1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VBoxRestore - Restore notification
4 | *
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 | #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
19 | #include <windows.h>
20 | #include "VBoxService.h"
21 | #include "VBoxRestore.h"
22 | #include <VBoxDisplay.h>
23 | #include <VBox/VBoxDev.h>
24 | #include <VBoxGuestInternal.h>
25 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
26 | #include "helpers.h"
27 |
28 | typedef struct _VBOXRESTORECONTEXT
29 | {
30 | const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv;
31 |
32 | BOOL fRDPState;
34 |
35 |
36 | static VBOXRESTORECONTEXT gCtx = {0};
37 |
38 |
39 | int VBoxRestoreInit(const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv, void **ppInstance, bool *pfStartThread)
40 | {
41 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreInit\n"));
42 |
43 | gCtx.pEnv = pEnv;
44 | gCtx.fRDPState = FALSE;
45 |
46 | VBoxRestoreCheckVRDP();
47 |
48 | *pfStartThread = true;
49 | *ppInstance = &gCtx;
50 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
51 | }
52 |
53 |
54 | void VBoxRestoreDestroy(const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv, void *pInstance)
55 | {
56 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreDestroy\n"));
57 | return;
58 | }
59 |
60 | void VBoxRestoreSession()
61 | {
62 | VBoxRestoreCheckVRDP();
63 | }
64 |
65 | void VBoxRestoreCheckVRDP()
66 | {
67 | HDC hdc;
68 | BOOL ret;
69 |
70 | /* Check VRDP activity */
71 | hdc = GetDC(HWND_DESKTOP);
72 |
73 | /* send to display driver */
74 | ret = ExtEscape(hdc, VBOXESC_ISVRDPACTIVE, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
75 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreSession -> VRDP activate state = %d\n", ret));
76 | ReleaseDC(HWND_DESKTOP, hdc);
77 |
78 | if (ret != gCtx.fRDPState)
79 | {
80 | DWORD cbReturned;
81 |
82 | if (!DeviceIoControl (gCtx.pEnv->hDriver, (ret) ? IOCTL_VBOXGUEST_ENABLE_VRDP_SESSION : IOCTL_VBOXGUEST_DISABLE_VRDP_SESSION, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cbReturned, NULL))
83 | {
84 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask) failed, SeamlessChangeThread exited\n"));
85 | }
86 | gCtx.fRDPState = ret;
87 | }
88 | }
89 |
90 | /**
91 | * Thread function to wait for and process seamless mode change
92 | * requests
93 | */
94 | unsigned __stdcall VBoxRestoreThread(void *pInstance)
95 | {
97 | HANDLE gVBoxDriver = pCtx->pEnv->hDriver;
98 | bool fTerminate = false;
99 | VBoxGuestFilterMaskInfo maskInfo;
100 | DWORD cbReturned;
101 |
102 | maskInfo.u32OrMask = VMMDEV_EVENT_RESTORED;
103 | maskInfo.u32NotMask = 0;
104 | if (DeviceIoControl (gVBoxDriver, IOCTL_VBOXGUEST_CTL_FILTER_MASK, &maskInfo, sizeof (maskInfo), NULL, 0, &cbReturned, NULL))
105 | {
106 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask - or) succeeded\n"));
107 | }
108 | else
109 | {
110 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask) failed, SeamlessChangeThread exited\n"));
111 | return 0;
112 | }
113 |
114 | do
115 | {
116 | /* wait for a seamless change event */
117 | VBoxGuestWaitEventInfo waitEvent;
118 | waitEvent.u32TimeoutIn = 5000;
119 | waitEvent.u32EventMaskIn = VMMDEV_EVENT_RESTORED;
120 | if (DeviceIoControl(gVBoxDriver, IOCTL_VBOXGUEST_WAITEVENT, &waitEvent, sizeof(waitEvent), &waitEvent, sizeof(waitEvent), &cbReturned, NULL))
121 | {
122 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: DeviceIOControl succeded\n"));
123 |
124 | /* are we supposed to stop? */
125 | if (WaitForSingleObject(pCtx->pEnv->hStopEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
126 | break;
127 |
128 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: checking event\n"));
129 |
130 | /* did we get the right event? */
131 | if (waitEvent.u32EventFlagsOut & VMMDEV_EVENT_RESTORED)
132 | PostMessage(gToolWindow, WM_VBOX_RESTORED, 0, 0);
133 | else
134 | /** @todo Don't poll, but wait for connect/disconnect events */
135 | PostMessage(gToolWindow, WM_VBOX_CHECK_VRDP, 0, 0);
136 | }
137 | else
138 | {
139 | dprintf(("VBoxService: error 0 from DeviceIoControl IOCTL_VBOXGUEST_WAITEVENT\n"));
140 |
141 | /* sleep a bit to not eat too much CPU in case the above call always fails */
142 | if (WaitForSingleObject(pCtx->pEnv->hStopEvent, 10) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
143 | {
144 | fTerminate = true;
145 | break;
146 | }
147 | }
148 | }
149 | while (!fTerminate);
150 |
151 | maskInfo.u32OrMask = 0;
152 | maskInfo.u32NotMask = VMMDEV_EVENT_RESTORED;
153 | if (DeviceIoControl (gVBoxDriver, IOCTL_VBOXGUEST_CTL_FILTER_MASK, &maskInfo, sizeof (maskInfo), NULL, 0, &cbReturned, NULL))
154 | {
155 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask - not) succeeded\n"));
156 | }
157 | else
158 | {
159 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: DeviceIOControl(CtlMask) failed\n"));
160 | }
161 |
162 | dprintf(("VBoxRestoreThread: finished seamless change request thread\n"));
163 | return 0;
164 | }
165 |
166 |