1 | /** @file
2 | * VM - The Virtual Machine, data.
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*
6 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
10 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | *
16 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
17 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
18 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
19 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
20 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
21 | *
22 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
23 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
24 | *
25 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
26 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
27 | * additional information or have any questions.
28 | */
29 |
30 | #ifndef ___VBox_vm_h
31 | #define ___VBox_vm_h
32 |
33 | #include <VBox/cdefs.h>
34 | #include <VBox/types.h>
35 | #include <VBox/cpum.h>
36 | #include <VBox/stam.h>
37 | #include <VBox/vmapi.h>
38 | #include <VBox/sup.h>
39 |
40 |
41 | /** @defgroup grp_vm The Virtual Machine
42 | * @{
43 | */
44 |
45 | /** The name of the Guest Context VMM Core module. */
47 | /** The name of the Ring 0 Context VMM Core module. */
48 | #define VMMR0_MAIN_MODULE_NAME "VMMR0.r0"
49 |
50 | /** VM Forced Action Flags.
51 | *
52 | * Use the VM_FF_SET() and VM_FF_CLEAR() macros to change the force
53 | * action mask of a VM.
54 | *
55 | * @{
56 | */
57 | /** This action forces the VM to service check and pending interrups on the APIC. */
58 | #define VM_FF_INTERRUPT_APIC RT_BIT_32(0)
59 | /** This action forces the VM to service check and pending interrups on the PIC. */
60 | #define VM_FF_INTERRUPT_PIC RT_BIT_32(1)
61 | /** This action forces the VM to schedule and run pending timer (TM). */
62 | #define VM_FF_TIMER RT_BIT_32(2)
63 | /** PDM Queues are pending. */
64 | #define VM_FF_PDM_QUEUES RT_BIT_32(3)
65 | /** PDM DMA transfers are pending. */
66 | #define VM_FF_PDM_DMA RT_BIT_32(4)
67 | /** PDM critical section unlocking is pending, process promptly upon return to R3. */
68 | #define VM_FF_PDM_CRITSECT RT_BIT_32(5)
69 |
70 | /** This action forces the VM to call DBGF so DBGF can service debugger
71 | * requests in the emulation thread.
72 | * This action flag stays asserted till DBGF clears it.*/
73 | #define VM_FF_DBGF RT_BIT_32(8)
74 | /** This action forces the VM to service pending requests from other
75 | * thread or requests which must be executed in another context. */
76 | #define VM_FF_REQUEST RT_BIT_32(9)
77 | /** Terminate the VM immediately. */
78 | #define VM_FF_TERMINATE RT_BIT_32(10)
79 | /** Reset the VM. (postponed) */
80 | #define VM_FF_RESET RT_BIT_32(11)
81 |
82 | /** This action forces the VM to resync the page tables before going
83 | * back to execute guest code. (GLOBAL FLUSH) */
84 | #define VM_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3 RT_BIT_32(16)
85 | /** Same as VM_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3 except that global pages can be skipped.
86 | * (NON-GLOBAL FLUSH) */
87 | #define VM_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3_NON_GLOBAL RT_BIT_32(17)
88 | /** PGM needs to allocate handy pages. */
89 | #define VM_FF_PGM_NEED_HANDY_PAGES RT_BIT_32(18)
90 | /** Check the interupt and trap gates */
91 | #define VM_FF_TRPM_SYNC_IDT RT_BIT_32(19)
92 | /** Check Guest's TSS ring 0 stack */
93 | #define VM_FF_SELM_SYNC_TSS RT_BIT_32(20)
94 | /** Check Guest's GDT table */
95 | #define VM_FF_SELM_SYNC_GDT RT_BIT_32(21)
96 | /** Check Guest's LDT table */
97 | #define VM_FF_SELM_SYNC_LDT RT_BIT_32(22)
98 | /** Inhibit interrupts pending. See EMGetInhibitInterruptsPC(). */
100 |
101 | /** CSAM needs to scan the page that's being executed */
102 | #define VM_FF_CSAM_SCAN_PAGE RT_BIT_32(24)
103 | /** CSAM needs to do some homework. */
104 | #define VM_FF_CSAM_PENDING_ACTION RT_BIT_32(25)
105 |
106 | /** Force return to Ring-3. */
107 | #define VM_FF_TO_R3 RT_BIT_32(28)
108 |
109 | /** Suspend the VM - debug only. */
110 | #define VM_FF_DEBUG_SUSPEND RT_BIT_32(31)
111 |
112 | /** Externally forced actions. Used to quit the idle/wait loop. */
114 | /** Externally forced actions. Used to quit the idle/wait loop. */
116 | /** High priority pre-execution actions. */
119 | /** High priority pre raw-mode execution mask. */
122 | /** High priority post-execution actions. */
124 | /** Normal priority post-execution actions. */
126 | /** Normal priority actions. */
128 | /** Flags to check before resuming guest execution. */
130 | /** All the forced flags. */
131 | #define VM_FF_ALL_MASK (~0U)
132 | /** All the forced flags. */
134 |
135 | /** @} */
136 |
137 | /** @def VM_FF_SET
138 | * Sets a force action flag.
139 | *
140 | * @param pVM VM Handle.
141 | * @param fFlag The flag to set.
142 | */
143 | #if 1
144 | # define VM_FF_SET(pVM, fFlag) ASMAtomicOrU32(&(pVM)->fForcedActions, (fFlag))
145 | #else
146 | # define VM_FF_SET(pVM, fFlag) \
147 | do { ASMAtomicOrU32(&(pVM)->fForcedActions, (fFlag)); \
148 | RTLogPrintf("VM_FF_SET : %08x %s - %s(%d) %s\n", (pVM)->fForcedActions, #fFlag, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
149 | } while (0)
150 | #endif
151 |
152 | /** @def VM_FF_CLEAR
153 | * Clears a force action flag.
154 | *
155 | * @param pVM VM Handle.
156 | * @param fFlag The flag to clear.
157 | */
158 | #if 1
159 | # define VM_FF_CLEAR(pVM, fFlag) ASMAtomicAndU32(&(pVM)->fForcedActions, ~(fFlag))
160 | #else
161 | # define VM_FF_CLEAR(pVM, fFlag) \
162 | do { ASMAtomicAndU32(&(pVM)->fForcedActions, ~(fFlag)); \
163 | RTLogPrintf("VM_FF_CLEAR: %08x %s - %s(%d) %s\n", (pVM)->fForcedActions, #fFlag, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
164 | } while (0)
165 | #endif
166 |
167 | /** @def VM_FF_ISSET
168 | * Checks if a force action flag is set.
169 | *
170 | * @param pVM VM Handle.
171 | * @param fFlag The flag to check.
172 | */
173 | #define VM_FF_ISSET(pVM, fFlag) (((pVM)->fForcedActions & (fFlag)) == (fFlag))
174 |
175 | /** @def VM_FF_ISPENDING
176 | * Checks if one or more force action in the specified set is pending.
177 | *
178 | * @param pVM VM Handle.
179 | * @param fFlags The flags to check for.
180 | */
181 | #define VM_FF_ISPENDING(pVM, fFlags) ((pVM)->fForcedActions & (fFlags))
182 |
183 |
184 | /** @def VM_IS_EMT
185 | * Checks if the current thread is the emulation thread (EMT).
186 | *
187 | * @remark The ring-0 variation will need attention if we expand the ring-0
188 | * code to let threads other than EMT mess around with the VM.
189 | */
190 | #ifdef IN_GC
191 | # define VM_IS_EMT(pVM) true
192 | #elif defined(IN_RING0)
193 | # define VM_IS_EMT(pVM) true
194 | #else
195 | # define VM_IS_EMT(pVM) ((pVM)->NativeThreadEMT == RTThreadNativeSelf())
196 | #endif
197 |
198 | /** @def VM_ASSERT_EMT
199 | * Asserts that the current thread IS the emulation thread (EMT).
200 | */
201 | #ifdef IN_GC
202 | # define VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM) Assert(VM_IS_EMT(pVM))
203 | #elif defined(IN_RING0)
204 | # define VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM) Assert(VM_IS_EMT(pVM))
205 | #else
206 | # define VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM) \
207 | AssertMsg(VM_IS_EMT(pVM), \
208 | ("Not emulation thread! Thread=%RTnthrd ThreadEMT=%RTnthrd\n", RTThreadNativeSelf(), pVM->NativeThreadEMT))
209 | #endif
210 |
211 | /** @def VM_ASSERT_EMT_RETURN
212 | * Asserts that the current thread IS the emulation thread (EMT) and returns if it isn't.
213 | */
214 | #ifdef IN_GC
215 | # define VM_ASSERT_EMT_RETURN(pVM, rc) AssertReturn(VM_IS_EMT(pVM), (rc))
216 | #elif defined(IN_RING0)
217 | # define VM_ASSERT_EMT_RETURN(pVM, rc) AssertReturn(VM_IS_EMT(pVM), (rc))
218 | #else
219 | # define VM_ASSERT_EMT_RETURN(pVM, rc) \
220 | AssertMsgReturn(VM_IS_EMT(pVM), \
221 | ("Not emulation thread! Thread=%RTnthrd ThreadEMT=%RTnthrd\n", RTThreadNativeSelf(), pVM->NativeThreadEMT), \
222 | (rc))
223 | #endif
224 |
225 | /**
226 | * Asserts that the current thread is NOT the emulation thread.
227 | */
228 | #define VM_ASSERT_OTHER_THREAD(pVM) \
229 | AssertMsg(!VM_IS_EMT(pVM), ("Not other thread!!\n"))
230 |
231 |
233 | * Asserts a certain VM state.
234 | */
235 | #define VM_ASSERT_STATE(pVM, _enmState) \
236 | AssertMsg((pVM)->enmVMState == (_enmState), \
237 | ("state %s, expected %s\n", VMGetStateName(pVM->enmVMState), VMGetStateName(_enmState)))
238 |
240 | * Asserts a certain VM state and returns if it doesn't match.
241 | */
242 | #define VM_ASSERT_STATE_RETURN(pVM, _enmState, rc) \
243 | AssertMsgReturn((pVM)->enmVMState == (_enmState), \
244 | ("state %s, expected %s\n", VMGetStateName(pVM->enmVMState), VMGetStateName(_enmState)), \
245 | (rc))
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 | /** This is the VM structure.
251 | *
252 | * It contains (nearly?) all the VM data which have to be available in all
253 | * contexts. Even if it contains all the data the idea is to use APIs not
254 | * to modify all the members all around the place. Therefore we make use of
255 | * unions to hide everything which isn't local to the current source module.
256 | * This means we'll have to pay a little bit of attention when adding new
257 | * members to structures in the unions and make sure to keep the padding sizes
258 | * up to date.
259 | *
260 | * Run tstVMStructSize after update!
261 | */
262 | typedef struct VM
263 | {
264 | /** The state of the VM.
265 | * This field is read only to everyone except the VM and EM. */
266 | VMSTATE enmVMState;
267 | /** Forced action flags.
268 | * See the VM_FF_* \#defines. Updated atomically.
269 | */
270 | volatile uint32_t fForcedActions;
271 | /** Pointer to the array of page descriptors for the VM structure allocation. */
273 | /** Session handle. For use when calling SUPR0 APIs. */
274 | PSUPDRVSESSION pSession;
275 | /** Pointer to the ring-3 VM structure. */
276 | PUVM pUVM;
277 | /** Ring-3 Host Context VM Pointer. */
278 | R3PTRTYPE(struct VM *) pVMR3;
279 | /** Ring-0 Host Context VM Pointer. */
280 | R0PTRTYPE(struct VM *) pVMR0;
281 | /** Guest Context VM Pointer. */
282 | GCPTRTYPE(struct VM *) pVMGC;
283 |
284 | /** The GVM VM handle. Only the GVM should modify this field. */
285 | uint32_t hSelf;
286 | /** Reserved / padding. */
287 | uint32_t u32Reserved;
288 |
289 | /** @name Public VMM Switcher APIs
290 | * @{ */
291 | /**
292 | * Assembly switch entry point for returning to host context.
293 | * This function will clean up the stack frame.
294 | *
295 | * @param eax The return code, register.
296 | * @param Ctx The guest core context.
297 | * @remark Assume interrupts disabled.
298 | */
299 | RTGCPTR pfnVMMGCGuestToHostAsmGuestCtx/*(int32_t eax, CPUMCTXCORE Ctx)*/;
300 |
301 | /**
302 | * Assembly switch entry point for returning to host context.
303 | *
304 | * This is an alternative entry point which we'll be using when the we have the
305 | * hypervisor context and need to save that before going to the host.
306 | *
307 | * This is typically useful when abandoning the hypervisor because of a trap
308 | * and want the trap state to be saved.
309 | *
310 | * @param eax The return code, register.
311 | * @param ecx Pointer to the hypervisor core context, register.
312 | * @remark Assume interrupts disabled.
313 | */
314 | RTGCPTR pfnVMMGCGuestToHostAsmHyperCtx/*(int32_t eax, PCPUMCTXCORE ecx)*/;
315 |
316 | /**
317 | * Assembly switch entry point for returning to host context.
318 | *
319 | * This is an alternative to the two *Ctx APIs and implies that the context has already
320 | * been saved, or that it's just a brief return to HC and that the caller intends to resume
321 | * whatever it is doing upon 'return' from this call.
322 | *
323 | * @param eax The return code, register.
324 | * @remark Assume interrupts disabled.
325 | */
326 | RTGCPTR pfnVMMGCGuestToHostAsm/*(int32_t eax)*/;
327 | /** @} */
328 |
329 |
330 | /** @name Various VM data owned by VM.
331 | * @{ */
332 | /** The thread handle of the emulation thread.
333 | * Use the VM_IS_EMT() macro to check if executing in EMT. */
334 | RTTHREAD ThreadEMT;
335 | /** The native handle of ThreadEMT. Getting the native handle
336 | * is generally faster than getting the IPRT one (except on OS/2 :-). */
338 | /** @} */
339 |
340 |
341 | /** @name Various items that are frequently accessed.
342 | * @{ */
343 | /** Raw ring-3 indicator. */
344 | bool fRawR3Enabled;
345 | /** Raw ring-0 indicator. */
346 | bool fRawR0Enabled;
347 | /** PATM enabled flag.
348 | * This is placed here for performance reasons. */
349 | bool fPATMEnabled;
350 | /** CSAM enabled flag.
351 | * This is placed here for performance reasons. */
352 | bool fCSAMEnabled;
353 |
354 | /** Hardware VM support is available and enabled.
355 | * This is placed here for performance reasons. */
356 | bool fHWACCMEnabled;
357 | /** @} */
358 |
359 |
360 | /* padding to make gnuc put the StatQemuToGC where msc does. */
361 | #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32
362 | uint32_t padding0;
363 | #endif
364 |
365 | /** Profiling the total time from Qemu to GC. */
367 | /** Profiling the total time from GC to Qemu. */
369 | /** Profiling the total time spent in GC. */
371 | /** Profiling the total time spent not in Qemu. */
372 | STAMPROFILEADV StatTotalInQemu;
373 | /** Profiling the VMMSwitcher code for going to GC. */
374 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherToGC;
375 | /** Profiling the VMMSwitcher code for going to HC. */
376 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherToHC;
377 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherSaveRegs;
378 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherSysEnter;
379 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherDebug;
380 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherCR0;
381 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherCR4;
382 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherJmpCR3;
383 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherRstrRegs;
384 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherLgdt;
385 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherLidt;
386 | STAMPROFILEADV StatSwitcherLldt;
388 |
389 | /* padding - the unions must be aligned on 32 bytes boundraries. */
390 | uint32_t padding[HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 4 : 6];
391 |
392 | /** CPUM part. */
393 | union
394 | {
395 | #ifdef ___CPUMInternal_h
396 | struct CPUM s;
397 | #endif
398 | char padding[4384]; /* multiple of 32 */
399 | } cpum;
400 |
401 | /** VMM part. */
402 | union
403 | {
404 | #ifdef ___VMMInternal_h
405 | struct VMM s;
406 | #endif
407 | char padding[1024]; /* multiple of 32 */
408 | } vmm;
409 |
410 | /** PGM part. */
411 | union
412 | {
413 | #ifdef ___PGMInternal_h
414 | struct PGM s;
415 | #endif
416 | char padding[50*1024]; /* multiple of 32 */
417 | } pgm;
418 |
419 | /** HWACCM part. */
420 | union
421 | {
422 | #ifdef ___HWACCMInternal_h
423 | struct HWACCM s;
424 | #endif
425 | char padding[1024]; /* multiple of 32 */
426 | } hwaccm;
427 |
428 | /** TRPM part. */
429 | union
430 | {
431 | #ifdef ___TRPMInternal_h
432 | struct TRPM s;
433 | #endif
434 | char padding[5344]; /* multiple of 32 */
435 | } trpm;
436 |
437 | /** SELM part. */
438 | union
439 | {
440 | #ifdef ___SELMInternal_h
441 | struct SELM s;
442 | #endif
443 | char padding[544]; /* multiple of 32 */
444 | } selm;
445 |
446 | /** MM part. */
447 | union
448 | {
449 | #ifdef ___MMInternal_h
450 | struct MM s;
451 | #endif
452 | char padding[128]; /* multiple of 32 */
453 | } mm;
454 |
455 | /** CFGM part. */
456 | union
457 | {
458 | #ifdef ___CFGMInternal_h
459 | struct CFGM s;
460 | #endif
461 | char padding[32]; /* multiple of 32 */
462 | } cfgm;
463 |
464 | /** PDM part. */
465 | union
466 | {
467 | #ifdef ___PDMInternal_h
468 | struct PDM s;
469 | #endif
470 | char padding[1056]; /* multiple of 32 */
471 | } pdm;
472 |
473 | /** IOM part. */
474 | union
475 | {
476 | #ifdef ___IOMInternal_h
477 | struct IOM s;
478 | #endif
479 | char padding[4544]; /* multiple of 32 */
480 | } iom;
481 |
482 | /** PATM part. */
483 | union
484 | {
485 | #ifdef ___PATMInternal_h
486 | struct PATM s;
487 | #endif
488 | char padding[768]; /* multiple of 32 */
489 | } patm;
490 |
491 | /** CSAM part. */
492 | union
493 | {
494 | #ifdef ___CSAMInternal_h
495 | struct CSAM s;
496 | #endif
497 | char padding[3328]; /* multiple of 32 */
498 | } csam;
499 |
500 | /** EM part. */
501 | union
502 | {
503 | #ifdef ___EMInternal_h
504 | struct EM s;
505 | #endif
506 | char padding[1344]; /* multiple of 32 */
507 | } em;
508 |
509 | /** TM part. */
510 | union
511 | {
512 | #ifdef ___TMInternal_h
513 | struct TM s;
514 | #endif
515 | char padding[1312]; /* multiple of 32 */
516 | } tm;
517 |
518 | /** DBGF part. */
519 | union
520 | {
521 | #ifdef ___DBGFInternal_h
522 | struct DBGF s;
523 | #endif
524 | char padding[HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 1920 : 1952]; /* multiple of 32 */
525 | } dbgf;
526 |
527 | /** SSM part. */
528 | union
529 | {
530 | #ifdef ___SSMInternal_h
531 | struct SSM s;
532 | #endif
533 | char padding[32]; /* multiple of 32 */
534 | } ssm;
535 |
536 | /** VM part. */
537 | union
538 | {
539 | #ifdef ___VMInternal_h
540 | struct VMINT s;
541 | #endif
542 | char padding[768]; /* multiple of 32 */
543 | } vm;
544 |
545 | /** REM part. */
546 | union
547 | {
548 | #ifdef ___REMInternal_h
549 | struct REM s;
550 | #endif
551 | char padding[HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 0x6f00 : 0xbf00]; /* multiple of 32 */
552 | } rem;
553 | } VM;
554 |
555 | /** Pointer to a VM. */
556 | #ifndef ___VBox_types_h
557 | typedef struct VM *PVM;
558 | #endif
559 |
560 |
561 | #ifdef IN_GC
563 |
564 | /** The VM structure.
565 | * This is imported from the VMMGCBuiltin module, i.e. it's a one
566 | * of those magic globals which we should avoid using.
567 | */
568 | extern DECLIMPORT(VM) g_VM;
569 |
570 | __END_DECLS
571 | #endif
572 |
573 | /** @} */
574 |
575 | #endif
576 |