/* $Id: gvmm.h 71152 2018-02-28 12:36:04Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * GVMM - The Global VM Manager. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef ___VBox_vmm_gvmm_h #define ___VBox_vmm_gvmm_h #include #include #include /* RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS */ RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** @defgroup grp_gvmm GVMM - The Global VM Manager. * @ingroup grp_vmm * @{ */ /** @def IN_GVMM_R0 * Used to indicate whether we're inside the same link module as the ring 0 * part of the Global VM Manager or not. */ #ifdef DOXYGEN_RUNNING # define IN_GVMM_R0 #endif /** @def GVMMR0DECL * Ring 0 VM export or import declaration. * @param type The return type of the function declaration. */ #ifdef IN_GVMM_R0 # define GVMMR0DECL(type) DECLEXPORT(type) VBOXCALL #else # define GVMMR0DECL(type) DECLIMPORT(type) VBOXCALL #endif /** @def NIL_GVM_HANDLE * The nil GVM VM handle value (VM::hSelf). */ #define NIL_GVM_HANDLE 0 /** * The scheduler statistics */ typedef struct GVMMSTATSSCHED { /** The number of calls to GVMMR0SchedHalt. */ uint64_t cHaltCalls; /** The number of times we did go to sleep in GVMMR0SchedHalt. */ uint64_t cHaltBlocking; /** The number of times we timed out in GVMMR0SchedHalt. */ uint64_t cHaltTimeouts; /** The number of times we didn't go to sleep in GVMMR0SchedHalt. */ uint64_t cHaltNotBlocking; /** The number of wake ups done during GVMMR0SchedHalt. */ uint64_t cHaltWakeUps; /** The number of calls to GVMMR0WakeUp. */ uint64_t cWakeUpCalls; /** The number of times the EMT thread wasn't actually halted when GVMMR0WakeUp * was called. */ uint64_t cWakeUpNotHalted; /** The number of wake ups done during GVMMR0WakeUp (not counting the explicit * one). */ uint64_t cWakeUpWakeUps; /** The number of calls to GVMMR0Poke. */ uint64_t cPokeCalls; /** The number of times the EMT thread wasn't actually busy when * GVMMR0Poke was called. */ uint64_t cPokeNotBusy; /** The number of calls to GVMMR0SchedPoll. */ uint64_t cPollCalls; /** The number of times the EMT has halted in a GVMMR0SchedPoll call. */ uint64_t cPollHalts; /** The number of wake ups done during GVMMR0SchedPoll. */ uint64_t cPollWakeUps; uint64_t u64Alignment; /**< padding */ } GVMMSTATSSCHED; /** Pointer to the GVMM scheduler statistics. */ typedef GVMMSTATSSCHED *PGVMMSTATSSCHED; /** * Per host cpu statistics. */ typedef struct GVMMSTATSHOSTCPU { /** The CPU ID. */ RTCPUID idCpu; /** The CPU's set index. */ uint32_t idxCpuSet; /** The desired PPT frequency. */ uint32_t uDesiredHz; /** The current PPT timer frequency. */ uint32_t uTimerHz; /** The number of times the PPT was changed. */ uint32_t cChanges; /** The number of times the PPT was started. */ uint32_t cStarts; } GVMMSTATSHOSTCPU; /** Pointer to the GVMM per host CPU statistics. */ typedef GVMMSTATSHOSTCPU *PGVMMSTATSHOSTCPU; /** * The GVMM statistics. */ typedef struct GVMMSTATS { /** The VM statistics if a VM was specified. */ GVMMSTATSSCHED SchedVM; /** The sum statistics of all VMs accessible to the caller. */ GVMMSTATSSCHED SchedSum; /** The number of VMs accessible to the caller. */ uint32_t cVMs; /** The number of emulation threads in those VMs. */ uint32_t cEMTs; /** Padding. */ uint32_t u32Padding; /** The number of valid entries in aHostCpus. */ uint32_t cHostCpus; /** Per host CPU statistics. */ GVMMSTATSHOSTCPU aHostCpus[RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS]; } GVMMSTATS; /** Pointer to the GVMM statistics. */ typedef GVMMSTATS *PGVMMSTATS; /** Const pointer to the GVMM statistics. */ typedef const GVMMSTATS *PCGVMMSTATS; GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0Init(void); GVMMR0DECL(void) GVMMR0Term(void); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SetConfig(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, const char *pszName, uint64_t u64Value); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0QueryConfig(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, const char *pszName, uint64_t *pu64Value); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0CreateVM(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t cCpus, PVM *ppVM); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0InitVM(PGVM pGVM); GVMMR0DECL(void) GVMMR0DoneInitVM(PGVM pGVM); GVMMR0DECL(bool) GVMMR0DoingTermVM(PGVM pGVM); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0DestroyVM(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0RegisterVCpu(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0DeregisterVCpu(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu); GVMMR0DECL(PGVM) GVMMR0ByHandle(uint32_t hGVM); GVMMR0DECL(PGVM) GVMMR0FastGetGVMByVM(PVM pVM); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0ValidateGVMandVM(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0ValidateGVMandVMandEMT(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu); GVMMR0DECL(PVM) GVMMR0GetVMByEMT(RTNATIVETHREAD hEMT); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedHalt(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu, uint64_t u64ExpireGipTime); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedWakeUp(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedWakeUpEx(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu, bool fTakeUsedLock); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedWakeUpNoGVMNoLock(PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedPoke(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedPokeEx(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu, bool fTakeUsedLock); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedPokeNoGVMNoLock(PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedWakeUpAndPokeCpus(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, PCVMCPUSET pSleepSet, PCVMCPUSET pPokeSet); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedPoll(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, VMCPUID idCpu, bool fYield); GVMMR0DECL(void) GVMMR0SchedUpdatePeriodicPreemptionTimer(PVM pVM, RTCPUID idHostCpu, uint32_t uHz); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0QueryStatistics(PGVMMSTATS pStats, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM); GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0ResetStatistics(PCGVMMSTATS pStats, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM); /** * Request packet for calling GVMMR0CreateVM. */ typedef struct GVMMCREATEVMREQ { /** The request header. */ SUPVMMR0REQHDR Hdr; /** The support driver session. (IN) */ PSUPDRVSESSION pSession; /** Number of virtual CPUs for the new VM. (IN) */ uint32_t cCpus; /** Pointer to the ring-3 mapping of the shared VM structure on return. (OUT) */ PVMR3 pVMR3; /** Pointer to the ring-0 mapping of the shared VM structure on return. (OUT) */ PVMR0 pVMR0; } GVMMCREATEVMREQ; /** Pointer to a GVMMR0CreateVM request packet. */ typedef GVMMCREATEVMREQ *PGVMMCREATEVMREQ; GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0CreateVMReq(PGVMMCREATEVMREQ pReq, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession); /** * Request buffer for GVMMR0SchedWakeUpAndPokeCpusReq / VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_WAKE_UP_AND_POKE_CPUS. * @see GVMMR0SchedWakeUpAndPokeCpus. */ typedef struct GVMMSCHEDWAKEUPANDPOKECPUSREQ /* nice and unreadable... */ { /** The header. */ SUPVMMR0REQHDR Hdr; /** The sleeper set. */ VMCPUSET SleepSet; /** The set of virtual CPUs to poke. */ VMCPUSET PokeSet; } GVMMSCHEDWAKEUPANDPOKECPUSREQ; /** Pointer to a GVMMR0QueryStatisticsReq / VMMR0_DO_GVMM_QUERY_STATISTICS request buffer. */ typedef GVMMSCHEDWAKEUPANDPOKECPUSREQ *PGVMMSCHEDWAKEUPANDPOKECPUSREQ; GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0SchedWakeUpAndPokeCpusReq(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, PGVMMSCHEDWAKEUPANDPOKECPUSREQ pReq); /** * Request buffer for GVMMR0QueryStatisticsReq / VMMR0_DO_GVMM_QUERY_STATISTICS. * @see GVMMR0QueryStatistics. */ typedef struct GVMMQUERYSTATISTICSSREQ { /** The header. */ SUPVMMR0REQHDR Hdr; /** The support driver session. */ PSUPDRVSESSION pSession; /** The statistics. */ GVMMSTATS Stats; } GVMMQUERYSTATISTICSSREQ; /** Pointer to a GVMMR0QueryStatisticsReq / VMMR0_DO_GVMM_QUERY_STATISTICS request buffer. */ typedef GVMMQUERYSTATISTICSSREQ *PGVMMQUERYSTATISTICSSREQ; GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0QueryStatisticsReq(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, PGVMMQUERYSTATISTICSSREQ pReq, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession); /** * Request buffer for GVMMR0ResetStatisticsReq / VMMR0_DO_GVMM_RESET_STATISTICS. * @see GVMMR0ResetStatistics. */ typedef struct GVMMRESETSTATISTICSSREQ { /** The header. */ SUPVMMR0REQHDR Hdr; /** The support driver session. */ PSUPDRVSESSION pSession; /** The statistics to reset. * Any non-zero entry will be reset (if permitted). */ GVMMSTATS Stats; } GVMMRESETSTATISTICSSREQ; /** Pointer to a GVMMR0ResetStatisticsReq / VMMR0_DO_GVMM_RESET_STATISTICS request buffer. */ typedef GVMMRESETSTATISTICSSREQ *PGVMMRESETSTATISTICSSREQ; GVMMR0DECL(int) GVMMR0ResetStatisticsReq(PGVM pGVM, PVM pVM, PGVMMRESETSTATISTICSSREQ pReq, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession); /** @} */ RT_C_DECLS_END #endif