/* $Id: VBoxServiceControl.h 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxServiceControl.h - Internal guest control definitions. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___VBoxServiceControl_h #define ___VBoxServiceControl_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Pipe IDs for handling the guest process poll set. */ typedef enum VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID { VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_UNKNOWN = 0, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN = 10, VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDIN_WRITABLE = 11, /** Pipe for reading from guest process' stdout. */ VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDOUT = 40, /** Pipe for reading from guest process' stderr. */ VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_STDERR = 50, /** Notification pipe for waking up the guest process * control thread. */ VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID_IPC_NOTIFY = 100 } VBOXSERVICECTRLPIPEID; /** * Structure for one (opened) guest file. */ typedef struct VBOXSERVICECTRLFILE { /** Pointer to list archor of following * list node. * @todo Would be nice to have a RTListGetAnchor(). */ PRTLISTANCHOR pAnchor; /** Node to global guest control file list. */ /** @todo Use a map later? */ RTLISTNODE Node; /** The file name. */ char szName[RTPATH_MAX]; /** The file handle on the guest. */ RTFILE hFile; /** File handle to identify this file. */ uint32_t uHandle; /** Context ID. */ uint32_t uContextID; } VBOXSERVICECTRLFILE; /** Pointer to thread data. */ typedef VBOXSERVICECTRLFILE *PVBOXSERVICECTRLFILE; typedef struct VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPINFO { /** The session's protocol version to use. */ uint32_t uProtocol; /** The session's ID. */ uint32_t uSessionID; /** User name (account) to start the guest session under. */ char szUser[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_USER_LEN]; /** Password of specified user name (account). */ char szPassword[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN]; /** Domain of the user account. */ char szDomain[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_DOMAIN_LEN]; /** Session creation flags. * @sa VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPFLAG_* flags. */ uint32_t fFlags; } VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPINFO; /** Pointer to thread data. */ typedef VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPINFO *PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPINFO; /** * Structure for a guest session thread to * observe/control the forked session instance from * the VBoxService main executable. */ typedef struct VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONTHREAD { /** Node to global guest control session list. */ /** @todo Use a map later? */ RTLISTNODE Node; /** The sessions's startup info. */ VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPINFO StartupInfo; /** Critical section for thread-safe use. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** The worker thread. */ RTTHREAD Thread; /** Process handle for forked child. */ RTPROCESS hProcess; /** Shutdown indicator; will be set when the thread * needs (or is asked) to shutdown. */ bool volatile fShutdown; /** Indicator set by the service thread exiting. */ bool volatile fStopped; /** Whether the thread was started or not. */ bool fStarted; #if 0 /* Pipe IPC not used yet. */ /** Pollset containing all the pipes. */ RTPOLLSET hPollSet; RTPIPE hStdInW; RTPIPE hStdOutR; RTPIPE hStdErrR; struct StdPipe { RTHANDLE hChild; PRTHANDLE phChild; } StdIn, StdOut, StdErr; /** The notification pipe associated with this guest session. * This is NIL_RTPIPE for output pipes. */ RTPIPE hNotificationPipeW; /** The other end of hNotificationPipeW. */ RTPIPE hNotificationPipeR; #endif /** Pipe for handing the secret key to the session process. */ RTPIPE hKeyPipe; /** Secret key. */ uint8_t abKey[_4K]; } VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONTHREAD; /** Pointer to thread data. */ typedef VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONTHREAD *PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONTHREAD; /** Flag indicating that this session has been spawned from * the main executable. */ #define VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION_FLAG_SPAWN RT_BIT(0) /** Flag indicating that this session is anonymous, that is, * it will run start guest processes with the same credentials * as the main executable. */ #define VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION_FLAG_ANONYMOUS RT_BIT(1) /** Flag indicating that started guest processes will dump their * stdout output to a separate file on disk. For debugging. */ #define VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION_FLAG_DUMPSTDOUT RT_BIT(2) /** Flag indicating that started guest processes will dump their * stderr output to a separate file on disk. For debugging. */ #define VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION_FLAG_DUMPSTDERR RT_BIT(3) /** * Structure for maintaining a guest session. This also * contains all started threads (e.g. for guest processes). * * This structure can act in two different ways: * - For legacy guest control handling (protocol version < 2) * this acts as a per-guest process structure containing all * the information needed to get a guest process up and running. * - For newer guest control protocols (>= 2) this structure is * part of the forked session child, maintaining all guest * control objects under it. */ typedef struct VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION { /* The session's startup information. */ VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPINFO StartupInfo; /** List of active guest process threads * (VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS). */ RTLISTANCHOR lstProcesses; /** List of guest control files (VBOXSERVICECTRLFILE). */ RTLISTANCHOR lstFiles; /** The session's critical section. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** Internal session flags, not related * to StartupInfo stuff. * @sa VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION_FLAG_* flags. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** How many processes do we allow keeping around at a time? */ uint32_t uProcsMaxKept; } VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION; /** Pointer to guest session. */ typedef VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION *PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION; /** * Structure holding information for starting a guest * process. */ typedef struct VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCSTARTUPINFO { /** Full qualified path of process to start (without arguments). */ char szCmd[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_CMD_LEN]; /** Process execution flags. @sa */ uint32_t uFlags; /** Command line arguments. */ char szArgs[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_ARGS_LEN]; /** Number of arguments specified in pszArgs. */ uint32_t uNumArgs; /** String of environment variables ("FOO=BAR") to pass to the process * to start. */ char szEnv[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_ENV_LEN]; /** Size (in bytes) of environment variables block. */ uint32_t cbEnv; /** Number of environment variables specified in pszEnv. */ uint32_t uNumEnvVars; /** User name (account) to start the process under. */ char szUser[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_USER_LEN]; /** Password of specified user name (account). */ char szPassword[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN]; /** Domain to be used for authenticating the specified user name (account). */ char szDomain[GUESTPROCESS_MAX_DOMAIN_LEN]; /** Time limit (in ms) of the process' life time. */ uint32_t uTimeLimitMS; /** Process priority. */ uint32_t uPriority; /** Process affinity. At the moment we support * up to 4 * 64 = 256 CPUs. */ uint64_t uAffinity[4]; /** Number of used process affinity blocks. */ uint32_t uNumAffinity; } VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCSTARTUPINFO; /** Pointer to a guest process block. */ typedef VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCSTARTUPINFO *PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCSTARTUPINFO; /** * Structure for holding data for one (started) guest process. */ typedef struct VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS { /** Node. */ RTLISTNODE Node; /** Process handle. */ RTPROCESS hProcess; /** Number of references using this struct. */ uint32_t cRefs; /** The worker thread. */ RTTHREAD Thread; /** The session this guest process * is bound to. */ PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession; /** Shutdown indicator; will be set when the thread * needs (or is asked) to shutdown. */ bool volatile fShutdown; /** Whether the guest process thread was stopped or not. */ bool volatile fStopped; /** Whether the guest process thread was started or not. */ bool fStarted; /** Context ID. */ uint32_t uContextID; /** Critical section for thread-safe use. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** Process startup information. */ VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCSTARTUPINFO StartupInfo; /** The process' PID assigned by the guest OS. */ uint32_t uPID; /** The process' request queue to handle requests * from the outside, e.g. the session. */ RTREQQUEUE hReqQueue; /** Our pollset, used for accessing the process' * std* pipes + the notification pipe. */ RTPOLLSET hPollSet; /** StdIn pipe for addressing writes to the * guest process' stdin.*/ RTPIPE hPipeStdInW; /** StdOut pipe for addressing reads from * guest process' stdout.*/ RTPIPE hPipeStdOutR; /** StdOut pipe for addressing reads from * guest process' stdout.*/ RTPIPE hPipeStdErrR; /** The write end of the notification pipe that is used to poke the thread * monitoring the process. * This is NIL_RTPIPE for output pipes. */ RTPIPE hNotificationPipeW; /** The other end of hNotificationPipeW, read by vgsvcGstCtrlProcessProcLoop(). */ RTPIPE hNotificationPipeR; } VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS; /** Pointer to thread data. */ typedef VBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS *PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS; RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN extern RTLISTANCHOR g_lstControlSessionThreads; extern VBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION g_Session; extern uint32_t g_idControlSvcClient; extern bool g_fControlSupportsOptimizations; /** @name Guest session thread handling. * @{ */ extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionThreadCreate(PRTLISTANCHOR pList, const PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONSTARTUPINFO pSessionStartupInfo, PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONTHREAD *ppSessionThread); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionThreadDestroy(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONTHREAD pSession, uint32_t uFlags); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionThreadDestroyAll(PRTLISTANCHOR pList, uint32_t uFlags); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionThreadTerminate(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSIONTHREAD pSession); extern RTEXITCODE VGSvcGstCtrlSessionSpawnInit(int argc, char **argv); /** @} */ /** @name Per-session functions. * @{ */ extern PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS VGSvcGstCtrlSessionRetainProcess(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession, uint32_t uPID); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionClose(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionDestroy(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionInit(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession, uint32_t uFlags); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionHandler(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession, uint32_t uMsg, PVBGLR3GUESTCTRLCMDCTX pHostCtx, void *pvScratchBuf, size_t cbScratchBuf, volatile bool *pfShutdown); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionProcessAdd(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession, PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionProcessRemove(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession, PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionProcessStartAllowed(const PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession, bool *pbAllowed); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlSessionReapProcesses(PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession); /** @} */ /** @name Per-guest process functions. * @{ */ extern int VGSvcGstCtrlProcessFree(PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlProcessHandleInput(PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess, PVBGLR3GUESTCTRLCMDCTX pHostCtx, bool fPendingClose, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlProcessHandleOutput(PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess, PVBGLR3GUESTCTRLCMDCTX pHostCtx, uint32_t uHandle, uint32_t cbToRead, uint32_t uFlags); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlProcessHandleTerm(PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess); extern void VGSvcGstCtrlProcessRelease(PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlProcessStart(const PVBOXSERVICECTRLSESSION pSession, const PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCSTARTUPINFO pStartupInfo, uint32_t uContext); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlProcessStop(PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess); extern int VGSvcGstCtrlProcessWait(const PVBOXSERVICECTRLPROCESS pProcess, RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout, int *pRc); /** @} */ RT_C_DECLS_END #endif