1 | ;
2 | ; VirtualBox Video Wddm driver
3 | ;
4 | ; Copyright (C) 2010 Oracle Corporation
5 | ;
6 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
7 | ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
8 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
9 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
10 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
11 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
12 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
13 | ;
14 |
15 | [Version]
16 | Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"
17 | Provider=%SUN%
18 | ClassGUID={4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
19 | Class=Display
20 | ;edit-DriverVer=02/26/2010,1.00.0000
21 | ;cat CatalogFile = VBoxVideoWddm.cat
22 |
23 | [DestinationDirs]
24 | DefaultDestDir=11
25 | VBoxVideo.Miniport = 12 ; drivers
26 | VBoxVideo.Display = 11 ; system32
27 | ;amd64 VBoxVideo.Display_wow64 = 10,SysWow64 ; SysWow64
28 | VBoxVideo.GL = 11 ; system32
29 | ;amd64 VBoxVideo.GL_wow64 = 10,SysWow64 ; SysWow64
30 |
31 | [Manufacturer]
32 | ;x86 %SUN%=Model, NTx86.6.0
33 | ;amd64 %SUN%=Model, NTamd64.6.0
34 |
35 | ;amd64 [Model.NTamd64.6.0]
36 | ;x86 [Model.NTx86.6.0]
37 | %VBoxVideo.SvcDesc% = VBoxVideo, PCI\VEN_80EE&DEV_BEEF
38 |
39 | [VBoxVideo]
40 | FeatureScore = F8
41 | Include = msdv.inf
42 | ;x86 CopyFiles = VBoxVideo.Miniport, VBoxVideo.Display, VBoxVideo.GL
43 | ;amd64 CopyFiles = VBoxVideo.Miniport, VBoxVideo.Display, VBoxVideo.Display_wow64, VBoxVideo.GL, VBoxVideo.GL_wow64
44 | AddReg = VBoxVideo_SoftwareDeviceSettings
45 | ;todo: clear XPDM driver settings: DelReg = VBoxVideo_RemoveDeviceSettings
46 | RegisterDlls = VBoxVideo_RegisterDlls
47 |
48 | [VBoxVideo.Miniport]
49 | VBoxVideoWddm.sys
50 |
51 | ;x86 [VBoxVideo.Display]
52 | ;amd64 [VBoxVideo.Display_wow64]
53 | ;dispd3d VBoxDispD3D.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
54 |
55 | ;amd64 [VBoxVideo.Display]
56 | ;amd64 ;dispd3d VBoxDispD3D64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
57 |
58 | ;x86 [VBoxVideo.GL]
59 | ;amd64 [VBoxVideo.GL_wow64]
60 | ;gl VBoxOGL.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
61 | ;gl VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
62 | ;gl VBoxOGLcrutil.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
63 | ;gl VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
64 | ;gl VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
65 | ;gl VBoxOGLpackspu.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
66 | ;gl VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
67 |
68 | ;amd64 [VBoxVideo.GL]
69 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGL64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
70 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLarrayspu64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
71 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLcrutil64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
72 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLerrorspu64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
73 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLfeedbackspu64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
74 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLpackspu64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
75 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLpassthroughspu64.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
76 |
77 | [VBoxVideo_SoftwareDeviceSettings]
78 | ;x86 ;dispd3d HKR,, InstalledDisplayDrivers, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxDispD3D
79 | ;x86 ;dispd3d HKR,, UserModeDriverName, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxDispD3D.dll
80 | ;amd64 ;dispd3d HKR,, InstalledDisplayDrivers, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxDispD3D64 VBoxDispD3D
81 | ;amd64 ;dispd3d HKR,, UserModeDriverName, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxDispD3D64.dll
82 | ;amd64 ;dispd3d HKR,, UserModeDriverNameWow, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxDispD3D.dll
83 | ;x86 ;gl HKR,, OpenGLDriverName, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxOGL.dll
84 | ;amd64 ;gl HKR,, OpenGLDriverName, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxOGL64.dll
85 | ;amd64 ;gl HKR,, OpenGLDriverNameWoW, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, VBoxOGL.dll
86 | ;gl HKR,, OpenGLFlags, %REG_DWORD%, 0x00000001
87 | ;amd64 ;gl HKR,, OpenGLFlagsWoW, %REG_DWORD%, 0x00000001
88 | ;gl HKR,, OpenGLVersion, %REG_DWORD%, 0x00000001
89 | ;amd64 ;gl HKR,, OpenGLVersionWoW, %REG_DWORD%, 0x00000001
90 | HKR,, VgaCompatible, %REG_DWORD%, 0
91 |
92 | [VBoxVideo_RegisterDlls]
93 | ;dispd3d 11,,VBoxDispD3D.dll,1
94 | ;amd64 ;dispd3d 11,,VBoxDispD3D64.dll,1
95 | ;amd64 ;gl 11,,VBoxOGL64.dll,1
96 | ;gl 11,,VBoxOGL.dll,1
97 | ;amd64 ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLarrayspu64.dll,1
98 | ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll,1
99 | ;amd64 ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLcrutil64.dll,1
100 | ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLcrutil.dll,1
101 | ;amd64 ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLerrorspu64.dll,1
102 | ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll,1
103 | ;amd64 ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLfeedbackspu64.dll,1
104 | ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll,1
105 | ;amd64 ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLpackspu64.dll,1
106 | ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLpackspu.dll,1
107 | ;amd64 ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLpassthroughspu64.dll,1
108 | ;gl 11,,VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll,1
109 |
110 |
111 | [VBoxVideo.Services]
112 | AddService=VBoxVideoWddm, 0x00000002, VBoxVideo_Service_Inst, VBoxVideo_EventLog_Inst
113 |
114 | [VBoxVideo_Service_Inst]
115 | ServiceType=1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
116 | StartType=3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
117 | ErrorControl=0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
118 | LoadOrderGroup=Video
119 | ServiceBinary=%12%\VBoxVideoWddm.sys
120 |
121 | [VBoxVideo_EventLog_Inst]
122 | AddReg = VBoxVideo_EventLog_AddReg
123 |
124 | [VBoxVideo_EventLog_AddReg]
125 | HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\VBoxVideoWddm.sys"
126 | HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
127 |
128 | [SourceDisksNames]
129 | 1 = %VBoxVideo.Disk%,,,""
130 |
131 | [SourceDisksFiles]
132 | VBoxVideoWddm.sys = 1
133 | ;amd64 ;dispd3d VBoxDispD3D64.dll = 1
134 | ;dispd3d VBoxDispD3D.dll = 1
135 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGL64.dll = 1
136 | ;gl VBoxOGL.dll = 1
137 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLarrayspu64.dll = 1
138 | ;gl VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll = 1
139 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLcrutil64.dll = 1
140 | ;gl VBoxOGLcrutil.dll = 1
141 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLerrorspu64.dll = 1
142 | ;gl VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll = 1
143 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLfeedbackspu64.dll = 1
144 | ;gl VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll = 1
145 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLpackspu64.dll = 1
146 | ;gl VBoxOGLpackspu.dll = 1
147 | ;amd64 ;gl VBoxOGLpassthroughspu64.dll = 1
148 | ;gl VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll = 1
149 |
150 | [Strings]
151 | REG_SZ = 0x00000000
152 | REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00010000
153 | REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000
154 | REG_BINARY = 0x00000001
155 | REG_DWORD = 0x00010001
156 |
157 | SUN = "Sun Microsystems, Inc."
158 | VBoxVideo.Disk = "VirtualBox Video Driver Disk"
159 | VBoxVideo.SvcDesc = "VirtualBox Graphics Adapter (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM)"