1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd">
4 | <chapter id="AdvancedTopics">
5 | <title>Advanced topics</title>
6 |
7 | <sect1 id="vboxsdl">
8 | <title>VBoxSDL, the simplified VM displayer</title>
9 |
10 | <sect2>
11 | <title>Introduction</title>
12 |
13 | <para>VBoxSDL is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) that lacks the
14 | nice point-and-click support which VirtualBox, our main GUI, provides.
15 | VBoxSDL is currently primarily used internally for debugging VirtualBox
16 | and therefore not officially supported. Still, you may find it useful
17 | for environments where the virtual machines are not necessarily
18 | controlled by the same person that uses the virtual machine.<note>
19 | <para>VBoxSDL is not available on the Mac OS X host platform.</para>
20 | </note></para>
21 |
22 | <para>As you can see in the following screenshot, VBoxSDL does indeed
23 | only provide a simple window that contains only the "pure" virtual
24 | machine, without menus or other controls to click upon and no additional
25 | indicators of virtual machine activity:</para>
26 |
27 | <para><mediaobject>
28 | <imageobject>
29 | <imagedata align="center" fileref="images/vbox-sdl.png"
30 | width="10cm" />
31 | </imageobject>
32 | </mediaobject></para>
33 |
34 | <para>To start a virtual machine with VBoxSDL instead of the VirtualBox
35 | GUI, enter the following on a command line:<screen>VBoxSDL --startvm <vm></screen></para>
36 |
37 | <para>where <computeroutput><vm></computeroutput> is, as usual
38 | with VirtualBox command line parameters, the name or UUID of an existing
39 | virtual machine.</para>
40 | </sect2>
41 |
42 | <sect2>
43 | <title>Secure labeling with VBoxSDL</title>
44 |
45 | <para>When running guest operating systems in full screen mode, the guest
46 | operating system usually has control over the whole screen. This could
47 | present a security risk as the guest operating system might fool the
48 | user into thinking that it is either a different system (which might
49 | have a higher security level) or it might present messages on the screen
50 | that appear to stem from the host operating system.</para>
51 |
52 | <para>In order to protect the user against the above mentioned security
53 | risks, the secure labeling feature has been developed. Secure labeling
54 | is currently available only for VBoxSDL. When enabled, a portion of the
55 | display area is reserved for a label in which a user defined message is
56 | displayed. The label height in set to 20 pixels in VBoxSDL. The label
57 | font color and background color can be optionally set as hexadecimal RGB
58 | color values. The following syntax is used to enable secure
59 | labeling:</para>
60 |
61 | <screen>VBoxSDL --startvm "VM name"
62 | --securelabel --seclabelfnt ~/fonts/arial.ttf
63 | --seclabelsiz 14 --seclabelfgcol 00FF00 --seclabelbgcol 00FFFF</screen>
64 |
65 | <para>In addition to enabling secure labeling, a TrueType font has to be
66 | supplied. To use another font size than 12 point use the parameter
67 | <computeroutput>--seclabelsiz</computeroutput>.</para>
68 |
69 | <para>The label text can be set with <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxSDL/SecureLabel" "The Label"</screen>
70 | Changing this label will take effect immediately.</para>
71 |
72 | <para>Typically, full screen resolutions are limited to certain
73 | "standard" geometries such as 1024 x 768. Increasing this by twenty
74 | lines is not usually feasible, so in most cases, VBoxSDL will chose the
75 | next higher resolution, e.g. 1280 x 1024 and the guest's screen will not
76 | cover the whole display surface. If VBoxSDL is unable to choose a higher
77 | resolution, the secure label will be painted on top of the guest's
78 | screen surface. In order to address the problem of the bottom part of
79 | the guest screen being hidden, VBoxSDL can provide custom video modes to
80 | the guest that are reduced by the height of the label. For Windows
81 | guests and recent Solaris and Linux guests, the VirtualBox Guest
82 | Additions automatically provide the reduced video modes. Additionally,
83 | the VESA BIOS has been adjusted to duplicate its standard mode table
84 | with adjusted resolutions. The adjusted mode IDs can be calculated using
85 | the following formula:</para>
86 |
87 | <screen>reduced_modeid = modeid + 0x30</screen>
88 |
89 | <para>For example, in order to start Linux with 1024 x 748 x 16, the
90 | standard mode 0x117 (1024 x 768 x 16) is used as a base. The Linux video
91 | mode kernel parameter can then be calculated using:</para>
92 |
93 | <screen>vga = 0x200 | 0x117 + 0x30
94 | vga = 839</screen>
95 |
96 | <para>The reason for duplicating the standard modes instead of only
97 | supplying the adjusted modes is that most guest operating systems
98 | require the standard VESA modes to be fixed and refuse to start with
99 | different modes.</para>
100 |
101 | <para>When using the X.org VESA driver, custom modelines have to be
102 | calculated and added to the configuration (usually in
103 | <literal>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</literal>. A handy tool to determine
104 | modeline entries can be found at <literal><ulink
105 | url="http://www.tkk.fi/Misc/Electronics/faq/vga2rgb/calc.html">http://www.tkk.fi/Misc/Electronics/faq/vga2rgb/calc.html</ulink></literal>.)</para>
106 | </sect2>
107 |
108 | <sect2>
109 | <title>Releasing modifiers with VBoxSDL on Linux</title>
110 |
111 | <para>When switching from a X virtual terminal (VT) to another VT using
112 | Ctrl-Alt-Fx while the VBoxSDL window has the input focus, the guest will
113 | receive Ctrl and Alt keypress events without receiving the corresponding
114 | key release events. This is an architectural limitation of Linux. In
115 | order to reset the modifier keys, it is possible to send
116 | <computeroutput>SIGUSR1</computeroutput> to the VBoxSDL main thread
117 | (first entry in the <computeroutput>ps</computeroutput> list). For
118 | example, when switching away to another VT and saving the virtual
119 | machine from this terminal, the following sequence can be used to make
120 | sure the VM is not saved with stuck modifiers:</para>
121 |
122 | <para><screen>kill -usr1 <pid>
123 | VBoxManage controlvm "Windows 2000" savestate</screen></para>
124 | </sect2>
125 | </sect1>
126 |
127 | <sect1>
128 | <title id="autologon">Automated guest logons</title>
129 |
130 | <para>VirtualBox provides Guest Addition modules for Windows, Linux and
131 | Solaris to enable automated logons on the guest.</para>
132 |
133 | <para>When a guest operating system is running in a virtual machine, it
134 | might be desirable to perform coordinated and automated logons using
135 | credentials from a master logon system. (With "credentials", we are
136 | referring to logon information consisting of user name, password and
137 | domain name, where each value might be empty.)</para>
138 |
139 | <sect2 id="autologon_win">
140 | <title>Automated Windows guest logons</title>
141 |
142 | <para>Since Windows NT, Windows has provided a modular system logon
143 | subsystem ("Winlogon") which can be customized and extended by means of
144 | so-called GINA modules (Graphical Identification and Authentication).
145 | With Windows Vista and Windows 7, the GINA modules were replaced with a
146 | new mechanism called "credential providers". The VirtualBox Guest
147 | Additions for Windows come with both, a GINA and a credential provider
148 | module, and therefore enable any Windows guest to perform automated
149 | logons.</para>
150 |
151 | <para>To activate the VirtualBox GINA or credential provider module,
152 | install the Guest Additions with using the command line switch
153 | <computeroutput>/with_autologon</computeroutput>. All the following
154 | manual steps required for installing these modules will be then done by
155 | the installer.</para>
156 |
157 | <para>To manually install the VirtualBox GINA module, extract the Guest
158 | Additions (see <xref linkend="windows-guest-file-extraction" />) and
159 | copy the file <computeroutput>VBoxGINA.dll</computeroutput> to the
160 | Windows <computeroutput>SYSTEM32</computeroutput> directory. Then, in
161 | the registry, create the following key: <screen>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GinaDLL</screen>
162 | with a value of <computeroutput>VBoxGINA.dll</computeroutput>.</para>
163 |
164 | <note>
165 | <para>The VirtualBox GINA module is implemented as a wrapper around
166 | the standard Windows GINA module
167 | (<computeroutput>MSGINA.DLL</computeroutput>). As a result, it will
168 | most likely not work correctly with 3rd party GINA modules.</para>
169 | </note>
170 |
171 | <para>To manually install the VirtualBox credential provider module,
172 | extract the Guest Additions (see <xref
173 | linkend="windows-guest-file-extraction" />) and copy the file
174 | <computeroutput>VBoxCredProv.dll</computeroutput> to the Windows
175 | <computeroutput>SYSTEM32</computeroutput> directory. Then, in the
176 | registry, create the following keys:<screen>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
177 | Authentication\Credential Providers\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}
178 |
179 | HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}
180 |
181 | HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}\InprocServer32</screen></para>
182 |
183 | <para>with all default values (the key named
184 | <computeroutput>(Default)</computeroutput> in each key) set to
185 | <computeroutput>VBoxCredProv</computeroutput>. After that a new string
186 | named <screen>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}\InprocServer32\ThreadingModel</screen>
187 | with a value of <computeroutput>Apartment</computeroutput> has to be
188 | created.</para>
189 |
190 | <para>To set credentials, use the following command on a
191 | <emphasis>running</emphasis> VM:</para>
192 |
193 | <screen>VBoxManage controlvm "Windows XP" setcredentials "John Doe" "secretpassword" "DOMTEST"</screen>
194 |
195 | <para>While the VM is running, the credentials can be queried by the
196 | VirtualBox logon modules (GINA or credential provider) using the
197 | VirtualBox Guest Additions device driver. When Windows is in "logged
198 | out" mode, the logon modules will constantly poll for credentials and if
199 | they are present, a logon will be attempted. After retrieving the
200 | credentials, the logon modules will erase them so that the above command
201 | will have to be repeated for subsequent logons.</para>
202 |
203 | <para>For security reasons, credentials are not stored in any persistent
204 | manner and will be lost when the VM is reset. Also, the credentials are
205 | "write-only", i.e. there is no way to retrieve the credentials from the
206 | host side. Credentials can be reset from the host side by setting empty
207 | values.</para>
208 |
209 | <para>Depending on the particular variant of the Windows guest, the
210 | following restrictions apply: <orderedlist>
211 | <listitem>
212 | <para>For <emphasis role="bold">Windows XP guests,</emphasis> the
213 | logon subsystem needs to be configured to use the classic logon
214 | dialog as the VirtualBox GINA module does not support the XP-style
215 | welcome dialog.</para>
216 | </listitem>
217 |
218 | <listitem>
219 | <para>For <emphasis role="bold">Windows Vista and Windows 7
220 | guests,</emphasis> the logon subsystem does not support the
221 | so-called Secure Attention Sequence
222 | (<computeroutput>CTRL+ALT+DEL</computeroutput>). As a result, the
223 | guest's group policy settings need to be changed to not use the
224 | Secure Attention Sequence. Also, the user name given is only
225 | compared to the true user name, not the user friendly name. This
226 | means that when you rename a user, you still have to supply the
227 | original user name (internally, Windows never renames user
228 | accounts).</para>
229 | </listitem>
230 |
231 | <listitem>
232 | <para>Auto-logon handling of the built-in Windows Remote Desktop
233 | Service (formerly known as Terminal Services) is disabled by
234 | default. To enable it, create the registry key <screen>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle\VirtualBox Guest Additions\AutoLogon</screen>
235 | with a <computeroutput>DWORD</computeroutput> value of
236 | <computeroutput>1</computeroutput>.</para>
237 | </listitem>
238 | </orderedlist></para>
239 |
240 | <para>The following command forces VirtualBox to keep the credentials
241 | after they were read by the guest and on VM reset: <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "Windows XP" VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/KeepCredentials 1</screen>Note
242 | that this is a potential security risk as a malicious application
243 | running on the guest could request this information using the proper
244 | interface.</para>
245 | </sect2>
246 |
247 | <sect2 id="autologon_unix">
248 | <title>Automated Linux/Unix guest logons</title>
249 |
250 | <para>Starting with version 3.2, VirtualBox provides a custom PAM module
251 | (Pluggable Authentication Module) which can be used to perform automated
252 | guest logons on platforms which support this framework. Virtually all
253 | modern Linux/Unix distributions rely on PAM.</para>
254 |
255 | <para>The <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput> module itself
256 | <emphasis role="bold">does not</emphasis> do an actual verification of
257 | the credentials passed to the guest OS; instead it relies on other
258 | modules such as <computeroutput>pam_unix.so</computeroutput> or
259 | <computeroutput>pam_unix2.so</computeroutput> down in the PAM stack to
260 | do the actual validation using the credentials retrieved by
261 | <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput>. Therefore
262 | <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput> has to be on top of the
263 | authentication PAM service list.</para>
264 |
265 | <note>
266 | <para>The <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput> only supports
267 | the <computeroutput>auth</computeroutput> primitive. Other primitives
268 | such as <computeroutput>account</computeroutput>,
269 | <computeroutput>session</computeroutput> or
270 | <computeroutput>password</computeroutput> are not supported.</para>
271 | </note>
272 |
273 | <para>The <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput> module is shipped
274 | as part of the Guest Additions but it is not installed and/or activated
275 | on the guest OS by default. In order to install it, it has to be copied
276 | from
277 | <computeroutput>/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-<version>/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/</computeroutput>
278 | to the security modules directory, usually
279 | <computeroutput>/lib/security/</computeroutput> on 32-bit guest Linuxes
280 | or <computeroutput>/lib64/security/</computeroutput> on 64-bit ones.
281 | Please refer to your guest OS documentation for the correct PAM module
282 | directory.</para>
283 |
284 | <para>For example, to use <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput>
285 | with a Ubuntu Linux guest OS and GDM (the GNOME Desktop Manager) to
286 | logon users automatically with the credentials passed by the host, the
287 | guest OS has to be configured like the following:</para>
288 |
289 | <orderedlist>
290 | <listitem>
291 | <para>The <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput> module has to
292 | be copied to the security modules directory, in this case it is
293 | <computeroutput>/lib/security</computeroutput>.</para>
294 | </listitem>
295 |
296 | <listitem>
297 | <para>Edit the PAM configuration file for GDM found at
298 | <computeroutput>/etc/pam.d/gdm</computeroutput>, adding the line
299 | <computeroutput>auth requisite pam_vbox.so</computeroutput> at the
300 | top. Additionaly, in most Linux distributions there is a file called
301 | <computeroutput>/etc/pam.d/common-auth</computeroutput>. This file
302 | is included in many other services (like the GDM file mentioned
303 | above). There you also have to add the line <computeroutput>auth
304 | requisite pam_vbox.so</computeroutput>.</para>
305 | </listitem>
306 |
307 | <listitem>
308 | <para>If authentication against the shadow database using
309 | <computeroutput>pam_unix.so</computeroutput> or
310 | <computeroutput>pam_unix2.so</computeroutput> is desired, the
311 | argument <computeroutput>try_first_pass</computeroutput> for
312 | <computeroutput>pam_unix.so</computeroutput> or
313 | <computeroutput>use_first_pass</computeroutput> for
314 | <computeroutput>pam_unix2.so</computeroutput> is needed in order to
315 | pass the credentials from the VirtualBox module to the shadow
316 | database authentication module. For Ubuntu, this needs to be added
317 | to <computeroutput>/etc/pam.d/common-auth</computeroutput>, to the
318 | end of the line referencing
319 | <computeroutput>pam_unix.so</computeroutput>. This argument tells
320 | the PAM module to use credentials already present in the stack, i.e.
321 | the ones provided by the VirtualBox PAM module.</para>
322 | </listitem>
323 | </orderedlist>
324 |
325 | <para><warning>
326 | <para>An incorrectly configured PAM stack can effectively prevent
327 | you from logging into your guest system!</para>
328 | </warning></para>
329 |
330 | <para>To make deployment easier, you can pass the argument
331 | <computeroutput>debug</computeroutput> right after the
332 | <computeroutput>pam_vbox.so</computeroutput> statement. Debug log output
333 | will then be recorded using syslog.</para>
334 |
335 | <para><note>
336 | <para>By default, pam_vbox will not wait for credentials to arrive
337 | from the host, in other words: When a login prompt is shown (for
338 | example by GDM/KDM or the text console) and pam_vbox does not yet
339 | have credentials it does not wait until they arrive. Instead the
340 | next module in the PAM stack (depending on the PAM configuration)
341 | will have the chance for authentication.</para>
342 | </note></para>
343 |
344 | <para>Starting with VirtualBox 4.1.4 pam_vbox supports various guest
345 | property parameters which all reside in
346 | <computeroutput>/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/PAM/</computeroutput>. These
347 | parameters allow pam_vbox to wait for credentials to be provided by the
348 | host and optionally can show a message while waiting for those. The
349 | following guest properties can be set:</para>
350 |
351 | <orderedlist>
352 | <listitem>
353 | <para><computeroutput>CredsWait</computeroutput>: Set to "1" if
354 | pam_vbox should start waiting until credentials arrive from the
355 | host. Until then no other authentication methods such as manually
356 | logging in will be available. If this property is empty or get
357 | deleted no waiting for credentials will be performed and pam_vbox
358 | will act like before (see paragraph above). This property must be
359 | set read-only for the guest
360 | (<computeroutput>RDONLYGUEST</computeroutput>).</para>
361 | </listitem>
362 |
363 | <listitem>
364 | <para><computeroutput>CredsWaitAbort</computeroutput>: Aborts waiting
365 | for credentials when set to any value. Can be set from host and the
366 | guest.</para>
367 | </listitem>
368 |
369 | <listitem>
370 | <para><computeroutput>CredsWaitTimeout</computeroutput>: Timeout (in
371 | seconds) to let pam_vbox wait for credentials to arrive. When no
372 | credentials arrive within this timeout, authentication of pam_vbox
373 | will be set to failed and the next PAM module in chain will be
374 | asked. If this property is not specified, set to "0" or an invalid
375 | value, an infinite timeout will be used. This property must be set
376 | read-only for the guest
377 | (<computeroutput>RDONLYGUEST</computeroutput>).</para>
378 | </listitem>
379 | </orderedlist>
380 |
381 | <para>To customize pam_vbox further there are the following guest
382 | properties:</para>
383 |
384 | <orderedlist>
385 | <listitem>
386 | <para><computeroutput>CredsMsgWaiting</computeroutput>: Custom
387 | message showed while pam_vbox is waiting for credentials from the
388 | host. This property must be set read-only for the guest
389 | (<computeroutput>RDONLYGUEST</computeroutput>).</para>
390 | </listitem>
391 |
392 | <listitem>
393 | <para><computeroutput>CredsMsgWaitTimeout</computeroutput>: Custom
394 | message showed when waiting for credentials by pam_vbox timed out,
395 | e.g. did not arrive within time. This property must be set read-only
396 | for the guest (<computeroutput>RDONLYGUEST</computeroutput>).</para>
397 | </listitem>
398 | </orderedlist>
399 |
400 | <para><note>
401 | <para>If a pam_vbox guest property does not have set the right flags
402 | (<computeroutput>RDONLYGUEST</computeroutput>) this property will be
403 | ignored then and - depending on the property - a default value will
404 | be set. This can result in pam_vbox not waiting for credentials.
405 | Consult the appropriate syslog file for more information and use the
406 | <computeroutput>debug</computeroutput> option.</para>
407 | </note></para>
408 | </sect2>
409 | </sect1>
410 |
411 | <sect1>
412 | <title>Advanced configuration for Windows guests</title>
413 |
414 | <sect2 id="sysprep">
415 | <title>Automated Windows system preparation</title>
416 |
417 | <para>Beginning with Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft offers a "system
418 | preparation" tool (in short: Sysprep) to prepare a Windows system for
419 | deployment or redistribution. Whereas Windows 2000 and XP ship with
420 | Sysprep on the installation medium, the tool also is available for
421 | download on the Microsoft web site. In a standard installation of
422 | Windows Vista and 7, Sysprep is already included. Sysprep mainly
423 | consists of an executable called
424 | <computeroutput>sysprep.exe</computeroutput> which is invoked by the
425 | user to put the Windows installation into preparation mode.</para>
426 |
427 | <para>Starting with VirtualBox 3.2.2, the Guest Additions offer a way to
428 | launch a system preparation on the guest operating system in an
429 | automated way, controlled from the host system. To achieve that, see
430 | <xref linkend="guestadd-guestcontrol" /> for using the feature with the
431 | special identifier <computeroutput>sysprep</computeroutput> as the
432 | program to execute, along with the user name
433 | <computeroutput>sysprep</computeroutput> and password
434 | <computeroutput>sysprep</computeroutput> for the credentials. Sysprep
435 | then gets launched with the required system rights.</para>
436 |
437 | <note>
438 | <para>Specifying the location of "sysprep.exe" is <emphasis
439 | role="bold">not possible</emphasis> -- instead the following paths are
440 | used (based on the operating system): <itemizedlist>
441 | <listitem>
442 | <para><computeroutput>C:\sysprep\sysprep.exe</computeroutput>
443 | for Windows NT 4.0, 2000 and XP</para>
444 | </listitem>
445 |
446 | <listitem>
447 | <para><computeroutput>%WINDIR%\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe</computeroutput>
448 | for Windows Vista, 2008 Server and 7</para>
449 | </listitem>
450 | </itemizedlist> The Guest Additions will automatically use the
451 | appropriate path to execute the system preparation tool.</para>
452 | </note>
453 | </sect2>
454 | </sect1>
455 |
456 | <sect1>
457 | <title>Advanced configuration for Linux and Solaris guests</title>
458 |
459 | <sect2>
460 | <title>Manual setup of selected guest services on Linux</title>
461 |
462 | <para>The VirtualBox Guest Additions contain several different drivers.
463 | If for any reason you do not wish to set them all up, you can install
464 | the Guest Additions using the following command:</para>
465 |
466 | <screen> sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run no_setup</screen>
467 |
468 | <para>After this, you will need to at least compile the kernel modules
469 | by running the command <screen> /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/vboxadd setup</screen>
470 | as root (you will need to replace <emphasis>lib</emphasis> by
471 | <emphasis>lib64</emphasis> on some 64bit guests), and on older guests
472 | without the udev service you will need to add the
473 | <emphasis>vboxadd</emphasis> service to the default runlevel to ensure
474 | that the modules get loaded.</para>
475 |
476 | <para>To setup the time synchronization service, run the command
477 | <screen> /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/vboxadd-service setup</screen> and
478 | add the service vboxadd-service to the default runlevel. To set up the
479 | X11 and OpenGL part of the Guest Additions, run the command <screen> /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/vboxadd-x11 setup</screen>
480 | (you do not need to enable any services for this).</para>
481 |
482 | <para>To recompile the guest kernel modules, use this command: <screen> /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/vboxadd setup</screen>
483 | After compilation you should reboot your guest to ensure that the new
484 | modules are actually used.</para>
485 | </sect2>
486 |
487 | <sect2 id="guestxorgsetup">
488 | <title>Guest graphics and mouse driver setup in depth</title>
489 |
490 | <para>This section assumes that you are familiar with configuring the
491 | X.Org server using xorg.conf and optionally the newer mechanisms using
492 | hal or udev and xorg.conf.d. If not you can learn about them by studying
493 | the documentation which comes with X.Org.</para>
494 |
495 | <para>The VirtualBox Guest Additions come with drivers for X.Org
496 | versions <itemizedlist>
497 | <listitem>
498 | X11R6.8/X11R6.9 and XFree86 version 4.3 (vboxvideo_drv_68.o and vboxmouse_drv_68.o)
499 | </listitem>
500 |
501 | <listitem>
502 | X11R7.0 (vboxvideo_drv_70.so and vboxmouse_drv_70.so)
503 | </listitem>
504 |
505 | <listitem>
506 | X11R7.1 (vboxvideo_drv_71.so and vboxmouse_drv_71.so)
507 | </listitem>
508 |
509 | <listitem>
510 | X.Org Server versions 1.3 and later (vboxvideo_drv_13.so and vboxmouse_drv_13.so and so on).
511 | </listitem>
512 | </itemizedlist> By default these drivers can be found in the
513 | directory</para>
514 |
515 | <para><computeroutput>/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-<version>/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions</computeroutput></para>
516 |
517 | <para>and the correct versions for the X server are symbolically linked
518 | into the X.Org driver directories.</para>
519 |
520 | <para>For graphics integration to work correctly, the X server must load
521 | the vboxvideo driver (many recent X server versions look for it
522 | automatically if they see that they are running in VirtualBox) and for
523 | an optimal user experience the guest kernel drivers must be loaded and
524 | the Guest Additions tool VBoxClient must be running as a client in the X
525 | session. For mouse integration to work correctly, the guest kernel
526 | drivers must be loaded and in addition, in X servers from X.Org X11R6.8
527 | to X11R7.1 and in XFree86 version 4.3 the right vboxmouse driver must be
528 | loaded and associated with /dev/mouse or /dev/psaux; in X.Org server 1.3
529 | or later a driver for a PS/2 mouse must be loaded and the right
530 | vboxmouse driver must be associated with /dev/vboxguest.</para>
531 |
532 | <para>The VirtualBox guest graphics driver can use any graphics
533 | configuration for which the virtual resolution fits into the virtual
534 | video memory allocated to the virtual machine (minus a small amount used
535 | by the guest driver) as described in <xref
536 | linkend="settings-display" />. The driver will offer a range of standard
537 | modes at least up to the default guest resolution for all active guest
538 | monitors. In X.Org Server 1.3 and later the default mode can be changed
539 | by setting the output property VBOX_MODE to
540 | "<width>x<height>" for any guest monitor. When VBoxClient
541 | and the kernel drivers are active this is done automatically when the
542 | host requests a mode change. The driver for older versions can only
543 | receive new modes by querying the host for requests at regular
544 | intervals.</para>
545 |
546 | <para>With pre-1.3 X Servers you can also add your own modes to the X
547 | server configuration file. You simply need to add them to the "Modes"
548 | list in the "Display" subsection of the "Screen" section. For example,
549 | the section shown here has a custom 2048x800 resolution mode
550 | added:</para>
551 |
552 | <screen>Section "Screen"
553 | Identifier "Default Screen"
554 | Device "VirtualBox graphics card"
555 | Monitor "Generic Monitor"
556 | DefaultDepth 24
557 | SubSection "Display"
558 | Depth 24
559 | Modes "2048x800" "800x600" "640x480"
560 | EndSubSection
561 | EndSection</screen>
562 | </sect2>
563 | </sect1>
564 |
565 | <sect1 id="cpuhotplug">
566 | <title>CPU hot-plugging</title>
567 |
568 | <para>With virtual machines running modern server operating systems,
569 | VirtualBox supports CPU hot-plugging.<footnote>
570 | <para>Support for CPU hot-plugging was introduced with VirtualBox
571 | 3.2.</para>
572 | </footnote> Whereas on a physical computer this would mean that a CPU
573 | can be added or removed while the machine is running, VirtualBox supports
574 | adding and removing virtual CPUs while a virtual machine is
575 | running.</para>
576 |
577 | <para>CPU hot-plugging works only with guest operating systems that
578 | support it. So far this applies only to Linux and Windows Server 2008 x64
579 | Data Center Edition. Windows supports only hot-add while Linux supports
580 | hot-add and hot-remove but to use this feature with more than 8 CPUs a
581 | 64bit Linux guest is required.</para>
582 |
583 | <para>At this time, CPU hot-plugging requires using the VBoxManage
584 | command-line interface. First, hot-plugging needs to be enabled for a
585 | virtual machine:<screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --cpuhotplug on</screen></para>
586 |
587 | <para>After that, the --cpus option specifies the maximum number of CPUs
588 | that the virtual machine can have:<screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --cpus 8</screen>When
589 | the VM is off, you can then add and remove virtual CPUs with the modifyvm
590 | --plugcpu and --unplugcpu subcommands, which take the number of the
591 | virtual CPU as a parameter, like this:<screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --plugcpu 3
592 | VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --unplugcpu 3</screen>Note that CPU 0 can never
593 | be removed.</para>
594 |
595 | <para>While the VM is running, CPUs can be added with the
596 | <computeroutput>controlvm plugcpu/unplugcpu</computeroutput> commands
597 | instead:<screen>VBoxManage controlvm "VM name" plugcpu 3
598 | VBoxManage controlvm "VM name" unplugcpu 3</screen></para>
599 |
600 | <para>See <xref linkend="vboxmanage-modifyvm" /> and <xref
601 | linkend="vboxmanage-controlvm" /> for details.</para>
602 |
603 | <para>With Linux guests, the following applies: To prevent ejection while
604 | the CPU is still used it has to be ejected from within the guest before.
605 | The Linux Guest Additions contain a service which receives hot-remove
606 | events and ejects the CPU. Also, after a CPU is added to the VM it is not
607 | automatically used by Linux. The Linux Guest Additions service will take
608 | care of that if installed. If not a CPU can be started with the following
609 | command:<screen>echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu<id>/online</screen></para>
610 | </sect1>
611 |
612 | <sect1 id="pcipassthrough">
613 | <title>PCI passthrough</title>
614 |
615 | <para>When running on Linux hosts, with a recent enough kernel (at least
616 | version <computeroutput>2.6.31</computeroutput>) experimental host PCI
617 | devices passthrough is available.<footnote>
618 | <para>Experimental support for PCI passthrough was introduced with
619 | VirtualBox 4.1.</para>
620 | </footnote></para>
621 |
622 | <note>
623 | <para>The PCI passthrough module is shipped as a VirtualBox extension
624 | package, which must be installed separately. See <xref
625 | linkend="intro-installing" /> for more information.</para>
626 | </note>
627 |
628 | <para>Essentially this feature allows to directly use physical PCI devices
629 | on the host by the guest even if host doesn't have drivers for this
630 | particular device. Both, regular PCI and some PCI Express cards, are
631 | supported. AGP and certain PCI Express cards are not supported at the
632 | moment if they rely on GART (Graphics Address Remapping Table) unit
633 | programming for texture management as it does rather nontrivial operations
634 | with pages remapping interfering with IOMMU. This limitation may be lifted
635 | in future releases.</para>
636 |
637 | <para>To be fully functional, PCI passthrough support in VirtualBox
638 | depends upon an IOMMU hardware unit which is not yet too widely available.
639 | If the device uses bus mastering (i.e. it performs DMA to the OS memory on
640 | its own), then an IOMMU is required, otherwise such DMA transactions may
641 | write to the wrong physical memory address as the device DMA engine is
642 | programmed using a device-specific protocol to perform memory
643 | transactions. The IOMMU functions as translation unit mapping physical
644 | memory access requests from the device using knowledge of the guest
645 | physical address to host physical addresses translation rules.</para>
646 |
647 | <para>Intel's solution for IOMMU is marketed as "Intel Virtualization
648 | Technology for Directed I/O" (VT-d), and AMD's one is called AMD-Vi. So
649 | please check if your motherboard datasheet has appropriate technology.
650 | Even if your hardware doesn't have a IOMMU, certain PCI cards may work
651 | (such as serial PCI adapters), but the guest will show a warning on boot
652 | and the VM execution will terminate if the guest driver will attempt to
653 | enable card bus mastering.</para>
654 |
655 | <para>It is very common that the BIOS or the host OS disables the IOMMU by
656 | default. So before any attempt to use it please make sure that
657 | <orderedlist>
658 | <listitem>
659 | <para>Your motherboard has an IOMMU unit.</para>
660 | </listitem>
661 |
662 | <listitem>
663 | <para>Your CPU supports the IOMMU.</para>
664 | </listitem>
665 |
666 | <listitem>
667 | <para>The IOMMU is enabled in the BIOS.</para>
668 | </listitem>
669 |
670 | <listitem>
671 | <para>The VM must run with VT-x/AMD-V and nested paging
672 | enabled.</para>
673 | </listitem>
674 |
675 | <listitem>
676 | <para>Your Linux kernel was compiled with IOMMU support (including
677 | DMA remapping, see <computeroutput>CONFIG_DMAR</computeroutput>
678 | kernel compilation option). The PCI stub driver
679 | (<computeroutput>CONFIG_PCI_STUB</computeroutput>) is required as
680 | well.</para>
681 | </listitem>
682 |
683 | <listitem>
684 | <para>Your Linux kernel recognizes and uses the IOMMU unit
685 | (<computeroutput>intel_iommu=on</computeroutput> boot option could
686 | be needed). Search for DMAR and PCI-DMA in kernel boot log.</para>
687 | </listitem>
688 | </orderedlist></para>
689 |
690 | <para>Once you made sure that the host kernel supports the IOMMU, the next
691 | step is to select the PCI card and attach it to the guest. To figure out
692 | the list of available PCI devices, use the
693 | <computeroutput>lspci</computeroutput> command. The output will look like
694 | this <screen>
695 | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Cedar PRO [Radeon HD 5450]
696 | 01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan HDMI Audio [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series]
697 | 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)
698 | 03:00.0 SATA controller: JMicron Technology Corp. JMB362/JMB363 Serial ATA Controller (rev 03)
699 | 03:00.1 IDE interface: JMicron Technology Corp. JMB362/JMB363 Serial ATA Controller (rev 03)
700 | 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8500 GT] (rev a1)
701 | </screen> The first column is a PCI address (in format
702 | <computeroutput>bus:device.function</computeroutput>). This address could
703 | be used to identify the device for further operations. For example, to
704 | attach a PCI network controller on the system listed above to the second
705 | PCI bus in the guest, as device 5, function 0, use the following command:
706 | <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --pciattach 02:00.0@01:05.0</screen>
707 | To detach same device, use <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --pcidetach 02:00.0</screen>
708 | Please note that both host and guest could freely assign a different PCI
709 | address to the card attached during runtime, so those addresses only apply
710 | to the address of the card at the moment of attachment (host), and during
711 | BIOS PCI init (guest).</para>
712 |
713 | <para>If the virtual machine has a PCI device attached, certain
714 | limitations apply: <orderedlist>
715 | <listitem>
716 | Only PCI cards with non-shared interrupts (such as using MSI on host) are supported at the moment.
717 | </listitem>
718 |
719 | <listitem>
720 | No guest state can be reliably saved/restored (as the internal state of the PCI card could not be retrieved).
721 | </listitem>
722 |
723 | <listitem>
724 | Teleportation (live migration) doesn't work (for the same reason).
725 | </listitem>
726 |
727 | <listitem>
728 | No lazy physical memory allocation. The host will preallocate the whole RAM required for the VM on startup (as we cannot catch physical hardware accesses to the physical memory).
729 | </listitem>
730 | </orderedlist></para>
731 | </sect1>
732 |
733 | <sect1>
734 | <title>Advanced display configuration</title>
735 |
736 | <sect2>
737 | <title>Custom VESA resolutions</title>
738 |
739 | <para>Apart from the standard VESA resolutions, the VirtualBox VESA BIOS
740 | allows you to add up to 16 custom video modes which will be reported to
741 | the guest operating system. When using Windows guests with the
742 | VirtualBox Guest Additions, a custom graphics driver will be used
743 | instead of the fallback VESA solution so this information does not
744 | apply.</para>
745 |
746 | <para>Additional video modes can be configured for each VM using the
747 | extra data facility. The extra data key is called
748 | <literal>CustomVideoMode<x></literal> with <literal>x</literal>
749 | being a number from 1 to 16. Please note that modes will be read from 1
750 | until either the following number is not defined or 16 is reached. The
751 | following example adds a video mode that corresponds to the native
752 | display resolution of many notebook computers:</para>
753 |
754 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "CustomVideoMode1" "1400x1050x16"</screen>
755 |
756 | <para>The VESA mode IDs for custom video modes start at
757 | <literal>0x160</literal>. In order to use the above defined custom video
758 | mode, the following command line has be supplied to Linux:</para>
759 |
760 | <screen>vga = 0x200 | 0x160
761 | vga = 864</screen>
762 |
763 | <para>For guest operating systems with VirtualBox Guest Additions, a
764 | custom video mode can be set using the video mode hint feature.</para>
765 | </sect2>
766 |
767 | <sect2>
768 | <title>Configuring the maximum resolution of guests when using the
769 | graphical frontend</title>
770 |
771 | <para>When guest systems with the Guest Additions installed are started
772 | using the graphical frontend (the normal VirtualBox application), they
773 | will not be allowed to use screen resolutions greater than the host's
774 | screen size unless the user manually resizes them by dragging the
775 | window, switching to full screen or seamless mode or sending a video mode
776 | hint using VBoxManage. This behavior is what most users will want, but
777 | if you have different needs, it is possible to change it by issuing one
778 | of the following commands from the command line:</para>
779 |
780 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution any</screen>
781 |
782 | <para>will remove all limits on guest resolutions.</para>
783 |
784 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution >width,height<</screen>
785 |
786 | <para>manually specifies a maximum resolution.</para>
787 |
788 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution auto</screen>
789 |
790 | <para>restores the default settings. Note that these settings apply
791 | globally to all guest systems, not just to a single machine.</para>
792 | </sect2>
793 | </sect1>
794 |
795 | <sect1>
796 | <title>Advanced storage configuration</title>
797 |
798 | <sect2 id="rawdisk">
799 | <title>Using a raw host hard disk from a guest</title>
800 |
801 | <para>Starting with version 1.4, as an alternative to using virtual disk
802 | images (as described in detail in <xref linkend="storage" />),
803 | VirtualBox can also present either entire physical hard disks or
804 | selected partitions thereof as virtual disks to virtual machines.</para>
805 |
806 | <para>With VirtualBox, this type of access is called "raw hard disk
807 | access"; it allows a guest operating system to access its virtual hard
808 | disk without going through the host OS file system. The actual
809 | performance difference for image files vs. raw disk varies greatly
810 | depending on the overhead of the host file system, whether dynamically
811 | growing images are used, and on host OS caching strategies. The caching
812 | indirectly also affects other aspects such as failure behavior, i.e.
813 | whether the virtual disk contains all data written before a host OS
814 | crash. Consult your host OS documentation for details on this.</para>
815 |
816 | <para><warning>
817 | <para>Raw hard disk access is for expert users only. Incorrect use
818 | or use of an outdated configuration can lead to <emphasis
819 | role="bold">total loss of data </emphasis>on the physical disk. Most
820 | importantly, <emphasis>do not</emphasis> attempt to boot the
821 | partition with the currently running host operating system in a
822 | guest. This will lead to severe data corruption.</para>
823 | </warning></para>
824 |
825 | <para>Raw hard disk access -- both for entire disks and individual
826 | partitions -- is implemented as part of the VMDK image format support.
827 | As a result, you will need to create a special VMDK image file which
828 | defines where the data will be stored. After creating such a special
829 | VMDK image, you can use it like a regular virtual disk image. For
830 | example, you can use the VirtualBox Manager (<xref linkend="vdis" />)
831 | or <computeroutput>VBoxManage</computeroutput> to assign the image to a
832 | virtual machine.</para>
833 |
834 | <sect3>
835 | <title>Access to entire physical hard disk</title>
836 |
837 | <para>While this variant is the simplest to set up, you must be aware
838 | that this will give a guest operating system direct and full access to
839 | an <emphasis>entire physical disk</emphasis>. If your
840 | <emphasis>host</emphasis> operating system is also booted from this
841 | disk, please take special care to not access the partition from the
842 | guest at all. On the positive side, the physical disk can be
843 | repartitioned in arbitrary ways without having to recreate the image
844 | file that gives access to the raw disk.</para>
845 |
846 | <para>To create an image that represents an entire physical hard disk
847 | (which will not contain any actual data, as this will all be stored on
848 | the physical disk), on a Linux host, use the command<screen>VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk
849 | -rawdisk /dev/sda</screen>This creates the image
850 | <code>/path/to/file.vmdk</code> (must be absolute), and all data will
851 | be read and written from <code>/dev/sda</code>.</para>
852 |
853 | <para>On a Windows host, instead of the above device specification,
854 | use e.g. <code>\\.\PhysicalDrive0</code>. On a Mac OS X host, instead
855 | of the above device specification use e.g. <code>/dev/disk1</code>.
856 | Note that on OS X you can only get access to an entire disk if no
857 | volume is mounted from it.</para>
858 |
859 | <para>Creating the image requires read/write access for the given
860 | device. Read/write access is also later needed when using the image
861 | from a virtual machine. On some host platforms (e.g. Windows Vista
862 | and later), raw disk access may be restricted and not permitted by
863 | the host OS in some situations.</para>
864 |
865 | <para>Just like with regular disk images, this does not automatically
866 | attach the newly created image to a virtual machine. This can be done
867 | with e.g. <screen>VBoxManage storageattach WindowsXP --storagectl "IDE Controller"
868 | --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /path/to/file.vmdk</screen>When
869 | this is done the selected virtual machine will boot from the specified
870 | physical disk.</para>
871 | </sect3>
872 |
873 | <sect3>
874 | <title>Access to individual physical hard disk partitions</title>
875 |
876 | <para>This "raw partition support" is quite similar to the "full hard
877 | disk" access described above. However, in this case, any partitioning
878 | information will be stored inside the VMDK image, so you can e.g.
879 | install a different boot loader in the virtual hard disk without
880 | affecting the host's partitioning information. While the guest will be
881 | able to <emphasis>see</emphasis> all partitions that exist on the
882 | physical disk, access will be filtered in that reading from partitions
883 | for which no access is allowed the partitions will only yield zeroes,
884 | and all writes to them are ignored.</para>
885 |
886 | <para>To create a special image for raw partition support (which will
887 | contain a small amount of data, as already mentioned), on a Linux
888 | host, use the command<screen>VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk
889 | -rawdisk /dev/sda -partitions 1,5</screen></para>
890 |
891 | <para>As you can see, the command is identical to the one for "full
892 | hard disk" access, except for the additional
893 | <computeroutput>-partitions</computeroutput> parameter. This example
894 | would create the image <code>/path/to/file.vmdk</code> (which, again,
895 | must be absolute), and partitions 1 and 5 of <code>/dev/sda</code>
896 | would be made accessible to the guest.</para>
897 |
898 | <para>VirtualBox uses the same partition numbering as your Linux host.
899 | As a result, the numbers given in the above example would refer to the
900 | first primary partition and the first logical drive in the extended
901 | partition, respectively.</para>
902 |
903 | <para>On a Windows host, instead of the above device specification,
904 | use e.g. <code>\\.\PhysicalDrive0</code>. On a Mac OS X host, instead
905 | of the above device specification use e.g. <code>/dev/disk1</code>.
906 | Note that on OS X you can only use partitions which are not mounted
907 | (eject the respective volume first). Partition numbers are the same on
908 | Linux, Windows and Mac OS X hosts.</para>
909 |
910 | <para>The numbers for the list of partitions can be taken from the
911 | output of<screen>VBoxManage internalcommands listpartitions -rawdisk /dev/sda</screen>The
912 | output lists the partition types and sizes to give the user enough
913 | information to identify the partitions necessary for the guest.</para>
914 |
915 | <para>Images which give access to individual partitions are specific
916 | to a particular host disk setup. You cannot transfer these images to
917 | another host; also, whenever the host partitioning changes, the image
918 | <emphasis>must be recreated</emphasis>.</para>
919 |
920 | <para>Creating the image requires read/write access for the given
921 | device. Read/write access is also later needed when using the image
922 | from a virtual machine. If this is not feasible, there is a special
923 | variant for raw partition access (currently only available on Linux
924 | hosts) that avoids having to give the current user access to the
925 | entire disk. To set up such an image, use<screen>VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk
926 | -rawdisk /dev/sda -partitions 1,5 -relative</screen>When used from a
927 | virtual machine, the image will then refer not to the entire disk, but
928 | only to the individual partitions (in the example
929 | <code>/dev/sda1</code> and <code>/dev/sda5</code>). As a consequence,
930 | read/write access is only required for the affected partitions, not
931 | for the entire disk. During creation however, read-only access to the
932 | entire disk is required to obtain the partitioning information.</para>
933 |
934 | <para>In some configurations it may be necessary to change the MBR
935 | code of the created image, e.g. to replace the Linux boot loader that
936 | is used on the host by another boot loader. This allows e.g. the guest
937 | to boot directly to Windows, while the host boots Linux from the
938 | "same" disk. For this purpose the
939 | <computeroutput>-mbr</computeroutput> parameter is provided. It
940 | specifies a file name from which to take the MBR code. The partition
941 | table is not modified at all, so a MBR file from a system with totally
942 | different partitioning can be used. An example of this is<screen>VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk
943 | -rawdisk /dev/sda -partitions 1,5 -mbr winxp.mbr</screen>The modified
944 | MBR will be stored inside the image, not on the host disk.</para>
945 |
946 | <para>The created image can be attached to a storage controller in a
947 | VM configuration as usual.</para>
948 | </sect3>
949 | </sect2>
950 |
951 | <sect2 id="changevpd">
952 | <title>Configuring the hard disk vendor product data (VPD)</title>
953 |
954 | <para>VirtualBox reports vendor product data for its virtual hard disks
955 | which consist of hard disk serial number, firmware revision and model
956 | number. These can be changed using the following commands:</para>
957 |
958 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
959 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/SerialNumber" "serial"
960 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
961 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/FirmwareRevision" "firmware"
962 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
963 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/ModelNumber" "model"</screen>
964 |
965 | <para>The serial number is a 20 byte alphanumeric string, the firmware
966 | revision an 8 byte alphanumeric string and the model number a 40 byte
967 | alphanumeric string. Instead of "Port0" (referring to the first port),
968 | specify the desired SATA hard disk port.</para>
969 |
970 | <para>The above commands apply to virtual machines with an AHCI (SATA)
971 | controller. The commands for virtual machines with an IDE controller
972 | are:</para>
973 |
974 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
975 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/SerialNumber" "serial"
976 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
977 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/FirmwareRevision" "firmware"
978 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
979 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/ModelNumber" "model"</screen>
980 |
981 | <para>For hard disks it's also possible to mark the
982 | drive as having a non-rotational medium with:</para>
983 |
984 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
985 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/NonRotational" "1"</screen>
986 |
987 | <para>Additional three parameters are needed for CD/DVD drives to report
988 | the vendor product data:</para>
989 |
990 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
991 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/ATAPIVendorId" "vendor"
992 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
993 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/ATAPIProductId" "product"
994 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
995 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port0/ATAPIRevision" "revision"</screen>
996 |
997 | <para>The vendor id is an 8 byte alphanumeric string, the product id an
998 | 16 byte alphanumeric string and the revision a 4 byte alphanumeric
999 | string. Instead of "Port0" (referring to the first port), specify the
1000 | desired SATA hard disk port.</para>
1001 | </sect2>
1002 |
1003 | <sect2>
1004 | <title id="iscsi-intnet">Access iSCSI targets via Internal
1005 | Networking</title>
1006 |
1007 | <para>As an experimental feature, VirtualBox allows for accessing an
1008 | iSCSI target running in a virtual machine which is configured for using
1009 | Internal Networking mode. Please see <xref linkend="storage-iscsi" />;
1010 | <xref linkend="network_internal" />; and <xref
1011 | linkend="vboxmanage-storageattach" /> for additional information.</para>
1012 |
1013 | <para>The IP stack accessing Internal Networking must be configured in
1014 | the virtual machine which accesses the iSCSI target. A free static IP
1015 | and a MAC address not used by other virtual machines must be chosen. In
1016 | the example below, adapt the name of the virtual machine, the MAC
1017 | address, the IP configuration and the Internal Networking name
1018 | ("MyIntNet") according to your needs. The following seven commands must
1019 | first be issued:<screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Trusted 1
1020 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Config/MAC 08:00:27:01:02:0f
1021 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Config/IP
1022 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Config/Netmask
1023 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/LUN#0/Driver IntNet
1024 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/LUN#0/Config/Network MyIntNet
1025 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/LUN#0/Config/IsService 1</screen></para>
1026 |
1027 | <para>Finally the iSCSI disk must be attached with the
1028 | <computeroutput>--intnet</computeroutput> option to tell the iSCSI
1029 | initiator to use internal networking:<screen>VBoxManage storageattach ... --medium iscsi
1030 | --server --target iqn.2008-12.com.sun:sampletarget --intnet</screen></para>
1031 |
1032 | <para>Compared to a "regular" iSCSI setup, IP address of the target
1033 | <emphasis>must</emphasis> be specified as a numeric IP address, as there
1034 | is no DNS resolver for internal networking.</para>
1035 |
1036 | <para>The virtual machine with the iSCSI target should be started before
1037 | the VM using it is powered on. If a virtual machine using an iSCSI disk
1038 | is started without having the iSCSI target powered up, it can take up to
1039 | 200 seconds to detect this situation. The VM will fail to power
1040 | up.</para>
1041 | </sect2>
1042 | </sect1>
1043 |
1044 | <sect1>
1045 | <title>Launching more than 128 VMs on Linux hosts</title>
1046 |
1047 | <para>Linux hosts have a fixed number of IPC semaphores IDs per process
1048 | preventing users from starting substantially many VMs. The exact number
1049 | may vary with each Linux distribution. While trying to launch more VMs you
1050 | would be shown a "Cannot create IPC semaphore" error. In order to run more
1051 | VMs, you will need to increase the semaphore ID limit of the VBoxSVC
1052 | process. Find the current semaphore limits imposed by the kernel by
1053 | executing as root:<screen>#/sbin/sysctl kernel.sem
1054 | kernel.sem = 250 32000 32 128</screen></para>
1055 |
1056 | <para>The "kernel.sem" parameter bundles together 4 values, the one we are
1057 | interested in is called "SEMMNI", the maximum number of semaphore IDs
1058 | which is 128 in the above example. Increase this semaphore ID limit by
1059 | executing as root:<screen>echo "kernel.sem = 250 32000 32 2048" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
1060 | /sbin/sysctl -p</screen></para>
1061 |
1062 | <para>The above commands will add the new limits to the config file, thus
1063 | making the effect persistent across reboots, and will activate the new
1064 | limits into the currently running kernel.</para>
1065 | </sect1>
1066 |
1067 | <sect1>
1068 | <title>Launching more than 120 VMs on Solaris hosts</title>
1069 |
1070 | <para>Solaris hosts have a fixed number of IPC semaphores IDs per process
1071 | preventing users from starting more than 120 VMs. While trying to launch
1072 | more VMs you would be shown a "Cannot create IPC semaphore" error. In
1073 | order to run more VMs, you will need to increase the semaphore ID limit of
1074 | the VBoxSVC process.</para>
1075 |
1076 | <sect2>
1077 | <title>Temporary solution while VirtualBox is running</title>
1078 |
1079 | <para>Execute as root the <computeroutput>prctl</computeroutput> command
1080 | as shown below for the currently running VBoxSVC process. The process ID
1081 | of VBoxSVC can be obtained using the <computeroutput>ps</computeroutput>
1082 | command.</para>
1083 |
1084 | <screen>prctl -r -n project.max-sem-ids -v 2048 <pid-of-VBoxSVC></screen>
1085 |
1086 | <para>This will immediately increase the semaphore limit of the
1087 | currently running VBoxSVC process and allow you to launch more VMs.
1088 | However, this change is not persistent and will be lost when VBoxSVC
1089 | terminates.</para>
1090 | </sect2>
1091 |
1092 | <sect2>
1093 | <title>Persistent solution, requires user to re-login</title>
1094 |
1095 | <para>If the user running VirtualBox is root, execute the following
1096 | command:</para>
1097 |
1098 | <screen>prctl -n project.max-sem-ids -v 2048 -r -i project user.root</screen>
1099 |
1100 | <para>From this point, starting new processes will have the increased
1101 | limit of 2048. You may then re-login or close all VMs and restart
1102 | VBoxSVC. You can check the current VBoxSVC semaphore ID limit using the
1103 | following command:</para>
1104 |
1105 | <screen>prctl -n project.max-sem-ids -i process <pid-of-VBoxSVC></screen>
1106 |
1107 | <para>If the user running VirtualBox is not root, you must add the
1108 | property to the user's default project. Create the default project and
1109 | set the limit by executing as root:</para>
1110 |
1111 | <screen>projadd -U <username> user.<username>
1112 | projmod -s -K "project.max-sem-ids=(priv,2048,deny)" user.<username></screen>
1113 |
1114 | <para>Substitute "<username>" with the name of the user running
1115 | VirtualBox. Then re-login as this user to be able to run more than 120
1116 | VMs.</para>
1117 | </sect2>
1118 | </sect1>
1119 |
1120 | <sect1>
1121 | <title>Legacy commands for using serial ports</title>
1122 |
1123 | <para>Starting with version 1.4, VirtualBox provided support for virtual
1124 | serial ports, which, at the time, was rather complicated to set up with a
1125 | sequence of <computeroutput>VBoxManage setextradata</computeroutput>
1126 | statements. Since version 1.5, that way of setting up serial ports is no
1127 | longer necessary and <emphasis>deprecated.</emphasis> To set up virtual
1128 | serial ports, use the methods now described in <xref
1129 | linkend="serialports" />.<note>
1130 | <para>For backwards compatibility, the old
1131 | <computeroutput>setextradata</computeroutput> statements, whose
1132 | description is retained below from the old version of the manual, take
1133 | <emphasis>precedence</emphasis> over the new way of configuring serial
1134 | ports. As a result, if configuring serial ports the new way doesn't
1135 | work, make sure the VM in question does not have old configuration
1136 | data such as below still active.</para>
1137 | </note></para>
1138 |
1139 | <para>The old sequence of configuring a serial port used the following 6
1140 | commands:</para>
1141 |
1142 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1143 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/serial/0/Config/IRQ" 4
1144 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1145 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/serial/0/Config/IOBase" 0x3f8
1146 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1147 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/serial/0/LUN#0/Driver" Char
1148 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1149 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/serial/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Driver" NamedPipe
1150 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1151 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/serial/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/Location" "\\.\pipe\vboxCOM1"
1152 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1153 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/serial/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/IsServer" 1</screen>
1154 |
1155 | <para>This sets up a serial port in the guest with the default settings
1156 | for COM1 (IRQ 4, I/O address 0x3f8) and the
1157 | <computeroutput>Location</computeroutput> setting assumes that this
1158 | configuration is used on a Windows host, because the Windows named pipe
1159 | syntax is used. Keep in mind that on Windows hosts a named pipe must
1160 | always start with <computeroutput>\\.\pipe\</computeroutput>. On Linux the
1161 | same config settings apply, except that the path name for the
1162 | <computeroutput>Location</computeroutput> can be chosen more freely. Local
1163 | domain sockets can be placed anywhere, provided the user running
1164 | VirtualBox has the permission to create a new file in the directory. The
1165 | final command above defines that VirtualBox acts as a server, i.e. it
1166 | creates the named pipe itself instead of connecting to an already existing
1167 | one.</para>
1168 | </sect1>
1169 |
1170 | <sect1 id="changenat">
1171 | <title>Fine-tuning the VirtualBox NAT engine</title>
1172 |
1173 | <sect2>
1174 | <title>Configuring the address of a NAT network interface</title>
1175 |
1176 | <para>In NAT mode, the guest network interface is assigned to the IPv4
1177 | range <computeroutput>10.0.x.0/24</computeroutput> by default where
1178 | <computeroutput>x</computeroutput> corresponds to the instance of the
1179 | NAT interface +2. So <computeroutput>x</computeroutput> is 2 when there
1180 | is only one NAT instance active. In that case the guest is assigned to
1181 | the address <computeroutput></computeroutput>, the gateway is
1182 | set to <computeroutput></computeroutput> and the name server can
1183 | be found at <computeroutput></computeroutput>.</para>
1184 |
1185 | <para>If, for any reason, the NAT network needs to be changed, this can
1186 | be achieved with the following command:</para>
1187 |
1188 | <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natnet1 "192.168/16"</screen>
1189 |
1190 | <para>This command would reserve the network addresses from
1191 | <computeroutput></computeroutput> to
1192 | <computeroutput></computeroutput> for the first NAT
1193 | network instance of "VM name". The guest IP would be assigned to
1194 | <computeroutput></computeroutput> and the default gateway
1195 | could be found at <computeroutput></computeroutput>.</para>
1196 | </sect2>
1197 |
1198 | <sect2 id="nat-adv-tftp">
1199 | <title>Configuring the boot server (next server) of a NAT network
1200 | interface</title>
1201 |
1202 | <para>For network booting in NAT mode, by default VirtualBox uses a
1203 | built-in TFTP server at the IP address This default behavior
1204 | should work fine for typical remote-booting scenarios. However, it is
1205 | possible to change the boot server IP and the location of the boot image
1206 | with the following commands: <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --nattftpserver1
1207 | VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --nattftpfile1 /srv/tftp/boot/MyPXEBoot.pxe</screen></para>
1208 | </sect2>
1209 |
1210 | <sect2 id="nat-adv-settings">
1211 | <title>Tuning TCP/IP buffers for NAT</title>
1212 |
1213 | <para>The VirtualBox NAT stack performance is often determined by its
1214 | interaction with the host's TCP/IP stack and the size of several buffers
1215 | (<computeroutput>SO_RCVBUF</computeroutput> and
1216 | <computeroutput>SO_SNDBUF</computeroutput>). For certain setups users
1217 | might want to adjust the buffer size for a better performance. This can
1218 | by achieved using the following commands (values are in kilobytes and
1219 | can range from 8 to 1024): <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natsettings1 16000,128,128,0,0</screen>
1220 | This example illustrates tuning the NAT settings. The first parameter is
1221 | the MTU, then the size of the socket's send buffer and the size of the
1222 | socket's receive buffer, the initial size of the TCP send window, and
1223 | lastly the initial size of the TCP receive window. Note that specifying
1224 | zero means fallback to the default value.</para>
1225 |
1226 | <para>Each of these buffers has a default size of 64KB and default MTU
1227 | is 1500.</para>
1228 | </sect2>
1229 |
1230 | <sect2>
1231 | <title>Binding NAT sockets to a specific interface</title>
1232 |
1233 | <para>By default, VirtualBox's NAT engine will route TCP/IP packets
1234 | through the default interface assigned by the host's TCP/IP stack. (The
1235 | technical reason for this is that the NAT engine uses sockets for
1236 | communication.) If, for some reason, you want to change this behavior,
1237 | you can tell the NAT engine to bind to a particular IP address instead.
1238 | Use the following command: <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natbindip1 ""</screen></para>
1239 |
1240 | <para>After this, all outgoing traffic will be sent through the
1241 | interface with the IP address Please make sure that this
1242 | interface is up and running prior to this assignment.</para>
1243 | </sect2>
1244 |
1245 | <sect2 id="nat-adv-dns">
1246 | <title>Enabling DNS proxy in NAT mode</title>
1247 |
1248 | <para>The NAT engine by default offers the same DNS servers to the guest
1249 | that are configured on the host. In some scenarios, it can be desirable
1250 | to hide the DNS server IPs from the guest, for example when this
1251 | information can change on the host due to expiring DHCP leases. In this
1252 | case, you can tell the NAT engine to act as DNS proxy using the
1253 | following command: <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natdnsproxy1 on</screen></para>
1254 | </sect2>
1255 |
1256 | <sect2 id="nat_host_resolver_proxy">
1257 | <title>Using the host's resolver as a DNS proxy in NAT mode</title>
1258 |
1259 | <para>For resolving network names, the DHCP server of the NAT engine
1260 | offers a list of registered DNS servers of the host. If for some reason
1261 | you need to hide this DNS server list and use the host's resolver
1262 | settings, thereby forcing the VirtualBox NAT engine to intercept DNS
1263 | requests and forward them to host's resolver, use the following command:
1264 | <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natdnshostresolver1 on</screen>
1265 | Note that this setting is similar to the DNS proxy mode, however whereas
1266 | the proxy mode just forwards DNS requests to the appropriate servers,
1267 | the resolver mode will interpret the DNS requests and use the host's DNS
1268 | API to query the information and return it to the guest.</para>
1269 | </sect2>
1270 |
1271 | <sect2 id="nat-adv-alias">
1272 | <title>Configuring aliasing of the NAT engine</title>
1273 |
1274 | <para>By default, the NAT core uses aliasing and uses random ports when
1275 | generating an alias for a connection. This works well for the most
1276 | protocols like SSH, FTP and so on. Though some protocols might need a
1277 | more transparent behavior or may depend on the real port number the
1278 | packet was sent from. It is possible to change the NAT mode via the
1279 | VBoxManage frontend with the following commands: <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --nataliasmode1 proxyonly</screen>
1280 | and <screen>VBoxManage modifyvm "Linux Guest" --nataliasmode1 sameports</screen>
1281 | The first example disables aliasing and switches NAT into transparent
1282 | mode, the second example enforces preserving of port values. These modes
1283 | can be combined if necessary.</para>
1284 | </sect2>
1285 | </sect1>
1286 |
1287 | <sect1 id="changedmi">
1288 | <title>Configuring the BIOS DMI information</title>
1289 |
1290 | <para>The DMI data VirtualBox provides to guests can be changed for a
1291 | specific VM. Use the following commands to configure the DMI BIOS
1292 | information:</para>
1293 |
1294 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1295 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSVendor" "BIOS Vendor"
1296 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1297 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSVersion" "BIOS Version"
1298 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1299 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSReleaseDate" "BIOS Release Date"
1300 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1301 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSReleaseMajor" 1
1302 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1303 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSReleaseMinor" 2
1304 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1305 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor" 3
1306 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1307 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor" 4
1308 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1309 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemVendor" "System Vendor"
1310 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1311 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" "System Product"
1312 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1313 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion" "System Version"
1314 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1315 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial" "System Serial"
1316 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1317 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemSKU" "System SKU"
1318 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1319 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemFamily" "System Family"
1320 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1321 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemUuid"
1322 | "9852bf98-b83c-49db-a8de-182c42c7226b"</screen>
1323 |
1324 | <para>If a DMI string is not set, the default value of VirtualBox is used.
1325 | To set an empty string use
1326 | <computeroutput>"<EMPTY>"</computeroutput>.</para>
1327 |
1328 | <para>Note that in the above list, all quoted parameters (DmiBIOSVendor,
1329 | DmiBIOSVersion but not DmiBIOSReleaseMajor) are expected to be strings. If
1330 | such a string is a valid number, the parameter is treated as number and
1331 | the VM will most probably refuse to start with an
1332 | <computeroutput>VERR_CFGM_NOT_STRING</computeroutput> error. In that case,
1333 | use <computeroutput>"string:<value>"</computeroutput>, for instance
1334 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1335 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial" "string:1234"</screen></para>
1336 |
1337 | <para>Changing this information can be necessary to provide the DMI
1338 | information of the host to the guest to prevent Windows from asking for a
1339 | new product key. On Linux hosts the DMI BIOS information can be obtained
1340 | with <screen>dmidecode -t0</screen>and the DMI system information can be
1341 | obtained with <screen>dmidecode -t1</screen></para>
1342 | </sect1>
1343 |
1344 | <sect1 id="changeacpicust">
1345 | <title>Configuring the custom ACPI table</title>
1346 |
1347 | <para>VirtualBox can be configured to present an custom ACPI table to
1348 | the guest. Use the following command to configure this:</para>
1349 |
1350 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name"
1351 | "VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/CustomTable" "/path/to/table.bin"</screen>
1352 |
1353 | <para>Configuring a custom ACPI table can prevent Windows
1354 | Vista and Windows 7 from asking for a new product key. On Linux hosts,
1355 | one of the host tables can be read from
1356 | <filename>/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/</filename>.</para>
1357 | </sect1>
1358 |
1359 | <sect1>
1360 | <title>Fine-tuning timers and time synchronization</title>
1361 |
1362 | <sect2 id="changetscmode">
1363 | <title>Configuring the guest time stamp counter (TSC) to reflect guest
1364 | execution</title>
1365 |
1366 | <para>By default, VirtualBox keeps all sources of time visible to the
1367 | guest synchronized to a single time source, the monotonic host time.
1368 | This reflects the assumptions of many guest operating systems, which
1369 | expect all time sources to reflect "wall clock" time. In special
1370 | circumstances it may be useful however to make the TSC (time stamp
1371 | counter) in the guest reflect the time actually spent executing the
1372 | guest.</para>
1373 |
1374 | <para>This special TSC handling mode can be enabled on a per-VM basis,
1375 | and for best results must be used only in combination with hardware
1376 | virtualization. To enable this mode use the following command:</para>
1377 |
1378 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxInternal/TM/TSCTiedToExecution" 1</screen>
1379 |
1380 | <para>To revert to the default TSC handling mode use:</para>
1381 |
1382 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxInternal/TM/TSCTiedToExecution"</screen>
1383 |
1384 | <para>Note that if you use the special TSC handling mode with a guest
1385 | operating system which is very strict about the consistency of time
1386 | sources you may get a warning or error message about the timing
1387 | inconsistency. It may also cause clocks to become unreliable with some
1388 | guest operating systems depending on they use the TSC.</para>
1389 | </sect2>
1390 |
1391 | <sect2 id="warpguest">
1392 | <title>Accelerate or slow down the guest clock</title>
1393 |
1394 | <para>For certain purposes it can be useful to accelerate or to slow
1395 | down the (virtual) guest clock. This can be achieved as follows:</para>
1396 |
1397 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxInternal/TM/WarpDrivePercentage" 200</screen>
1398 |
1399 | <para>The above example will double the speed of the guest clock
1400 | while</para>
1401 |
1402 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxInternal/TM/WarpDrivePercentage" 50</screen>
1403 |
1404 | <para>will halve the speed of the guest clock. Note that changing the
1405 | rate of the virtual clock can confuse the guest and can even lead to
1406 | abnormal guest behavior. For instance, a higher clock rate means shorter
1407 | timeouts for virtual devices with the result that a slightly increased
1408 | response time of a virtual device due to an increased host load can
1409 | cause guest failures. Note further that any time synchronization
1410 | mechanism will frequently try to resynchronize the guest clock with the
1411 | reference clock (which is the host clock if the VirtualBox Guest
1412 | Additions are active). Therefore any time synchronization should be
1413 | disabled if the rate of the guest clock is changed as described above
1414 | (see <xref linkend="changetimesync" />).</para>
1415 | </sect2>
1416 |
1417 | <sect2 id="changetimesync">
1418 | <title>Tuning the Guest Additions time synchronization
1419 | parameters</title>
1420 |
1421 | <para>The VirtualBox Guest Additions ensure that the guest's system time
1422 | is synchronized with the host time. There are several parameters which
1423 | can be tuned. The parameters can be set for a specific VM using the
1424 | following command:</para>
1425 |
1426 | <screen>VBoxManage guestproperty set VM_NAME "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/PARAMETER" VALUE</screen>
1427 |
1428 | <para>where <computeroutput>PARAMETER</computeroutput> is one of the
1429 | following:</para>
1430 |
1431 | <para><glosslist>
1432 | <glossentry>
1433 | <glossterm><computeroutput>--timesync-interval</computeroutput></glossterm>
1434 |
1435 | <glossdef>
1436 | <para>Specifies the interval at which to synchronize the time
1437 | with the host. The default is 10000 ms (10 seconds).</para>
1438 | </glossdef>
1439 | </glossentry>
1440 |
1441 | <glossentry>
1442 | <glossterm><computeroutput>--timesync-min-adjust</computeroutput></glossterm>
1443 |
1444 | <glossdef>
1445 | <para>The minimum absolute drift value measured in milliseconds
1446 | to make adjustments for. The default is 1000 ms on OS/2 and 100
1447 | ms elsewhere.</para>
1448 | </glossdef>
1449 | </glossentry>
1450 |
1451 | <glossentry>
1452 | <glossterm><computeroutput>--timesync-latency-factor</computeroutput></glossterm>
1453 |
1454 | <glossdef>
1455 | <para>The factor to multiply the time query latency with to
1456 | calculate the dynamic minimum adjust time. The default is 8
1457 | times, that means in detail: Measure the time it takes to
1458 | determine the host time (the guest has to contact the VM host
1459 | service which may take some time), multiply this value by 8 and
1460 | do an adjustment only if the time difference between host and
1461 | guest is bigger than this value. Don't do any time adjustment
1462 | otherwise.</para>
1463 | </glossdef>
1464 | </glossentry>
1465 |
1466 | <glossentry>
1467 | <glossterm><computeroutput>--timesync-max-latency</computeroutput></glossterm>
1468 |
1469 | <glossdef>
1470 | <para>The max host timer query latency to accept. The default is
1471 | 250 ms.</para>
1472 | </glossdef>
1473 | </glossentry>
1474 |
1475 | <glossentry>
1476 | <glossterm><computeroutput>--timesync-set-threshold</computeroutput></glossterm>
1477 |
1478 | <glossdef>
1479 | <para>The absolute drift threshold, given as milliseconds where
1480 | to start setting the time instead of trying to smoothly adjust
1481 | it. The default is 20 minutes.</para>
1482 | </glossdef>
1483 | </glossentry>
1484 |
1485 | <glossentry>
1486 | <glossterm><computeroutput>--timesync-set-start</computeroutput></glossterm>
1487 |
1488 | <glossdef>
1489 | <para>Set the time when starting the time sync service.</para>
1490 | </glossdef>
1491 | </glossentry>
1492 |
1493 | <glossentry>
1494 | <glossterm><computeroutput>--timesync-set-on-restore
1495 | 0|1</computeroutput></glossterm>
1496 |
1497 | <glossdef>
1498 | <para>Set the time after the VM was restored from a saved state
1499 | when passing 1 as parameter (default). Disable by passing 0. In
1500 | the latter case, the time will be adjusted smoothly which can
1501 | take a long time.</para>
1502 | </glossdef>
1503 | </glossentry>
1504 | </glosslist></para>
1505 |
1506 | <para>All these parameters can be specified as command line parameters
1507 | to VBoxService as well.</para>
1508 | </sect2>
1509 | </sect1>
1510 |
1511 | <sect1 id="vboxbowsolaris11">
1512 | <title>Installing the alternate bridged networking driver on Solaris 11
1513 | hosts</title>
1514 |
1515 | <para>Starting with VirtualBox 4.1, VirtualBox ships a new network filter
1516 | driver that utilizes Solaris 11's Crossbow functionality. By default, this
1517 | new driver is installed for Solaris 11 hosts (builds 159 and above) that
1518 | has support for it.</para>
1519 |
1520 | <para>To force installation of the older STREAMS based network filter
1521 | driver, execute as root the following command before installing the
1522 | VirtualBox package:</para>
1523 |
1524 | <screen>touch /etc/vboxinst_vboxflt</screen>
1525 |
1526 | <para>To force installation of the Crossbow based network filter driver,
1527 | execute as root the following command before installing the VirtualBox
1528 | package:</para>
1529 |
1530 | <screen>touch /etc/vboxinst_vboxbow</screen>
1531 |
1532 | <para>To check which driver is currently being used by VirtualBox,
1533 | execute:</para>
1534 |
1535 | <screen>modinfo | grep vbox</screen>
1536 |
1537 | <para>If the output contains "vboxbow", it indicates VirtualBox is using
1538 | the Crossbow network filter driver, while the name "vboxflt" indicates
1539 | usage of the older STREAMS network filter.</para>
1540 | </sect1>
1541 |
1542 | <sect1 id="vboxbowvnictemplates">
1543 | <title>VirtualBox VNIC templates for VLANs on Solaris 11 hosts</title>
1544 |
1545 | <para>VirtualBox supports VNIC (Virtual Network Interface) templates for
1546 | configuring VMs over VLANs.<footnote>
1547 | <para>Support for Crossbow based bridged networking was introduced
1548 | with VirtualBox 4.1 and requires Solaris 11 build 159 or above.</para>
1549 | </footnote> A VirtualBox VNIC template is a VNIC whose name starts with
1550 | "vboxvnic_template".</para>
1551 |
1552 | <para>Here is an example of how to use a VNIC template to configure a VLAN
1553 | for VMs. Create a VirtualBox VNIC template, by executing as root:</para>
1554 |
1555 | <screen>dladm create-vnic -t -l nge0 -v 23 vboxvnic_template0
1556 | </screen>
1557 |
1558 | <para>This will create a temporary VNIC over interface "nge0" with the
1559 | VLAN ID 23. To create VNIC templates that are persistent across host
1560 | reboots, skip the <computeroutput>-t</computeroutput> parameter in the
1561 | above command. You may check the current state of links using:</para>
1562 |
1563 | <para><screen>$ dladm show-link
1565 | nge0 phys 1500 up -- --
1566 | nge1 phys 1500 down -- --
1567 | vboxvnic_template0 vnic 1500 up -- nge0
1568 |
1569 | $ dladm show-vnic
1571 | vboxvnic_template0 nge0 1000 2:8:20:25:12:75 random 23
1572 | </screen></para>
1573 |
1574 | <para>Once the VNIC template is created, all VMs that need to be part of
1575 | VLAN 23 over the physical interface "nge0" can use the same VNIC template.
1576 | This makes managing VMs on VLANs simpler and efficient, as the VLAN
1577 | details are not stored as part of every VM's configuration but rather
1578 | picked from the VNIC template which can be modified anytime using
1579 | <computeroutput>dladm</computeroutput>. Apart from the VLAN ID, VNIC
1580 | templates can be created with additional properties such as bandwidth
1581 | limits, CPU fanout etc. Refer to your Solaris network documentation on how
1582 | to accomplish this. These additional properties, if any, are also applied
1583 | to VMs which use the VNIC template.</para>
1584 | </sect1>
1585 |
1586 | <sect1 id="addhostonlysolaris">
1587 | <title>Configuring multiple host-only network interfaces on Solaris
1588 | hosts</title>
1589 |
1590 | <para>By default VirtualBox provides you with one host-only network
1591 | interface. Adding more host-only network interfaces on Solaris hosts
1592 | requires manual configuration. Here's how to add two more host-only
1593 | network interfaces.</para>
1594 |
1595 | <para>You first need to stop all running VMs and unplumb all existing
1596 | "vboxnet" interfaces. Execute the following commands as root:</para>
1597 |
1598 | <screen>ifconfig vboxnet0 unplumb</screen>
1599 |
1600 | <para>Once you make sure all vboxnet interfaces are unplumbed, remove the
1601 | driver using:</para>
1602 |
1603 | <para><screen>rem_drv vboxnet</screen>then edit the file
1604 | <computeroutput>/platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxnet.conf</computeroutput>
1605 | and add a line for the new interfaces:</para>
1606 |
1607 | <para><screen>name="vboxnet" parent="pseudo" instance=1;
1608 | name="vboxnet" parent="pseudo" instance=2;</screen>Add as many of these lines
1609 | as required and make sure "instance" number is uniquely incremented. Next
1610 | reload the vboxnet driver using:</para>
1611 |
1612 | <para><screen>add_drv vboxnet</screen>Now plumb all the interfaces using
1613 | <computeroutput>ifconfig vboxnetX plumb</computeroutput> (where X can be
1614 | 0, 1 or 2 in this case) and once plumbed you can then configure the
1615 | interface like any other network interface.</para>
1616 |
1617 | <para>To make your newly added interfaces' settings persistent across
1618 | reboots you will need to edit the files
1619 | <computeroutput>/etc/netmasks</computeroutput>, and if you are using NWAM
1620 | <computeroutput>/etc/nwam/llp</computeroutput> and add the appropriate
1621 | entries to set the netmask and static IP for each of those interfaces. The
1622 | VirtualBox installer only updates these configuration files for the one
1623 | "vboxnet0" interface it creates by default.</para>
1624 | </sect1>
1625 |
1626 | <sect1 id="solariscodedumper">
1627 | <title>Configuring the VirtualBox CoreDumper on Solaris hosts</title>
1628 |
1629 | <para>VirtualBox is capable of producing its own core files for extensive
1630 | debugging when things go wrong. Currently this is only available on
1631 | Solaris hosts.</para>
1632 |
1633 | <para>The VirtualBox CoreDumper can be enabled using the following
1634 | command:</para>
1635 |
1636 | <para><screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal2/CoreDumpEnabled 1</screen></para>
1637 |
1638 | <para>You can specify which directory to use for core dumps with this
1639 | command:</para>
1640 |
1641 | <para><screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal2/CoreDumpDir <path-to-directory></screen>Make
1642 | sure the directory you specify is on a volume with sufficient free space
1643 | and that the VirtualBox process has sufficient permissions to write files
1644 | to this directory. If you skip this command and don't specify any core
1645 | dump directory, the current directory of the VirtualBox executable will be
1646 | used (which would most likely fail when writing cores as they are
1647 | protected with root permissions). It is recommended you explicitly set a
1648 | core dump directory.</para>
1649 |
1650 | <para>You must specify when the VirtualBox CoreDumper should be triggered.
1651 | This is done using the following commands:</para>
1652 |
1653 | <para><screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal2/CoreDumpReplaceSystemDump 1
1654 | VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal2/CoreDumpLive 1</screen>At
1655 | least one of the above two commands will have to be provided if you have
1656 | enabled the VirtualBox CoreDumper.</para>
1657 |
1658 | <para>Setting <computeroutput>CoreDumpReplaceSystemDump</computeroutput>
1659 | sets up the VM to override the host's core dumping mechanism and in the
1660 | event of any crash only the VirtualBox CoreDumper would produce the core
1661 | file.</para>
1662 |
1663 | <para>Setting <computeroutput>CoreDumpLive</computeroutput> sets up the VM
1664 | to produce cores whenever the VM process receives a
1665 | <computeroutput>SIGUSR2</computeroutput> signal. After producing the core
1666 | file, the VM will not be terminated and will continue to run. You can thus
1667 | take cores of the VM process using:</para>
1668 |
1669 | <para><screen>kill -s SIGUSR2 <VM-process-id></screen></para>
1670 |
1671 | <para>Core files produced by the VirtualBox CoreDumper are of the form
1672 | <computeroutput>core.vb.<ProcessName>.<ProcessID></computeroutput>,
1673 | e.g.<computeroutput>core.vb.VBoxHeadless.11321</computeroutput>.</para>
1674 | </sect1>
1675 |
1676 | <sect1 id="guitweaks">
1677 | <title>Locking down the VirtualBox manager GUI</title>
1678 |
1679 | <sect2>
1680 | <title>GUI customization</title>
1681 |
1682 | <para>There are several advanced customization settings for locking down
1683 | the VirtualBox manager, that is, removing some features that the user
1684 | should not see.</para>
1685 |
1686 | <para><screen>VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/Customizations OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen></para>
1687 |
1688 | <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
1689 | following keywords:<glosslist>
1690 | <glossentry>
1691 | <glossterm><computeroutput>noSelector</computeroutput></glossterm>
1692 |
1693 | <glossdef>
1694 | <para>Don't allow to start the VirtualBox manager. Trying to do so
1695 | will show a window containing a proper error message.</para>
1696 | </glossdef>
1697 | </glossentry>
1698 |
1699 | <glossentry>
1700 | <glossterm><computeroutput>noMenuBar</computeroutput></glossterm>
1701 |
1702 | <glossdef>
1703 | <para>VM windows will not contain a menu bar.</para>
1704 | </glossdef>
1705 | </glossentry>
1706 |
1707 | <glossentry>
1708 | <glossterm><computeroutput>noStatusBar</computeroutput></glossterm>
1709 |
1710 | <glossdef>
1711 | <para>VM windows will not contain a status bar.</para>
1712 | </glossdef>
1713 | </glossentry>
1714 | </glosslist></para>
1715 |
1716 | <para>To disable any GUI customization do <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/Customizations</screen></para>
1717 | </sect2>
1718 |
1719 | <sect2>
1720 | <title>Host Key customization</title>
1721 |
1722 | <para>To disable all host key combinations, open the preferences and
1723 | change the host key to <emphasis>None</emphasis>. This might be useful
1724 | when using VirtualBox in a kiosk mode.</para>
1725 |
1726 | <para>To redefine or disable certain host key actions, use the following command:</para>
1727 |
1728 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/Input/MachineShortcuts "FullscreenMode=F,...."</screen>
1729 |
1730 | <para>The following list shows the possible host key actions together with their default
1731 | host key shortcut. Setting an action to <emphasis>None</emphasis> will disable
1732 | that host key action.</para>
1733 | <table>
1734 | <title>ignoreme</title>
1735 | <tgroup cols="3">
1736 | <tbody>
1737 | <row>
1738 | <entry><emphasis role="bold">Action</emphasis></entry>
1739 | <entry><emphasis role="bold">Default Host Key</emphasis></entry>
1740 | <entry><emphasis role="bold">Action</emphasis></entry>
1741 | </row>
1742 | <row>
1743 | <entry>SettingsDialog</entry>
1744 | <entry>S</entry>
1745 | <entry>open the VM settings dialog</entry>
1746 | </row>
1747 | <row>
1748 | <entry>TakeSnapshot</entry>
1749 | <entry>S</entry>
1750 | <entry>take a snapshot</entry>
1751 | </row>
1752 | <row>
1753 | <entry>InformationsDialog</entry>
1754 | <entry>N</entry>
1755 | <entry>show the VM information dialog</entry>
1756 | </row>
1757 | <row>
1758 | <entry>MouseIntegration</entry>
1759 | <entry>I</entry>
1760 | <entry>toggle mouse integration</entry>
1761 | </row>
1762 | <row>
1763 | <entry>TypeCAD</entry>
1764 | <entry>Del</entry>
1765 | <entry>inject Ctrl+Alt+Del</entry>
1766 | </row>
1767 | <row>
1768 | <entry>TypeCABS</entry>
1769 | <entry>Backspace</entry>
1770 | <entry>inject Ctrl+Alt+Backspace</entry>
1771 | </row>
1772 | <row>
1773 | <entry>Pause</entry>
1774 | <entry>P</entry>
1775 | <entry>Pause the VM</entry>
1776 | </row>
1777 | <row>
1778 | <entry>Reset</entry>
1779 | <entry>R</entry>
1780 | <entry>(hard) reset the guest</entry>
1781 | </row>
1782 | <row>
1783 | <entry>Shutdown</entry>
1784 | <entry>H</entry>
1785 | <entry>press the ACPI power button</entry>
1786 | </row>
1787 | <row>
1788 | <entry>Close</entry>
1789 | <entry>Q</entry>
1790 | <entry>show the VM close dialog</entry>
1791 | </row>
1792 | <row>
1793 | <entry>FullscreenMode</entry>
1794 | <entry>F</entry>
1795 | <entry>switch the VM into fullscreen</entry>
1796 | </row>
1797 | <row>
1798 | <entry>SeamlessMode</entry>
1799 | <entry>L</entry>
1800 | <entry>switch the VM into seamless mode</entry>
1801 | </row>
1802 | <row>
1803 | <entry>ScaleMode</entry>
1804 | <entry>C</entry>
1805 | <entry>switch the VM into scale mode</entry>
1806 | </row>
1807 | <row>
1808 | <entry>PopupMenu</entry>
1809 | <entry>Home</entry>
1810 | <entry>show popup menu in fullscreen / seamless mode</entry>
1811 | </row>
1812 | </tbody>
1813 | </tgroup>
1814 | </table>
1815 |
1816 | <para>To disable the fullscreen mode as well as the seamless mode, use the following command:
1817 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/Input/MachineShortcuts "FullscreenMode=None,SeamlessMode=None"</screen>
1818 | </para>
1819 |
1820 | </sect2>
1821 | <sect2>
1822 | <title>Action when terminating the VM</title>
1823 |
1824 | <para>You can disallow certain actions when terminating a VM. To disallow specific actions, type:</para>
1825 |
1826 | <para><screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedCloseActions OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen></para>
1827 |
1828 | <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
1829 | following keywords:<glosslist>
1830 | <glossentry>
1831 | <glossterm><computeroutput>SaveState</computeroutput></glossterm>
1832 |
1833 | <glossdef>
1834 | <para>Don't allow the user to save the VM state when terminating
1835 | the VM.</para>
1836 | </glossdef>
1837 | </glossentry>
1838 |
1839 | <glossentry>
1840 | <glossterm><computeroutput>Shutdown</computeroutput></glossterm>
1841 |
1842 | <glossdef>
1843 | <para>Don't allow the user to shutdown the VM by sending the ACPI
1844 | power-off event to the guest.</para>
1845 | </glossdef>
1846 | </glossentry>
1847 |
1848 | <glossentry>
1849 | <glossterm><computeroutput>PowerOff</computeroutput></glossterm>
1850 |
1851 | <glossdef>
1852 | <para>Don't allow the user to power off the VM.</para>
1853 | </glossdef>
1854 | </glossentry>
1855 |
1856 | <glossentry>
1857 | <glossterm><computeroutput>Restore</computeroutput></glossterm>
1858 |
1859 | <glossdef>
1860 | <para>Don't allow the user to return to the last snapshot when
1861 | powering off the VM.</para>
1862 | </glossdef>
1863 | </glossentry>
1864 | </glosslist></para>
1865 |
1866 | <para>Any combination of the above is allowed. If all options are
1867 | specified, the VM cannot be shut down at all.</para>
1868 | </sect2>
1869 | </sect1>
1870 |
1871 | <sect1 id="vboxwebsrv-daemon">
1872 | <title>Starting the VirtualBox web service automatically</title>
1873 |
1874 | <para>The VirtualBox web service
1875 | (<computeroutput>vboxwebsrv</computeroutput>) is used for controlling
1876 | VirtualBox remotely. It is documented in detail in the VirtualBox Software
1877 | Development Kit (SDK); please see <xref linkend="VirtualBoxAPI" />. As the
1878 | client base using this interface is growing, we added start scripts for
1879 | the various operation systems we support. The following describes how to
1880 | use them. Please be aware that the web service is never started automatically
1881 | as a result of a standard installation.<itemizedlist>
1882 | <listitem>
1883 | <para>On Mac OS X, launchd is used. An example configuration file
1884 | can be found in
1885 | <computeroutput>$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist</computeroutput>.
1886 | It can be enabled by changing the
1887 | <computeroutput>Disabled</computeroutput> key from
1888 | <computeroutput>true</computeroutput> to
1889 | <computeroutput>false</computeroutput>. To manually start the
1890 | service use the following command: <screen>launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist</screen>
1891 | For additional information on how launchd services could be
1892 | configured see <literal><ulink
1893 | url="http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPSystemStartup/BPSystemStartup.html">http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPSystemStartup/BPSystemStartup.html</ulink></literal>.</para>
1894 | </listitem>
1895 | <listitem>
1896 | <para>On Linux, the web service can be automatically started during
1897 | host boot by adding appropriate parameters to the file /etc/default/virtualbox.
1898 | There is one mandatory parameter, VBOXWEB_USER which must be set to
1899 | the user which will later start the VMs.
1900 | <table>
1901 | <title>ignored</title>
1902 | <tgroup cols="2">
1903 | <tbody>
1904 | <row>
1905 | <entry><emphasis role="bold">Parameter</emphasis></entry>
1906 | <entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry>
1907 | <entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry>
1908 | </row>
1909 | <row>
1910 | <entry>VBOXWEB_HOST</entry>
1911 | <entry>The host to bind the web service to</entry>
1912 | <entry>localhost</entry>
1913 | </row>
1914 | <row>
1915 | <entry>VBOXWEB_PORT</entry>
1916 | <entry>The port to bind the web service to</entry>
1917 | <entry>18083</entry>
1918 | </row>
1919 | <row>
1920 | <entry>VBOXWEB_TIMEOUT</entry>
1921 | <entry>Session timeout in seconds; 0 disables timeouts</entry>
1922 | <entry>300</entry>
1923 | </row>
1924 | <row>
1925 | <entry>VBOXWEB_ CHECK_INTERVAL</entry>
1926 | <entry>Frequency of timeout checks in seconds</entry>
1927 | <entry>5</entry>
1928 | </row>
1929 | <row>
1930 | <entry>VBOXWEB_THREADS</entry>
1931 | <entry>Maximum number of worker threads to run in parallel</entry>
1932 | <entry>100</entry>
1933 | </row>
1934 | <row>
1935 | <entry>VBOXWEB_KEEPALIVE</entry>
1936 | <entry>Maximum number of requests before a socket will be closed</entry>
1937 | <entry>100</entry>
1938 | </row>
1939 | <row>
1940 | <entry>VBOXWEB_LOGFILE</entry>
1941 | <entry>Name of file to write log to</entry>
1942 | <entry><emphasis>no file</emphasis></entry>
1943 | </row>
1944 | <row>
1945 | <entry>VBOXWEB_ROTATE</entry>
1946 | <entry>Number of log files; 0 disables log rotation</entry>
1947 | <entry>10</entry>
1948 | </row>
1949 | <row>
1950 | <entry>VBOXWEB_LOGSIZE</entry>
1951 | <entry>Maximum size of a log file in bytes to trigger rotation</entry>
1952 | <entry>1MB</entry>
1953 | </row>
1954 | <row>
1955 | <entry>VBOXWEB_LOGINTERVAL</entry>
1956 | <entry>Maximum time interval in seconds to trigger log rotation</entry>
1957 | <entry>1 day</entry>
1958 | </row>
1959 | </tbody>
1960 | </tgroup>
1961 | </table>
1962 | </para>
1963 | </listitem>
1964 | </itemizedlist></para>
1965 | </sect1>
1966 |
1967 | <sect1 id="vboxballoonctrl">
1968 | <title>Memory Ballooning Service</title>
1969 |
1970 | <para>Starting with VirtualBox 4.0.8 a new host executable called
1971 | <computeroutput>VBoxBalloonCtrl</computeroutput> is available to
1972 | automatically take care of a VM's configured memory balloon (see <xref
1973 | linkend="guestadd-balloon" /> for an introduction to memory ballooning).
1974 | This is especially useful for server environments where VMs may
1975 | dynamically require more or less memory during runtime.</para>
1976 |
1977 | <para>VBoxBalloonCtrl periodically checks a VM's current memory balloon
1978 | and its free guest RAM and automatically adjusts the current memory
1979 | balloon by inflating or deflating it accordingly. This handling only
1980 | applies to running VMs having recent Guest Additions installed.</para>
1981 |
1982 | <para>To set up VBoxBalloonCtrl and adjust the maximum ballooning size a
1983 | VM can reach the following parameters will be checked in the following
1984 | order: <itemizedlist>
1985 | <listitem>
1986 | specified via VBoxBalloonCtrl command line parameter
1987 |
1988 | <computeroutput>--balloon-max</computeroutput>
1989 | </listitem>
1990 |
1991 | <listitem>
1992 | per-VM parameter using
1993 |
1994 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM-Name" VBoxInternal/Guest/BalloonSizeMax <Size in MB></screen>
1995 | </listitem>
1996 |
1997 | <listitem>
1998 | global parameter for all VMs using
1999 |
2000 | <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global VBoxInternal/Guest/BalloonSizeMax <Size in MB></screen>
2001 | </listitem>
2002 | </itemizedlist> <note>
2003 | <para>If no maximum ballooning size is specified by at least one of
2004 | the parameters above, no ballooning will be performed at all.</para>
2005 | </note></para>
2006 |
2007 | <para>For more options and parameters check the built-in command line help
2008 | accessible with <computeroutput>--help</computeroutput>.</para>
2009 | </sect1>
2010 | </chapter>