/** @file * * VirtualBox Windows NT/2000/XP guest video driver * * VBVA dirty rectangles calculations. * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "driver.h" #ifdef VBOX_VBVA_ADJUST_RECT static ULONG vbvaConvertPixel ( /*from*/ BYTE *pu8PixelFrom, int cbPixelFrom, /*to*/ int cbPixelTo) { BYTE r, g, b; ULONG ulConvertedPixel = 0; switch (cbPixelFrom) { case 4: { switch (cbPixelTo) { case 3: { memcpy (&ulConvertedPixel, pu8PixelFrom, 3); } break; case 2: { ulConvertedPixel = *(ULONG *)pu8PixelFrom; r = (BYTE)(ulConvertedPixel >> 16); g = (BYTE)(ulConvertedPixel >> 8); b = (BYTE)(ulConvertedPixel); ulConvertedPixel = ((r >> 3) << 11) + ((g >> 2) << 5) + (b >> 3); } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (cbPixelTo) { case 2: { memcpy (&ulConvertedPixel, pu8PixelFrom, 3); r = (BYTE)(ulConvertedPixel >> 16); g = (BYTE)(ulConvertedPixel >> 8); b = (BYTE)(ulConvertedPixel); ulConvertedPixel = ((r >> 3) << 11) + ((g >> 2) << 5) + (b >> 3); } break; } } break; } return ulConvertedPixel; } BOOL vbvaFindChangedRect (SURFOBJ *psoDest, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, RECTL *prclDest, POINTL *pptlSrc) { int x, y; int fTopNonEqualFound; int yTopmost; int yBottommost; int cbPixelSrc; int cbPixelDest; RECTL rclDest; RECTL rclSrc; BYTE *pu8Src; BYTE *pu8Dest; if (!prclDest || !pptlSrc) { return TRUE; } DISPDBG((1, "vbvaFindChangedRect: dest %d,%d %dx%d from %d,%d\n", prclDest->left, prclDest->top, prclDest->right - prclDest->left, prclDest->bottom - prclDest->top, pptlSrc->x, pptlSrc->y )); switch (psoDest->iBitmapFormat) { case BMF_16BPP: cbPixelDest = 2; break; case BMF_24BPP: cbPixelDest = 3; break; case BMF_32BPP: cbPixelDest = 4; break; default: cbPixelDest = 0; } switch (psoSrc->iBitmapFormat) { case BMF_16BPP: cbPixelSrc = 2; break; case BMF_24BPP: cbPixelSrc = 3; break; case BMF_32BPP: cbPixelSrc = 4; break; default: cbPixelSrc = 0; } if (cbPixelDest == 0 || cbPixelSrc == 0) { DISPDBG((1, "vbvaFindChangedRect: unsupported pixel format src %d dst %d\n", psoDest->iBitmapFormat, psoSrc->iBitmapFormat)); return TRUE; } rclDest = *prclDest; vrdpAdjustRect (psoDest, &rclDest); pptlSrc->x += rclDest.left - prclDest->left; pptlSrc->y += rclDest.top - prclDest->top; *prclDest = rclDest; if ( rclDest.right == rclDest.left || rclDest.bottom == rclDest.top) { DISPDBG((1, "vbvaFindChangedRect: empty dest rect: %d-%d, %d-%d\n", rclDest.left, rclDest.right, rclDest.top, rclDest.bottom)); return FALSE; } rclSrc.left = pptlSrc->x; rclSrc.top = pptlSrc->y; rclSrc.right = pptlSrc->x + (rclDest.right - rclDest.left); rclSrc.bottom = pptlSrc->y + (rclDest.bottom - rclDest.top); vrdpAdjustRect (psoSrc, &rclSrc); if ( rclSrc.right == rclSrc.left || rclSrc.bottom == rclSrc.top) { prclDest->right = prclDest->left; prclDest->bottom = prclDest->top; DISPDBG((1, "vbvaFindChangedRect: empty src rect: %d-%d, %d-%d\n", rclSrc.left, rclSrc.right, rclSrc.top, rclSrc.bottom)); return FALSE; } VBVA_ASSERT(pptlSrc->x == rclSrc.left); VBVA_ASSERT(pptlSrc->y == rclSrc.top); /* * Compare the content of the screen surface (psoDest) with the source surface (psoSrc). * Update the prclDest with the rectangle that will be actually changed after * copying the source bits to the screen. */ pu8Src = (BYTE *)psoSrc->pvScan0 + psoSrc->lDelta * pptlSrc->y + cbPixelSrc * pptlSrc->x; pu8Dest = (BYTE *)psoDest->pvScan0 + psoDest->lDelta * prclDest->top + cbPixelDest * prclDest->left; /* Use the rclDest as the bounding rectangle for the changed area. */ rclDest.left = prclDest->right; /* +inf */ rclDest.right = prclDest->left; /* -inf */ rclDest.top = prclDest->bottom; /* +inf */ rclDest.bottom = prclDest->top; /* -inf */ fTopNonEqualFound = 0; yTopmost = prclDest->top; /* inclusive */ yBottommost = prclDest->top - 1; /* inclusive */ for (y = prclDest->top; y < prclDest->bottom; y++) { int fLeftNonEqualFound = 0; /* Init to an empty line. */ int xLeftmost = prclDest->left; /* inclusive */ int xRightmost = prclDest->left - 1; /* inclusive */ BYTE *pu8SrcLine = pu8Src; BYTE *pu8DestLine = pu8Dest; for (x = prclDest->left; x < prclDest->right; x++) { int fEqualPixels; if (cbPixelSrc == cbPixelDest) { fEqualPixels = (memcmp (pu8SrcLine, pu8DestLine, cbPixelDest) == 0); } else { /* Convert larger pixel to the smaller pixel format. */ ULONG ulConvertedPixel; if (cbPixelSrc > cbPixelDest) { /* Convert the source pixel to the destination pixel format. */ ulConvertedPixel = vbvaConvertPixel ( /*from*/ pu8SrcLine, cbPixelSrc, /*to*/ cbPixelDest); fEqualPixels = (memcmp (&ulConvertedPixel, pu8DestLine, cbPixelDest) == 0); } else { /* Convert the destination pixel to the source pixel format. */ ulConvertedPixel = vbvaConvertPixel ( /*from*/ pu8DestLine, cbPixelDest, /*to*/ cbPixelSrc); fEqualPixels = (memcmp (&ulConvertedPixel, pu8SrcLine, cbPixelSrc) == 0); } } if (fEqualPixels) { /* Equal pixels. */ if (!fLeftNonEqualFound) { xLeftmost = x; } } else { fLeftNonEqualFound = 1; xRightmost = x; } pu8SrcLine += cbPixelSrc; pu8DestLine += cbPixelDest; } /* min */ if (rclDest.left > xLeftmost) { rclDest.left = xLeftmost; } /* max */ if (rclDest.right < xRightmost) { rclDest.right = xRightmost; } if (xLeftmost > xRightmost) /* xRightmost is inclusive, so '>', not '>='. */ { /* Empty line. */ if (!fTopNonEqualFound) { yTopmost = y; } } else { fTopNonEqualFound = 1; yBottommost = y; } pu8Src += psoSrc->lDelta; pu8Dest += psoDest->lDelta; } /* min */ if (rclDest.top > yTopmost) { rclDest.top = yTopmost; } /* max */ if (rclDest.bottom < yBottommost) { rclDest.bottom = yBottommost; } /* rclDest was calculated with right-bottom inclusive. * The following checks and the caller require exclusive coords. */ rclDest.right++; rclDest.bottom++; DISPDBG((1, "vbvaFindChangedRect: new dest %d,%d %dx%d from %d,%d\n", rclDest.left, rclDest.top, rclDest.right - rclDest.left, rclDest.bottom - rclDest.top, pptlSrc->x, pptlSrc->y )); /* Update the rectangle with the changed area. */ if ( rclDest.left >= rclDest.right || rclDest.top >= rclDest.bottom) { /* Empty rect. */ DISPDBG((1, "vbvaFindChangedRect: empty\n")); prclDest->right = prclDest->left; prclDest->bottom = prclDest->top; return FALSE; } DISPDBG((1, "vbvaFindChangedRect: not empty\n")); pptlSrc->x += rclDest.left - prclDest->left; pptlSrc->y += rclDest.top - prclDest->top; *prclDest = rclDest; return TRUE; } #endif /* VBOX_VBVA_ADJUST_RECT */ void vboxReportDirtyRect (PPDEV ppdev, RECTL *pRectOrig) { if (ppdev) { VBVACMDHDR hdr; RECTL rect = *pRectOrig; if (rect.left < 0) rect.left = 0; if (rect.top < 0) rect.top = 0; if (rect.right > (int)ppdev->cxScreen) rect.right = ppdev->cxScreen; if (rect.bottom > (int)ppdev->cyScreen) rect.bottom = ppdev->cyScreen; hdr.x = (int16_t)rect.left; hdr.y = (int16_t)rect.top; hdr.w = (uint16_t)(rect.right - rect.left); hdr.h = (uint16_t)(rect.bottom - rect.top); hdr.x += (int16_t)ppdev->ptlDevOrg.x; hdr.y += (int16_t)ppdev->ptlDevOrg.y; vboxWrite (ppdev, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); } return; } void vbvaReportDirtyRect (PPDEV ppdev, RECTL *prcl) { if (prcl) { DISPDBG((1, "DISP VBVA dirty rect: left %d, top: %d, width: %d, height: %d\n", prcl->left, prcl->top, prcl->right - prcl->left, prcl->bottom - prcl->top)); vboxReportDirtyRect(ppdev, prcl); } } void vbvaReportDirtyPath (PPDEV ppdev, PATHOBJ *ppo) { RECTFX rcfxBounds; RECTL rclBounds; PATHOBJ_vGetBounds(ppo, &rcfxBounds); rclBounds.left = FXTOLFLOOR(rcfxBounds.xLeft); rclBounds.right = FXTOLCEILING(rcfxBounds.xRight); rclBounds.top = FXTOLFLOOR(rcfxBounds.yTop); rclBounds.bottom = FXTOLCEILING(rcfxBounds.yBottom); vbvaReportDirtyRect (ppdev, &rclBounds); } __inline void vbvaReportDirtyClip (PPDEV ppdev, CLIPOBJ *pco, RECTL *prcl) { if (prcl) { vbvaReportDirtyRect (ppdev, prcl); } else if (pco) { vbvaReportDirtyRect (ppdev, &pco->rclBounds); } } void vbvaBitBlt ( SURFOBJ *psoTrg, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclTrg, POINTL *pptlSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrush, ROP4 rop4) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)psoTrg->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyClip (ppdev, pco, prclTrg); } void vbvaTextOut( SURFOBJ *pso, STROBJ *pstro, FONTOBJ *pfo, CLIPOBJ *pco, RECTL *prclExtra, // Obsolete, always NULL RECTL *prclOpaque, BRUSHOBJ *pboFore, BRUSHOBJ *pboOpaque, POINTL *pptlOrg, MIX mix ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyClip (ppdev, pco, prclOpaque? prclOpaque: &pstro->rclBkGround); } void vbvaLineTo( SURFOBJ *pso, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, LONG x1, LONG y1, LONG x2, LONG y2, RECTL *prclBounds, MIX mix ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyClip (ppdev, pco, prclBounds); } void vbvaStretchBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDest, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, COLORADJUSTMENT *pca, POINTL *pptlHTOrg, RECTL *prclDest, RECTL *prclSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, ULONG iMode ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)psoDest->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyClip (ppdev, pco, prclDest); } void vbvaCopyBits( SURFOBJ *psoDest, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDest, POINTL *pptlSrc ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)psoDest->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyClip (ppdev, pco, prclDest); } void vbvaPaint( SURFOBJ *pso, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyClip (ppdev, pco, NULL); } void vbvaFillPath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix, FLONG flOptions ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyPath (ppdev, ppo); } void vbvaStrokePath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, XFORMOBJ *pxo, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, LINEATTRS *plineattrs, MIX mix ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyPath (ppdev, ppo); } void vbvaStrokeAndFillPath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, XFORMOBJ *pxo, BRUSHOBJ *pboStroke, LINEATTRS *plineattrs, BRUSHOBJ *pboFill, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mixFill, FLONG flOptions ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; vbvaReportDirtyPath (ppdev, ppo); } void vbvaSaveScreenBits( SURFOBJ *pso, ULONG iMode, ULONG_PTR ident, RECTL *prcl ) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; VBVA_ASSERT(iMode == SS_RESTORE || iMode == SS_SAVE); vbvaReportDirtyRect (ppdev, prcl); }