1 | /******************************Module*Header*******************************\
2 | *
3 | * *******************
5 | * *******************
6 | *
7 | * Module Name: driver.h
8 | *
9 | * contains prototypes for the frame buffer driver.
10 | *
11 | * Copyright (c) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
12 | \**************************************************************************/
13 |
14 | #include "stddef.h"
15 | #include <stdarg.h>
16 | #include "windef.h"
17 | #include "wingdi.h"
18 | #include "winddi.h"
19 | #include "devioctl.h"
20 | #include "ntddvdeo.h"
21 | #include "debug.h"
22 |
23 | #include "../Miniport/vboxioctl.h"
24 |
25 | #include <VBox/VBoxVideo.h>
26 |
27 | /* Forward declaration. */
28 | struct _PDEV;
29 | typedef struct _PDEV PDEV;
30 | typedef PDEV *PPDEV;
31 |
32 | typedef struct _VBOXDISPLAYINFO
33 | {
38 | VBOXVIDEOINFOHDR hdrHostEvents;
42 |
43 | #include "vbvavrdp.h"
44 | #include "vrdpbmp.h"
45 |
46 | /* Saved screen bits information. */
47 | typedef struct _SSB
48 | {
49 | ULONG ident; /* 1 based index in the stack = the handle returned by DrvSaveScreenBits (SS_SAVE) */
50 | BYTE *pBuffer; /* Buffer where screen bits are saved. */
51 | } SSB;
52 |
53 | struct _PDEV
54 | {
55 | HANDLE hDriver; // Handle to \Device\Screen
56 | HDEV hdevEng; // Engine's handle to PDEV
57 | HSURF hsurfScreenBitmap; // Engine's handle to VRAM screen bitmap surface
58 | SURFOBJ *psoScreenBitmap; // VRAM screen bitmap surface
59 | HSURF hsurfScreen; // Engine's handle to VRAM screen device surface
60 | ULONG ulBitmapType;
61 | HPALETTE hpalDefault; // Handle to the default palette for device.
62 | PBYTE pjScreen; // This is pointer to base screen address
63 | ULONG cxScreen; // Visible screen width
64 | ULONG cyScreen; // Visible screen height
65 | POINTL ptlOrg; // Where this display is anchored in
66 | // the virtual desktop.
67 | POINTL ptlDevOrg; // Device origin for DualView (0,0 for primary view).
68 | ULONG ulMode; // Mode the mini-port driver is in.
69 | LONG lDeltaScreen; // Distance from one scan to the next.
70 | ULONG cScreenSize; // size of video memory, including
71 | // offscreen memory.
72 | ULONG cFrameBufferSize; // size of screen video memory
73 | PVOID pOffscreenList; // linked list of DCI offscreen surfaces.
74 | FLONG flRed; // For bitfields device, Red Mask
75 | FLONG flGreen; // For bitfields device, Green Mask
76 | FLONG flBlue; // For bitfields device, Blue Mask
77 | ULONG cPaletteShift; // number of bits the 8-8-8 palette must
78 | // be shifted by to fit in the hardware
79 | // palette.
80 | ULONG ulBitCount; // # of bits per pel 8,16,24,32 are only supported.
81 | POINTL ptlHotSpot; // adjustment for pointer hot spot
82 | VIDEO_POINTER_CAPABILITIES PointerCapabilities; // HW pointer abilities
83 | PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES pPointerAttributes; // hardware pointer attributes
84 | DWORD cjPointerAttributes; // Size of buffer allocated
85 | BOOL fHwCursorActive; // Are we currently using the hw cursor
86 | PALETTEENTRY *pPal; // If this is pal managed, this is the pal
87 | BOOL bSupportDCI; // Does the miniport support DCI?
88 | FLONG flHooks;
89 |
91 | uint32_t u32VRDPResetFlag;
92 | BOOL fHwBufferOverflow;
93 | VBVARECORD *pRecord;
94 | VRDPBC cache;
95 |
96 | ULONG cSSB; // Number of active saved screen bits records in the following array.
97 | SSB aSSB[4]; // LIFO type stack for saved screen areas.
98 |
100 | ULONG iDevice;
101 | ULONG cbDisplayInformation;
102 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DDRAW
103 | BOOL bDdExclusiveMode;
104 | DWORD dwNewDDSurfaceOffset;
105 | DWORD cHeaps;
106 | VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList;
107 | #endif
108 | };
109 |
110 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_OPENGL
111 | typedef struct
112 | {
113 | DWORD dwVersion;
114 | DWORD dwDriverVersion;
115 | WCHAR szDriverName[256];
117 | #endif
118 |
119 | /* The global semaphore handle for all driver instances. */
120 | extern HSEMAPHORE ghsemHwBuffer;
121 |
122 |
126 | BOOL bInitPaletteInfo(PPDEV, DEVINFO *);
127 | BOOL bInitPointer(PPDEV, DEVINFO *);
128 | BOOL bInit256ColorPalette(PPDEV);
129 | BOOL bInitNotificationThread(PPDEV);
130 | VOID vStopNotificationThread (PPDEV);
131 | VOID vDisablePalette(PPDEV);
132 | VOID vDisableSURF(PPDEV);
133 |
134 | #define MAX_CLUT_SIZE (sizeof(VIDEO_CLUT) + (sizeof(ULONG) * 256))
135 |
136 | //
137 | // Determines the size of the DriverExtra information in the DEVMODE
138 | // structure passed to and from the display driver.
139 | //
140 |
141 | #define DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE 0
142 |
143 | #define DLL_NAME L"VBoxDisp" // Name of the DLL in UNICODE
144 | #define STANDARD_DEBUG_PREFIX "VBOXDISP: " // All debug output is prefixed
145 | #define ALLOC_TAG 'bvDD' // Four byte tag (characters in
146 | // reverse order) used for memory
147 | // allocations
148 |
149 | // VBOX
150 | typedef struct _CLIPRECTS {
151 | ULONG c;
152 | RECTL arcl[64];
153 | } CLIPRECTS;
154 |
155 |
156 | BOOL vboxVbvaEnable (PPDEV ppdev);
157 | void vboxVbvaDisable (PPDEV ppdev);
158 |
159 | BOOL vboxHwBufferBeginUpdate (PPDEV ppdev);
160 | void vboxHwBufferEndUpdate (PPDEV ppdev);
161 |
162 | BOOL vboxWrite (PPDEV ppdev, const void *pv, uint32_t cb);
163 |
164 | BOOL vboxOrderSupported (PPDEV ppdev, unsigned code);
165 |
166 | void VBoxProcessDisplayInfo(PPDEV ppdev);
167 | void VBoxUpdateDisplayInfo (PPDEV ppdev);
168 |
169 | void drvLoadEng (void);
170 |
171 | BOOL bIsScreenSurface (SURFOBJ *pso);
172 |
173 | __inline SURFOBJ *getSurfObj (SURFOBJ *pso)
174 | {
175 | if (pso)
176 | {
177 | PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev;
178 |
179 | if (ppdev)
180 | {
181 | if (bIsScreenSurface(pso))
182 | {
183 | pso = ppdev->psoScreenBitmap;
184 | }
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | return pso;
189 | }
190 |
191 | #define CONV_SURF(_pso) getSurfObj (_pso)
192 |
193 | __inline int format2BytesPerPixel(const SURFOBJ *pso)
194 | {
195 | switch (pso->iBitmapFormat)
196 | {
197 | case BMF_16BPP: return 2;
198 | case BMF_24BPP: return 3;
199 | case BMF_32BPP: return 4;
200 | }
201 |
202 | return 0;
203 | }
204 |
205 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
206 |
207 | #define VBVA_ASSERT(expr) \
208 | do { \
209 | if (!(expr)) \
210 | { \
211 | AssertMsg1(#expr, __LINE__, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); \
212 | AssertMsg2("!!!\n"); \
213 | } \
214 | } while (0)
215 |
216 | #ifdef STAT_sunlover
217 | extern ULONG gStatCopyBitsOffscreenToScreen;
218 | extern ULONG gStatCopyBitsScreenToScreen;
219 | extern ULONG gStatBitBltOffscreenToScreen;
220 | extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenToScreen;
221 | extern ULONG gStatUnchangedOffscreenToScreen;
222 | extern ULONG gStatUnchangedOffscreenToScreenCRC;
223 | extern ULONG gStatNonTransientEngineBitmaps;
224 | extern ULONG gStatTransientEngineBitmaps;
225 | extern ULONG gStatUnchangedBitmapsCRC;
226 | extern ULONG gStatUnchangedBitmapsDeviceCRC;
227 | extern ULONG gStatBitmapsCRC;
228 | extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenPattern;
229 | extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenSquare;
230 | extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenPatternReported;
231 | extern ULONG gStatBitBltScreenSquareReported;
232 | extern ULONG gStatCopyBitsScreenSquare;
233 |
234 | extern ULONG gStatEnablePDEV;
235 | extern ULONG gStatCompletePDEV;
236 | extern ULONG gStatDisablePDEV;
237 | extern ULONG gStatEnableSurface;
238 | extern ULONG gStatDisableSurface;
239 | extern ULONG gStatAssertMode;
240 | extern ULONG gStatDisableDriver;
241 | extern ULONG gStatCreateDeviceBitmap;
242 | extern ULONG gStatDeleteDeviceBitmap;
243 | extern ULONG gStatDitherColor;
244 | extern ULONG gStatStrokePath;
245 | extern ULONG gStatFillPath;
246 | extern ULONG gStatStrokeAndFillPath;
247 | extern ULONG gStatPaint;
248 | extern ULONG gStatBitBlt;
249 | extern ULONG gStatCopyBits;
250 | extern ULONG gStatStretchBlt;
251 | extern ULONG gStatSetPalette;
252 | extern ULONG gStatTextOut;
253 | extern ULONG gStatSetPointerShape;
254 | extern ULONG gStatMovePointer;
255 | extern ULONG gStatLineTo;
256 | extern ULONG gStatSynchronize;
257 | extern ULONG gStatGetModes;
258 | extern ULONG gStatGradientFill;
259 | extern ULONG gStatStretchBltROP;
260 | extern ULONG gStatPlgBlt;
261 | extern ULONG gStatAlphaBlend;
262 | extern ULONG gStatTransparentBlt;
263 |
264 | void statPrint (void);
265 |
266 | #define STATDRVENTRY(a, b) do { if (bIsScreenSurface (b)) gStat##a++; } while (0)
267 | #define STATPRINT do { statPrint (); } while (0)
268 | #else
269 | #define STATDRVENTRY(a, b)
270 | #define STATPRINT
271 | #endif /* STAT_sunlover */