1 |
2 | Function NT_SetVideoResolution
3 |
4 | ; Check for all required parameters
5 | StrCmp $g_iScreenX "0" missingParms
6 | StrCmp $g_iScreenY "0" missingParms
7 | StrCmp $g_iScreenBpp "0" missingParms
8 | Goto haveParms
9 |
10 | missingParms:
11 |
12 | DetailPrint "Missing display parameters for NT, setting default (640x480, 8 BPP) ..."
13 |
14 | StrCpy $g_iScreenX '640' ; Default value
15 | StrCpy $g_iScreenY '480' ; Default value
16 | StrCpy $g_iScreenBpp '8' ; Default value
17 |
18 | ; Write setting into registry to show the desktop applet on next boot
19 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\NewDisplay" "" ""
20 |
21 | haveParms:
22 |
23 | DetailPrint "Setting display parameters for NT ($g_iScreenXx$g_iScreenY, $g_iScreenBpp BPP) ..."
24 |
25 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vboxvideo\Device0" "DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel" $g_iScreenBpp
26 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vboxvideo\Device0" "DefaultSettings.Flags" 0x00000000
27 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vboxvideo\Device0" "DefaultSettings.VRefresh" 0x00000001
28 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vboxvideo\Device0" "DefaultSettings.XPanning" 0x00000000
29 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vboxvideo\Device0" "DefaultSettings.XResolution" $g_iScreenX
30 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vboxvideo\Device0" "DefaultSettings.YPanning" 0x00000000
31 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vboxvideo\Device0" "DefaultSettings.YResolution" $g_iScreenY
32 |
33 | FunctionEnd
34 |
35 | Function NT_SaveMouseDriverInfo
36 |
37 | Push $0
38 |
39 | ; !!! NOTE !!!
40 | ; Due to some re-branding (see functions Uninstall_Sun, Uninstall_Innotek and
41 | ; Uninstall_SunXVM) the installer *has* to transport the very first saved i8042prt
42 | ; value to the current installer's "uninstall" directory in both mentioned
43 | ; functions above, otherwise NT4 will be screwed because it then would store
44 | ; "VBoxMouseNT.sys" as the original i8042prt driver which obviously isn't there
45 | ; after uninstallation anymore.
46 | ; !!! NOTE !!!
47 |
48 | ; Save current mouse driver info so we may restore it on uninstallation
49 | ; But first check if we already installed the additions otherwise we will
50 | ; overwrite it with the VBoxMouseNT.sys
52 | StrCmp $0 "" 0 exists
53 |
54 | DetailPrint "Saving mouse driver info ..."
55 | ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt" "ImagePath"
57 | Goto exit
58 |
59 | exists:
60 |
61 | DetailPrint "Mouse driver info already saved."
62 | Goto exit
63 |
64 | exit:
65 |
66 | !ifdef _DEBUG
67 | DetailPrint "Mouse driver info: $0"
68 | !endif
69 |
70 | Pop $0
71 |
72 | FunctionEnd
73 |
74 | Function NT_Prepare
75 |
76 | ${If} $g_bNoVBoxServiceExit == "false"
77 | ; Stop / kill VBoxService
78 | Call StopVBoxService
79 | ${EndIf}
80 |
81 | ${If} $g_bNoVBoxTrayExit == "false"
82 | ; Stop / kill VBoxTray
83 | Call StopVBoxTray
84 | ${EndIf}
85 |
86 | ; Delete VBoxService from registry
87 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxService"
88 |
89 | ; Delete old VBoxService.exe from install directory (replaced by VBoxTray.exe)
90 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxService.exe"
91 |
92 | FunctionEnd
93 |
94 | Function NT_CopyFiles
95 |
96 | DetailPrint "Copying files..."
97 |
98 | SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
99 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestDrvInst.exe"
100 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\RegCleanup.exe"
101 |
102 | ; The files to install for NT 4, they go into the system directories
103 | SetOutPath "$SYSDIR"
104 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDisp.dll"
105 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxTray.exe"
106 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxHook.dll"
107 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxControl.exe"
108 |
109 | ; VBoxService
110 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxServiceNT.exe"
111 |
112 | ; The drivers into the "drivers" directory
113 | SetOutPath "$SYSDIR\drivers"
114 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.sys"
115 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouseNT.sys"
116 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestNT.sys"
117 | ;FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSFNT.sys" ; Shared Folders not available on NT4!
118 |
119 | FunctionEnd
120 |
121 | Function NT_InstallFiles
122 |
123 | DetailPrint "Installing Drivers..."
124 |
125 | ; Install guest driver
126 | nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe" /createsvc "VBoxGuest" "VBoxGuest Support Driver" 1 1 "$SYSDIR\drivers\VBoxGuestNT.sys" "Base"'
127 |
128 | ; Bugfix: Set "Start" to 1, otherwise, VBoxGuest won't start on boot-up!
129 | ; Bugfix: Correct invalid "ImagePath" (\??\C:\WINNT\...)
130 | WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxGuest" "Start" 1
131 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxGuest" "ImagePath" "System32\Drivers\VBoxGuestNT.sys"
132 |
133 | ; Run VBoxTray when Windows NT starts
134 | WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxTray" '"$SYSDIR\VBoxTray.exe"'
135 |
136 | ; Video driver
137 | nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestDrvInst.exe" /i'
138 | Pop $0 ; Ret value
139 | IntCmp $0 0 +1 error error ; Check ret value (0=OK, 1=Error)
140 |
141 | DetailPrint "Installing VirtualBox service ..."
142 |
143 | ; Create the VBoxService service
144 | ; No need to stop/remove the service here! Do this only on uninstallation!
145 | nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe" /createsvc "VBoxService" "VirtualBox Guest Additions Service" 16 2 "system32\VBoxServiceNT.exe" "Base"'
146 |
147 | ; Create the Shared Folders service ...
148 | ;nsSCM::Install /NOUNLOAD "VBoxSF" "VirtualBox Shared Folders" 1 1 "$SYSDIR\drivers\VBoxSFNT.sys" "Network" "" "" ""
149 | ;Pop $0 ; Ret value
150 |
151 | !ifdef _DEBUG
152 | ;DetailPrint "SCM::Install VBoxSFNT.sys: $0"
153 | !endif
154 |
155 | ;IntCmp $0 0 +1 error error ; Check ret value (0=OK, 1=Error)
156 |
157 | ; ... and the link to the network provider
158 | ;WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" "DeviceName" "\Device\VBoxMiniRdr"
159 | ;WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" "Name" "VirtualBox Shared Folders"
160 | ;WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" "ProviderPath" "$SYSDIR\VBoxMRXNP.dll"
161 |
162 | ; Add the shared folders network provider
163 | ;nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe" /addnetprovider VBoxSF'
164 | ;Pop $0 ; Ret value
165 |
166 | !ifdef _DEBUG
167 | ;DetailPrint "VBoxDrvInst::AddProvider VBoxSF: $0"
168 | !endif
169 |
170 | ;IntCmp $0 0 +1 error error ; Check ret value (0=OK, 1=Error)
171 |
172 | Goto done
173 |
174 | error:
175 | Abort "ERROR: Could not install files for Windows NT! Installation aborted."
176 |
177 | done:
178 |
179 | FunctionEnd
180 |
181 | Function NT_Main
182 |
183 | SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
184 |
185 | Call NT_Prepare
186 | Call NT_CopyFiles
187 |
188 | ; This removes the flag "new display driver installed on the next bootup
189 | WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" "VBoxGuestInst" '"$INSTDIR\RegCleanup.exe"'
190 |
191 | Call NT_SaveMouseDriverInfo
192 | Call NT_InstallFiles
193 | Call NT_SetVideoResolution
194 |
195 | ; Write mouse driver name to registry overwriting the default name
196 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt" "ImagePath" "System32\DRIVERS\VBoxMouseNT.sys"
197 |
198 | FunctionEnd
199 |
200 | !macro NT_UninstallInstDir un
201 | Function ${un}NT_UninstallInstDir
202 |
203 | ; Delete remaining files
204 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestDrvInst.exe"
205 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\RegCleanup.exe"
206 |
207 | FunctionEnd
208 | !macroend
209 | !insertmacro NT_UninstallInstDir ""
210 | !insertmacro NT_UninstallInstDir "un."
211 |
212 | !macro NT_Uninstall un
213 | Function ${un}NT_Uninstall
214 |
215 | Push $0
216 |
217 | ; Remove the guest driver service
218 | nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe" /delsvc VBoxGuest'
219 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\drivers\VBoxGuestNT.sys"
220 |
221 | ; Delete the VBoxService service
222 | Call ${un}StopVBoxService
223 | nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe" /delsvc VBoxService'
224 | Pop $0 ; Ret value
225 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxService"
226 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\VBoxServiceNT.exe"
227 |
228 | ; Delete the VBoxTray app
229 | Call ${un}StopVBoxTray
230 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxTray"
231 | WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" "VBoxTrayDel" "$SYSDIR\cmd.exe /c del /F /Q $SYSDIR\VBoxTray.exe"
232 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\VBoxTray.exe" ; If it can't be removed cause it's running, try next boot with "RunOnce" key above!
233 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\VBoxHook.dll"
234 |
235 | ; Delete the VBoxControl utility
236 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\VBoxControl.exe"
237 |
238 | ; Delete the VBoxVideo service
239 | nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe" /delsvc VBoxVideo'
240 |
241 | ; Delete the VBox video driver files
242 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\drivers\VBoxVideo.sys"
243 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\VBoxDisp.dll"
244 |
245 | ; Get original mouse driver info and restore it
247 | ; If we still got our driver stored in $0 then this will *never* work, so
248 | ; warn the user and set it to the default driver to not screw up NT4 here
249 | ${If} $0 == "System32\DRIVERS\VBoxMouseNT.sys"
250 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt" "ImagePath" "System32\DRIVERS\i8042prt.sys"
251 | DetailPrint "Old mouse driver is set to VBoxMouseNT.sys, defaulting to i8042prt.sys ..."
252 | ${Else}
253 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt" "ImagePath" $0
254 | ${EndIf}
255 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$SYSDIR\drivers\VBoxMouseNT.sys"
256 |
257 | Pop $0
258 |
259 | FunctionEnd
260 | !macroend
261 | !insertmacro NT_Uninstall ""
262 | !insertmacro NT_Uninstall "un."