1 | /* $Id: d3d9_main.c 35319 2010-12-24 15:42:36Z vboxsync $ */
2 |
3 | /** @file
4 | * VBox D3D8 dll switcher
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle Corporation
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 |
19 | #include "d3d9.h"
20 | #include "switcher.h"
21 |
22 | typedef void (WINAPI *DebugSetMuteProc)(void);
23 | typedef IDirect3D9* (WINAPI *Direct3DCreate9Proc)(UINT SDKVersion);
24 | typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Direct3DCreate9ExProc)(UINT SDKVersion, IDirect3D9Ex **direct3d9ex);
25 | typedef void* (WINAPI *Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9Proc)(void);
26 | typedef int (WINAPI *D3DPERF_BeginEventProc)(D3DCOLOR color, LPCWSTR name);
27 | typedef int (WINAPI *D3DPERF_EndEventProc)(void);
28 | typedef DWORD (WINAPI *D3DPERF_GetStatusProc)(void);
29 | typedef void (WINAPI *D3DPERF_SetOptionsProc)(DWORD options);
30 | typedef BOOL (WINAPI *D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrameProc)(void);
31 | typedef void (WINAPI *D3DPERF_SetMarkerProc)(D3DCOLOR color, LPCWSTR name);
32 | typedef void (WINAPI *D3DPERF_SetRegionProc)(D3DCOLOR color, LPCWSTR name);
33 |
34 | typedef struct _D3D9ExTag
35 | {
36 | int initialized;
37 | const char *vboxName;
38 | const char *msName;
39 | DebugSetMuteProc pDebugSetMute;
40 | Direct3DCreate9Proc pDirect3DCreate9;
41 | Direct3DCreate9ExProc pDirect3DCreate9Ex;
42 | Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9Proc pDirect3DShaderValidatorCreate9;
43 | D3DPERF_BeginEventProc pD3DPERF_BeginEvent;
44 | D3DPERF_EndEventProc pD3DPERF_EndEvent;
45 | D3DPERF_GetStatusProc pD3DPERF_GetStatus;
46 | D3DPERF_SetOptionsProc pD3DPERF_SetOptions;
47 | D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrameProc pD3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame;
48 | D3DPERF_SetMarkerProc pD3DPERF_SetMarker;
49 | D3DPERF_SetRegionProc pD3DPERF_SetRegion;
50 | } D3D9Export;
51 |
52 | #ifdef VBOX_WDDM_WOW64
53 | static D3D9Export g_swd3d9 = {0, "VBoxD3D9-x86.dll", "MSD3D9.dll",};
54 | #else
55 | static D3D9Export g_swd3d9 = {0, "VBoxD3D9.dll", "MSD3D9.dll",};
56 | #endif
57 |
58 | void FillD3DExports(HANDLE hDLL)
59 | {
60 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, DebugSetMute);
61 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, Direct3DCreate9);
62 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, Direct3DCreate9Ex);
63 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9);
64 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, D3DPERF_BeginEvent);
65 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, D3DPERF_EndEvent);
66 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, D3DPERF_GetStatus);
67 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, D3DPERF_SetOptions);
68 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame);
69 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, D3DPERF_SetMarker);
70 | SW_FILLPROC(g_swd3d9, hDLL, D3DPERF_SetRegion);
71 | }
72 |
73 | void WINAPI DebugSetMute(void)
74 | {
75 | SW_CHECKCALL(g_swd3d9, DebugSetMute);
76 | g_swd3d9.pDebugSetMute();
77 | }
78 |
79 | IDirect3D9* WINAPI Direct3DCreate9(UINT SDKVersion)
80 | {
81 | SW_CHECKRET(g_swd3d9, Direct3DCreate9, NULL);
82 | return g_swd3d9.pDirect3DCreate9(SDKVersion);
83 | }
84 |
85 | HRESULT WINAPI Direct3DCreate9Ex(UINT SDKVersion, IDirect3D9Ex **direct3d9ex)
86 | {
87 | SW_CHECKRET(g_swd3d9, Direct3DCreate9Ex, E_FAIL);
88 | return g_swd3d9.pDirect3DCreate9Ex(SDKVersion, direct3d9ex);
89 | }
90 |
91 | void* WINAPI Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9(void)
92 | {
93 | SW_CHECKRET(g_swd3d9, Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9, NULL);
94 | return g_swd3d9.pDirect3DShaderValidatorCreate9();
95 | }
96 |
97 | int WINAPI D3DPERF_BeginEvent(D3DCOLOR color, LPCWSTR name)
98 | {
99 | SW_CHECKRET(g_swd3d9, D3DPERF_BeginEvent, -1);
100 | return g_swd3d9.pD3DPERF_BeginEvent(color, name);
101 | }
102 |
103 | int WINAPI D3DPERF_EndEvent(void)
104 | {
105 | SW_CHECKRET(g_swd3d9, D3DPERF_EndEvent, -1);
106 | return g_swd3d9.pD3DPERF_EndEvent();
107 | }
108 |
109 | DWORD WINAPI D3DPERF_GetStatus(void)
110 | {
111 | SW_CHECKRET(g_swd3d9, D3DPERF_EndEvent, 0);
112 | return g_swd3d9.pD3DPERF_GetStatus();
113 | }
114 |
115 | void WINAPI D3DPERF_SetOptions(DWORD options)
116 | {
117 | SW_CHECKCALL(g_swd3d9, D3DPERF_SetOptions);
118 | g_swd3d9.pD3DPERF_SetOptions(options);
119 | }
120 |
121 | BOOL WINAPI D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame(void)
122 | {
123 | SW_CHECKRET(g_swd3d9, D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame, FALSE);
124 | return g_swd3d9.pD3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame();
125 | }
126 |
127 | void WINAPI D3DPERF_SetMarker(D3DCOLOR color, LPCWSTR name)
128 | {
129 | SW_CHECKCALL(g_swd3d9, D3DPERF_SetMarker);
130 | g_swd3d9.pD3DPERF_SetMarker(color, name);
131 | }
132 |
133 | void WINAPI D3DPERF_SetRegion(D3DCOLOR color, LPCWSTR name)
134 | {
135 | SW_CHECKCALL(g_swd3d9, D3DPERF_SetRegion);
136 | g_swd3d9.pD3DPERF_SetRegion(color, name);
137 | }