1 | /** @file
2 | * IPRT - C++ Extensions: resource lifetime management
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*
6 | * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
10 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | *
16 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
17 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
18 | * additional information or have any questions.
19 | */
20 |
21 | #ifndef ___iprt_autores___
22 | # define ___iprt_autores___
23 |
24 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
25 |
26 | /**
27 | * Wrapper class around RTAutoRes to provide reference semantics. This is
28 | * needed to construct AutoRes objects from constant references to other
29 | * AutoRes objects (such as temporary objects returned from functions) which
30 | * can not be modified due to their const modifier, but are not actually
31 | * constant objects. See a discussion of auto_ptr and auto_ptr_ref for more
32 | * details.
33 | */
34 | template <class T, void Destruct(T)>
35 | struct RTAutoResRef
36 | {
37 | T mValue;
38 |
39 | explicit RTAutoResRef(T aValue) { mValue = aValue; }
40 | };
41 |
42 | /**
43 | * An auto pointer-type class for resources which take a C-style destructor
44 | * destructor (free() or equivalent).
45 | */
46 | template <class T, void Destruct(T)>
47 | class RTAutoRes
48 | {
49 | private:
50 | /** The actual resource value */
51 | T mValue;
52 | public:
53 | /** Constructor */
54 | RTAutoRes(T aValue = 0) { mValue = aValue; }
55 |
56 | /** Destructor */
57 | ~RTAutoRes() { if (mValue != 0) Destruct(mValue); }
58 |
59 | /** Copy constructor */
60 | RTAutoRes(RTAutoRes &orig) { mValue = orig.release(); }
61 |
62 | /** Copy from equivalent class */
63 | template <class T1>
64 | RTAutoRes(RTAutoRes<T1, Destruct> &orig)
65 | { mValue = orig.release(); }
66 |
67 | /** Convert a reference structure into an AutoRes pointer. */
68 | RTAutoRes(RTAutoResRef<T, Destruct> ref) { mValue = ref.mValue; }
69 |
70 | /** Assignment operator. */
71 | RTAutoRes& operator=(RTAutoRes &orig)
72 | {
73 | reset(orig.release());
74 | return *this;
75 | }
76 |
77 | /** Assignment from equivalent class. */
78 | template <class T1>
79 | RTAutoRes& operator=(RTAutoRes<T1, Destruct> &orig)
80 | {
81 | reset(orig.release);
82 | return *this;
83 | }
84 |
85 | /** Assignment from a value. */
86 | RTAutoRes& operator=(T aValue)
87 | {
88 | if (mValue != 0)
89 | {
90 | Destruct(mValue);
91 | }
92 | mValue = aValue;
93 | return *this;
94 | }
95 |
96 | /** Assign from a reference structure into an AutoRes pointer. */
97 | RTAutoRes& operator=(RTAutoResRef<T, Destruct> ref)
98 | {
99 | if (ref.mValue != mValue)
100 | {
101 | Destruct(mValue);
102 | mValue = ref.mValue;
103 | }
104 | return *this;
105 | }
106 |
107 | /** Typecast an AutoRes pointer to an AutoRes pointer of a different type. */
108 | template <class T1>
109 | operator RTAutoRes<T1, Destruct>()
110 | { return RTAutoRes<T1, Destruct>(release()); }
111 |
112 | /** Typecast an AutoRes pointer to a reference structure. */
113 | template <class T1>
114 | operator RTAutoResRef<T1, Destruct>()
115 | { return RTAutoResRef<T1, Destruct>(release()); }
116 |
117 | /** release method to get the pointer's value and "reset" the pointer. */
118 | T release(void) { T aTmp = mValue; mValue = 0; return aTmp; }
119 |
120 | /** reset the pointer value to zero or to another pointer. */
121 | void reset(T aValue = 0) { if (aValue != mValue) { Destruct(mValue); mValue = aValue; } }
122 |
123 | /** Accessing the value inside. */
124 | T get(void) { return mValue; }
125 | };
126 |
127 | /** Re-casting template to convert a void fn(void *) to a void fn(T *) */
128 | template <class T, void fn(void *)>
129 | inline void RTAutoResRecastVoid(T *aValue) { fn(aValue); }
130 |
131 | template <class T, void Destruct(T *) = RTAutoResRecastVoid <T, RTMemFree> >
132 | class RTMemAutoPtr : public RTAutoRes <T *, Destruct>
133 | {
134 | public:
135 | /** Constructor */
136 | RTMemAutoPtr(T *aValue = NULL) : RTAutoRes <T *, Destruct>(aValue) {}
137 |
138 | /** Copy constructors */
139 | RTMemAutoPtr(RTMemAutoPtr &orig) : RTAutoRes <T *, Destruct>(orig) {}
140 | template <class T1>
141 | RTMemAutoPtr(RTMemAutoPtr<T1, Destruct> &orig) : RTAutoRes<T1 *, Destruct>(orig) {}
142 |
143 | /** Assignment operators */
144 | RTMemAutoPtr& operator=(RTMemAutoPtr &orig)
145 | { this->RTAutoRes <T *, Destruct>::operator=(orig); }
146 | template <class T1>
147 | RTMemAutoPtr& operator=(RTMemAutoPtr<T1, Destruct> &orig)
148 | { this->RTAutoRes<T1 *, Destruct>::operator=(orig); return *this; }
149 | RTMemAutoPtr& operator=(T *aValue)
150 | { this->RTAutoRes <T *, Destruct>::operator=(aValue); return *this; }
151 | RTMemAutoPtr& operator=(RTAutoResRef<T *, Destruct> ref)
152 | { this->RTAutoRes <T *, Destruct>::operator=(ref); return *this; }
153 |
154 | /** Dereference with * operator. */
155 | T &operator*() { return *this->get(); }
156 |
157 | /** Dereference with -> operator. */
158 | T* operator->() { return this->get(); }
159 |
160 | /**
161 | * Reallocate the resource value. Free the old value if allocation fails.
162 | * @returns true if the new allocation succeeds, false otherwise
163 | * @param Reallocator the function to be used for reallocating the
164 | * resource. It should have equivalent semantics to
165 | * C realloc.
166 | * @note We can overload this member for other reallocator signatures as
167 | * needed.
168 | */
169 | template <void *Reallocator(void *, size_t)>
170 | bool realloc(size_t cchNewSize)
171 | {
172 | T *aNewValue = reinterpret_cast<T *>(Reallocator(this->release(), cchNewSize));
173 | if (aNewValue != NULL) /* This line is technically not necessary */
174 | this->reset(aNewValue);
175 | return (aNewValue != NULL);
176 | }
177 | };
178 |
179 | #endif /* ___iprt_autores___ not defined */