1 | ;; @file
2 | ; IPRT - Global YASM/NASM macros
3 | ;
4 |
5 | ;
6 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation
7 | ;
8 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
10 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | ;
16 | ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
17 | ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
18 | ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
19 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
20 | ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
21 | ;
22 | ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
23 | ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
24 | ;
25 |
26 | %ifndef ___iprt_asmdefs_mac
27 | %define ___iprt_asmdefs_mac
28 |
29 |
30 | ;; @defgroup grp_rt_cdefs_size Size Constants
31 | ; (Of course, these are binary computer terms, not SI.)
32 | ; @{
33 | ;; 1 K (Kilo) (1 024).
34 | %define _1K 000000400h
35 | ;; 4 K (Kilo) (4 096).
36 | %define _4K 000001000h
37 | ;; 32 K (Kilo) (32 678).
38 | %define _32K 000008000h
39 | ;; 64 K (Kilo) (65 536).
40 | %define _64K 000010000h
41 | ;; 128 K (Kilo) (131 072).
42 | %define _128K 000020000h
43 | ;; 256 K (Kilo) (262 144).
44 | %define _256K 000040000h
45 | ;; 512 K (Kilo) (524 288).
46 | %define _512K 000080000h
47 | ;; 1 M (Mega) (1 048 576).
48 | %define _1M 000100000h
49 | ;; 2 M (Mega) (2 097 152).
50 | %define _2M 000200000h
51 | ;; 4 M (Mega) (4 194 304).
52 | %define _4M 000400000h
53 | ;; 1 G (Giga) (1 073 741 824).
54 | %define _1G 040000000h
55 | ;; 2 G (Giga) (2 147 483 648).
56 | %define _2G 00000000080000000h
57 | ;; 4 G (Giga) (4 294 967 296).
58 | %define _4G 00000000100000000h
59 | ;; 1 T (Tera) (1 099 511 627 776).
60 | %define _1T 00000010000000000h
61 | ;; 1 P (Peta) (1 125 899 906 842 624).
62 | %define _1P 00004000000000000h
63 | ;; 1 E (Exa) (1 152 921 504 606 846 976).
64 | %define _1E 01000000000000000h
65 | ;; 2 E (Exa) (2 305 843 009 213 693 952).
66 | %define _2E 02000000000000000h
67 | ;; @}
68 |
69 |
70 | ;;
71 | ; Make the mask for the given bit.
72 | %define RT_BIT(bit) (1 << bit)
73 |
74 | ;;
75 | ; Make the mask for the given bit.
76 | %define RT_BIT_32(bit) (1 << bit)
77 | ;;
78 | ; Make the mask for the given bit.
79 | %define RT_BIT_64(bit) (1 << bit)
80 |
81 | ;;
82 | ; Makes a 32-bit unsigned (not type safe, but whatever) out of four byte values.
83 | %define RT_MAKE_U32_FROM_U8(b0, b1, b2, b3) ( (b3 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0 )
84 |
85 | ;; Preprocessor concatenation macro.
86 | %define RT_CONCAT(a_1,a_2) a_1 %+ a_2
87 |
88 | ;; Preprocessor concatenation macro, three arguments.
89 | %define RT_CONCAT3(a_1,a_2,a_3) a_1 %+ a_2 %+ a_3
90 |
91 | ;; Preprocessor concatenation macro, four arguments.
92 | %define RT_CONCAT4(a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4) a_1 %+ a_2 %+ a_3 %+ a_4
93 |
94 |
95 | ;; Define ASM_FORMAT_PE64 if applicable.
96 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
97 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
98 | %define ASM_FORMAT_PE64 1
99 | %endif
100 | %endif
101 |
102 | ;;
103 | ; SEH64 macros.
104 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
105 | %ifndef ASM_FORMAT_PE64
106 | %undef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
107 | %endif
108 | %endif
109 |
110 | ;;
111 | ; Records a xBP push.
112 | %macro SEH64_PUSH_xBP 0
113 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
114 | [pushreg rbp]
115 | %endif
116 | %endmacro
117 |
118 | ;;
119 | ; Sets xBP as frame pointer that's pointing to a stack position %1 relative to xSP.
120 | %macro SEH64_SET_FRAME_xBP 1
121 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
122 | [setframe rbp, %1]
123 | %endif
124 | %endmacro
125 |
126 | ;;
127 | ; Records an ADD xSP, %1.
128 | %macro SEH64_ALLOCATE_STACK 1
129 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
130 | [allocstack %1]
131 | %endif
132 | %endmacro
133 |
134 | ;;
135 | ; Ends the prologue.
136 | %macro SEH64_END_PROLOGUE 0
137 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
138 | [endprolog]
139 | %endif
140 | %endmacro
141 |
142 |
143 | ;;
144 | ; Align code, pad with INT3.
145 | %define ALIGNCODE(alignment) align alignment, db 0cch
146 |
147 | ;;
148 | ; Align data, pad with ZEROs.
149 | %define ALIGNDATA(alignment) align alignment, db 0
150 |
151 | ;;
152 | ; Align BSS, pad with ZEROs.
153 | %define ALIGNBSS(alignment) align alignment, resb 1
154 |
155 | ;;
156 | ; NAME_OVERLOAD can be defined by a .asm module to modify all the
157 | ; names created using the name macros in this files.
158 | ; This is handy when you've got some kind of template code.
159 | %ifndef NAME_OVERLOAD
160 | %define NAME_OVERLOAD(name) name
161 | %endif
162 |
163 | ;;
164 | ; Mangles the given name so it can be referenced using DECLASM() in the
165 | ; C/C++ world.
166 | %ifndef ASM_FORMAT_BIN
167 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
168 | %ifdef RT_OS_OS2
169 | %define NAME(name) _ %+ NAME_OVERLOAD(name)
170 | %endif
171 | %ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
172 | %define NAME(name) _ %+ NAME_OVERLOAD(name)
173 | %endif
174 | %endif
175 | %ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
176 | %define NAME(name) _ %+ NAME_OVERLOAD(name)
177 | %endif
178 | %endif
179 | %ifndef NAME
180 | %define NAME(name) NAME_OVERLOAD(name)
181 | %endif
182 |
183 | ;;
184 | ; Mangles the given C name so it will _import_ the right symbol.
185 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
186 | %define IMPNAME(name) __imp_ %+ NAME(name)
187 | %else
188 | %define IMPNAME(name) NAME(name)
189 | %endif
190 |
191 | ;;
192 | ; Gets the pointer to an imported object.
193 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
194 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
195 | %define IMP(name) qword [IMPNAME(name) wrt rip]
196 | %else
197 | %define IMP(name) dword [IMPNAME(name)]
198 | %endif
199 | %else
200 | %define IMP(name) IMPNAME(name)
201 | %endif
202 |
203 | ;;
204 | ; Gets the pointer to an imported object.
205 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
206 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
207 | %define IMP_SEG(SegOverride, name) qword [SegOverride:IMPNAME(name) wrt rip]
208 | %else
209 | %define IMP_SEG(SegOverride, name) dword [SegOverride:IMPNAME(name)]
210 | %endif
211 | %else
212 | %define IMP_SEG(SegOverride, name) IMPNAME(name)
213 | %endif
214 |
215 | ;;
216 | ; Declares an imported object for use with IMP2.
217 | ; @note May change the current section!
218 | %macro EXTERN_IMP2 1
219 | extern IMPNAME(%1)
221 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_MACHO
222 | g_Imp2_ %+ %1: RTCCPTR_DEF IMPNAME(%1)
223 | %endif
224 | %endmacro
225 |
226 | ;;
227 | ; Gets the pointer to an imported object, version 2.
228 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
229 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
230 | %define IMP2(name) qword [IMPNAME(name) wrt rip]
231 | %else
232 | %define IMP2(name) dword [IMPNAME(name)]
233 | %endif
234 | %elifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF
235 | %ifdef PIC
236 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
237 | %define IMP2(name) qword [rel IMPNAME(name) wrt ..got]
238 | %else
239 | %define IMP2(name) IMPNAME(name) wrt ..plt
240 | %endif
241 | %endif
242 | %elifdef ASM_FORMAT_MACHO
243 | %define IMP2(name) RTCCPTR_PRE [g_Imp2_ %+ name xWrtRIP]
244 | %endif
245 | %ifndef IMP2
246 | %define IMP2(name) IMPNAME(name)
247 | %endif
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 | ;;
252 | ; Global marker which is DECLASM() compatible.
253 | %macro GLOBALNAME 1
254 | %ifndef ASM_FORMAT_BIN
255 | global NAME(%1)
256 | %endif
257 | NAME(%1):
258 | %endmacro
259 |
260 | ;;
261 | ; Global exported marker which is DECLASM() compatible.
262 | %macro EXPORTEDNAME 1
263 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
264 | export %1=NAME(%1)
265 | %endif
266 | %ifdef __NASM__
267 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF
268 | export NAME(%1) NAME(%1)
269 | %endif
270 | %endif
272 | %endmacro
273 |
274 | ;;
275 | ; Global marker which is DECLASM() compatible.
276 | %macro GLOBALNAME_EX 2
277 | %ifndef ASM_FORMAT_BIN
278 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF
279 | global NAME(%1):%2
280 | %else
281 | global NAME(%1)
282 | %endif
283 | %endif
284 | NAME(%1):
285 | %endmacro
286 |
287 | ;;
288 | ; Global exported marker which is DECLASM() compatible.
289 | %macro EXPORTEDNAME_EX 2
290 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
291 | export %1=NAME(%1)
292 | %endif
293 | %ifdef __NASM__
294 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF
295 | export NAME(%1) NAME(%1)
296 | %endif
297 | %endif
298 | GLOBALNAME_EX %1, %2
299 | %endmacro
300 |
301 | ;;
302 | ; Begins a C callable procedure.
303 | %macro BEGINPROC 1
304 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
305 | global NAME(%1):function
306 | proc_frame NAME(%1)
307 | %else
308 | GLOBALNAME_EX %1, function hidden
309 | %endif
310 | %endmacro
311 |
312 | ;;
313 | ; Begins a C callable exported procedure.
315 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
316 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
317 | export %1=NAME(%1)
318 | %endif
319 | global NAME(%1):function
320 | proc_frame NAME(%1)
321 | %else
322 | EXPORTEDNAME_EX %1, function
323 | %endif
324 | %endmacro
325 |
326 | ;;
327 | ; Ends a C callable procedure.
328 | %macro ENDPROC 1
329 | %ifdef RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
330 | endproc_frame
331 | %endif
332 | GLOBALNAME_EX %1 %+ _EndProc, function hidden
333 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF
334 | %ifndef __NASM__ ; nasm does this in the global directive.
335 | size NAME(%1) NAME(%1 %+ _EndProc) - NAME(%1)
336 | size NAME(%1 %+ _EndProc) 0
337 | %endif
338 | %endif
339 | db 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC
340 | %endmacro
341 |
342 |
343 | ;
344 | ; Do OMF and Mach-O/Yasm segment definitions
345 | ;
346 | ; Both format requires this to get the segment order right, in the Mach-O/Yasm case
347 | ; it's only to make sure the .bss section ends up last (it's not declared here).
348 | ;
349 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF
350 | %ifndef RT_NOINC_SEGMENTS
351 |
352 | ; 16-bit segments first (OMF / OS/2 specific).
353 | %ifdef RT_INCL_16BIT_SEGMENTS
354 | segment DATA16 public CLASS=FAR_DATA align=16 use16
355 | segment DATA16_INIT public CLASS=FAR_DATA align=16 use16
356 | group DGROUP16 DATA16 DATA16_INIT
357 |
358 | ;;
359 | ; Begins 16-bit data
360 | %macro BEGINDATA16 0
361 | segment DATA16
362 | %endmacro
363 |
364 | ;;
365 | ; Begins 16-bit init data
366 | %macro BEGINDATA16INIT 0
367 | segment DATA16_INIT
368 | %endmacro
369 |
370 | segment CODE16 public CLASS=FAR_CODE align=16 use16
371 | segment CODE16_INIT public CLASS=FAR_CODE align=16 use16
372 | group CGROUP16 CODE16 CODE16_INIT
373 |
374 | ;;
375 | ; Begins 16-bit code
376 | %macro BEGINCODE16 0
377 | segment CODE16
378 | %endmacro
379 |
380 | ;;
381 | ; Begins 16-bit init code
382 | %macro BEGINCODE16INIT 0
383 | segment CODE16_INIT
384 | %endmacro
385 |
386 | %endif
387 |
388 | ; 32-bit segments.
389 | segment TEXT32 public CLASS=CODE align=16 use32 flat
390 | segment DATA32 public CLASS=DATA align=16 use32 flat
391 | segment BSS32 public CLASS=BSS align=16 use32 flat
392 |
393 | ; Make the TEXT32 segment default.
394 | segment TEXT32
395 | %endif ; RT_NOINC_SEGMENTS
396 | %endif
397 |
398 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_MACHO
399 | %ifdef __YASM__
400 | section .text
401 | section .data
402 | %endif
403 | %endif
404 |
405 |
406 | ;;
407 | ; Begins code
408 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF
409 | %macro BEGINCODE 0
410 | segment TEXT32
411 | %endmacro
412 | %else
413 | %macro BEGINCODE 0
414 | section .text
415 | %endmacro
416 | %endif
417 |
418 | ;;
419 | ; Begins constant (read-only) data
420 | ;
421 | ; @remarks This is mapped to the CODE section/segment when there isn't
422 | ; any dedicated const section/segment. (There is code that
423 | ; assumes this, so don't try change it.)
424 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF
425 | %macro BEGINCONST 0
426 | segment TEXT32
427 | %endmacro
428 | %else
429 | %macro BEGINCONST 0
430 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_MACHO ;; @todo check the other guys too.
431 | section .rodata
432 | %else
433 | section .text
434 | %endif
435 | %endmacro
436 | %endif
437 |
438 | ;;
439 | ; Begins initialized data
440 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF
441 | %macro BEGINDATA 0
442 | segment DATA32
443 | %endmacro
444 | %else
445 | %macro BEGINDATA 0
446 | section .data
447 | %endmacro
448 | %endif
449 |
450 | ;;
451 | ; Begins uninitialized data
452 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_OMF
453 | %macro BEGINBSS 0
454 | segment BSS32
455 | %endmacro
456 | %else
457 | %macro BEGINBSS 0
458 | section .bss
459 | %endmacro
460 | %endif
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 | ;; @def ARCH_BITS
465 | ; Defines the bit count of the current context.
466 | %ifndef ARCH_BITS
467 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
468 | %define ARCH_BITS 64
469 | %else
470 | %define ARCH_BITS 32
471 | %endif
472 | %endif
473 |
474 | ;; @def HC_ARCH_BITS
475 | ; Defines the host architechture bit count.
476 | %ifndef HC_ARCH_BITS
477 | %ifndef IN_RC
478 | %define HC_ARCH_BITS ARCH_BITS
479 | %else
480 | %define HC_ARCH_BITS 32
481 | %endif
482 | %endif
483 |
484 | ;; @def R3_ARCH_BITS
485 | ; Defines the host ring-3 architechture bit count.
486 | %ifndef R3_ARCH_BITS
487 | %ifdef IN_RING3
488 | %define R3_ARCH_BITS ARCH_BITS
489 | %else
490 | %define R3_ARCH_BITS HC_ARCH_BITS
491 | %endif
492 | %endif
493 |
494 | ;; @def R0_ARCH_BITS
495 | ; Defines the host ring-0 architechture bit count.
496 | %ifndef R0_ARCH_BITS
497 | %ifdef IN_RING0
498 | %define R0_ARCH_BITS ARCH_BITS
499 | %else
500 | %define R0_ARCH_BITS HC_ARCH_BITS
501 | %endif
502 | %endif
503 |
504 | ;; @def GC_ARCH_BITS
505 | ; Defines the guest architechture bit count.
506 | %ifndef GC_ARCH_BITS
507 | %ifdef IN_RC
508 | %define GC_ARCH_BITS ARCH_BITS
509 | %else
510 | %define GC_ARCH_BITS 32
511 | %endif
512 | %endif
513 |
514 |
515 |
516 | ;; @def RTHCPTR_DEF
517 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized pointer variable in the host context.
518 | %if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
519 | %define RTHCPTR_DEF dq
520 | %else
521 | %define RTHCPTR_DEF dd
522 | %endif
523 |
524 | ;; @def RTHCPTR_RES
525 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized pointer
526 | ; variable of the host context.
527 | %if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
528 | %define RTHCPTR_RES resq
529 | %else
530 | %define RTHCPTR_RES resd
531 | %endif
532 |
533 | ;; @def RTHCPTR_PRE
534 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a pointer in the host context.
535 | %if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
536 | %define RTHCPTR_PRE qword
537 | %else
538 | %define RTHCPTR_PRE dword
539 | %endif
540 |
541 | ;; @def RTHCPTR_CB
542 | ; The size in bytes of a pointer in the host context.
543 | %if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
544 | %define RTHCPTR_CB 8
545 | %else
546 | %define RTHCPTR_CB 4
547 | %endif
548 |
549 |
550 |
551 | ;; @def RTR0PTR_DEF
552 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized pointer variable in the ring-0 host context.
553 | %if R0_ARCH_BITS == 64
554 | %define RTR0PTR_DEF dq
555 | %else
556 | %define RTR0PTR_DEF dd
557 | %endif
558 |
559 | ;; @def RTR0PTR_RES
560 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized pointer
561 | ; variable of the ring-0 host context.
562 | %if R0_ARCH_BITS == 64
563 | %define RTR0PTR_RES resq
564 | %else
565 | %define RTR0PTR_RES resd
566 | %endif
567 |
568 | ;; @def RTR0PTR_PRE
569 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a pointer in the ring-0 host context.
570 | %if R0_ARCH_BITS == 64
571 | %define RTR0PTR_PRE qword
572 | %else
573 | %define RTR0PTR_PRE dword
574 | %endif
575 |
576 | ;; @def RTR0PTR_CB
577 | ; The size in bytes of a pointer in the ring-0 host context.
578 | %if R0_ARCH_BITS == 64
579 | %define RTR0PTR_CB 8
580 | %else
581 | %define RTR0PTR_CB 4
582 | %endif
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 | ;; @def RTR3PTR_DEF
587 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized pointer variable in the ring-3 host context.
588 | %if R3_ARCH_BITS == 64
589 | %define RTR3PTR_DEF dq
590 | %else
591 | %define RTR3PTR_DEF dd
592 | %endif
593 |
594 | ;; @def RTR3PTR_RES
595 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized pointer
596 | ; variable of the ring-3 host context.
597 | %if R3_ARCH_BITS == 64
598 | %define RTR3PTR_RES resq
599 | %else
600 | %define RTR3PTR_RES resd
601 | %endif
602 |
603 | ;; @def RTR3PTR_PRE
604 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a pointer in the ring-3 host context.
605 | %if R3_ARCH_BITS == 64
606 | %define RTR3PTR_PRE qword
607 | %else
608 | %define RTR3PTR_PRE dword
609 | %endif
610 |
611 | ;; @def RTR3PTR_CB
612 | ; The size in bytes of a pointer in the ring-3 host context.
613 | %if R3_ARCH_BITS == 64
614 | %define RTR3PTR_CB 8
615 | %else
616 | %define RTR3PTR_CB 4
617 | %endif
618 |
619 |
620 |
621 | ;; @def RTGCPTR_DEF
622 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized pointer variable in the guest context.
623 | %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64
624 | %define RTGCPTR_DEF dq
625 | %else
626 | %define RTGCPTR_DEF dd
627 | %endif
628 |
629 | ;; @def RTGCPTR_RES
630 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized pointer
631 | ; variable of the guest context.
632 | %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64
633 | %define RTGCPTR_RES resq
634 | %else
635 | %define RTGCPTR_RES resd
636 | %endif
637 |
638 | %define RTGCPTR32_RES resd
639 | %define RTGCPTR64_RES resq
640 |
641 | ;; @def RTGCPTR_PRE
642 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a pointer in the guest context.
643 | %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64
644 | %define RTGCPTR_PRE qword
645 | %else
646 | %define RTGCPTR_PRE dword
647 | %endif
648 |
649 | ;; @def RTGCPTR_CB
650 | ; The size in bytes of a pointer in the guest context.
651 | %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64
652 | %define RTGCPTR_CB 8
653 | %else
654 | %define RTGCPTR_CB 4
655 | %endif
656 |
657 |
658 | ;; @def RTRCPTR_DEF
659 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized pointer variable in the raw mode context.
660 | %define RTRCPTR_DEF dd
661 |
662 | ;; @def RTRCPTR_RES
663 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized pointer
664 | ; variable of the raw mode context.
665 | %define RTRCPTR_RES resd
666 |
667 | ;; @def RTRCPTR_PRE
668 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a pointer in the raw mode context.
669 | %define RTRCPTR_PRE dword
670 |
671 | ;; @def RTRCPTR_CB
672 | ; The size in bytes of a pointer in the raw mode context.
673 | %define RTRCPTR_CB 4
674 |
675 |
676 | ;; @def RT_CCPTR_DEF
677 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized pointer variable in the current context.
678 |
679 | ;; @def RT_CCPTR_RES
680 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized pointer
681 | ; variable of the current context.
682 |
683 | ;; @def RT_CCPTR_PRE
684 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a pointer in the current context.
685 |
686 | ;; @def RT_CCPTR_CB
687 | ; The size in bytes of a pointer in the current context.
688 |
689 | %ifdef IN_RC
694 | %else
695 | %ifdef IN_RING0
699 | %define RTCCPTR_CB RTR0PTR_CB
700 | %else
704 | %define RTCCPTR_CB RTR3PTR_CB
705 | %endif
706 | %endif
707 |
708 |
709 |
710 | ;; @def RTHCPHYS_DEF
711 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized host physical address.
712 | %define RTHCPHYS_DEF dq
713 |
714 | ;; @def RTHCPTR_RES
715 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized
716 | ; host physical address variable
717 | %define RTHCPHYS_RES resq
718 |
719 | ;; @def RTHCPTR_PRE
720 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a host physical address.
721 | %define RTHCPHYS_PRE qword
722 |
723 | ;; @def RTHCPHYS_CB
724 | ; The size in bytes of a host physical address.
725 | %define RTHCPHYS_CB 8
726 |
727 |
728 |
729 | ;; @def RTGCPHYS_DEF
730 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare an initialized guest physical address.
731 | %define RTGCPHYS_DEF dq
732 |
733 | ;; @def RTGCPHYS_RES
734 | ; The pesudo-instruction used to declare (=reserve space for) an uninitialized
735 | ; guest physical address variable
736 | %define RTGCPHYS_RES resq
737 |
738 | ;; @def RTGCPTR_PRE
739 | ; The memory operand prefix used for a guest physical address.
740 | %define RTGCPHYS_PRE qword
741 |
742 | ;; @def RTGCPHYS_CB
743 | ; The size in bytes of a guest physical address.
744 | %define RTGCPHYS_CB 8
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 | ;;
749 | ; The size of the long double C/C++ type.
750 | ; On 32-bit Darwin this is 16 bytes, on L4, Linux, OS/2 and Windows
751 | ; it's 12 bytes.
752 | ; @todo figure out what 64-bit Windows does (I don't recall right now).
753 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
754 | %ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
755 | %define RTLRD_CB 16
756 | %else
757 | %define RTLRD_CB 12
758 | %endif
759 | %else
760 | %define RTLRD_CB 16
761 | %endif
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 | ;; @def ASM_CALL64_GCC
766 | ; Indicates that we're using the GCC 64-bit calling convention.
767 | ; @see @ref sec_vboxrem_amd64_compare (in VBoxREMWrapper.cpp) for an ABI description.
768 |
769 | ;; @def ASM_CALL64_MSC
770 | ; Indicates that we're using the Microsoft 64-bit calling convention (fastcall on steroids).
771 | ; @see @ref sec_vboxrem_amd64_compare (in VBoxREMWrapper.cpp) for an ABI description.
772 |
773 | ; Note: On X86 we're using cdecl unconditionally. There is not yet any common
774 | ; calling convention on AMD64, that's why we need to support two different ones.)
775 |
776 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
777 | %ifndef ASM_CALL64_GCC
778 | %ifndef ASM_CALL64_MSC
779 | ; define it based on the object format.
780 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_PE
781 | %define ASM_CALL64_MSC
782 | %else
783 | %define ASM_CALL64_GCC
784 | %endif
785 | %endif
786 | %else
787 | ; sanity check.
788 | %ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
789 | %error "Only one of the ASM_CALL64_* defines should be defined!"
790 | %endif
791 | %endif
792 | %endif
793 |
794 |
795 | ;; @def RT_NOCRT
796 | ; Symbol name wrapper for the No-CRT bits.
797 | ;
798 | ; In order to coexist in the same process as other CRTs, we need to
799 | ; decorate the symbols such that they don't conflict the ones in the
800 | ; other CRTs. The result of such conflicts / duplicate symbols can
801 | ; confuse the dynamic loader on unix like systems.
802 | ;
803 | ; @remark Always feed the name to this macro first and then pass the result
804 | ; on to the next *NAME* macro.
805 | ;
807 | %define RT_NOCRT(name) nocrt_ %+ name
808 | %else
809 | %define RT_NOCRT(name) name
810 | %endif
811 |
812 | ;; @def RT_NOCRT_BEGINPROC
813 | ; Starts a NOCRT procedure, taking care of name wrapping and aliasing.
814 | ;
815 | ; Aliasing (weak ones, if supported) will be created when RT_WITH_NOCRT_ALIASES
816 | ; is defined and RT_WITHOUT_NOCRT_WRAPPERS isn't.
817 | ;
818 | %macro RT_NOCRT_BEGINPROC 1
821 | %ifdef ASM_FORMAT_ELF
822 | global NAME(%1)
823 | weak NAME(%1)
824 | NAME(%1):
825 | %else
827 | %endif
828 | %else ; !RT_WITH_NOCRT_ALIASES
830 | %endif ; !RT_WITH_NOCRT_ALIASES
831 | %endmacro ; RT_NOCRT_BEGINPROC
832 |
836 | %endif
837 | %endif
838 |
839 |
840 |
841 | ;; @def xCB
842 | ; The stack unit size / The register unit size.
843 |
844 | ;; @def xSP
845 | ; The stack pointer register (RSP or ESP).
846 |
847 | ;; @def xBP
848 | ; The base pointer register (RBP or ESP).
849 |
850 | ;; @def xAX
851 | ; RAX or EAX depending on context.
852 |
853 | ;; @def xBX
854 | ; RBX or EBX depending on context.
855 |
856 | ;; @def xCX
857 | ; RCX or ECX depending on context.
858 |
859 | ;; @def xDX
860 | ; RDX or EDX depending on context.
861 |
862 | ;; @def xDI
863 | ; RDI or EDI depending on context.
864 |
865 | ;; @def xSI
866 | ; RSI or ESI depending on context.
867 |
868 | ;; @def xWrtRIP
869 | ; 'wrt rip' for AMD64 targets, nothing for x86 ones.
870 |
871 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
872 | %define xCB 8
873 | %define xSP rsp
874 | %define xBP rbp
875 | %define xAX rax
876 | %define xBX rbx
877 | %define xCX rcx
878 | %define xDX rdx
879 | %define xDI rdi
880 | %define xSI rsi
881 | %define xWrtRIP wrt rip
882 | %else
883 | %define xCB 4
884 | %define xSP esp
885 | %define xBP ebp
886 | %define xAX eax
887 | %define xBX ebx
888 | %define xCX ecx
889 | %define xDX edx
890 | %define xDI edi
891 | %define xSI esi
892 | %define xWrtRIP
893 | %endif
894 |
895 |
896 | ;
897 | ; Some simple compile time assertions.
898 | ;
899 | ; Note! Requires new kBuild to work.
900 | ;
901 |
902 | ;;
903 | ; Structure size assertion macro.
904 | %ifdef __NASM__
905 | %define AssertCompileSize(a_Type, a_Size) ; Not possible?
906 | %else
907 | %define AssertCompileSize(a_Type, a_Size) AssertCompileSizeML a_Type, a_Size
908 | %endif
909 | %macro AssertCompileSizeML 2
911 | %assign AssertVar_cbActual %1 %+ _size
912 | %assign AssertVar_cbExpected %2
913 | %if AssertVar_cbActual != AssertVar_cbExpected
914 | %error %1 is AssertVar_cbActual bytes instead of AssertVar_cbExpected
915 | %endif
916 | %endif
917 | %endmacro
918 |
919 | ;;
920 | ; Structure memember offset assertion macro.
921 | %ifdef __NASM__
922 | %define AssertCompileMemberOffset(a_Type, a_Member, a_off) ; Not possible?
923 | %else
924 | %define AssertCompileMemberOffset(a_Type, a_Member, a_off) AssertCompileMemberOffsetML a_Type, a_Member, a_off
925 | %endif
926 | %macro AssertCompileMemberOffsetML 3
928 | %assign AssertVar_offActual %1 %+ . %+ %2
929 | %assign AssertVar_offExpected %3
930 | %if AssertVar_offActual != AssertVar_offExpected
931 | %error %1 %+ . %+ %2 is at AssertVar_offActual instead of AssertVar_offExpected
932 | %endif
933 | %endif
934 | %endmacro
935 |
936 | %endif