/* $Id: VBoxGuest-solaris.c 8351 2008-04-24 09:32:22Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Guest Additions Driver for Solaris. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef u /* /usr/include/sys/user.h:249:1 is where this is defined to (curproc->p_user). very cool. */ #include "VBoxGuestInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** The module name. */ #define DEVICE_NAME "vboxguest" /** The module description as seen in 'modinfo'. */ #define DEVICE_DESC "VirtualBox Guest Driver" /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static int VBoxGuestSolarisOpen(dev_t *pDev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxGuestSolarisClose(dev_t Dev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxGuestSolarisRead(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxGuestSolarisWrite(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred); static int VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl(dev_t Dev, int Cmd, intptr_t pArg, int Mode, cred_t *pCred, int *pVal); static int VBoxGuestSolarisGetInfo(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_info_cmd_t enmCmd, void *pArg, void **ppResult); static int VBoxGuestSolarisAttach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_attach_cmd_t enmCmd); static int VBoxGuestSolarisDetach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_detach_cmd_t enmCmd); static int VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip, void *pvState); static void VBoxGuestSolarisRemoveIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip, void *pvState); static uint_t VBoxGuestSolarisISR(caddr_t Arg); DECLVBGL(int) VBoxGuestSolarisServiceCall(void *pvSession, unsigned iCmd, void *pvData, size_t cbData, size_t *pcbDataReturned); DECLVBGL(void *) VBoxGuestSolarisServiceOpen(uint32_t *pu32Version); DECLVBGL(int) VBoxGuestSolarisServiceClose(void *pvSession); /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * cb_ops: for drivers that support char/block entry points */ static struct cb_ops g_VBoxGuestSolarisCbOps = { VBoxGuestSolarisOpen, VBoxGuestSolarisClose, nodev, /* b strategy */ nodev, /* b dump */ nodev, /* b print */ VBoxGuestSolarisRead, VBoxGuestSolarisWrite, VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl, nodev, /* c devmap */ nodev, /* c mmap */ nodev, /* c segmap */ nochpoll, /* c poll */ ddi_prop_op, /* property ops */ NULL, /* streamtab */ D_NEW | D_MP, /* compat. flag */ CB_REV /* revision */ }; /** * dev_ops: for driver device operations */ static struct dev_ops g_VBoxGuestSolarisDevOps = { DEVO_REV, /* driver build revision */ 0, /* ref count */ VBoxGuestSolarisGetInfo, nulldev, /* identify */ nulldev, /* probe */ VBoxGuestSolarisAttach, VBoxGuestSolarisDetach, nodev, /* reset */ &g_VBoxGuestSolarisCbOps, (struct bus_ops *)0, nodev /* power */ }; /** * modldrv: export driver specifics to the kernel */ static struct modldrv g_VBoxGuestSolarisModule = { &mod_driverops, /* extern from kernel */ DEVICE_DESC, &g_VBoxGuestSolarisDevOps }; /** * modlinkage: export install/remove/info to the kernel */ static struct modlinkage g_VBoxGuestSolarisModLinkage = { MODREV_1, /* loadable module system revision */ &g_VBoxGuestSolarisModule, NULL /* terminate array of linkage structures */ }; /** * State info for each open file handle. */ typedef struct { /** IO port handle. */ ddi_acc_handle_t PciIOHandle; /** MMIO handle. */ ddi_acc_handle_t PciMMIOHandle; #if 0 /** Interrupt block cookie. */ ddi_iblock_cookie_t BlockCookie; #endif /** Driver Mutex. */ kmutex_t Mtx; /** IO Port. */ uint16_t uIOPortBase; /** Address of the MMIO region.*/ caddr_t pMMIOBase; /** Size of the MMIO region. */ off_t cbMMIO; /** VMMDev Version. */ uint32_t u32Version; /** Pointer to the interrupt handle vector */ ddi_intr_handle_t *pIntr; /** Number of actually allocated interrupt handles */ size_t cIntrAllocated; #ifndef USE_SESSION_HASH /** Pointer to the session handle. */ PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession; #endif } vboxguest_state_t; /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** Device handle (we support only one instance). */ static dev_info_t *g_pDip; /** Opaque pointer to state */ static void *g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState; /** Device extention & session data association structure. */ static VBOXGUESTDEVEXT g_DevExt; /** Spinlock protecting g_apSessionHashTab. */ static RTSPINLOCK g_Spinlock = NIL_RTSPINLOCK; #ifdef USE_SESSION_HASH /** Hash table */ static PVBOXGUESTSESSION g_apSessionHashTab[19]; /** Calculates the index into g_apSessionHashTab.*/ #define SESSION_HASH(sfn) ((sfn) % RT_ELEMENTS(g_apSessionHashTab)) #endif /* USE_SESSION_HASH */ /** GCC C++ hack. */ unsigned __gxx_personality_v0 = 0xdecea5ed; /** * Kernel entry points */ int _init(void) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":_init\n")); int rc = ddi_soft_state_init(&g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, sizeof(vboxguest_state_t), 1); if (!rc) { rc = mod_install(&g_VBoxGuestSolarisModLinkage); if (rc) ddi_soft_state_fini(&g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState); } return rc; } int _fini(void) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":_fini\n")); int rc = mod_remove(&g_VBoxGuestSolarisModLinkage); if (!rc) ddi_soft_state_fini(&g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState); return rc; } int _info(struct modinfo *pModInfo) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":_info\n")); return mod_info(&g_VBoxGuestSolarisModLinkage, pModInfo); } /** * Attach entry point, to attach a device to the system or resume it. * * @param pDip The module structure instance. * @param enmCmd Attach type (ddi_attach_cmd_t) * * @return corresponding solaris error code. */ static int VBoxGuestSolarisAttach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_attach_cmd_t enmCmd) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAttach\n")); switch (enmCmd) { case DDI_ATTACH: { int rc; int instance; vboxguest_state_t *pState; instance = ddi_get_instance(pDip); #ifdef USE_SESSION_HASH rc = ddi_soft_state_zalloc(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, instance); if (rc != DDI_SUCCESS) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_soft_state_zalloc failed.\n")); return DDI_FAILURE; } pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, instance); if (!pState) { ddi_soft_state_free(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, instance); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_get_soft_state for instance %d failed\n", instance)); return DDI_FAILURE; } #else pState = RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(vboxguest_state_t)); if (!pState) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":RTMemAllocZ failed to allocate %d bytes\n", sizeof(vboxguest_state_t))); return DDI_FAILURE; } #endif /* * Initialize IPRT R0 driver, which internally calls OS-specific r0 init. */ rc = RTR0Init(0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":RTR0Init failed.\n")); return DDI_FAILURE; } /* * Initialize the session hash table. */ rc = RTSpinlockCreate(&g_Spinlock); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Enable resources for PCI access. */ ddi_acc_handle_t PciHandle; rc = pci_config_setup(pDip, &PciHandle); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { /* * Map the register address space. */ caddr_t baseAddr; ddi_device_acc_attr_t deviceAttr; deviceAttr.devacc_attr_version = DDI_DEVICE_ATTR_V0; deviceAttr.devacc_attr_endian_flags = DDI_NEVERSWAP_ACC; deviceAttr.devacc_attr_dataorder = DDI_STRICTORDER_ACC; deviceAttr.devacc_attr_access = DDI_DEFAULT_ACC; rc = ddi_regs_map_setup(pDip, 1, &baseAddr, 0, 0, &deviceAttr, &pState->PciIOHandle); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { /* * Read size of the MMIO region. */ pState->uIOPortBase = (uintptr_t)baseAddr; rc = ddi_dev_regsize(pDip, 2, &pState->cbMMIO); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { rc = ddi_regs_map_setup(pDip, 2, &pState->pMMIOBase, 0, pState->cbMMIO, &deviceAttr, &pState->PciMMIOHandle); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { /* * Add IRQ of VMMDev. */ rc = VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ(pDip, pState); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { /* * Call the common device extension initializer. */ rc = VBoxGuestInitDevExt(&g_DevExt, pState->uIOPortBase, pState->pMMIOBase, pState->cbMMIO, VBOXOSTYPE_Solaris); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = ddi_create_minor_node(pDip, DEVICE_NAME, S_IFCHR, instance, DDI_PSEUDO, 0); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { g_pDip = pDip; ddi_set_driver_private(pDip, pState); pci_config_teardown(&PciHandle); ddi_report_dev(pDip); return DDI_SUCCESS; } LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_create_minor_node failed.\n")); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestInitDevExt failed.\n")); VBoxGuestSolarisRemoveIRQ(pDip, pState); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ failed.\n")); ddi_regs_map_free(&pState->PciMMIOHandle); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_regs_map_setup for MMIO region failed.\n")); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_dev_regsize for MMIO region failed.\n")); ddi_regs_map_free(&pState->PciIOHandle); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_regs_map_setup for IOport failed.\n")); pci_config_teardown(&PciHandle); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":pci_config_setup failed rc=%d.\n", rc)); RTSpinlockDestroy(g_Spinlock); g_Spinlock = NIL_RTSPINLOCK; } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":RTSpinlockCreate failed.\n")); RTR0Term(); return DDI_FAILURE; } case DDI_RESUME: { /** @todo implement resume for guest driver. */ return DDI_SUCCESS; } default: return DDI_FAILURE; } } /** * Detach entry point, to detach a device to the system or suspend it. * * @param pDip The module structure instance. * @param enmCmd Attach type (ddi_attach_cmd_t) * * @return corresponding solaris error code. */ static int VBoxGuestSolarisDetach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_detach_cmd_t enmCmd) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisDetach\n")); switch (enmCmd) { case DDI_DETACH: { int rc; int instance = ddi_get_instance(pDip); #ifdef USE_SESSION_HASH vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, instance); #else vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_driver_private(g_pDip); #endif if (pState) { VBoxGuestSolarisRemoveIRQ(pDip, pState); ddi_regs_map_free(&pState->PciIOHandle); ddi_regs_map_free(&pState->PciMMIOHandle); ddi_remove_minor_node(pDip, NULL); #ifdef USE_SESSION_HASH ddi_soft_state_free(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, instance); #else RTMemFree(pState); #endif rc = RTSpinlockDestroy(g_Spinlock); AssertRC(rc); g_Spinlock = NIL_RTSPINLOCK; RTR0Term(); return DDI_SUCCESS; } Log((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_get_soft_state failed. Cannot detach instance %d\n", instance)); return DDI_FAILURE; } case DDI_SUSPEND: { /** @todo implement suspend for guest driver. */ return DDI_SUCCESS; } default: return DDI_FAILURE; } } /** * Info entry point, called by solaris kernel for obtaining driver info. * * @param pDip The module structure instance (do not use). * @param enmCmd Information request type. * @param pvArg Type specific argument. * @param ppvResult Where to store the requested info. * * @return corresponding solaris error code. */ static int VBoxGuestSolarisGetInfo(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_info_cmd_t enmCmd, void *pvArg, void **ppvResult) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisGetInfo\n")); int rc = DDI_SUCCESS; switch (enmCmd) { case DDI_INFO_DEVT2DEVINFO: *ppvResult = (void *)g_pDip; break; case DDI_INFO_DEVT2INSTANCE: *ppvResult = (void *)(uintptr_t)ddi_get_instance(g_pDip); break; default: rc = DDI_FAILURE; break; } NOREF(pvArg); return rc; } /** * User context entry points */ static int VBoxGuestSolarisOpen(dev_t *pDev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred) { int rc; PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession; LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisOpen\n")); /* * Verify we are being opened as a character device. */ if (fType != OTYP_CHR) return EINVAL; #ifndef USE_SESSION_HASH vboxguest_state_t *pState = NULL; unsigned iOpenInstance; for (iOpenInstance = 0; iOpenInstance < 4096; iOpenInstance++) { if ( !ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, iOpenInstance) /* faster */ && ddi_soft_state_zalloc(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, iOpenInstance) == DDI_SUCCESS) { pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, iOpenInstance); break; } } if (!pState) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisOpen: too many open instances.")); return ENXIO; } /* * Create a new session. */ rc = VBoxGuestCreateUserSession(&g_DevExt, &pSession); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pState->pSession = pSession; *pDev = makedevice(getmajor(*pDev), iOpenInstance); Log((DEVICE_NAME "VBoxGuestSolarisOpen: pSession=%p pState=%p pid=%d\n", pSession, pState, (int)RTProcSelf())); return 0; } /* Failed, clean up. */ ddi_soft_state_free(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, iOpenInstance); #else /* * Create a new session. */ rc = VBoxGuestCreateUserSession(&g_DevExt, &pSession); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Insert it into the hash table. */ unsigned iHash = SESSION_HASH(pSession->Process); RTSPINLOCKTMP Tmp = RTSPINLOCKTMP_INITIALIZER; RTSpinlockAcquireNoInts(g_Spinlock, &Tmp); pSession->pNextHash = g_apSessionHashTab[iHash]; g_apSessionHashTab[iHash] = pSession; RTSpinlockReleaseNoInts(g_Spinlock, &Tmp); int instance; for (instance = 0; instance < 4096; instance++) { vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, instance); if (pState) break; } if (instance >= 4096) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisOpen: All instances exhausted\n")); return ENXIO; } *pDev = makedevice(getmajor(*pDev), instance); Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisOpen success: g_DevExt=%p pSession=%p rc=%d pid=%d\n", &g_DevExt, pSession, rc, (int)RTProcSelf())); return 0; } #endif LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisOpen: VBoxGuestCreateUserSession failed. rc=%d\n", rc)); return EFAULT; } static int VBoxGuestSolarisClose(dev_t Dev, int flag, int fType, cred_t *pCred) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisClose pid=%d\n", (int)RTProcSelf())); #ifndef USE_SESSION_HASH PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession; vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, getminor(Dev)); if (!pState) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisClose: failed to get pState.\n")); return EFAULT; } pSession = pState->pSession; pState->pSession = NULL; Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisClose: pSession=%p pState=%p\n", pSession, pState)); ddi_soft_state_free(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, getminor(Dev)); if (!pSession) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisClose: failed to get pSession.\n")); return EFAULT; } #else /* USE_SESSION_HASH */ /* * Remove from the hash table. */ PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession; const RTPROCESS Process = RTProcSelf(); const unsigned iHash = SESSION_HASH(Process); RTSPINLOCKTMP Tmp = RTSPINLOCKTMP_INITIALIZER; RTSpinlockAcquireNoInts(g_Spinlock, &Tmp); pSession = g_apSessionHashTab[iHash]; if (pSession) { if (pSession->Process == Process) { g_apSessionHashTab[iHash] = pSession->pNextHash; pSession->pNextHash = NULL; } else { PVBOXGUESTSESSION pPrev = pSession; pSession = pSession->pNextHash; while (pSession) { if (pSession->Process == Process) { pPrev->pNextHash = pSession->pNextHash; pSession->pNextHash = NULL; break; } /* next */ pPrev = pSession; pSession = pSession->pNextHash; } } } RTSpinlockReleaseNoInts(g_Spinlock, &Tmp); if (!pSession) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisClose: WHUT?!? pSession == NULL! This must be a mistake... pid=%d", (int)Process)); return EFAULT; } Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisClose: pid=%d\n", (int)Process)); #endif /* USE_SESSION_HASH */ /* * Close the session. */ VBoxGuestCloseSession(&g_DevExt, pSession); return 0; } static int VBoxGuestSolarisRead(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisRead\n")); return 0; } static int VBoxGuestSolarisWrite(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisWrite\n")); return 0; } /** @def IOCPARM_LEN * Gets the length from the ioctl number. * This is normally defined by sys/ioccom.h on BSD systems... */ #ifndef IOCPARM_LEN # define IOCPARM_LEN(Code) (((Code) >> 16) & IOCPARM_MASK) #endif /** * Driver ioctl, an alternate entry point for this character driver. * * @param Dev Device number * @param Cmd Operation identifier * @param pArg Arguments from user to driver * @param Mode Information bitfield (read/write, address space etc.) * @param pCred User credentials * @param pVal Return value for calling process. * * @return corresponding solaris error code. */ static int VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl(dev_t Dev, int Cmd, intptr_t pArg, int Mode, cred_t *pCred, int *pVal) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl\n")); #ifndef USE_SESSION_HASH /* * Get the session from the soft state item. */ vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pVBoxGuestSolarisState, getminor(Dev)); if (!pState) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: no state data for %d\n", getminor(Dev))); return EINVAL; } PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession = pState->pSession; if (!pSession) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: no session data for %d\n", getminor(Dev))); return EINVAL; } #else /* USE_SESSION_HASH */ RTSPINLOCKTMP Tmp = RTSPINLOCKTMP_INITIALIZER; const RTPROCESS Process = RTProcSelf(); const unsigned iHash = SESSION_HASH(Process); PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession; /* * Find the session. */ RTSpinlockAcquireNoInts(g_Spinlock, &Tmp); pSession = g_apSessionHashTab[iHash]; if (pSession && pSession->Process != Process) { do pSession = pSession->pNextHash; while (pSession && pSession->Process != Process); } RTSpinlockReleaseNoInts(g_Spinlock, &Tmp); if (!pSession) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: WHAT?!? pSession == NULL! This must be a mistake... pid=%d iCmd=%#x\n", (int)Process, Cmd)); return EINVAL; } #endif /* USE_SESSION_HASH */ /* * Read and validate the request wrapper. */ VBGLBIGREQ ReqWrap; if (IOCPARM_LEN(Cmd) != sizeof(ReqWrap)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: bad request %#x size=%d expected=%d\n", Cmd, IOCPARM_LEN(Cmd), sizeof(ReqWrap))); return ENOTTY; } int rc = ddi_copyin((void *)pArg, &ReqWrap, sizeof(ReqWrap), Mode); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: ddi_copyin failed to read header pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%d.\n", pArg, Cmd, rc)); return EINVAL; } if (ReqWrap.u32Magic != VBGLBIGREQ_MAGIC) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: bad magic %#x; pArg=%p Cmd=%d.\n", ReqWrap.u32Magic, pArg, Cmd)); return EINVAL; } if (RT_UNLIKELY( ReqWrap.cbData == 0 || ReqWrap.cbData > _1M*16)) { Log((DEVICE_NAME ": VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: bad size %#x; pArg=%p Cmd=%d.\n", ReqWrap.cbData, pArg, Cmd)); return EINVAL; } /* * Read the request. */ void *pvBuf = RTMemTmpAlloc(ReqWrap.cbData); if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pvBuf)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: RTMemTmpAlloc failed to alloc %d bytes.\n", ReqWrap.cbData)); return ENOMEM; } rc = ddi_copyin((void *)(uintptr_t)ReqWrap.pvDataR3, pvBuf, ReqWrap.cbData, Mode); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc)) { RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: ddi_copyin failed; pvBuf=%p pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%d\n", pvBuf, pArg, Cmd, rc)); return EFAULT; } if (RT_UNLIKELY( ReqWrap.cbData != 0 && !VALID_PTR(pvBuf))) { RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: pvBuf invalid pointer %p\n", pvBuf)); return EINVAL; } Log((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: pSession=%p pid=%d.\n", pSession, (int)RTProcSelf())); /* * Process the IOCtl. */ size_t cbDataReturned; rc = VBoxGuestCommonIOCtl(Cmd, &g_DevExt, pSession, pvBuf, ReqWrap.cbData, &cbDataReturned); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = 0; if (RT_UNLIKELY(cbDataReturned > ReqWrap.cbData)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: too much output data %d expected %d\n", cbDataReturned, ReqWrap.cbData)); cbDataReturned = ReqWrap.cbData; } if (cbDataReturned > 0) { rc = ddi_copyout(pvBuf, (void *)(uintptr_t)ReqWrap.pvDataR3, cbDataReturned, Mode); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc)) { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: ddi_copyout failed; pvBuf=%p pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%d\n", pvBuf, pArg, Cmd, rc)); rc = EFAULT; } } } else { LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisIOCtl: VBoxGuestCommonIOCtl failed. rc=%d\n", rc)); rc = EFAULT; } *pVal = rc; RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf); return rc; } /** * Sets IRQ for VMMDev. * * @returns Solaris error code. * @param pDip Pointer to the device info structure. * @param pvState Pointer to the state info structure. */ static int VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip, void *pvState) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ %p\n", pvState)); vboxguest_state_t *pState = (vboxguest_state_t *)pvState; #if 0 /* * These calls are supposedly deprecated. But Sun seems to use them all over * the place. Anyway, once this works we will switch to the highly elaborate * and non-obsolete way of setting up IRQs. */ int rc = ddi_get_iblock_cookie(pDip, 0, &pState->BlockCookie); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { mutex_init(&pState->Mtx, "VBoxGuest Driver Mutex", MUTEX_DRIVER, (void *)pState->BlockCookie); rc = ddi_add_intr(pDip, 0, &pState->BlockCookie, NULL, VBoxGuestSolarisISR, (caddr_t)pState); if (rc != DDI_SUCCESS) Log((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_add_intr failed. Cannot set IRQ for VMMDev.\n")); } else Log((DEVICE_NAME ":ddi_get_iblock_cookie failed. Cannot set IRQ for VMMDev.\n")); return rc; #else int IntrType = 0; int rc = ddi_intr_get_supported_types(pDip, &IntrType); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { /* We won't need to bother about MSIs. */ if (IntrType & DDI_INTR_TYPE_FIXED) { int IntrCount = 0; rc = ddi_intr_get_nintrs(pDip, IntrType, &IntrCount); if ( rc == DDI_SUCCESS && IntrCount > 0) { int IntrAvail = 0; rc = ddi_intr_get_navail(pDip, IntrType, &IntrAvail); if ( rc == DDI_SUCCESS && IntrAvail > 0) { /* Allocated kernel memory for the interrupt handles. The allocation size is stored internally. */ pState->pIntr = RTMemAlloc(IntrCount * sizeof(ddi_intr_handle_t)); if (pState->pIntr) { int IntrAllocated; rc = ddi_intr_alloc(pDip, pState->pIntr, IntrType, 0, IntrCount, &IntrAllocated, DDI_INTR_ALLOC_NORMAL); if ( rc == DDI_SUCCESS && IntrAllocated > 0) { pState->cIntrAllocated = IntrAllocated; uint_t uIntrPriority; rc = ddi_intr_get_pri(pState->pIntr[0], &uIntrPriority); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { /* Initialize the mutex. */ mutex_init(&pState->Mtx, "VBoxGuestMtx", MUTEX_DRIVER, DDI_INTR_PRI(uIntrPriority)); /* Assign interrupt handler functions and enable interrupts. */ for (int i = 0; i < IntrAllocated; i++) { rc = ddi_intr_add_handler(pState->pIntr[i], (ddi_intr_handler_t *)VBoxGuestSolarisISR, (caddr_t)pState, NULL); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) rc = ddi_intr_enable(pState->pIntr[i]); if (rc != DDI_SUCCESS) { /* Changing local IntrAllocated to hold so-far allocated handles for freeing. */ IntrAllocated = i; break; } } if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) return rc; /* Remove any assigned handlers */ LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":failed to assign IRQs allocated=%d\n", IntrAllocated)); for (int x = 0; x < IntrAllocated; x++) ddi_intr_remove_handler(pState->pIntr[x]); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ: failed to get priority of interrupt. rc=%d\n", rc)); /* Remove allocated IRQs, too bad we can free only one handle at a time. */ for (int k = 0; k < pState->cIntrAllocated; k++) ddi_intr_free(pState->pIntr[k]); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ: failed to allocated IRQs. count=%d\n", IntrCount)); RTMemFree(pState->pIntr); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ: failed to allocated IRQs. count=%d\n", IntrCount)); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ: failed to get or insufficient available IRQs. rc=%d IntrAvail=%d\n", rc, IntrAvail)); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ: failed to get or insufficient number of IRQs. rc=%d IntrCount=%d\n", rc, IntrCount)); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ: invalid irq type. IntrType=%#x\n", IntrType)); } else LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisAddIRQ: failed to get supported interrupt types\n")); return rc; #endif } /** * Removes IRQ for VMMDev. * * @param pDip Pointer to the device info structure. * @param pvState Opaque pointer to the state info structure. */ static void VBoxGuestSolarisRemoveIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip, void *pvState) { vboxguest_state_t *pState = (vboxguest_state_t *)pvState; LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisRemoveIRQ pvState=%p\n")); #if 0 ddi_remove_intr(pDip, 0, pState->BlockCookie); mutex_destroy(&pState->Mtx); #else for (int i = 0; i < pState->cIntrAllocated; i++) { int rc = ddi_intr_disable(pState->pIntr[i]); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) { rc = ddi_intr_remove_handler(pState->pIntr[i]); if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS) ddi_intr_free(pState->pIntr[i]); } } RTMemFree(pState->pIntr); mutex_destroy(&pState->Mtx); #endif } /** * Interrupt Service Routine for VMMDev. * * @returns DDI_INTR_CLAIMED if it's our interrupt, DDI_INTR_UNCLAIMED if it isn't. */ static uint_t VBoxGuestSolarisISR(caddr_t Arg) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisISR Arg=%p\n", Arg)); vboxguest_state_t *pState = (vboxguest_state_t *)Arg; mutex_enter(&pState->Mtx); bool fOurIRQ = VBoxGuestCommonISR(&g_DevExt); mutex_exit(&pState->Mtx); return fOurIRQ ? DDI_INTR_CLAIMED : DDI_INTR_UNCLAIMED; } /** * VBoxGuest Common ioctl wrapper from VBoxGuestLib. * * @returns VBox error code. * @param pvSession Opaque pointer to the session. * @param iCmd Requested function. * @param pvData IO data buffer. * @param cbData Size of the data buffer. * @param pcbDataReturned Where to store the amount of returned data. */ DECLVBGL(int) VBoxGuestSolarisServiceCall(void *pvSession, unsigned iCmd, void *pvData, size_t cbData, size_t *pcbDataReturned) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisServiceCall %pvSesssion=%p Cmd=%u pvData=%p cbData=%d\n", pvSession, iCmd, pvData, cbData)); PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession = (PVBOXGUESTSESSION)pvSession; AssertPtrReturn(pSession, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(pSession->pDevExt == &g_DevExt, ("SC: %p != %p\n", pSession->pDevExt, &g_DevExt), VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); return VBoxGuestCommonIOCtl(iCmd, &g_DevExt, pSession, pvData, cbData, pcbDataReturned); } /** * Solaris Guest service open. * * @returns Opaque pointer to session object. * @param pu32Version Where to store VMMDev version. */ DECLVBGL(void *) VBoxGuestSolarisServiceOpen(uint32_t *pu32Version) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisServiceOpen\n")); AssertPtrReturn(pu32Version, NULL); PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession; int rc = VBoxGuestCreateKernelSession(&g_DevExt, &pSession); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *pu32Version = VMMDEV_VERSION; return pSession; } LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestCreateKernelSession failed. rc=%d\n", rc)); return NULL; } /** * Solaris Guest service close. * * @returns VBox error code. * @param pvState Opaque pointer to the session object. */ DECLVBGL(int) VBoxGuestSolarisServiceClose(void *pvSession) { LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":VBoxGuestSolarisServiceClose\n")); PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession = (PVBOXGUESTSESSION)pvSession; AssertPtrReturn(pSession, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (pSession) { VBoxGuestCloseSession(&g_DevExt, pSession); return VINF_SUCCESS; } LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":Invalid pSession.\n")); return VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; }