resize (aMap.size());
AssertReturnVoid (!isNull());
int i = 0;
for (typename Map::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
it != aMap.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Copy (it->second, m.arr [i]);
Copy (it->second, m.raw [i]);
* Destroys this instance after calling #setNull() to release allocated
* resources. See #setNull() for more details.
virtual ~SafeArray() { setNull(); }
* Returns @c true if this instance represents a null array.
bool isNull() const { return m.arr == NULL; }
* Returns @c true if this instance does not represents a null array.
bool isNotNull() const { return m.arr != NULL; }
* Resets this instance to null and, if this instance is not a weak one,
* releases any resources occupied by the array data.
* @note This method destroys (cleans up) all elements of the array using
* the corresponding cleanup routine for the element type before the
* array itself is destroyed.
virtual void setNull() { m.uninit(); }
* Returns @c true if this instance is weak. A weak instance doesn't own the
* array data and therefore operations manipulating the ownership (e.g.
* #detachTo()) are forbidden and will assert.
bool isWeak() const { return m.isWeak; }
/** Number of elements in the array. */
size_t size() const
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
if (m.arr)
return m.size;
return 0;
if (m.arr)
return Size (m.arr->rgsabound [0].cElements);
return 0;
* Appends a copy of the given element at the end of the array.
* The array size is increased by one by this method and the additional
* space is allocated as needed.
* This method is handy in cases where you want to assign a copy of the
* existing value to the array element, for example:
* Bstr string; array.push_back (string);. If you create a string
* just to put it in the array, you may find #appendedRaw() more useful.
* @param aElement Element to append.
* @return @c true on success and @c false if there is not enough
* memory for resizing.
bool push_back (const T &aElement)
if (!ensureCapacity (size() + 1))
return false;
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Copy (aElement, m.arr [m.size]);
++ m.size;
Copy (aElement, m.raw [size() - 1]);
return true;
* Appends an empty element at the end of the array and returns a raw
* pointer to it suitable for assigning a raw value (w/o constructing a
* copy).
* The array size is increased by one by this method and the additional
* space is allocated as needed.
* Note that in case of raw assignment, value ownership (for types with
* dynamically allocated data and for interface pointers) is transferred to
* the safe array object.
* This method is handy for operations like
* Bstr ("foo").detachTo (array.appendedRaw());. Don't use it as
* an l-value (array.appendedRaw() = SysAllocString (L"tralala");)
* since this doesn't check for a NULL condition; use #resize() and
* #setRawAt() instead. If you need to assign a copy of the existing value
* instead of transferring the ownership, look at #push_back().
* @return Raw pointer to the added element or NULL if no memory.
T *appendedRaw()
if (!ensureCapacity (size() + 1))
return NULL;
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Init (m.arr [m.size]);
++ m.size;
return &m.arr [m.size - 1];
/* nothing to do here, SafeArrayCreate() has performed element
* initialization */
return &m.raw [size() - 1];
* Resizes the array preserving its contents when possible. If the new size
* is larger than the old size, new elements are initialized with null
* values. If the new size is less than the old size, the contents of the
* array beyond the new size is lost.
* @param aNewSize New number of elements in the array.
* @return @c true on success and @c false if there is not enough
* memory for resizing.
bool resize (size_t aNewSize)
if (!ensureCapacity (aNewSize))
return false;
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
if (m.size < aNewSize)
/* initialize the new elements */
for (size_t i = m.size; i < aNewSize; ++ i)
Init (m.arr [i]);
m.size = aNewSize;
/* nothing to do here, SafeArrayCreate() has performed element
* initialization */
return true;
* Reinitializes this instance by preallocating space for the given number
* of elements. The previous array contents is lost.
* @param aNewSize New number of elements in the array.
* @return @c true on success and @c false if there is not enough
* memory for resizing.
bool reset (size_t aNewSize)
return resize (aNewSize);
* Returns a pointer to the raw array data. Use this raw pointer with care
* as no type or bound checking is done for you in this case.
* @note This method returns @c NULL when this instance is null.
* @see #operator[]
T *raw()
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
return m.arr;
return m.raw;
* Const version of #raw().
const T *raw() const
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
return m.arr;
return m.raw;
* Array access operator that returns an array element by reference. A bit
* safer than #raw(): asserts and returns an invalid reference if this
* instance is null or if the index is out of bounds.
* @note For weak instances, this call will succeed but the behavior of
* changing the contents of an element of the weak array instance is
* undefined and may lead to a program crash on some platforms.
T &operator[] (size_t aIdx)
AssertReturn (m.arr != NULL, *((T *) NULL));
AssertReturn (aIdx < size(), *((T *) NULL));
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
return m.arr [aIdx];
AssertReturn (m.raw != NULL, *((T *) NULL));
return m.raw [aIdx];
* Const version of #operator[] that returns an array element by value.
const T operator[] (size_t aIdx) const
AssertReturn (m.arr != NULL, *((T *) NULL));
AssertReturn (aIdx < size(), *((T *) NULL));
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
return m.arr [aIdx];
AssertReturn (m.raw != NULL, *((T *) NULL));
return m.raw [aIdx];
* Creates a copy of this array and stores it in a method parameter declared
* using the ComSafeArrayOut macro. When using this call, always wrap the
* parameter name in the ComSafeArrayOutArg macro call like this:
* safeArray.cloneTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (aArg));
* @note It is assumed that the ownership of the returned copy is
* transferred to the caller of the method and he is responsible to free the
* array data when it is no longer needed.
* @param aArg Output method parameter to clone to.
virtual const SafeArray &cloneTo (ComSafeArrayOut (T, aArg)) const
/// @todo Implement me!
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
NOREF (aArgSize);
NOREF (aArg);
NOREF (aArg);
AssertFailedReturn (*this);
void cloneTo (SafeArray& aOther) const
* Transfers the ownership of this array's data to the specified location
* declared using the ComSafeArrayOut macro and makes this array a null
* array. When using this call, always wrap the parameter name in the
* ComSafeArrayOutArg macro call like this:
* safeArray.detachTo (ComSafeArrayOutArg (aArg));
* Detaching the null array is also possible in which case the location will
* receive NULL.
* @note Since the ownership of the array data is transferred to the
* caller of the method, he is responsible to free the array data when it is
* no longer needed.
* @param aArg Location to detach to.
virtual SafeArray &detachTo (ComSafeArrayOut (T, aArg))
AssertReturn (m.isWeak == false, *this);
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
AssertReturn (aArgSize != NULL, *this);
AssertReturn (aArg != NULL, *this);
*aArgSize = m.size;
*aArg = m.arr;
m.isWeak = false;
m.size = 0;
m.arr = NULL;
#else /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
AssertReturn (aArg != NULL, *this);
*aArg = m.arr;
if (m.raw)
HRESULT rc = SafeArrayUnaccessData (m.arr);
AssertComRCReturn (rc, *this);
m.raw = NULL;
m.isWeak = false;
m.arr = NULL;
#endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
return *this;
inline void initFrom(const com::SafeArray & aRef);
inline void initFrom(const T* aPtr, size_t aSize);
// Public methods for internal purposes only.
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
/** Internal function. Never call it directly. */
PRUint32 *__asOutParam_Size() { setNull(); return &m.size; }
/** Internal function Never call it directly. */
T **__asOutParam_Arr() { Assert (isNull()); return &m.arr; }
#else /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
/** Internal function Never call it directly. */
SAFEARRAY ** __asInParam() { return &m.arr; }
/** Internal function Never call it directly. */
OutSafeArrayDipper __asOutParam()
{ setNull(); return OutSafeArrayDipper (&m.arr, (void **) &m.raw); }
#endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
static const SafeArray Null;
* Ensures that the array is big enough to contain aNewSize elements.
* If the new size is greater than the current capacity, a new array is
* allocated and elements from the old array are copied over. The size of
* the array doesn't change, only the capacity increases (which is always
* greater than the size). Note that the additionally allocated elements are
* left uninitialized by this method.
* If the new size is less than the current size, the existing array is
* truncated to the specified size and the elements outside the new array
* boundary are freed.
* If the new size is the same as the current size, nothing happens.
* @param aNewSize New size of the array.
* @return @c true on success and @c false if not enough memory.
bool ensureCapacity (size_t aNewSize)
AssertReturn (!m.isWeak, false);
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
/* Note: we distinguish between a null array and an empty (zero
* elements) array. Therefore we never use zero in malloc (even if
* aNewSize is zero) to make sure we get a non-null pointer. */
if (m.size == aNewSize && m.arr != NULL)
return true;
/* Allocate in 16-byte pieces. */
size_t newCapacity = RT_MAX ((aNewSize + 15) / 16 * 16, 16);
if (m.capacity != newCapacity)
T *newArr = (T *) nsMemory::Alloc (RT_MAX (newCapacity, 1) * sizeof (T));
AssertReturn (newArr != NULL, false);
if (m.arr != NULL)
if (m.size > aNewSize)
/* Truncation takes place, uninit exceeding elements and
* shrink the size. */
for (size_t i = aNewSize; i < m.size; ++ i)
Uninit (m.arr [i]);
m.size = aNewSize;
/* Copy the old contents. */
memcpy (newArr, m.arr, m.size * sizeof (T));
nsMemory::Free ((void *) m.arr);
m.arr = newArr;
if (m.size > aNewSize)
/* Truncation takes place, uninit exceeding elements and
* shrink the size. */
for (size_t i = aNewSize; i < m.size; ++ i)
Uninit (m.arr [i]);
m.size = aNewSize;
m.capacity = newCapacity;
SAFEARRAYBOUND bound = { VarCount (aNewSize), 0 };
if (m.arr == NULL)
m.arr = CreateSafeArray (VarType(), &bound);
AssertReturn (m.arr != NULL, false);
SafeArrayUnaccessData (m.arr);
rc = SafeArrayRedim (m.arr, &bound);
AssertComRCReturn (rc == S_OK, false);
rc = SafeArrayAccessData (m.arr, (void HUGEP **) &m.raw);
AssertComRCReturn (rc, false);
return true;
struct Data
: isWeak (false)
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
, capacity (0), size (0), arr (NULL)
, arr (NULL), raw (NULL)
~Data() { uninit(); }
void uninit()
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
if (arr)
if (!isWeak)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++ i)
Uninit (arr [i]);
nsMemory::Free ((void *) arr);
isWeak = false;
arr = NULL;
size = capacity = 0;
#else /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
if (arr)
if (raw)
SafeArrayUnaccessData (arr);
raw = NULL;
if (!isWeak)
HRESULT rc = SafeArrayDestroy (arr);
AssertComRCReturnVoid (rc);
isWeak = false;
arr = NULL;
#endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
bool isWeak : 1;
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
PRUint32 capacity;
PRUint32 size;
T *arr;
T *raw;
Data m;
/* Few fast specializations for primitive array types */
inline void com::SafeArray::initFrom(const com::SafeArray & aRef)
size_t sSize = aRef.size();
::memcpy(raw(), aRef.raw(), sSize);
inline void com::SafeArray::initFrom(const BYTE* aPtr, size_t aSize)
::memcpy(raw(), aPtr, aSize);
inline void com::SafeArray::initFrom(const com::SafeArray & aRef)
size_t sSize = aRef.size();
::memcpy(raw(), aRef.raw(), sSize * sizeof(LONG));
inline void com::SafeArray::initFrom(const LONG* aPtr, size_t aSize)
::memcpy(raw(), aPtr, aSize * sizeof(LONG));
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
* Version of com::SafeArray for arrays of GUID.
* In MS COM, GUID arrays store GUIDs by value and therefore input arrays are
* represented using |GUID *| and out arrays -- using |GUID **|. In XPCOM,
* GUID arrays store pointers to nsID so that input arrays are |const nsID **|
* and out arrays are |nsID ***|. Due to this difference, it is impossible to
* work with arrays of GUID on both platforms by simply using com::SafeArray
* . This class is intended to provide some level of cross-platform
* behavior.
* The basic usage pattern is basically similar to com::SafeArray<> except that
* you use ComSafeGUIDArrayIn* and ComSafeGUIDArrayOut* macros instead of
* ComSafeArrayIn* and ComSafeArrayOut*. Another important nuance is that the
* raw() array type is different (nsID **, or GUID ** on XPCOM and GUID * on MS
* COM) so it is recommended to use operator[] instead which always returns a
* GUID by value.
* Note that due to const modifiers, you cannot use SafeGUIDArray for input GUID
* arrays. Please use SafeConstGUIDArray for this instead.
* Other than mentioned above, the functionality of this class is equivalent to
* com::SafeArray<>. See the description of that template and its methods for
* more information.
* Output GUID arrays are handled by a separate class, SafeGUIDArrayOut, since
* this class cannot handle them because of const modifiers.
class SafeGUIDArray : public SafeArray
typedef SafeArray Base;
class nsIDRef
nsIDRef (nsID * &aVal) : mVal (aVal) {}
operator const nsID &() const { return mVal ? *mVal : *Empty; }
operator nsID() const { return mVal ? *mVal : *Empty; }
const nsID *operator&() const { return mVal ? mVal : Empty; }
nsIDRef &operator= (const nsID &aThat)
if (mVal == NULL)
Copy (&aThat, mVal);
*mVal = aThat;
return *this;
nsID * &mVal;
static const nsID *Empty;
friend class SafeGUIDArray;
/** See SafeArray<>::SafeArray(). */
SafeGUIDArray() {}
/** See SafeArray<>::SafeArray (size_t). */
SafeGUIDArray (size_t aSize) : Base (aSize) {}
* Array access operator that returns an array element by reference. As a
* special case, the return value of this operator on XPCOM is an nsID (GUID)
* reference, instead of an nsID pointer (the actual SafeArray template
* argument), for compatibility with the MS COM version.
* The rest is equivalent to SafeArray<>::operator[].
nsIDRef operator[] (size_t aIdx)
Assert (m.arr != NULL);
Assert (aIdx < size());
return nsIDRef (m.arr [aIdx]);
* Const version of #operator[] that returns an array element by value.
const nsID &operator[] (size_t aIdx) const
Assert (m.arr != NULL);
Assert (aIdx < size());
return m.arr [aIdx] ? *m.arr [aIdx] : *nsIDRef::Empty;
* Version of com::SafeArray for const arrays of GUID.
* This class is used to work with input GUID array parameters in method
* implementations. See SafeGUIDArray for more details.
class SafeConstGUIDArray : public SafeArray >
typedef SafeArray > Base;
/** See SafeArray<>::SafeArray(). */
SafeConstGUIDArray() {}
/* See SafeArray<>::SafeArray (ComSafeArrayIn (T, aArg)). */
SafeConstGUIDArray (ComSafeGUIDArrayIn (aArg))
: Base (ComSafeGUIDArrayInArg (aArg)) {}
* Array access operator that returns an array element by reference. As a
* special case, the return value of this operator on XPCOM is nsID (GUID)
* instead of nsID *, for compatibility with the MS COM version.
* The rest is equivalent to SafeArray<>::operator[].
const nsID &operator[] (size_t aIdx) const
AssertReturn (m.arr != NULL, **((const nsID * *) NULL));
AssertReturn (aIdx < size(), **((const nsID * *) NULL));
return *m.arr [aIdx];
/* These are disabled because of const. */
bool reset (size_t aNewSize) { NOREF (aNewSize); return false; }
#else /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
typedef SafeArray SafeGUIDArray;
typedef SafeArray > SafeConstGUIDArray;
#endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
struct SafeIfaceArrayTraits
static void Init (I * &aElem) { aElem = NULL; }
static void Uninit (I * &aElem)
if (aElem)
aElem = NULL;
static void Copy (I * aFrom, I * &aTo)
if (aFrom != NULL)
aTo = aFrom;
aTo = NULL;
/* Magic to workaround strict rules of par. 4.4.4 of the C++ standard. */
static I **__asInParam_Arr (I **aArr) { return aArr; }
static I **__asInParam_Arr (const I **aArr) { return const_cast (aArr); }
#else /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
struct SafeIfaceArrayTraits
static VARTYPE VarType() { return VT_DISPATCH; }
static ULONG VarCount (size_t aSize) { return (ULONG) aSize; }
static size_t Size (ULONG aVarCount) { return (size_t) aVarCount; }
static void Copy (I * aFrom, I * &aTo)
if (aFrom != NULL)
aTo = aFrom;
aTo = NULL;
static SAFEARRAY *CreateSafeArray (VARTYPE aVarType, SAFEARRAYBOUND *aBound)
NOREF (aVarType);
return SafeArrayCreateEx (VT_DISPATCH, 1, aBound, (PVOID) &_ATL_IIDOF (I));
#endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
* Version of com::SafeArray for arrays of interface pointers.
* Except that it manages arrays of interface pointers, the usage of this class
* is identical to com::SafeArray.
* @param I Interface class (no asterisk).
class SafeIfaceArray : public SafeArray >
typedef SafeArray > Base;
* Creates a null array.
SafeIfaceArray() {}
* Creates a new array of the given size. All elements of the newly created
* array initialized with null values.
* @param aSize Initial number of elements in the array. Must be greater
* than 0.
* @note If this object remains null after construction it means that there
* was not enough memory for creating an array of the requested size.
* The constructor will also assert in this case.
SafeIfaceArray (size_t aSize) { Base::resize (aSize); }
* Weakly attaches this instance to the existing array passed in a method
* parameter declared using the ComSafeArrayIn macro. When using this call,
* always wrap the parameter name in the ComSafeArrayOutArg macro call like
* this:
* SafeArray safeArray (ComSafeArrayInArg (aArg));
* Note that this constructor doesn't take the ownership of the array. In
* particular, this means that operations that operate on the ownership
* (e.g. #detachTo()) are forbidden and will assert.
* @param aArg Input method parameter to attach to.
SafeIfaceArray (ComSafeArrayIn (I *, aArg))
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
AssertReturnVoid (aArg != NULL);
Base::m.size = aArgSize;
Base::m.arr = aArg;
Base::m.isWeak = true;
#else /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
AssertReturnVoid (aArg != NULL);
SAFEARRAY *arg = *aArg;
if (arg)
AssertReturnVoid (arg->cDims == 1);
HRESULT rc = SafeArrayGetVartype (arg, &vt);
AssertComRCReturnVoid (rc);
AssertMsgReturnVoid (vt == VT_UNKNOWN || vt == VT_DISPATCH,
("Expected vartype VT_UNKNOWN, got %d.\n",
VarType(), vt));
GUID guid;
rc = SafeArrayGetIID (arg, &guid);
AssertComRCReturnVoid (rc);
AssertMsgReturnVoid (InlineIsEqualGUID (_ATL_IIDOF (I), guid),
("Expected IID {%RTuuid}, got {%RTuuid}.\n",
&_ATL_IIDOF (I), &guid));
rc = SafeArrayAccessData (arg, (void HUGEP **) &m.raw);
AssertComRCReturnVoid (rc);
m.arr = arg;
m.isWeak = true;
#endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */
* Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ container that stores
* interface pointers as objects of the ComPtr class.
* @param aCntr Container object to copy.
* @param C Standard C++ container template class (normally deduced from
* @c aCntr).
* @param A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param OI Argument to the ComPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
template class C, class A, class OI>
SafeIfaceArray (const C , A> & aCntr)
typedef C , A> List;
Base::resize (aCntr.size());
AssertReturnVoid (!Base::isNull());
int i = 0;
for (typename List::const_iterator it = aCntr.begin();
it != aCntr.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Copy (*it, Base::m.arr [i]);
Copy (*it, Base::m.raw [i]);
* Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ container that stores
* interface pointers as objects of the ComObjPtr class.
* @param aCntr Container object to copy.
* @param C Standard C++ container template class (normally deduced from
* @c aCntr).
* @param A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param OI Argument to the ComObjPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
template class C, class A, class OI>
SafeIfaceArray (const C , A> & aCntr)
typedef C , A> List;
Base::resize (aCntr.size());
AssertReturnVoid (!Base::isNull());
int i = 0;
for (typename List::const_iterator it = aCntr.begin();
it != aCntr.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Copy (*it, Base::m.arr [i]);
Copy (*it, Base::m.raw [i]);
* Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ map whose values are
* interface pointers stored as objects of the ComPtr class.
* @param aMap Map object to copy.
* @param C Standard C++ map template class (normally deduced from
* @c aCntr).
* @param L Standard C++ compare class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param K Map key class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param OI Argument to the ComPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
class C, class L, class A, class K, class OI>
SafeIfaceArray (const C , L, A> & aMap)
typedef C , L, A> Map;
Base::resize (aMap.size());
AssertReturnVoid (!Base::isNull());
int i = 0;
for (typename Map::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
it != aMap.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Copy (it->second, Base::m.arr [i]);
Copy (it->second, Base::m.raw [i]);
* Creates a deep copy of the given standard C++ map whose values are
* interface pointers stored as objects of the ComObjPtr class.
* @param aMap Map object to copy.
* @param C Standard C++ map template class (normally deduced from
* @c aCntr).
* @param L Standard C++ compare class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param A Standard C++ allocator class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param K Map key class (deduced from @c aCntr).
* @param OI Argument to the ComObjPtr template (deduced from @c aCntr).
class C, class L, class A, class K, class OI>
SafeIfaceArray (const C , L, A> & aMap)
typedef C , L, A> Map;
Base::resize (aMap.size());
AssertReturnVoid (!Base::isNull());
int i = 0;
for (typename Map::const_iterator it = aMap.begin();
it != aMap.end(); ++ it, ++ i)
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Copy (it->second, Base::m.arr [i]);
Copy (it->second, Base::m.raw [i]);
void setElement(size_t iIdx, I* obj)
#if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)
Copy (obj, Base::m.arr [iIdx]);
Copy (obj, Base::m.raw [iIdx]);
} /* namespace com */
/** @} */
#endif /* ___VBox_com_array_h */