/** @file * CFGLDR - Configuration Loader */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___VBox_cfgldr_h #define ___VBox_cfgldr_h #include #include #include /** @defgroup grp_cfgldr The Configuration Loader API * @{ */ #ifndef IN_RING3 # error "There are no configuration loader APIs available in Ring-0 Context!" #else /* IN_RING3 */ /** @def IN_CFGLDR_R3 * Used to indicate whether we're inside the same link module as the * Configuration Loader. */ #ifdef IN_CFGLDR_R3 # define CFGLDRR3DECL(type) DECLEXPORT(type) VBOXCALL #else # define CFGLDRR3DECL(type) DECLIMPORT(type) VBOXCALL #endif /** @type CFGHANDLE * Configuration handle. */ /** @type CFGNODE * Configuration node handle. */ #ifdef __cplusplus class CfgLoader; typedef CfgLoader *CFGHANDLE; class CfgNode; typedef CfgNode *CFGNODE; #else struct CfgLoader; typedef struct CfgLoader *CFGHANDLE; struct CfgNode; typedef struct CfgNode *CFGNODE; #endif /** Entity type */ typedef enum CFGLDRENTITYTYPE { CFGLDRENTITYTYPE_INVALID = 0, /**< Invalid type */ CFGLDRENTITYTYPE_HANDLE, /**< File handle */ CFGLDRENTITYTYPE_MEMORY /**< Memory buffer */ } CFGLDRENTITYTYPE; /** Entity descriptor for the entity resolver callback */ typedef struct CFGLDRENTITY { /** Entity type */ CFGLDRENTITYTYPE enmType; union { /** File handle (CFGLDRENTITYTYPE_HANDLE) */ struct { RTFILE hFile; /**< Handle of the file opened for reading entity data */ bool bClose; /**< Whether to close the handle when no more needed */ } handle; /** Memory buffer (CFGLDRENTITYTYPE_MEMORY) */ struct { unsigned char *puchBuf; /**< Byte array containing entity data */ size_t cbBuf; /**< Size of the puchBuf array */ bool bFree; /**< Whether to free puchBuf using RTMemTmpFree() when no more needed */ } memory; } u; } CFGLDRRESOLVEDENTITY; /** Pointer to CFGLDRENTITY */ typedef CFGLDRENTITY *PCFGLDRENTITY; /** Pointer to const CFGLDRENTITY */ typedef const CFGLDRENTITY *PCCFGLDRENTITY; /** * Callback function used by CFGLDRLoad() to resolve external entities when * loading and parsing the configuration file, * * First three arguments are input parameters, describing the entity to resolve. * On return, the callback fills in a CFGLDRENTITY structure pointed to by the * pEntity argument, with values corresponding to the given entity. * * @param pcszPublicId * Public ID of the entity in question (UTF-8) * @param pcszSystemId * System ID (URI) of the entity in question (UTF-8) * @param pcszBaseURI * Base URI of the entity necessary to resolve relative URIs (UTF-8) * @param pEntity * Pointer to the entity descriptor structure to fill in * * @return * VINF_SUCCESS to indicate that pEntity is successfully filled in by the * callback. Any other value will cause the configuration * loader to use the default entity resolver (see pfnEntityResolver in * CFGLDRLoad()). */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNCFGLDRENTITYRESOLVER(const char *pcszPublicId, const char *pcszSystemId, const char *pcszBaseURI, PCFGLDRENTITY pEntity); /** Pointer to entity resolver callback. */ typedef FNCFGLDRENTITYRESOLVER *PFNCFGLDRENTITYRESOLVER; __BEGIN_DECLS /** * Initializes CFGLDR, have to be called at VBox startup before accessing any CFGLDR functions. * * @return VBox status code. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRInitialize(void); /** * Deletes all configurations and nodes at VBox termination. After calling this function all CFGLDR functions will be unavailable. * * @return VBox status code. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(void) CFGLDRShutdown(void); /** * Creates a configuration file from scratch. The file then can be saved * using the CFGLDRSaveAs() function. * * @return VBox status code. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRCreate(CFGHANDLE *phcfg); /** * Loads a configuration file. * * @param phcfg * Pointer to a handle that will be used to access the configuration. * @param pszFilename * Name of the file containing the configuration (UTF-8). * @param hFileHandle * Handle of the file containing the configuration. If equals to NIL_RTFILE, * an attempt to open the specified file will be made; otherwise * it must be a valid file handle corresponding to the given file name * opened at least for reading. * @param pszExternalSchemaLocation * Name of the file containing namespaceless XML Schema for the configuration * file or one or more pairs (separated by spaces) consiting of a namespace * and an XML schema file for the given namespace, depending on the * value of bDoNamespaces. The parameter can be NULL to indicate that * no validation of the configuration file should be done. * @param bDoNamespaces * If TRUE, namespace processing is turned on and pszExternalSchemaLocation * is assumed to contain "namespace schema-file" pairs; otherwise namespaces * are disabled and pszExternalSchemaLocation is assumed to be a single file * name. The parameter ignored if pszExternalSchemaLocation is NULL. * @param pfnEntityResolver * Callback used to resolve external entities in the configuration file. * Note that the configuration file itself is always accessed directly * (using the given file name or file handle), but all external entities it * refers to, as well as all schema files, are resolved using this callback. * This parameter can be NULL, in which case the default resolver is used * which simply tries to open an entity by its system ID (URI). * @param ppszErrorMessage * Address of a variable that will receive a pointer to an UTF-8 string * containing all error messages produced by a parser while parsing and * validating the configuration file. If non-NULL pointer is returned, the * caller must free the string using RTStrFree(). The parameter can be * NULL on input (no error string will be returned), and it can point to * NULL on output indicating that no error message was provided. * If the function succeeds, the returned string is always NULL. * * @return VBox status code. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRLoad(CFGHANDLE *phcfg, const char *pszFileName, RTFILE hFileHandle, const char *pszExternalSchemaLocation, bool bDoNamespaces, PFNCFGLDRENTITYRESOLVER pfnEntityResolver, char **ppszErrorMessage); /** * Frees the previously loaded configuration. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hcfg Handle of configuration that was loaded using CFGLDRLoad(). */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRFree(CFGHANDLE hcfg); /** * Saves the previously loaded configuration. * * @param hcfg * Handle of the configuration that was loaded using CFGLDRLoad(). * @param ppszErrorMessage * Address of a variable that will receive a pointer to an UTF-8 string * containing all error messages produced by a writer while saving * the configuration file. If non-NULL pointer is returned, the * caller must free the string using RTStrFree(). The parameter can be * NULL on input (no error string will be returned), and it can point to * NULL on output indicating that no error message was provided. * If the function succeeds, the returned string is always NULL. * * @return VBox status code. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSave(CFGHANDLE hcfg, char **ppszErrorMessage); /** * Saves the configuration to a specified file. * * @param hcfg * Handle of the configuration that was loaded using CFGLDRLoad(). * @param pszFilename * Name of the file to save the configuration to (UTF-8). * @param hFileHandle * Handle of the file to save the configuration to. If equals to NIL_RTFILE, * an attempt to open the specified file will be made; otherwise * it must be a valid file handle corresponding to the given file name * opened at least for writting. * @param ppszErrorMessage * Address of a variable that will receive a pointer to an UTF-8 string * containing all error messages produced by a writer while saving * the configuration file. If non-NULL pointer is returned, the * caller must free the string using RTStrFree(). The parameter can be * NULL on input (no error string will be returned), and it can point to * NULL on output indicating that no error message was provided. * If the function succeeds, the returned string is always NULL. * * @return VBox status code. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSaveAs(CFGHANDLE hcfg, const char *pszFilename, RTFILE hFileHandle, char **ppszErrorMessage); /** * Applies an XSLT transformation to the given configuration handle. * * @param hcfg * Handle of the configuration that was loaded using CFGLDRLoad(). * @param pszTemlateLocation * Name of the file containing an XSL template to apply * @param pfnEntityResolver * Callback used to resolve external entities (the XSL template file). * This parameter can be NULL, in which case the default resolver is used * which simply tries to open an entity by its system ID (URI). * @param ppszErrorMessage * Address of a variable that will receive a pointer to an UTF-8 string * containing all error messages produced by a parser while parsing and * validating the configuration file. If non-NULL pointer is returned, the * caller must free the string using RTStrFree(). The parameter can be * NULL on input (no error string will be returned), and it can point to * NULL on output indicating that no error message was provided. * If the function succeeds, the returned string is always NULL. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRTransform (CFGHANDLE hcfg, const char *pszTemlateLocation, PFNCFGLDRENTITYRESOLVER pfnEntityResolver, char **ppszErrorMessage); /** * Get node handle. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hcfg Handle of configuration that was loaded using CFGLDRLoad(). * @param pszName Name of the node (UTF-8). * @param uIndex Index of the node (0 based). * @param phnode Pointer to a handle that will be used to access the node attributes, value and child nodes. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRGetNode(CFGHANDLE hcfg, const char *pszName, unsigned uIndex, CFGNODE *phnode); /** * Get child node handle. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hparent Handle of parent node. * @param pszName Name of the child node (UTF-8), NULL for any child. * @param uIndex Index of the child node (0 based). * @param phnode Pointer to a handle that will be used to access the node attributes, value and child nodes. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRGetChildNode(CFGNODE hparent, const char *pszName, unsigned uIndex, CFGNODE *phnode); /** * Creates a new node or returns the first one with a given name if * already exists. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hcfg Handle of the configuration. * @param pszName Name of the node to be created (UTF-8). * @param phnode Pointer to a handle that will be used to access the node attributes, value and child nodes. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRCreateNode(CFGHANDLE hcfg, const char *pszName, CFGNODE *phnode); /** * Creates a new child node or returns the first one with a given name if * already exists. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hparent Handle of parent node. * @param pszName Name of the child node (UTF-8). * @param phnode Pointer to a handle that will be used to access the node attributes, value and child nodes. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRCreateChildNode(CFGNODE hparent, const char *pszName, CFGNODE *phnode); /** * Appends a new child node. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hparent Handle of parent node. * @param pszName Name of the child node (UTF-8). * @param phnode Pointer to a handle that will be used to access the node attributes, value and child nodes. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRAppendChildNode(CFGNODE hparent, const char *pszName, CFGNODE *phnode); /** * Release node handle. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Handle that will not be used anymore. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRReleaseNode(CFGNODE hnode); /** * Delete node. The handle is released and the entire node is removed. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Handle of node that will be deleted. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRDeleteNode(CFGNODE hnode); /** * Count child nodes with given name. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hparent Handle of parent node. * @param pszChildName Name of the child node (UTF-8), NULL for all children. * @param pCount Pointer to unsigned variable where to store the count. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRCountChildren(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszChildName, unsigned *pCount); /** * Query 32 bit unsigned value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pu32Value Pointer to 32 bit variable where to store the value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryUInt32(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, uint32_t *pu32Value); /** * Set 32 bit unsigned value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param u32Value The value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetUInt32(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, uint32_t u32Value); /** * Query 64 bit unsigned value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pu64Value Pointer to 64 bit variable where to store the value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryUInt64(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, uint64_t *pu64Value); /** * Set 64 bit unsigned value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param u64Value The value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetUInt64(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, uint64_t u64Value); /** * Query 32 bit signed integer value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pint32Value Pointer to 32 bit variable where to store the value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryInt32(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, int32_t *pint32Value); /** * Set 32 bit signed integer value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param int32Value The value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetInt32(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, int32_t int32Value); /** * Query 64 bit signed integer value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pint64Value Pointer to 64 bit variable where to store the value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryInt64(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, int64_t *pint64Value); /** * Set 64 bit signed integer value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param int64Value The value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetInt64(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, int64_t int64Value); /** * Query 16 bit unsigned integer value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pu16Value Pointer to 16 bit variable where to store the value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryUInt16(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, uint16_t *pu16Value); /** * Set 16 bit unsigned integer value attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param u16Value The value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetUInt16(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, uint16_t u16Value); /** * Query binary data attribute. If the size of the buffer (cbValue) * is smaller than the binary data size, the VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW status * code is returned and the actual data size is stored into the variable * pointed to by pcbValue; pvValue is ignored in this case. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pvValue Where to store the binary data. * @param cbValue Size of buffer pvValue points to. * @param pcbValue Where to store the number of bytes actually retrieved. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryBin(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, void *pvValue, unsigned cbValue, unsigned *pcbValue); /** * Set binary data attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pvValue The binary data to store. * @param cbValue Size of buffer pvValue points to. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetBin(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, void *pvValue, unsigned cbValue); /** * Queries a string attribute. If the size of the buffer (cbValue) * is smaller than the length of the string, the VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW status * code is returned and the actual string length is stored into the variable * pointed to by pcbValue; pszValue is ignored in this case. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pszValue Where to store the string (UTF-8). * @param cbValue Size of buffer pszValue points to, including the terminating zero. * @param pcbValue Where to store the number of bytes actually retrieved, including the terminating zero. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryString(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, char *pszValue, unsigned cbValue, unsigned *pcbValue); #ifdef CFGLDR_HAVE_COM /** * Queries a string attribute and returns it as an allocated OLE BSTR. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param ppuszValue Where to store the pointer to the allocated BSTR. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryBSTR(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, BSTR *ppuszValue); #endif // CFGLDR_HAVE_COM /** * Queries a UUID attribute and returns it into the supplied buffer. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pUUID Where to store the UUID. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryUUID(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, PRTUUID pUUID); /** * Set UUID attribute. It will be put inside curly brackets. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pUuid The uuid. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetUUID(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, PCRTUUID pUuid); /** * Set string attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pszValue The string (UTF-8). * @param cbValue Size of buffer pszValue points to. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetString(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, const char *pszValue); #ifdef CFGLDR_HAVE_COM /** * Set BSTR attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param bstrValue The string (COM BSTR). * @param cbValue Size of buffer pszValue points to. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetBSTR(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, const BSTR bstrValue); #endif // CFGLDR_HAVE_COM /** * Queries a boolean attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pfValue Where to store the value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryBool(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, bool *pfValue); /** * Sets a boolean attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param fValue The boolean value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetBool(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, bool fValue); /** * Query 64-bit unix time (in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC). * The specified node or attribute must be a string in xsd:dateTime format. * * Currently, only the UTC ('Z') time zone is supported and must always present. * If there is a different timezone, or no timezone at all, VERR_PARSE_ERROR * is returned (use XML Schema constarints to limit the value space and prevent * this error). * * Also note that the minimum 64-bit unix date year is * about -292269053 and the maximum year is about ~292272993. * It's a good idea to limit the max and min date values in the XML Schema * as well, to something like -200000000 to 200000000. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be queried. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param pu64Value Pointer to 64 bit variable where to store the time value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRQueryDateTime(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, int64_t *pi64Value); /** * Set 64-bit unix time (in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC). * Time is written to the specified node or attribute in the xsd:format. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be set. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. * @param u64Value The time value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRSetDateTime(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName, int64_t i64Value); /** * Delete an attribute. * * @return VBox status code. * @param hnode Node which attribute will be deleted. * @param pszName Name of the attribute (UTF-8), NULL for the node value. */ CFGLDRR3DECL(int) CFGLDRDeleteAttribute(CFGNODE hnode, const char *pszName); // hack to not have to define BSTR #ifdef BSTR_REDEFINED #undef BSTR #endif #endif /* IN_RING3 */ __END_DECLS /** @} */ #endif