1 | /* $Id: VBoxWindowsAdditions.cpp 58040 2015-10-06 08:54:22Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxWindowsAdditions - The Windows Guest Additions Loader.
4 | *
5 | * This is STUB which select whether to install 32-bit or 64-bit additions.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Oracle Corporation
10 | *
11 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
13 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | */
19 |
20 |
21 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
22 | * Header Files *
23 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
24 | #include <Windows.h>
25 | #ifndef ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED /* Windows Vista and later. */
27 | #endif
28 |
29 | #include <stdio.h>
30 | #include <string.h>
31 |
32 |
33 | static BOOL IsWow64(void)
34 | {
35 | BOOL bIsWow64 = FALSE;
37 | LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS fnIsWow64Process = (LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32"), "IsWow64Process");
38 | if (fnIsWow64Process != NULL)
39 | {
40 | if (!fnIsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow64))
41 | {
42 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: Could not determine process type!\n");
43 |
44 | /* Error in retrieving process type - assume that we're running on 32bit. */
45 | bIsWow64 = FALSE;
46 | }
47 | }
48 | return bIsWow64;
49 | }
50 |
51 | static void WaitForProcess2(HANDLE hProcess, int *piExitCode)
52 | {
53 | /*
54 | * Wait for the process, make sure the deal with messages.
55 | */
56 | for (;;)
57 | {
58 | DWORD dwRc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hProcess, FALSE, 5000/*ms*/, QS_ALLEVENTS);
59 |
60 | MSG Msg;
61 | while (PeekMessageW(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
62 | {
63 | TranslateMessage(&Msg);
64 | DispatchMessageW(&Msg);
65 | }
66 |
67 | if (dwRc == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
68 | break;
69 | if ( dwRc != WAIT_TIMEOUT
70 | && dwRc != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
71 | {
72 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: MsgWaitForMultipleObjects failed: %u (%u)\n", dwRc, GetLastError());
73 | break;
74 | }
75 | }
76 |
77 | /*
78 | * Collect the process info.
79 | */
80 | DWORD dwExitCode;
81 | if (GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &dwExitCode))
82 | *piExitCode = (int)dwExitCode;
83 | else
84 | {
85 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: GetExitCodeProcess failed: %u\n", GetLastError());
86 | *piExitCode = 16;
87 | }
88 | }
89 |
90 | static void WaitForProcess(HANDLE hProcess, int *piExitCode)
91 | {
92 | DWORD WaitRc = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hProcess, INFINITE, TRUE);
93 | while ( WaitRc == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION
94 | || WaitRc == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
95 | WaitRc = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hProcess, INFINITE, TRUE);
96 | if (WaitRc == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
97 | {
98 | DWORD dwExitCode;
99 | if (GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &dwExitCode))
100 | *piExitCode = (int)dwExitCode;
101 | else
102 | {
103 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: GetExitCodeProcess failed: %u\n", GetLastError());
104 | *piExitCode = 16;
105 | }
106 | }
107 | else
108 | {
109 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: WaitForSingleObjectEx failed: %u (%u)\n", WaitRc, GetLastError());
110 | *piExitCode = 16;
111 | }
112 | }
113 |
114 | int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
115 | {
116 | /*
117 | * Gather the parameters of the real installer program.
118 | */
119 |
120 | SetLastError(NO_ERROR);
121 | WCHAR wszCurDir[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
122 | DWORD cchCurDir = GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(wszCurDir), wszCurDir);
123 | if (cchCurDir == 0 || cchCurDir >= sizeof(wszCurDir))
124 | {
125 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: GetCurrentDirectoryW failed: %u (ret %u)\n", GetLastError(), cchCurDir);
126 | return 12;
127 | }
128 |
129 | SetLastError(NO_ERROR);
130 | WCHAR wszModule[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
131 | DWORD cchModule = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wszModule, sizeof(wszModule));
132 | if (cchModule == 0 || cchModule >= sizeof(wszModule))
133 | {
134 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: GetModuleFileNameW failed: %u (ret %u)\n", GetLastError(), cchModule);
135 | return 13;
136 | }
137 |
138 | /* Strip the extension off the module name and construct the arch specific
139 | one of the real installer program. */
140 | DWORD off = cchModule - 1;
141 | while ( off > 0
142 | && ( wszModule[off] != '/'
143 | && wszModule[off] != '\\'
144 | && wszModule[off] != ':'))
145 | {
146 | if (wszModule[off] == '.')
147 | {
148 | wszModule[off] = '\0';
149 | cchModule = off;
150 | break;
151 | }
152 | off--;
153 | }
154 |
155 | WCHAR const *pwszSuff = IsWow64() ? L"-amd64.exe" : L"-x86.exe";
156 | size_t cchSuff = wcslen(pwszSuff);
157 | if (cchSuff + cchModule >= sizeof(wszModule))
158 | {
159 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: Real installer name is too long (%u chars)\n", cchSuff + cchModule);
160 | return 14;
161 | }
162 | wcscpy(&wszModule[cchModule], pwszSuff);
163 | cchModule += cchSuff;
164 |
165 | /* Replace the first argument of the argument list. */
166 | PWCHAR pwszNewCmdLine = NULL;
167 | LPCWSTR pwszOrgCmdLine = GetCommandLineW();
168 | if (pwszOrgCmdLine) /* Dunno if this can be NULL, but whatever. */
169 | {
170 | /* Skip the first argument in the original. */
171 | /** @todo Is there some ISBLANK or ISSPACE macro/function in Win32 that we could
172 | * use here, if it's correct wrt. command line conventions? */
173 | WCHAR wch;
174 | while ((wch = *pwszOrgCmdLine) == L' ' || wch == L'\t')
175 | pwszOrgCmdLine++;
176 | if (wch == L'"')
177 | {
178 | pwszOrgCmdLine++;
179 | while ((wch = *pwszOrgCmdLine) != L'\0')
180 | {
181 | pwszOrgCmdLine++;
182 | if (wch == L'"')
183 | break;
184 | }
185 | }
186 | else
187 | {
188 | while ((wch = *pwszOrgCmdLine) != L'\0')
189 | {
190 | pwszOrgCmdLine++;
191 | if (wch == L' ' || wch == L'\t')
192 | break;
193 | }
194 | }
195 | while ((wch = *pwszOrgCmdLine) == L' ' || wch == L'\t')
196 | pwszOrgCmdLine++;
197 |
198 | /* Join up "szModule" with the remainder of the original command line. */
199 | size_t cchOrgCmdLine = wcslen(pwszOrgCmdLine);
200 | size_t cchNewCmdLine = 1 + cchModule + 1 + 1 + cchOrgCmdLine + 1;
201 | PWCHAR pwsz = pwszNewCmdLine = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cchNewCmdLine * sizeof(WCHAR));
202 | if (!pwsz)
203 | {
204 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: Out of memory (%u bytes)\n", (unsigned)cchNewCmdLine);
205 | return 15;
206 | }
207 | *pwsz++ = L'"';
208 | wcscpy(pwsz, wszModule);
209 | pwsz += cchModule;
210 | *pwsz++ = L'"';
211 | if (cchOrgCmdLine)
212 | {
213 | *pwsz++ = L' ';
214 | wcscpy(pwsz, pwszOrgCmdLine);
215 | }
216 | else
217 | {
218 | *pwsz = L'\0';
219 | pwszOrgCmdLine = NULL;
220 | }
221 | }
222 |
223 | /*
224 | * Start the process.
225 | */
226 | int iRet = 0;
227 | STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo = { sizeof(StartupInfo), 0 };
228 | PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcInfo = { 0 };
229 | SetLastError(740);
230 | BOOL fOk = CreateProcessW(wszModule,
231 | pwszNewCmdLine,
232 | NULL /*pProcessAttributes*/,
233 | NULL /*pThreadAttributes*/,
234 | TRUE /*fInheritHandles*/,
235 | 0 /*dwCreationFlags*/,
236 | NULL /*pEnvironment*/,
237 | NULL /*pCurrentDirectory*/,
238 | &StartupInfo,
239 | &ProcInfo);
240 | if (fOk)
241 | {
242 | /* Wait for the process to finish. */
243 | CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread);
244 | WaitForProcess(ProcInfo.hProcess, &iRet);
245 | CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess);
246 | }
247 | else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED)
248 | {
249 | /*
250 | * Elevation is required. That can be accomplished via ShellExecuteEx
251 | * and the runas atom.
252 | */
253 | MSG Msg;
254 | PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
256 |
257 | SHELLEXECUTEINFOW ShExecInfo = { 0 };
258 | ShExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFOW);
260 | ShExecInfo.hwnd = NULL;
261 | ShExecInfo.lpVerb = L"runas" ;
262 | ShExecInfo.lpFile = wszModule;
263 | ShExecInfo.lpParameters = pwszOrgCmdLine; /* pass only args here!!! */
264 | ShExecInfo.lpDirectory = wszCurDir;
265 | ShExecInfo.nShow = SW_NORMAL;
266 | ShExecInfo.hProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
267 | if (ShellExecuteExW(&ShExecInfo))
268 | {
269 | if (ShExecInfo.hProcess != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
270 | {
271 | WaitForProcess2(ShExecInfo.hProcess, &iRet);
272 | CloseHandle(ShExecInfo.hProcess);
273 | }
274 | else
275 | {
276 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: ShellExecuteExW did not return a valid process handle!\n");
277 | iRet = 1;
278 | }
279 | }
280 | else
281 | {
282 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: Failed to execute '%ws' via ShellExecuteExW: %u\n", wszModule, GetLastError());
283 | iRet = 9;
284 | }
285 | }
286 | else
287 | {
288 | fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: Failed to execute '%ws' via CreateProcessW: %u\n", wszModule, GetLastError());
289 | iRet = 8;
290 | }
291 |
292 | if (pwszNewCmdLine)
293 | LocalFree(pwszNewCmdLine);
294 |
295 | #if 0
296 | fwprintf(stderr, L"DEBUG: iRet=%d\n", iRet);
297 | fflush(stderr);
298 | #endif
299 | return iRet;
300 | }
301 |