1 | /** @file
2 | * MS COM / XPCOM Abstraction Layer:
3 | * ErrorInfo class declaration
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 | #ifndef ___VBox_com_ErrorInfo_h
28 | #define ___VBox_com_ErrorInfo_h
29 |
30 | #include "VBox/com/ptr.h"
31 | #include "VBox/com/string.h"
32 | #include "VBox/com/Guid.h"
33 | #include "VBox/com/assert.h"
34 |
35 | struct IProgress;
36 | struct IVirtualBoxErrorInfo;
37 |
38 | namespace com
39 | {
40 |
41 | /**
42 | * The ErrorInfo class provides a convenient way to retrieve error
43 | * information set by the most recent interface method, that was invoked on
44 | * the current thread and returned an unsuccessful result code.
45 | *
46 | * Once the instance of this class is created, the error information for
47 | * the current thread is cleared.
48 | *
49 | * There is no sense to use instances of this class after the last
50 | * invoked interface method returns a success.
51 | *
52 | * The class usage pattern is as follows:
53 | * <code>
54 | * IFoo *foo;
55 | * ...
56 | * HRESULT rc = foo->SomeMethod();
57 | * if (FAILED (rc)) {
58 | * ErrorInfo info (foo);
59 | * if (info.isFullAvailable()) {
60 | * printf ("error message = %ls\n", info.getText().raw());
61 | * }
62 | * }
63 | * </code>
64 | *
65 | * This class fetches error information using the IErrorInfo interface on
66 | * Win32 (MS COM) or the nsIException interface on other platforms (XPCOM),
67 | * or the extended IVirtualBoxErrorInfo interface when when it is available
68 | * (i.e. a given IErrorInfo or nsIException instance implements it).
69 | * Currently, IVirtualBoxErrorInfo is only available for VirtualBox components.
70 | *
71 | * ErrorInfo::isFullAvailable() and ErrorInfo::isBasicAvailable() determine
72 | * what level of error information is available. If #isBasicAvailable()
73 | * returns true, it means that only IErrorInfo or nsIException is available as
74 | * the source of information (depending on the platform), but not
75 | * IVirtualBoxErrorInfo. If #isFullAvailable() returns true, it means that all
76 | * three interfaces are available. If both methods return false, no error info
77 | * is available at all.
78 | *
79 | * Here is a table of correspondence between this class methods and
80 | * and IErrorInfo/nsIException/IVirtualBoxErrorInfo attributes/methods:
81 | *
82 | * ErrorInfo IErrorInfo nsIException IVirtualBoxErrorInfo
83 | * --------------------------------------------------------------------
84 | * getResultCode -- result resultCode
85 | * getIID GetGUID -- interfaceID
86 | * getComponent GetSource -- component
87 | * getText GetDescription message text
88 | *
89 | * '--' means that this interface does not provide the corresponding portion
90 | * of information, therefore it is useless to query it if only
91 | * #isBasicAvailable() returns true. As it can be seen, the amount of
92 | * information provided at the basic level, depends on the platform
93 | * (MS COM or XPCOM).
94 | */
95 | class ErrorInfo
96 | {
97 | public:
98 |
99 | /**
100 | * Constructs a new, "interfaceless" ErrorInfo instance that takes
101 | * the error information possibly set on the current thread by an
102 | * interface method of some COM component or by the COM subsystem.
103 | *
104 | * This constructor is useful, for example, after an unsuccessful attempt
105 | * to instantiate (create) a component, so there is no any valid interface
106 | * pointer available.
107 | */
108 | explicit ErrorInfo()
109 | : mIsBasicAvailable(false),
110 | mIsFullAvailable(false),
111 | mResultCode(S_OK),
112 | m_pNext(NULL)
113 | {
114 | init();
115 | }
116 |
117 | ErrorInfo(IUnknown *pObj, const GUID &aIID)
118 | : mIsBasicAvailable(false),
119 | mIsFullAvailable(false),
120 | mResultCode(S_OK),
121 | m_pNext(NULL)
122 | {
123 | init(pObj, aIID);
124 | }
125 |
126 | ErrorInfo(const ErrorInfo &x)
127 | {
128 | copyFrom(x);
129 | }
130 |
131 | virtual ~ErrorInfo()
132 | {
133 | cleanup();
134 | }
135 |
136 | ErrorInfo& operator=(const ErrorInfo& x)
137 | {
138 | cleanup();
139 | copyFrom(x);
140 | return *this;
141 | }
142 |
143 | /**
144 | * Returns whether basic error info is actually available for the current
145 | * thread. If the instance was created from an interface pointer that
146 | * supports basic error info and successfully provided it, or if it is an
147 | * "interfaceless" instance and there is some error info for the current
148 | * thread, the returned value will be true.
149 | *
150 | * See the class description for details about the basic error info level.
151 | *
152 | * The appropriate methods of this class provide meaningful info only when
153 | * this method returns true (otherwise they simply return NULL-like values).
154 | */
155 | bool isBasicAvailable() const
156 | {
157 | return mIsBasicAvailable;
158 | }
159 |
160 | /**
161 | * Returns whether full error info is actually available for the current
162 | * thread. If the instance was created from an interface pointer that
163 | * supports full error info and successfully provided it, or if it is an
164 | * "interfaceless" instance and there is some error info for the current
165 | * thread, the returned value will be true.
166 | *
167 | * See the class description for details about the full error info level.
168 | *
169 | * The appropriate methods of this class provide meaningful info only when
170 | * this method returns true (otherwise they simply return NULL-like values).
171 | */
172 | bool isFullAvailable() const
173 | {
174 | return mIsFullAvailable;
175 | }
176 |
177 | /**
178 | * Returns the COM result code of the failed operation.
179 | */
180 | HRESULT getResultCode() const
181 | {
182 | return mResultCode;
183 | }
184 |
185 | /**
186 | * Returns the IID of the interface that defined the error.
187 | */
188 | const Guid& getInterfaceID() const
189 | {
190 | return mInterfaceID;
191 | }
192 |
193 | /**
194 | * Returns the name of the component that generated the error.
195 | */
196 | const Bstr& getComponent() const
197 | {
198 | return mComponent;
199 | }
200 |
201 | /**
202 | * Returns the textual description of the error.
203 | */
204 | const Bstr& getText() const
205 | {
206 | return mText;
207 | }
208 |
209 | /**
210 | * Returns the next error information object or @c NULL if there is none.
211 | */
212 | const ErrorInfo* getNext() const
213 | {
214 | return m_pNext;
215 | }
216 |
217 | /**
218 | * Returns the name of the interface that defined the error
219 | */
220 | const Bstr& getInterfaceName() const
221 | {
222 | return mInterfaceName;
223 | }
224 |
225 | /**
226 | * Returns the IID of the interface that returned the error.
227 | *
228 | * This method returns a non-null IID only if the instance was created
229 | * using #template <class I> ErrorInfo (I *i) or
230 | * template <class I> ErrorInfo (const ComPtr <I> &i) constructor.
231 | */
232 | const Guid& getCalleeIID() const
233 | {
234 | return mCalleeIID;
235 | }
236 |
237 | /**
238 | * Returns the name of the interface that returned the error
239 | *
240 | * This method returns a non-null name only if the instance was created
241 | * using #template <class I> ErrorInfo (I *i) or
242 | * template <class I> ErrorInfo (const ComPtr <I> &i) constructor.
243 | */
244 | const Bstr& getCalleeName() const
245 | {
246 | return mCalleeName;
247 | }
248 |
249 | /**
250 | * Resets all collected error information. #isNull() will
251 | * return @c true after this method is called.
252 | */
253 | void setNull()
254 | {
255 | cleanup();
256 | }
257 |
258 | protected:
259 |
260 | ErrorInfo(bool /* aDummy */)
261 | : mIsBasicAvailable(false),
262 | mIsFullAvailable(false),
263 | mResultCode(S_OK),
264 | m_pNext(NULL)
265 | { }
266 |
267 | void copyFrom(const ErrorInfo &x);
268 | void cleanup();
269 |
270 | void init(bool aKeepObj = false);
271 | void init(IUnknown *aUnk, const GUID &aIID, bool aKeepObj = false);
272 | void init(IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aInfo);
273 |
274 | bool mIsBasicAvailable : 1;
275 | bool mIsFullAvailable : 1;
276 |
277 | HRESULT mResultCode;
278 | Guid mInterfaceID;
279 | Bstr mComponent;
280 | Bstr mText;
281 |
282 | ErrorInfo *m_pNext;
283 |
284 | Bstr mInterfaceName;
285 | Guid mCalleeIID;
286 | Bstr mCalleeName;
287 |
288 | ComPtr<IUnknown> mErrorInfo;
289 | };
290 |
291 | /**
292 | * A convenience subclass of ErrorInfo that, given an IProgress interface
293 | * pointer, reads its errorInfo attribute and uses the returned
294 | * IVirtualBoxErrorInfo instance to construct itself.
295 | */
296 | class ProgressErrorInfo : public ErrorInfo
297 | {
298 | public:
299 |
300 | /**
301 | * Constructs a new instance by fetching error information from the
302 | * IProgress interface pointer. If the progress object is not NULL,
303 | * its completed attribute is true, resultCode represents a failure,
304 | * and the errorInfo attribute returns a valid IVirtualBoxErrorInfo pointer,
305 | * both #isFullAvailable() and #isBasicAvailable() will return true.
306 | *
307 | * @param progress the progress object representing a failed operation
308 | */
309 | ProgressErrorInfo(IProgress *progress);
310 | };
311 |
312 | /**
313 | * A convenience subclass of ErrorInfo that allows to preserve the current
314 | * error info. Instances of this class fetch an error info object set on the
315 | * current thread and keep a reference to it, which allows to restore it
316 | * later using the #restore() method. This is useful to preserve error
317 | * information returned by some method for the duration of making another COM
318 | * call that may set its own error info and overwrite the existing
319 | * one. Preserving and restoring error information makes sense when some
320 | * method wants to return error information set by other call as its own
321 | * error information while it still needs to make another call before return.
322 | *
323 | * Instead of calling #restore() explicitly you may let the object destructor
324 | * do it for you, if you correctly limit the object's lifetime.
325 | *
326 | * The usage pattern is:
327 | * <code>
328 | * rc = foo->method();
329 | * if (FAILED (rc))
330 | * {
331 | * ErrorInfoKeeper eik;
332 | * ...
333 | * // bar may return error info as well
334 | * bar->method();
335 | * ...
336 | * // no need to call #restore() explicitly here because the eik's
337 | * // destructor will restore error info fetched after the failed
338 | * // call to foo before returning to the caller
339 | * return rc;
340 | * }
341 | * </code>
342 | */
343 | class ErrorInfoKeeper : public ErrorInfo
344 | {
345 | public:
346 |
347 | /**
348 | * Constructs a new instance that will fetch the current error info if
349 | * @a aIsNull is @c false (by default) or remain uninitialized (null)
350 | * otherwise.
351 | *
352 | * @param aIsNull @c true to prevent fetching error info and leave
353 | * the instance uninitialized.
354 | */
355 | ErrorInfoKeeper (bool aIsNull = false)
356 | : ErrorInfo (false), mForgot (aIsNull)
357 | {
358 | if (!aIsNull)
359 | init (true /* aKeepObj */);
360 | }
361 |
362 | /**
363 | * Destroys this instance and automatically calls #restore() which will
364 | * either restore error info fetched by the constructor or do nothing
365 | * if #forget() was called before destruction.
366 | */
367 | ~ErrorInfoKeeper() { if (!mForgot) restore(); }
368 |
369 | /**
370 | * Tries to (re-)fetch error info set on the current thread. On success,
371 | * the previous error information, if any, will be overwritten with the
372 | * new error information. On failure, or if there is no error information
373 | * available, this instance will be reset to null.
374 | */
375 | void fetch()
376 | {
377 | setNull();
378 | mForgot = false;
379 | init(true /* aKeepObj */);
380 | }
381 |
382 | /**
383 | * Restores error info fetched by the constructor and forgets it
384 | * afterwards. Does nothing if the error info was forgotten by #forget().
385 | *
386 | * @return COM result of the restore operation.
387 | */
388 | HRESULT restore();
389 |
390 | /**
391 | * Forgets error info fetched by the constructor to prevent it from
392 | * being restored by #restore() or by the destructor.
393 | */
394 | void forget() { mForgot = true; }
395 |
396 | /**
397 | * Forgets error info fetched by the constructor to prevent it from
398 | * being restored by #restore() or by the destructor, and returns the
399 | * stored error info object to the caller.
400 | */
401 | ComPtr <IUnknown> takeError() { mForgot = true; return mErrorInfo; }
402 |
403 | private:
404 |
405 | bool mForgot : 1;
406 | };
407 |
408 | } /* namespace com */
409 |
410 | #endif
411 |