/** @file * IPRT - ISO 9660 file system handling. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef ___iprt_isofs_h #define ___iprt_isofs_h #include #include RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** @defgroup grp_rt_isofs RTIsoFs - ISO 9660 Filesystem * @ingroup grp_rt * @{ */ #define RTISOFS_MAX_SYSTEM_ID 32 #define RTISOFS_MAX_VOLUME_ID 32 #define RTISOFS_MAX_PUBLISHER_ID 128 #define RTISOFS_MAX_VOLUME_ID 32 #define RTISOFS_MAX_VOLUMESET_ID 128 #define RTISOFS_MAX_PREPARER_ID 128 #define RTISOFS_MAX_APPLICATION_ID 128 #define RTISOFS_MAX_STRING_LEN 255 /** Standard ID of volume descriptors. */ #define RTISOFS_STANDARD_ID "CD001" /** Default sector size. */ #define RTISOFS_SECTOR_SIZE 2048 #pragma pack(1) typedef struct RTISOFSDATESHORT { uint8_t year; uint8_t month; uint8_t day; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; int8_t gmt_offset; } RTISOFSDATESHORT, *PRTISOFSDATESHORT; typedef struct RTISOFSDATELONG { char year[4]; char month[2]; char day[2]; char hour[2]; char minute[2]; char second[2]; char hseconds[2]; int8_t gmt_offset; } RTISOFSDATELONG, *PRTISOFSDATELONG; /* Directory Record. */ typedef struct RTISOFSDIRRECORD { uint8_t record_length; uint8_t extented_attr_length; uint32_t extent_location; uint32_t extent_location_big; uint32_t extent_data_length; /* Number of bytes (file) / len (directory). */ uint32_t extent_data_length_big; RTISOFSDATESHORT date; uint8_t flags; uint8_t interleave_unit_size; uint8_t interleave_gap_size; uint16_t volume_sequence_number; uint16_t volume_sequence_number_big; uint8_t name_len; /* Starting here there will be the actual directory entry name * and a padding of 1 byte if name_len is odd. */ } RTISOFSDIRRECORD, *PRTISOFSDIRRECORD; /* Primary Volume Descriptor. */ typedef struct RTISOFSPRIVOLDESC { uint8_t type; char name_id[6]; uint8_t version; char system_id[RTISOFS_MAX_SYSTEM_ID]; char volume_id[RTISOFS_MAX_VOLUME_ID]; uint8_t unused2[8]; uint32_t volume_space_size; /* Number of sectors, Little Endian. */ uint32_t volume_space_size_big; /* Number of sectors Big Endian. */ uint8_t unused3[32]; uint16_t volume_set_size; uint16_t volume_set_size_big; uint16_t volume_sequence_number; uint16_t volume_sequence_number_big; uint16_t logical_block_size; /* 2048. */ uint16_t logical_block_size_big; uint32_t path_table_size; /* Size in bytes. */ uint32_t path_table_size_big; /* Size in bytes. */ uint32_t path_table_start_first; uint32_t path_table_start_second; uint32_t path_table_start_first_big; uint32_t path_table_start_second_big; RTISOFSDIRRECORD root_directory_record; uint8_t directory_padding; char volume_set_id[RTISOFS_MAX_VOLUMESET_ID]; char publisher_id[RTISOFS_MAX_PUBLISHER_ID]; char preparer_id[RTISOFS_MAX_PREPARER_ID]; char application_id[RTISOFS_MAX_APPLICATION_ID]; char copyright_file_id[37]; char abstract_file_id[37]; char bibliographic_file_id[37]; RTISOFSDATELONG creation_date; RTISOFSDATELONG modification_date; RTISOFSDATELONG expiration_date; RTISOFSDATELONG effective_date; uint8_t file_structure_version; uint8_t unused4[1]; char application_data[512]; uint8_t unused5[653]; } RTISOFSPRIVOLDESC, *PRTISOFSPRIVOLDESC; typedef struct RTISOFSPATHTABLEHEADER { uint8_t length; uint8_t extended_attr_sectors; /** Sector of starting directory table. */ uint32_t sector_dir_table; /** Index of parent directory (1 for the root). */ uint16_t parent_index; /* Starting here there will be the name of the directory, * specified by length above. */ } RTISOFSPATHTABLEHEADER, *PRTISOFSPATHTABLEHEADER; typedef struct RTISOFSPATHTABLEENTRY { char *path; char *path_full; RTISOFSPATHTABLEHEADER header; RTLISTNODE Node; } RTISOFSPATHTABLEENTRY, *PRTISOFSPATHTABLEENTRY; typedef struct RTISOFSFILE { RTFILE file; RTLISTANCHOR listPaths; RTISOFSPRIVOLDESC pvd; } RTISOFSFILE, *PRTISOFSFILE; #pragma pack() #ifdef IN_RING3 /** * Opens an ISO file. * * The following limitations apply: * - Fixed sector size (2048 bytes). * - No extensions (Joliet, RockRidge etc.) support (yet). * - Only primary volume descriptor (PVD) handled. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pFile Pointer to ISO handle. * @param pszFileName Path to ISO file to open. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTIsoFsOpen(PRTISOFSFILE pFile, const char *pszFileName); /** * Closes an ISO file. * * @param pFile Pointer to open ISO file returned by RTIsoFsOpen(). */ RTR3DECL(void) RTIsoFsClose(PRTISOFSFILE pFile); /** * Retrieves the offset + length (both in bytes) of a given file * stored in the ISO. * @note According to the standard, a file cannot be larger than 2^32-1 bytes. * Therefore using size_t / uint32_t is not a problem. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pFile Pointer to open ISO file returned by RTIsoFsOpen(). * @param pszPath Path of file within the ISO to retrieve information for. * @param pcbOffset Pointer to store the file's absolute offset within the ISO. * @param pcbLength Pointer to store the file's size. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTIsoFsGetFileInfo(PRTISOFSFILE pFile, const char *pszPath, uint32_t *pcbOffset, size_t *pcbLength); /** * Extracts a file from an ISO to the given destination. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pFile Pointer to open ISO file returned by RTIsoFsOpen(). * @param pszPath Path of file within the ISO to extract. * @param pszDest Where to store the extracted file. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTIsoFsExtractFile(PRTISOFSFILE pFile, const char *pszSource, const char *pszDest); #endif /* IN_RING3 */ /** @} */ RT_C_DECLS_END #endif