points=number of history metric points VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name image create --display-name=name --bucket-name=name --object-name=name --instance-id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name image info --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name image delete --id=unique id VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name image import --id=unique id --bucket-name=name --object-name=name VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name image export --id=unique id --display-name=name --bucket-name=name --object-name=name VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name network setup --gateway-os-name=string --gateway-os-version=string --gateway-shape=string --tunnel-network-name=string --tunnel-network-range=string --proxy=string --compartment-id=string VBoxManage cloud --provider=name --profile=name network create --name=string --network-id=string --enable --disable VBoxManage cloud network update --name=string --network-id=string --enable --disable VBoxManage cloud network delete --name=string VBoxManage cloud network info --name=string Description Common options The word cloud is an umbrella term for all commands related to intercommunication with the Cloud. The following common options must be placed after the cloud argument and before the following sub-commands: --provider=name Short cloud provider name. --profile=name Cloud profile name. cloud list instances Displays a list of the cloud instances for a specified compartment. --state=running|paused|terminated The state of cloud instance. The possible states are running, paused, and terminated. If a state isn't provided a list of instances with all possible states is returned. A compartment is the logical container used to organize and isolate cloud resources. Different cloud providers may use different names for this entity. cloud list images Displays the list of the images for a specified compartment. --state=available|disabled|deleted The state of the cloud image. The possible states are available, disabled and deleted. If a state isn't provided a list of images with all possible states is returned. A compartment is the logical container used to organize and isolate cloud resources. Different cloud providers may use different names for this entity. cloud list vnic attachments Displays the list of the vnic attachments for a specified compartment. --filter={instanceId|vnicId|domainName}=string Filters are used to narrow down the set of Vnic attachments of interest. This parameter can be specified multiple times. The possible filter types are instanceId, vnicId, or availabilityDomain. Filters have a syntax of type=[value] as seen in the following examples: instanceId=ocid1.instance.oc1.iad.anuwcl...js6 vnicId=ocid1.vnic.oc1.iad.abuwcl...jsm domainName=ergw:US-ASHBURN-AD-2 If a filter isn't provided the entire list of vnic attachments for a specified compartment is returned. A compartment is the logical container used to organize and isolate cloud resources. Different cloud providers may use different names for this entity. cloud instance create Creates new instance in the Cloud. There are two standard ways to create an instance in the Cloud: Create an instance from an existing custom image. Create an instance from an existing bootable volume. This bootable volume shouldn't be attached to any instance. The first approach requires the following two options: image-id, boot-disk-size. The second approach requires the following option: boot-volume-id. The following options are common to both cases: display-name, launch-mode, subnet-id, publicIP, privateIP, shape, domain. Cloud domain where the new instance is to be created. Unique identifier which fully identifies a custom image in the Cloud. Unique identifier which fully identifies a boot volume in the Cloud. Name for the new instance in the Cloud. The shape of the instance which defines the number of CPUs and memory (RAM). Unique identifier which fully identifies an existing subnet in the Cloud which will be used by the instance. The size of the bootable image in GB. Default is 50GB. Public IP address for the created instance. Private IP address for the created instance. Public SSH key to use to connect to the instance via SSH. This parameter may be repeated if using more than one key: --public-ssh-key=firstSSHKey --public-ssh-key=secondSSHKey. Supported values are EMULATED, NATIVE, and PARAVIRTUALIZED. Absolute path to the cloud-init script. cloud instance info Display information about a cloud instance with a specified ID. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance termination Delete a cloud instance with a specified ID. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance start Start a cloud instance with a specified ID. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance pause Pause a cloud instance with a specified ID. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance reset Force reset a cloud instance with a specified ID. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. cloud instance clone Clone a cloud instance with the specified ID. Only works for the instances accessible through &product-name;, i.e., not every instance in the cloud may be cloned. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. Name for the clone instance available list of metrics for cloud instances Displays the list of the available metrics for the instance. The returned names must be used with the command VBoxManage cloud instance metricdata. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. Displays cloud instance metric data Displays the metric data with the resolution of 1 minute for the requested cloud instances. The timestamps are returned in the format described in RFC2822. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. Metric name Metric points begin at the current time, which has a value of one, and continue into the past with the values increasing. If only the most recent metric point is desired supply the value 1. If the most recent value and the preceding value are desired then supply a value of 2. cloud image create Creates new image in the Cloud. There are two standard ways to create an image in the Cloud: Create an image from an object in the Cloud Storage. Create an image from an existing cloud instance. For the first approach the following three options are required: bucket-name, object-name, and display-name. For the second approach the following two options are required: instance-id, display-name Name for new image in the Cloud. The name of the Cloud bucket where the image (object) is located.. Name of object in the bucket. Unique identifier which fully identifies the instance in the Cloud. cloud image info Display information about a cloud image with a specified ID. Unique identifier which fully identifies the image in the Cloud. cloud image delete Delete an image with a specified ID from the Cloud. Unique identifier which fully identifies the image in the Cloud. cloud image import Import an image with the specified ID from the Cloud to a local host. The result is an object in the local "temp" folder on the local host. There are two possible approaches when importing from the Cloud: Create an object from an image in the Cloud Storage. Download the object to the local host. Unique identifier which fully identifies the image in the Cloud. The name of the Cloud bucket where the object will be created. Name of the created object in the bucket or the name of the downloaded object. If no option is supplied a default image name is used. cloud image export Export an existing VBox image with the specified uuid from a local host to the Cloud. The result is new image in the Cloud. There are two possible approaches when exporting to the Cloud: Upload a VBox image to the Cloud Storage. Create an image from the uploaded object. Unique identifier of the image in &product-name;. The name of the new image in the Cloud. The name of the Cloud bucket where the image (object) will be uploaded. Name of the object in the bucket. cloud network setup Set up a cloud network environment for the specified cloud profile. The name of OS to use for the cloud gateway. The version of the OS to use for the cloud gateway. The instance shape to use for the cloud gateway. The name of the VCN/subnet to use for tunneling. The IP address range to use for tunneling. The proxy URL to be used in a local gateway installation. The compartment to create the tunnel network in. cloud network create Create a new cloud network descriptor associated with an existing cloud subnet. The name to assign to the cloud network descriptor. The unique identifier of an existing subnet in the cloud. , --disable Whether to enable the network descriptor or disable it. If not specified, the network will be enabled. cloud network update Modify an existing cloud network descriptor. The name of an existing cloud network descriptor. The unique identifier of an existing subnet in the Cloud. , --disable Whether to enable the network descriptor or disable it. cloud network delete Delete an existing cloud network descriptor. The name of an existing cloud network descriptor. cloud network info Display information about a cloud network descriptor. The name of an existing cloud network descriptor.