/* $Id: VBoxLA.cpp 40866 2012-04-11 09:36:34Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxLA - VBox Location Awareness notifications. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ // #define LOG_ENABLED #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #include #include "VBoxTray.h" #include "VBoxLA.h" #include #include #include #define LALOG(a) do { if (gCtx.fLogEnabled) LogRel(a); } while(0) #define LALOGFORCE(a) do { LogRel(a); } while(0) #define REG_KEY_LEN 1024 #define MAX_CLIENT_NAME_CHARS 1024 #define LA_DO_NOTHING 0 #define LA_DO_ATTACH 1 #define LA_DO_DETACH 2 #define LA_DO_DETACH_AND_ATTACH 3 #define LA_DO_ATTACH_AND_DETACH 4 struct VBOXLACONTEXT { const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv; bool fLogEnabled; bool fDetachOnDisconnect; uint32_t u32GuestPropHandle; /* The client identifier of the guest property system. */ RTLISTANCHOR listAttachActions; RTLISTANCHOR listDetachActions; uint64_t u64LastQuery; /* The timestamp of the last query of the properties. */ uint32_t u32Action; /* Which action to do: LA_DO_*. */ uint32_t u32PrevAction; /* Which action were done last time. */ struct /* Information about the client, which properties are monitored. */ { uint32_t u32ClientId; /* The RDP client identifier. 0 if none. */ uint32_t u32LastAttach; uint64_t u64LastAttachTimestamp; char *pszLastName; uint64_t u64LastNameTimestamp; char *pszPropName; /* The actual Client/%ID%/Name property name with client id. */ char *pszPropAttach; /* The actual Client/%ID%/Attach property name with client id. */ char *pszPropWaitPattern; /* Which properties are monitored. */ } activeClient; HMODULE hModuleKernel32; BOOL (WINAPI * pfnProcessIdToSessionId)(DWORD dwProcessId, DWORD *pSessionId); }; typedef struct ACTIONENTRY { RTLISTNODE nodeActionEntry; uint32_t u32Index; WCHAR wszCommandLine[1]; } ACTIONENTRY; static VBOXLACONTEXT gCtx = {0}; static const char *g_pszPropActiveClient = "/VirtualBox/HostInfo/VRDP/ActiveClient"; static const char *g_pszPropNameTemplate = "/VirtualBox/HostInfo/VRDP/Client/%u/Name"; static const char *g_pszPropAttachTemplate = "/VirtualBox/HostInfo/VRDP/Client/%u/Attach"; static const char *g_pszVolatileEnvironment = "Volatile Environment"; static const WCHAR *g_pwszUTCINFOClientName = L"UTCINFO_CLIENTNAME"; static const WCHAR *g_pwszClientName = L"CLIENTNAME"; #ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 const WCHAR *g_pwszRegKeyDisconnectActions = L"Software\\Wow6432Node\\Oracle\\Sun Ray\\ClientInfoAgent\\DisconnectActions"; const WCHAR *g_pwszRegKeyReconnectActions = L"Software\\Wow6432Node\\Oracle\\Sun Ray\\ClientInfoAgent\\ReconnectActions"; #else const WCHAR *g_pwszRegKeyDisconnectActions = L"Software\\Oracle\\Sun Ray\\ClientInfoAgent\\DisconnectActions"; const WCHAR *g_pwszRegKeyReconnectActions = L"Software\\Oracle\\Sun Ray\\ClientInfoAgent\\ReconnectActions"; #endif /* !RT_ARCH_AMD64 */ const char g_szCommandPrefix[] = "Command"; static BOOL laGetRegistryDWORD(WCHAR *pwszRegKey, WCHAR *pwszName, DWORD *pdwValue) { LONG lErr; HKEY hKey; lErr = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pwszRegKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOGFORCE(("LA: RegOpenKeyExW: failed [%ls]\n", pwszRegKey)); return FALSE; } DWORD nRegData = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwType = 0; lErr = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, pwszName, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)pdwValue, &nRegData); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOGFORCE(("LA: RegQueryValueExW: failed [%ls/%ls]\n", pwszRegKey, pwszName)); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } if (nRegData != sizeof(DWORD)) { LALOGFORCE(("LA: buffer overflow reg %d, [%ls]\n", nRegData, pwszRegKey)); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } if (dwType != REG_DWORD) { LALOGFORCE(("LA: wrong type %d, [%ls/%ls]\n", dwType, pwszRegKey, pwszName)); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } RegCloseKey(hKey); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void ActionExecutorDeleteActions(RTLISTANCHOR *listActions) { ACTIONENTRY *pIter = NULL; ACTIONENTRY *pIterNext = NULL; RTListForEachSafe(listActions, pIter, pIterNext, ACTIONENTRY, nodeActionEntry) { RTListNodeRemove(&pIter->nodeActionEntry); RTMemFree(pIter); } } static BOOL ActionExecutorEnumerateRegistryKey(const WCHAR *pwszRegKey, RTLISTANCHOR *listActions) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwErr; dwErr = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pwszRegKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOG(("LA: Can't open registry key [%ls], error %d\n", pwszRegKey, dwErr)); return FALSE; } DWORD dwIndex = 0; for (;;) { DWORD dwRet; WCHAR wszValueName[256]; DWORD cchValueName = RT_ELEMENTS(wszValueName); DWORD type; BYTE abData[1024]; DWORD cbData = sizeof(abData); dwRet = RegEnumValueW(hKey, dwIndex++, wszValueName, &cchValueName, NULL, &type, abData, &cbData); if (dwRet == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { LALOG(("LA: Enumeration exhausted\n")); bRet = TRUE; break; } else if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOG(("LA: Enumeration failed, error %d\n", dwRet)); bRet = FALSE; break; } if ((type != REG_SZ) && (type != REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { LALOG(("LA: skipped type %d\n", type)); continue; } char szName[256]; char *pszName = &szName[0]; int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(wszValueName, RT_ELEMENTS(wszValueName), &pszName, sizeof(szName), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LALOG(("LA: RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex for [%ls] rc %Rrc\n", wszValueName, rc)); continue; } /* Check if the name starts with "Command" */ if (RTStrNICmp(szName, g_szCommandPrefix, RT_ELEMENTS(g_szCommandPrefix) - 1) != 0) { LALOG(("LA: skipped prefix %s\n", szName)); continue; } char *pszIndex = &szName[RT_ELEMENTS(g_szCommandPrefix) - 1]; uint32_t nIndex = RTStrToUInt32(pszIndex); if (nIndex == 0) { LALOG(("LA: skipped index %s\n", szName)); continue; } /* Allocate with terminating nul after data. */ ACTIONENTRY *pEntry = (ACTIONENTRY *)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(ACTIONENTRY) + cbData); if (!pEntry) { LALOG(("LA: RTMemAlloc failed\n")); bRet = FALSE; break; } RT_ZERO(pEntry->nodeActionEntry); pEntry->u32Index = nIndex; memcpy(pEntry->wszCommandLine, abData, cbData); pEntry->wszCommandLine[cbData / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; /* Insert the new entry to the list. Sort by index. */ if (RTListIsEmpty(listActions)) { RTListAppend(listActions, &pEntry->nodeActionEntry); } else { bool fAdded = false; ACTIONENTRY *pIter = NULL; RTListForEach(listActions, pIter, ACTIONENTRY, nodeActionEntry) { if (pIter->u32Index > nIndex) { RTListNodeInsertBefore(&pIter->nodeActionEntry, &pEntry->nodeActionEntry); fAdded = true; break; } } if (!fAdded) { RTListAppend(listActions, &pEntry->nodeActionEntry); } } LALOG(("LA: added %d %ls\n", pEntry->u32Index, pEntry->wszCommandLine)); } RegCloseKey(hKey); #ifdef LOG_ENABLED ACTIONENTRY *pIter = NULL; RTListForEach(listActions, pIter, ACTIONENTRY, nodeActionEntry) { LALOG(("LA: [%u]: [%ls]\n", pIter->u32Index, pIter->wszCommandLine)); } #endif if (!bRet) { ActionExecutorDeleteActions(listActions); } LALOG(("LA: action enum %d\n", bRet)); return bRet; } static void ActionExecutorExecuteActions(RTLISTANCHOR *listActions) { LALOG(("LA: ExecuteActions\n")); ACTIONENTRY *pIter = NULL; RTListForEach(listActions, pIter, ACTIONENTRY, nodeActionEntry) { LALOG(("LA: [%u]: [%ls]\n", pIter->u32Index, pIter->wszCommandLine)); STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; GetStartupInfoW(&si); if (!CreateProcessW(NULL, // lpApplicationName pIter->wszCommandLine, // lpCommandLine NULL, // lpProcessAttributes NULL, // lpThreadAttributes FALSE, // bInheritHandles 0, // dwCreationFlags NULL, // lpEnvironment NULL, // lpCurrentDirectory &si, // lpStartupInfo &pi)) // lpProcessInformation { LALOG(("LA: Executing [%ls] failed, error %d\n", pIter->wszCommandLine, GetLastError())); } else { LALOG(("LA: Executing [%ls] succeeded\n", pIter->wszCommandLine)); /* Don't care about waiting on the new process, so close these. */ CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } } LALOG(("LA: ExecuteActions leave\n")); } static BOOL GetVolatileEnvironmentKey(WCHAR *pwszRegKey, DWORD cbRegKey) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; DWORD nSessionID; LONG lErr; HKEY hKey; char szRegKey[REG_KEY_LEN]; /* Attempt to open HKCU\Volatile Environment\ first. */ if ( gCtx.pfnProcessIdToSessionId != NULL && gCtx.pfnProcessIdToSessionId(GetCurrentProcessId(), &nSessionID)) { RTStrPrintf(szRegKey, sizeof(szRegKey), "%s\\%d", g_pszVolatileEnvironment, nSessionID); lErr = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey); if (lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); fFound = TRUE; } } if (!fFound) { /* Fall back to HKCU\Volatile Environment. */ RTStrPrintf(szRegKey, sizeof(szRegKey), "%s", g_pszVolatileEnvironment); lErr = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey); if (lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); fFound = TRUE; } } if (fFound) { LALOG(("LA: GetVolatileEnvironmentKey: [%s]\n", szRegKey)); /* Convert szRegKey to Utf16 string. */ PRTUTF16 putf16Unicode = pwszRegKey; size_t cchUnicode = cbRegKey / sizeof(WCHAR); int rc = RTStrToUtf16Ex(szRegKey, RTSTR_MAX, &putf16Unicode, cchUnicode, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LALOG(("LA: RTStrToUtf16Ex failed %Rrc\n", rc)); fFound = FALSE; } else { LALOG(("LA: unicode [%ls]\n", putf16Unicode)); } } else { LALOG(("LA: GetVolatileEnvironmentKey: not found\n")); } return fFound; } static BOOL GetUtcInfoClientName(WCHAR *pwszClientName, DWORD cbClientName) { LONG lErr; WCHAR wszRegKey[REG_KEY_LEN]; if (!GetVolatileEnvironmentKey(wszRegKey, sizeof(wszRegKey))) { return FALSE; } HKEY hKey; lErr = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, wszRegKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOG(("LA: RegOpenKeyExW: failed [%ls]\n", wszRegKey)); return FALSE; } DWORD nRegData; DWORD dwType; lErr = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, g_pwszUTCINFOClientName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &nRegData); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOG(("LA: RegQueryValueExW: failed [%ls]\n", wszRegKey)); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } if (nRegData >= cbClientName) { LALOG(("LA: buffer overflow reg %d, buffer %d, [%ls]\n", nRegData, cbClientName, wszRegKey)); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } if (dwType != REG_SZ) { LALOG(("LA: wrong type %d, [%ls]\n", dwType, wszRegKey)); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } ZeroMemory(pwszClientName, cbClientName); lErr = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, g_pwszUTCINFOClientName, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)pwszClientName, &nRegData); RegCloseKey(hKey); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL SetClientName(const WCHAR *pwszClientName) { LONG lErr; WCHAR wszRegKey[REG_KEY_LEN]; if (!GetVolatileEnvironmentKey(wszRegKey, sizeof(wszRegKey))) { return FALSE; } HKEY hKey; lErr = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, wszRegKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } DWORD nClientName = (lstrlenW(pwszClientName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); lErr = RegSetValueExW(hKey, g_pwszClientName, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pwszClientName, nClientName); RegCloseKey(hKey); if (lErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void laBroadcastSettingChange(void) { DWORD_PTR dwResult; if (SendMessageTimeoutA(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, NULL, (LPARAM)"Environment", SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 5000, &dwResult) == 0) { LALOG(("LA: SendMessageTimeout failed, error %d\n", GetLastError())); } } static void laUpdateClientName(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx) { WCHAR wszUtcInfoClientName[MAX_CLIENT_NAME_CHARS]; if (GetUtcInfoClientName(wszUtcInfoClientName, sizeof(wszUtcInfoClientName))) { if (SetClientName(wszUtcInfoClientName)) { laBroadcastSettingChange(); } } } static void laOnClientName(const char *pszClientName) { /* pszClientName is UTF8, make an Unicode copy for registry. */ PRTUTF16 putf16UnicodeName = NULL; size_t cchUnicodeName = 0; int rc = RTStrToUtf16Ex(pszClientName, MAX_CLIENT_NAME_CHARS, &putf16UnicodeName, 0, &cchUnicodeName); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LALOG(("LA: RTStrToUniEx failed %Rrc\n", rc)); return; } LALOG(("LA: unicode %d chars [%ls]\n", cchUnicodeName, putf16UnicodeName)); /* * Write the client name to: * HKCU\Volatile Environment\UTCINFO_CLIENTNAME or * HKCU\Volatile Environment\\UTCINFO_CLIENTNAME * depending on whether this is a Terminal Services or desktop session * respectively. */ WCHAR wszRegKey[REG_KEY_LEN]; if (!GetVolatileEnvironmentKey(wszRegKey, sizeof(wszRegKey))) { LALOG(("LA: Failed to get 'Volatile Environment' registry key\n")); RTUtf16Free(putf16UnicodeName); return; } /* Now write the client name under the appropriate key. */ LONG lRet; HKEY hKey; lRet = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, wszRegKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOG(("LA: Failed to open key [%ls], error %lu\n", wszRegKey, lRet)); RTUtf16Free(putf16UnicodeName); return; } DWORD nDataLength = (DWORD)((cchUnicodeName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lRet = RegSetValueExW(hKey, g_pwszUTCINFOClientName, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)putf16UnicodeName, nDataLength); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LALOG(("LA: RegSetValueExW failed error %lu\n", lRet)); } RegCloseKey(hKey); laBroadcastSettingChange(); /* Also, write the client name to the environment of this process, as it * doesn't listen for WM_SETTINGCHANGE messages. */ SetEnvironmentVariableW(g_pwszUTCINFOClientName, putf16UnicodeName); RTUtf16Free(putf16UnicodeName); } static void laDoAttach(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx) { LALOG(("LA: laDoAttach\n")); /* Hardcoded action. */ laUpdateClientName(pCtx); /* Process configured actions. */ ActionExecutorExecuteActions(&pCtx->listAttachActions); } static void laDoDetach(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx) { LALOG(("LA: laDoDetach\n")); /* Process configured actions. */ ActionExecutorExecuteActions(&pCtx->listDetachActions); } static int laGetProperty(uint32_t u32GuestPropHandle, const char *pszName, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, char **ppszValue) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* The buffer for storing the data and its initial size. We leave a bit * of space here in case the maximum values are raised. */ uint32_t cbBuf = 1024; void *pvBuf = NULL; /* Because there is a race condition between our reading the size of a * property and the guest updating it, we loop a few times here and * hope. Actually this should never go wrong, as we are generous * enough with buffer space. */ unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { void *pvTmpBuf = RTMemRealloc(pvBuf, cbBuf); if (pvTmpBuf == NULL) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } pvBuf = pvTmpBuf; rc = VbglR3GuestPropRead(u32GuestPropHandle, pszName, pvBuf, cbBuf, NULL, pu64Timestamp, NULL, &cbBuf); if (rc != VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { break; } cbBuf += 1024; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LALOG(("LA: laGetProperty: [%s]\n" " value: [%s]\n" " timestamp: %lld ns\n", pszName, (char *)pvBuf, *pu64Timestamp)); *ppszValue = (char *)pvBuf; } else if (rc == VERR_NOT_FOUND) { LALOG(("LA: laGetProperty: not found [%s]\n", pszName)); } else { LALOG(("LA: Failed to retrieve the property value, error %Rrc\n", rc)); } return rc; } static int laWaitProperties(uint32_t u32GuestPropHandle, const char *pszPatterns, uint64_t u64LastTimestamp, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, uint32_t u32Timeout) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* The buffer for storing the data and its initial size. We leave a bit * of space here in case the maximum values are raised. */ void *pvBuf = NULL; uint32_t cbBuf = 4096; /* Because there is a race condition between our reading the size of a * property and the guest updating it, we loop a few times here and * hope. Actually this should never go wrong, as we are generous * enough with buffer space. */ unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { void *pvTmpBuf = RTMemRealloc(pvBuf, cbBuf); if (NULL == pvTmpBuf) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } pvBuf = pvTmpBuf; rc = VbglR3GuestPropWait(u32GuestPropHandle, pszPatterns, pvBuf, cbBuf, u64LastTimestamp, u32Timeout, NULL /* ppszName */, NULL /* ppszValue */, pu64Timestamp, NULL /* ppszFlags */, &cbBuf); if (rc != VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { break; } cbBuf += 1024; } RTMemFree(pvBuf); return rc; } static int laGetUint32(uint32_t u32GuestPropHandle, const char *pszName, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, uint32_t *pu32Value) { uint64_t u64Timestamp = 0; char *pszValue = NULL; int rc = laGetProperty(u32GuestPropHandle, pszName, &u64Timestamp, &pszValue); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pszValue && *pszValue) { uint32_t u32 = 0; rc = RTStrToUInt32Full(pszValue, 10, &u32); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *pu64Timestamp = u64Timestamp; *pu32Value = u32; } } else { rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (pszValue) { RTMemFree(pszValue); } LALOG(("LA: laGetUint32: rc = %Rrc, [%s]\n", rc, pszName)); return rc; } static int laGetString(uint32_t u32GuestPropHandle, const char *pszName, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, char **ppszValue) { int rc = laGetProperty(u32GuestPropHandle, pszName, pu64Timestamp, ppszValue); LALOG(("LA: laGetString: rc = %Rrc, [%s]\n", rc, pszName)); return rc; } static int laGetActiveClient(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, uint32_t *pu32Value) { int rc = laGetUint32(pCtx->u32GuestPropHandle, g_pszPropActiveClient, pu64Timestamp, pu32Value); LALOG(("LA: laGetActiveClient: rc %Rrc, %d, %lld\n", rc, *pu32Value, *pu64Timestamp)); return rc; } static int laUpdateCurrentState(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx, uint32_t u32ActiveClientId, uint64_t u64ActiveClientTS) { /* Prepare the current state for the active client. * If u32ActiveClientId is 0, then there is no connected clients. */ LALOG(("LA: laUpdateCurrentState: %u %lld\n", u32ActiveClientId, u64ActiveClientTS)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; int l; pCtx->activeClient.u32LastAttach = ~0; pCtx->activeClient.u64LastAttachTimestamp = u64ActiveClientTS; if (pCtx->activeClient.pszLastName) { RTMemFree(pCtx->activeClient.pszLastName); } pCtx->activeClient.pszLastName = NULL; pCtx->activeClient.u64LastNameTimestamp = u64ActiveClientTS; if (pCtx->activeClient.pszPropName) { RTMemFree(pCtx->activeClient.pszPropName); pCtx->activeClient.pszPropName = NULL; } if (u32ActiveClientId != 0) { l = RTStrAPrintf(&pCtx->activeClient.pszPropName, g_pszPropNameTemplate, u32ActiveClientId); if (l == -1) { pCtx->activeClient.pszPropName = NULL; rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pCtx->activeClient.pszPropAttach) { RTMemFree(pCtx->activeClient.pszPropAttach); pCtx->activeClient.pszPropAttach = NULL; } if (u32ActiveClientId != 0) { l = RTStrAPrintf(&pCtx->activeClient.pszPropAttach, g_pszPropAttachTemplate, u32ActiveClientId); if (l == -1) { pCtx->activeClient.pszPropAttach = NULL; rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pCtx->activeClient.pszPropWaitPattern) { RTMemFree(pCtx->activeClient.pszPropWaitPattern); pCtx->activeClient.pszPropWaitPattern = NULL; } if (u32ActiveClientId != 0) { l = RTStrAPrintf(&pCtx->activeClient.pszPropWaitPattern, "%s|%s", pCtx->activeClient.pszPropName, pCtx->activeClient.pszPropAttach); if (l == -1) { pCtx->activeClient.pszPropWaitPattern = NULL; rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pCtx->activeClient.u32ClientId = u32ActiveClientId; } else { pCtx->activeClient.u32ClientId = 0; } LALOG(("LA: laUpdateCurrentState rc = %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } static int laWait(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, uint32_t u32Timeout) { LALOG(("LA: laWait [%s]\n", pCtx->activeClient.pszPropWaitPattern)); int rc = laWaitProperties(pCtx->u32GuestPropHandle, pCtx->activeClient.pszPropWaitPattern, pCtx->u64LastQuery, pu64Timestamp, u32Timeout); LALOG(("LA: laWait rc %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } static void laProcessName(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx) { /* Check if the name was changed. */ /* Get the name string and check if it was changed since last time. * Write the name to the registry if changed. */ uint64_t u64Timestamp = 0; char *pszName = NULL; int rc = laGetString(pCtx->u32GuestPropHandle, pCtx->activeClient.pszPropName, &u64Timestamp, &pszName); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LALOG(("LA: laProcessName: read [%s], at %lld\n", pszName, u64Timestamp)); if (u64Timestamp != pCtx->activeClient.u64LastNameTimestamp) { laOnClientName(pszName); pCtx->activeClient.u64LastNameTimestamp = u64Timestamp; } } if (pszName) { RTMemFree(pszName); } } static void laProcessAttach(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx) { /* Check if the attach was changed. */ pCtx->u32Action = LA_DO_NOTHING; uint64_t u64Timestamp = 0; uint32_t u32Attach = ~0; int rc = laGetUint32(pCtx->u32GuestPropHandle, pCtx->activeClient.pszPropAttach, &u64Timestamp, &u32Attach); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LALOG(("LA: laProcessAttach: read %d, at %lld\n", u32Attach, u64Timestamp)); if (u64Timestamp != pCtx->activeClient.u64LastAttachTimestamp) { if (u32Attach != pCtx->activeClient.u32LastAttach) { LALOG(("LA: laProcessAttach: changed\n")); /* Just do the last action. */ pCtx->u32Action = u32Attach? LA_DO_ATTACH: LA_DO_DETACH; pCtx->activeClient.u32LastAttach = u32Attach; } else { LALOG(("LA: laProcessAttach: same\n")); /* The property has changed but the value is the same, * which means that it was changed and restored. */ pCtx->u32Action = u32Attach? LA_DO_DETACH_AND_ATTACH: LA_DO_ATTACH_AND_DETACH; } pCtx->activeClient.u64LastAttachTimestamp = u64Timestamp; } } LALOG(("LA: laProcessAttach: action %d\n", pCtx->u32Action)); } static void laDoActions(VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx) { /* Check if the attach was changed. * * Caller assumes that this function will filter double actions. * That is two or more LA_DO_ATTACH will do just one LA_DO_ATTACH. */ LALOG(("LA: laDoActions: action %d, prev %d\n", pCtx->u32Action, pCtx->u32PrevAction)); switch(pCtx->u32Action) { case LA_DO_ATTACH: { if (pCtx->u32PrevAction != LA_DO_ATTACH) { pCtx->u32PrevAction = LA_DO_ATTACH; laDoAttach(pCtx); } } break; case LA_DO_DETACH: { if (pCtx->u32PrevAction != LA_DO_DETACH) { pCtx->u32PrevAction = LA_DO_DETACH; laDoDetach(pCtx); } } break; case LA_DO_DETACH_AND_ATTACH: { if (pCtx->u32PrevAction != LA_DO_DETACH) { pCtx->u32PrevAction = LA_DO_DETACH; laDoDetach(pCtx); } pCtx->u32PrevAction = LA_DO_ATTACH; laDoAttach(pCtx); } break; case LA_DO_ATTACH_AND_DETACH: { if (pCtx->u32PrevAction != LA_DO_ATTACH) { pCtx->u32PrevAction = LA_DO_ATTACH; laDoAttach(pCtx); } pCtx->u32PrevAction = LA_DO_DETACH; laDoDetach(pCtx); } break; case LA_DO_NOTHING: default: break; } pCtx->u32Action = LA_DO_NOTHING; LALOG(("LA: laDoActions: leave\n")); } int VBoxLAInit(const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv, void **ppInstance, bool *pfStartThread) { gCtx.pEnv = pEnv; DWORD dwValue = 0; if ( laGetRegistryDWORD(L"SOFTWARE\\Oracle\\VirtualBox Guest Additions", L"VBoxTrayLog", &dwValue) && (dwValue & 0x10) != 0) { gCtx.fLogEnabled = true; } else { gCtx.fLogEnabled = false; } LALOG(("VBoxTray: VBoxLAInit\n")); dwValue = 0; if ( laGetRegistryDWORD(L"SOFTWARE\\Oracle\\VirtualBox Guest Additions", L"VBoxTrayLA", &dwValue) && (dwValue & 0x02) != 0) { gCtx.fDetachOnDisconnect = true; } else { gCtx.fDetachOnDisconnect = false; } LALOG(("VBoxTray: VBoxLAInit: VBoxTrayLA %x\n", dwValue)); int rc = VbglR3GuestPropConnect(&gCtx.u32GuestPropHandle); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { return rc; } RTListInit(&gCtx.listAttachActions); RTListInit(&gCtx.listDetachActions); RT_ZERO(gCtx.activeClient); gCtx.hModuleKernel32 = LoadLibrary("KERNEL32"); if (gCtx.hModuleKernel32) { *(uintptr_t *)&gCtx.pfnProcessIdToSessionId = (uintptr_t)GetProcAddress(gCtx.hModuleKernel32, "ProcessIdToSessionId"); } else { gCtx.pfnProcessIdToSessionId = NULL; } *pfStartThread = true; *ppInstance = &gCtx; return VINF_SUCCESS; } void VBoxLADestroy(const VBOXSERVICEENV *pEnv, void *pInstance) { LALOG(("VBoxTray: VBoxLADestroy\n")); VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx = (VBOXLACONTEXT *)pInstance; if (pCtx->u32GuestPropHandle != 0) { VbglR3GuestPropDisconnect(pCtx->u32GuestPropHandle); } ActionExecutorDeleteActions(&pCtx->listAttachActions); ActionExecutorDeleteActions(&pCtx->listDetachActions); if (pCtx->hModuleKernel32) { FreeLibrary(pCtx->hModuleKernel32); pCtx->pfnProcessIdToSessionId = NULL; } pCtx->hModuleKernel32 = NULL; } /* * Thread function to wait for and process property changes */ unsigned __stdcall VBoxLAThread(void *pInstance) { VBOXLACONTEXT *pCtx = (VBOXLACONTEXT *)pInstance; LALOG(("VBoxTray: VBoxLAThread: Started.\n")); /* * On name change event (/VirtualBox/HostInfo/VRDP/Client/%ID%/Name) * Store the name in the registry (HKCU\Volatile Environment\UTCINFO_CLIENTNAME). * On a client attach event (/VirtualBox/HostInfo/VRDP/Client/%ID%/Attach -> 1): * Execute ReconnectActions * On a client detach event (/VirtualBox/HostInfo/VRDP/Client/%ID%/Attach -> 0): * Execute DisconnectActions * * The active connected client id is /VirtualBox/HostInfo/VRDP/ActiveClientClient. */ if (!ActionExecutorEnumerateRegistryKey(g_pwszRegKeyReconnectActions, &gCtx.listAttachActions)) { LALOG(("LA: Can't enumerate registry key %ls\n", g_pwszRegKeyReconnectActions)); } if (!ActionExecutorEnumerateRegistryKey(g_pwszRegKeyDisconnectActions, &gCtx.listDetachActions)) { LALOG(("LA: Can't enumerate registry key %ls\n", g_pwszRegKeyDisconnectActions)); } /* A non zero timestamp in the past. */ pCtx->u64LastQuery = 1; /* Start at Detached state. */ pCtx->u32PrevAction = LA_DO_DETACH; for (;;) { /* Query current ActiveClient. * if it differs from the current active client * rebuild the context; * wait with timeout for properties change since the active client was changed; * if 'Name' was changed * update the name; * if 'Attach' was changed * do respective actions. * remember the query timestamp; */ uint64_t u64Timestamp = 0; uint32_t u32ActiveClientId = 0; int rc = laGetActiveClient(pCtx, &u64Timestamp, &u32ActiveClientId); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { bool fClientIdChanged = pCtx->activeClient.u32ClientId != u32ActiveClientId; if (fClientIdChanged) { rc = laUpdateCurrentState(pCtx, u32ActiveClientId, u64Timestamp); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pCtx->activeClient.u32ClientId != 0) { rc = laWait(pCtx, &u64Timestamp, 1000); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { laProcessAttach(pCtx); laProcessName(pCtx); laDoActions(pCtx); pCtx->u64LastQuery = u64Timestamp; } } else { /* If the client has been disconnected, do the detach actions. */ if ( pCtx->fDetachOnDisconnect && fClientIdChanged) { LALOG(("LA: client disconnected\n")); /* laDoActions will prevent a repeated detach action. So if there * was a detach already, then this detach will be ignored. */ pCtx->u32Action = LA_DO_DETACH; laDoActions(pCtx); pCtx->u64LastQuery = u64Timestamp; } } } } /* Check if it is time to exit. * If the code above failed, wait a bit until repeating to avoid a loop. * Otherwise just check if the stop event was signalled. */ uint32_t u32Wait; if ( rc == VERR_NOT_FOUND || pCtx->activeClient.u32ClientId == 0) { /* No connections, wait longer. */ u32Wait = 5000; } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { u32Wait = 1000; } else { u32Wait = 0; } if (WaitForSingleObject(pCtx->pEnv->hStopEvent, u32Wait) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } } LALOG(("VBoxTray: VBoxLAThread: Finished.\n")); return 0; }